Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Dec 1913, p. 2

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- LAIE COXYbIT? NT, FITDÂÏt. D» Sy T F. SWAN Correspondent end Ageni Tii Ladies' Md .oelety viii muet wvttl lir . .9. Paynoon Wedm.sflay, Jan. 7. Ouar9.nn l oicago, pnt Sondmy -with 8. J. Cropluy. John Couverte formuîilyof Fox Lalu and vbo nov bau a »h lu Montana, caalidon inonde bhem lut veek. Emma CoW1117 of ýruegà», Ie pend. log tho week wlth hr elter Sarah. Mrs. A. J. Klug waa a Obiago visitor ou. day laut veek. A. D. Hapke vas home irani Argo over Sonday. . . Roue@ sud family motored ta, Park Rdge Bunday and epet the day witb relatives tiir.. Mies Eamil Dell of Htghland Park, aud Eleanor Double of Lake Forest, @pnt the, week-end wth Ruth bhaddle. Mira. B. L. Tripp entertained Mise Laura Sprague and Mise Lydia Gleason of Prairie View. lat Tburoday. Eventug church service, are now betuir heid et 715 p. m. lntead of 7:80 as formerl. George aud Lilal Mas Rudolph ni De Paine cailed on relattves ber.s aturday. Ray Semnour aud George Prouty of Waucanda on their way home fromn jury servie t Wankegan @pet Saurday night wth frlends bere. The. new eigu boards have heen placed on tii. 800 Lin. deptadthdle lît lettere A.R-P-A on a black background lolk very neat. On Wedneeday Dec. 17, occnrred Lbe marriage of Horace, the youngeet son of Mir. and Mis. A. J. King, ta Gertrude, theoonly dughter ofMr. andMàre. C. A. * flapI»..The. ceremomy vus performed at Waukegan by Rv. Fuion pastor of tbe Motbodlt chuich. Afler a short yod-i ding trip tu, Chicago the. yonng couple re-1 *ouend ta, the home of tb. bride', parent viera by viS mak o hboni. thiu victer. tMr. KbW wuvu be hrs mmd Mie.Khgme»be. lean mearl agi, @0 bo* iavoa wvid " coIe aieMod, to vî w ie m MIL WkJ luwMdhber mi" pnt a ~dBg y Vuhesa 1etWyuL. XitaM Ulm.s]Masum, Artbrad DmklB"flbmoored ta Apaisi. u.- a*" amte peuta l a vdape u wel t BUrserAmmu'. Mêmre. titi.and GeorgeObonauf, pn" l <Jich md Mr*&a Obenmaf mo- ttotaNUesCuler Sonday. RONDOUT M. H. Camioli shpped a carload oi bop Md tgtotaWood Bron, on IMon- day of thie veee. Thse Usuel Mixture. "New dii aid Baukroll get no mnei dmbgr "Preildont ii the flou, tnut M thiyvalor.d the tocL.-Judga. I NOTICKI TheO .uly thin lag ho udegoudoa hau t, eri lueSPACE.IL ,lu a kuow I tat that a "N"~s mmii.. uotflni off l.uuhêeatp tion. thomuoh-eg t muetdeposi oni thi e leofSpACE. Muuiy aorreueodute wuokly wmndiluitm portaln, 4to mias whuru pronitls VAIIimlii protu maàremit oft ho dv.. tiulng thum u aunufucaWi. Suel item@ uhould idmuet ha pold for If ».or* te liv. The. rafts la - eaMll 01, mt per ins. li futum @eth'»netiOsuwISho onmlttud elm '11-1110 Woa h10140 that they mo t. ho pm fut Amy affair shero admulualo la chred or proem maiea thluig for whIch notioce muet bo pald fer.TF. - IV-*m m -j Mr..J. L Cauuhorlaim tteUded tha funeral of ber*aunt, Mr. JobnSu Of Palatine Wedaesda.v. Sbb aIBO vleted ber Pister, Mr@. Farnsworthht bMafaiî lent week. Louis Radkre wae a Chicago viitOî reently. Misa Elizabeth Kuebker "uet a fev daju of laut wesk ah tthe home of ber brotiisr Henry, lu Grayeaske- Mrs. A. 0). Gullidge and littI, daughter of Terri, Montana, ariivedl Friday to @pend a couple of mouthO vlth th. former'@ parenta, lMr. sud Mie. B. C. Psy ne. Mrp. Dean and son Citon and Dean and Ruth Wonls visited at M ru. Brainard's sud attended chur-h ber Suday. MiseAile Moor e ispending the vacation st home. [ROREcRM j Mr. gavage oi Beloit. Wl., i. visittug James Foulon. W. J. Oliver bas moved ta Vankegan. The box social ah the echool hous@. vA a aucea., the. program wau fine sud the. boxe@ bronght 825- Mrm Allen Dixon of Ruesell, vag a Roser»nucaller Manday. John Willlameon of N.c.edmii, Wln., te calling on frieude hore. UmI. Grâce Weklctue pmndlng the vesl In DeKalb wvth iber ululer. Fred Luablo ha. reted thé.