Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Nov 1913, p. 7

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I N OME RECEIVEOD FOR LEUS TItAN j ~qi 9. MM 26 CENTS& +- Fos BAUE + WS tliblertyville. c-10-2 Wby udtl boy b but? The Clark Nurse,,Stok1ru Waterloo. N. Y.<~ sgn~,Libertorlle FOR SALE-Farin louis of ail kiudii, am au, Grain,' Ourses aoué Cowe- fresb ad oriagens, so a lot of cord Woodasud tce pmta. -Wx. J. schreek, Phone 267-2. c-0-1 SFOR SALE-ODe 2-roili Uerûg Coru liue-e and 1 Food Orinder. Ch&@. Petenson, Ares, lit. Phîmos 282.11-1. P-10-2 FOR sALE-1 acreé'is ela îownÈbip, go"d buildingslarge isas, 40> stan- chions for Co;;#. taria suitahe for dairy purpooset. Addrese C. T. Bartîcît. @g7 Greenleaf St., Evattsol, 1ii. Tel. .............. + + + LOST and FOUND + LOT-In thie region cf Hickory, Roseucranz. Wadsworth or ZMon Cly, a valua ble 13In lch maie beagle itoud. Blaek blanket. tan head with piece out of right ear. FInder please notify Win. Wells. Phone 1263-J, Waukegsn. Reward. Wkly Il STRAYED-A b, mare about 1100. ha% wire cul un rigbt foot.l.etlock. Finder glease notify IL Pepoer, Aem, Rout 1, or Phonle 129~9-M, Wauke«au. Mi. P-10-1 + Mo CLLAEO + MARRY IF YOU AELO LY Tite Reliable confidentiel succeBs- ful club bas large number o! wealtity eligihle members, both sexes, wlshlng early marriage. Description free. .Mrs. Wruitsl, Box 26, Oakland, C'al. - ~~»D?ÉPNIYýNT.IWV VEBR,11. £FarmRETRIBUTION OVER- ____________ 1 TOO À YOUNQ IMAN; By N . .GATZERT IL a ie s nî yI: e r o. CRUSIIED TO DEATI MasoucTemple ldg. thaukegan, lii FPOOD ELEXKNTPLWI Had Beaten a Young Womnan A gra~ sajritpof he reset dy -Friend in Kenosha-Stolle farinera iind il a rather ditficult mat, r,, November 1%, 1913. Ride to Racine on Train. to fuly peomprehend te iînatiings ut 3Nlinnie E. Smithi and husbsnd l erbuin witadinxrbe varions ternms oued by agricuturaij Karl Knodel lot S..>ilock 5. Lenoxoveritioo Ewiar d Frerbleon . pubications in thoir arlicleson balaiitcd Suit. Northt Chicago. W. tD. $20000. etkEda Fdriso,2 rationsand food vainem TOt-se @anie, m. B. Smithi and wi!e tu Kart er Iarsdeto aie el termes aàe ned in goveruient and tate Knodel lot 9,, bock 5, Lenox Sui). nesday nigitt a sitort tinte alter lhe bulletin», and au acalvais 10 tu Northt Chicago. Q.'11 . $.o. itad beaten and threateued to shoot appear ou ail prepared food@, te Wbeits Wm- B.' Walrath' and wife 10 Gli- a Kenosita yonng womnan hecause it ni whieh are lout on a mnuwho lasa not br L. Jacoba lot 17, lu J. L Shaws i adst eue mryhm posted.Sui.t.u Sec. 35, Autiocit Twp.%V. D. Frederickson was ground 10 deatit We ail realizeltat a properly balanced] $1.0() beneat thlie wheels of a Ciicago & tion wili gire btter rsult@ titan al Chg, T. & T. Co. Tr. et. aI . l Notbwestern freigitt train. h e slo inadutitg rai<, tat i 2'lasblldîe u?, l N.