Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Dec 1913, p. 3

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- . -- ~~ ~ VRDlAV-fl1?.fEMBR~.12. 1913. rr - reLa.memnim.d rienils ut Palatime Matur- J~a gt Z5551. John ii1 ut f atieauona.traiisactedl ~~ç<flTî ~ usinies, lu tUr Villagce Fridny. r SyHASE. M8UNTho play given by tige Young laies of [ Reweso.aiive«- Correspondent Lake Zurich et~ eipe auditorium at Phone 84-W 'Palatine, Ta.sday eveiug for thet bondfit o! our new mipt va. a biff §Dice»" and svsryooe that vent f rom J.L. BiaaIcld va. appoluteil village -hors report a goad tume. ommbo t 3ielinistng of the village TbLako Zurichi Base Bal Club vwlI9 bo«dto'gue"d pil isr, wh ba gie a anc abtheLake Shore pavillon 0 the, liiM.Sesgor tLs pot three Jears. aturdaî sveing. Dec. 20. A gond Thl«ystle WokeaVmpattbeirueit tume le prou>lsed. ragtlar Meeting vili aecti oBlcere, which The niubere of the Lake Zurich Golf vii ýTueadayoeaing. Dec. 16. Ater club beldiheir satinuai lection ao f ficers f tb. metiba Mire yl h. a card party, Saturdai eveulng. aod refres.nieuta vili ho sirved. Alil mm- Aag. Froellch le baving au addition0 berarc rsqnased tai ha prenent. bilttaic@ humnou Park Are. Ernta Sevaeral froni bore atsded the Volo llraudmng la doinirt he vont.N rail ridera trial lu Wauksgau lent vesk Ise Hannabbos entertaiied frlendâ Mach io'eitemen i vas arollsed .Newsw inoniChicago Bandai. l vweres verget aapreniuin. -Boy menung ot Crysial baks, Je nov Browu and Bath, local hardware supenlntmudemt uf the ice bouses lu our I detaiers here sold Cwbmore Bro, a 25 villge I bor@ power keromensractorenirine, lu-1Wm Bm>tcneyerealleil ou frienils herc. volvlug ninetecu hnudred dollars. Suada.V The. M. W, A. andl M. W. W. camps tirs. Henry Bncshmug îs under thec jblutly griil viii hold a aket ésocial and doctores curc at premmet. dauce lu the opera bouse boe Bat Dec W. Thos vho boy ba.kletvilii ho entit- Bn Wetoucr i Chicagoi, viitsd aithte led tu dance irou of charge.,0f bers viii bc home o! W. C. Bickname, Snnday. ebarged the nomi*Let aInof tvo bit"IliMre. Pbîlip Young va. lit Chu-air lu tibis clumn nerecety pabliabsil au Taesday ta bave 0ew cys giaesil itîedl Item decciing tMartin Theicu a. mach- by a speialisi. falet. village clerk and nursery ma. Mr. andl tre Fred Hooft, Cari Ernt. I gomeluovlvs falled ta mention the fat Emil Frant and Henry Bilmn ac re that ha je a Try c..,peut blacksmibh, atuong-tbe Chicmago vîstar Mouilay. to say uaihimg mof bis abiliîy a. a rarpen- The- ilftietlm vm-iiig annlveroary va. ter. bing et the precent connecteil vitb mioratomi Nov. 27r1m by Mr. and lire. the Butn i fendes Brou. Co. M ra omrardj St-il ut their home oi t te terni 11k baby mails a trip t -' Mlaukectvmilescatagi ftmvn erp tbcy have1 @&tardayoailasi veektutaviit hbis vioireideil for ,fimc iamt forir 3ears. Mr. Wha le la st lMary@ Ho»Iiilibohre. 1Mtidi . i. eîevnye.arw nid audmishi Advertiiug le fast becominir an rrt, a'lltuoya ongr hyoij e science anud a businetts. Cotimouw.eele dsi eygo eltý i ffpelail reragis univthe value aiiof m-iîgt,.'mlI'mu î-rme lautna popim tiow vu vi arevimre ,,gigDratulatiamn. yon are1. vbat you mre. andlWabat 3ou11Mue', I t 0iE rImîmmlani loft tioumay nOrul bava io oflfr Siart the 1ev year nuit 1mmg for ,1m .