Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Dec 1913, p. 8

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tAX (XJ)TYIND"B»ENDT, TIÂ,DCM~1,98 ,au&eg an ~ebus I IEL> JI ATTI1~ MRS. WAL.TER SHUTE JAmESw13LIIS JUDI POINT 0F <UN BY Mns. 'Walter RShute. a' weil DEAD AT RI 11113 Ju MASKE BAN IT3 ocdoc thii.moring ah ber home O O NT lon -folloving ashoirt liness. She wvis $11,Hi " Waiegn ati eports HoId- boraMayil1, 1845, on the anksof For SeVOral 'DAYS Pirt i Up t WaueganPolie; TokGage's Laie, bon maien namo iieing enSuer v. Plce inNorhCiao leom Broadva. Siteail been Ing With Bad Spels. 'W marnidfenty yearsansd ben busaeni 1 MONYALHI IE o GIVES A GOOD DESCRIPTION but ne chiiiron survive. INCUT L I I E. r - elhe vas a mater o! mme. John Je!- Wauieam, flceiner. S. The. Ftu s of maniHowever fmes e!fslrwisv Place. Waui.gan, Ja-tesweci, #4 yeara oh, reediitg 11 on Nonth COnut etroct, ilsilai 1:4. i Wue idde byfdas; Tok asd san ut of Mn. M. L iliriion o'cloc suxdar mornlmg ai bis home. Man "abes -o! the simniadinesi, sud lMn@. Peter Hiebai tom salUa fori aeS WaukSanorman Place9.Wgauke- motis aiticugiholi ge e Po Wauimu.Deceier9. Pii ion vwuithe. gai compauy onîr four Alex. R. Eiwds, 611 North Vounerai ai Il Thursday from Grays. veesNmg.( 00ouftyt Rrent. Wauicganu hasoeîl i'sCOn"aremtonelChurci. Buntrita orne W ia aéMr.-ca cni- sip ami robbei by a maeied bandiL et ShatidAI' cornera, lis osdme iaiuomv a bsto cog-i Mu e ecorer or Sixeenti sud Vie- io n d c l m ias ble fml.Io eang tesa iretsMeti lieag. Wne- i~N ÇI S T9EE titat heoveube .hal. to survive 0De dm3 igt ai 11:10 O'clock. The rob.- fi4ai 4e4 JIUdlieatasvicbcaemrt. b.' ho sari, Covered hum ili a big tfT1 h en t ave rhhbeem cpramedfor &ee rfvolv« wville ho searcltei itm tor i jJIjflJLj FILInLU hast vesi imys. od orth viluablss. Buvards vas reitevei !M. ec vsbofW Mlhun là flovins icl. :Laie eounty, but bai Uved iW Wau- PO 88W mener wc. Genese. Street Viaduot Thrawn kngan for muyyrer. For many am la ob. al.Open ta the Public This vYas- belon. movhUg W WauegaaboeS GeM foi.ttos.Morning. wva a ell imovnU Laisceunir tarin- Gol ca bttosor. At On. tins b, vai a memben God stick pin.ofth es.t manirkfmofGraiy & Uiwards esterei Lie Wauiegsm GET READY FOR TRACKS. IWelch. He Maie maur frinds sud "aY Ia nd ud asratier excitdas5 he-oacquautauces iurlng bis lite-longneg.- roU.. s h t h10or ocie mitis. ,Eleotric Ca. Ships in Material Idence l WoWauegsu sud Laie counîr kae recumii le son o!lienoberansd is deti cartes sorrovW ito vi «Iv.- valig alcag hobe aid -Miayor Win& Flght For m--y homes. I, -4111t tm idenîratleouer mponand Temparary Tracks. Besies bis vit, the dsceaseli t -et@*fua big bineastemrlve in eumsd -leave. lirec Bonsud titree daniab-cue ehe alia lm.itsireolvr m IWattkgau. eomber 9. taera as follova: Frýed, John, William, tb 60% cr4mtg me I li 'Ip mla igagsis.stn.est viaincitiecfetys IMr& 000Eor MUfigr, Mii. Egnsvel bau at-ily the oi iting loti ~~ Ol ~tn. a urma nilns la"ent l "E- ,mdt vas o mypoy t,16 iiWauiegmnll ie louave. a ater, MIi. le. ~Navet trci m pciee.loc ~~,Jambes Dair cf Gurosuad ifteem npu g.i* i' a, »mesey, hock ~ h~gnaicbtireiL «»ýMpmffl Fymo Pu W4imeglmy meag ah 10 ci - d Mymlv 1oc ai Ils <cweii or the immole. cm o ~ UIsatce f 1 Urbh , n a a emelerr. ~ tiit ,ime 4 mii. e preM t e ridgtveW - tousE OL~ h. v. a s- imy'p Sa. vo u n tarit m kgy. am g fbuar tréka uaoe e iBullet Pad TblhFfg b itruo tcrielii t"tcalmr egt Luàdlbfl ooA AMW <,RR. i- . ~. .