Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Nov 1913, p. 5

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LA WU"tmY IDIRDET PIAT, NOVEMBER 28,1913. .1 ... . . . . . . . . . 20.00 BgSaving - ON- MENYS Clothing IW E are offering tla men au exveptioflil op- pruiyto secure a -&de- to-order cuit or ovesoat at ____________________________a mteriai oavîuig. Our taioring bouse hai; aiowed ne a redutithon on 42 mamples and wu are gîx mjcon tIhe bentit of thre rut.. Every onue of theme are trictI v aIl cool fab)rice ami tailored wth the tare care that characteriae &Il of Our ciotlring. XVe baten't roui here [o show AIiofe iireiutioîrs irt tihe folioving wiii gvec an idea. $35 Suit or O)vcrcoat ............$3000 $25.' $2250 Suit or Overcoat................... 18.50 $17 Suit or Overcoat..................... 14.00 w. aouid hîke ta have you col and let neq give You the de- tails, for remntbes there are 42 sncb chances ai thene. J. B. MORSE & COi EV!RYTIWG YOR MEN TELEPRONE I&. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL SPECIA L FOR A FE WDA YS Blatchford's Caif Meal TIxia fo"d h"u ved the CalfIW»Bn rsmore money sud doue botter work than other. We will put it out on 30 DAYS' TRIAL-no benefit, no> pay. ,.il naI,. ae he ou anitrnae at the Ta fleure publlcatlofila thes ledepn- dent. copv muet bho lte b .4e, ltr ihan uoaedav of i«Ch -vik. Adver- timre.epeclalew r te id to tae particule' notilcto tliiiifect. Ch.rloe ogo 1cflo pent Sun- ",j lirevlth bleperents. Mme M. Poulton of Dlamond Lake, va. a viipher. Satidal. Walter Tejiar. gr., ô( Atoê*ma Visisai boe. lat amkri Frda. Gordon Fendlck épent several daje wll b bi grandpwestla Wadworth. fl jon, property lu alth The Mer.- dlth Roi ea Etate & Loan Co. Phono !24. Mr@. M. J. Weber and children areý spendiDg tbe veek wth relative@inl Antioch. George McDonald af Deerflld. vlcted bic oearents mr. and Mr@. Ed McDonald. Monday. Jo.. Turner,Jir.. ofGraycleke, attended the Epîccopel bazeer lait veek Thura- day nigbt. Mi@@ Tillie Holet of [Detroit, Mib., vlclted aîtb friends bere the letter- part of tbe aeek. The Amici club dance et the euditor- im lait TburedaY igt va. e ver3 enjoyable @vent. wltb Mr». ion. Wrigbt, Tburedey altrnoon, Dec. 4. W. R. Roduere of Sberlock. Waib , la makleg an extenedd suit wlth isiétter Mrs. C. B. Avenul. Oser oity nov Iota tu ho put on the market le the near future. Watch for the @ale. Meredith. c-i J. A. Grave@ bainaioved froai the J. Ogdee Armour farm to the Hathore fart gnntb of town. John Subling h- u it cornpleted an eiglît rooni nioderu bouge ou ie farm ucar the Weukegee road. Mr@ Paul Mecv buffle ontertained ber faîber, F. B. Peo,. .f Otteaa Kaneap, the fore part of the week. Born to Mr. and Mms.CharlneWefldling. who eide u the Fayette Buttertield feri, j> daugrter on Mondrty. tien. A. Mitchell. veebier of tbe Lake Villa Truet & Saviege [Bank, was e vsitor bere lait Friday ight. Mir. snd NIre E. W. Coihy aed on John. let Wednonday for St. Louis tW viuit relatives for ceverel day.. The iseesf Berthe Hoolk and Alico Strener of rayeleke, were le toan Tbnrsdey evenlng of lait veek. Mc. M. A. Protine recently cold ber flty ceven acre farta ve.t of tove. The neme of the nov oveer le Dot given. Yon wilîl fid Meredith and &a i@i compenlen lu tbe old FIret National Bank building, Lihertyville. Phone 24. W. have corne good bargaine le Iota, bouses and feri lande. phono 24. Meredith eal Estete & Loan GO. c-1 Tb, Red