By T.F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent à dolla entirtalinsunt for thirty and -'lsfl ote et the War Concert ta b. ivu t ithe LibertyvilIs Auditorium on PkliiF vens f thie week. Do't a. L. Bordick wua B hîcga visitor 01 lait w.ok. ,.,;" P. C. Sbaddl. Wu.a vistBtthe Hlphiad Park Higb Achool leit Thur*. MMs J. B. Aynatey @peut a few daye " wMvis with ber daughter Mns. Roes ta iciieff. 014 <hdibroicbou te ipieding the veek wt la, amet Mc.A. J. Kng. @MMuCI&»lma i mail af hie pack aI Do*k. t& Bond's, Ubertyville cel Mm . . OWel nand motter lMra.Chai. DOMWlOEIvaaioe, verni la Mlwaukee "Wdàmday ta m. Mr@. Rosing who 'la IMIdrgelsgtretin et' aa houpite th"rn. ,Qutia& number from bore attended the etc« show in bicagalait w oek and pronoaneed lt bttir iban e ver. AimaS teak af .Qrayiake wadowu for il. basket mocalan aSp nt the week yu Boési. Alvord. Bous. & Bea.ipped four con ot livatock tram boesManday Biglât but wu havent uoticed mueh of a cut iu the. OMocf ljvlng. T bsAree Pliurs Club ara ta give a din Wel MBrldç'&Saau Thureday ove. B199 D«c. 18, aad ara planiug a royal od time. Thb@basket socia given by th.seicool àe"t IMM yOvunlpg ai well attended Md Ovryome onoyed the pragrain rau. 40" dbY th@ glIras Young ladies frain Nvaaqtoa. Ovr foty dollarsuvai lsd iS e abooL. maso., tentht. ýviCistY ba i lvd hlgh kt ti»,ffl lisait viti littls or no ex. Pues tQ*Àmud . KWllcax aàd desed a *dl 1' b-&bdmad eit dms.ted for hein. 4MOO U Puoan-- sosoebs Mm tei aud ender er of darkaiaiaimqnlit in sdmade off vith the .porE.. And Elie aika u t us 0ifornhi. unknowa frand that h. e agle ie MilI anôtber soan and wil bItave h la th@esaine place. Wbat i. ths unof .pondlng ts. and carfara to go ta Ulcage for vour Xmas vristute wheu th* Area Drug Stora can aapply yau witb anythinu yen deoira. When looking for Xmai preanst da'i tail ta looak ver th@ l*rge stock nt Docker & Banale, Lîbertyville. cl [ýDLIAMrD î TJ Mré. Annie Soum. spent Thuraday ai Lhbertyviple. A numnher train bere attauded th@ basket socIalnaiArea, irday evoplag. Walter Huntier vas sean an aur trasté Saturday. A. Peteraon train DesPlalesi, called Wm. ElSisau Saturda$. Mr. Swetnaad lira. Sharp@ frein Lake Fareoil speut Tbuurday vth Wm. Loinher. Mi Marile Petrich ell for ber home la lnnesta, Baiurday moiueng. Mir@. Bern Brockmann &peut a tew dnyilnth@aliy faut week,. Mmr. TUi1e Ponlioun transaected bulnsa lu Chcago, Tbnraday. Ut&.. Wenrah.rg and daughter train Llbrtyvîlle apmut a ew daya wlth ber motber, Mn. Gerber. Paul Ray and tamlly of Libertyvilll, @peut Thuraday nt 0. M. Be'.. Mns. H. Brtlt @peut Saturday and Bunday wlth Mn@. Mary Johnson at Wautenau. Mns. Roy Hoyi aud sou ot Cicago, apent the week-end antlMr. Woodi'n. Mr. and àdra. 0. Uiehol vers tbe victims of a surprise party Thunsday eveuiug. Th@ party wae gîven lu hoor ot Mir. Mtchel'e bîrthday. Tii.young mnn ers entertmiued by Hutcigs Brou., Mouday eveulug. Our young fok@ atteuded the Ares achoal ontertelument lest Frlday ulgbt., wbera Dodo fSwan mopt uobly took the F runenst pari ai **pu ix"l lu sal.t- ngr,, theutlîoseer, Fed (irabbe. Al raportedl a mout enjayable trne and vaiad the young ladieo wbo took part graat lutee ntariainers. fi will palylac tao lok over thse dii &k lsof Xinagonds et the. Area Drug tom befere Von parchais for. you wil land gif t a ilabli.for .veryone ai prie thai Mm a savlng te lau. XMUaaGlus ane not always easy to select, but Fou Wllbe au» to b. pleaaed If you visite Our store, as vo have a. very complet@ lino at pricie exoeptionally low. W. si" offer Mt greatY reduced pricea the following (iro. eerise, Fruits, etc. 22 is. Granuuated Sugar .... ............ ............ $.00 Buhisue Raisins, lb .................................. .09 Bakers Chocolats,lb ............................ .. .29 4 packesi Mince Meat.............. .................. .25 1 lb. osa K. C. Bakiug Povder ...... 1 Mozley'm Special Buttorne ......................18 2-25Q c&e PeacIie..................................,35 8ibra Sunuy Mouday Seap ..... ...... ............... .2b 2-200 pkgd. Swift's Waabuug Povder............27 ~pkg. club Hanse Cern lilkee..... ..................o 4-10c cana Mutard Sardinem................25 4-10cc ens Festive Corn.....................30 8-1 2cces peu........................................30 Choice Florida Oranges, doz.................5 1 lM. Californie Cluster Raisins...............15 Bak.r's Germai s Seet Cioolat.............. ...........Ob BeI 0f 50 Henry George cigare..............1.85 Box of 50 Little Wm. Penn cigare...................... 1.85 -Box of 25 R. B. cigare......... ........................8 Seven bc pkge. White Seal smoking lobacco ............... .25 I lb. pail OfVUion Workinan smoking tubacco..........38 Remmember, tO, v. can supply your vantea in -Fruits, Candy, Nute, Celery, Lettuce, Poultry, Etc. LA. MURRIE, a Area- Al for the Want of a Ilorse-shoe Nail Fer the vent of a Checkiug Acu'ount YOU MaY @Pend sgeveral hours in peroually paying your acocunts and yon might lase some of the mouey bometime; alao, the merchant might forget to, oredit yeu for the amnt paid, aud seveal manuha afiervard aek you te again psy the saine bill. Without any ceeuta oyen viatever tii. bank will be glad ta, furuimh you with the msaing nail. VIE CITIZIENSO BANK ARÉA. ILL yrpp R. F. Rouse.IrvingE.Py. Don' fotietthedamai ithe Oakland hall Saisrdaoj vsnlug. UM .Ambrau i.ll cfCbicage, le @pend- f ing the vssk vith relatives and frionds -- ...... ...................... lu our villagse.1 M. W. Huoghes trauaacted business lna Th promuesof ralanug greenhouso1 theei W B>ady.praducti va. the ubjecifanilcairaid1 Au aid tami mue"calentertamet la leture givis by Mr. iMereith of Llberty- tu bbe ld ai he M. B. eduroI Frlday vlle la And&Nnn' bail wdWsniay1 orale«, Dec. 12. Ail of tise old dnbme veniIsg The pletoe excelled ihs ialk. songe snd recltatlos vili be reuderei by - lirtsVW.Wilmoî and daugîter Clara,1 bome. talant and a mueitexcellant o »lm oetewo-n ot pragrans le prumissd. A muet cordial cf1nma esth ekedgtt Invitation la uxlOllOd ta aIL, ilr m u .M at Thse Mcaryhiotbi tatpiy About $25 vas ake. lu ai tls annuel tiqhmemn batihall tum Plar - M ils eDore s oclsty af tise Prosby. day event ai von by a5m"Ilinargia. , Mêmes tîr e n liaeitKk Ths@ IIMe vas IotJy ecoatsid îlbougi- Mse fhrdadEiabtsKikr ont and meth ailshenight va. iterm! bboe«en ttia laeet ofeir friands quit, a csovd tansad ont su ultueu thé at stipper Snay nighi. gants. ee Loreita and Ruth Kremes, Fila Tie nssw engin, bonis; 4 s.ariy coin- and Mlsei Hauberger vsre tb. plali US! and e" ljenov aiursi aa-tu et iss Ruth colins ar Cblcmgo, Duc consfrlable place ussloop ngbts S0is.. dorutgeb. ials, monib.. NigIt J30oiii, M lr. eand Mnu. Arno Frante, & vaatnaAug. Hapkg e W g«M Monday imorulns. pluessitulth$.Dow building a&DISys" Mu.8 M I -laaindaidiaughter ai tise viuier manihieissad bitkmucb UberlwyIl,. van tbe guesto of Mr@. more pleasané., ThesDows itîch rack Nabot ScisPir tet wek. viii b. put