Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 9

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LAKE CoŽrirIDPEDN VOLXXL-O. . AR ~WAUKEGAN W1EEKLY SUN_____ VL XI.N.9 À T LIBERTYVILLE. ILL., FRIEDAY, NOVEM BER 21, 191,3. FOUIR PAGERS $I.5 P>ER TEAR INÂ> à-lil~ff IHE HELPED GUARD RPREISL 6 DIIDQLINCOLN'S BODY AS NOOTDISL IJIUIIU1i.)URIUIIII.) i IT LAY IN STATE. liAS ACQUIRFU THEI IlIV1geI.ITI CUDAHAY P LAÀCE SAy u III Ifii1IIi lIHIuIIu'IIIReport Current That Samuelt@I LAU II L~E~ M~IU~I KIIIInsuil Has Purchased the u II IU QHu1200 Acre Farm. N ,4JIIILI CLIMATE ODE____ GRE. mo0eT_ Reported That Son of Cudahay 1 Failure of Head Lodge to Hear Joe Clappin, Employed at us Unable to Stand Lake f41 TO CIIICH DAY Former Waukegan ManiA From Former Lake Co. Brand's Shop in Waukegan, Shore Climate. raign) inVl~i Ieea o. Treas. Causes Step. Disappears Suddenly. A replort î,reialled aliotl raineii FdealcoVl HISl ACIN Tupsda, evenolug tl at namel DATE IS FIXED BY 1 Providence, R. I., Today b isRECALL IS ACTIONS HERE, FNED E. AMES. r, ue LOVE AFFAIR BACK 0F Insul liait close(] a ital whereb y 1I TES ASN. Aiter Plea of Not GuRly. 4 1Fre e County SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE ha Ilre 1,11 dltoaa Expulsion us Natural, as He woeCase is Recalleit to Lakie ______a alreadi large holding, south of Released Again Under $O Couu Not ray Dues and m'Cuny Peaple by the Announce teiAlPrsnlrfct nHse villaziinar t DcddasBn duatyHieWhrabus iln Tuesdlay that He has be.enLfAl Ron>crntan fces in HiL Th(- repîort (outl t Lfi seritled When Ai Waukegan WiIi 00 Hd hraot. Dropped as a Member of the Mys-Ro:Cruitne n JUDGE D. L.JONES. but If vas generally (alter) as correct 115( oreloc h rdE ln ~,utcSrn o o amn dicate His Suicide. 1 G oWrhp Dues.____ iWukgn a th, Tehd 1.fl m acies wc %eelmnI. Goui toWomhp JOHN W. DEKAY MAS Weat ty treamurer detalcatton canme tu Wau e. T .11 ce ihNrliulI Thi ea uaa hniebr tte_______ -Fina eaie nteple t Liincoli's GettySi)urI- Ad- 'salidt i have açlded to îin list, in PATTERN AFIER JOLIET. ELUDED FEDERAL OFF1ii Y= Myntic Sbrtne of Chicago received Waukegan are mailing a quiet search 1 aî'ess at BLHýIW'ltuî CIlub kisua- h )d netî pae i d. ~~~~formai notices freim the Shie au. * IBERKIVII i TO ,frJeCapn abrepoe i Celebration, C'1ýc r.11u, Wcd- (h",et morne lime &go lis 1n i As foretolit lu The Sun cxcl~ievCR H EK'i th tint's ,ttis ofîrbm woBadtbretopi akgn i(uaas lies ea tNilm>uke several das ago. Viaukegan lm tu wtt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nouocing tae1s fmmeswi rnsbreso akgn î avenue. One thîing lm knoww ftalo 0turhuna-.., bueoa hsve been suspended as s reliuit of M l E( mYaterious and sudiden aîsappearanc: ie sd E veiirl1 li.t a *i*(;hol thi camec frnma Pnl rovidence, R. I., . .p id ue- non-payment of dues In th order BE ME CA FOR LAKE Saturdayrnorning vvtotawr eýMn personal frieiuutd oî Ablrali,îîu forî:ja for