LAKE COtENTY INI)EPENDENT. F'RIDAY. DECEMBEIR 26, 1913. pnd vlslid boes a kW daye, lant week. MtI<stic Workesseeted oficrs for ye* aiébsir meinlg Tuesday ec Doe. lecli. FolIowliog ars thofe . Pesic, Artbanbaober; Montor, Meyer; Seretry. W. A. Rosing; 0 . A. Buvard; Marhall, Chas. Warder, Wmn. Wlekersham; seol, "oph Dari*; Physicion, Dr. *Inétallation wil bo heid Tbnrs Pr . A. Forubeet, a 4pecialsât from ut... beld consultation witb Dr. a onthe casofai rs. Lyle Ltwiler, ai w. write, la Ila àcriticol candi- a. Alim Dr. Farsbect operated an .vee. ifford Whie, wbo bail on attact, but je getting along A large crawd attendeil Ithe auctlon «ata Walter Muelrnlait Thureda%. Are 700going tatheNew Year'e douce et' Amans', Jan. 1, I114. L. A. Fritz lot for ticranton, lowa, r hbatrday, vhers e ho %fiiattenO ibe *mrei of bis mother, wbo ptmoaei aw#tý -&Oregan. The remiao wvm Werelroilt îý«k tutathe aid hosito for bu rial. James Larbin îof ingloide, cas o odsasant cller bems Saturday. 17 t4 Geo. N Powell Co , of W&uk.u& ý,S*Wroi on -Broînrdse Aunex' lait lir. sud timsFE A. lirow ordt '1O1*alahs Suailoy. where they acre the 4gmsts aoftMr. anud Mrs Wm. Peter. . A. Hoot weAi eriouely hurt 81,otUr. "4&y wblle driving iti> blé barnu wtha i'Od oif eed fie wus tauxht f1tec > ib load and oasofield. wliî h Iw" mUted 1Io stors cariE stake Vieborne Ow his speedy rccavery. Xiss Marie Wbt'., ah'. 18 att'.n diig gebool in j'aai euîeding a twc, viets vocation wîtlî ber parente here. *o JsRoslng oi Chl.'ag, ma@ tic gum~t of bit fatber wbn bas been Riat for the put fierMoutie CARO 0F TiANKS Mir. -andtirs. LJI LItwller sztend ,ihur ba sô tbh . L. P. Club for the ~bmumiaraues meat Mi. Litwiler durlng <'iiPetgmsn wai au Elgin viitoir S.Peten .cbnrcb Ia boving special Srviais iach dar until Chrîatmaas. 1%»oe la a speaker fram Chicaga boe. ~'ft. M. 9. rbarcb la claeed for the min- 'be. le,. Willama will not be able ta o.iuct eric e etaiprosént, but ami, AfÉblIhtold nmetings in tbhi, pring. Jir. and Kr. Jas Kirwan entertiued atornabhle party ram Woodstock lin, Kate Tawnaend le vlsting aiti, M. Jan. Kirwan. Br. and i@ Ed Suider vielted et S. J. *. Vagers lait Snnday. !, M» Comiptoni had the mîstortune ta Î@igtOI3 prain ber wrlst in o fail Iast w; _Tbe publicechool ie prsparing for on ,Mluaioalent at the ichool Tuesday Mu. peters @peut Baturday and Sun- .g of laitweet vlih ber dougbter in j.!UW, Siadleldt and Mis. Bohr ver@ *ibexcélers on gaturdai. thos Masue Ichaffer of McR.nry, spent vwtdmtaelnmativs bers. ~ a.Ducuili spent Saturday la Ïi IL J. Wimer sol Mrs. Oea Bobr P ta GvyilkbltWedmssdy. ,w«I b. ssverah familby gatherings We IL 0. turne, liohertDoria, Laura il. and UM. Bock drove ta Wouke- I a M auto lasflturda. M Ceurts vitaI Mr, audMIm. W orner Ihy la Ziom City snnda.. Mes. Siocuni @peut Monday ib Mm.. K0. Murnie. M. melghbors vers mucb surprisel on 0"t morung ta bear ai the deaîh of Bk Sianer. fHl@ uneral vos a bl on W"trou Ueo. Siver's.. urial 01. ý 'o faecemetery. The femily hava »hy of the communhty. Pitmau bal a Christmai Ina and WomWednWeslotemuaon. L9o. DeFanris @pent part ofi bat *Ih babr imather, ti. King. teavisi . My*mut iisa oo ua Tom WOtK Of FORMER LAKE COUNTY M IS PRAISED EIIIIIY Manilla Newspaper Tells of