~ nsia girl teo place at -430 oclocht. siwinaotiia âiu htibock 2 lrhldl u nN . At08 45 O'c k lte Kenosha police atfatr.Togle able tu secure te, % Sec. 1m, Grant Twpit. eed $ -3e.5lie.auean~olc u iest res.ita a work iug knuîs edre of the ' -.0. h ga poie n Most imuportantut l ltii cutsttuents November 19, 1913. aslced tem to TEep pka sharp lookout mst lie mastered sud careluily appiied i Harriet H. McCormiclt % et. ai. 10 for lredericksou\as te), tiouglit Il tu existlug condtions. As these ptinfg Elizabeth McCormick Menorial Fund very possible lta h 1ite ii cominl canliecoere ly aeweueailaetica.l)rt ot295, Lake Forest. Deed titis direction. J-kw as describda titts tey eau ttc eaeily sgras.ped aîtd $1060. being six feet 1tl weighing about ",tiIlJon Nikus suna wife ru o hert ISA pounds. Il not so verv muct Notice of Special Meeting of the Stock' Ilolders of the Lake County Tels- Pi.éW#m phono Company, to Dissolve Cor- cld poration....... Notice Is hereby glvn that a spe- DYMOM 1- AIJSTI cIai meeting of the stockhoiderýs of the Lake County Telephone Company, Loan, Inaurace, bal Estate êd will be heid at thte office ot Benjamin Hts etg H. Miller, in the Fir8t National Bank OSiRnig Building, in the Village of Liberty- Office in Kaiser Stock. ville. LaIte Coupty Illinois, on Wed- nesday. the tentit day of December, LIBERTY VILLE. IINOIS. A. D. 1913. at the hour of eight o'ciock P. M., for lte purpose of ubmittIng £LHAlNAN W. COLDY to the stockitolders te questions of sbsnhoning te corporate enterprise. surrendering the charter, franchise Money 10 Loan on Good Approved Resi and corporate name, aud dissolvlng Patate. lte sald corporation, the Lake Counity Office in Luce Building. Telephone Company. 1 LI BERTYViLLE, - ILLINOIS. The foregoing notice is given lu pur. _________________ suneo/ a request of more titan two- titirds fa il thte stockholders«of tite LYELL n4 MORMI sald, lte Lake County Telephone Comn pa y , inade In a resolution of said L stockholders. adopted Miay twenty- Libertyville - Ilinois first. 1912. Luce Building. A..R,., 'jM. Lovellt Re- Phone 152-Rl. OffieePhove 18 L IL J. CI. MARTIN C. DECKR tOBSY-iA?"Aw utIlce <Jpp. 151h St. Eieclric station the@ Phone 848 Re@. Phtone 1lm£ lth).TB CHICAGO. ILLINOIO PAUL. MAC GUFMI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lhertyvllle, lîlinots .fl0N5 ise FOR SALE-A 35 h. p 5 psaseuger-21+ irtt, iiallit eotsttuetits Dadv loi 15, bock 5, Waulegat, iligh- 1 Iter ltat word was received here MSE' AE Coomabie automobile lu tiraiel ri; order. i3ood tiresl. MJie Oer. W'î LÂîut(ÀC-ttAUCTIONEER-yea18 of experlence, pritein is te lt-st cttuttîtou. ttu-tlands, Northt Chicago. Q C. $1 0oh ia iefgtv tdh-nkle tteo ?ioý onyo a .t Co ,Liltrtyvlie.c.2tf Iha e ran d dbongitt and solëid lînsve and mot necesery tr i te Kien Townsend aud hut-,n 0 Feeilsnua miydltlt ? Ilvi or !LI ot --------------live stock ail my life and know tli- prtper grtwtit(il animlailie. il i. Wn,. 1).Thonilson 40 ase-. in E 'L4,1express rouipany fluRavine. Earl v tN. Itoier Term. A. 1), lIti nýe, aI a targaN. J5 )lv"lrT. e and hito 0conduct a sal1 o l.