Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Dec 1913, p. 1

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LJNT INDPEND:ENT' rAlJVr(1N WEEKLY SUN __ À ýdTT%51rr TT v mA v 1 WC F, N ~ îi 09 13. OE TO mGHr si .wOPER Y B iN ADVAJOA elurively b WOo W ton ladeg. nortb shore W This Wl lUTDenver and if ULUE IL~ of John C. Sa~ ~UU WCano nf Pfftu , lflerrv £Iwlslmas an OM r ut I g 4' feri ha o h I I N TURhsev r o eofi s e de sNS LETTER O VIER TO POSTMASTER GBRADY, home1Mdtb 1) 01 Fruit Company, IS Vie_ tell of Denver la I- and every other resident of I1ake Oounty a very merry - WM ing editor of the Indmx WHO WILL TAKE IT UP WITH INSPECTORS IN CHICAGO tmoChcgThg. The staff it Io declared w CrstasVENMOUS ACTS 0F ANONYMOIJS WRITER WILL . posed entlrely of vomen. WiMe the weatlier lias net been Christmas-lie for the NEY WAS IN $20 BILLS..WOOI ORTIS hldysaon, neverthel8ss it lias been favorable INVESTIGATED-MOST RECENT WOMAN VICTIM PRM-. Nok Made on 'Waukeganite aenr. .1. in rnany ways, especiaily te the poor and needy, the ab-i ISES TO GET REVENGE ON OFFENDER "IF IT TAKES THEË mie ea ~bey St. and ecoteachers voi sence of extreme cold, making it easier for thern to care LS RP0 LO. asbIi ~ý rllierBouletard. ng a -for te ele. T i ace tef esens grief and Sad- Wswb ouead i At the teachera' meetnftIlýUUghmeve.Ti u, fief e . lo of matrjmofly gvg0117is ness-andfo that ail should b thankful. DVLPET NI~ RCIGÂT or o te ated by ideÉ led by MimBe .e ed o atl>roaCheS OhristrnNas with a feeling 00gPochrmaflag r pi u theffrmative sud Mues Lake Ceunty arMe hita ihafeigo _ý' loess Fruit company of %"aukegafl, Iheo (olllday for the negative.-eeldta nte akgnwmnahOb" appreciation of the marceïve lettrumttcking ieracaeactr anshow-i gWd itu the police In Chicago FX.-n wth ail Matrimonial Uuaooe o! the many kinduesses that have beenand show 4la"dy nlzht that lie was robbed talfltles. marrijage offerg a bo~ter, sr*haebeninmeal ,rofessionfl. spinsters who have ble nIttiteana osmc fti oigo h 13,40 by three men In an aley in ' epi. blsPnaeýe inmrai ' wtc e Nb Robey etreet. between Wash as.ana t1 ,th1nua berac2o u cxig ftiRecipient -of moet recent letter decided te tight 8" ltpaching for acores Of YearB R2-t n boulevard and Park avenue, sud the women voted overwbOlfllfslVow Christ, it behooves al t stop and consider that ail these obtain reveatge on the assailant of her characto.> 1""'le holvetgte h fo1 h firaie blessings are given te sa arsito 3mh-IgcreShe turne letter in question tovertelt Potm&t*, t'htoysldte e Wal neet earth on the day whose annive'sary the Christian world 1 Grady wlio wiil take it Up thpsa authortumi myIs tane uTINA pa celebrates Thursday. Second wornan victim, revealed today, cormesfo«- rý»r. Acordng t Pecher ho4-ward erely to let other victim know that she jmili lis tie money f roithe Securty - - an-e Wnegnan wn the only victim in the community of the iclO on çbbmgo. Ha was on hie way te the RIS wrecker. àle of Alxander Myens. 814 South mdNT E 0L0 @o tret, when attacked. I omb e5e h andlen Lake County Off icers Baok jN" ~ kgn saloue"ree wor-kiîîg au and about 'W'au o e thebd.0, erFrom SThe -Thypublication_____________of____the__ by Mld intecut Met Highway Commit. 