Lite and Last Sad Rites of Frank White of Milburn FUNERAL WASIMPRESSIVE. Aâhes Were Brought Here in an UrniFrei *Phillipines'For Burial in Hi$ Home Town Of Frank R. White, à former Lake caunty Mau Wbo lived at Mllburn but wha dled severol montha aga In the Pbtlllplnes the Manhilo Dally Coble Nevs-Amnerlcan contains a very lengtby write-up, extaUing his vIrtues and lamenting bis untlméely deatb. Mr. White wos a ian of Andrew White of Mllburn. Mr. White later made bhe nh the Phlliplues where be became dIrector of educatian. ane ot the bigheît positions i the govern- ment educational service. The fanerai service whîle simple was very Imprassîve. Amaong those Who attended were Governor Genaraf Ftorbes andl Vice Gavrnor Glbert, to- gether wlth memnbers or the Philllina commission. Tha bal vas heautlfully decorated andl the pltorm vwas plled hlgh with bowcrs of ifowirs. The va,,t concourse of people cuuld flot be occommodated in the hall. Arnong them sire scbool cblidren ana î,stive school teachers who pocked the hall and gurgPd about the entrance of the palace for the distance of a clty block. Outaide the rain vas falling In tor- rents but the teochers and children for wbomn Frank R. Wh'Ite had lohoreG away hie lite tad not the sllghtest at- tention to It X4'ith teors lu thair e8e thev remnain In position untîl the services were over. The service clasieil 4y the playiîîg of Chopins funerai mnarcb The aliver 'raysiake Edltud by F..RUCE, Phone 11 Ordure Takon for Job Work. Advrtising rate$ on APpltion Ed Waguer and famlly are opending Xmas wltb Mms Wagner's mather at Waukegon. Lloyd MeUillau of Urbons, Ili., la boin, for hie mmivocation.ç Mns. jack Maon le entsrtainlng htr father, Mr. Hutchlson of Warrenton. Jeu Longabougb transacted bhommes. in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Waldinan of Chicago. wiere gueste of iriends here at Tbursday and attended the dances gvet, by the band boy* thot evenîng. Mirs.Fénlon of Burllngton, on ber return trip front the eot etopped off and called an ber sons, Chas. and Frank teulon of this city lamt Monday. Mm irs. Kapple transacted bus§lne-ti lu Chcago lait Friday. Tate Alleu aifleKalb, le home on hi% X mas vacation. F' D. Battermilall transacted busieoss n Chcago Mondas. misa Zeta Maseey 01 Wlmette. vlelted frieride ber.' the tireit of the s'aek. Nirs L. Y riiiies wae a Chicago vistur lset Frîday. tirs (ko. t'lrvcland o! Round Lake valhed an friends e be.'Moudy. MmreJea-4 L.ngabaugh entertaîncd a tcw if ler triends at a lunchean Satur- day eveaing. The hacheorse club will give a donce 1 at the opera boue New Year's Eve. The Cantata and Christ mnas prograin givea st the Congregational cburcb tunday evening was very well attend.'d. The cburch was'packed ta the utmoast and inany were unable ta obtain miet.. Ifeur@ and attend the bastet bail oame hit Saturdav evenng. ar I'naning Mir. U'ite ashas we Thaugptle are taking advoif theti taken ta (lie NMagon Ic Temple shr" 0,a mee the beautîfui rîtual services o f i the good skating whieb the lobte the ordar acre condurted. iAter the urnaa s hippad ta Nlllbnbur l tis cuunty ahera tha hurilitoot place. The Mouilla speaite of NIr. White, whu. by (ha voy la o relative af Lloyd White of Waukegan, os toilowa: "Frank R. White vos ona of the moat eamciant and popular bureau chiefs tbat ever gracal o lest ln the Philippine service. Ha vos onhIlde- taigobia varker and a mon of rare axecutive abiity and Intelligence ta whcb qualitles bis ropil rise from teacher taoie beal of the bureau o! educatin is irgelyiiue. "He vas boru ln Mliburn, Ilinlois, June 8, 1875. Me studîil at Believua Colege. Nebraska, tram 1893 to 1895 and later attendel the UnIverlty of Chicago tram vbich institution be graduatedl n 1900 vitb the degreof Ph. B. "Mr. WhIte came ta the Philippine. ln 1901, belng appintal teacher of Engliab on May lStb af that yaar. He vas deputy euprntendent a! ecbaaia for the province of Tariac tram Octo- ber 1, 1901, ta October 31, 1912, when ha vas made division Buperintandent for tha some province..Ha hl thie position until Fabruany 5, 1903. aben ha vas transearad in the Rame capaci- ty ta Antique province. One montb lster ha vas promted to the position of asistant ta the general superla- tendent af educatlon. On October 26, 1905, ha vos mode second assitant di- rector af educatian, wbicb post hac- cuplel until November 27, 1909. On that dote Directar David P. Barrove, and th frit assistant director, Abert N. Brink, resigued sud tir. White, be- hug next la une of promotion vas oie- vatmd teo e rank of lirector of educo- thon. "Mr. White vas mamied ta, Misa Eva J. Echeide of Brooklyn, New Yok, on September 15, 1910. tirs. White and Ivo lnfent daughters sur- vive hlmt. Mion Cty may bave o ieson fer -»1 oui!andather cll the . vY l bas solved tbe problem of 111e mon. A huldicig bas been erected near the joli. Thip le the municipal lodffing bause. Auy unemployel men mo! fi! lolgiag and foo1 there-if tilay vii vart for il. The work conssta of cieanlng thie streets. scrubbiug the floora of thi -hty hall, unloadlng cool, sud elmilar manuat tans. If a man daesnt wort ha la forcal ta work. Iu aither Intance ha is ted and hausel. Dton Citys methol bas savel manay and neducal the 'unamplyal' tram an average of 30 ta 10. Two eides 10 the 8hlOIdL The Cncinnati Enquirer says 1h01. marnaIe men live longer thon hachai- os- because Il lsao easy for th. er- mer te, lucres» thefr pleasores. Wbela they itrIke o streat of luck ther toom tvice as fus as bacholoas béitS they add thoir wlWe Jo o t bely on. A sophidimclaMuussentW$* eOUR« WOU oilmm» owasloflUp PM auuasImt8êt *bat b" butpe now afford,. Sîhun co"ad Wednesday afbernoon maiil tlonday alter New 'i'er'e. Misso Arlette Marrill of Foi Lake, vas a coller bere Moaîday. The bond boys bave made arrange. meut. with Mr. Quinn ai Chicago, ta instruct lhemn on thelr instruments. Mondoy night vas their tiretlesson. Orlando foot abus rilng onsa oao ai feod into bis barn ltstBaturdey vas @truck on the bock of the bead and hurt quite serhausiy. but ut promunt là dbing Very nicels. BASKET BAIL The Orayelaks basket bail team won meoir .scond vlctory luit Sotnrday evan. lng wben tbey deioted the etrong Waukeeba team hu a score of 30 ta 20. 