Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 7

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NOVEMÉER 21, 1913.~N .* ~-» idONI limé,I .............. mk Pl"u. 'a~ i- mmeFOR RINT->1'vo ee gt bous. sels~~~ 111Wa céi Ae . fL kustagrooma enibi ie eu Jm IG.. 4i a.Ooc.e mad *q -t for coqve ainmitable for ~jmo~oemm.6dta C. T. Bardtst. Erlito, Tel ~#O SAL-Pra t te 20 Browa 14#bére emile conib y.arlng Alima qus oel. Thie cck togk Deliraa -*OOhUi lait jeat at lb fair.= 4-b1ii h ave be ralumd firom premium çtôsk aad ahe euelabars, -iftaken rigbt ny awili tak* 784 a yieee for tbeoe. Keiui. LIberydlle, I. D. 2. P-9-1 POU SAL-A 68là. p. 5 paeseuher Cl*bisauntomofbiletfl frit can ader. -O itIre. MaIe a. W>. LAYoCUM Co>., Ubersyville. ,-2-tf O SAI-g.wak b.rn ad 21cuv, 1 fmsb militer with esl(. Aie 1 10v vbeei. truk vagua. Aidrese Walterl HatSunu, Paz Lakte, lit. p-1- FOR BALE- Foni-burner gasoilieatove, " Sa4% . P. Halday Gi&as Englue!. W. ~ tcalibertyville. ceO-.2 -~~~ ~~ Uie"2ume*RBoadatêr aima on. baie b aih.eadter, I1asalleable stiel rangle, ail g out ainov, 'atdcieap ~t f abo a one-Pbon@26t-R-liiberty- vi ut Cri -Shrisi. P-LL1 LasI otel No. 5 Oliver Typeviter. mi nt a baigain. J. T. toliertsuui, * Lbwiiile fOR "LE.-00e email cool tave, oas beIl heater aid one large bealur, C' H. SWilson, Phane 9W P-9-1 FOR SALE-O Darue Jersey Re Boara, 7 I mutth aid. raty for si-vice. Fam 1%, l~ le.saiet of Lake Zurich. P. (). attisai. Ai-a, 111. Route No. 1. W. L. ~Ï~Dbee 0 bodIsai.laid fRida. 10 palles and 1 cocaie. for 012.0 Klmuaall-Trfl RAlId Yards, Uberity v illeS, A~~~(n aubro a.yugiormiefor sl 'é.a- Isairarry Pomuta, asle wm*, Libertyville. Phone 82. c--1 $OU L-Borne ifngh eomb RMode 1Bl~IWeledtias.Ldraom Amies UImetTelD. PIo. 2 «Ma.2 aie ,SAI-A0taim aadews @ ample gris" 8>U9WA. ETpar- 4urdav. drei1ve, &btOt laam$: pu end- »w tue earais 9ondi- Mlie244L e'W-. FOR SALE-BroOOteova, due tu pig letter »ar of eptember sudt ret of 1 et K. W. Faims. 02ll..5-dt -FO Bo AL-Ny Pace cmunig abOut 1'tae etom etlaitdvitis larp g sgbroom1 w'e* its bath i-ouasumat ana-y;c ~Si~y ar 84OOhatat otaront tIIIg-Anl modera u mprovet; ail b Il lm ma tva Jeere Con lbertulie, Ii. Box 563. -Pbe 801-J.c-it - FR ALIPrm 75 ta 100 beed ofi eot rimh mtucls. mringera. Tarins to~l Appi J a *Bg EU.Prairi 'Vla.IL lisome 257W0. 0.1. Rcmia- - » leeifed. Phase erfeitO8Oml.i -p45-4m 1 &ALE-Faim aid tara lait. bat, luiprovet or unamprovet.1 te Grayiake. levino PAYNE, FOl~8M.I~ pasage O cliader 1.* .eaoblla, $200. This car ba bisse lbroubly overbeulsit and le ln *oot*tulf A. Lanc¶'vvLLN GANAO. 'FOR Lî OR flINT-Blmlkomitl .saop ds mains risi or vouit bIne goat mm.Aitreu Box 176, Orejilak, ini. OU SAN£- 0uoM boeas. abin aUelà econvenei ;clase golise ,&u*e.tetl Cash.or terms. Con- mipnt o fa fmlesor on.-.OTe- pbaq joaIUL amlt ~O-*0_LI-Oas Dunno Jeffly Boar, wa" $"bout 400 lbn..Inquira 0f Y. K. ,FO îA Coi 0mb Rhode Ilant Z Wh a ibte Wyanotte cocterole for f ý.cb.e# Goron Bey, AresI11. - 'c,-2- flSnFOR'BALE-O»melsnoutis a "akeaon Grant Ave.Pet &&W",Ill. R. 1. 