-Duklap faim for the. comlng year. Tou Edvmids v&* a Chicago vlulor on Uatnrday. Ch»s. lMeCure and wtfu ve.Zion CIp calleru Monday- The ladies oftheI. . e. horch are rislag moncitu, blid mn extension tu th. churci for socialpurposum. Miue. E. B. Faulkner nad @on Wesley of Gage. Laire, epont Snnday ast te Northrop haone. mer ReOitatCLo ,f Pt nome spirit t t l Mcid: shouted thu father, who la au actai "Mare nome g.utu!us. What las mî nee.ttng. anuw' ho domanded 0% hie vite. "She, von't need auj gE« turs wth thie." retorted the. latter «Sh. t. rocltungtho multlpUcatlos table." For the vaut of s Checking Account you may speud severai haurs ia peruonaiiy paying your aeccants sud yau rigbî 10ose sarne of Lhe money sometime; also, the merrbsul might forget t0 crodit yau for the amount paid, and reveral manths afiarard ak yon te again psy the saine bll. Withont auy aOst ta you vbatevor thisbant vill bo glad to furuish you vith tho TWCITIZENSP BANK< AALL. _rh IL %à., .cate$wsf Mir. and Mme W. 1. Coline and littho danifilber Virginial, 1.1 Wedeuday fou tilocamoe, whevethey wilil pend %bu eon. 0f lie rvepoadeS n de S cpy for adveitiua'nente came in 1tonla"afol publhsiontue e l. Corepoadeats amd'dalbziiMlplueffsbeur tW mimd thatoo t ourt tIluemuet hé,la thties. mot leur th"a T6eday ara- toma, u oibdepeodea*wl b. prtabed ose daW liller on monauloi New Yuar'. Tbe vilage board m taumeting Tneq-1 day nlght w.. put toma e iatot wbtiier tbora wau »y **etndpatUgm"1 on the. ordinace pmeed and pproved1 et the prevons meeting providing for the regulation and icensing of publiec dances and theatricai performances, ande at a lat. hou, the menibers aîood sBaudt for the provision@ of th. ordinance. Arn the. board conven.d a repreeentative 0f nu of tbe publie amusment place. appeareid aI Ithe meeting toernk the mem borse to trike out the iense pro- vision la the ordinance. eajing tiiat the. lieue. wu lu o hghand thab at many danes lItti. or no profit wu rumIad by the promotere, wih in I.ue to a great extont. On the. oti., band the. board fet that lu caues of publie dauce and thuaiÏrical performnancesu the villae would bu cumpelled te look te theowners of the. hall for the. licenee mon., au lu moat capes traveling companies are loath te pay the. ieu.., aveu ou deuuand by the proper officiai. lu Mosttcitieu tht.saMme condition of affaire existe and the manager af tii. hall or theatre lu compeiied te puy theu liemse for auj performanee. Tii. board auunrud tii. repreuntative a thâtor. wu no animu galut any ldvldual, but wau forced to take tile utspto cr.atu a legtimaterevenue Wthe. ville. Tue board sienone adondti ~VI@&. bUlty of givlng a pearly l1euuà oda. bale and theatere upua .,"to% tlo i owu.r. maie a r@auoaahlu propouition te the villffgeut amy fter.meeting mad tuaIt i. board woold beh dr wltb ail comcened t in.ater. Tii.ensamhera thon1tou p th mater ef pioyile chattefor thé »Wev guo roote sud lkud ovr oom a aaad Ittned te, prilou uotatio.. ubulled by tue sommités .10 hmd tii.soution In chuigo4 and ai.xaety tweaty miautu tu midulgi *Ieogýo" varto si- l0w the, auimhSmm lold>pj ptrcaqa ta i.ea*» mmd ta1 i I motion ho adjOOW afifug oied. The. Doit mu*of ithe board wyul b. on Prmbyterian Services 10:30 e. m. morning worehlp. 