~ .~...a. u ami thies asaveptro»s tho Rsorn ___ ilkgacroca110s hi.bridge durumg he 0001" ffol davile. polee i,etc., ýuà_ a oi mtuion thoo w, mi vrs ircught othie bnieid bis menu-RUSHED TO HOSPITALs mes mia euipia f h.fl b ua by the electnie cOMPeUY and an- t ffti e vuhtlucplâO 0WM iamibat, omnt la maie that lie cri X-Ray Picture WiII be Taken W be avai63e.71e0maeamiY a unig crm h ia . This Affernoon to Determine et mai.~ ~ u'~Dniee elh c Relef.Location of Bullet e 'me old steel bridgvs closed fol- m levlug au orien tronm tue shate board Waukegan. December 6. d nome tO ivor amgo. ine.that lime JosePii Angier, 46 rears li, a reit Umi trafflo ias gOee«arose Sherian dent e! Rouecrans, notiveit of Waui- EI~ f~ J Romi bridge. it 1%n iistel t habd )Logan. vas sholthireugh lb, 'rigit P: lie state boerd not achei viien l dii long lits afteroo 11;oltfri ('1M v atologod lie bridge, tue Preseont 22 Celier revolver beldiln theboind SM ÀY mevw ""net veu neDt hoa realisa- O! a isx-year-oli boy. T'me bullet a tics. 'mue, the sah. board n re&Uity odgei li e vtctim'a-long andit las <IFCEIS ILMUAIevidetîr belPed Wauiegan athain the feared that bis conditton May be flépor Shows That Sunday ev viaduct although il seemed hand ratuer serlous. Sohool Has Grown From 45 t riret Auger la tue thier o! a large tam- to 112 In the Past Year. mhe nev viadut has nol been c- Ir o! cidren. This merning about cePted formaiiy or finally by lh i tyr10):30 o'clock he vas savtng wood ina Waukegan, December 8. but t la believend Il yl bis baci yard. Several of th. neugli-M Them uual meeting for the eîec- modiste future aler an officiai ex- bonioodcildren ver. playIng near- i0M of oMcers for thie year 1914 vas amination la maie bY lie architecte. by. Several of them are sai Wobave8 lalietithe irat Christian churcu a Be far. cily oificiaIs have round mti- bai revolvers.Suiienly and wtout hIle cloue o! the evenuWg service sun-, ing in lils construction te eali for any vanning On. te rvlesv ds day. 'me oflicere elecled ver. as tel- icnicm.cbneai nge n h l. iova: j 'm~~~~~~~~Te conîractor bas not yehbcoruivl tcy0 an Tebl ldOn-MIcihael Brovn, E. w. Ry- Psud off ln ful and, o! courue w1viBl et 11Paisei lirough is ighl arm and anb. Dr. Victor loefner. gel his tull settlemenl lut nov. For into bis lung. Instance, $4.000 la beli back tW aie P. 1- P9n-e9.,Barl Whiddem, Henry 1car. o! the, pavtng ftealure o! lie dateur and ho rendcred vuat treat- Mye"s. structure Doit1 rear, or viienever It ment vas Possible unden the circum- Trsute-&.D. Hand. may be orderei put l. Resueg lite, stances. lPe advtsed hhat lie viclin Treaurr-r Victor Hoeefer. the Cty et course ha. tus maintenance bc ruasi W 10the McAister bospihal