1FI4 A D CIIN eceving the defaiatory letter in W ednee sd ' am m 1.ol onovllt NeW TI ERL.VLAMS.YU6AKI RN TO brought out tetcta thehe fa reety M, àe 93 Kit7OiiiVIl-flL'VILLA.ETE EAS G a letter written in a sirnilar vei, nwbeh the bk* * tO IWt Dovir T SW RAM1E3 M -rTU temupt was to besnnrcli the eharactet of his wiih, êw Sa ,I1«YÀCTS asbe unbleisehed and even the IPn Qf tbe - ae~~>lÎça~. ho wot te her husbaaid te "watbeh b«!~' la Illet mwe t-mdm et Tat S e $ . itcase, as in the oe ementioitMd wW11111 s, hatSh tfdadhl 1%t# e-lg" U PM Ô"Myr S ndhrhsod-a DiSS ~U1Itet~r~d a L.Ofa 'akeCM.dutb.a te èsSifin g IMfidene ana love. IN! 4 La» ty l»aid onhaveauait? thé bs -The taet that this home wrecker is working àa*. coumluîcoregsdlngWOUL A uual bing C00115 0 nUW Èials harfis bnW hz le Hlai~ Park sa t a h li ew y - m i i n r c u g W U L IK E A R E P O R T . af t ., l t h a a jaP e flfli w P ou 'nl * s i > D l- ire m s a p ve ~ iv s t it. r m i h e r n e f a r o u s w r k t h r o u g l i t h e a n o n y Ém o u ~ ¶ ie sate owlilu Lie Cunt>. wotb l 110 tajouet r q . J7~ ~ing everybody te it Up and Wonder if bhé o bijrPw *W vthe w"&te r>' tisfaecotoY.rleo pos wi by e 80Th Ris mee saate woud ~ ~ Mr. Russell saes lt mthe inter hie Noted Educator Doubtess aln efù..j~ 'N bf i n x itll c : li bo f ill hid. colte ae 81,08ccomp llsh ueWouW B e l oGive FR ha teberdabot cneci n esd t o(ly crtly ai.te a t nter ib Tefoe o In = o a l 1 i.fîW ~ O M n f the man who could flot bellovp OlI IOecs a fos i -î lç i idcdteetebrd-Western Union repaîr men, wag air- hen the state Officers arrested him, Grad. ant i e is to itake it Up with Inspeetor St»Art f- ___________1. iTheuip l uggstins. C.t.heack gag freboard the ith the matter whicb was dIsclosed ÎM T WARRAT, t embody in the state ruade of Lake T. ArIthur Simpson, count>' superin- reated et Zion City depot yenterday. that he must have been drinklng each Cîeg vîcimT eil na reto u ty, a four m lle strit loft out of tendent of cho l bas written h awswilg wt theeothr re, lim e set a lire In the c lty. T b i va o 111 WA e-oriina ma. btweii oxlakeoowîng letter te e Chicago newspa- andi pulling a cigar, proceeded te senses he would net have donea itghe _1teivetgto s P A t at o d sr Young , ferm er bead of the Chicago pian , w ered hlm . as dd ase the pc- vorker on the ex îresa wagon there;T R S L T E V . 8 c$2.0 ýThe, indced the board tri rein,,d boI c duceen utwo o h gemian t tte crossleg. He refused and hart thseconfidenc-e of evervhlody . r ' I ~ iigdeterimind on tlia Matltette, Im NUEmtae te 1 mle trech etpenHalf bardpoftlli onet e he Tbnowh e putheforwareleg Asant callef sThe c -ihadar i rde- was iiersldJ. Pf M."teR omnlvinEetR.tli e nM b#l-1 aDaysatio on thendaffTofiee sritune Inoadrthe police. partisent, M.G eTusa wsJs uod fWaukegaii wbose iie- rate thusflend uwhbie doue t**và Daytenc Waecte Lake county and conduCt Hadxldear At istatChwediestr îwdtivThse Sun about the band receiveli the anenymous letter rible ltig. flieodore Soderquist Could Not whiîch the state board, arter receivlngannvsito:watketesh cettionse ase.le sald insus-tance:le whlch lher character was defee Tee ooyuoeutk thMi rm Lk oit.srcfnd$.1havent seeîs Zaisile alîsce tise n place of My cilldteusMd le, k t.Jderstand How Money tema rm aeleit . rc iilnedrbne