Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Dec 1913, p. 6

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PI >1 rtght tathe (10w- ofthle MauaMost the.protel tee, lae 0,» muahoiagises w&sxal u1 , a agaluat il the. worlds previcus mis& teslut#*, tretaient ofthle éAJhIl&5 f!9V Md dlspemee free#Y aail tb. udslce ystêle.. v IUIUIAR D~5I~tb~woiEbus ta gila 0l0ibprouer otlaim g - daTeof thIbm(an H4 la 8theiC .0<1m. mleal 941 fcaino« PJiga Pare Ont.) ai £5tUing e Wgres, a gaSgUee, lit- ta rein I erall>'.Ilnihe of.aI$h. vorldi, a nsec.thl kme IL Thmr.le sn muci ick or eutlre. ond irgia ta thetiller or the. salI. lug th sol ii «ausew mw it tMoremeaus A toth l ciency of the . faimln-b>' bUL, il %Umb« hotaiesta revive l and miepro=eiUt*vok as péromilied b>' Lh. diisDm' Itpooslf.te, culdtivate agata. 'mil doctor." Ibere«nco n o reamoaP the mail S. Tbe vastetul metbode of terin-able doubt. Tt Vus oc ,'In svone la oMet remby-'. vilchthc Je"ntiLoyd 305, the. famous liaIthtita, *oë Ii ïM,0It Aý tortilieatg'l3- pator of AliS 0118 ciurcb la Cilaiago, ofaIml .a eos IroeE. 4emuad, th ad. reient!>' pot the viole mater et tarnte e siàu mi ,etreàedîemý.19 ilhxorovomest wôrk btai, ihe publicej nout te, tie.iî l utatu a nnta t l aI m lbe e lbed as efI " thl*tu;l ier4a.o t ocA l lUgtt" the ma ai 19. T4? o uSOill, he&ltb.iupdver-!mie ottddthat Lie wbrfd-need Dey- a mm Vwt $le" den" t th le cilles gruduaily er mudder ut tii. on-time truti <*t tolad e flbmt betiniegl luidvuard if thie tlhe asertion Of the ecaDomlest Ml- J&ailthelai *Wuo*at pi le race là. in bo pre- Lin-liaI the ratio of lure.., or aI the 400 «"d.the, vOrd's POPulat$on wýs fer Io ex. liaee daj A-the tinoteworth>' tact of thlm C58 aotthLe ratio of lncrease or the Itiie'UaéO tara lauprosement movemeut la tirut;food iu0pl>'-because modern sclen- eci*1. und lis leugl sud bresdtii are Dt CO Unet lcfarmlng methodx, bnluggt a. trotieai 8us t Li Ulte Sate bt eav reased Ylelds and guardlug aganat TodayW tha saven meu untIl lu practlcally ev. crop fallures. voe a direct gurante. lamer vr qrg coutrv.Iln h ie lsmed vorld the tbat lier, always would be food boted col »"i cry in oue of land bungr. Of enougb for ail. In otber words, the baud,. vii lend Improsement. soi expert bas made ijuposebl for- Obtalniug Thift, under liese conditions, the everlte ugiy lmplied tiireat ID the liat viii i 4c000*nding Importance toda>' of the "law Of Mathus" tint a lime mlghl maklng del cmii expert leesul>' W bho seen. Ho; corne wben tbe growlag world would aie bua, W ' agire ecornblaed product of th bhoforced tu go bungry &4@ ,lIaally whviom ih 'tàqusitI experment and î*actlcal!starve to extermination af Ile s malutalt _"iicon of tiie greateat mind. of bordes. thée "Mm on lthe farmlng problem PTh,'fariner probably la the iletnt fludescu Ix ii»dno humor vab" f t6 'Ift ýhit lv,wrap, ~ hi. siapper, put on a few Xx. ulsah mmXmi. "- dmlo a prmty git c3d, an&d atwac a ancy4s, or ' p.s lbeL It is ut te do-tii.prctice il growing yuar by5 y..>. Boides, it a"d a lot ip the. ebbtnot Perhaps you have priced t-ii fncy fixigu" und found th=x miv.. If not, price thtm now. Theh you'll appreçiate thie libeéa1 offe.' -u -j j Fsudy iL. M i lsvui=& I limpTi. ~ U*m4Tip -3 j ~ -4 ic GOi beLpeuh dsdndy eminedaidoecre, bautfuU enba.ed n facwhite stock aidmIfll I cauouva on.ei~ asuit>' ase eu.