11:45 a. m. Biblo School. 6:45 p. m. Chritian Indeavor eoclety. 7:30 p. m. eveing woruhtp. Viitoru alwayu weicome. B. M. ALLBUST, PaotOr. Nîght Jobs for the Jevulor. Vndor thi e jeerus latter box and door benl vas a second beR labeled "Jevolun'. aigt hebL' "Ktadly ex- plain." .alLd tua visiter. «Us the oea,ý lng for dllamomds ami veidins ring. no insatiable titat you havo ta gt up at nighlta omut the demsdr "I lalu Dot the Propect of malint s sal. that gets me ont 0f bod sttor mdntght," ad tho jelai. "butthie mlufortunoo of my feliov-mmm. About the onlj people vho ring mo Up &fier vorling hour. are those vbo have a Vite of jovelry on that thoy ca't get off and dont daro ta, vear until morning for fur of blood polsoutag. Those accidents happes prtty aton. Every doctor and policesfio la liu pari of tovu lnavs liatI Imoui h routai out in an emerglency csfe, su ail rn as.rtmuet ho lIed off evalleu lunger., .an earnlnsuthal munt ho no- movod froi nfiamed «Mu.ailn ecl- lae.« and bracelets that must ho taken froun braulucinecku and viista vithoul delay are brougit te me!" Chuliph laruignty. Smali ]l Utorth vas returning a bon- rov.d book. "Nov, hosurmmoMte 9Mgelit dlrt7," said hlm mother us ahe viapped ilta paper ad Imtted tue strins Wh.. ho rotumlel h ulsie: DTId mus keop the book toear «Y«s."»aaved tue boy; "T droppod l la tue Mmd one, but 1 took off lie vqier sud tarbed IIII Lutest In Hoats Building. BDuinersansuacrevdrlvers are the unIr toola roqured lu up-to-date hantse building. This laet devlopmeut la Mu Important -croit corne.. as nllgit ha Oxpected, from the Unted Statue, mie Loadan Tit-Rîta. Nuacl of cmante mment are cami accardlmg ta lb. du ou« pattern. vlth a Vire spiral pa@&, auge tbio th tencter.. -Wbea trni feculs toml Pb@armts ýOW9Ra 11».ocetai« t lb. Wud. boit*& ~ oe~ btmmubt - "» *.uS ma... 1 NSIJSED ON SKI. Freod of Charge of Obtalning Money From Local Negro Under. False Pretense. DUE TOIUSUNDERSTANWMN Durlngime HoWas ln )aal Gaffb%~ Daughter Died ln IrWigwaolis, md. *aukegan. Dcember Îu. Rupert D. Griffth. alia Rupeit De,- oraux, Who utiles himuel! *Jo»ah» Umkis1lvmeo of the, colored rueo. WU giv.a a belon Jutice Weiu" thie morning on a chuigo of having receivei monop under taIse proteunea. Theob= chiw er.unnrubtattst4 md Griffth waa dismisseud. H. had bas lla tii. Lai.. counny Jail for the, lait s.ver,.l day.. Grtiffth, who la a former Mion Ctty mmnva. cbarged wth having viq ited Spencor Banks, a colored man, ln the. county jail, severai moths go, at which Uime Baniks was charged with a serions offense. Banks elaimed Griffith camne ta hlm. representing him- helf to ha a lawyer and ou the pro- touso he vould tale hie case, got hlm tu igu ove, the deed ta a lot he ovne. Hie elalmed GrIffleth dtsaaPPared sud on the trength nf hie tari a warrant vas ivora out for the arrest of Grif- fith. "lesu ail a mitake,' Griffith do- clarod to a Sun reporter ahortly be- fore the trial thîs mornlng. "In vilit- ing Ranks I siniply repreaented Judge Raines of ZMon Cty. The Judge agreed ta tale charge of Banks' cagne Il h. cauld realize auything on the lot. *"I trled to get a loan au It bere but talod. Thon I went tu Chicago and trted te geL the Chicago TiUle & Trust (3omiuanp W make me a boan. They iavomtgated tic tîtle aud tlieu told me thep could mal. no lbau but vaut- ei $11»8 for thoir vorklnl looklng u the titI. 1refusel