1 vas a gond flut game and gai very lntersszing bIbte lhaball. asthe score ai the Wankesba teana beRan ta go up. but the home tsem vswu ina vin and tept Iheir oppaRente bock far enongb ea thât ut no tMme vos there ony danger ai their vînning (hea me. The naîtgame vilI b ha Sorday evening. Corne ont and root for the home team. WADSVORTH. Mite Lui ho. heen an the slct jeat the pont %set. Mir. and Mirs. J. R. Porter and chlldren vers Chicago visitace ana day lait veu. ur chectar players. El Fouîtkner andl C. A. Heydecker, vers entertaîned at Mr. Kenndy's lait Welleeday alter. Doon. tir@. Ruif, Mirs. M. E. Lux and Mise tiobsi Lux ottendl Ibe carl porty et 4-urues lait Friday svenlng, Mies kLUadectsr vasin Chicago an busImnsone. lahiobs eet. Mis. E. V. Lui and dougbtcvers in l Wankogalaiut Wtdaesday. The dock plaking b.. ot Gearge Bert- let's lut Wednoeday wai vehl atiended &%d 75 birds vers drissdfor marktl E. V. ILua bad »liebe "p tien oy doge fflday nIgbt and Ove aifiben bail ta b. killsd. Page Bill, vho bal tb. mliortune tu stop on0a ruty nal o few day. ega. Ie kspt quît. busy takhing cars oi bIs foot. Chas. Draheîn, snd Mari Lui wveslu Wontegan gatnrday evening, iaaklng for Santa Clans. L Mrs. Bart Winters returnal home lait .Thureaa. evening fram o visit vîth ber rparents in Wisconsin. tiMr. and Mtrs. John Shea celebrated their golden vedling Monday. Dec. 22, oniy the neareat relatives heing present. Their frlsnds ail wieb tbem îjoy, andl hopetla.y moy celebrate thair diomonil weddlng. UmsAnnie Brasier vas married lelat WsedAy ta a gentleman fromIi owa U M. Ostine ls reievlmg bis brother ai Xffly, milGeorge Utbeîug bas the. ird 0ifi&saiWodmworub mfor weskor lsD ___ I ill The officers 0f the Lots Villa Trust ond Savings Bank wUI tata pousession af their âns oser building thie week. Iij in eertainly a building wblcb adds ta the appearance of our tawn. F. R. Sherwood ai Chicago, spent tbe week witb bis parents bers. The bozear given by the Royal Nsigb- hors lait week wai a succets fineoiily on'd socially. netiBig the socieîy about meut for ail. C. A. Douglas af IMadison. câlled on bis Ractor Gitnster of Christ rhiirrh b)rother bers lait week. Fundav Rsaid thatIlnstead of the worid The Angola Cemetery society elected todriv neading an entLfihtenment on the foiiowing oitlesrso t thelr meeting Sexolci.v or Fnganirs, It neede the lait veek: Preadent, tirs. Ben Hainliu; rsence of ChrstologY in the homes Vice Preaident, àtMes Mry Kerr; Sec. as it usail obph. and Treas , tirs. Lucindo Cribb; Trustes He poInttd ouIt flit 'c-s gaL the for ihree years, Mrs. K. Patter. famiiv alter and the cuenin'- rer The eboçol children and teachers hlad a mith tha husband and tather nreeidîne. ('hrîstmas traeanmd enertainment rat wsq the rusbomarv tbtnz Int heP, itarngtablesg bail on Tueeday evenlng homes ot Amerir-ans. and In tact. all and tire Sunday school bad their tree rond ('briations n:nw. however, i ., and cntcrtalnnaent at the chnrch on the Intrequent thing bu find a case Wedncsday evenlng. where the head of the houe cPah iE.P K tidge of Rochester, Wîs , le evenIng tatas the good hook ad ii s reou nor iiiy rends a pa',aaee to fisPn as thev Lathepr sbout hil. Hec felt that bihe Solution otf~sl zv and Euiriesca <'nt -niome iIi llC the iireaenre o! (hrlsrîiiclom n i ha Mrc,.'A' *F *Hanneman le vîiting in home lRarcaneraI then m i]] a h. tter ad K.-rîîuela. litqtment of the othar qui- ion', o'rie natural thInz ta exile<fttd hînz M.. aIra S.leeutrtricd Tued(ay lrui about ar, ttiil irivisit in ireIl. nrtb. NIr. C.