Fl»ueicll ecretanY-E. D. Hani. bn 't uore lb, structure holding Wn Wauiegmn wvttuail possible speei Mude lrecor-B.R. Sultis OP accordtng tW specicatin. anlsvsdoc Olt f BO-td-B. P. Shults%. Woeanmrislsd, tCt. Angler le nov unier the Care o SUmay Sobol SuPeintnen-Er. everr Patron o! lie eectrtc istisiDr.) A. a Brvo OfWauiea.A W. , . t stsfciohesatmnti te -nay pichure yl hbe taken probabîr Austanat-,E. R. Shuli. Sun Monday liaI the Compauy todayr tus arterineon to delermine tue tocs- Otgmtst-teaAunaScliz. ould shat laying the tomporany Io !tebl, cla lmrb Aisist-liea Eme Myers. tracis. Il mens a reneval ofthle probed for enO#Iitng suci an cl .i The voni of tic Peit rear vas sur. close relations belveen Wauiegan vwouli not becmlened by great dan- v.yai iti eosidchaile a be ruenoe clliem, a relation ger. Until ibus Piclur. las men it Au grovli vas e.pecial- vhtciinha.ctaen videir separatend Ar j ylbe Impossible 10te111lost boy se- 17 »no the lie AYsunachOol,wvilchI ng the Ive rears because People 1rioulythie man Io tnjured. bus corneup freocsau enrlilment o! have aveided the long valk around Thie name o! lhe boy vie fired the 49 l1m a Juuary 112 at the prent tbe brige.1eBhot coli net h. earned. It Io sai tmV aprmsoraContimmona Mayor Bdinger vorked bard tWigetlervoerasdcagd act grwlvt rms !athie eîectnic People IW consent te îsy 1îtenrvovra»îîy.rgdaci 'Me cegregaton vaa touai te, hotracks &Crois lie Iaduct. even I t! ly ,MI i nlis determination ho Dl»omîr temporarlly. ile isi the mater St.L ouis, MO.. Dec. 7-NInety-siz larntimgs for lie future sud aup frequentlî vitii'the Offictels and churches reportediDinreased attend- spciint f amn h c er- uupon lien the necesitî r etpro. ance leday as tue reault et uoing bal!- 1ma& isal deliberatons. viing meana tfon getting people Itb page nevpapen advettaenents. _____________ thie Ctr Ia.LbheGnesese et route d"W. believe t bottern W use 1ev.- Aller Jan lot lie marrtg» o! frai sud nt maie tien val seronssthe .Paper, aivertising than W hbrng ou *»W m WM ho b b-mr neiW lcUi.W-, m-v viduc I. ndicallng iiov ho ksph noted evangeUsta.', says R. K.Wai- 1 _ lt culviint ge liee. aerthie matter i8 Lie letten vhtch'iuî 0f tue Church Feumiation, in 1!",.ai tOY have in lie ho vroe mndi vieiappearsiIW Col- change efthle mevesmemitfon a "Con- umaeue poe ve. inuo." relgions revIva 'BE ALL OWS CLAIN 0F $11.,000 VS ESTATE adge Peraonstlis veek mlioved o!-lie biggest dlaim against su te thst bai been asied for Wn a &lime. IL vas soeting hie, vasu in ch. suit o! Matilia Bodge lie Etate of Wmn. L. Mosu o! glaui Park. He id iW lie aprtmg. nse. Bodg. heli vbat he bs imed be a nole signed iiy Mess but bis sr cldmeithe note vas a tergeri. eouort vas unuhle tese 1 laia t amd alloved lie NIl"imbut eestate viiiappeal ta circuit court. >J~&I~RFOR WRI1NAfk1'o VUS TO JE MOSTOR edption is Discovered and Narning i" issued for ail ta Watch for Her )LICE ISSUE WARNING Ly People Must KeeP Watch As. This is the Season For Fake Charity Workers Waokegsu, Decciner 5. The police have received word to ep a Sharp lookout for a woman ,o ta