la -De.and %100 lhe Dow The Crstmff entertaiumeut of the eewl2toithe Bordait Cao, vii b. l"IdPreebytuerecburch vili be bout Von- i very "on5. Mondai taopcars of f rOight day, Dec. 22. It viii b. a glviug Christ. vers brought la town and frointhe mai. prsmnt outbaok notberysar vîli sot aIenaims. ur railroe<i peylug expense The Data7CircI, heu thbeir mautbly but vili ame a Iltti. surplus laid! aido. meeting at the home of Mies Grace Ichle, Tbunday sveqng. The veathe bai been very uneason. ahti. tbio,:faîl and people can hardly lMr. and lin. Rd Therrien bâti ai their maelice that Chrstmnas lanly twa veeks gueti uuday Mr. and Mm. William away. A. a word af varnîng ve vant Klockse. of iencoo, aud Augut tu suggeat tbat you do jour Cristmas Kjockseo f Chicago. shopping nov and do Dot put lu off A number of tbe pupilà' Motion aif until the hat montent or you are vîry D. 8. H. S. atteuded thée Parant@ and aet ta bc disappoiuted lu getiug the Teacere association meeting Friay fine election. tiat aranowblugmhawn. aiternoon. A Sue @crie@ of entertilumeuts nlu tab. Mr.. F. Itosbro bae realgned a@ pas tar given iu aur villagle'duing thse vinter of the Prsabyterlan churci and vibi mouihe at thse village hall. The dates move onto a farin in nurtiseru Wisconsin. 6as jet have not been announced but wili h. meoos. Ed Blle.hi suad famîly have moved L- PRAIRIEVIEW 1 Do yap want a gaod square meal? CiÇin.ta the Waadma hall, Plainie Vlow, Friday slgbt, Dec. 12. Mir. and Mn@. 8. L Trlpp of Ar.., Frank Drake and 0. i.. Richarda ai janesvlbip, Wl.., vlited viii A. C. Ellciardsamnd famlly. Rey. E. M. Umbac is aaitinl revival meetingestai Red Oeke. Mie My"tieRichardse fCicago. spisi ths vssk with ber Parents, Mr. and Mn. A. C. Richarde. Miss F. PianoS!apot a 1mw day. vltb Irionsaluthe clty tiiswsek. SeataClansloft Mot etbis Peck et Docker & Bend'&, Lieriyrille. cl ,Mr. mailra. WL.. Sonr qi Long Grave, célisd ou lb. llatrparente, lir. andirMn. W. StanelE, Sundey alter- neon. Mr. and Mn. Sehisndanf of Arliagian Selghte, vlsltel wyulthoîr cou Chariot, a fev days %is e ek. in te thaîr uew bungalow.I IdMs. Henry Weulilug le on the @!ck list. The poctinster of De-rfieli announcea that the civil service examlnatiou for pastinaiter for the foýurth cîai poat- o0fce of Sbernerville vîll b. e u aIe Sb.rmervllbeon Jas. 10, 1914. Mir. suaire. 0"a Kiteh of Bambou, lai., are vsltua rlatlver, bers. On Tuseday afiernooti, Decmber 2ni, the. Wcnma [t ome aidForeign isieeay sociy of the United Evange. bl churel mn et aheibe oIs f mmr. A. Muhike. Tii. metIng vas cals ta urdue, hé lspraetu, MUr. J. a. Offersr. Lablslug sbovy enilled "Andi e Took Me la" vai ruai by Mns. Frant ad idres. AI ]aIM. Thte belsg the, annuel mtesiniliof the ysr. Thse offl iri ie tss iff *tud tloo: Preilden, Mn. J. A. Strykor; V(c. Prisidsa ir u ea. GeGodmnan; genef.~ tary, Mu ais Cartit;Treasurer. UMu B. L Wesuing. Lusci served iy lb. hastemé was xery mocb enjayd by aIl.1 -Tbe net neetisg yl b. hou auttba home of èMn. Peler Psry, Januery 6. SFred Prinssuad Loyd Maethoer eut nath on a mution trp tO b.egoeea - . - - wesk. Poaily deai hustiagi Boy , GAGE'S AI j about it Lloyd.