>'ws~tsudlai. eeughfor tdc whoe farnil>'. Thlis ,226sPiece Assor4ment Free' We ai udta reitie every want of our inuders in tii. feemcnîm-to maki complte uni Of tbe but qai.W. bave gises a great deal of thought tesa balinced suricty, en induulingXvau 1o9 Cwde, m dit yau =yay 'nanuber" dtho te ianiou vi snet oud gift. It ih wth gsuu deoubet Pm voffer tiis mgactotaour nmdenrlca1erug dut mot aul>'tIc quminlaittb N O MMuto Tii... Two Pb.i II wW.élIsw Ooemam "fruno, -d - e &bîmuedisi lllîîI-hMd l *nt r«alm tir ý X M AultMcraP8Vas T imies on au êeut ion~p nlal iuto6ti 4ula~ Iord uS. apk um um me raise. te e NSr *miu çNet vwadM* tu, ii. à=Idm iSe t.% d e »tW héd, bei astu eda tb8tu, etues et te. 11.»à, là 'salai 'mhi eaut bien l &itluer istele tIcw'me OleO ertt ,athderened rqdoa ti sienc tgr, tIi Spr4t ees.o artivsoe nic spiet bas avoite and l riin tu bg veutb> .. t menad&-tM trmmaln Un (Itttblim PizzaPage Ouie.) tqI Or-à&= ié bad »toua 0? 1e ~eiltylu bld atono. "'OUi *081 lthe ta"&" q 0 b b 30 Î ýîàý t.Graha0118110 Grhmailaked If any or the otierst boid beau lier, a+rnote bail, viere UPOU Tmllffera id: "Weil1, boter tell uc nOvWviiat YOU yl/do." i ,wbich Grahamn eplled, '5Perbaps iras lust a. yl uet la Bay it DOW.- The ftcth Ler"are luit tu* causes for thp ýoardIq action. Onq, saared b>' mnat of the menibers la control -of Liiboard. 10 take a cruk ut me becauzee la the campulgu et N'oseuber, 1912,' on my campaJgn carde, oo. o! ich 1 enclose, 1 argued for the. abolition of the, hourd by thei leglature »ud thie ubstitution of a> tax commission ofthLree.orai le mue bers to lb, aPJented b>' the.goyeruor us lu IMWlse a nad MiuaesoMW~ aloidlng to athothle Progroesudma thé Deffl" ttIte plattorme 1lu Guer paw.en. bai recommeni- 01t4i legt&*te. the abolIton aor the board, pieocely ai Goy. Dunne hins dons. 'ie othier cause va. a de, .ire on Lie part of manr dovu-#tate membkars, l ii.bright et Adamm cOuntYý Quincy. Ill.. aud Watson o Moutri. county, Arthur, litI, t give vent to thir désirs jo raiubthei.val- ueas huig as they dared, an tie T«Mec tarin londs of the weslthy men ovu.bdd txig arge.aute a ' oud Laké .Theirdesire could not bave been directed againât Graham and Mnr en urtiier argument te, thein. it because of Lielr sotlag lu lhe legimia- nlould ho kno'wr. tha no lu r-ase on ture for the abolition of the board; oerwlse ie hy muet base attaclced any county iu the state except Lake .he cautieo of coune elghy7 members vii On Lie commlttee's report. At f Lha Mous. of RepreeenUttlsn Iio thé, meeting of Lie -board Lie nxit votd laior Lebo@War'*4b*,tIau,*long week, and. vitiout gislag ans Intier ha raham and Munro. This would oprýiytapa eoete h. abegurd. TTii esusI1 5e abose the committea handed la Il. rewbL aithe.true reaimsa"ndhie logcal Linfutiluop ordne- ressonts. To C40 Maua 1gis. crédit1thnout lopnbad er ,fOr elncertY-Mr., Aciieman, of El- Ing. gin. He as¶neiber of lhe laad'a Tii. mies permit .conslderatlou ma" oaUumittee. made. Lie motion la 50m- amndmentlua oen board meeting an, moitte. for Lie 80 per cent lucre... report. of thre, co"mLueL~m and a hot speech la open board meel. Perzlminv rperly.PEnn sd 1, lug, Thureda>', Nov. 20, fot, the adop,, lots,- lai forty-elgit boure bercJn tti of the commttee's report. Me tag referred te the Generai IS9"Utb- Wiin Dot den>' Ibis. Me la a depuit- tins commiti. 