ýanster comparadI hi huiittîng rfio lsd for a tai, veeks vaca- peuple todav wth the corn:îîo to earth Mr@. Et. %W Spaffird bas returned from uf Hlm who lter "becama the t9aviur Snperiar, Wlg.. Ve are glad ta leora. she o! mnarxlnd." Ha vlvldly toil hon' the ie Mtting along nic.'ly. moîber of Christ atid li'i in Mir. C'ash juan. Ilj"im-nal "trouble" nMan from place ta îplace In tha xiia'eelook-t f(r tlue b'licaio Telephone Cao..has uov- Ing for a lodzing: bus thea mus wPre iaeilitî thaelfartlett bouse an S. Moin ffllepd and bus (bey were ulîuît out lin- tre,'t. fil theY tnally taund a rî-otng blai c %Miiil'îis -lbe irand e ediîig ln th h.stabhle' s er.' the n a tî Ilt i t nui t tiint ls vaiatiîn w îtblier parente. place. "Shut out tram (he ini. thae, J 1.9. eJr . le hom'foîr theIi.' 101 tuund comtort and rest ln (he humbîle di ' manger. And (bats us at nich ofdas the wortd todav i. doing-sboltîne l'it n. atai rleatre ajîl gîve ifs îpa- C'rist ont of thelr hum'...' sadhp. trius a real freat on New lear's nigbt f Choi ln ew Gwns. by showing "iJncle Tois Cabin- nc The evening service In the chunchi hérl.Tiseagmtpcu. % van for the Snnday school. It hiang Josepb Rinear, an aid and very highlyt thaîr religions programt for C'hristmas. respected citizen Passed away lait Fr1. The trea progrm tal<as place an the day et ithe home af bis dougbter, Ire. Monday atter Chrstmas the 29th. F. B. VonPatten, et the age oi k3. tir. The Sunday achool membera Sunday Rinear hod been blinil for a number ai evening hroughl gifis tao-the churcil jeais, madout o week ago.eêustained1 for the Door chilirmn. .thee cty'. 'njumes wbicb probabir hasteued the1 TbeY included toys. ciotblng, etc. TU Bd nr. The funeral wos hld Sundày Iran> guilse take charge o! distributig them. The avening service vos marted by the appearauce of a choir cf forty-flve memers-4cys. girls, men anl vom- an, the largest seen hi th. churcb ln some lime. The vomen sud girls ap- peared for the iret lime ln the nev caltas vblcb tbey are to wear ln the future. The surplice, of course, le vhite and fastans closelly about the neck vbicb in differant than the apen caltas they bava bean weartag. Tha vamen and girls hareofler are aiso ta vear dark elirte, drt hair rnb- bons. etc.. and, ln tact. Ibeir entîra choir oulfit la expectel la be similar lu eacb cae, so for as possible. In the past they have vain vbatevar happened ta hae their ragular Sunda> attire but the naw radaor hon astai that unitonmity ut dies ha adhered ta hereaiter. FLORIDA FOR ROADS. Qindu Far $i,OO0,OC0 Votd by Tampa and Vicinity. county MFa.) votera have by an ovsrwbeirning Zajority placel Ibemselvea ou record as taver- Ing gool roads vben by mmt I 2.000 majority tbey ratiuled thm bond lu etf 1.,000. Wail Of vbich mners hi te b. speut ln loyiag brick Migb. ways and repiacing the rock amd cshuli ronds hi the more populoasiscioas ot the counny. Itlais «tmnatsd that lh. bond icss viii show lb, construcion of nom. »esty mlles or mor, of brick roade of t rinig wdtbotal.aJm te' lb. Mut- sc tbey must accinmodskte The. clU voteI tour te one for bonds. vbIfle th. country preclucta. vbich psy net mois thon 25 par cent ofthle taxescf bhe county, vtel about tva 10 on. againsl. Superntitloiis Aurolams 'Th. Engilsh burgior le fond cf a talisman and pins bis fallh to a lump of cool. breating up on. piece and adapling anather vit udlminished trust vben be doas bappen 10 get cap- tuisl wbli carrying IL. Often the lump o! cool in producadlnb court as port of the contents of the prlsaners poctet. Whet steel Gontainâ. 