1.1.e- ebe W d.o.hpoff 25 boescl. DW p42.OW MIiaLl..Lcsl*etOeia FOR RENT-SOGmon f1 % utile frcîm bye *Mat ortme'.mlr p ant- Dai roam fWi-50 e. 20MOtouassilo, new fill boum e.; ai votenlevailentd . u4OM. T et$I eaeob ou on chare. AieaOb284 mire itock sudn teiry faim. ilcat mil, go"d building@, planty of vater, elactrl lgts e»t teluabone oanegmle trom r*iltued. lova and Borte,@ galîlplant. To lent for cash.or os ihare. Attrpm Braooke# liueoker, Owvie Wcnconda, IiI 6-64tf FOR RENT-120 acméesiatatd lu towii 01 Avon, elusbl rmuaI .ulre C. à5. Keiri, Llbetywlle, or Thou. Wllulugtn, Bayelh.. c.7-tf, MONEY TO LO*4-4Oe lmproved masi «"Wa., J. I. Gaotey. Vlat National Bak., c20-f fI FOR RENT-Good dean 6 roonu boume. W. R. Appoy, A.ctloa.r. c-t f + WANTED + hANTED-Girl for general boume vont. Atdien X, Indepeudent offie. c-L-1 WANX3E-ftituatîou la prîvalo fan.ily for houmekeeper. M rg.M. Lanuon, (are of Rob. Hlchbrdmou. auak. ci- WANTED-Yoa ta vrlte aie and easy sn aat nmne trfus. ebrubi or@mail frufle. I eau make your back yard@ and pyour froat yard@ a t4iag of piemeure, proili and beauîy, a joy for ,4eare lu corne. Ovo. F. 1oele b reeman, . +++.. ... ......+ ý+ MBELEOUS + AUCTONEE-YeSr» of experience. 11havieralaed and bouolt and &nid live stock ail my lite and know the value and how taoanuct a aie £0 Set thse bust price. For dates addres P. B. Johinson or Phone 111 M. Mion City HL Sep.17 tcMeiL 17+ NOTICE-I wlli dlean your cloet or catch haula for vosnat &neablhe rat.. LmuKt &MeLtàN. Liberty vllei. P. O. Bo" 60. c40-lS BOO MACKEY SUTS POSITION Son of Mr. and Mms W. C. Mickey WdI Be in Charge cf U.ailagua Mines. Robert Mackey. son of Mi. at Mma Wa. C. Mackey ot Waakega. aruleit hoe. Tbuuatay evealng trou tise Teilaralit mine in Coieraita viser. hobu embeen vauking me i-oel dent engineei' tér nome 7ars sino. ie graduation tro tebitsMseouri Bchool of Mines. Ho bam iven up his position there toa ecept a bg Job ase chief engineer fer tiesecconi langeaI mine la tise vouhit, loate t at Uliagua (pr- nounceai Yayagua). Boivia. He saill tram NovwToi-k on November 20th foir thes utiera country ait expets toah .bihlmnov home la Souths America &bout Christmaime for lt taises upvartls of tventy days lu 'mare tise trip. Ha bis t6 go via. Paname- Bg Job for Yeun Men. M.Mmckey lis but 2? yearm oit, homce tise pronmotion ho- bai recelvet lu bsg naineit for tiis position Io a big r.coguitleaof ie ablîtyInlathse ining engineerng lino. 'Th. cEeuof the position calpe as a resuit of a flentehlip matie In Use Missouri aChoal.- A ciasmate. a native M.11 lai, la nov mine uperntntent of tise mine la AolIvia which le ovue hy Us. Tin Kng of Bolivia vhqinl alt ta bave an lacome of $1,000 a day. Thse district of vhlcis Uis young ChIIsa la iuprinteuteut. la Use second lai-goal la Use vontlan ainount of productian. Tise company for vborn ho la ta vanit la Inovu ai "«Compaul Estaul- toi-I De .Lagua.» 'Bb" MacqeY la a graduate of the Waukegan Higb sseooalandt le Use eltest' son af hle parente. Ha le a brother ot Mns. Jerry Hussey. Hie aaany trieuts bore vtii ho pteae tot hksow of hlem mcdo.. la vinnlng tisa recognition Uat bta been -ahovu hlm. MAR9IIAGE LICENSES' josephs Goai-as, Portand, Ore-...27 Myrtie Burgér sa------------....22 Joseph Paupa. Chicagoa-----------.28 Lucile Anti-e, ane-------------..23 Richarj Cari-an, Bouh Chicago .... 21 Joitanna Milieu, G. Croslag-...21- Jas. Poat, Highlaend Park-.....2 Maes DeLecey, Hlgivoat -....22 John Toroyan. Fox liSe---------..58 Annie Tornyan, satn..