hcao irtnarhl $o iii 3-hcg le on h a-atb n usl o ~* .,., ~. out, but ilIol tow resnstated fer god9 "~ Tiu e iscae ict nraiss tok hus t tsicg1a.r-P an ifil . and 1 don'tlaitemd 10 lot auy'epiO ' Wa ae rmHlm. Tse h emte c<nplshed carge ou an d uh EL~ seme ?Iays ago, le lisaft tseen i- ii shelnet, nasbse et irel. leit l'tamptible personef lita sot ta%*, was s moie rrOm1Young cando machte -d htls'tisedepartinesst directly clIned, going te ait back sud let tise fera wllh my homo vithOUt galtt A considerable and bfeela torectnan lisocharge]pubanceducational depart- fer a year. lie Ilies sin the outside home-wrecker tontinueies or lber revengeon ou ra Iflbposlbl* W aukega, D cember 1ý. uleased w th lis trip. T ie commit- 1, ci-,ols. EspeciallY ould I like tej'ftlI.c us n oetd a d u e ek d ln ifrn ie ,y Whom aanman thinis bie bas been teas ere ubrc se-1 have Mlrs5. ',cîsîg iiî,estîgate and WNF(fTT ER A I ae îÀidtiat tise state assîbsrisies Instash e le eadie nton i et? ee.I ý~ bo naturally xpe lences the t a ee tai lea rcn a -num fe s ts tse jmol e a report su tse conditions t sat W N I Hi a tn iiig r uta d p sýala(lshileatdtheedltotl tee 1Nh n a o n t e lte e s M t sensations hae would if lhe real iiy dtisIncneton w h prevail leriManly of our rural scheelicisis-tisaStishe recnt isove la mode andi endeaVor te land the cu1is't andth ma si e e"0 e W oon d front bis money. wi itshhenlire s -urai utilest ofesChhocego.prset'ute te the lim It. I That letter la uqiilo diIeeUmt. bal separatad from bis meney. werk te bie dou e under state super- lsîbtatesllscChag ,Its proved toe ethe casa wth a vision lu Lake County. As a county superietesdent 1Iaslait1L ON69IIIARD BOUT 11Inss at thtie tires is osîr city lbe This mornlng Urs. NI. came te vau- 1min u Itsgenerai conteeu. ýibn wbo rusbed pelmal lte the Po-.I sits isvnkan n u-d0vrt c.tisa have been uritten b>'thelie sa ërs, sttIn bot 6 oclock Wednas- Lke Couity, ]etlh tiselme Psh a cnvmn sas. Zalîsle eniterale Gradv the letter le question raferrad snbtteatc um e Z le et of smanea sardreant Ngise te such a aisit be shoert or leng. Head Officers Aninounce Theyhils fatlseresa Isosisse tise otiierd day anurîand te Jn sondbutsdhe Sun. Snhmenwu a Y~P14YL~ KUAI-J WesalI "Yrav i nauoobien i te îîeyIsae et et ada f vî . litte '&wng talkta aiIthe 1ostm&ster and lhemore ile5" ý* h reto a o f has aid ldesuifer Ccu so nvilie n e- a e A adlidT o Y ar tsS ef et u setenisthendZais butl e i prmied er evirulent"he at tbe bad stolen $26 frons hlm. l ATrof t e dnsAsoY-a "ifl bdut otlinedwas ur e mmii Kil cause.wA.lSer PSONsiIccîsfesils tise fisets asiseetsn ter up with lnspectot Stuart le Chi- SECOND VICTIM REVKLALW' nON a L T IMSNOld Rate Campaign. do 1thteuaboutcagse lnmedis5tely. P ;le Six weeks ago. lie huiebm>ot 0S for thse police te foliow. The firt m rswpSS Thera sle tcquestions but that Mrs. hat d e ' kabokt"~ îî hs 1en ut ehslrv anl 'sîea o&sreevdaI~ 1 oda, ha said. waut1sav ni brThs itletoutrarreet hrt1 atheetWauegn.55s»ut td oa e l e ise olIe sthen T HE TE PE Sî '4 4 J IE 1Ycung woid hase g(sma excellent sug - Rock land, Ill., Dec. 20 An -Icst a oatxit s t i isa e lsul bokn ut itubs eran -e aad m îe t w ouk eglfl. cou aa - jld aie I f e h oide; t lii gestions to make witis