'Unmiagnetizabie steet." eays EMmi tiroïsema, "ooulalns froin 9.8 to 10.3 per cent, o! mauganese oud ta 1.4 pmr ent, cf titanlum. The sIllon con- tenta muet h. loe thon .8. carbon bé. loww.03 and phosphorous .015. The. vifte of "ObO5a*steelwbVe a shieli! 6A" uomd eau be à& 10#tWo Md othor the Md. E. churcb and the btirial v«a t HdBoule emetary. The deeel leaves many relatives and a grat hnet of fiendsa al ver lb. county ta mourn hie departure. J- '-- - Merry Xmas and ao Happy New Year ta al. J. S. l)anmnn tranoacted business lu Chicago Thursday. Raoy Eneden af Yole Coilege, visiteI truîuîîSabnrdo ountil tianday vitb bis anule, J. H. and Wi m. Banner an bis retnrn ta hie home la Marne, lova, ta shaud t'briebmas. Mire. M ary Mavor oi Chicago, and tirs. Word Bain af Racina. Vils., viitaI Thnrsday and Fridoy vith (haïr mothar, Mie. Jasais Strang. tire. Lîzzie Stewart ai Ournea, epent several daye vit.h hecabster, Mr@. Gibert. tirs. Jane Jamlsson and son Georgre, lait Tueedoy ta s@pend a veet alth (ha inrnerîs daugbters. tirs. Lizzis Paddgt andl Mise Jouihe at Charleuton, 111. Miss Vida Jamison ai Lihertyvillie igb ochool viii spenl ber vocation vlh the1 home toit@. Rev. sa mr. A. W. SafarI andlIss Clam Pools W& Welnéssay ta @pend 1umitlt er dougbtec. Mms. Malph Wbealom ai Wbealom, 111. tir. andItir. Simoun Amis ai Hickory,i @pent Sumda ait J. R. Bonmmrls. Leon Strang rsturmsd bonis Saturday hoU U!*Ia far a tva veets vocation. I'bo4ýp achoof coisI Tussday vhtb 1mai entertalnent and the Uoctalay echool cbasl Wedmssdmy anti aiîsr New Years. Miss lues Pollock of Chicago, epenl Xmas wth the home faits. tir. A. 0. Hnghes le vlitIng ber parents lu Champalga, 111., and tir. Hughes leit this veektota@pend Xmuao there. TAYLOR GROVE tierry Chrisimnas tao &l. Mis@ Merle [lanhour ai Waukegan, i. viiting friands liera. Gladys Brue bai returnel ta bar honie in Wadsaorth. tir. and tirs. jeu. Lewin vere '/ion C1IRISTOLO6i S NEEDED IN HOMES 0F WORLD TODAY Rector Gangster Says It Is More Important Than Sex- ology or Eugenics. SUNDAY SCHOOLS PROGRAM Children of School Attend the Evenina Services-Choir Is Newly Vested Now. Capital $25,000.00 AIL PRECAUTIONS TAKEN TO PRE VENT ROBBERY AT MILL Windows of Paymnaster's 0f-ý f ice Barricaded Wîth Steel Bars--Armed Men Guard ýOTHERS PATROL OUTSIDE. Sharpshooters Patrol Beach to Prevent Possible Approach of Any Motor Boat. Waukegao. December 22. On the semi-monbbly pay day the local wîre mîlI assumes eomawhat the aspect of a frontlar tawn ln the halmy days wben avary man carried o re- volver whlch ha vas raady ta upe an the drap of a bat. Betwaau $15.000 and $60.000 ia pald out ln .JltpIpeal vira milieach pay day and eWlll officiais da nat ln- tend ta taka any chances of outof- town crooka comIng bais and making a "kliilng." If any such à%Uempt- k mode ta maira a boul on aycf Qlue pay days. tha