Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Dec 1913, p. 9

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UOtJ NTY ~NDEPEN'DENT-,. WAUKEOAN WEEKLV -SUN 'DIfli' wt T.BT1YVTTJ, WL.. FRIAY. DECE- BER 12, 1913. - v. - - '--r -'N - w Doesnt Take Jury Which Heard Volo Case But Few fUlnit to Find ail Defend- -niBut Dne Guîity of Riot On Juy 15th MR&. WAONER 15 ONLY ON! FOURD NOT GUILTY Ag6d Women Decared to Have .9 te--Jury Out But Less Than Two Hours--WiII Ar- q»FrNew Trial in Few * THE JURYs VERDICT. *We, lise jury. sundtise defeni- 116 4hUZaIna Riaymond, Ann Stad- e Qd f&uBsdAmua Waiteu, gullty of*0 llteathe asanar &" - form* téjury. sud tise defeni- 0 Mt. Kte Wan.r, "Dlot gullty." DulBolinger. Lako Forestel Jamns, Duff-Higbiaui Park* * T. E. Pearson-Higiand* *e Park. * Yýak Dun-Ebilelds. * * WooidanTodd-Deerfleld.* * Euh carlson--Poel WSu. Graber-EIa. THE, FAMOUS RAIL RIL)ING PICTURE WHOSE AUTI-EN- TLCITY WAS MADiE IS- SUEBY DEFENSE IN SEN- SATIONAL CASE. VERDICT SHOWS JURY CONSIDERED PICTURE -PORTRAYED TH-E TRUTI- Herewith is shown the famous picture, whose autnentiCltY t4e detense in the Volo rail-riding picture,questioned to such an ex- tent that the picture and ifs manner ot being taken, was pracil- cally madie an issue in the trial in circuit court, rhe detense sought f0 prove the picture was merely taken as a joke and did flot signity or prove that the wornen admitted taking part In theý, treairnent of MrstRichardson, 1 he jury's verdict uplils. the picture and the tacts, Mrs, John Riichardson, the victim: s shown in the center--top ot picture, Looking at the picture from lett to right, we have: 1--Mrs, Albert Miller (she joined the c'owd' 0f women who' posed for the picture but was flot made a detendant ini the trial,. the state makîn g no charge against her and flot even havingt, asked for an in cictmient against her, Mrs, Richardson nevér lormally accused her as being present on July 1bth, although shie posed for the picture 0o1 July 1i ah.) '2--Mrs, (eorge Bohr sanie tacts as pertain f0 Mrs. Miller, pertain to Mrs, Bohr). 3--M rs, Jack Kaymond found gullty. 4--Mrs, Aima Wallon found guilty. !b--Mrs. Lmmiia (Captain) Stadteldt found'guilty. 6--Mrs, Mary Sable found guilty, 7 --Mrs, Ami Stadfeldf tound guilty, s--M rs, Jack F-rost, sister of Mrs, Ann StadtelIdt (what appfli- ed fo Mrs. Miller and Mrs, Bohr applies f0 Mrs, Frost,) r (Y : ~ a Thlie penalty la $200 fine or six 0 a Moths 1lu lau. 0 ilut Oveo!flthe SIX woinen cbargei ___________________________ ýwft>-ridlng Mil.,John Rcarson on poasîblity of lenîency an the part o! whose name was linked vîtis bera by *0. muai tvoe on jaeu 151h last se- the judgê. the gassipa, showed no vîndictîvenese tuQW 'di that tunt sud mstrited Ta h eednsaealaed toward ber prosecutars. She sai lié wfortunate Uttle woMsan wbose Ta h eednsaeal aged che as satsfied witb tihe verdict and niee o liinghadarocodther e. omen excepting one, la shown by expresaBe the hope that tbe vonsen nf17, vaa decided wthln a very tew theae figures on lhier ages:. wouid escape with fines. 1m 1.ato ie uyvlc er Thons Pound GiultY. Civil Suit Pending. f*lt«ainou case lu crcuwicouhert ..' Mn1 E Stadfeldt. aged 25. She bas a civil suit of $100.000 11ud I iseCoclsio c l. barni Mm. Mary Sahle, aged 65. pending against tbem. Dunnill fi nt th ecclsion otfWaean Mis. Lavina Raymond, agai 62. from tise village following the rail- Dh v o oerfudguîy Mis. An* Stastflit, aged 60- rlding episode. as did Edward Krepel. Th lb. omesI or balo. tn tîme ws Mns. Alma Waiton, aged 58. dm was Indîctai wth the six women ear bont. tnoe ur'smIni Fuond Net Guilty. on a charge that. dressed ln vomon's IMMmydobtlnthejuy' mnd Mra. Kate Wagner, agei 28. lothes, ha bad taken part ln the pro-' Ibelier tisa. Oive women were giity Ail cf tb. five convictai are grand- edngs. mi shoui ho pnlKbed.motisers. vitis the exiception of the_____ jWwver, as regards Mr%. Kt captain. wWmor, thore vas a diversion cf Thie vAdtim o! tise angry mob o!