LAKE ooUNy DqDEPE»DNT. FRMÂY, DECEMBER 12,1913. C hristri Gifts For N SHIS iS the time wheru the, quest --"What shall we get out CJhristmas?" Lt ehouldtn't ta ver that question when you stop tao ,irticltý of wearing apparel is always nlothing us more usefui. If you want ti) bi sure that lie witlî bis gift, rei(ct it froîîî aur1 nien's wear. Tihe foliowitîg are wili show how mucli you cauti 1)wil pendîture: Neekîreos, ri,,.'r .ilk, rnw colons and desgirsn, pris................. .... Initial Handirerrire, linen sud sjlk [ re........................ ..... Combination Sets in nea Haudkprchiet, Tie sud 1suspeudere s .............1. .... itarters. Gariers sud Tic. Tie CIad Arru Bauds .............. 50C Pin ... Mufliers and mil 20 1k soi ames....... 0 o$.0 pries .. Dr... (loves otfa&l kinds. ilned and We alto have a full line of smoi J. B. Morse q Everythlng for Mt UBERTYVDJ., ILL. Phne 14 L , ion again arises r mtn folk@ for* ki long to as-s think that any 9 s acce atiI wîiI be :iI)Iea l O holiday stock of a few itetils that itb a sinali :ex- L tc, 50v andi$1.0 .......25e and 50(- t box: a 3.d - .......... d nuail1ned. ker's supplies. ,en SPECIA L FOR A FE W DAVYS Blatchford's Caif Meal Tua food lau aved the Cal asr"nmore moxley and done botter work thaui any ot.her. W. wii put it out on 80 DAYS' TRIAL-no benefit, n.) psy. You oant loue when you trade at the. LI~etyIIeLumber Company Dowa by the 0W Depot. iphono '47 BeUiHeot 10 Yaart. ~rle,, JUST RECEIVEID Our First Shlpment of Wisconsin Buckwheat Direct f rom the Mill Th1e Knd We Have Always lad. CORLETT &FREDERICKS .Cirb ertyvd/e Y~e m s - XXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXX$-X XXXXX I To ma&ure puiblIcation lnathe Indeperi- John Ohlrieh, uho underwent an oper- doe. coop muet be int ibm offcenoltOr ation oi tire Wankegau iroptal about ita Ttr.mdav of ach vomir. Ader- te. daya@0mrternsd borne Wedueeay UW&ea, *&ei"iIyare 'asked t. talcs mucbimprowsd luairpaltir. partlCUlaS noie . f0 iIs mfecI. A dollar et.rWelsruet for thirty and barty cent. at thé War Concrst t ie W.J Mundes w lun Lhsago Mondai given at tire Ubertyvilie Auditorium ou ou00 np b"el ri y venink 'i*T Me vir. Don't Garl Wtt of Prairie Vev. va. a calier misa it. lier '1'ueday. B.vlek's Studio viii be upen 1'vday Sata Cfifn. jet t i ohi& pSk &talteraboii, 5&Uday 55utday aud Qonday »ýk@r & a»6. D-nàb 181. and 1, of kerThis, la.tce lest cira t t M id . A. Praline va a Circago pâe- it trefnte X obi. 012.1 'SM- 9- Duranfl. UlmAdd A.le .ad tir. and tir@.. ELC. iggius vers Cicago pamsegerm Monday. Vie. Detierer ot Waiksgfl, vas a viol» 11cr iu Libertyvllle Tuesday. Chas. Brur nrnlacompleig vorir on his ew boule ou Hiast Parkt avenue. Booka for ail, [rom baby to grandpa, a% Decirer & Bond'@. CI Mesý S. E Masàon and daugbtsr, Mise blary wes u visitors lun esftteld Fniday. Oirls wantud aI the Ideal Laundry, Lirberty ville. A ppiy at the Lanud ry. c-1 Gleorge Lippîncottbas etarted excava- tions for a 0ew reoideuce on FirsI street. A detalled account of the Volo rail- ridiug case appeara ou page one of part two. The rit. Pui station ai the toot of $pragoe street bas been re-hinagled the pas% week. W. 1. Colline @peutteuversi dais of l1"t week in Milwaukee and tiontello. Wr.., un business. Why notget abox oftluitialedsation- ery for that Chrisîrnas preseuet ai Decirer &Boudes. CI The pretty dispîsys ut holiday goode ru tire local stores are attrrtdtîug- aop- pers these days. When looking for Xrnas preseuts don't [ail to lookr over thre large stick at becker Bonde .CI Supervisor Bi. B. Eger le attending a seesiuu of tbe Board ot Supervitoure iu Soeu Mudith