ru I 'p I 0' '1 %hae ~otou jPI400< il k *;,'~ lciiariam pj Fiftt ar Crs$ed -'C'enretePINI) TWO ALON 6 TH4E e structure Thurs day tveding ' LÙfiCTRACKS- ai Quarter to Five. SMO4GE ,fËATURES. BLIND MA WITIIWakogan, Dcomber 12. Arte vse tr onskr Court W* 1111 As predlcted ta Thur~&a aSun,.inMWli"çt = street cars vors startei,runaing MAE IN Dsiret.~tsn0biei5tL Hmt arGusen e troot viauet Thurs- o ;S WL. . = t Mbo1iyinla sud. n trin deu, _X.l- 'M R SUES QOUE- piior'la be bysabr- sas ter orhe h""sta? é VIVtREInF bc5QO in 1IAn eun other vards. the* taiporay trucks "Y 'thecar wu o dvies.--."' EeralJury ln Chicago LoOka &crosatde vtaiduct vore put lotoauis FORSTEAUNfl NEA MiS- bo go.$ oyvo; o. onte vn ithi W e Cha rges Against C. WUsd y ev al a am t t p tr u C. Ctuitianen. taomia rse ravhin*e ntre. f vii- ANDS AF'1NifTt1iln.o ourtvannes Tlhé flrmt car raziacrois Lb. bridge BSE TOU0 IR14E CIRCUIT i t qs*i WSta iS v ARRESTIED IN NORFOLK, about 4-'46 oclock sud th-e ah O>T .f < art 0c9rUs,- *t borthe Iiil »m~T se bu t~ atrpeu ovu seU euough to permit CUT ü CowUy ' ac f ut 0ofi . baut wu Oro""*"" THE rsstiae. Mm t e àci **b*5 kotaba b.- *goumtlim ta PIGrlCroC,,D A TEBATTLEwu tm vi=ie atiy pislethe>e nv.iat arsm fmna pelst'r 0£ fiéi:50 *1%lp c oach la t WukanWhbOfn ed e mta-«tebis hi RO& EVEN, TK H t vTi.&uxàemomeUne aisAg ort alr »V» obfi ethe. uu uî sWMtheauiaa WasComfttd? Isula th e oth. uêt e PAR £00 DUNOT ROIDE dd ttoe lii adrl -ury T rais12.AIM& TO EXCLUO< MILITANT& IN COUNTY. -6, imgie.;dmine acameen ou leta P Soak up au tavutaoti fasmaiI. te aunir U Naa oSette~o aM"i Mouint' Washington, iD. C, De. 12.-neclu- OsWt e uas ~lz ou the P l oghIrs le à, oM Smd~ - gut suffraais tM dewbah prombutéses a ucee eiftie mosntHvssaIoO u vu ieniait uI *0 luwitaiOtatsDavy. Tt vas 1 ~t tt e smueit la a " esational cases of tede béd tat Ms.Ifl ti a t ¶RM s oue dts tes h. esi»uB oai 'r. do. at e1dstmgfa ï Ioa ver boeoissutla tdo' 11k. cous iy .0imi de 5llor liC S Be.~ ~ onqAir~itl~ih' houb circuit court lalte d«TaTfor tbiih 'eocm iiM uh ol lo i"t a le b&£g -h la n lberd"abbu o- us otvl e&acopr- ofthie luata. dedeclii aiuy viietier Wii atsjethkm slaos. al bits frcrn ~bueal. ,m -F. IWLordk»"ow- @ JlrLy zrd mie*vol ozle iuauur y isiiderai lii uite Dcns pbrmtteot Geeite Ridof New J1 «Ntimouyi slmus Yok Itaesilsuatobsaffectos i SWWW55 à -t*au exteut tdat he 5baeslsuibihite flE<cFoie ar aa$30.000oiamthearutz ysupreb,> a nalt d amli and cve ber ustoi rc- touai thec Ytiocb. .aie cumity. ih omhad ouk 'W'Ir"tact tdat lir.Lord, a rfl '"n idra g oscf mu4. Metali Coffin WUs Open mamaer of tde Wisconsin Contrgl jdte mms lc .1 t- raiiresifor ooso sm wu- iieo ' Hope by Formlng an Organza- tbe o emi« u otthelsaI« g monla traM vork of roioiybyb Byn1.rondeSujini.thil etin mdai theof - lgaI«Mbor et bsvite qharge'TIIeftS of an" or 'Duo fuserai 0f tbe laS. lits.oRoeer 't WIWJ' UUMIT D(qWTI~IE oe Os w Uae o.Suad« 