regard ste n ca st was moedatoday by the alioiStr au hme exruia conil tsa Mde )rlnk la the Causse f bis predica- tea i wd hrePi l efatadde dfd:ord bichools ledLIkelieuaily$2Thene rural veoodmnu rica ofthtte Mound e b i a en etgfos'ad "My character bas been attaclsed liti "Vor wieumyoiI -poc*ts* If he did. take tawaY scbooinlstsareer cceuse mn ise btt th e oftsam ils tratte couicrs itus asirse igutaen g' ro t hi etmlcet sanr wttb C'liva bis p3.earsossaing. attndnt n o st lng t u. lm cnge u hlm and lochm up as a thiaf;j Zios reaconnd mCI hebsY.houh Dead iisraiv3o CIadlIX innt oigtequtsim gongtoserl s evrtethrigetet '.dd not bave the money tÎi alVlvhsproa tedn,-ýbi bnoe t ih o nrae oda soti@t AeYut tiqum blovo. This plan migit pesagent and eIders and desce lin luthea whole state, many of tiîam bs a bnOe t lh e urae s lhhaatprevI ttks i oas h re .mi e 6 W follow ad ia d net th a fllow a d l y m1b r a t to w r r v i g beaon standardîzad sithin tise is t In eurance rates. etsao V. 11>'on if It ta es th andrlayliat liawe82 tewask gtîle le tiseor tirea years, but tiera se ms Ty en a bte fg tsago.o a t d o f bo d i y o y '7 iv ;el l n in d t ls i ~q' oitsdta ohdnt ongr STDY E Eacite get the revenga for tbem trY- fit, o rnuOhmil or av * louied flerlIl. Saraysita&ronde n Atnmbere i t tiedut httr.Yon. Sevaral menthe age tha society wsas-iat ra p M e e otise mea t o m u5fnefo orced venuerBl. Sryad. won mbrorfad iw-ose experienca bas beau se bread. i enjolned by the courte from enforcina \Xl'ntar-rathar meais aud humble- i hn em hwrd. openand eeyOU'i 0 wiUf oreferqtslst, a capnte?. oraratesuerd tandk n isewoîdaa uieteoffr isat eipulthena raasan ltbainîcebaa alppd ntoWekatu t 435oclcksncedtbisste e u te er ot Lui et r esvlnerdt wr ntewudbeal eofrmHyhl itenwe re I stay et home ailtihe time, Opfmdyo9 se s0~tiS- ai162 uca veue eteedro.Soea lu Inthe gravaitel gesoos-eratîng under thea old plan. Sundas mornina At exactly the semae have no personal friands wîtb hor tisaI wiii surprise you. An dal tb sell two lots te John near thse athîetîc grounds, leadîna tse înc t - Young stas oustad ta heur and minute, astroneusse?5 aseert1a associate, but stick haeIolga- .Obarve-taka ohfeo ongdod feuen.wgns. whîia ctisere worked on tha] baudàefrIseChicago echeels she bas N%**********the well-known maun arrIsad at Capri- trm he hlrnaltetm-gatd oent te a local >suk wera h nwo the rbbnecbutcornuis, tbe southaru terminus In iets rrttirethideiaI h is- g" F'e - sedau usmdssîr~it aly forma road epreadina the bnoemployed aou tisa Tribune but DX $2asdan lac oun.Ten itagravel. Veuive spled a trea le tIse f oprsent Indicationuslhem stjy ou ADERTIS EBS A NI) CO)R-race througb thaeskies. a Bre abat I gheta. K- tto -m» is 12b>5tienehrtet datoftIsevea. wbthe froiasntsttes argnei ose .s -~~~~~~~~ , Pvu e ,ssa' pae"erar of the tabernacle titat lsad net that papar tay eta long. Tise - The 'omîig of wlnter was heralded BrasU Crsms- I"Wy hueband r«eedttf »eme rabbîte," as the>' explalnad beau bawn dean according teoerders,mrnd for lbar relstatemeet a ~Iitç 5tteaCas ud .Ihgle hshue"(hitassîî:fe i ti aesu ea iiiwaaks igo." d4 "eho a de rik s tpedltetbendntal iesbrother. Silvester, .