-tessaTy ttoalJarte (iftle ito, lin S. \V. '% Sec. il Grant T, XX B1).Weýdneidav e,,,nIng he uent 10 Ke- .1. St-,ll;rldleN, Trussteevs. Frantk Libsrtyvilli e t-9-i2,gel te best prices. For dates addresa 5moitîttre lfée-bamigtitegrt'atniganttil0.5Inoa10scaou, mno!heN ilim.eta. P. B. Johnuson or Phone 111 M. Zion u- taius a very htgh pervetage of A .1J Austin and wift-fi) tait-y A. acqutlntance le varried s revolver ln Chaiicery IGen. No, 6:;77, FORSAL-Sotenie chttetres,~ îi. Sept. 17 tw ec It. + prot-t, averagtt g front 40)l >lt - Pr Chiurchtil lots i and 2. , blok il, wV-bh fhlm. The couple hard some sort P,,hliivnoice t. hereity ten tal elos., a»h sud asbieaved turples, 2 lces in vansd 31) t u, 40 Itr iPt in 'ta rigtv Add. 1).rt !lo W uo! s disagreement as a resuit o! 1,3,tirlue of ait order and decreet- - sId up 1210o15 tet biglé.Titree tîtes NOTiC-i ailtlëtn jour ,r jours.I'ritlen is teé fratrie surktire 1,,,, vhi(h theoyotIng man drew te re t-ret-lirte above entilled cause, in tr&nsIan Lte-i l t-o. F. Rtm-r ,Liirty- t-séi ae-fir vuu nt reasuntale rate. tru,,îlire, oftirle ieit, bieng taI swhiert November 20.,93 -i - u hetnd1 ho Ttnlt r itCuto at en, vill, i ~ iEtdt'ii& Mtl ltAt- !ilt-ît t-é01fl hlds î,,reilter lite molcules of . saler le, i'se udv et, rik lie ht-at ler verv s-verely lilinois, aItte Ortber Term. A. 1)_ Bx6.lerJasean iet rn Tht- police ut-rt- ummne sn li .otttlthdy!Nomer MANUFACTURERS AETpr- I<or<<> -an guuuuesA m troiutug ItfttrmAnttu S, 382.6 feet, lot tIl,,, k 2, nd adIi.ontrltrdaNfNveb, nianeutly iocated lu lirayaske. wil îl iMARIGE aCNSS it ~I ite teltaclii m ubtanre tittRoslng lPros. Suit.Round lt. - WiFrr-derlckson was piaced under ar- ý. 1), tîtereof:te undt-ralgu-d Mas- funiur, ug, 1055 panset -St1,1etîe artrestu poshae it i 5o-,urt-st. Two îtolicemnen, escit holding ter in (hsnc-ry o!fte Circuit Court roduod Pies raiort.51i0n1@sipurle Sea ottCiiao.. 2 olid bottue. prteiu c;omprisstite F. Il Amanu sund mire to llenry one o lsarn ss tedlemardi o! Lake CouutvIlilinols. wii seill et c er . M k p ouuei u hîe R s o et. u n 7 greater liulk of! le tn ieats, teé ski. Jtn'.stn N. 262 feet. lot 1t , hotk 2 filmt e1,the police station. Prederick- ipubic endue Io the iigiteet sud best Itot-tI, hîtpointaiert etc. Tht- protaeRobeRtsnsairos. Suit.umound laite. wThs a apowerful feliow sud man-lidder for cash, on .\onday lcm 0irayake 89.-l. P >Irwiu Glckmnu Chicago . . . aged 10 wrencit hiaseif loose. He ber, 131h. A. D., 191:.1aI teoco ______________________-Emmna Wof, saine ...... .1 réent in anîial btodies are of te t1i). te ou.o FOR SALE-House aad lot lu librtY- Wm. Bene>, Sotit Lak, wl'.up as nîtrogen Gottliebli enne aud ulfe 10 Anna made a dasit forIliberly sud disait- one o'lodu luli teaflernoon o!fsld vge pie$.0.iiie01pii m enyNoLaeWis. 23ctnpouunds by plants sud vhamiged itttC. Anderson part lot 12, Nipî,erslnk peared iu the freiglit yards o!fte day aIlte est front door o!rte WàcsrtviN, Lilertyvillo. -2.lf Lllian Peterson, Clilton, l...1 litta..