îmimmi i h.'lire me pwlil viet by ln.ering au adin jelie ludepil-idum.,mu-crai a'm--tm aitiî 1 -r 515er. Ire .Johu SW agcon. iKohl. Cia@. Jorgeicon. 1iîmn.nrly mof itmulil e Lake, but mofLong Lake,. bas li.e-mPA A vartiiànBr atrinrds Auner the hast P L IN yack lacapaiiiy li marpeter. Nlrg, Aumu B aldini, reav,-riuu fron Mr. and Mrs. lien Ptertori oftlGrays- a %etere ilînemme glbke, epeant Sunlay ut the home o! A. Mms Clark .qf lrmns,,u, Mihi.. mea Wie. get aitir. anMm lre d;. H. Arpe. Mles Valey i again on duty ai lim sta. a to a eetlu NI,.. H.J. ar,. me etertaiuiog lier dnvggetrea se pend ing a moîb .iler, M-@. Flolbeek mI Oat Park. keganU, viore ehte ha b"eu a witnemm ou tbýe Voco trial. She aaye ehela back tu lUMrssai ibtat Mmes Bertha Groehe. W iii souri ho marnied t,, M. C. Niet. a 6"Y . Dontt forget the dance lu Amaune former eident of Palatine. bel NwvVanre night. at ,1Î. Mtn. Jeuntie Taylor sud Ire. Shepard Jan. of Chicago, vere gaets of tire. Na.ou W.eara happy ta reprt that MIre . the pat veet. B. viii rehu home from iIlivu- kee Tuadaill ts v,'eil. Bbc rcu tly lOtto Bande anil famiiî andi B. i. ondervant an operation there. Flibent sud vifse@pnt suaday vith Bg Public Auction 'jA Walter bdinclers rMel tiv.l ensu a, IIo. Cicgo Tbureday, Dec. 18. Ie eesnndubooC~.O speut a fev days lu the Nasoa home. SOHOOt. NOTES tire Grigge la also riiting there ion a ThiamsabsntMondai vers Herbert ew days. IfJ Kimbail, Deber Richardeon and Allie The Ladies Aid baruar iattveet vai Amaun.a fsuccees. $235 va. the saum recclve< The. ts.chc Mie Davis., lu roo)m onc.le irani the efforte of fihole that yene on siteMkletiit. Ber soter MiseNina membere ai the same. DavI le ylleing er.The reporte bave it a. ve go ta proue î *Tbtaserenth aud eigth grades are that a vedding i. tuklug place ai Wm. @quihi agriculture every Friday mmmii- V. Harz boule lu Palatine. Miss AIma ia leu. the bride sund a youao gentleman front ThUal that received sitars for epeliiig Elgin the groom. liMOadI mre:tMallzie aîng, Alice Jauge The W. F. I. S met at tic home of Mnd Vila Hart lins. VanHioru, Weducs3day aitornoon, Iret. . C. Hokemneycr andl daughter The. Ares Dmag @soireile ehoving au el- 1111e, toit Wedne@day eveulug for * epi.onally lg fiune of Xma. gif te thîs Colorado, viiere tbey yull visit vîth vmrnândtbsepr"esare the sainie a. the frienils. k bg eton« aia.. Mie Frances Bullen got her filuge Bnta Claus Ioi t monti01oishiePuk at caught lu the vriuger sometime ugo aud Dcker& Bondes, Lbstivile.. celJe obligeil ta carry ber urr n l a slilng Wheo looking for Xmna pressais dont We hope for a epssdy recovery. filIthalook ovar ithe large stock at jolieBiggs andl nephsv of Parie, M [lecer & Bonde@, Lbriîvllle. el 0., are vistiug aitlir@. Vanom'.. M. sud lir. Ray Wells eve Chicago Ire. L Luoerson sud Ire. H. Men visihore Thnreday. cpeuî Wdueda lu ChîaWo. 