Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Dec 1913, p. 12

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"Theb Lake County superViBors made no mlstakO-lu ou. tii. sou immovemen eet to the extent appropriatlflg $2,000 toward maklng permanent the. of einploying an officiai "8oil ex ert. " it ins fot the b1ifflWiiiiflc s 8cssary Ucomfrom thiecoumly -Wso the moral effect tiiêandorsement of the. boqld n1swltii it wiiicii counts, even more than the money, A sii aown clearly and forcefunin uthe, fat that Otiier Ssourcs in the.county have àgreed tW rais. $8000 eaCii yer' in addition to the board's *2,000. In short, if otiiurs canl mana wfllng t raine $8,000, surely the. couuty board can gfrdto nÏdorse it tiih extent of ralslng $2,000. Tiiat's *9 athte board memibers tiiougiit about lt-and tiiey tlougit rigiit. W. blieve the. movement will ii.lp Lake oltyfarmn much and believe that Paul »CacGuffin'sud Uum uel l of I£bertyvifle, wiio fatiiered the, movement *d4 wbo bave spent Urne and money in ,ncouraglng it, are extltied Wo everlastlng credit froin the farmers of Lake Oounty for wbat tiiey have done. Now it's up Wo the farm- ens W show ther appreciation of what the. county board and~ thèse mon bave dons, b y Ptllilng al the. assistance * e p rs i wal ll e lliW gv i. It bas work- about the proper proportion, ased on the relative import- ance of the. two cities. At the. opening meeting of thie Kano Couuty board of supervisors Monday in Elgin, Supervmsor Ilolister intro- duced a resolution ordering that ail pri sonoe, soi ving -cçuuty jail sentences be einployed lu building county liigii- ftt e n a o s b e u d r ti . d r c i n o i , county i i a i ptter, why not take au action smlrWKn ony ný_b ot provkle for the. .mployment of ja.ll prisoners on ron improvement lu tbe county of Lake? Everyone kuows ttthe avèPag.imu s bttr off doug work of soune sort lta anguisiin l a jail'and feeding ou the. county. Tiien *iocounty gets absolutely notlung out of him- the. satisfaction of imprisoning him, whichi l =profitable. There is no logical or busuuess-llke for prisoners not doing something for their board. méét cases tiiey would prefer W b. busy-in ail cases *ould be. more buAau-.lke for a county or a city Wo get intu rti for thie board wblcii many a man, in terupeis~lyseeks to get off a corporation. And, if Ooutty uan provide for empioyment of such people, -not Imsa? Now, viien the new road's-aperintendent c44seuil thé mot opportune tllne of ail W tale mat . Ufet oDAudeation. W. believe that méin- eftItheboard would recelve a formai. proposition of SOit i interest and woild b. glad to aid lu worklug wbat is recognised as a salvation and betterunent of sditon of mon wbso are sent to jail and wiio really, be- 1 1 thi have, offended the law, are privileged of getting ?RI3SERVINfi THEFE TILITY' 0F SOILS . DY DONALD BLAIR ration of f ood niateriais for te eu-' (LsieCounty soli Expert-) ceediug crops. lu reality tien, the ,Mo foundaion of te matertal ý,oll ta sort of a factory oontailng a alt et lita eonty e thoroughly large amtount of unsolutble food mater- Mlsdept on tie productive eapaclty iai,w1,ici, by means of the fermenta- lite sai, and under favorable cli- tion, clienical action resulting troni *tlc codttlono, tuer. ara hree prin- plant grawtlî and cultivablor graduai- tSIodu o! controillngtile pro- ty unnocks te fertiiizing lements ll5.vIIY. Tiese are. firel, cultivation coniaiiied and aliowe lhe plant ta têtudlng drainage; second, rotation of! iae use of them. We muet know ropd; and, third, fertilisation. cul- thon that certain elemonts muet bo ý%tIa and rotation are la the iands constantly supplied to take the. place 9 te fariner blmeet!f; rertilizing m a Ofthoe used and bits lu short le the nUs. bowever. have ta hc pecured reason for lbe demand for rock pios- OOIalY framn otaide lie farni, suci pliai., lime. minierais, etc., on mauy 9 MUrlate o! poash, andi rock ples- long cuivated colis. bel The.mater of nutrition Iw fi lalefoolisi, for Dus tabuy tertiliz- s*ecure train lie grOwng Of tOeres without a knovîotige of our aeed. Ï1184. Suci as claversa nd alfalf. Further, wtiiout a knowledge of tiie '»q iaeleeq 1 adtise a lnerai kînti exact contenta of the fertiliser, wieth. t- ' tmtM r for ail coudilIn@ for Jut er hey wili supply our neetis or ual. e,0 much teis Io people are dîffer- W. mat, apply a certain fertiliser lu 11 »ePtL i se mucb vili Ibeir tarinsvicth le landi la aiready very slroag. «OINrant trealment. and negect ta suPPlyne element that '~bobeela recuits o! ferlîizers aur plant lite i1. nrgently ln neeti of 10 li e h npply Of Plant food s4imPiY tirough lack of a knowîetige >'» MU lnl a mare soluble or avai- of tie eistIng cottdWonB. b4 es mth»a la tound ln sotie ot lo lit 1g caeraily found that corn ta 06OOUle CapacltY.