----------48 Gustae Weber, Corinas, Wis-...27 Boulais White, Raine-----------..18 Frred Bai-au, WUlrette---------..2..l- Johanna Pelle, seme----------. «.24 Gea. May, clty----------------...22 Berthasa 0ie. ulIsssl ..........19 Peter fPriclai' Jaolit------------..30 Boulah itDcitertan,smin..-------23 Hteyo 11>. Lemen. Thse letnon bai e cl"eai story. UV> movra to Use isoeamet .sommas. Il vit Intretaceit labo Sba by tise Aeu la tise tvelttbOum"sr. 1l id" vugbang o=#»M"ttb*tbe adt siipm fint":arge f BÏ L ATZERR ICIIILSTROM AUTO j t ]M NW TÂ.OU? Youngster Hagg Broken iaw lb rlle t&itfthat unriolatsilyi. dieWaote atthalloa ai oewly eiecledi on a Fruftt Wagon. ett M dnncoupelle thon, lu alO- eoaditlons btaie baim ofthe couatryBO RUHDT HO IAL a»d tbeir ova @pied$ oblivlon. BO W HD OHSPTL Just why sucb la the condition le bard 40 osy. but la the pregeat luenthue b Waukegaii Novefu ber' 15. grat bue and ca-y over the -blgh caet Xunute Luuberg, 6 year old sou of af lvIn" l cory te e uee sutwvly isparentes lve at 118 Matave- uch a cr7 mlbould be mage o much of14 ube, wam mun do"i by Stimun Chil- anather malter that lea al eailouded, erm uoo olae vnea for admitlingthe cot of livingbai to' uoo &Ase vnea MY TiIEETS,' RI3PORTED FROM4 TUE n11(111SCIIOOL Theres a burgiar, a petty thief, lu the Waukegan bigh school! The matter bani become public until now, but the tact le true that. for nme tîm'e pas, thievery bas ta- ken place ln the gymnamium ofthUe achool and everal lammes have been reported la Principal Knelit but In date the cuiprt hamnflot beon appre- heuded and whlle lt la sald comne mtu- dent lgiheld ln suspcon, nothlng de- finîte bas been doue lu the malter. Us. Chîmel on Locke. NORTH "WSTERN ROAD LAYS TRAPS FOR ITSEN6INEERS Causes Block Signais to Be Tampered With to See if Engineers WiII Notice. EXERCISE GREAT CARE. Sînce the dlatrous New Haven ralirosit wreck the officiais of the Chbicago & Northwetern road have been exerclmlng more Ihan ordnar vlglIance t(n riird a coo.qt,Imlla se.t SI - fez=l~ M«0 bu - Butter--------------.........2Y% cents par lb. D-ely-----------........ 5centsaperbumsl Ciseebe------------------...... . 20 par cent Bey---------------............ 8.00 par ton Oats------------..........6 cents peu bumbeW horss---------------... ........10 par cent Poultry, lite-----------........Icours par lb. Poultry, di'mmmed-........2 cents per- lb. Fiaseet---------.......15 cents par buehel Pou .....................10 cents par buahel Citer--------------......... cent par gallon Hope---------------1 ....... 6 cents par lb. Ric..--.........................1 cent peu IL Lemons ......--...........-.....4 cent par lb. With oui great footdaaarktet» open tu the vorlt and a 10 par cent reduction on manufecturet goota tise money blos ta imuport revenue muet be raismd lu nome mainer no the laceme tex bllwva peee. The aieetmon wboim Incomne le $4,000.00 or nder lu exempt, tisa bachelorm are aliovet $3,000.00 bhore belng texed. Je titis vsy Our lev takersinltent ta- raies elhty-llve millioans oftallers, taklag tIismvase sain froin citisensandi allavlng foi-oignon, ta mave tisaI mach bangiag out intaceents f6i tisem ta make more St' the native fermera