éadte Ide y 1Cu',sb o ae W ) otwser 8ra opry. CutHuel teCt fýae -SJohn Bsood Cicago due....... 3,5animai frtm tépant sud evoived itt)ovebr Watcbiug bis chance lie caugitt a gan,biite Countv o! Lake sud State FOtir p* o Sptmbr ndtiercrmpfernma.bdy Vsanie canefreigitl train for Racine. He evident- o!Ilîlinois, lte following descriited latte atofpîmie r ndun tf -.oUrtuhus. Mlwaukee .___25tt- e a e imaldVtritetietrch a@, annait Ksupert et. aI. lt e, ery' Iythougit te train wouîd stop there lremises lo-wlt: U' Pau Rageuuss. Ml k . 2 protein le a fiised food and PDter@' Berger aud wife lot Il, Couuty but witeu il did not lie trIed (o eap Lot one (1) lu Peases Subdivision FOPAaI!pae otltu b uAm latzenu. Manie ....25practicaliy direciltobthe circulation of Clerk's Suit, village o! Barrington. Off. Tite altempt was uusuccessful o! parts o! Lots Thirty-four <34) and lite aimai MotepincespcîaliyanimalW.aDo$33000.msudhlafelbsaine 2ve)45W.o!l.te1lat3o!H.g0. aine &acr e tnd with laign rg it ru 11t Eluer Kuiu. -Mlwaukee ......... 23 teaia.PoeuPpcal nmladh elbtentecnadwsFrYfv 4)o h lto ih m< s utbath rzO ointaodIlsthr;aotFo Stein, saine ........22 d sbaio, gimu ap ro tisaud r-'Ryglîl sud wife lots 39 aid 40, Bleck tlime ltler near te Redue depot. being Everleansd Jeffery's Subdivis- i g. Aitéo eii ¶proe; aitPRosetLeonard......................................e eroucin,1, D rsSui.ot. Chiago. . Lte as es sh. on wof:arsoflutos ort (4 ~~iig5 Aimoet~y Mlwake . 26dîgsîon. stmaI. rîîip thesUgpro- and Fiflesa(15) lu Townsbip Porty- agéor. bulng bubt loisthan two Yeans. Carrne Wlnter. saine ............ 25 noarpouto D. $400,00. _________ Rl ,itd t lI. lqieo .H. fMuc- HnyMcClure, NMilwaukee .. .6 archdrae:PipiyIesurs Stanislaus Wrona aud wife 10T ÂT ..tre(3 otb ag wl (2 CtIDIY, Ube il5le, li. Box 5632. Unyaditrb f grains sund forage, lu 1ttes(3 NrhAaneAele(2 Pitonsaoi-. "Y t-5141IfCathterine GOnce, saine .......... 20 e lit te nrg producersé. Carbo- 1 ýlkolaJ Beres sud sile lots 40 and j T XRATE East o!fte Thlrd Principal Meridian. 0_____________________ Ge. Nor-nule. Milwaukee ....28 hydrates are couverted lipthe digestive 41, Block 4 Dreyers Sub. Nortit Citi-situated in lte City o! Highland FOR SALE-1rrom i75 ta 100 bond of Ruby Slark. saine ......... ......26 ile. oe pi hepouto f a. .D $,0.0 aa.i aeCun lios cove, finisd clos oringer.. Ternis Richard Oveetinan. Racine.... .. .23 anistsed up lu 1h. prouctionooi cagA. .or.te1.700.00.70 -- ON ltLk Cutclos toW .AplUiiuu u cu.PrIiieMa onon me........2' rgy, taned tu th fltté or tranoorin- MIaule G. Suttilli tIlH.,A Porter, Vie. P1k l», 257 W2. 0 f. R<iCaKZ Mabe21 i mfat giobnl".Togotodmeulte Iots 5 and 6, Block' 7,Kiasoor Âdd . day of NWAIID à- .,1913,IR nàâoe. Ds.rwd. PlionsDserfeld 22h.Tony )&abo,%, Sheboygan .... .... 28 %bt ueIut h.carefully balaneéced viitt M.hlan.Par. W.D.vifs100Dennis Mail DWA . Ela ChanERy P.45-4m i, Leclia M1apui. sermie............22 te sutinad mierailouteente iciHM. W. d Prk. l »W. D eDenin818.00.hnéry -----1,Clarence Bradley, Konita -........22 gé h oue and msca.CompexaiveilvIDriscoll, Undivided 1-5 lots 18 and e. î..t~BINJ. 1H. NMILER. FOR SALE-& pfs.ur 2 elînder éssti aoe. Kza 5... l . 