'W illard Beach hm. besu spouding a fev dayp vlth i sou Fred sud fanily lu jealnette Jae o!o Edison Park, open' Lottaville. mnd. ev dayâ iii Graudma Kashien aic a. C. Payne la moving bis faniuiy lutc, famly I-&,5Siy. his ovu bouse@tbievest. Henry Berage le geitiug long ulcel lire. Dorfier vont ta MlauakeeOn lhie boapiai, vo araglami tasay. Thureday totees ber dangiter, Ire. (Ce<. flôdag. w ho ilelu a hosptal ibere. We RUSSEL ara glad ta report Ire. Raelng gaiug.Ib alliar and chicken pis suppen ve Ednas 8iepherd le qeudîng a ev vmei a great suces, neai, $80 va. neti at uie. The Ladis' il vîli met lu the chaie Ema Graimbe l ths guest o! relative on Thuraday. sud tnedc lu hlband Part and Chicago at preesut. The Youg Psople'@ club wiii met JohnSheher lamovnghiefamlyvitb Eani Pediey on Friday eveuil Jotôb. is ephoerd llsvig bs arniyDec. 12. ________________Tbe Ilmaiveo!flins. Henry Mcli WBSTi FREMONT acre broaghh boe from Loalevil Frant Disir suud Bernard Evaldl at- KeodInrtyhonesilay. wThe frane laudd te socksho atChiago Weil- vas ell h hac lhhra tedte soc @o Oa Cic 9 at Dale cemnetomy. LAKE OUNTY: ~~Jnr~.Asu.. ~ ~ -,--- Z/ews.y itei. s aBorn, to Mdr. ad lire. Clar ence Wedge. c k 4 / aAOM ou. Dec. lot ai il f ~ J h Mise Mary Eichanger PiImt entverâl days lu Chicago vueliiug relatives. _______________ - J Ire. Etta Wiu«e01a Sycomore, speDt Edltd b F.. OlUCE Phne f gaverai day. viih ber brother aud Ir@. Russel Dawsan and children of EdtdbyFJ RUEfOtI amîly, B. J. LeVoy.' Morton Grave have returneil tu thelr ordrs ake fo Jo Wok. ov.aud Ire. . W. Safford "put home afler a week speut vith Laks Vil- Advertielng raies on applicaion. Thareday aud Friday lu Chicairo aud la relatives. W hstau. Por aul Avery, vile aud daughisr, epeut Thsre wiil beauoservie@atBSt. AIdreU'e 'Mr. and Mir@. Wairen arselio of Not ua with Mir. and Mr%. Churcb lu Episcopal church thie week, ou acconut Bond, Neb.. are visitiug bis father. W m. Oak Park. of thé. ordination o!f1e. . B . White. Mp-eSlie. Tho Kooistra, Waliacd aud Meier fami. Mr. aud Idre. 0. Iughani are 6 'nt.rtaiuû- ly Davson rôÇurueil home franiý lie@ attendeý the Wallace-Det;raaf wed- ugx friands frompili ai tavu. Columibus Juntion, Iowa, Friday where ding lun(iraglake Baturday eveniug. Jeue Lougabangb traussqrisd basines,ha vislted theppeutian days. John Mitchell wa. lu Chicago an bnci. lu Chicgo W edum-eda>. Mr. sud Mre. Lyburu Stewart of ues lest Fniday. C ,ue@ Cox f LmFayette, md., aied Chicago, are reoling over the arrivai O! The Anoaeeersoleyil ut ou bim cousins, tIrs. lese Lmmuabaugh a daughter. Grand\daughter of A. H. e.16, ltb tirs. C. B. Hami- and Mis Frazie Shauts of this citY lat Stewart. lin. Ae this le election of ofBicers, i t le fla mm... of .. ,s , and Misoes desired that ail membere Ie presel. Asa Joice of lvauhoe, traueacted busi- neem immimi Wemiuecdav. 'W eiueday viitiug frienile and relativk tire i. Allen or Gages Lake. isît Wcilnedaj fan j'arts lu Northm Dakota, vumere amevwili vieit relatives iur the ncît maauth or W). Fred Wilbar visitoil relatives ut Waukegau tiret mof the veek. Ire. Taylor, aseletaut toucher lu the bigb si-huai speut Satunday lu Chu-ugo. tueg Marnia Wbeeler va. a ('hi-ugo vistor Batunilay. fuliard this Thureday aveui.g. tthy trot @soile 1mev Vicirola records for a Xamae preseut. Ni-v recorde are alvaye velcome. bou get tbcm ai the lierail Storelirai-e Dnsag