- Whop looklug ton Xmai presenia dont Mm. C. Tlsayer of Wauakegen. ipeut failto laook aven ihe large stock naunoe day lant veek viii hei. mother, IdMr. Dckr & Boni'. Libertyvllle. ci James. The-Ladies' Aid of Prairie Vev, vîll The basket social given by Miss give a chicken pi. aupper Fridsy uîgbît, Doolitti vai velattinded. <Jver$10i> D)ec. 12, ai Herscib.nger'i hall, aiea a vs. raisei by the mse.of baikets. mai of ml.ceiansous articles. Came A. Chsrd of Chicago, andiArthur Keirle aid b.euosvlth us. ve vili belp you ai Canada, open$ Tnssday aid Vein- hIave a gond time. Admission f ree. A day calllng on relatives lu tiI. viciuity. cordial Invitation ls exteudedt il . Mr. KeIrle qilei for Englani an Dec. 9. The members of itie LadIes'Aid socîety NORTH PRAIRE. and official board are desirai ta attend Membrs ad fiend of he orththemeetIng vbuch vil b. hield aiter Membi hers are trei 0f ieNr techuureisservice uext Snnday. Dec. 14. Prairie ch ur' ara relolc luoenT he subjeci for uhir couideration viii and lecture course ton their churcis to b. e"h euligoftecuc hd. glven by the IlIinohs Lyceuin Bureau A basket social vili b. given aitie et Chcago. The firsu qumber yl b. saugatuit ecisool boune ou Dec. 19. A ghveu daturd y eveiu5, DqÇ. 13 ai 8:00 gond prograts ln b.lug errangei by it,. y YOIi Town uartsnette," au teaciser sud puplis. teinersa tihave ubrougi eiâbt seneons demoustrated ibein ablity ta slug songe that pesse. Their lmperteoataîons and lumorous ciaractir stetnbea, their excelieecoasume vork and their funuy, clever and yei ei.vatlng dialogue guar- suie. a moet deliglful evenlug's enter- tataineni. Eyery Cook sud corner ai clsurch le beiug ransacked lu uhe effort te, provide seaté for the poopi. ai this commuuuty aid for ihoevia are Planning to corne frainRoecrau, Ruomeit, York Roune., Kenouha, Wauke- gan and Zion City. The Hanter Company lu the. naine or the bteau Waukegan concer tote ho cme laccrpcrated.* The.papers oainla corparation have juat hein reco4ir.d The ameunt oft he capital stock li $40,000 aid bis bas al heen gui. ecrhai. The Incorperatora are F. I. Malt, St. Louis; C. W. M.ier, St. Louis; J. J. Dletmeyer, Waukegaa; N. S. Harter, Waukgan. Why uvi WésResetlses. No wvnetaI ve vua rsitlaatu Udeu. Tier. vam't a thng for her te goIsP about except sake tracIts as - Ute &P. pte iree Ney ICKORY A. T. Savage ie on the .hck lis$. School began Monday viti Mr@. S. Am"s tesching, attir a vek'm vacation on &ccount af Miss Smith re.iguiug ta ta bo married te lMr. F. Svants ai Uni. ou Grave. The vedding book place ou Dec. 8rd. We extini cougratuhations. Iam[TilLE Sm OLNOTs. The snior RMugisii lama bad book ne- vlavs Thuréay suani rday. Ou. af the silton bai beau makînx rabher truqent tripe ta Chicago latiy. Wb&atlsheesson? Tho boys have b... neing aur uew bus- ket-ha» for some-time nov suitcet tain. Il sei s o goud ta hendîs somethina raIby eho-rice atter ustug that oh tlop. sideil *».sfur so loug.' The Pruect iof tis. i.lor oea. hm hein experm«ounos tb. lav of fallng boies and tise satusaof equllibrinin by bbancimdna achair tai edback. The ns. suit vas hat te l obr *Itl bsuremarks of the missai oSeuinter.. Ni»a Davis vas absenti Mosday asi Tmeey on acount of elokis. The grade roame are iecorating foi Chrisai. Thuriday vai "1mevlng day" lu ils Juniordcslamsd h.y Sga asheks.up Dnring the montba ai Sept, , &*ad Nov., 14 pupiii of Ils iri grade. ion boys@a&d four girl@, wsre neither absent a sur tardy. Il Thliîd %ad fourtl grade are going ta bae a joint Climua parly. Neaily ailUlotithe culty ver. vsra lu Cblcago Saurday. Lest nonih ibera vas aaly ose absent mark luntheeae coud grade. The. two pupiia-vbo enierted thudrd grade lasi veek havégone ta ZMon City. One nev pupli, UmiesRamonas eam, of Minnesota, eutered third grade thi vek. At a surprise pariy giveç n onBtc@ Osbarne, farmeniy '14, ai her home Mon- day nigit, about 80 vers preseut amongai viai vers many tram L. H. S. Ail of the guees. brauahtsoome pres.nt lu the nature ot e cbeap uoy aud Mise Osborne vas compelbed tu open them au onde belote ail ot the guoaia. Ail veut away declarlua tint rbey bad su excei- lent Mime. Praf.