robbare vili not find the emplayes of the local plant unpreê pared. Savaral af thje- mosi trusted ana- ployas hava baen annuel wltb auto- madel revolvers and ais beig drllled ln thair use. The roor n which the cash la kapt hag bean sofely barricad- ad an, it le etrangar thon the etrong- eat bant ln the city. Heavy steel bars have bean piacad scrons the windows and the daora are fastened ln a lite. aise eubstaatiai mannar. Oniy one vInlow 1le ieftubarrical- aI and Il ls througb thi vidow the pay envalopes are passeil. There ara sufficlent armed men on guard 10 ra' pal any tiod o! an attackthfat mlgbb ha made on thla windov. Borne of the men wear thair revolvers la bol- stars. ao tbay cau drav tham aeaihr ln caae ot amargency. AIl of the guarda are nol kepb lu- aida tha office oft hie paymaster. Oth- ere patrol file yards and teap vatch for al euspicloug characters. Their instructions are ta shoot vithoat bes- ntation upon praper provocation. Even thi l ioabas not beau aven- lookled. mis Cere le a posiblty ltaI robbar.e n'.gbt aDproach iln a matar loat. tii nk.g this the eaotest avenue o! escap'e alter a robberv. 'w men vbo are accorded crash ibots bave been armed wltb repeatIng rillep sud matre Il Ibehr business to a e up and dovu Ithe loke shore. teepIng a sharp outlook aver 1he late. Rama of the mon vho ane employ- ed as guords bave seen actUamsrice i the srmy. Somns o! th«ewod as charpshoctars. It l ha lumse»M 1hA5 roulera voul ind ad o y wor .. ception awalting thena hi case tlaey trial to "pull off" an ottempted boL& up. Thal tliene is a state loy provlîhiE tariha paylng of al amployes ln cash la file contention of nome. This 1ev, 111e s alI, has 001 beau enforced var rîgidly, but probahly viii ha in the future. 11. la said the auti-Baîccueale- ment se<'caedîlu gettIng tbis loy passaI tobu hp fight the salocua. as it la clalmal thot the men vbo iscelva tileir muney in checlte lnvariabiy caah tiiernuln o saloonansd leove, ýousîdai' ailla hafore bhay get avay. visîtel (ha L GUR1'y. lt. and tirs. Bastings ileth latter'@ parents Sunnay. ise@ Kabli OroaiaiofWankegan, The (lurnee W. C. T. U. viilhll a vioited ber oupt, tir@. Cuddlby, Bundoy. vont meeting vbtb Mr@. Maul Widle- Tboo Vaudenvaeib mde a buiuatnIp comb on Tneaedn. Det.810. eving for t. a kesSavdy the Laks Bluff orphaume. Chiristmas Batiksïjý la order ta help the cbIlàMÀ habit that wil belp themw ti Ub'.4> plated CHRISTM<AS SAVINGS p»d to auyone opening asaViugsfl e~ 4. dollar ernWMa. The Youngatev h Su On (,'britstinsMarning 5howiugO a iej.o. in hi@ Dame by emreIoM~- o ii~w1' pride init &Dd it wîil bee.aj> ra» avtin and bow rapidly they vi4Iîf If put in one of hauts, wbîch cannot b. op«qMèd exopt as tho baufr- Get Onu today for Yqip > JI or &nd a to Open "sAoç éciÎ "tIieMd Dank a A ST AT'rE BANK Lake VOI41 lla fu RENTING Houaseis il 1*5 Spociasty. UVERYTHINO i&la, MR aend VLLAë-tOPry LET:us tawit youa out E VE RBODY lastisfied E with C7 mreth ods. DA 'tetm ocn We thsuk y9u 1éý yqxr libug tpuW' rouage dz~b sId~ Jewelry and M ave..amthagie us I .i ý< Jowelry and %humai aml toms m ilot Mb t. a ta onym . W TOILET à A. Lyoo Noed an. ORCHFS Phono Matn>, Round Lake, NML MUJSIC FOR AU OÊ f Dance Mudelàc p a l IDr. MW. ch-- I iib Mei.'aiig 1