Co., (irayiate. Lin. Louis. Thomison va. a Chicago visitor Thar3day. Itemenihen the fret basket hall garne ut tue opera bou4, Saurday, lic. luth. Soc'ailance ailton the gaine.tiayeilaime vs. Niu'Henry,a fat uni exctiag gurne is îrminei. hui't faitlofi boy a ticket ta the Blandl Boy.s dauce Tbursilay everifit lice. 18, ut the (rayslake opera houase Fred Tai-ken mii Vola,va. listeevisitinir lac latter, Chus. Taeikm-, Wcilueduy. tIre VWater Shate passeil uvay nt lien hmome fast Nlaudav night alter a immrt a ti geral icomplicatious. The futterai vas bm-lidTbureday ut 1l ai-loi-k at Ilie logregationai rhum-h1P. tiller aliiatoil, anil buiai ut the Spuidirg Corners cemetsry. flbiiuary bm-t veet. honinagod . ev ar iget culao every day. limace Drag Ca man te eonflne ta bis home with a bail col. About 3 o'riock lait Sanday morning the uight waichma uat the Canuniaig factary caliei up Wm. Bprnger, umanager ai the Electnlc Lighi Co., o! tuaiejt teiliug hlm ther. va. trouble vith the transformsr si the plant. Mr. Spnlngei reepondeil ta the ralil but the fine 1h&d got a stan hbeyoul conai. Fan lear that the lirs mlght sprad, the lire datmenut va. caied Out, but %boe va. no nsel of thir heip a. the trane- former simply bara.d theeievea Ont caasiug a damage 01 about $1200 tu the Elecitrir Ligbt Co. The fart that Il tonk ail the ire deparnment ta paeh th' cîgine over to the pant tbnoagh thf mail reminils as that the waton vonti ranit get startoil auy to soon. The rommanity va. shocteil vhs joseph Euger wvsa umi-uently shot atai rday rnorning BHe va. .aviug vood vheu a email boy pi-ted up a smul riler that vas lyiug ou the grouail un ht vat og, the bulist sutonlng Englor' --0 &- Imet th05 i.htarm a i y 1 ch le 1 le E r- ild encteil busineca in tbf. viciuityTura. tecim aesto lire.Jesmit Straug id Mr Mit, Have you risitcd our schooi iatoiY? Visitons are vcicorned hy the isachere t auy tus. vîth lise Surah Brove and atteiiied inally runmrcd that the içÇe bouse viii the iazar ut Rtussell. ho fiflied thîs vîntor. For some tme i Edw i Th m o Brsto , W m , w a a . lm eari-i that the place vîmlilromainm Eilbr vialrthenio!Bstolwee va. a ie, a the Koickerbuet re o. lcse Mulîuru -allr th pa. ve. ru oui, but it mfeeme another comn- Mieurs. CE. Denm4ii, W. G. Itiaire, pa v iii ton it, so cmploymeut viii hoe Wri. tictiire. J. 8. Deuman. Edvin funioeei for a goond many mn. 1)eýtmau, ordonB mune mdRa Pcrcyst- H. Patter. Mies Fa. Potier. Mr. and ma, E. Giarrett, Wllmer nd eryMn, B. Rumba and H. Sbervood w ene vokatn etetoc ow amoug uhoee vbo attondeil the baud Chicago the pat anilsu Stock shows lest veek. A. K. Bain transactoil -uimuîeeu i Cîiago Fidar. The foloviag olifieers bave bepen lect. Word rescruei here Saturdai- oi the ed for the eusuing -ear in the B. N. A.:ý ilcath oi Ireî. Wm. Thom,8r -mi lLberty- Oracle. Fil& Talbot; Vice Oracle, Dela' ville, formerly of Hillibara. iii.