eupen. As long a4 bîgis vagie setise colt of living viii hbl gb. jusl no noua as Use comt of living le rotucet va««u vîl ciao iteelina. Tis nev taiif la baudet on inequeitlee aaeliova at untue pre- ference. Ils formation is enongis tu dejeat its Intmnded onde. l Farmerly tariSf revialon baisIneaist b ard limes, Ol ten Panle. lany Wbo Lfollow cloueiy tise coureof tiese bip of tete profemm ta s.etniwbreekers abead and Mar Ibli nov tarif!viii -mus stta enougis ta drive iser uucomfortably close ta tise rocks. But thia la practlcaliy lu thse bande ofttse lau@tIm ait if tbey stand by tise vheei ve may veetser tise Lator an d battis oui- vay taemootiser 1condition of being. NO malter tise aamouat of battelng riceivei thIe )abounding comsn o m.and grial ) tablitY ci'liste naiýon ii"enabis us ta 1euvit!. andt wblle tarI Smeddllng viii injure, ltp-o5t dterto*'us. I A imiter Ugkieqe~ ul tb~ vnwJ LaI. Voeuty lle & 'ruetO.. Abtracts of Titie. Tities Gagmabseil Mmeonle Temple Bidg. Waakegan, 111. Lbuia . .1.iITuEza. 1 Nov. 10-C, C. Edvards ad vIte et ah ta S. B. Scidmareansait8. J. Tisome, tract of lant on eat pie of Shter-itan rond, lu north one-ýôus-thsesc dion 9, Waukegaas townsip. W. D. $1. John Finuey aud vIte ta Stalle L. Finney. east 65 foot, lot 26, iblockt 16, Highand Park. W. D. 1. J. E. Triggs at wito la John Welhb, lot 2, Tiigg's ubdlvleou, Lilisutyvill. W. D. $1,000. W. H. Springer lu J. W. Scitiossu, lot 20, blockt 9. Wrlghtms additionlb- ortyvilie. W. Dl. $1. J. S. Haase and vifete la Ceie A. HiIl. lots 5, 6 and 7, blockt 6, At Home subdtivision. Wauconta. W. D. $10. Nov. 11.-W. B. Wairatis aut wlte te P. W. Smith, lot 232. baw's ubdi- vioo on Fox Lakte. W. D. $100. Marin DeTamblo and vifs ta 8. R. Arenm and vite. iots 4,'iiait 6, blockt 2, Rîtgewoot Park, Higihandt Park. W. D. $7,600. 011ve B. Bonney suit hupbsadtot E. R. Chambers- lot 5, iblock 23, Sec- ond addition, IAke Bluff. W,.ID. $10. Nov. 12-Bitget Courtney ait hup- hant et al ta PatricktCoi-lin. Ji-..72 acres te sonîheast ane-tourtit. aectia 4, Cuise township. Q. C. $100. J. P. Bale ait vifo, et al to E. J. fileIn, 48 acres lna sotisq e.o fouiti section 8,, Deerioit townsipl. *.D. $10. R. A. Mailoy and w vi to 10. .. Powell, lot 14, Mear'm plat o! NHICi voot. W. D. Sil- Nov. 1.-Jaitn W 'dalltiwSet Çaul Momb*.lo vLýe Visonour«U* A. e. I Onih%é and MMa ng«é Ot nfl 1'eM I s ait tsLie Caunty Teiephone Com- Ipany, made la a regmaution of «Id stookisoidera, aitopteit May tvunty- fi-st. 1912. Mai-tia A. Clark. Joes S. Hyatt. Mertie C. Ityatt. Chailes R. Galiovay. Stephen Taylor. Benjamin H. Miller. holng ail o! Use Directors o! sait Cou- pany. Bon. H. Miller, Attorney. C-Nov 14, 21, 28. BENJAMIN M. 5MILLE R. Selisier. CHANÔERY NOTICE BTATE 0F ILLINOrS, COUNTY OF LA KE, se. la tise Circuit Court of Laite County, December term, A. D. 1918 Mai-lin A. Woodin vé. Mary E. Lyon, Ida C. B utchiais, Helen L. Wood, Holley L. Clarke, Caryl C. Clarke, CLaries R. Lyon eut William 1. Lyon, executori oI thse lait viii ait teutaeu t fGeorge R. Lyon, .lecased, Elusa Emiiy liprague, Thom&@sRRevenu, "aisitovuhein, or devisee" of Elisa Emily Spragîue, teceaoet", 'ua)knovvu boire or devl@eeee of Thomas Bavmou. tocoaet," eut ",unituow ovisers of or poisons inleroit- et