9 g ired heéreO fte n 14, Bock 10, Highland Park . W. D. Probabiy sit D Be atty 1jouUICompianant's SolIcîtor. Bu"i automobile. $20. Thtis car lias Rcn ...... 3$0.0 bégssaétborougliu!overlesuid aln -Edwinte ae tts heaeefontds. nr~led Despite $237,000,000 WkIy 21-28 Dec. 5 goodoadliou.LtnarflILL5GA IgEnorance iakateui, saine ..........22 psh: Porlape uO ollier etent fi go Denois Drnscoll w M. W. Dniaol increase in Property. AJDCTO OIE C*6fJohn AlibotlMilwaukee-.......28 cmntnd overtooked by te smok- and wlte, part lot 3, Block "* High.ADUITONN ICE b1Dmet o9wsieland Parti. W. D1. $800.00. FOR SALE OR RENT-.WakCith.......a1 insuas gash. Tbné stineai îe W B imtt u t HI . Property of ail claatea i lu Bltis Publie Notice la liereby given flt *bop ou main esaret or voold brs good James Andeson. Contas, WIa - « »34nquired lnansimal growlt amd the W vamihanlueuti aIA $e1,2rie, dinstite f h mm drm o 7,GrauslkO. fil- Lena Paulson. marne............. 23 phosphates ussdltu boue building are Peck * Iota 1 and 2, Block 37. Lakte la 6audai$,11,109.623 bY the Mtalete suhacnibn, Adiil do !es UtOS.Addt-511103 TSboard ot equalisatioit. inilte returas Estate of CathterinePhladeaa c1.f Emil Mann, Mlwaukee----------..28 Dcluded lu thia lament. Ou sMotuosr Bluff. Q C. $20000maeaSpigel hrdyNo.d wlatndheCuyCutf FOU SALE-lO ontbouse and bsr riaBakerane ................28 lmbue. ls@a itsmal ikoeton averago. Novemben 22, 193. made oaa u SpInfle Of $2a37NVo.339' ak lI nattedalterConityCeout li &Il modern conv@nisaes; clos la 1h. Peter Wajiekowsky, Northit .....24 fot, ti60 per cent mineraimalter Jcob cnu ad wife John 320. erTi tt al an Icrae onf $237.339.'Lak e Coura at raouserein li simtie uot.(>» ortarmes. Cou- Joute Wato8ka. saine ............19 prnuipaily calcium phosphata. BY titia Steward, part S. % N. W. 'À Sec. 34, lte board lent yearr. or of $79.113.117 kegan, lunsaid COuntY. Ounlte nt T«temet or tva anligélsu or on.@. Tae- Wm. E. Green, Waukegau ....24 ilrau easiiy ite isuotiat the @oppling Benlon Twp. Deed $1,00.onOeasseivlto.Mndy!Juur x,194vtn phono 215IL C-27-U!o h sesi auUn ona fJnavnx,11,we .0. Pearl M. Doltîle, Warentou ...23 of go ueessry a food stuoi .ouid Dol H. P. Danrow sud vife la The Pair, Tite state tax commiasion,. cOnsîst- sud vitene ail persons having cintrs1 FERRETS FOR SALE-One mile nortit Carl W. Liden. Rockford .........29 lie letIta chance as a lacu o ni nenai ot 2, Blok1 rusAdHg-igo oenrDne uîo g.tsalit estate are uotlfied sudd 01 Dvne's Laits on Grand Ave. Pot Marie Holm. Waukeganu......... 25 aIubstRinoe will resul butir eunted animali. lad Prkt. W. D. $1.00. Brady and Treasurer RYBu, wi.l amgot nequesled 10 pressent lite saine to sald oficle Wadassutl, Ill.. i. D. I. 1. b. Alfred Kuykeudall, Madison ...3 FaIs:Fate aresa gond deai the saute Mary Hartray te Horace BuIkley. lu Oie nezl day or Ivo and ix Oie Court for adjudication,~ aonimées. e_ Mianne Recor, Reedsburg Wls. .... .33 carboitydratee. but in more availabie lot lu village of Liberlyvilie. W. D. state tax