section ut lotq lu Ibis paper, Satardsy. Dec. 13. $25.00 1duvu aend $10 00 per rnutb. CI The carpeuterâ have started vork on two nev rentrug housesaior Dursnd & Durand ou Park avenue. A Chitmas eve entertalunent sud party arl i e heid ai the Preehyter"a church ou Wedueeday, Dec. 24. God cigar make a nice Xnspresa- eut for mmi. Cone sud se. our stock. Docker & Bond. Worirhmbas iss cornmeuced on a nv ruideuce for Thomsas Keru aoutb of thes electric deut in the Osborne subdivision. ilerember Bevlck's Studio viii De open thie veek ou Findai aternaon, a&l day Saturday sud Suaday alternoon. There vili bu nu services lu St. Lavrences ciurch next Sundaj' on account ol th. ordination ot ever.ud tir. White. The R. N. A. yl hold the second card party aftIhe season aithuir bail Tuesdai ,vdniug, Dec. 16. Plan 10 attend. Ad- Mission 15C. cl aturday nlght the sîlual mneeting 1election ou t uffire otLibertyvile dge No. 492, A. F. & A. M. wuli bu dst their irslt. If yon wish Xmas Photo@ oit et Beevicirsi Studio Friday attrnoon, &nY lime on Salurda or eunday alturnoon ot this wvek Dec. 12. 13 or l4tb. c-1 The Ladie' Aid soclet.Y Ot the PresbY-i terisu churc i yl hoid a hskery asie at tirs fiasoffice ou Saturday alternoon, Dec. 13, eng iasa 2:30 O'Clock. tir, sud lira. Hergpance Wbeler sud deugirtei Miss Ida, expeclta lests Mday for LS Augels, Ua,, virer. thpîvIFIi epont tire vintef. LIFE IM4SURANCE. ne l.a a ood alUasu vho providss for hiewlI su chldru.Boslaabettsrcitt- msu wbo &tao provides for bis wldow sud - EElU SY w ýAN. BO RN Olsi Ccooy LU. e uraca Companry 0 Mla. St" eack se ArthurUIifeV, Mise IANesl aud Atlarnq LypIl H. Marrident fu Chicago Sunday wbere they boeard tire great Paderewski at tbe Auditorium. John Fittslrnrnumasd ilise '1thel E. Banka, deputy tate faetory Iuepectors, paid a visit 10 several rnatcturiug cocrslu Lîbertyvillie Iset week aud fouud coud ition@ verY satisfacturY. Tbe Tinsa Chapter of tbe Wetminoter Guîld viii reet at the hum.- of mi"s.Eva luBuia next Tuesday uveninu. Tîhe affaîr will hboa social onu and thre mem- bers are requeted tu, bring their work. Mr@. J R. Dolieumnaier aud tMrs. HarrY L Davis entertained lb ladies ciucb club and thuir buebaude t the hiollen- rosier borne on Tueeday eiug.tir. and Mirs %-. G. Wel@ carried borne the Big sale of Dulleansd Chiridrcn@ Clurbia aloo Ladies' ghirîvalete rend HoeIerY. EvrthiDg "out aIwirlesaie pries.Opeu erery day and evenlig until soid ont. Mmro Wiloon, corner Park sud l'iraI street. c-12 2 Mm.S . I). Zook, who inderwunt au upeation lu St. Luke'e huepital aibout thres weeko sgo, bas r.luruc.d home sud le gmesîiy imuproved ln healtb). Mr. Zook1 weut to I hîcago Wedneeday nuon lu accompauy hia vile home. The Cirago Telephone Co. bas delivered the uew conrY telePîronDe directory tu tirelocal patron%. The ibooki containe 112 paues. aud c(>uWais the names (elpatron@ [rom the ex(-hanges at Waukegan. Prairie View, Round Laske, Lake Zurich, rars>lake, Ares, Waticouda and North Chicago. Jng saem for FranirlMcetavh & ig sa.imntrorFgraninm tdeVeaucig& cutter whicb advertiae the La Bonsý cigar hy mualns af an Edisan record whlcb gives therecualrehoas haueir cuIter a lune, reruludlng hlm ot ihat special brand of cigar. Stephen llebm of Palatine, bas moved bIs tamlly ta Lhertyvllle, iraving r.nted tbe Oso. Lynch rWadeuce receutly vueated trI) Norman R. Ladd and tamli. Mr. Re.ff bas taken charge of 1h. Smth stable@saitirhe mile tracir, iavng been e traîner tor Chas. Dean. at Palatine before coning ber., and bas a craditabls record as traîner. il F L i i I I e i g i TeI.lepiroe Dopay met libmhe lofic.a attorney B. H. Milter ou