- uerai tiatthevs; IPetorde-r. fila Barusqtabie; was old uesdy utLibetyvile. eciver,, et Manzer; Chancellor. Ma- vashell Teady u Liertvîle. be Wald; ldaigbal, Mdamie Kappie; IDn- tir. sud Ire. *Wm. lanzelilsand- Mn. sida Senuluel, Sarah Barniablc; Outor and Mire. Warren tiarslis atteuficil the Seutinci, bors. Ruake; Manager. Battue fanerai of tirs. Thaom ut i.iimeityvîlle Kapple; Physirians, Dirs. Foiiett andl Tucsilay ,iamisou; Deleg3te ta Stato Camp. Elle, Talbot; Atomnate, fila Bannetable. I WADWOMT. - Mi. Jahus)on. vbo adilbeen operuteil ____________________________on in&a Chicagou boepital, had retuirneil Arthur Caobieoreoi Woodt« k, vummtmd houime. mach iumm,ro"ed in lietil the boume faits ilaring them- ae.-i M re. S. B Loîvnie aundtimo visiteil Tuakmgivug. frm.nds e cm'aet veekt Iefarem-lavi ig for' W1e vere earry ta heur aiflihe-dmatimo ai b- uoihome iu Evaimeton. Mr. Loa- Patrrk ' ian, au olil and repct.irie iase iem' ompeilmldto gîce op is nýivient of this locality. i-nierai mr charge et saleombeianseo! iill.eaih. sio me., e beld la St. Patrict'e clurm' Tume littie fois in the Tomt Thamb lest Weilesday. Fabber Foley, oiticiateil. Wvedilai Tucsday cvcniug dil i plnililiy tirs. tiangureti Bi01oi aukegan, belons a capacity audience. visiteillber si8tor. tMra. Batieit anuld__________ brother. Thomas Strang. part of lat J<IIOCH Cueuce nikansLi u anm ,e S. Burnett served on the Volo rail Claenc an Eale ux nd nuberrini tjury lu Waakeguu llut wvee. o! 0f bers irom hrs ttaldetIh-stock show in Chucago. ia.t Wednoaay. Ire.Ooear Thonp oi Fond du Lac,W le. tire. J. H. Lux adIre. J. R. Ponter @peut a ev dayso witb friende bers lasi ers Chicago visitor fast Friday. ee. 1 F. G. Lucas wa. lu Chicago laest Frilay Hennian Boug of Fond du Lac., l. tu attend the fanerai ai hie brother'a vho va. calleil home on account ot hie v ifs. fathentms lîlus sand deaib, retarueil home r Little Ererett Carke, îonngest sou of Baturlay. yFrank Clarit, met vlth a paininl accident Williami andl Robent Morle are visit- Sa ev dais &go by havinga amure fort luit tbsir aunt, tins.Milidrel Wood in ýpienceil thraugh the caui of bis l«g. Be Chicago. as taken hio Wautegau ta bars anti- Ire. Wm. Ruuyand le stili yeny loy hr oua injecisd sud is gttiug alang as viih typhoid lever. v eili a@catibe cxpecisd. I. re. Nettis Feullct und son Gardon. Mr@. RalphSpafford is visitina relatives b.p@put Suaday vith hien parents. Mn. andl ut Supenlor, Wie. insMr. Thomae tng. The room ea.t of the Crytai Theatre man at the ta ver, ha. taken a Oix monthe iay-ofi audgons tu Chicago ta etart lu the groçery business. W. vish hlm @ucces@. L M. Oakins 00W ha. bis pomitiou at the towvr. lire, Claytou Lucas ha. becu ou the elet ist the past vwcek, but le nov mueh impraveil. Father Foley wa. a Chicago vlietor lasi Tueeday. ies oCara Lux spent oeveral days lu the City the pa.t veek. Mia. Mary OHerG u va& aCicago viitan one day lat veek. epected ta lis opened tUs veet.k John Hancock of Superior, W i.., vsited friede bors a few days, returuig home Saturdy. Tbe Crystal Theatre im showing the lateet pictures. and Irom the irood attendance at the tbsatre sPeak@ isel for it. popularty. LEÂVING TOWN I have a lot of BOL'SEHO LD (uOD8 that 1 vaut to sell ut Private sale; aiea pnetrating the long. Dr. Warrlner of The R. N. A. of Wadsworthbheld their new lawn mower. Cali auy evenlug or àtioeh, dreeaed tihe vouado and Engler election of offler. lat Thursday even- Saaday. HENRY GOLOMON. Wa@ t,.ken 10 tbe bospital at Waukegan. lug snd thes officers elected ver. sas sd and Hulhert Ct. Thr w @a laf co d atOivr@ follo v: Oracle, Mr@. Emma Lui; Vice _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ther va a lrgecrov atOlIvr ~Oracle, lire Belon Cark; Cbancelor, Mise sae and things vent hlgh. Emma ficydecker; Rtecorder, Mre. Minals Dont forget the Box Social and A. Lui; Racelver, lire. Ele& M. Strang; etertaînmnent at tho Itecranse choal Marebal, Mies Toutie Cunningham;; muer on Friday evening, Dec. 19. Bntluel. Ire. Borth Lui; Oniar Sentinel, We are sorry to sec Will Oliver and MiseHelen Clark, Manffl, lir. amlly leave this nclgbbonhood. but a.eliaigarot Deitmeyer; Physoiclan. Dr. H. we bldthera good.bye vse etend thme E. jamuson; Dolegats. ie Emma glad baud ta lMr. and Mr@. Cirmack who Heydecker, Aternais, Odra. Catherine are moving onto the fart. REnS. After electiomi wa. ovpr coftee and sandwices @were served, wbicb ail W. H. Simnu and vifs of GIeu EllYn, enîoyed. @pont Sunday ait the Northrop borne. Ie.CreDmlko hcg.l MAN » vsiing ber fi-lnde lu Wadsvorih. B~~ o or XÀN OUNDDEÀDLONG GROVE Wankogan, December 5. Notbiug viii gîve the youugfolks more Wihen John Duyak. 34 Years id, Miel ('scella (ieary of' Waaconda. good ean fun than a Brownie Camera. did flot show up for breakfapt this ateudeil a theatre lu Chicago Baturday 11)y cblld that ba@ passeil tue kindergar- morning. leb rother with whom he aiternoon. teil @tage can readily take pictures vith reides on the Dugdale raad veut ta Mise Aima Kraeger of Prairie Viw a Browuie. Every step ha. beon maile hie rom t avaen b audfonn wa.a caler imple, eaiy. Aud niiers ud- hierom e-wakn iman toudwa aChîc;agu ollraturdai. emopportunitie for tbe mailing o! hm dad. phsicin vs suunoed Huthoule piturcs that i i appeal ta the hm dad.A pysiienwas surmond BletBrothers are baviug a Weill hoie familî. but it wac found thut ho probaby h" drilled by the Itieke Bras. of Blarrlugtou. BROWNIE Made In1he $.0 TO been doad for a couple of home - Kodak Dnyck had beau subject tu epiloptie tUayme Elseler visiisd relatives ai CAMERAS i.cîsre. $1200 fit, for some Utie Urne anid t t icQle armatnsay atu uday bd cf uthie relativeta i lhottueda aioeouBtada )r l e >ug Co e (wnel one.of th»fitît uthéapt ro ve ucl wuiehloiRbody vau foun4 ladi- Log Orovegriot millbha. novw got a Rey.leiEXALL O IMtk A Christmas Bank Money Order Makes a mnist acceptable gîft ta anyone--eelative or frieud. ht bringe good oid Christmam cheer to whoever tmay recive it, just beestuse it's mouey and wili buy whatever that person realy wants the most. I)on't rack pur brains trying ta decide what to boy Fèr the OId Folks at Home Il thcv lire in the -Old Country" spnd theni, at one. one of our Foreigu 11014.7 Orders, good anywhere Iu the world, sud it wili reach them lu tilut for tbe holiday; or wce wiil furnièh you witb a bani draft, goad anywbuf lu thie C. 8,at a cbeaper rate than wiii the elproeeeom pallie@ orpo6tGfsmýF We ca&end mon"y to Engiand. Gerrny, Swedez, Holla*4 Iaky or Oum South Ahrica or China, or any other part of the world and get it thera ln tme for Christmas il you wiii corne lu