- rixe naural snp- partlculariy ,eponsive ta lphosphates, W i nMiaerl plat fooda cames fre- cereal crops, sncb as oats sud viont Mwar o' ro thie solution of lie min- te ntrates, which, as Io staleti ha- 4eeoelte la the soli. Tii. oie. fore, Ielsecure f romt lie growtng of A nalOCiet and niade avait- ciovere and altaîtas; grasses andi cîov- ~8rPist absorpton, but. con- rs are reeponsive ta phospiiortec aed .. f mch cutvatd crOps andi potaah; potatces to polasi. oea. on lie 'came sBi aft«e fyer recuits la a gratinaI Mrs. Margaret Meille, mother of Ofthle natural mindral le" GO. M. Melville andi formerly a resl- to"d.&and for titis reason Il dent Ift lii. cly, dled ti I er homo lu 4Mw- nPOce 'etslde sources to LOnisvllle, Ky., ou Sunday atternoon. -ii tbe IYjTiie romains vilI ho brougit te Rus. 00D0tcaft cultivablan of lhe spll. BL. for internent andi funeral M «Vegetable mater la ima- services yl b. helti frann lie Bapliat Fermentation takeg church there al 9 O'clock Tneadtay PWdttla Ile rapiti for- moring.-4eaOshaNews. It did net take the. jury of twelve men very long to docide Wednesday èyonlug that Henry Wlliama of Uàb- ertyvillo was neot guilty of assaultlng MiessFlorence Scheler, for, on the. sec- ond ballot, a verdict of acquittai was reached. The. firet ballot stood 10 to 2 for acquittai. The second Wau unaDimous. Ai along Williams b.d contended ttÂt It was a triimpod up charge agalnst hlm, bis character and other wlt.nesses Provlng that on the day the alleged assauît was claimed te have. taken plame It wa5 Tory muddy and b. had heen worklng on an auto ail day. lie deductlon heiug that ho would not choos. a day of that sort te tàkce Mies Scheler out auto rldlng to jeach hor bow to run tiie auto. Williams, followlng the verdict, re- turned at once ta hie homo ln Lit- ertyvîlle wbere h. resumed bis pont- lion at the Quentin garage. Bad Wil- liams been found gulty. It would have meant a prison ter mat Jollet. l-owevor. thoso who heard the evl- dence. dld not look for a conviction, and wble ordinarily lhe complating witness In such an action bas the sym- pathy lu euch a case. ln this ont,, hi was different. the s5ynypathy of the. opectators and Oulide attorneys ,emred to be with tiie defendant. The case of Florence Schler againet Henry Williams,. both ot Luertyville, got undor way Tuesday morning when theý state prosented ls evidence, Mise Schler heluL, of course, the mut Im- portant witness. Sh. detailed the. ai- ieged assault whIch se.canImp Wil- Ilim made on lier near St. Mary'a Academy asat year; told ef net lu- formlng ber parente of lhe affair until long afterward, atter she bad cou- vluded cie wae in a serioug condition. The child was boru July 15, last. Mis Schieler admitled WililfLms, as an employe of lie garage at Liberty- ville. drove lhe Scheler autp trequent- )y and that il was durlng a trip liat% site vas attacked. John Pope appeared for Williamis, Messrs. Dadly and Run- yard for the tate. Williams made a flet dental oft he charges made agaînet hlm, -declaring1 il le a frameup aud the. effort of the defense was te try and vrove that the. young woman had froquently been out wth other men oft ho town. The case le one of thase whcre tibis palier cannt se., fit 10 Print details altiouph the. court room was filîed wlth men anid even women moal of ,the Urne. Tii. defeuse. lu coclng lil case, put a number of mon vituesses. who tes- tllied as te Wiliams' character prior te Oct. 12, 1912. Among the men Who teslhhled were:' F. M. Just, Paul Mac- GufaIa, George Quentin, Bon "Miller, W. B. Mller, John Ayres, James Browa. Adam Titus. 