rate for noît ysar. Accord- JOHN D. PAHLMAN, FO; S*&LE;-Brd oc okei.J.Due#,Raie.....2 forcé, for direct breneit. They are euergy $4,500 ing 10 estiiostes made by Audtor 010e .Win. Becketaveiler. Are, Berthta Scitrder. same ...........21 producens and suppîy tse fuel for bodîîpBad, hAdinatiuisgistratoruean I.,Nv.17 11 . fil. eah.p-8-3 lBernard Lenzen, Fremoul .... Sconsomption, W ile nI expeusive ft rd. euwate of ili li aoud WsukegL.. Il., ANov. 17.1913.rc Eusz Stoéffel, sarne............... 22 are rated ctose lu protein îu actuai seimn o rprY ++++++++ **~~il "ase Deto! proerty.Trust Bldg.. Chicago, 111. + + + +P.ul Wolf, Lake Forest......... 28 value. Ayar&oUh ittetx ae a wl Nv212-D>6 * FOR ENT +Caterine Dunu, saine...... ....27 Crude Fibre. Thiimslte trame work tA u c Lio n S ale A ea ago e aewswyNv2-8Dc * . .+ .+. .. . . . .+. Jeu, StoppicIt. liiwaulee ....24 on wviic te substance of plant food le ____A___......______Bradyfx, St38cets. creu clu FOR RENT-8 -roout Bouae. Inquire Gadys Bamel, sainie............ 2t tintt. To securo test rtsuite a limiterd JOHN P. BLÂNCKI AuctioMc. lation o! the various sources o! reve- of Paraud & Duraîid. Trtggi blockt. Archilald Clark, NlilwaukeeO...21 snppîy is ueSessary as a carrier ut otiter nue, believes a rate o! 68 or 70 cents Pigone 2. c-I0-2 Ruth Wlson. saine... .......... 18 tuodi and t cause a mure actmisve on- will produce sufficlent revenue t0 Erwin Munzer, Chitcago .........2 lug of the digeilive juicesounthteeusfiCiai .1 ill oieat Public Auclion ai y terinmeel the appropriations o! the- isat FOR RENT-Two large ligit bioudé-,Rtvs. Russell, saute .............24 organir toode. Coru !tot0biule, etc., siîuatpri uile ettutheatl0ofWau- generai assemitîy ad restore le te tLbyeca, Orchard aInsIt. clitf Molinus TuIz, Coatesvilie. P. .. 27 carry a vory himit per ceutaige tutcrudle couda ounte Chicago r9ad, on sgtae îressury s workîng ibalance ot _________________Lorete M. Doyle, Wadsuortit.... .27 litre sud are pnacttcaliy ludigestible.abu$2500. FOR RENT-200 aesforut % taile front Carl Odsll. Wester, Fas......... 25 The proportionuin witich tese difierenî t 4 rea .ruvf bq 25000 tovu sud lBordene uilk pintl. Bain Frances Stevens, Highland Park . .26 organic tourds are lo be user! depeuls oun5JauIuay, No.v. 29J Eleven Ilinlois raliroads. lncludiug T eC ffe o main for 50 c9we. 200 touisilo, nov ug.Wolf, Milwaukee ........... lte animal, te age condition sud use. Commeucmung lt 1O lt-k, . .,s téite lree Citcgoeivpiaedlîstc advereat hePrice létck slI WiiIfonul for caêi or ou Helena '.%au, saine ...... .........5 Also on te digesîibiiity ofet leed franchises ln addition 10 lite assens- Yo WatT Py iébare. Aena234 acre stock aud The sucesinfl balauciug ut a ration meut upon treir tangible property, Iu- o WatT Py dairp ftsnm. (I ood sol, gond building@, antteotmloeof-adbt Mentr ay ctisig0Mx0- sanuqebod plat! 01 vater, electnic ligitîs sud Good Fertiliser for Fotils. cuo eacmlstdofhn ut m nîelarrutn l ciudîng: Chicago & Miwaukee elac- etei.0Ja la a unbiez fices telophone; oneutile troin affnait oad îwn Nitrate ot soda dissolved lu vater requiresimut-h attention sud etudy. It 1 ihGaeHlti osti,$7,6;Wuea n ioe h ol-ao ofuiorn aui dBordeni uslk plant. To tout tor aboutid!ho given to feeais tiat are simil islemore a malter of obepervation titn1 ihGaeostllourli.