nov. OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO YOU is our fine, oew baahlnu offices, which wiii be ready about Christmas. We will aiea bave a&utile souveirl for eaeh persan vislitîng the bantkat our openIng. A STATE BANK The Meredith Flower & Vegetable CO. Are nov givinu the people of Libertyville &Bd vlcmulty the oppartuciti of buying cut tiowers at whoieeale rates. and for a few daya vili self ROSES, short stesus, 50Sc des. SWEET PEAS, . »20eb.sch CARNATIONS, - 3S e do .. UILY 0F THE VALKY cd_ . VIOLETS. - 81.00 huad BATTERSHALL'S STORE NEWS WVe are -better prepared ,t-han ever ta f arniah the people of Lake CAunty with Christm as, Gif t GooJe-ds- DozToyuToy Automobles, Toy EIm. ,Ty Tmina, Hand SWeglu, Shoo-flie.s Ro"dg lins. Doli Fumniture, Gem.. of anl kinds, Toy Trumks aMW hucdret 06«8huet .thm ppla'rTOYS FO OWTS& Imported French and German China, Japanose Band Painted China, Out Glas@, Jewelry and Silverware, Fine Lin- eus in damasks, stamped and embr'd'r'd Do nat delsy; oome at once. We enumerate a fe special items below. GROCERIES W.e ffer bigmg sin or Grocsy Departcag 8 Ibm. Rollei Ots ........... 5c 4 rane Swe.i Corn......... 25 3 cana eso...a............... 25 a large cane Tomatof ..... 25 Kelliho ~Coruflue ...... 7c 2 pkge. beau Foam .........5 Baker'@ Premiani Choc., lb .... 30e Richelieu or Ombole B'd Roue.. 9c Thompson'e beedieu ' .. De 4 Ibo. XXXX P'vdmr'd BSg.250 10 Ibo Backvhoat Floar...5 FuncY FUli Crin CbOmeslb ...20M brick"II I.,.0 'i Ibm. Roste Cafte .........6 3 Ibo. Buit Starci......... 10,0 27 Ur Glass juracl Jan-.... 5 4 ot. Chapina'. Vanilis Eî..35c Keraeus 011, 5 gal. lOte... 0 CANDY, NUTS, Etc. Peanat lolamee Bnttie... loc lb. Wrapped Caramnels......Se b. FIlberI Fudgc---------...... 5 lb. DIppsd " ..... le lb. Chocolt. Crme......... 1e L. stick Candi ............... flelb, Crtmm andi Moases Tafty.12e lb. Salteil Poenut! ........ 1 lbx. Foncy Orages -...... 15e do:. 8 jars Pesanut Butter ..... . Broken Mlisd Cand..,ery bout grade. lb.............................. le Cbolm nuvierap lîxol Natem lb ...................................... e Baker'. German Sveet Chocolat., !M lb................................ 5 Faney Laver RaisIns lu bais.. lb ......................................5 à Canoe Ustur Apple Butter............................................. 5 S os. BttIs t!ouarcb Drape Jules ...........................1 .......... 0 HOUSE FURNISHINGS (lass Water Tuniblere, dos .. 17)e Larie Coud B'ct Lanterne.59 4 Cold B Ii'stL'tn globs@.. -25e 2-qt. al'mln'm St'v Pau ...9- (;-lu. stor.-pipS Dauupen .... c Set 6 Colee. Caps and Saucer.. nlcely decorateil...................O 36S-piece Inîpotel ChIna Tes Bel , ..............$960 Genaine star rut grlass Water Jug sud 6 star rat Tumblere...0 100 GLOVES and MITIENS W. offer a eal*smaus large lias of Sainple 1b-!»adGleve. and mhttau ai 25 pur ceai off the recular Prims $15Mittene. ti0C. $1.00 Mitteis. 75c. 75e mitlane, 58c. Moa'@ fun lineil Undresseil Kid ltiltteu. $150 1 F. D. Battersha I rtII! NDrP!NPIt4T- s amles lcltea ýl' - 1 1 1 --.- id tl Ni v il c .1 1 . 1 1 q i- 1 1 . 1 Lake Villa, Ilfi»is Capital $25,000-00

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