soliciting aid for the. Laie njuf Orphanage snd Who ta d.clared :b. an impostor. A vannina là tas- ed ln order that phe may Dlot bo able D"von", local People vWho feel a ery kIudly interest toward the. or- hal. suad Whio might be Indue"i to md theïr support If the imatter ver. ut to tigm WltiMemanne?._ Tii. vomm soliciterlatiiquestion eff, a .qmçef80 cf&aIo-,l puys dm ¶iumay mtamom U amtuh g te »Migwommn OMMicemsattnt, .tlaoJuOe haa à ,upaue.'In 2Sb" . ieht;&ith éeliasi th pwueibme ~u hâ ÀàdI# Wf8t the 9f te vhem -Queof thi eaccibaesee "M tha ta«UWua. nteei the.dame fiee. Thie Ivo vomm passedila thé '19, thàt - Wan UOIting aid for te orpliamg," the. deaconesa vas uket, "nwb. a&~ We have no ou. ont mUcltnuaidam Wuthix mannen." vwas te neply. The rouas vomm tien hold et the tory toli ir ithe von=nsolWctor mand this vae replawto Wai» Juda"n, sup- ninlendent of the. Orpiienage hy lthe deaconess. UmseJudeon lit 1no Urne in calllng up Waukegan and mcuii- Ing a varnlng. Si. made il very plain thatthe orpiimnfg han 1no puch worlera out snd tiiat Lhe voman ln question pmuet bW snImpostor vho te seeiing to play upon the, sympathie. of Wauiegan people. At ti season o! the. year lier. are usually more or les. faies solicitors o! chartty viio remp a rlch harvest hy pre- ;ending Wo coiiect money for ciiantty and tien diverting iL Wo other chan nels. The spirit of chartty usually te predoitinant as the, Chilstmas se- son approaches sud If people are notý very careful tiiey are liable t) be niulcted on every biand. In dispena- ing cbartty to instituions people can- .cot exercise ton much car. The police are keeping a strict wateh for ail impontors sud people can amst them inuchIif tiey viii call up every time tiiey are solletted by someone vho arouees th.)ir suspicion,. People viio demi. W oaid the or.>nan- age enu very easily @ani any litIje gtf ts direct Wtiitheinstitution. MiOOME. Lm- M4ODM3RNWOO»IEN Progrensa Camp M. W. A, 229, of Woodutock. McHenry county, at its D-c. Ird meeting, passed a resolution by vhlcii lie camp formally lauuch- ed Thea. IHammer of that city sa1 candidate for the. position 0f heai clerk of the, order vice Mfr. Haves,1 vho bas iield the, position many1 years and Who lo getttug so old many1 m.,embers teel iie siôuld retire and give waY tW nome other sman, A cleri ta ho be electei tiie comtng year bY lhe Woodmen and chat ta viiy Woodutock camp bas started its boom for Mfr. Hammer. Mr. Hammer la vel inovn la Wau- kegan. jus. T. R. QuAYLE IFEAT WAS__DANGEROUS5 CHARTER Wauieguu las a boy Steeple Jackl Hie name la Liii. Ciff, 17-yemr-ol4 son o! Kivard COuf. 'Taotieolbms MOVU ILL AIL plenkdid abUhty as a steeple Jack W. caseh ees W foflow t&t rathor - isihandouà calliWg he provi concu Does. Not Beleïe Lake Forest itvly hete Thtilda7 afternoon rhl«ulc s c People Are WIIing Abrogatopolehotiai upporte lie v'ir»ee atli Special Charter on hep 0f lie Louis J. TeoxnaJsvel- ry More sud maie a repir. "NO REASON FOR ACTION"? Swcon5Uheo! op»dple frein Wcahsarep e t F -amesement, feIful thst evsny me-E Point% Out That Reasons Ad- ment h.oveu loueIa