--(ou exam )- What le a baud- Fra.hle-A iand-eiide I. vbeu thse earth on a mnounien elide. donaud vion It geta tu ths bottom of the mountein, lu formesae@mel mounWen at the bottam of theerti. Repart Carde Mdonday COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. hlegular mneeting Dec. 1, 1918. Cleve- land ab"ut. The minute. of the list regular meeting vers raad and appravsd os motion of Boys@and Elsvorth. The ireaistersa and clerk's reporta vsr reanda audîtei by the fiance emmîtte ndmaimoeieonaumotion of Bolbesmaier snd Elisworth vhicb carried. The follovina bille ver. rend aid 0 K'd by %buefinanae committee sud ondoyd ai tau onmotion 0f Dolbeumaier and tauikair wbklch carriid, ail voulE ays: Lake Ca. Publ.hlug andd l'nt- hW Co., priatinu ............. 9 55 Standard ii Ca., gaicline ..... 1962 Janes Davis, draylng ........... 475 Libertvile Lumber Ca., mise il 97 Jas Rond. etrerot work ..........2 25 N. R. Laid, street vork.......19 91 Frai 15uyiam, strait vork .... 19 52 Harry Gabbovay, éever vont. 32 40 Windes and Manah, Inspectlng sever ... .................... 2500 J. R. Mluuhollani. salary ....60 00 R. W. Smith. aabary........ ..... 65 00 D. Litub.rry, aaiary......... ... 65 003 Furemen eabary .................. 2t o0 H . P. EDgleb.rry, ou account village bail coutrat ........4626 99 Rd Austin vas preirnt aud aqked ta have an lueurauce paiicy ot 02,000 on the village hall accepted, atter a dleus- siMon lu va. laid over unji lite nezi meeting. P. M. Gray explaiued aud praeented e proposition for s uew veit vhieb vas aiso laid on the table. léebide ou a lit of etationary ver. openei shovinfi: eLake Ca. Publiahlug & Ptg. Co ..17.75 Keyetone Preas ..................... 1800 .Maoved by Titus and Ellsworth ithe bld of the Lake Ca. Pubbleshiag & Prning Ca. b. acceptei. Carriei ail voting aye. Mdoved by Titus sud Fauikuer to adjouru ta Thureday, Dec. 11. n E. H. Carlett, Clerk. iGOOD TASTE INi CHRIST- 19A PÂCKÂQES A box social vjII be bord Tueeday Geai tate lu the praparation or a evenlug, Dec. 16, et the. church. nuder Chriaima. packmae d graatiy ta tii the auspice. of the. enmâttee, Mesdames piseurs It contèe. Tii. daintiy wrar. D. B. Webb, B. Grimm sud 0. BoUes- ped gi twlth the aonable card cf bock. Prime. viii b. givon ta iti. marri-, aur... imparte a value wvilciperhape ed lady, youiig lady aud'litle girl wiase the iutrinsic vorti doses not warraut, box bringa sh igeset prio. A short but vhich the seutiment impli atones program vîli be gîven. Evsryouo mnvii. for. We viei ta heip our aubscribens adl ta corne, bave a god ilie and belp tbie yéar lu thse praparation of their avell mise fund ta psy fer the vork b.. Christmai gifttanad add ta uheir attrac» lng cloue ou the luterlor af the church. ive appearace, and for thii purpees The cem.tery îoc4t i yl ment Thuns- ara afferma ithei a' 226-piece Chriatmai day, Dec. 18, ai the usual place. Ilinuer package of haud@omeiy llutratedl carda vîlli h.e erved by Mrs, Tom aind The. aid postem that viii pleape the most Frazer. A cordial invitation exteuded critîcal $Bate. W. are offeriug tble ta ail. packge lucounection viti Tii. Lake ______________ CjestyIsdpenuden$,TbeCbicsao Weekly inter 0oenn