ta pap th.sud noer teotved a dollar fram the. tzsmaction. uanks aumgel the lot nov bp payimg the. $11.90. "I laovur tvlud ta rua avay for 1 had motihi ta iennfroni. When 1I tatI ed te remise amy money ou the bot I uvoto a fluter ta Sude Darnes tulling hlm or mijrfur m Im thefn etartod WU*ui ateury o000a-é oa M amgf the neg0reue.1I nariuaDow malt my lttea nover roecbe the Judge and bca.. of that tactthie wvrrntu va sw eouont &$&m tme. enbu Captala Wallar tolti me la Chitp erU dm a go that the.1 uharlif vmted ta I mid 1 conld net imagine vhat ho wantedl buta vould b. pleasud taueeo htm. 1 had no knovledge that auch a warrant had been evoru ot agset me." Judge V. V. Rainen vas present at Grlffith'a hearlng sud i story bore out lu detailitheo account glven by Griffith. Aftur that lihe charge againat Griffith fell fiat sud there vas n.. tug left ta do but dîmminsa hm... f ilii toni. the affair ta a matter of tact vay, aeeining ta re alli that It vas a case vhere ha vas the vctim of ci,- cumgtances. Griffith ah one ime vas a devant fllovor of Dr. Dovic. At the Urne af the latteru deatu Griffith main- talned that theo e hi meufihave re- vorted to hlm. From some 11h11, timé ho vas the hèad af a eolony of peo- ple vho romataed loyal ho Dovie's memory. Latei on he lnt.rested hlm- self ln the cause ai Uic negro sud started tva or thre. co-oîi.ratlvo stores and meat markets in Chicago. -Why do ion caR poursolf Joah- you weren't really svallowed by a whale, vere ponY "Griffith vas asked.1 Griffith smilld good naturedly and naid soute of the negroes ju the south cabbed hliai ,oumh" sund ho slloved the appellation teo remain. *DauUMser Dîe. Durlng Uie rook vhile, Griffith vae canfined ln the local pail ho recelveri the sad information that bis oldest daughter, had dled ln Indianapolis. This bas had a verp depresslus effect uPon hlmx as ho mapa he voubd bave liked ho attend ber funeral. Alon. TwentyFour Yser&, Tt wu stated et an lnquest on a1 voman at Novlngton, RustaudreceUt- hy that ae h d bson a tenant of POZ- conhy buildings. laclfnlra. far 24 jean, sund the porter saitd b. bad nov- or knovu bar ta have a viatar. Hon Mater happoned ho omil, aud ai ber ro- quet ha burut Uic door open and touud the vomn dead. Y'rther evi. doune. hoved that the cans. of death vas branebilu, and tiat the vomun had beau doad for, Ivo dayu. luhltakees Omwly. y" tyau lMo"eum tw-goob aatffld nid geat$eàiN4*Nr"vu le gtm reover fibe.oalQM SO a3 ftS-WHAT ABOUT l'Y? Tb@. box social st thoeustgdI &Au a $bome. ite ali cluar Od ..Tb@ho meq iS ha Ent.wÀopodl»an md echon upl mpii. Mr. Hodghlne or NotBO prmoli a the lb Piue ptmu Sundmy sied vusthe gesu OtDr. lV The.Temer Tnming ieMWM.. Mooday, Due. 99th, mfter a , e one vuul. mmis. oIbuIo r., mm"41 eI Jr., attoad.d thé . juM 118 ,. Monteeoriof Itslal lb. theIbohlul Frtiday ultercoon. Mr. » mm re E. H. Wllmaà hbaiSa ieïu toute. Scnay, Me.. 06o. Otseug of Ccagof, tr.-Bock Mmd two u*mm or, Fond du Lac. Meure. Alvin Meyer and Irvie FlgM who attend tha Unlver.lty0oSDilmloa* Tjnana are upendtng their voctions hol». Mme.Ray Lord of ChicagoMM 301E4 Fredricks et Ariigton aieighha, vire * week-end gueetu of Mr. sud Mie. C. V. Pettis. Um I. MMahn leupouding bor vaction aI ber home ln waukegau. mise Virginia Lord of Chuago. le vielting ber cousin, bdies Edttii Potti Au nnueualiy fine prograu wau pie- pared by the Preshyterlau Bible echoil for Monday evening. Pretty songe »md rectalions ver.