footing and vanced AreWeak; Discusses pua h iap tntiah The Saloon Issue DR. KIRBY HEARING IS SET. Despite the. tact chat a petition cir- Argumente on th. motion W snet culatoi in Laie Forest receivei 108 sasetile orien reqnlning Dr. Wii-a Signature., 2ev. Thomme R, Quayle, ltmm T. Klrhy tW par $20,000 1mW lthe »mtm oftheLak couty iawandUnited Slaltesistrict Court vsre Set ffler Langu!ehi Lte Cteutnalsud Mcnday incrng t houriiad Derein- Ond ter Leett !le frae ltheber 19. The ondon lis doctor visie. iasot lie movcmateWr gter ht Wbave set aside ienrelativetW $2(0,- preeut pecmi bmrer nio vic M 00 ilci vas mistuEfroinhie Kir- l&ke Foret existeansd tucorporate by Savings Bank vien Ittvent into it unier lie gêereai ettes sud villages lie biaise of a receiven tn October, et. Wilftel. bacanie hesays thie.fa1912. ne valu noasson for a change betug made. "Asseeson Thomas Appletomntin ack IA l FW R oftemovoment," Roy. Quayle "Id, "dui eléot the members o!thie ichool ESTATI3TO COIRT bout,.Intead of having lie.. officiais appointai by thi. cty council. ' un- Mntaaorne Ward, Who Died 1dertani ihe han sated almo ltaI he thinis tl i clîr lnsiouli bc eîected at Highland Park, Leaves 1insteai o! appointed. Estate of $1 5,000,000. "I vtsh iW 5tat igbt nov tuat the appelnteem on lthe schooi board hy tie 8RC DFOR O.C RT Cfv nii1 hauu va hfl n h b mnIURCRDFR O CUT ln Lake Forest ag the scicol condi- lion attesta. For example, Prof. Mol- len, iead o! Laie Forest ceilege I. president of!thie chool board. Tmer. neyer iiaz been tLeblgteil question~ ai Wo the bonesty on effictener cf tue city cieri. Tiierefore, viiy demani a change o! governuent on te greunisi"' Under the. -necial charter onden vih laie Forcst vas lcorportei t ta iinposubie for »Ion o Weit ln thietownship. 2ev. Quayle sMY@ the. ftat that tiers vene me saloos tte mn4sud t ere wasano opportu- 187 or seWuig them uiti.ume.hem" çirewla ,vt caua.d scores or the. v.alIy ge.p4.ts vhq now, UT$e lon Wo mate 1*1. Foreut l"rlnhome, ao, sus liai if th*e ssL charter itlù oui Passi6. 4pboit a l"a optdu utmaectic ami icue a mo il thie mjonty of PqOpl. 4e*df.>e Uuch a Move, h.oSs&i& wofli W fouM The. petitS..ctrelatei by Mr. A:- Pistoni vas preseatai W heeCity -con- cil recentiy sud vas referai W a coin- mittee. Blue tiien no action bas beeti taien upon the matter. Because then. ver. but 108 signatures on the peti- lion snd because tiers ame 800 votes ln Lake Forent Rev. Quayle gays the. moveinent to do avay with the, ezer- cislug charter doep not looklik1e a very sertous on,. SUBMAITS TO 31» OPERATION IN PER. I0» OF TWO YEAR Milton Duon. 8son of Byron A. Dunn o! Wauigafl and a former weli kuovo Waukegan nevapaper man, a fev daym ago tn a Chicago hospital submtttd to a third operatton within a pertod of tvo yemrs. Athougi the, operation wap ratier severe. Il la sali his con- dition at thie present lis much Improv- ed. Foilovlng ls a brie! review o tie tire. operations: FIRST--Submitted to an operation for appendicitis. Tii, operatIon vas s very daugerous one ln viev of!the tact tat Lthe appendix bai hurst. For