1 em o ' srasu Lordae tinss~* ke, fora lot y«M M Bsayimmd.a prcei50lucesîthi l" encsUient M umsatua' Belleve Ituev» hod t'or ai 1I6 teehW-la«W& vélsasé la lIiietm<*à, maue ah i e MUa lca is- 111% w * inir5 b fmaOir 'l 5 uts W "e. Omqrwtm* M uthe alid abs alias,., Theahrbeanteueioaiiabout voeu a'Ç faeiseyrm~t~eais ,ss a ie k hei Adaa. lirs. Là or lmi ebavaobep s.A h rrne arc; ws li sis imcoutuhi<oiI'D uUam.fkWmqkavui o au bai usai. os be met baneorpltued îot If t "d Ttbot Lod, elo t tut lb iivmgbyinv-delolgvhnme io verl s~ie pulty.Andoth1 uemaam- ot lsed the iimet agaroamumdatne kab Io pîhtilato sofeat. ZhihaofIli lit 1h miaievasufMt 1mot strougly. 'de tact Shah Lord baidesiel a burtvaial-tli eu lot w* ebasilu do isar 10, tbree yaars betors uoble tamnr Autioch, to mi"aî a a .ttz ~W tmoirriage. lira. Cccko sougbt.a lied, lTva iuna bout dire. 7mrs1 h membr viic olmei he aase-te'connusc ~~ cererni WOrm ~ position as Instructor la tde Wauiio «0o. dat caaouen yacothpéuu uec son oiÇl1" f o! dueu anmusally. Thon la case smenolî <ho, *s trai. . aOiscicol, Before tdat $moellq circuit court- te repla 'tientie L d khliens of amy ofthde members vero chair, t5v r mê~a U.dohoel eiran~~bai tauglht lu de Kenosha 1*gh taru um eho.camiu a Lmn mno me ua uslips, but s Sli te i i i es Ghio eci. The. principal o! dhe Keoha vas part of Lrdsa estate sud that vudb sit fein aad m ees Leya mlagoUaaaly. sbool set a latter ef commenditionMisam Roui bai riorigt ta IL. Juigo lunhumhlug dovu fihe dileves. Witb bues' vil 'MUos ba5nTi0L t 29. rete. the Wauiegm sehool board. Ho Carles Whitney. la circuit court. or- vrmeb adgthmme wofrndw omtg& tcols trou chriten- Dce ~*tass insi dl e, raled hr ot enly bacan» of ber jriMisse *odte retumte doatr u& adery her iding of hemsoor a i ~ lde5 usparima0f et-j piouit 51111, a a sahorbutaIm taMre LoO.MiSa lsd. througi tle believoid at haves wonu veuld mont lIm It acON. a do In govcrvmmsut. for ber fiae code o! mormls. This Atone Mez Bmaubicu, appaed ol think tvlce et leut efr te kheir um abe loftscrotl>for Chi- letter vas romi by Rev. WhIppls mand theupromo court and tdat body n i tpe cidoen& s.i cage -uIMW W"rsscuei yth e Y. W uh' ert h yso ay edtettea ie e ieRe.1llte.chul r- . C.4<britet.., amcriing In thielrnb ta odssyaeTty bl ettO sgvmt Ms sd vas only rscently that Charles aI a gVOvsMM nt lanofethde Sgirls The paster aime rocalied tde tact gving lher clear ovmerabtp te the Caols aubcrcSrvinabeoab wbvbprousand ou Nov. 1 telopiioMel dat 1Mr admi r.Cooko clebrated prolirty. Immmi ecu pnbshu os I W *ittmY. W. C. A. that hé, uevtorgodnedigol "Je.BanInbrstt, cvrth US .roaiy tu marri er tIfsuie vouludei odnvdlgoulsiu. Bebul e utt eo ebouse. Dmriug tdelusesveral wvome iser te lu isvofle la. m crn vdi~ B llis t ln.Coi'a great do- tarin. Mrs. Lord at once Ilied a dam« -- Imisi lOW tbeipsewsad saismi i.vsta iesar miradm Ht ertae t mg sut drauh Cci. Poe &Pop may cbckomm