In the omt hall of the otbweet quarter; the wpst 28 acres of the portis- vomI quarter of tiese oule»# quarter, andthtie aorth 28 acr-e@ of tise souiisvust quarter of tiseeotieait quarter, aIl ln section 85, townshsip 44 nortis. range 10 east ol tise Third Principal Merllau (excepiag tisai part theoeof conîsysit bv Eleanor R. Broynand ut hahentol Benrietta Crouithite by deet reortet Decmmhr il, 1901, ai Document 84027. as Book 127 of Boots, page 167), éatuat* I Laite Couaty. Illinoi. " Ins Cbaucery Goea. No. 6517. Tise requlsite afitavîts having been flied In tise office of tise Cleri th ie Circuit Court of Laite Couaty, limaois. notice la therefare ierehy given ta ail of the ebovm namet ant unkeawa tefeudants, that tise abave camail coin- plainait hretafor. f led le Bull ai Compla in la maltCourt ou lb. Cbanery mIdet leriof, eut thst a oummnunthare. upan euot o t alt Canat, agitne tai ai ibm aisve nansed ait unknovu delfnanel, returnable an tbe lfret der 0f tb. te% fthe iIm rcit Court of Lake Wounty Illines, tu bha hai t aib. Court loame ss tis efIy of Wackeg»nlanealt LaIe Counly, on these it- onezo Ducenlber. A4. D. J918, m a eby 1ev riquiret aid vbicb utile 401i pendieg. LEWIS 0. BRO<KWÂT Clark. Woàkiega, lilluos, Octaber, Ï7.,1eÏL. BENJAMIN 8. Mit,.LER, Complus, -tSBolicitor. cOdIt. 81 Nor. 7-1421 -Tb*q bedqeae.$-1.0par ye. - AlitillSales. Having ietei a ruau only auto- mobiles la aur llves-y business, v. viii oil et publie suction. ibornes, carri- agas, buggies. vagons.,itaruesses, sait- dise, ant evei-ybhing Usat go.s vils a fi-ml clas lvery at aur stable et Lake Foi-ent BATURDÂY, NOV. 22ad Comasencng et 10 oclocit a. M. sharp, Use folovlng propenty: Elgisteen isorsea. saittie, diiving work houe., al la prime condition, Carrnages: 2 single station vagou%, 1 inge Rockavay. 1 3-eated buck- board, i1 -seatet gurrey, 4 2-seated top carriagea, 2 runabouts. 1 top bug- gy, 1 2-barse ltockavay, 2 landaus, 1 single express vagua, 1 stanlsepe11 single brougbam, 2 teaus wagon, 1 stage wagon, 3 2-viseelet carte, 6 bug- gy Paies. 5sesesinge bugge hiarase, 5 nets doubsle carntage Iarngse, 1 set lîgisI tearn haraesa,1 sot iseavy tbau haraea, 1 cllpping machine, 1 Pair banke Mouse Ulipso pumpîng englue (nov). 1 Fairbauks'Morse 2% barge gam engluin utr-uck (nov>, 1 piov, 1 foot cutter, 1 mowing machine. é gontas atties aut bridiez, 6 ladies' sadtioB aut bridios, eut many otiser articles. Usuailoi-mse uf aie. C. M. WENBAN & SON. Prope. GEO. VOGEL, Auctioneer. vity Nov 14-21 The undoreigued yl sel] et public auction ou the Eawtoas taain iatise village o! Prairie Vev, III.. ou SATURDAI, NOV. 22 Commeuclug ai 12 û&clock noon, sai>, tise foliovina proparty: 2 bona, 10 yIdal, wt 3O; 7cove aIl coming la Zotveen nov and Febru*ry; 2 Holstein islfers. 2 yre oit. apri-ngari; 29 isat youug stock, hoûme ralsee; Angora goat braIe ta drive, 18 &boat&, vi 1S0 lb.., eh; novw ent 6 pige, sulky plov nev, nt drisg. 