a long lime Mr. Dunn lingered be- tween lite and deati and tiiere vere limes viien It vas feared he neyer would recover. SECOND-A,diiesions remulled tram the operation and theme necesstatai aoteter operation. Tht. operation vas proliably more serious Liien the fiirpt anithe, young man vas on the. operating table for four hou.. THIRD-Adiiesions caused the, uird openation vici vas pertormed a tev on. hour. A fev years ago Mr. Duan vag cm- ployed as a reporter on Tiie Daiiy Sun ln Wauiegan. tater h.e acceptei a position on -the Record-Herali Wn Chcago. but taillng- ieaithhcaused hlm W seei recuperatton IW t1, West. He bai vorked on some o! the largest daiies ln ch, larger cilles of the West Because His Residence Is in Lake County, Estate Must Be Probated Here. A. Mtontgomery Word, mulli-mil. ltonmi4e unerchant. originator o! the. mail orir business, and inovn throughout the entire country ach. "Watcii Dog cf Chic4go«s Lae Front" ia demi. Tii. mmenvho rose from ap- prentice In a shave tmetoey ai àasol- ary et 26 cents a day tW the Prost- dey of the mail order houm wviicl heaushie name, eandlias m bulime orc 840.00.000 a reer, uassed avmy Bt 9 o dlock auniar ti hi. home mi Higi- land Park etthe aUt of 70 yeurm. ,, .,u i.broqbl. ou aboutab ve1'kens ica ite*remt or -àfta* Oi*4 . *etn~ alt ~ i oM ira tome &* -a et *ohiI vli.ou> diÉthu.le rtch merihlaat liai beet siowly sinhiglea.e'uipby*ihamgj vorkei stremuousLy W sae.ilm. but lia ame maie lte battît hopelea.. la addition. Mn. Waris genaual cornu tion vas poo?.h. bavings uutered for several mouLu vwiti ectatica nbeuma- tisu. mil mmu bles. crtng W lis per.n. Who itgcme ougbi ho kmcv about suh afIus sfor more aid more buylag tatm- "The iraithins 1 nette amykbg of tiisort vas vien a roI um e bal! sheepîshir sppnoaehei thc mtiffl counten aeveral yeas a go. lie itd thal he vantei a thumble tor liiiste- ter, buI vas qutte panticular about ils Bize. 1. vas almosl co.uvutaeei vii cýurtouhy aid hie purchaien vas tW the sue condititon trom hashfuines. tseempi. "Cam't you give m4rs mmem <t! o the, sise o! rour eatler' n acn! isit as large as mine?' 1 askei. hoinlg up my middle finger. '1 «0,res,' 1 heard hum sar. 'lt'a noclx larger; la fmct. l's almosft as large as mine.' I'Tien I taughei ouhright sud,,bO lolnei me and confe.sed luat lnata- lempttng suniry boîtons amidmcci darnlngs hobeiad plerced bils ingOr ttps severi l imes sud chatho ebai ietermlned Wo gel a thimble. Mon est Purchssens. "Since tbsL lime I bave touai hiat men have lest their basifulases 19 tuuibe huylng. EverY oncei W ile eue corne.Wa for a tituble ami 8ev o! lieni ire embBfai5ii. -Thor are pecuhlar aboutt h.lit of lhi u mble.. Most vemea -bur lhiu lmmceeougi ho p etche- hi.m, but the amen vat lie h t109 Il. Wa 1872. it a few mMe MW le 'imhw ufnb. 3: 0*od b he ih GeorgeIL 'norme, l « tbr ai me shapp* A the. BrtMail crierbuaus a t l» N, Waud'a wveal .e tlum* st mgectrkal Csk Xmas Presents rv<y umtors*fytardplei* The Electric One of Lthe moet srtistic ln the lisi of appliancen thai operate by current. One viiose uses are the widest, for