bave boom sLalom lu eaeii Ume leIa Morrisnean Yb"0wetlCago luroandsa e fniof ovdge ou-temii sit tle n ov Pope & r o pe an md mar Wauiiegmm. Tt ls blievedmie muh ViasCrusa bisod ait. 11118,Inraele u d of weg s n tl ot i ruh;t ra.that thde ima imar iscussion et ho called sai liOts. lte" haesi- b-pollnthe., s vy o! travel ani he The Lord-ied mattor attrachel et- forming tde Protectilve association Ami, ws That ae'«&e-declard it vs lierambitin to tntiveuorinb.heon.ristUdetiboutt vahsbo possibleusb Pointntoui ofmgta thegaverument, i la h lri hvmbe iione tmLo dlrmgloieruhotneioomo 4 alebuatuel e avy. RH em eude- ilearu mamedhimg et conditions cli of local courts m and ii mont u ase e om leman e a1 olwlbcue ert rm i uahd ie eemetoificia Crapo la oneofethde local poultry fan- others. th, iAtlantic te Visât ber son In Swtzor, vatched t latently la eriiectation ofln îol aingali ntra uno direct UI L »AlTE' Iland. When someone remtmded ber locatlug ralreai.- rate rebâting on the formation oftpoet tue ais- vidite (â « , IUU F .stsa dt di.might ot cou. back aio Lords part. As treillemanazger 0o!tde siutiocon. i clroleadthavnvatul sumo er uaioe S orTehlnue m r ~ EIAI ra ch n trip ho saym ie smiled big raliroai compami, large suso of sa"eid near Svlhaerland as lih la Aierica. shIhcho di mt have te maka de. for pensonai favori 8h. bai do. forTh iH ais %lie bai alvays led a beau- tallil ertures. 1h vas bopsi by diée hlm. She lirst met bts when @ho.wuS Waiegmu. Decembr is, hful Christian Ilte viiicb mai, hier govemenot tdat lt mlght dioover a stemograumber, ln Chicago, altiiongi w" sditéo&d te probate todmy. tiieCalil came. instaucea of viere loy.!bai roaatoi.di. bail a omut ahde Lord homo but rnml of11,0 lirSO e. Cnreai t mtte TI,- he cburcii va fillel wld serras'- Wile many of bie persaia cobooInter movel te amodier part ofthde '"rà 18,00 eln reity $1,- ng friemis aidrelatives. Tue main- vers usai la evideuceinuthdobtriai necity ami shortly afterirards veot. sh ad MO PersomaL.Peter Paulson mni Po., ben s e iLaie Couaty Bar Asso- evideuce came out to a iuM1ca s da the farta trial, MissalRed onhemi- MiassP St McDber o mot e Svîeet et de sciation. including Circuit Julgem io bai useda aycf dis mcaey lu -e' ed that Lord gave bhrttii. tam>cf bis ho asele r ~vitb vs xechodSet. 1, h Whitney and Domuelly vere prenent batlug te cstosmera. Rdwever, lie eva froc vin ville lirs. Lord lnsléthtdecU-. ', li pr[tttylamIlloI br u a body. cheeba rov«iemle mmiratier aston- ber hubani vasuinatuated vltb ber tdis " Floral tributes vers promunt in lshlug dingola the i saiethde rail- mandLiat bis Infatuation causai bim td.0 ~ bo4.A.F onai Tor ae wogreat Profusion. Tue front of tde rond mou at h time. diovint viier. te ieed over tde prailerty ami loue ln- paeri ofo notds, ime aud WllllamL ciiob vas bansed i floveos. la uoney vont vbich bai beau placd eilremt lunuhie viue snd taitl>'. tva cditb onden