Ciiiahay t a iaag the n tlb ~dti eodSuty ial>-Henry E. DoKay, forrnîry si whc a h et te th highes lur i' r c !glf os ww heh might have! 1 esa anldi Inî stakeay wvoit reng IonJ -Waukegan, appssrsd In tiih« 5 *O NT Maoi îce. .1JjI EAL4UEKS gone, tegether with various other dr« contîact aith the Griî -iaii lalaor i lîirneîl tu the loast. havîng expialIned aný 111h. cor today and donied hi, suinitd 2 tisa lut he i A mes ne 77,5 orC more cu1ane lednbetefa ht efore andt aliter the i 'îîil a wi thai lie coutl n01 stand thie climate NNaîikegan iilnlslera. ai tlîer reg- charge brought in the fedsrai,*l a the the wellin taXen yiant lan thit cel-ti ilr Mrunaaýsn wo la all. Teac..ers ofteC unyG te mitted suicide, as the result of a dis_ 1 i epr ntdcl4 o.r f tr wn ttetrn ms ftelm tt me thât5 p fl Anîca liam At Libertyville Saturday, aponmn ove affair. ftil annverar ta I s'oisGl :~ aid he a e biios o1e lme ted ucr3 lruhaG men ofurl app ica in and ab of n tho stek ofain, been carried on the book% ut the1N vm e 2d lpî saot3 er l n tibilr aditrems ai tir. Ilaînî1llon (-hange location on account ut the Siiîday,' afler sîmilar pîlans inaugur- Bank. roeme 22ndt Clhrine lna hbou s30a yaiaapuear W~~~~~ ~~~ staIl khtu sic <i udn dsppa-1' lu], tri (iiicagi- eVulî 1î eiling. i.lioîate and thal lm ait! to liear q tdinJlt w wek ag win t AI,.- suce fromn Waukegan and Lake couin- lewl nown in W.arren township' Jtu<g DeWit ,~ .fi u. iii \Vîîul. a learaMainngoe wi e goate After ho entered ie pien of 1111l Repre. - l~y lu the loi of 1910, andt. 0 u tufie PUPILS TO DEMONSTRATE. where hie parents andt à brother re iau %ii ea lii<uu-irz 11 lai-c l uf tih am %as Wul li e cquireit y c i i s mae an suprenia alf ta i lty Iensodre gt (forci- publtcation of tia tist. wa stl a ie The brother corne te Waukegani drss under toue same aod whloi, _ gý i.Isulgleer esn nteCiyt La ft member cf lte htgh Masonic braîîch. Th eau lier-. of the (-outil% m lit Tuesday ta maire inquury about hie raf uthe gen Jon u'ir ;i nueinue i. fear sevr ag lr Inilonit gl vr pru ntu l i g tort Dus t ergmn 1 2,0 lSolî umewliere aroinîid 21fto acres Ot tend morne church service during the beo lm ano GouIdnlt Pay Dusîiiuî- ai î.ulîer1 ille lient Saîîîrday. relative and teft for Chicago in hopes hieldt -ben Lincoln,- Inul lîu silltat ueili 0li uthy del t'Tosna wh a u en 00,Te555 srt The taet that Amst uiie Noveier 'l" Tueý miniîlg session 1 cf gaining trace of bon there. da iluere. a ntben 00 Tegmi y editor front justice toitowtng hls tnictmarnt tirer ainîe ol'Ssdmrsraln.i.d, If tire latter in conaummatet, itl inu churcît for a long limes befare, whlch furnlshsd bond* Moi W@, byt e e oi grand jury on the The of tire________ ,echr niiit tere ontrty aseieonbada Au et furnishod therm todoy. ny diy&M of lit e zzoun sorns $27 00ie ofceaii11 ii Mr. Brand iiollllad tlue police alio 1 far the langestinl Lake collnly as8 tomobllen aere, used lu convey