d Fariner and Parut and NOTICEI TO CORil98PONDENTS. Hoc» for oniy $1 90. You thu. get Independent correspondants ln son. yor Ioaper, the largent metrapo. Oue* re geting hoir tern In lilasa w1eyk,= y=and the oaa. ao gttug hai tos u i. lCepaper, fora imorolY nominai pr>ce. $s for proper handllng. Vi.ewould Urge car dotalsi annaun"ameut on nage six tIsm If possible, te Pave ihem lun Our-: end if yenbare tie. come te Our ofie office by Tuesday. anis e b adiameChiatmu ac ekae. WHAT CAN 1 AFFORD TO CMV? Affer ail, that strikes right at tlhe heart ef the Chrisfm Gift question-doesn't if? For $1.00 you can give a First National Bank SaviiAgs Accotant. Can you think of ANY- THINOCI ese thif wiII make more of a showing-cauWe grealer deIight to fthe recipient-do more actual geod--than a Bank Accotant? Remnember you cati Banik here by Mail, sud have the Chrisînm BankBook in ime. THE FIRST NA710NAý BANK RAMNALL Z4 loira seng son Dcc. 7-.0ln l. As Xmas Approahes TUE ?WOIIOHT 0f TIIAT ONE PRESIENT THE MAIN ONE The. on. thatai mlb. JWST RIGIIT bfcomin ulsuesun. Set-. ter dispose <Ifl$ etaumc. You mI etbave une for a creini seletion. W. usuet bave time,4r antis tic .ugnavlug. Et'. atone too early night now! LIBERTYVI LLE, 119 cooig ele iccI[ ffwioî Handoms la Dsin. Powsrf"i-lemn-Sinpie--So. Ncôsles-S.lid--Compdc-cpnvanieat. Can be u.ed wih rther electrie or gmiobiussuginepower. I have tbefg..ucy for tii. ieverkrofpp acoline Englue. %~ or lY bore. power, e.peetally adapted for this partieular claie of work. Wiil b. plesaed to demouetrate at oany turne upan aupoîntmeni. l'or furtiier particulars addreoa or taiephone WM. J. SCHRECK, Phone 267-L-2 Lxibertyvillô - Illinois Need an ORCHESTRA? Phone Mason.No. 34-W Round Lake, 111. MUSIC FOR AU.L OCCASIONS. Dance Music a Specialti Dr. N. W. Schelinbergeri OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN WAOUEGAN. ILLIN018 WiII ho ai lire. C. S. Ileiga enOrchard St., B[U»"Pâ 8TAXE NOTICE. Runýars and iportamen ara heraby toifedi not to trespasi or shoot au my premias, undr penalty of the. 1ev. Daniel lllrachbergsr, Prairie Vlew. 111. cl.2 Let Us Hand You a Slieof the Earth W. have morne-choice chunks which have jmat been cnt .ff sud wyul bulld a ulce home, consistlna 0f lire, six ssvn or eigit rom.wvlt H I mproveus.te. Pay for It as son 11. DURAND & DURAND REIAL ESTATE a" LOAM Triggs BIk. Phone 2 LibqVtyvil. I lbertyvilllo Pho No 29W1R-2 Cwlsac Pbo»t Lke ien. No. 464 CoL F. L Downes & son GMEELL AUCTION4ES. Demllem hu- Horses, fi"h Cowa and Fars Real Estate Farm et Hesdee Jewelry and Silverwart 1 have thei ageny fSr McLeae& Buack. wlselesale Jewelers of Rils. Mau.. and have mof GfitIù)asof JeweIry and Sllverwar 0 Simples ever thown ln Llbetyvlle. Prics and terni are rigIl. WIII bc pheed 10 Cali ou yoa. Mm oagem fo TOILET ARTICLES. AI. Lyon ý LIERTYVILE.ILLIOIS f. BAIRSTOW MANIJ MOTURER 0f Marble and Granite monuments Cemetery Work of Ev.ery Description Correspondence t5oiIcItea Uibeityi 116 GeimeseeSa Waukegmn A. lIUSS, Jeweler J. LMyS Md erde raidlratdrr lerseW Brown dsios It Ions@ pa ving i The M. Jointly W dance lu W0. bos bei tu ia ehargei lu th!@ Item de&, li. vil gomet!o' Chat be i ta .ay n ter. hein theifirm Mîke h Wbo leIl Aiver melnce bettina ý Fou ara, have tir by Iquwr kW. Ma Chas. Lake, Il warbial week lu lake, 'p Whiie. drgg et kegfan, îibe vol Dou'i hail Ne W. a B. Rosi Thurai I*j Kitsbe Tb* liugl Tbq Mondi aMd V The ceptia year a big et Ban Dscke Mr.. %l dayp hi ar eth4 lan Chia tut ILLINOIS