-given by emeb dien.., Miss Chritina Dffiy in .elouuly fI it ber home. Mdro. J. 9. Knickerbocker bas mov.d îýr furuiture tb ber uew boni. "d Mir. Gunekel bas moved lutotheL PettIe flai. Sauta Clans at C. Anten Soue§store o a great attraction Frida i mitaI. Doon. MJise Minnie Btryker ai Chicago, wvus the. gust aiber brother. J. A. ovIre ment veek. I. aMm,. F. 0. Mey or and chuden sud 8. A. Roi. vure the gueste of Wallmc. Putunan 09 Chicago. MliéLillian Egrt of Chicago, vau Lb. guest oi.b.i oudtm. .Miý.ses.ti*hl «d Eida Boranhauger. datniday. Tb@ Clirluom. otertminuent of lb. Rvmmg.lialcrch bv.. huai Tueuday ov.nanmd lb. St. Paule@vgwolcai elsnrei vu hld Vedneyo vening. ouis Rommnel et Indiana, vustlb gnest ofI&hi.panai. tr. mnd Mr@. Ph)I$p lomms leu veel. GARD 0F THANKS Vu vlah lo exprees oui shurathanku ho the r"ltIve., nighbors, siagr.m md mmy frt.mdu for sympatby. hslp »md "l'm Iens méof fvqiet too01Wdear me and brother la ou, e.d bur of huruave- ment, J. C. finutiamd Yamlly. ýFOROER ANIT lIA ifi WOIKI3D IN WAUKEGAN LAT1LY KaukakeeIbl.,Dec. 19.-Lloyd Bald- vin (alla. Gardner conieseed todaj tiie forgery ai 200 checks, 100 oi wbich ho cashied ta Chicago. Hoelian operated lu Waukegan, Racine, Ko- no8b, Gary. MomoBUCe, BIgu, Anrora. Wliestou. Harvard snd ltankakee. Hl' vas arrested whtle on route to Clii- cago aitar casing twa checks for $20 oachinl this cty. Gardner la charg- e dvwitii forging the camne ef Attorney J. Bort Miller to tvo chiecks for $20 each. payable ai the City National batik. by his ovn admission, luonue ai the. mant dariug aud clever forger uow autalde prison vaîba. He ilaiield pouding an Investigation. Gardner came to Kaukakeo early Tlinrsday mormnti. Thora le alan a report that ho lunciiod t McBroom brothera' caf. at. Wednedaj niglit. Gardner Operates hi a prafestonal card game. When arroated ho unI only had the professianal card ai Mr. Miller, but also aneofa W. S. Vaudor- vater, It la sald. Ho carried maup cardp ai personsalinallier cities. On a viit ta the officeofaiAtorney J. Bort Millber about 3 o'clock Thurs day aiternoon, Gardner told Mr. Mill'- or thal ho vas a patent on au automobile Iuter-liner. Mr. Miller vas not thoroughli couvlucad oaitho object of Gardner's viit at that time, but lie tool occasion ta tell hlm that ha bai not foboved lie piactice ai a patent iavyer for Ilve or six jears. Mr. Miler tabd hlm. liovever, ai a Washington eorrespondentvhnm lie at one ttmio ranuacted business vith lu th, national capital and gave hlm hie (Mllees) piooiola card. Gard- uer ha" prevloqslp auled Mr. Miller Inn.b île taute a rderthal ho conbd owrooiwm iitue Wàshlnulaw- pVr eliUto thé opatent bu asseutod - Wb« Ouge#«o firt cueldouMiler b.'*4um.t hehoha bom & omit 'flort sro tu p- tutore Last Christmas opened FIWê ýJk=ont& for Presents. You bave toeg$ft-have you? Ami this Chr Ww ~btYear. Let us-write tdm a tetier, fsmasiorning, telling them about your Ots pleased when they receive ow, letter ityou have given? Fl"T NATIqO4A& BANIK ür TRIS SEASON OrGENEROUS CE VAlU TTO EXPRESSOUR SINcER WZiSE2 IL OUR PÂTRONS ÂAND FRIENIUT"A r W.