the .Ooechrg e e b aszl s ani -.0 'fville sîhool. Misses, Ilaîcu., WeIb anid lave morked quîeîîv ou the malter &xmoveit h. any inldusidual. slae, the slck anit the indifferent. James F. Allen and Orion ]L ormsty the county's mouey. hsmde It tm- Shr %Ill heve clase quet Lo sTN i C îetitesm ttnwî peaii rr h ew Yr s 0- possible for hlte te keep ut> his dues y auereddt grade ir quet aut entionîug TIN N5~U RS LVaulyea there plany il prtl in wail.the e Yor men M~~~~~~ ~l lewIte Suriné were he go Inclinait. He Misas Mlae t)sley ot the South tfie dtappananca lu the oewaiiapers.Nakgnwe vryfotwilh t Dnao ~~ , ~ coutl net send i hta dues, whtch are c i < lo l oh Cictago, *11 hav According te friands ot Clappin, lie ta -th~ aie t e sepa'.vii Gie-s.eoi movil. REaii grad Mclasa amade ,îl tair asl hapl gW T"pn iha N A IR ~J Te"sg siory t wittott . reveaUh i.1-nkeing limpan ilhfl .1m n bea IteVepîji R clurch or othar. In Joliet lte Cath. DeKay. whrsot.a thing ha ha.. guarite lier topîc file îWeluuînie t lte girl il) Chilcago for nome lime anit liait FC LF RN Aolice and Protestants workait tegeth- r. nMth mot artulyglceth igt o e-Costtuioa -bad case'. witli lier; lu fartilm F M CÀ IO, I, -L PiM O IC ri h ln lkl h at eid ra nMrh U1 -portait tram the etty lu his auto. neyer Nlo ay11,irtiriio h adIvlt red hth wa sup.n 1~ ei îh ee I u~ ke an.sners The triai of lthe defendane~ "0 situtabemen r ead ra t'Lake lihifl sctool,.111î alsîî have a plying the young wumnan wtth muait of N<~1~1T~1W'b Thus, If Waukegan dues as watt e- n ac 2s nani aU, bil-i Lake couly people. ilas u.euia u le ok'iIle hecrighvn bdsm th e brIVak ~ f~ UI V V IV s itni geoueth lima lur ,alîiau meaintaighvigti oreo b,1 N N S IT D ' E .me 'thedenanawihoJ -alu eot aecreotta 1gnadIkcuiywl no I a wil obi. ou the bail alraady furnih. » - Varies reprta hae comaouI th t cvudy ut ,malteioallal geograpîn closeait acquaintances liat ha was ai- >'wl uîo ll ___ _crcleswtth ha. D~~ver ~ho report ta uufounded and aveu Mms. as ouîa i nlthe style course utogf tl »marei services of a vilig nurse mluo viii1 Tha malter ut havlng aucit a coe- John W. DsiCayat.5 iu r.ev nera net hoard a word tronm him. sîuity. alleîîd nîerely lo tubarculosis pa- bratlon was preseoteite tuhes minIs- Amests hasnre: nhr -yFwe s h Ciao Tlpot tans' association by liev. George Mc- John W. DeKay. eldest of t» M rwa 8h. ia sUIl living lu Evantn aud Inteaftrnoon the- speakers a ill Tocir Trip te St. Louis. Io lC coiînpany for $10.000 damages on tai Gîrtau Ihe Ilapist church iu sc- Kays twho was aiso lndlctad et 1ér lir works In Cicago where ahiS han a ha i\liss Miret I (rne>, dîne> tor of lucre train <alifornia andi exîecteit Giiiso reaponsible position In charge of ltae ltae Country Lit, l>eîanllnent in the gUnfeb staleitelîl la that lie rec'eltl 10 arrive ut almost any lime now. Tlîe grounds taI plionea amployes brokle.1 conitance wllh bts stttemanl madte u osne lima