1 mosedsan eld- meut store o4ner andad1510no anu.,meut ta lhe report ho change the a&- facturer of Elgin. Put Lt ni> ho hlm sessment lucre... ou -Lake cout. sud mee. He. howver, la oppomed w tram 30 wo 10 per cent. *HlrubebueS' the board's abolition, contrai>', boy. balei Li 01>' piomacy ta second the -e4r, ta bi, part>". (Lie Progrese) motion and later sote agaiast IL Mr. platform, and lb, f. chairmn ofaf t isbiiemer bai heem a veli kuovu spécili êcqUnttee appoluted On lis mombe, of tiI.ahboard for ni otion, vblciib a report oser sîxteen yemr. iHe inoksbi signed bY ail Lie Cmb. ofaithe coin- garne. Crawford, Demacratlc 4chIr.l £ÉlitIes, tbree Democrte sua tvo Pro- man of Landi coarmittee, mosed sUa- [gresases to recommeud ta the logi. pension of tLie ruies and tiat bis re- lature et is next session a bill glslng port go vithout discussion. to Lie to the Preseut Board of Uquullzatlon GoeraI Equallzallon, committee. He Lie samne poers proposed lu lhe bih maiE that, be (11(1 ual 1ke to base bis et the lant session ta b. given ta tiié report tarn tb pleces lu open bourd propomed lai commission,, lii report meetlug. of Democrat and Progisisle muni. Turnlug tw hlm I tiireatened more bers being co4trry 10 bollI Lie Dem- active pubUicit>' for lie methodes09 Qcrat lc and ?rotresslse Stat, plat- the* board, lse bail raies, and the fre- torms, on oue, of vilci the goseruor quent suspension 0f Ils -bteter uids vas electedad on ioç fh of lcb ie heMr. qmawtord vlîudrev Isemotion. ,Prefent Démiocratic aàdd lrogreoulce Me 1liau timoteanai>'of MIiielmier members af thi eie sîatmver. eocL. lu bourd aftsiri. .1 peMent Demoratio sud Progrepabfe WiLi a>' motion pendlug. Mr. ActI- igmber, aI tic »igr, xpt Weberî asa amenber 0f the Lundà conI- aad rni'sl a"e 1-saint heov 0" alêlce aex .taseech, "Y'"m pari Y Piattarmenia osha palnof abo. b. Iibai atdthiLe 80 par cent lIn- litio». W»? .loiiel t ) om~mmd bsd ma. Lh. motion la iMPGRTANT Ou1'AlLIo B)0TTI-J comusitte. sir. Ateaauk'lu 1trom »"T Da. Ueau.omty, aud a Progre- The tolovlug are lzngOit fefa ise. lSe bellevsou. idd rlgbt., lu Lhe case: . Ir. I'lâerdsj made. aiotier speoci On tNby. 4, ahé-b. ecil'meeting loi Lie 80 Per oeut Incits..- m ie of Lhe 'St t up a m .liaI.o 'rgrBov, t)a b"hal.-- oua ei. Crawford ofai Kl o U »IÏ bo110* i o iwy.urnt'. Witti flqry peeches gomer>' count>', rew gcnIui e2sfrm 15)nic±,hu Mbgt cmgneesspulflbuf cf, csiernia orci o?'Mta outy, tlreaua dc- thé canoitt« M on U ulstio% o« miaE ta base biscOeunt>' assesment lands iusItie me t. 100k Btble pro,, on 115. m setlu by lie côni' paredl tentative report et Lhe commit-1cerltdecreaaed j IA»eleOOU Won a tes. 1 ar nouaa er 09 aitlat lu- am lar.5es 80 goml Per cent, iu>' mi- lits. I fou»4.t .7ladb", adL Ion- vue fiet. couutY*oa assemeat on s1ustion, of Tic Démoaste 1foUeved Mirebeim- acreuge-Imnds, by 8ê per cent. e tomdses smsd Ciuwrds es derslll, lhe the oimmîte. 