tbler many f rienis ulgiit ln Lord'u bmmds for rafrcad ieveop- 1 That th lienloin suit rihouldle ê b e ib ILlook eahlber face betore sevau laid ment and pis'posoa. Mforte ver. brougbt ln Laie county Whoun pue or touns on VIVSLIaway, the pondenouu lneialllc cornu maie tu prove hah Lord nuimciitbe parties lnterentod are resîdents TRlie nt IMI BlU fDÀ ! i Whcb rs.Cooe'sbody vas of t frpbrucu a insment amd It o! lihe tats. but ive lu distantbaron th bug t acreBsetde Atlantic, vas op- vas aeuan tatid Odat dth am ln places, la rather unustial. 1h wum mie bai neo'risgte tde anulmeuhofttde ed. At the cemetery 1h vas placei vms piitbased trou diaeo <mais, litre. lor's coutusel. vWhou ieu'start- Ovenae la L48s COUhty circuit court la a large concreto vanît. The eli Tuere vas al of tii. mlraoe nisa"- oad heSuit for allocation ef affections. -mes-4j M "oal"ellu Weduedayi boatrers vers chomen ftabr clos. oriug te raclai=u t but lis matter at once obfaitan ahfacbpint cmnTreasure ér » Thuaday 69 ieson»l cf1<3 ociguet tblende and relatives. Tey voes:nOver rembiid a tangible tom. ,the tam il u iésn e Au a 3ici eVll lu hi amre c ibt aHowardLU imuons of Chicago, lire. Lor dm. botamily bave boom permit colle#00 ttO o Ilpet ina qai. h Wball a a-' Homer Cccii, O! Waucomia, Chutres liva in uWaiaiisslia.* 8ia. shie ,OuihIt la 2h tIi*ele ti* # asi& bI 5vuote îKlng. Stautorit Paerce, Charles IL Miss Red le * stg bééutr Ma insit. i thii e Oumli* il 00 U. tsi uimeh"e.vAnsd Lland WoremtM #of contm I s*~2 cr iaSUse ~ fs~poui 41g~m~ takubsi USWaubea, 4M ir ai«# ppotet r. lard stnds ac»nmt.. wng-e __ - > 'ŽZ -- 4 àr-' _1 -s aee were a weak- ~blind brother and a vers the sole wtt- the state4 case Porcme, a nfflhbor, temtlfied qg di. girl miter she'had loft wOsilaban told of coing Into eh; of seilng Dent thora inter- oftding the. girl la tIie other 0e car; o! walktmg ubrong tr coaches and thon. viio ho dvhere ho bad letber. o! heu conle. I*termier vas on Madison Street naval trm&ning station lads told le child, atter they' hlidiound iia0son Street, sh. told tbem. à aut coron frm a "box car:, oer Voilva bas ftkd a mqada- oLion ln Circulit Court agaligt' rr 19. S. Love of Zion whersby te t force Love, who Io a an iti- te, tb turn over the $Ir.00M the ZMon councfl Monday order- 1th VeUve laconnectttui witii ,7aMt bond mattor Wbhlibasl ,= prevlouiy lth*t"- cei auteo m theutandamus aasrd .2 e~bh' vigecflIn mi Case le Hard 40 R ould fdot'-Eve> Permit xtii Say, e %mXnw:Offi- Ne Aoompanled. Waukegam. Docomber 12. dl an a r e tda 11L ir i t -a la the kuoviedrs of localthi Jais a sighilsasman wasCI stMand as .omeof the. lm9ei- 0 smu lu a crtmbw etcae. 01 mu vas Charles !#oSbeit, 0 mUa-brothe r *fGiace i#op- ê ilYser old givbo lacc001> V tanss tu the.stata'. cse dit unes Dée. wbo la charad lu îpiu slua as morne w.