Cross m-SIe are ov on cuale et the local etorefi. Mise Beccle Bond ha. charge of dlstnihuting the seals lu this vlelnlty. Ed Mvllonald ie juet comPltleg an elgbt-room bouse for Jec. Guerin nortb- eait of town. The> home le modemn le every respect. The Ray Furuiture and PaInt Store bai ennounced a discount from 10 ta 15 per c et on furuitUre for two veekc. Read their ad ou page t wo. Andrea Efinger, manager of the> Bey- tbore fariné, expeets to shipa&bout thlrty bead of fine boris ta Chicago Friday to b. entared le the stock show. For the accommodation of the Public, Bwick's Studio viii b. open Friday p. m., ail day Stnrdej ced Sunday P. tm., oi thie veek, Nov. 28, 29 and 80. - LIFE INSURANCE. Rota ae good cilumen aho prasIdes ior Libertyville Lumber Co pal ie vils dchWlr.. Moleabettarcîti-1 Dome by tihe O 0 D op. Phono 47 San Mr' 20 Ysr. sno p a rvWfr i i n r- ~'EE 1>S . AN ]aR JUST RECEl VED Our Flrst Shipment of Wisconsin Buckwheat Direct f rom the Mill The KInd We Have Always Llad. CORLETT & FREDERICKS .»a É% TmrUvuqVja&L. L .~rfl. -~ T' .~ I Oid Colonyuf fucacrrmeiCompauy officilu icOecO Wck1 auctian of Iyotaplenfrtyvlle. IIubore wlllio b. ote i chaie frtyon fil.kerne monev or tu get a good lot ta bulld on, Meredtb. C-1 Lnook for Wm. J. Sebrecto ad lu the for sale' columu and for hi@ Waibing Mdachina ad la another columu o01tii pper. Callu Mundees merket for a demontration. c-10-i photos et llewick's Studio, open ou Fridey p. m., ail day Setnrday and Sunday p. m.. of the weeli, Nov. 28t, 29th and 30th. e-10-i Tbe annuel meetingolthe Lake County Agricultural Baard viii Lw held et the toawn hall on t>ee 3, et 2 'clok in i alternoon. The eletioe ,of rîleers wilil take plae e t thié meeting. Henndeame reéldenceo St' atedad Lincomenravene foteartuandr Linclnen for Mr. Rcea buse et Long Grove a few day. ara.. Mis R. A. Lathrop ai Pika, N. Y., vicitad ber brother. J. A. Lathrop, the lattar part of lait veek, sud On Sonday evenier continued ber journey ta California, abere ebe vilI @pend the wieter. Herry Oaloaay and J. R. Mlboliand expect ta go to Meinette, bie., the tiret part of net week. aber. lb.? have a big job on the municipal water plant, whlcb ilîl take tbem conete ime tu completa. mies Ruth Boit, Wbo erne ber. lait vaik Tbnrsday froin Detroit, Mlicb., for tht funeral of ber brother, Howard, remained bere untîl Satnrday vitb MIs Gertrude Mowore, aben ch.e retnrned to ber home in Detroit. h orauen d t te rd8.thiteon Sun beda eembr th PTeBoop bacun not, e etfrried he The lbordin nttioahitae plaelu LIer thoina-bu tir. Wiltae paevela hope thatilti. Mr. thit e iendeceqerlho@ tit nci mey ho preettet the service. itoîativee have recelved word fromn JJ. Porteous [romi Columbne, Montana, t0 [ho off ct that they are gettîns aîong tine. Mir. Porteoué bai 240 acres oi blé homestead under plow cnd Into cropc, and properly feniced. Holhaas na more year to prove, up is daIm ta the 320 acres wblc beho ook up tva jeans &ga. white lettars on the cOutb vîndea QI1 Treptov & Taylor'@ store ettnactid1 ac great deai of attention Ibis veek. The aigu va. put thon farIAoyd Taylor who had ave ahite Engllsh hnit terriers vhlch ho aanted ta dl" ofs a, tvaof lhe pups flndng usa ovuers .hbortly aier being pnt on xlblt. Ms. and Mrc. Bradley oi Rgudout announce the erarriage, Saturday, No- vember 29th et 3:30 a'oiack le St. Joph's chnrcb. Lbertyttfle, of their daugbter, Auna, ta Lergy Wells of Lakte Forest. Tbey are ta, seside le Lakte Forest Bath young people are adlI and favorahiy inown le the cottnty. Thendowca theLlirY and Optoffi alîlow b.clicfthe darY il o thuodaj of tl. eon 0onthedyoThuegllng The lobby alîl b. open aIl Cday u0 thet patrons hevlng lock boxe.