- The famous rail-rlding case vent te qopd and 4Mr. Wagner Oves ber es- woa ,who wa driven tram the bce jury at 4:50 PrldaY folowing ai me trou bieng touai gnlty te tise tovu and practlcally made an out- mont earnost plea hy State's Attorney *0 t ual on tise frt ballot but two cast fram soclety by thýeir gosslp and Raiph Dady lu wicb ho urgei that fWvoted te hli ber not gulty. actions.slami Ibtrougis ber tsars every one of the six women defend- *M lina tise vote tooi for four or vhen th verdict ofthtie jury vas ants ha held on the charge o! riot lu ~ ~ -reai. h. vaikod ta tise Jury box counection vitis thoîr treatment of lTb.eeu vM ho favored couvicting and sisook tihe baud o! saris juror ln Mrs. John Rchardson. b« iahly, gave way and voted ta de« simple appreciatIon. The ciosîng argumeut of the prose- *Mbesrinocent. Thse bellot l8 thal Deteniants vere ail prenant ln ctor vas Most iramatic. The de- ~aAttorney fBa'. parluflg l- court vison thse verdict vas returned ifaunse had attackod tise morality o! ~boaut Mrs. Waguer's cnnec- but thoir attorney vas absent. so sen- Mr.. Richardson, luttmatlng that tise vOs Ust te affair. a is at savaid tete.vas nt pronunced. In the Vola were juattfied in forrlbly iepfra eig ouni gulty. Tho eanwhile tise defoudants are at 11- sblowlng thier reenmment at ber ar- Olwa attoresy practicuily akdtsery on thoîr aid bonds. lions lu connoctIon vltb one William >e' te let is* go. admltlflg thal, lu Thee Ove defendants utl huddled Dunnîli wisa disappoared and forced b«ei h proof bai net beau very and dazei vhen lise verdict was read. ber te flgt ber battle for hber reputa- *~a. NA tsar roled dovu the vriukled ton lnglehaniod. ivjuy rftlred et 4:45 and rearis- cheek cf Mn". Rabel.665 yoars old. -tise Mr. Dady poluted te the passage in "lÀvrdict et 6:30,.oMentoet tis militant baud. Mrs. Em- acrîpture visere Jeans bai told the' 4" "y mter recevlug the mib Saifeidtishe stalwart wîfe of thoemen who brougistishe unfortuflate IT'10ulg Douuelly i&ft for Wood- iliago blacÏihaîi.vis boasted that woman before hlm: Let hlm wbo la jad tise motion for a nev trial aise vas captalu of tise mob bocause vithaut $in casltishe firaI stone at ber utrivlhbovric.i vi is a "îm at. ilsi diedalntuliy aud tld ber te go and sin no more. .4 vled wtil a fov days, but ai, and ýstrode fi'om tise recu, sayiug tise Every defeudant ls guiity hy ber j~eraily lock for a refusai verdict was au outrage. ovu evidecd. Tise stae' evidenca le lu tact, t 19sii tise Mn. Rcharison, viso vas loftIcoli ait .eliae n tl o decoesuray t arg"uentbo 11a git sor enemins by ber sisould fini thoea gujjty. The lava ý bd u,IadgW jqtise besr«U>l. W VU"am Du.IiImueat be f yen permiti RALPH J. DADY, Statea AttorneY cf L.ake coun- ty, who, in hie cloing arguments In the Voie rail-ridifig case, as- tonished even hie attorney frende by the manner in which ho ptead- ed for a conviction, using two paramount ressens for holding the womnen'FIRST-Thât they had ne business endeavorlng ta punish Mrs. Richardson for any short-coming ehe may have had; .BECOND-That the upholdlng of the Iaw made t necessary to *et an example that mob-rule cannet b. tolerated In Lakte county. them. e en If ttey are women, to go I<w h told ber to 'Go and sin no by the manner Inu wbch ho viadsh free, you encourage arts such as e- nmOoe?,' instructions Faoed 11Btak cur ln the south and raîse resentment "nid they think of those thinga as Judge Donnelly, lu natruçtlg11W à ln the north. Hut, there they~ church memnbers wben they treated jury at 4:45 piaWny favoS'oit" WuM bang men who have attacked v.umen brsosefully? Sat Ad. over the defense. He vointed Mtff -and thats hat these