a lthe otite,., bu Illi hookkeeptng ot a large bîouaa, havtng Illinois 'go,-îîîu I ITr lie , M1 er $80 ia bnh, witI wbici -serv ices alich titis nurse wiîî bc ablee lce aITuhl a e Suit~ wîen aked about i Il ea u rresteit fleorl o t b aîs w -,.U KNOW a corps ot employes uniter her direct- Geîirgc E. Varruîî. on, of -the Cook 1 go lu Stîaî. L iio a pleasure trip. torcnde long h:a been riie:jeuil or r t0 rem s mie tel po 1 venire na iega meein was lia. A. ton. 1iuî Iîuuuhru Ifet I)ircu or-., ani thleîue lueit andri trane arer trame litanu mig p0hu re utd was c (oun ý I hte i er rmhrfont wîîî v eîcoi i e ,r comîng. datIe Sîr, Fowlen s couniset Waitnes- Witt Purchase Bibles, ha hait tatt for Melxico bt aOtk Ames, i ta rcae.y Donald il.IBlair, fiue exlIrt elluloyeit i-ny on wluelher suie taîlei te1 commu- day nî<>î,suite tirue actionu, tîtus dtrop- "t fetg a he "akgvî. delinita bas beau hoard. Thoe~ Young man. but lthe large entas ut Thaspeakers uf irat u ernîuuîî ar- csta> ] toul le ilier el-uportiug or i hoauaî looie o elatser! ini litg Biles tu lue îla- lîoiea adcmn a oeý liony h c st art e u tîjaug l'elexers riya lni o liasrmie otrutreleitr Ctyouesu p t. i-%ouui inîs. In pa t lgnnt i ofroîîie abe e u dinue h tscf1oe it, -_______te a se saio_____hé__IIIIIII AUO"ad o 2&u: tuciieltt cft file lu inrt aluts nc liaitu th cuuî-latti lie AI F L NJ R li e l m se hahall mUew Me tieîh mrn o h lm htare wamn toeun t t t R VE ats Il. bati arui etln ple. losar i si î luiu, ie ti t s lu(] u Crs,%ai ue u.ciigfonteCI- et&ltwfneta i o1-î nUaIt~mrne and gel n slagl ath awsy in an fotId1llevi s--tuualtWa 1u îclî. t i silu iaulaue sa olu tt's -o ki ne~l il chot he mlu t u bn A ir PLA '4 îîrul r lu er I oheprs ta cornu teajstatr hu aegai uy 2 M ILE thTe aie titaely lini iagiu gir ut - s jis fo theîîîiîî , uu nit oaref fli sulu i iit so ir lIb eeitiî oî ay ut iir leie nab e t a oe bis~ m Srlqr ue an 7t 000cîm e clas rgi g ey t ti ule claile as _ l m,- c i ruiic e v i tue ca s in leirs alte Irs vu e i., hi lit ah fi l ent he cta i so St zodmente Ame, hait N UTFie af lit> whatg man AflU -s Ti i- tnii ucheit o he saleut tIu ae îeeoe llrlt ae\ueile -illnW aa .l.on wsaon forn thn thepon grand Jur divers aur. IUkI4 tIaI loae Mid___ tr befor taie filry relurnai 11stnirg.____ i ., wil lia an t lolai Il uart- Ilgiod si lo l lttia n e y Ii te sreg lue Waukog a n t uturanedetet hrgn .m ;~u ltainet eîil t ari ca uin cse aI i e lionu, Servi- i-muut ~ ttr t h ffe derel litua .v er tca îrs Sr ' Strngin isiti saperac yod po N aloi ilie 'siri ea s f >il iuîc sitillu the ivul~ tlt aypiiitsInuru ll~uio ihn tctIl Htooaa, i et n . ii dn na n ti uhti sucîl. rodl ' iaIaayîîg t »ihur n,- ed luit exani e ain Il l f ire luse thaie ats liigîaî. alh cale ute- aogn . Noucti er 19îmiAstnW eaî y ta th iea.nraian i Is a a nal fnthriand su y i rgto l u 21d, Àle els l vîai rm lt tactE llia Clpi itsel tilul vsr n c îuny' as i, p