@enu get thehr mail es aDy tinte. Ail out-going mail ahI b. taken cane of by th. eeÔtoffice &[gaIoath.eouluda M&I As the rural Mail carrier, have a holiday on abat day the rural patrons of the LbertyvIlle oflice viii bave ta go vîth- ont their regular deiverY- PASTMAÀSTEIRS RECEI1TON AT 14ÀSONIC HALL vras he hy tahestLierille og Nos 492, . F. t.e M ertythirhlle ong MdaN kee92,Aven. &N 1,e h alo Minwatee aenu e e io b nthe odge e wbcb eretig anyvlclt- inelge emberf rmeloet onn sty inere premntgrortaly i oer tclxoioc ail repalred ta the apacloué dlnlng Pom of the M. E. cbnrch aboeeva. cpreed belore the tvo hundred or more guesté an appetizing chicken dinner, prepared by the Ladies' AId eoclety of the chnreh. The Normal Park quertat nendered noverai selectlonc et the> banquet and eSon et the reception le the evenlng. Eleven paitmaitee. von preaint et the evenlug menOn, Who performed the ceverai functions vltb great credît. There ver. large delegetions presient from Cblcago, Highland Park. Weute- gan, Antloch, Mîilîbure, (irayelako and tWauconda. 01W FELLOWS 0F COIJNTY HAUE Bit MEEINQ HERE Thgeriizatlomeeig va.thelOd bee on. dra niin va. attanedboreMbor- fraei oser te nntd y.Deeo frot alatine. thecon deghtian PrkcedPaueg avere Pharpa ake oftereseprogmatr CTyuseeronte, oei E. B. HevdeckuerbthaPuearonanandeRE. B H. M.ker Albrt p aeaitor enf t eLirtv PH.y.Alrtaan chrof.tMe lc fr tçle occasion vas furnlcbed hy BEapke'i orchestra, ced e querbet composed of menmhors trot th6 Wankegan Iodge gave e number of vocal oelectioes. Ater the meeting c fine lunch va. served, aed ca"caioker" coecluded the eseninge entertalcment. It va.s a big time for the vietlng Ba.veilia. loca members of that aider. Besalck'e Photo Studio vill b. apea on Friday p. m., a&l day Satunday sud uneday p. m. of IbIs ae.k, November 28, 29, and 30.1Itemember thle change and ait for jour Xniai photos nov. c-10.1 CARO 0F THANKS We alch ta exteed our ihanks for the many acta of kiedueese exteeded to usa durlng oni lata horeavement, aIma tuail abo gave their amiietnce and for the maey hoantiful floral offerlege. Wý C. Hoacd i'amlly. Christmas Shopping Now tbat Shopping hem arrn ieg ahat yon lidv dusieg the peet ye Mis. 9. D. Zook, wbo underwent an ~/e 5't - peration laet week Tueeday et Sb. Luke'a bospital in Chcago, 1le lrrn1g xxxxx The basaar held under the aaspice@ of XXXXXt. Lavr.nce'î churcb at the Town Hlall lait Tbnrsday vaa rMarked! succe» la I The ucton alé 01 urntur at every ay. At aimes the hll as Po The aucilon maie aI urpeopleeet nde e how the Smth home8a$urdeyva*ternoon brought floeold b. claared for the damo. The out muni blddr nd ue ot e tory arti- four large diener tubles ver. aImait cl sldaba on Oc ontlnuell, accupied from Or-thlfl Meredth loyer %L Vegotable Co., to .lght oclack. h vau evidest thal d.plajluin thenov office. Phone 24 th. people of our town vere verj Sae. o eut saWUieand decorttI egenesnutheroadtoward the repais [Pla»eurleg aile hQ4wlqo. c-i aI tb. building noir lathe pousielon of Wcrk ha. hqr leudton Ivo home,.et LavreuCe ehrc. 