2 vaikIng ployia ev, eseter, binder, borae.raeemoyeu, cara planter, pulverina-. gasolile tank eut gai, vagoa box and rack, 8 vagons eut 1 buggy, 4hl. p. Ueisengipe, punsping jackt endsait, couplt., criais eparator, 5 lail -epne, atsrelerai paili.whmel barrovw. dI , 1egrinder, ,teel tan, menai. Cier complets, cuiti- !a ir, e<tsuio ladMer, 2 bog trougiha, à flp a arri citer vinegar, isey lh, "4 qo~uieyma 8 tons of bey la be. 1Oocmouet sl dora, 91 @bock$s o! bo"ius. U ertims. . lMr.. OiT. Manon, Prop. Wus.,Petme, Actioneer. U eWadm.r, Oasi. DYMOND & AbSfIN Loanu. Invirame, Red Esae amd Hune Rentig. Office:iii lais., stock. LIBERTYVILLE, ItLINOIS. ELHAAN W. COLDY Attorney-at..Low Money to Lomen Good Approvea IReal patate. Office IW Luce Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS.. LYELL IL MORRIS Libertyville - Illinois î Luce Bu[kidn R-e Phonle 152-R. ofce Phome la MAR11N C DECKE )lfice Phione M48 Ras. lbous 130 NOITU CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTPORNEY AT LAW. Uberty vu11, lhola DR. C,.9. GALLOIW. olrwz CEVOTES LVBLL'B aate e h¶OU. nomuim-fmm 1 tO a ad 6 ta S 9.'@ Ufbertyville. lfno. DR. O. F. DUTTERFIILDO VETEEINART SIJM*UOU. UberlyvMle. làlaale. 1411-111 it BeUer ptePared lbmft my empenn. aieera de rour watti J. M. Graves, AUCTIONIEEIl ', 144 Eb.ed Ave. Waksom.lMbieW lacreamed tomaiaa-ioeotbewortiagan May etret thlm nougomtaeresui o!....................................... lnersoe th sanri oftheworitiman ay tret tis oonas reultofecheol prepared te get what they are wreck on the local lino. The greater ba lîkewaime Incîeseed lu un other the boy'havlng been *flipping a wa. atter la evîdeail froin the tact thal the part of the vigilance has been direct, counitry, on the globe, or ain othor gon"' and dropplug off wIthout noticing locttm whlch are used te ecure the ed agaluintishe engineers and mianv time lu thie couatry, bai- the working.f abat rlg might be toilowlng the one IokerB lu whlch studenle place their are the traPs that have heen set mau beau able te afford mucis a bigh grade, large variety of uiectwmitiee aud ho wam riding on. gymnaelum suite, Bllppezp, etc., have for the unwary eunes. luxasrlew. The boy l la uth o spital where been chlseled off lu a manuer that ln. These trapm are set mostly with re- NOWennya he evifunof he arif. t ls rpored e h& abroen aw-dic aIes hauseLn actions. lutereuce ho- gard te the Hall blockt sytem. spec- w orn l.rvatu0 hetrf tl eotd ehmaboe a ng that the permon gullty of the or.t-lieanployesarae sent out aloug the vrey the worioigman wilbe enatled boue sud a bal cut on hlm nose. Ho tem sl or 0pttruhwt ystem sund their business is ta tain tu live more cheapiy-eoupomardlv. But ulberwise 5.5e badiy brulmed and wblle per wlthlnha hic--ktesgenais. For ex- what abioutthe formîer, the producer? It la not toit theý>ccldent a iii proveo utale h hfaaecmî- ml hyaIcaeabakabr Juot where doem be beuefit? Thse cew fatal, it le evident tise child wll h ed h, t in theuv' tft met o et anmle er ld hloea let he ta "ariff, il iteuuxoedm iu ils purpome, wili 'laid up for nome lime. ' sdtecnlso sdanta t expeel it and then le te the luclîless l-iwer the igh comî of livng te the e ity Chilestrom, thse minute he saw tho ihmeanedmt haveoncausoy s rw t hlc engineer If lie runm hy the warning Iinan stthe oxpencew of the fariner. Wtsh boy jump off the fruit wagon an wlîlch anaoe uthveaky ihw i signa thepy obtain otrance ta the gym an ignal tise reducod tariS u farimpout oui- ho hâtdfhooked a rid,' topped hi, ttecontly, It la said,the companv farinera muet enter fmb closee olupeti- auto vithin a distance of everal fetd cauaothenraidousaud o! theme test *are, averse te discussing the matter cue n huado hs et tou, 1witb (oreile fermera. The tar-meoand ho daims ho vas drlvinu t buaet s aebcm rlira-ta ho made and as a reenlot themn of thie country muet match th.