'JACK' RAY14OND IS LYIN6 VIRY, LOW Former Superviser "Jack"~ Ray. mond, of Wauconda. hnshaud of on. of the. defendant lluiihereceit rail case, was stricken Suuday wili s stroke of what ia believed to ho pa- ralysie, ai his home lu the village, He now lies lua aPercarions Bate and hopes for hi. recovery are slight. Mr. Rayimond ie said to he sufer. i,îg with hardening of!tho arterlos. Ho ie one o!lihe et kuowuresîdeats of western lake couaty and servod for yoars as supervIsor tram Wan. couda. Mr. Raymond was not lu tie court room durlng tho trial of hie wife lant week. -He appeared tiec fret day witi other hushande of lhe defeu,è aon, but afler thaI wss not seen ln town. FJFTY YEARS MiO Wankegau. December 10. liNfty years ago today James Bien- cliard and Sarah Benuet er. mar- rled lu Woodstock, McHenry county. After their marrage, they came. to Waukogcn and tarted living ou the J4lsal tarin north of Wankegan clty limite, lu the Iocaltty known as Bia. chard'a corner. They have ived thore over smo.e and today they jâfàed« *lth thelr fam- ly lu coiebratlng thbsr golden wed- ding anlversary 1>7 holding a tamily reunion at noon, and lni the afternoon they voro tiie enter of an lterested Part' cf gueste who called bo con- gratulate themn on iiavlng attainod the. mloestone which every wedded oduplo looka torward to-fitty yeara of nal-red 1Ifle. Mr. Blanchard ljr the roed commis. slouer o!fIti< town Of Waukepn Mr. Blanchar-d 'là 78years 014. )bis WIe la 70. Both are Ia fair flthh M.Blanchard la a brotherof Mus. J. J. taford and Athur Elsab&M, of Waukefaa. You have sgpent &A ot of tipieè trying to decide .wh4t 15 best to buy... -We are here to. help you wlth our 20 years experlencéeand we know you will Vagree wlth ail -Who have visi1ted our store that Its the finest and auost çom. piete disgi1ay we have, ever made ad that It wili help make. your Christ- - mas hoppng"esiep We stow great quantities of tlandkerchlefs ln beautiful Christmas boxes-,- S11k, Linen and- initial, prices 5c to $1.50.1 Tics galure froni 25c tu $1.506 Beautiful Sweater Coat. a"~d Bath Robes for botb Men and Ladies. "Kup. penhelmer Suits and 9vercoets, (iloves and Shirts- of ail kinds, Malts end Caps. We show a very fine Near Seat Cap at $6.00. F. C. SeideliB Co ieih.ylr lUs4107 Neri teeueChk SensîGif $798 $12.50 AT BARGAIN PRICES W'e re(-eive<l lv express this mîorîîiîg sixty-eight co&ts that we had boîîglt direet frornthe mnîufaetîîrer at a great sacrifive. This lot includes $OIlle Ofl the seasoîl s vvtiT est styles, ini l,,tl plain and kiînona sleeve; msfln flled; inî boucle, ehiiîîcliillat, Astrakan, and miixturies; ail sizeq. The best $15.00) c tnt evel. otfered, for .toilflolow oni.................. ................. 'Wve have ai,ut 125 of tt-(s,.( oats lt-lt; valîîes 111) o $20.00 tlîat are$125 going rapid lY a . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Children's Goats-fii Ibla,-k anîd colors- a wi(le range of styles anîd iaterials to s4eeet froîn; ail sizes to 14 veal iiaîes 111 t- $5.0, fortoioîoîow Boy'si and Glrl'a Ohluciiula Coats-i gray ar hlité, velvet eoliar; flaîînel and seîi-ge linî 1l Our~ $7.00 valuies . . . . . .. . . . . 3.98 White Bilk Shirt Waists-Maîde very plain, low vollar; very fine qualitv- ail sizes-regular $3.00 seBers at ... $1., Baby Carrnage Robes-A fine qîiality furî and satin lined; otîr $5.0 sçýllers, at ..................... V(8 A Big Sale et Hulil For toimolTioWwc place on sale over 200 fine Muffs; in Mlark or hrowvn; good, large size, full satin lined; a $25 Muf r for ofie hour, at, Il1069 Our *Offl Mliii nt $29 Our $7.50 Mqltý at OIL00 Our Si 2.50 mis at $10 ,3peciaIs for Neitt Week Checker Flannel Night gowns -Heavy weight; olîr $1.15 flleo, at ......- 7c 'Wasts-Oî flanîîel, lawn anîd fine .ling-rie effects; îîativ high prloed waists iii the lot; some s1i htly miussed; in al sîzes; or 1tornorrow ~~ at.............4 L Shoe Polish-We offer anîy of our 10e shuoe polish for differerit leathers a t on ly.. JL Dainty Tua Aprons-Of sheex- lâwns, w'ith colored embroider- ed effeets; 25e values, O at .................. o Petticat-In black and col- ors,; of fine uality silk sateen; a $1.00 value,. priced 59C at........... :....... Boy'sa and Girl's Siioe-In gun- Mueta, or buttoir'; a strorng, good wearijng shoes, worth $2 13 for............... Get Gold Coupons FU] Lengtii launelette Ki- monas-New and handsQîpe patternis, ail sizes, $1.00 7'91 values, at ......9 Heavy Elderdown Kimonas- Beautiful patterns, satin and eord trirnied; ail sîzes; a e-.50 value, at ... 9 Breakast Caps-In dainty lace. effeets, ith rib-9. bon, at.........2 c Ladies Drees Show-In patent, gu*-metal or velvet; the new toe; a d-easy y'hod worth $4.8 for tounorrow, at - .... .Get Gold Coupons v - vol idIa t,.t do fil yea- rien te b for 42 y Md Coi - cri c at toi ta Tel th. .M4i ro 00 to ai Special for next week WOmen's Heavy Knitted Wool Lined Hood-Satini lifle(, ini hIa4k, red, tan and gray, oui' $1.50) une for next week

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