1 tic5igb Upeitcent çth r Praires iaTlera msd lucreamle oser lie s aemo tufires à sàa's. Vyab0r va<Tic taa mucii but liat as idbHumi coun- folloving weàek, Nov. 20, I'requ.pted t>' aud other naelgbollg outie-l. enru qual*stiuu ommttée vers assessei on Lie average orf$88 le maie tié alteération preçeutlug estl sud $16 ver acre and Laté 881,thbat futr argumbeit, telil t hem Mt. là: e-LuE aI of cseed total lra&a- Cr*wford iad consetd ta the tlIonaseraxe perramis-(vilc ma, chance, a1asiad eserai oer Derno. lemeuitotal Inlu In thé a"ti. « aulerau. Mr. ma"%êg, Piograme.Obair-. aseamars neyer the ý o itis aine), JmmsOf Ibis pomùlttt, vas absent Ihougit Il vuld lb, ilgitte 0maie su front the ie t a v~ slum vista lure... If 10 O is i u t itbut Satm r lfjie iqiselaof0>a train lm. M011110. 1O roé Mo rtiO four uaiat' tii h ange»"-u fr- crut!.- -Crawford, aiauih. tld me he bai Do objection ta lie change.,vas o11> and uiroe ugih o sa y > fotra lieanetui t eemi Blpm1buimLln ithé niMuberM *MdIfi., gMed týn, lic obuaie io ougit la Itellie ommit. tee& Tbey are a ure*d 'mbei.1 lu hourd meeting toliovtmg, bigt tam.Es>y, ir. Weber and 1 loti yot- ed ugalust j0he reportse. of R&Uroad eàmlittee. Capital Stock caunittee, andti 1,m' tI nscommntto., Lie latter sa. ieturned ftom Lie Generai âugial- mauon committe. ý. 'li. Wbeî 0o: poséd the. report lanepeciee iotb lu Ueneral Uqulliolicamitee andl lu ceeu, bowsdinémeting, a. of course DU treniember h. lasers the sbcIi- lion a4 i do and the lob.boldort re. sent iIt XariT. Nlslttigaie. Zethe Bout' Koney Gan 3 Pur czs*teaUemi m.rctiugqugiw se ir'cvcn'var biepmIuhelr.fneege eterce. Ws imbu cenui. leus mii ecufusmeele Si geet suiilstlti gai c ; h a r4,, - 1' hahked Mtt O.r ai IL la imova thé e* av vpela *il. ceptlb o la )uia3rlt tbe aSclu itsegqie plainmmtiatcie long, ftishclOnt semléoie alorhwon0 li people anE liaI vas viat caused of- de" sI ane tUme mao teaput lie 114 su lie Sundeg saloon, cliag lieu an smp tasit.,Tic>' lave beed goe *ver gtuc.on Samday and =oàlr hase-..pad deuil>' for %allure ta ec Wisistau, N bs outéaies, 4A. caaidon %Wrous ua"e ta ýb* cou. irSulcE »1ttplml u ti lii. nelg -*li -boxst àt ibse mlta-- WbMi il vin ic délileres oe MHzli or tàce-. Tieanouncmeat vas inade toovwins licrecelpt of a- requeit train lie de<irtnieulof pub- lic Instruction of Wisconsin. wvils kurnibsioubos sud perloidcals to ceci acicels. ~C M 1~1ET'r Thp Best and Cheapeet Plac-e for Méats, P>oultry, Oame, Fish and Sheli Flsh Vegetables and Fruits W.eýJ. MUNDEE, PROPO 4/W and, SMND YOU1 PRUTING I ORDER TO liguer. Du FOR &^Ai ba:n cFas, ILi Phase 801- FOR BAL Iffi auto base tiior go0oudîl FOR BAm eIdp on mi Ua.Add ,FOR SALI vont for pioce 2151 pi Jisum Il olim Wad Or BAIL. do 4msar S~l AI iesont -h i. lu' FO* BAL ffl Win lbetyvll FOR BAI luelir FOR BAL III.. B..o FOR SA go.4 col] F9 A eme, muéj Niciela Leter IN LAKkI COU-NTY 'Better Than S ýpanin ipmung vili fsot cure ebidrea 0f vmttlng the bcd. e lje <s ot a MhuI bunt a daogerous dlueme TI». . .RowunDrue Co.,Det.10,Clcg s: baye dieuuvered a stricti>'beanie remsdy for ti. dftremugng em'ugl mate known I nte itétey wlm und a 50o puckaglmoarl 'vrappcd upnul Abealuitel>' fr.. to s> adey ~Tii. IiippnuP . , Tbf@.-47 h.dy i n. froquent detre tau rluate sd uii>ty to contrai urine drvlsg li. ulg%,* da>'je *Id0 or low. Tb*. CAH.L Bve. DPmCo. han 014 Bab" BueHo.; write * b Mm toda>' for tbh mires .dld-.08uretbeiiuhleed aebuem of our Wfaiy, lIeu-W 70 iulgiboi. sd ffnde &bout tf.rmudi.

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