offenders dld. the jury, had no right to cowd,l4ait They attacked Mrs. Richardson. They. ta Tnshehey neer a pae atesateal' the chastlty of Kmn.Ricb*1011111 puibIrtiynyrgave ber a ne otta aya,1 made lier an outcast from Society. chance. The defense condemnei ber Ha oite ot.hasyi *d They compelled hier to remove hier crippled, unfortunate leusbond for bis stood near thse scone of the M'41' residenre trom Volo, trom Lake Couin- Stand ln thîs matter. lnstead ha' thai. ulght va iltY of- .14bq <a ty and the state. Find themn ail guiltY sol bv een commended for bis abetting ovon If, they Voe nua otl and let te judut' terrifer bis Justic position n trylog ta belp lier. Wby l atepn witiî mercy.' The penalty la SIX they wouidn't treat a nigger ln the *àpatiiaf»5sdtorti u 1 months in jail or a fine of $200. south as they treated thîs poor ltle feunfd gulty. He 0Ut"m thle i The, elobing session was- mont dra- woman," sald Mr. nady, as ha walked ta romain vithin tho oviieéla ekoý. matir. over and toucbed the principal wtess siderlng thse case a"i not to ooodil" on the shouom Soder.. anythins wblch the court bi ei t Osraczedfro Socety 'iarnonturging the jury to bald out of evidence during the trWa. ln closlng bis arguments ta the Jury, Mrs. Wagner. The evîdence ln ber 1____ Prosecutor lJndy said that the act of case la dlsputed. That romaine for, the woxnen at Voio bl resulted lnI the jury ta, decide wbetber sho aided (Front "&iy'% Dsfly.) Mrs. Rchardson being ostraclzed;tbat by ber pressuen encouraging this White MM is. ohardsf1111 81W, was forced ta move frrm Vola. from affair or Dot. But Mfrs. Anu Stadfoidt down and crlod 1h15 momie«,, the county and fron thte state and and the others dld and they sisouid be whofl thuto0510Pltured w that, wherever she went, abe wouldpnshdtsowheeoeo!ti trentmont on that niM9M i.4ý le pointed out as tihe womnan wbo isad county that the laws muet be enforcedI nlht, sho was flot theo uty been raii-ridden. Four defendanta practlcally admttai ln tsars ln court tedaY. v They claim justification for their their guilt. The fiftti, Mrs. Stkdteldt. aternoon aven &P act. Tley claim tbey are churcb did not stick ta tise trutb, neitiser 4d te ogtyoaid nebers, sald the prosecVtor. "Di ber granddaugbter, Mrs. Ray Smith, Vigilante$ansfd Mr@. Wqmsiý. 1they, when tbey were treating ber wben testifyiug. othol' defondafit, brolcego that way. stop ta thlnk o! that tîme "Lot il not ho sald of a Lakte cous wept long s tWor when Jeans. la the temple, Stand be- ty jury that t vas afrald 10 punlsb forcd tupoean thof bu: fore the men who had detected the offenders of tiis iaort and by sucb an fre pntoa womian ln adultery and wbo dragged act encourage the breaklng of law lu It was 9:45 tibIs seMMWU 1 lier before Hlm? Did they recaîl how. thîs county. sîstant State's Mt""ae len the men begged Jesns ta punish "I ask for a verdict of guilty and lotstrdaguea le lier, Jesus stooîîed down and 1wrote as the judge lamper is Justice wth mer.-coutheVl. akllI~ If ïffdintaùderstand them; bow cy bn passlug sentence."CUt., lie di it the stcand Uime but they ln,- Mr. Dady's pies, vas miost eloquent, Mr. lIurua Pbs slsted that He'punlahliher. dramatlc, forceful and mastoriy ln Its sô'P **e 4. t S"Dld tley recal bow Jesua; fiually ontlreiy. In fart, the states attorney Offenasot-*q ***la, tld them: 'Let bIýn wbo las vthont surpria aven bis moat Intîmate ain cast the firet ýtone at ber,' and frleîudi by the argument ho mads and i 4C M101 go SE , about .4 vltb vas tai lainons, Ide& or ding up Y. '1'. .051t as and_ ho t An at- s Rager h. bai sMd tmat i a vWll* M~d ftv ht of m i e entieh tl» p sMn" st nts Ndpie oh ia One rdeat, us eam Elffer- Mom. a 11111e hreak- eV"n a borate, POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YFIAR

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