- sedapraad and se popuier îoie1tt]illFîiîroser todat b> one minuta. n Crsmeoftcubsthis year vic's etn.koftetie li>'b. fu rnk tgtha endatante .dapwbs pahna t eft hcg teal sysleeranm i shihbisse- hca se' thonm od rqIl s te ppe n te a- se e sto cw k altIs a cross-et saw and Itst It s e e tI e nsa e lt far dis- .. g o o re s-'--ed-t 'ef Persou c overs ca th t e h t s tsust rb te s fthis ate. ls r t se kIuop te mli e r ue. parnof tiha place dld se t theis rise gak tree aslaid iow. Eiderl*tant abeti the cheel beard wii art. wl ohaeî eisdraatste t stril etlk ta nbd ekePts maer ui. A. patonrmsî aisn waddtshoA o ehp nth entesem esîlsnated spead of uloatean miles par saouid stoop te de sucb e tblug-and we dld net ta*ikeo sis>'b0 blase. otyaftar tisudr-r se iig tof next ççv(ek iii-seodi l 1jt.fnïy Ilhv noclrn qit ils baud ln ie pockt and 1a short perled, white is editoriailfind Iltis epy a flyli trip te Lakesse ae ans te thie Bn lueste foc a tge heat gr offm m u-ft n ut. 1 id l 1 tea alpon ed parter. EIder W. S. Packhaus, lookad Cent mni m le n-asetin f stad ofChrristl., otverec te ere o tevenaandce icett e ln ub s fo te his oe ad e ocldo So fnd the $26. i V n 1l sttoA lrebr a utbe r tdýqrn illedlyd until tatmasperied. o pli e snt ti o ar i m ed te Th a e r c I e a e n c a t c R l t v s o i t r a y u s w s n d a y , T hîîird a y , th iM tha tig e itim e. T isa good old sum m r lim a illi " If t ever get m y and a on the last even lua f lie Oth r doolce eana (tbaut Ira co aru assatd be en werete drwe ntewecoeealeng iater. wrltec et that ltter In whIch the ef- rceie ielte .decltaed to dbo îhutecemdtehrssad i ofairib vrldoud ali er fo allow iill -fort la malde te turcn my htsband chararter.wviy ItoIt lat ts Tien ffoeriquiel vent te siippars. Thaestalle, wlirb number Lekls Gelsev& lest sumaler Ibavo ncen ud staton.Thepoue as- 361, are sold or rented on tihe psy SOd ilie services of two ludians or Tisa state hlghway cemmissions Wedl- aan w e elî. Use> botter look te se>' s@bomt iSUd. i ý 0 b. h lm that l o 'uifibotter .s sternu, Voly i doas n et belleve SIfMWl uaer, )L n, 10 erM I for ie peroons çon uected w thtlie no sday to ned t sa ro nd malle et out; l'M peaceable enough w iau llfi Our ieclt e a uamllerI ieb ecausai a warrant the pew sysftensIn cburcb. but wvi od cies. Tic>' bave liehe isutatiolslof per b' bave Du ! eit e erastia> avd e ta d o ti leacnedbuand an mefforater0 te n> et-hranier@15 uelU l orqltlft lie sla lt comas te herses and rigs le tliluksnoerrfailing ad u& b.,they. ewson le>' pon Iraa.on aveutosaidioWnIt0thsethome.!an w o tmdeoall 0aiM e Ping 4 UA' * itreabout- su hauter teoueeogi 0psDmli h1.I flr ..- ~ >1New Y0ear. Al copy leers lu lie Movremeut sp "route one mad 1 over. lsit lil? ttM la a8-X In& itT"ewa 9 . amnoh ae noN. V', SlrnsI4co"mUilltou of lie. 1I1dotylieu tothlie »Il ý D0*d. -l SisiIlhas m "0W5 ii t4imimotl hod M 0 laI th1b . - ,,itsbe lu tba o();ce by Cook couty MIa>'y ul comlplte fiagtit te .filuidepc"W tbatie>' » , b h4.e@Ui egpa.are 10 lie chut las vith i n.wk»vlé 111tou5btg tes- ..o ft .~*-am hoe lad w6i1Ho kept ýçs- -tlié "t. - 8Sr1W-lulli,"roulte No.1." lOmmeo4 011- 5enttt t sil ue as ie>' Î, ebone bid-, <iois 5 ? o -lb. -M WVU.T.V. LÀKE COU= . ILL., FKIDAY, IPn-ý -ýq), -SUI.J. Kvi rrd V£4 JL JL

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