Wsdnaedayevs- ang and dlseolved tire Company. Prac- bieaîly ail the smeta ofthtiraCompany bave been collected sud ail accouct. pold, sud vb.t uctonta romajned an- -'oieted ver. soid. The directara o! thre Company ver. Auguata bd. Lovaîl, Martira A. Clark, Jeee 1. Hysf. Charte B. GaiovaY, stephen VTa.ylbMflte C. Hyst and B. a. Milner. Tise oficara ai 1thse Campany v"re: Precldeat. B. H. tillr; hiecr.iary, OuguesaM . Loveill Treurer, Jeses8. Hiits. The praper- ty of tise Company vas sold ta tire Cii- cago Telephone Company lu Jane 1912, aud aluce that lime tire Lire OCnoutY campanylias heen wludiug aup teaffalrs of the conceru sud collecting accounte. y udependeiit ada-reali by 25,000. For Fire and Lite Insurance CHARLES D. PROCTOR Agent For INEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company. - m«pu ,,,U - - 1?Trlwniq- a A baby da.ghter vas hum lu Ur. sud Mrs. Osca Cbsrouueaor Wedrad December 10. Miss Gertrude E Mo vers bas rpsigned ber position lu the office uf the Lake Connty Independeut. Her parente, tMr. sud Mirs. Peter Mo ver, bave annouui e tir. sugagemeut of their danghter to Albet MeDerrnott of Wankegau, tire vedding tat taire place ID tire mat future. Mise Ruth Wells la fillug the vacancy muade by Miss Nover,' resîgation. A rural carrier examînation W 11OU avacancy at Ingleside and Round Lake, sud also ta crats an eligli 1. retister. vil ire held, ou Jauuary 10,ý 1914, lu aubfgaa and Libertvllle The peotlua pays a palary oif trolu $500 to.M,0 par year. Mie a" Un 4It la iXoin 18 te Se ymarsunises la l >a.euae ofoobly dlachargedai ld- ter. Calitara snoit WednedaY. vasg iven & tareweli urprise par-IF Mouday eveulue by ber Bunday achool ciam. at ber borne on Brainaàrd Court. 8h. va- prsetd vitir a *lit mbwaig tie esteeru lu viic ah. la beld by the clama. Tire evening vas piessanli spe n 0piatYluggarns after vbich"rfresirneute wer evd Mir. and tMrs.Tripp bave tire huit v@sen of their mauY triends for a pleseant Tho@u wno expuct te, attend the ordination of the Reverund Edward S. White are Invited 10, use the @perlil car whi-'b vili leave the electrie depot at about 8:35 nuit Sunday morning. This car vilI rmn to Evanston vithoat stop or change. The ordination le th taire place iu St. Luke'e cbnreh. Hioman Ave , aud lice street. To reach the churcir change to tbe Hievated nt Central street, Evanoton. gel off et Main atrees, vaIr a blockr aud a hait saut sud une block uorth. People trani Libertyville yl h. given reoerved sat.é. Ak tire ushers. Boy'e Lite, lb. official magazine ai the Boy Scout@ of 4merica, lu t. 1)eerbur isene tontalued auilluetrated article by Mark W. Ellsvorth, sou of tiraud lire. E. E. Ellsworth ot Lihertyvilie. lu vhich ire gave directions to urake a lamp@hade for troup ieadquartrrs. Tihe ehade Ie a eut-)ut &drigu, h.ariug thirsuignia or officiai badge of lbhe organization. The d.pign.-r out Iis @hrale le viuuiug lame through hb@i rauy drawiugs, aud 50We o! the most dîfilcuit eketchinge bave curne [rom hie peu. [t will h. rucailed by rrauy that Mark Eleworth was the designer of the uew village hall. uow ho.