-îr hgb about 10i milem an hour. Jumping ouI.he tda there s-ms but une Instance ot a vie- msar lsIwththt f iorcoulîo'ho grabhed the chut tram lu undor nydoe tadoetto os lalion and this wam visere an engin- salit ho ewam thinklng ut offeriug low laorcoet, tbey muet psy s largo the wheels aital, ruahlng tutu a nearhy a $10eaî frifrato edn eer allowed lt engine t0 go tour teel aiunlt fur living oxpeaom egamn.t a grocery, caiied Dr. Gouriey sud toid rwr o nomto edn heyond the signal througis au Inahîl- meagor smouuî polit out by theïr dome- hlm t10 ustie te the ispital a hither tonh rtho tom ebs ou sustaleen tYtyetogel hise ýngIne under coutrol petiture. tbey muontumis slaves of thoir ho a as hrlngiug tihe vlctim - Chil-thu he1sfison utiedqck nugatrh eetdte familisoaiîocomnpet.witbconditionseroeeldeet on vas vltb im t there dld uot amount te over $3. Ho signl.yeogsalr odtce tisaI exist el.ewbere; ail becau '« hfew tlime u toaccident sym Ibfotheoetshand thoad te A-e ytml eu are u poliicibua Ihougbt tisoy aw a chance Wltb the bleedlug boy lu hie s bsifrfo hotht, usta I se novwisherehy there are distance mfg- te Decomne oiid wlth tise iaboring lame,j Chilstrom marted for thse machine chool autborltlem have been unabie naie which give mn ougineer lime te regardleeof teUseiut te the aroducer. sud Juet thon H. Ahiatrom came aloug Lü octe the thiefthathsIIe police top hilm train ateiy vithîn the block. Tise tariff mettiee bave acledentiroiy He oikthtIe boy lu hlsm a ansd while gol ecle nt l hm The tact that me far as kuovu aso en- on surface indcations, takiag tbe view teonro h ardoeI eteArriate May Follow. gineorm have beeu kuowu tealhe trap- that upplie@ of raw usterials ts we tts a rv tt h The sensational feeling that bas Petl hy the clever ruse of tise officiais voui reucetbelivig calbutnolhospital asmfast ai passible, gettiugaison uver theo prospectses f one eltctsta h nîer tts gulrlu thiweîliingpctrIebuit thore le about five minutes vbere Dr. heing arrested and tIse Intimation that norteslernarheenie eut uf tae laite mucla money farn the nation. The vGioyStone tenetIh Itti May ho a tuteut of promluence, their Job" every minute of tise time govorument bh'e'been preechiag tiseReot oPlc.ascue tdn tbcm orteyrendt 'bai-k te thee auli" movement, Ite eprst Plc.ham 'camed todenatea ecUme martheyaeo tuy As saoeau a h ev wthe boy vap car- ectd ia't i re uUe Thou, to, the haowledge ta4 the @peut millions lu conductingezperimnta Çslt-o sria dv ouehools coreer, with the passible ex- conpaisy j me in iem up whaaeby oaa- land viii hoeamade to yield e oCiormbriddw ono etn hs rp an ncrmmd cop aracr, l bi dneandt tarted for tise police station te ception ufthtie football episade. whIlcb are noble ta h. placed any- au ienmod cop pr are, t bn dosvbere et suy ita. causes bise engin- maay thiagé for t4fe frmner that olsi report the matter. Bflor. ho ar-mvet. Notice of Special Meeting of the Stock serm ta show more tis an 1 verage vig- g ood pbe city mai, bat noueeraly iovever, the father ofthtie boy bhat Holdera oft h. Lake County Tae-filance. But as ane engineer remai-k- falau aeet the fermer, for the smrple earne5-od Officer Tmrei )A"t vas ai- phone Company, te Dissolve Cor-. e, the»cansant tests are becoaang reotontisai conditions arm vrong &aid ing for Chilstrom's aprent.Tise latter poration. oemevisalt tr«en.. H. eplsim car rainai hags edmustalked it ithUe enragei htieu iter Notice la bereby given tisat aa mli.