ho ne ________all____ film_ a a vonit î raig. aio terri ies In a lite d h nisa ne s or te whtch. ih jur reure lt vadi s a h st o t Hi f fn lteso. lit aI th i urk es t f IrugthIe v <-0011 Urtness an nw d t tr ire llw o an it h lg lîl i lîa hîuo s i ler K y h elita bo n h a uk en u a t hoisies twn Antct athl ai re o n and 1" ~,ta t l b tb re lm oli t hi veacmr îll-lir inittrnitIa eu s uIe ws, t ie o-i Aa MANe lopitrii e ac ts aue t l 01 Pt 1. iamr1h eryt" uoerw hlm r sit rtag attcer I t(ins , Heert a y r dsarte a c o r. ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ h bisvce ofsi hat bau isosit itca-pilann ina T s nar întluhl wlchtu dt naias fo, sluase liai tu rtishet Ptubitalecsliei u.tai n l lie riompaistr Na au sear h ba bot i rgli on $200 Iay r I a.Is r ngGnose t'tu% thtý bi t ef a iut i clollîug nuit an vuituhluci aiuu onc and~lc helper suk avn geo fie er itulyinrindelglit;ic() I Iie atl frth r a fl 20e bondsmeu ,h ctpu lut> $600 the Ilg tiadt et l ro n I Ii r > a s has v rt i g c n o cj s ih , n r e a u qjtý e p ni e a d I ta. cueroa rite nalan to iclb I r -nvn css im ntsik pn oi deesiefite Tae la note sas tut. USn E S Air FLAT Kellya lîtent givti vas ncael)n luofîg reesi n bal >:Ji t rile li to \aiegi.t i m vd mte ..antia C p in ici aind taieingai teie eed of tacivr f lie pr ie I an rtt1aay aishler realIsatln o h hl aset ai e r ai fihus t cl, ig t. l I am a i i tî le rut su ar ii li ar tita ser tale. R bea maa, aci hai aout$25ut l e ut ah e nai, ith a b cia i t ai i 10b a verirbeerlahv itecout acualii Nh ASop Ahâ IVE PO vs num ansgit) a nue bîrti u ut , alite r thaey abodli e baIln boixi up bis hortag , whic , alit r ail o eft a m . H e as dri ing % j btaut ietbar tose fortwelas heis Conîvitaitliit rT he aileK aysg i threo s a heweye $b00 atunt hal bni disposr]a Ihu btse lnjury. funuhe nit nov ou hE E' À MAN Her LefIy WIgte eehnt eti 'Ut iet 0paeo I e beîg aout$57 eab. oufi l a - ha fi eni l ter a u o lite i or An tac utm wine i l ot rairsutg tenr; att(iitnm pcae tii sal Seat a ooa mr v c 1 I sle i a, t ut thsee aio Ic.%Ii,4tr N e lit.he hoau isa Dh1o" the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __________ 20cso utdee lite ycar. prouî l.ak $600a lae lug McAllsîa ov n isaIl'vs11tlttecuivwl oCvrdqie W O U E L Torinu ti vpaiii lie uc ess aI u Waklye Garettei buca e g l tae ar fer a l e duv h oui t y li Prki. I CK NEW HEADSp( gormi asesva utan stbick pivn' happn -l th iy ir tsa~5le fsasiigsS k asaýkiwi ir bu y867 Johnai W .Ds1- i ~ ~ ~ ~ fe Ama sai a bine umm e home ,r Sjigct rlg. eto.. tIn Tte room iedesru a wIg lIh utrela lieeenost ul bail (le-n itx "n lItere hent aîi aoto ora troe Coa nyr, tîrnte il ank iii Citnno Laea uce umaon Hlc rii eail n tefni uociv flu e inis %vrare t i tict sealy oTt. ure sei g aotut o ta lf li nlus it Ia C al'iVn eI Tlie Ie u Mahoisicicea * c madie, Wae a ud u st r-Od $2e5oa ofiîî ethecî ai. fol- d t iappi n l sui fcve