'Av*. cornýfer ut Wid asd* Firet troit for Gel 7% on jour mo.ey. Tb@ Groen lpn&Pqd 0O.E. Cburchîli hhm oua. hamai p« that aMount net. èâ «OntBih t Mit bouseis. Noq 1phs lt, 11d 1mai prient ta, S~IU onc 51 bidren o, rkeip 1%«e. Corlen I. ereclng a large rail for jàuiOuef.WueDec ongel ebettu donce for renger Parweil near Everett, lterest and have jour tanner lai a good vllch vheu coileWl iib. a Çperket sle" in y "led t thome vhere jou type 01 & Nv EUgËI One0ntry home. cen a»oSour nveatnenî. il It ln the Mn O0. E. ChblD. ,whu bas been vis- eelety of tbecompeniy that jon question, ltlng her denghster, Ulm. Flore Churchill corne and examine th. record* and the at Loi Anaplce, CAl., for the peot tvo endltor'e report. Meredith. Phono f24. monthe, returnod to. ber borne Wednes- Blehop Toîl, who la very vell known day. to th. people of thie nelghborhood, waHI The Liberty ville local of tho Milk Pro- Preecb the sermon et an important druero Asociatlon wil bold a bard épeelal er'vicS to be held et St. timet perty and basket @oedaI et the Lawrence'@ churcb on Tburcdey evening. town hell on Wedneedey evenlng. l)ecember lltb. There wlll &Iwo ho an Dec. 17. addreec by a promrinent iayman. Cherle E. Feld, Chcago menager 01! tbe A cervîce of Tbankcgvlnuc wiIl be held National Co. Biehop Tol alweyc la St. Lawrence'@S piscopal eburcb on l.cnaevaluabie maege. and we Thenko-givler day et 10 a. tri. Every- wloetl poruljt erfron bod laIevtad Cone nd ri v.yor lmn. lemember the data. Vîctore are friends. welcnme. know ab oie eied the money fo UT mai gifts. ONE DOLLARL opens the account. Lake County National Bank I LIBERTYVILýE. ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $9%000»00 Service in Coal T HERE is service in coal as well as in al other products bought by Conumoe. The coal vo hendie givai aur onetomers that caticfied feeling of having the boail, cleaneet and mont serviceable for the f urnace,' heater or Cook ntve. A trial order wili convince you that it is good poliiy te bey tbe coal of quality-tho rigbt kind et 11hb ight prie. GIVE U$ OUR NEXT ORDER Home Lumber Company, of Libertyville. IT SEHOOVS ALL MANICR< 6 TO CET INTO THEIR NEW ?J FALL SUWTSo" It Already Begins to Feel Chily Around the Edge. Stop te ced look oves aur ine of Fall Woolene. You'Ul find vauuý subtantial Fabrici and Weavp«, le the naines' coloréa nd chadea, plsamI« ta pert culer drecserc. Yonrs truly. I E T Y I L ]PRED CROKER LIBERTYVILU' GLO Vi. The other kind of weathery vill soon hrs ad gJ.o1. mittons will b. ini groat demaud. Wo've a uic. lUn. Of t sud Chfldre's G)Ods-goIf gloves and wooleu cashmere and liued snode glovea and lined kd mitteu. wth tîimmed wviata. Por the Boys vo have leather mittene and thé iturdii kind f golf giovea. ~ ..Smehig New ini Shoots.. "iWearwell" Sheetas witt "Holda&Vt" coreri These corners prevent the sheet froru puiiing np st the foot. Ask ta ec them. Specici introductosy price, L 78c oh My, oh My, eayasthe Man Wbo ame ln contct itb e pair o fl et w ltb an @&y get Brkere Anitlseptlc. For cale W . . CJarrollA by F. B. LovELL CO. 2--STORES- NORTH STORE PH4ONE 29 0 Mondee'@ Lighteng Roup Cure fer cale by ail drugglîtc. 50o and $1.00 par bottle. e-25->tf At our ervce, Pole, the cucl -er Try the I ndopendcdt .s sons J'IMH STOiRs PItO For Fire and Life Insurance -ý CIIHARLES D. PROCTOR NEW fWAMSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Michigan Mutual Lie lniace Company'. M ;mmý ;the time for Chriatmas riod, you n rpobable 'vondi- wjth yo<fr SPARE CHANOE year. rw 4 .a 1 ý M 1 mq- 1

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