many dainty dishes ceau b, concooled on il. Differ- ent style"t~tractiv. pnioee. t -m 'I 'I Ais1Mr. Ward's permanent resfidence vas tu Highland Pari, Lake county. tt means thal hie estate, valuai at over $16.000.000, till have W Wh pro- bated tn taie county. It vill tins b. the. largest estate ever consier.d ln the. county court of this couoty and one of the very largest on vbtcii lhe state viii collect inheritance taxes. Possubly efforts viii beomde, Whave the. estate prohat.d lW Chicago vher. Ward held big proportion but the. ciiences are the, lurisiiellon of lie L-ake county court viilbe recogniz.d by the. famUly and the. matter thua dis- posed of here. Mr. Ward began Wto atilln health about two years &go, viien his shoul- wer vas broken by the falllng of lhe collapsible top of hle huge motor car. ln vhtch -ho vas luit about to enter at bis summer home tn Pasadena, Cal. As a resuit of lhe blow, the, merchant vas iiurled fron tthe running board of bis machine to the gutter. Weakness resultlng fronutithe accident caused Mr. Ward Wta fint and brtng on the. Injury vhtch eventualiy tobk ii. Ie.ý Mfr. Ward vas consetous Wo the end. At bts bedside ai the time of deait vere Mrm. Ward. the 4aughte, Ma- jorte, and Mns. George R. Thorne, et- ten of tiie vtdow. Began Carner ln Steve Facto,-y. Tii. mllitonatre merciiant v* self- educated and vhat in inovn as a selfmaie man. At tourteen ysars e sterted W vwontIn a stave tactory ai Nules, Mich., nt 26 cents a day. Laten h. vas a laborer tn a brick yard. At 22 Ward moved Wo St. Joseph, Michi, viiere b, vork ed as a clerkinii a get- eral store at $5 a monti snd boari. Wltin tire. years iie becamne genera manager at $100 a monli and board. lu 1868 Mr. Ward journeye W Cii cago and vorkei for Fld, Palmer & Letter, vicb later became Marshiall Fi.ld & Co. Twa years later h. toci up a responsible position vitii tue viiolesai, dry goodi houa, o! Wiiliff, Gregg &, Brovn. After chat firn dis- The EI.ctric Disc Stove Thats meut vbah t tle-* listai practicai etove ou vhlch brek- last or tata supper, or en" a dinner, if I8t eu't too elabormle, meY be prepared. Meny <lm, s.easomia article. et cen Diapluy Rooma.. a»,ai te cUme ne vas taen 111 the soivea ne necame a traveiuig sales- lait time. iieii a respoxisuble position man for Walter M. Smith & Cg. o! ri on ch. Denver Post. When h. b.- Et. Louts. 1h vas tiien tiat tiihe I ublic S e' came avare chat an operation wme vas conceveby Mr. Ward liat there, neepsary h. decided W r.turn to Chi- 1vas a mveml opportunity for iealtng C cago Wo bave IL performei. direct vlth lie consumer. Accoditng- 'j Giin at Notion Countor -Deda There Are Bachetor Who Sew Here REASÔN FOR CUPID'S SLEEP Every Once in a WhiIe Shigle Man Strils Buys Meie Pusher 9'For a Sistee" "It's a vomier lia more girls ioat give tltein-baubehor ften4î hhipl.. es ChnIstmas pre.emta tUaeatof f$l- lovlng theaclent custom emt ues ami iaatiicciflfi" xciausi a gSM Wa the »modepe.rtmat e!on ou o Wamuasonoes. 1 1 i :, 1 ON. Wot 1 *J e m the Met * moun 1 i. 1

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