IRON ASur Ài tulace weer cae ut botteta o'ori th skull w a a a , frac. b iauri o i - blovalabb pesoni papal. tu e o m uf!i c omi-s:e ùii i ns har was popeopyaI th eruuu lve art foti anistviii <ciun l mmauet bIs cd A l~iL T e fot la IIlt f bisii rmadeuc lulieu belAmasbos ut t a loitg m an. ba-s t ian u Jadn.Rcrodtrudsrb wysii tmaf bcua ie aer anuhra ista famIles as tls Walater Stewaut, la tcat an hait lta tamag case h o u lc u 'ti mar ar ro lhroo - Ionlng e lia Masnin rand es le 55S in t .a.uti gvrat lre A actn lu Wauegeand haleyer weul wtato prctof h oue yalknt'c aaecuasi rîe swultTt luai tlîotCmaitiu rmniimet h . wli as arl osa uie lold ot trihe r.Sme 1aan Uhîîa g j v t otfab> sehiou theig un hape d avifurncig t esatt ot n ak Forwest a inull-flai tstr panat uuls utie an farlo eare Gate,' av a mg t as ls m 'cdaie. KuigittaW etC PNEWas liegatjnoHera.M .~EArn etcin hrfoel Thhe Ifai ha hastn tb satstin h tul atieao bit a mansuar t ret ofign peruruabout 189-7.Johicti Aoemen. bianet.erhme o Spingfieldlt., rand maîîne en1t Iin e ti l ghow Ina tha orne al ie Dacamba 7 usbehe md sl it o tat ie he fur w a a f o $. 50T sîy velg bi1 au btr riaIt WIELSSSEOSVOCEGerg . atoCato. il' >i a aut av noruhm s elg lubr iasi dayn andoti ver pastu lumien resai sutpaetl ai iledve-uttirahur iuin a nur1 î tranunllat byr aerla tatahon Thskaganglf e-bigcee ot o e u wIIIoi ort aiti bitar prlace lim lao J~ameits F.Ala d O rio l I L biggesaton thn Alathc t ra Chi tt I remalan pareuteit vA.î bu. tllfaran HlRcuttne o eto iecutyfttttmlejTt inw saltSeat1 iacutt tsn Absit gLuO a whieh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 lier oIt. Stewar witlu 40. bis Mira Feli, forment hMna George, Toma WNew Ycd ol rv n f h tog atg.wa h fter ele adI NwYo tceodl e a bstdameulmi. i aau eal r a nd eto wabor lu t haihovrgu me ihl' awlud Gog .MMibnde i bs thatc lita sehei har. Browu thek on.ase eil his wiIt haitni ItIn i le coni n E . bely wu Amieron by8 Wuillaniama n, lite Wark a arnti ivatird rare Up ibe a wnlal w tb his o l ew ge w hitme oier' nealenofe. fam41 S l t ark lita andch ltas iea uta ho ury ha ciuit orcet wîîîscf ubi tlodm t oly Jetr. - Iilor ueth ailntelebrapchs an. Samul Ba er, s ov jrand trimas-eti rklng u It, l a ua , housi lu wish h aeu Cîcao.s shoeld Tuaetay ount ha badr c lu ail, mrne aoy Th e hi. catriewlhh R a sir et co mmis-y ltrgmgc wel aras vearai te lia odgs icnve - tirer, tame Ca awtsc' ha maigt. th w hop with thl e imaon. he aviul cotain the 'clock. ilrniiaI tho ta urta t shen Stlf e w art mierna o r le ast in on Maio îf ho e eal ce, Intl Ne tin se boIts ofi yhe x ai s, thegand anio s relî M.ti' B.01 t es or, med n theis oe tî a ne-w i h hadId Bealke . 1ev1e 5 hm a ibt flaite alit man r squtre AI Bancs elft hSAS hal e Mdmon etcli. Sni eld gran lb aia e timiacill. tO .s.Tea. te fte heisyar o uide.,a arfo $150Tety evng b egba sid.

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