&Y HÂVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS .AND THAT THEIR JOY ON THIS DAY MAT XNOW 19O BOUNDS. A.lUSS, Jeweler LIBERTYVI LIE, - - ILLINOI.5 a LOUIS PONCIIER 15 ARIISTED ON À rCIIAIiEOf FRUD Charles Pearson Charges Part- ner With Obtalnlng Signaure Fraudulently. BONDS FIXED AT $2,500. Poncher Was Brought From Chicago and Lodged in Lo- cal l a ai1ilO'Clock. Waulogan. Deesunher 20. lýouis Poncher, umntner of Charles Pearson sud manager of the Chicago Fruit Company, vho Calmen havas beld up sud robbed of $2.480 In Chi- cago a iow ulghtsa go. vas srreeted iu Chicago toasy ou s warrant sworn out bi Pearson ln vblch th, latter charged' hbassignature ta the $2.490 chek vas aecured frauduluntly. Poucher bad been removed tram the Frances Willard hoaPital sud vas ho- lour lept at police headquartera, peud- ing the arrivai of a Wankegan police- man. Pencher vaa bronglit ta Waukegan and ladged lu the City joli. This af- ternoan he vas ho ho given a pro- limluary heartng. He la repreaented by Attorney James 0. Welcb whlle At- torney E. V. Orvîs represeuts the Êtate'o attorney. Mr. Orvia declared lie vauld beovlI- tng ta have the hearlng take place as soon as hoe eau arrange te have bis vttnesaern brougbt bore froun Chicago. in the meautime he recommeuded that the bail af Ponchor b. fixed ah $2.500. Mr. Welcti deelared tht. bond vas excesive. lHe sald Poncher coubi secure a bond of 11,000 but could nlot gel the large, bond. He matutatuefi that euch a large bond vas not noes- marp sud appealed ta Uic state'rn attor- ney. The latter uaid ho vould not consent toanausmaller bond under Uic clreumstances. lit la bellevedl that after the bond ts ixtd that the case vibI be continued for a veek or ton dapa, The police say Poncher appears ta b. lu the boat of bealth aud shows no 111 effect of the treatment lie recelved ah the bande ai the- thugs. Ih wili be recalled that Pencher vent ta Chiceago vlth the avowed In- tention ai eloalug a fruit deal and that lie carrled $2480 lu cash willi hlm. He dlaims he was beld up sud robbed sud oxhîbits a eut on the bacl of the bead au evtdeuce. He vas tait- en to tii. hospihalsud tiie Police have been conductlug un Investigation ove, ataco. .The met bliat Pearson bas saun .dmulta about the aconat Paucha ibue. M he aMti tg ladlomtud by Ie acOuon la guaxlngot a vMArat f«r bui weut LlbciliPhone toea. 2 Ne. 2»B--2 LaS View, CENMMA IC11Om H.ner iCbt Com 6"u Farm RdEh", Faimst Renuads Lumiu miii Station IHmain bDeiga Nois' !E ~gt.r.1 (:an b. nuitdwithheltiior dett. gor gaeoli ne englue Po wer. I havehbuapq for tii. iev.-rkropp Qauollueg caim, o>r ~ Y*boresPo wer, oueeeldally &aii4ý for lii.partienlar c"a..fni oit. Will b. Pleaued ta demonuti'ai st aen tîmne upon aupolntmnettur Foi faa 1, partienlar. addreea or tetophonu WM. J. SCHRECi., Ph... 267.L-2 Iàbertyville F., BAIRSTOW7 MANUFAOTUUEROP t Marbie and Gras.W Monument s Cemetery Work of i>~ Description . Correspondence 5olcifts 116 Genesee Waukegtn Only Succoe sWorth Wfug There te nothlug base taufiM base faîbure; there tu aothtog sucoes but that whlch ta TA The applause Of triumph sa 1 mrp to hLim vho haa Dot dom suce...; If supthlng or conso$ moins ta, hlm sncb Applans. i a posltive torlure- We alvaq lu ou, hoarta vhheir vo ha lted liat vhIch cammsgtacg, . e lwape uetened a hundruih vo luov that vo niafy hiq aomething fansd tino for i24 NOTICE TO CRE 3Independentco rcasaueu poging tIteifr b thom Ifp'el teh "oi Orac tu ,jam Ge . A. .46ois 1»d ofp r big àr xac 1 James Mi ai of aisof 'ps fbila Jr. il Br. mw .- bumlit ý»wDw flerry £brsmas Wo take thinsoccaion to, thank ou, patrons fon their help in oui buiness of the past year aud hope that vo may continue in aur pleasant relations dîting the year to corne. And wo vieh to exleud hu ail our viahe. for a Merry C2hristmnas aud a Ilappy New Year. L M. MURRIE AREA - ILL 1 Ail[or the Want of a tiorse-shoe Nail Mmý"

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