$7962iauea udMei-tttiof 8-aîn alo sud the cash or on ahae. AdtreisBrooke & on veak, but do ualmigrke tite propor- any one other titing. Ai e l oli1 Millonsssud Spriugeo. Two wiit lte diuky road whldt operales in Strotor, Owvres. Wsuoonda, Ill. tion o! nitrate more titan une-quarter rememitor taIanimais viiiduolicteprtaisees ly ide, Ivu 2-yean-old Holstein stppi VsIey. $4.200. Tits I ie od c-il-Il o! an aunce (o te tallon. but large 00 a palatabie feed taun oeetitaIitifers. eprîngers, tour Hoîstein heifer loa tAvnrasualru tenure aboutitdlha atered vit a solution lu l ir o, LierileTo.1re hot.cerofortlon o!Eanfobal! au ounce ute- C.àherLbryilo Ws pooto foehl noneo uil, 2 years oid. STATE 0F' ILLINOIS, COUNTY îOF Wlmngtau. (lraysiake. c-7tf nItrate taOie gallon. ÂpplY about To The Mllk Producers! 1ýK, s every ton day.. Suotansudait are senLA erge I.Wasnnoo h t MONEY TO LOAN-4Ou iutpnoved real flood. Al meem et lifthe tilt Producers oGeg ldastna' eshttm nIai..J. fi GatuLr, Ilrsî NaIonalAss@oiation viiilibe lutereneitouthear Z Barley, Qats, Alfalfa, etc. it o nicesry liavlbvigt Baît. 120-f ttatElmr J Felov, pesieulut ite 100 busideosoftbariey, 400 bumbeis oft iled vîit the ilrk tof liteCouuly Court --------Pater Rlsky. organrizatlou. vl notlie a candidat@ for witle Daté. 15 touséoftÉune AllitainlaoetLako County,. lilinois, Spt!in le Bo- FOR RENT-Good cleainciota touas. i îven taI ilisse au agiilonts ilen It maires a full, udt W. 13. Applop, Auctianeer. C-8-4l Tite mnuWho alwayor doses his aies re-eleclleu sud tiat a Lake Ceuuity man itarn,.oee taclu ut timoîiy gray. bwo ragainrt a blacku geiding, titres yeisre old, drtai - oufdkvdylunîiréa. -------_____________ __gon te uuightly tifgs ln I1110IlUle beiug iuggeated for hieÇpoilti. slacks ot cern stalks cut bleon frost. owned liv George B. Watsiou, fonrlte ethePi .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. . . apt in lip up on a banan pool Cient 0. Sutaîl, vice preiduet olte entai ef $204 00 for keeping, yardiug. lis pility and qualfty + WANTED + '- association sud citairmasuof Lake nomeg pstdis udi'srin îi __________i it nu ltdfo ie lc.+em o aegeling lu November 27, 1918. Me.O-Ja Idserieut . . .. . .. . . . . .euîty l h a ltdfrtepae iso aeAnd voen are turtitor uotiii-dirit1 I b wANEO O p't-hoc cou as resbyterian Services CAilt Sutal lias1prandbloudouemure ton tvir hall golf outdlgeldiug aI public sustion M liTOT U--gokctte dairp fariner ofthIis district Ihan Ai ose 1 u necs; te te Iigitos sud tent bidden for cash, autountufsar Liberty ville: NNE. Otter&. 