- t au dclaeýoulad lisai ealim<. Fornuli tisecouniry and souglit taex-plain boM tAm acci- ciel ipeetlng. af tise tockisoI4ffl et va t. ai o vic tsi ntin asdent isappeneit. but lise tat wvnte thtie Lake C t~Y Telepiotie 4upnUiEhi aiji W~i >wa plae. atuelconitinsvii cae.a ig natoraave ~H. MilIer, ta tie hitNational D9ma wavieck- bat ho Me f a i nt PI*s plae. atud cndiion vrll aus a ng attrs veruntl IterýBuItldinglute eVillage of Liberty- monite ofini t tiebu seMaoppeit mer.- uitlnatniunt la sime, lave aid lent"la "I confit no more help' iitUtli ie vlle. Lake County. llioli, on We& t- bUîo5 a tuai> lad for hlm sy tlb. tien never, boy titat anytilng," eaid Chllstrotai as nendmy, tise teutis day of Deeusher, ' lmpuaeetie t toiS cme tma --ou il hoA. D. 1911. et the iheur of igit o0-010a icll Tbspreenttarf! l prW.tve e ters ameto is eein "b wm P. M, for lb. purpoi. et susbmittiag Tis:e officils tale eaidifférent viev about 80 par cnonaameaaa red vagon anit I neveru m ie h. mve t t he ioIders the qaistiaoC ai oftisa M&tter. They My flb la 111. moode, bubam"si arm pa-dact are get off. The firat thing I1hnev. ho abanitoning tise coioxte .atvprlOe. beitigalre drille. Tife.te un ee includedt lalb.fri.UaL TbeIevartielesdroplied in front of my car ad 1 urndetng lte charter, fianbie hàalrl ugt ra itted blow are aS tibstrouiains under toppedl as qulckly as pom9itie 1aid coriiorate namne, sud, diemolving Ofe afielabig t bea proecton ud bmat resly edsedwoudn' hae billt a te sidcorporation, tise Lake, County aonttandthtie n o vey et knowleg proecle et isasaigraty edmai vultnt av hitlbispisefor PmTelepisone Commay. vison tisera vI iiehaa al eceeity ratas eceptivaghope md jua.:) world. but Il Was nes af thseai OlfOt Tise foregoing notice la gtven l in pur.for mna ngilneer mlapplng hle anglne la Appias. duled........-.... 1ent Par bu"ie tunate eus one canuot aveN!' nance of a roquest of more tisan tva- avert a vueck. Appin, ipe....... tno 10cnts pa sur bl thIsrilsof ailthese tockisoldére of til,. a 0o- àlu"etwO nom 0 cM" 1»&Itits. seuwmww %0 ». èr. e» OI Tmal i PUBLICAUCISONXRMe 0185yfl Dètuoer â Mel ingI s ucio Wa-n.but m te 1 bgb GLSSS ROPY mTI DXERENTIDAUTIOER DR.BVCTORUC. OER1N 215onMacison pet, teauaIM 9-A . M.; 1eaIL. 74 t e lk )Lh Sunay mai ppn..àgOu Ailpbo kdaa hUavguie baH. frel.o zbaqeJa ma HENRmi buINm DR. L. V. SNMI CINERAL P*AOT'ii0 m Oet oves Eeg Pildieca umà se.a.ATITiR10TE FOR SALIE-louse ait la eUberty itml Prim s 08.0. luaquire aifPAUL ng at e abla &ga, Ili.: b ait to t prepeli Iso anis. or del la e tisea te, tel 2-6-14 tu, Lbat ~i ~LIy I ocuplete laie fretof ~ mets ong -- -v. ýj 1 - ---------- - 1. vi"ëOý - - 04~ 11 1 1 1 FI' 11 ,«~W FOIF - wl owoog-,,« 10 ---~ l wl 1 1 1

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