*s mgo. Dos, for bas bienuont under $.M0 WMa prmmted. tiU vea put Noulut ou thestand ~ord t gS ltste suotte theuadies o!ldis chili ou laon qqsto. at mhe imtd. sme inuisted thait Neuboru'. vas lISIOOUD? técaise Th=yfI0?dtestrMa eu Ience but the court dM-sot repimg ruUn&g. owévéT.C selly roll 0%mmcii of bi tance, Neubet tld o o! a ,on wtb OMbW C&ahiaasWho chili 1» 4'. de.- Woted on the greadei that Skuovisige tdat ho vas vlti Wlabas or a masnaîssi d baât ho did net KNOW that ho Was viii vas anu M; ould not 'ldutliCaflaba erlug bis vote or by mose- ng 1dm 1litwuvas miLa i tu, bai" vith Oec.rCsli- en troisthe rords eoome lt mais" by isisuas fat b. 1 -.»».enem or niuver1 an OMMs lu thé 555i0b-'be 4:j socly becausemoue. mod e, hsd toid hlmib . 1 i 100kc the nmm ophdi4io1 wMa bus wuNn ,ttuvsOC, 55daAiOS 2tes~atn«M ie us ýb.* e titlm b tNebî strfm.A*"g mai sc&etta Rh hlm iv s bla.dii - ti onhilitvhe l i on vhieoff taca as ebt' as »ai lueimto ad ac"bb htii. bd« Un& bie te ith De lti to ase at mI. and. aldiougii . lu cifu t' deficient. Oie mat on tii. lase ber bands, m6vod ber mati prectically nothlng. The. od got llttlo trom her, die omss. Obo di mot meesute it m@ho vas ln die court rouai 'onud make no charge agalnut iDromtsing hlm. la tact. she te tlan aidierspre tiie iortant part af di. case vas Ibt thore. g dhe undepoudabllty o! dis ld coîliplainant lb vas notice. Lt, wen efforts vere made te or befor, abe tostlfied diat at gattempts vere Iket bol up ber rlght baud. mie on holding up ber loftand nheoJudge trled te erpmin, i for the chair and bad te 'hem It came te asklug ber te ADe. ln tde court ruent,sie m umable, tu do mc. ber evidence and tdat o! te feeling wvas dat, dore *as et reamon, for connecttng D.e achili, it all being merely aj lme vas true vidi belt mine. 1 igter. Oie gave notbing 1. couli oro,. natblag. ,r r eîaruvery demi. AU thi e chUldm dbn gdon ber ro- Bell(( K bact oflrata b~otSUMl'sud place i hm *e4or imovna uWaukegma. 18 <te lob10Grisn as uý otisoi, 44 hboop, mow0ty eleodsi ullrin. tu Ê. automuobBIe md, Maunt of hie Chcao ctty mcioob, " »m rou& Who vasousteai h to Woukoi5l k bvmeuout. ardleon u"0leo! -Grith W"5 siven e h i901Ui [m *ms X«s MmuoliSotb hheidan Justice W. mm s4dvas iiS mi, *W*omas.'matimo a pain. bonde o! $t.00.RISCOÉ> te of Lake orait Universlty. Làke Dec . Mie *Q ousrs ol uiversy. frnipiibâaind iii te Kg os fatlAr v ii.d & bout twc suc00-orth, Dr- DOvi."d" «M Np0. is.boa vistoiut the ovor «as lusurpai. 'M quel trroir homo bore .fMqoU.ty ince v- hefdisRmer o! Mn" Dow*i h famlly and la Wsuukegan.ton la Dem City. OWTiiAru y. unr. D. m. Ursbiue "mwr.g Min'-rd, *»d ber dan*bt*, 0 Yesterdsy mcrmlug cibemide hu Mard, bave lot fllghmUiW adih of Unr. Carli C6oiemaof 314',1@L <. nuqfia.. vbç,M" ,Iarko avenue. mter anen ROcf lad mnd ber daUqiteS vii 5l ucuùt two vaeks. Medus va <mia 10 inter. Th esR. sud Mms.M be o»Wasek mgo vhérery Evaus «base taksadi tb»IUoyd en ossblewaareniered. butof -mcohU Siflanrose knI ber oss bolmg bIielWu. s________ mestios vws pergffl diy Dis. subi Mai Kabov0wy. but dasth VoU ho fgb( . »«M« baru mU O i~ bo lovai ber abshe L, hm sud ber bimbei; tvc brothors , Md a mottait te Milve. stto es~s h te*i séters la ourmay. $hig Wu a rosi wuc or fat for Lesa Ycrs vrAMIi ay eO-,--etth musa, Roy. luorties EJ.tric ss CITY BY *AmKf The hbi Coffeerm Tiarein but '5l. v4,, vulepe lesthe ibvereti difaitbiu.lllo ni dau - te fih mll rouiroanot» a gold, mlver, Ibr1sklra , iub vîth mouel. lassor mli shades. Ever notice ho* one embellishes a roomi Pffces, $boep Public Servý-ô )System The Garma have a happy way of not- ing down the birthdays and'annivcrsay dates of their relatives, friende ans! aç-., quaintances, and sending some littie toke each year at the right moment. This is a gactice worth adopting in the typicJ Ariierican Way, exteding cong£atulations, over the telphone. :Leiers of congratulation kôk tho ïâiûhof fi;"eing that lies in the sp 1ti word. The Long Distance Tolephone , casier, quicker and legs fermaithan a L-tter. [t is mono considerate &id cardie the intimm±c poemal touch se ikciy te bc lestothorvîse. U6. the Louig Distance LM", CAQ*Oip ~4ys Mrs. R tomne) iudg ONE Wi Man Br AImig wile attention hures Wb articles rouces dl o! cerna tact isn plaimiug victiu o kag heq Even toruey I onutdo c stata'a !srrsd t, la callet glnlmg lady ina terstin îOstis. ho Cli, Cwildies dhe lait Primas deda flowtug sami Lhe vat Duar tvuSty court c tamiL Aesacà tdat ti vin si uts lit captur suprer thiev abod% mema Ev. ouvme -0" 1101>6 for thi 1 - Chief of Zbon Polioe Catche Maan Who Long Ha& Been Sought By Sheriff Green FACE S A SERIOUS CHARGE. lid Ob Have Mon Money Un- der Fais. Pretenses-Gces Under Name of 'Johah.' Wkutegm. Ducomber IL Ruport Dovermx Gsastw'or Reuti Deveraux, ai he o mitlm erfSm to ho cailodand vhofor vome. 1100 40»a "àa ptyled himasl-J«sa"-aid ste,, mier tfie omomoen, hmi bom iracmtu, tea cobca cf nearosla ý tag.vas aruwedtu Zic Citi te li U 1:0 cioci b, ÇaSLA. A. [a= ::, v &«acai ner tasractke M.e Lufi .J Orum. rOP h vs hamaiviiartait 0iih emm te Wooueaa"erV"u amd acim s <o le » csai JO shat Ipm amba, a mué, was ianreottiona sqrios O 6W rereaastaihimoelt S e a a towus am, on the poese dt ýhé vwonl tiba up Bauxa'datesefitde latSer voeu de over a-lo te hlm. This Ban» sdianan ho veondèrai vhy Grifth iii noS laitbo memaction vidi re«ard te hie detanie. 15 imagai &long until Lime for bie trial botore ho finalligave out the tacts lnutde cas. Efforts te locate Griffihvers vidi- out avail as b. seomeil te bave drap. ped cempletoly tram sight. Dotoctve gougbt hlm lu different aiates, but when they traced hlm te s place dieY vouli i4cover tbat be bai ju leot on Wednesday Capt Walker etfZMon wbsrs Griffith formorly maie bis home, learnodd teulos' vas dr and learnlng Shah the sherlif vai bitu. ho located the place shers CiG fth vas staylus. Il prold to e ih a colored famîlu'. A mari vas iel