- ing er.cted hems, oui, minor changes huma rnade by the architect. PETIT BORE113DINQ ON WEDNESDY AFIRNOON A vury pretty home wuddiug taok place lu Libertyville Wedouedssalter- Doon att Irge a'ciacir vhen MieDora Ana Treptow vas uulted lu marriage ta tir. Altred Edvard Nelson, lu th. pressurfairelativessud a tev rends. T1h. bride in a dourgler aiftBr, sud Mr@. Charles Treptov, oftUbeivllle, and the groom lIoa_ prominent ypu manWh vintemannot >1 uxMAMM:îno dairy and stock tarm n uhlb Taft ranch lu Taft, Teld, vhers the couple vHii maire their future home. Tb@ cer.mouy vas perormed by 1ev. Richard Berger, pastor ofthtie Lthersu cbarch ber. sud Waukegau. The borne vas prettiiy decorateri lu green.MTire brides soter, tirs. AIma Timmerman. acted as matron of honor sud John Treptow, a brother of tire bride, acted as best man. Those trorn ot-cft-oy'. atteuding the weddlug vere. tinsd Mire. Ernest (G. Timmerman of Irving Park, Cicago. tir. and M"r. Nelson lefI ou their veddiug trip on the 7:17 train Wedneaday eveniug, amid a roueing seund-ofl et the station. WAR CONCERT PRONISES TO BE BICIENTERTÀIMN1ENTI TeIug u Ibiscer upa ted frrdalln prles g 10 MA tirs blgtse sud bet eve proaeed on a tlocal at andTie sev«roi prt. bdoavhex oeoer TheeugiriW and uotilng ataudala tire vay 01t tir grandeet production @ver olered by local talant. 1 Tire tender partîngsanad patrefto marnent. ai'tbs dsys ontirhe civil ver vili irelilved aven again lu eauçg nd tableau. You viU us. sud boer tire aid va, songe. lire camping seenes sud tir. borne sens i ili h. au efitertein- meut for old sud young, aud no une sboald miss It MR. HARRISON BROWN MEAI Il th e g tho pressHarsonesrus 01i theedet 58ofeMr. 1 Herio rn ot lso Ere of un echanrs the oe oadie@t elght o'clock Thursday mrnrng. Mundees Lightuinu [oup Cure for sale by ail druggite. 50e and $1.00 per bottie. c.25-tf WHICH ARE You?- S OME people rpend ALL their incomme jut as if tbey had a wrtteu guarante. that it would neve-r @top. Others, kuowtug that their inoome May bu interrupted at tinies, are turning orne of it juta capital -Jutting it where it viii muitiply. Our SAVING8 DErARTME1NT opaiti. way for the latter course. Wîil youà taie h by starting that savinga account nov? Lake County National Bank, LIBERTVVILLE. ILL. Caïpitgl Surplus and Undivided Profite. $95,000,00 CVhickens Must B& Ped W. Specialize on Good, Clean Wholesoae ClicIen Fod GLOBE SCRATCH FEED MEAT MASH OYSTER SHELLI CHÂRCOAL DEW SCRPS CHIC< CH0WDR ALPALPA NEA4L Give us a Cai Our Prices are Always Rih. H-ome Lumber Company of Libertyville. Irir 'j'aslor *35 TO GirTOMTHM E 4W J It Already Begins to Feel Ch*II Around th.edMges. Stop in aud look ove, aur lin. of Fail Woolenti. You'lj Sud vsu aubstautisl Fabries aud Wesves, lu tir e ssouas colon sund ha"h, plu" ta partîcular dresers. Youra îruly. FRED CROKER TELEPHONE U"ê GLoDS The -other kind of veather" vil sOOn b. ber. ud giovau e mittens viii h. in grest demand. We've a snie lia.. i»o and ChUldren'. Goods-goif gloves snd ol.îà$M 'osebinere and lIbed moe glovu sand lined kid muwétmmvtiw trinuned vriata. Fror the Boys ve have leather mittensansd the stard kind of golf gloves. ... Something New in Sheeti. "Weurwoll" Shoots with "Holdat" ooruoms These corners prevent the ahsut froni pulling up at the foot. Ask to sec them. Special introduotory prxoe, 78o W. W.ýCarroI1 & SonIs G 2-STORES-2 NORTH4 STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH $TOM P»"I iety Store in Sanlta Claus' Home. Trv the lndenendents Whoîisi 00.'LIBERTYVIIsLEILL L ILX X VIJJ.LAm, L.ILLN'JJS-I--- The tire tit omepipabrnc vOl mflei eThrds. Duc. 15 lumh. cii parlrs. Mr@. Jeuei Davica viil h. leader, tirs. tiaxham, Mrs. John Wlliarnsaud tirs. Trenuer vilii h the hoatesse. A cordial invitation le extended ta al lubepr.aenl. Josepine Hoich, Socrtary. "ouod Thilge to Est" is thb. tte o! the uuv rouir book beiug soid by the Ladies' Aid eociety ut the M. E. cirrc. sud judgiug from the large number of valushle reripes sud Intormation con- tained thurein the tille lesa fittlng our, Thu booksecau he secored at a nominal aum of25 centqfrom Mr@. W. L. Whippie or Mir@..H. B. Eger. Va- f i- Omo Bat nd -- 1 , -