10:30 a. tm. moriug wonsitip. ayobrmn n li eaiyrépn i ht a îint at-redit of une year wil te ou Saîurday, lits 20t day o eIeeuter. Ils Pd@@s M"s, » ! Pinoi 278W1. c-1O-b! 11:45 a. ut. Bible Scitool. ayoie ns u sl raiyepu i ngo pr-i otsbairî.D 93 a h oro n 'lck--b ule le 6:45 p. u. CitiîaitEndaose rcse i o lt i.soigbeu oelvgvntugoo tepiNprop oe. yto eaiiP. . Ba1918, ttainsteaures te m'lcesiQat k. WANTED-Ex.perieuced book-keeP@n. 7:30 p. nm. eveuîug voniip. te Milk Producer' Asociation. Hoe arcu idelN poel!lt p. nim rvlau ing stvle o L alle centssi Inqure.t Independent oflice. If Vistors siways weicome. tire iht m"ufur tse place sud deserve remesdiiîlstldir Couuly,lIlilueis t enfoncesaid lieu adsu d tAeei 3 ______________________H. M. ALBUR'T. Pastor. lt nuiosspote iemmin.claint ut $204.00, toelter seit theitsW _______the_____ rosI sudst-arges efeutoring îai lien. AUDUCELE DUOS. woN vED-t iota neewrui esnor mi a unneChrh Itlaleup ta)te Lake couuly dairy mou te sted tiis251h day et November, fris rnmagie pour back yards sud St. LueneEpýcopaI Cur s fes litICisin dial laelected president JI0 113lAI IMaon purfront yards a tbiug ot pleasurs. 1ev. EDWÀaR S. WsîTgC, Pester aI itse roming siection. < ONo.2De.51 Profit ad itoauby. a jop for yeas 0 ortng Prayen 10:80 a. Mi. ____ ~ i OEe W ~ J_______ coins. 0.0. F. ROiterts. te Treeman, Suuday sciool 11:30 a. n. Libortyvillelit11. C-9-2 Viitors are always sesîcome. Lake's big veekil-141)EPENDEN'l A. 8.Powers, Clark. PROPRIETOR Tite lndependnt-$1 50 per ven. Jesse S. H-ytt. Mertie C. Hysît. Charles R. Galioway. Stepiten Taylor. Benjamin H. Miller. iting ail of the Directors of said Com- Bt-n. H-. Miller, Attorney. C-Nov 14, 21. 2tt. 1 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. motta-from 1, o 83and 6ia8 p. m ibertyville. Ililuots. DR. 0, F. BUTTERIRD. VETERINABY SURGEON. .aeiTAWrS@TATV vUBI5Al. LibenlyvIlle.Ilio. ~Telenihoe 1 ta-àIat Seller r.repared bhmu lum-lse e t-ni. et- tego roue wort. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Ejmvood Av"., Wauksg.s.l Misi -S« mmebdor~mikisàe "o»date DR. r_ V. SMITHU GENERAL PRACTICE douns o le .M. àIgo 4 a a Po5. h Offce oveîi yluntclDe Oe. SPEOIAL AITTNTIOII TO TEE R"Z LISERTYVILLE, ILLEtIOi DU. L L TAYLOR office in FIrmNai ko.a M"DsskNilles nêUu-11%08:8,Juil"d8P. M cosew -M iiusl. ophb Pu DIL GOLDWG gours 8fio 12a.u,-l te p. Office Pboa.2»4. LI àKi ioa.1574. DL. &.IL CHUDCiRL hpcan ud *urge"s O0004e ver Decer s SouS'. IMta i, HoursaO$l 0A. M. 1 oeu &np. sttela 15ntlon su Ilie, lau. 1nom0 Md5Tbt5 GLASSES-PROPERLY FITTED DR, EL FL SMTH OE!4TIOT. 3VEE LAIS cOUXvY SATIONAL SaNS. uui-8 tc 1 ab. m. aad 1 toi . p , PUBLIC AUCTIONEERffl~ Cloueet attention paid b araté sncliou ae sdbetro aol ~ iag Ranie. Ail kiodo of1liorme,waosa- harmsfor mais or exchaffi at @Altlmui, HENRY SMN Piton.. lu8or«8 ZONmI, E.L, J.M. REDDIN§91 D.V.E VETERINARY SURGEON Graduai. Chicago V" .Coliw Office ai Reaidence. 779 Gr&"d Ave. Phono 1186&W. IFR!D GRABSE. )R.1 EXPERIENOED AUCTIONEES U.w Stock &Md Fu. Sale-& Spuhi>r.. Fer RufeesesCom»Ont ad.Hmra, . DR. VICTOR C. HOU#M OSTEOPATMIC PHYSICSAN 215 Madison St, Wanuen Ge elepss one M& ton of. Mi-

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