LA" C(OUNTY TNDEPFEMVE1NT. lFrD. JV..ANTARY 7.1910 D Ro-ke(eler, Jr., as ho enterdd the AreNislu fmo i te crîmInal courts building to tatk Iern = an f the grand jury wblch la _________ to mà1e invu'estigation. * ~ ~ ~ I the i;Wou e t~c~ate - o" i& b~ Y".T~ J&'U%. -TePlant 01,referrng to the à~lltinh ofwbole. 1 O Dy, u~s bËL Ie tr etnw tietrutb abk' lOgue ea( spàtse-4 Uey are talse. 1they aboW ibc lleneeod art !nt l à*d tlby t i~ e 0of tliO Âkro, .. Jan. .-Mn. Teree tBarn- M and Cranhedt trough the rouft SaMt iàk abot a»d kleleuhithe ores- * ~ w~àt nce c01,ltpr eldo. Uic eldeat of Oua Irarlàwld~ ~k a *«kfor en (,ISrt d" alàl§Wmike Jorda, Mr1t ttePouf gietwhi arothe crIlbm liats oa 9tUiePota0fclimax, bMo7 bereturned and iled lavlvig finnda hm"X ar~ontftheBarchazt %a IV EIRsE i. othe04esk St ~ ~ 8ttt teJ* . , -Four p4r ~~by eatng 01 At O&the bôof )dtmreD. *~ ~~~di ovr d 0la *mm- )Id .m4, . t8b<l F0fluiiido V'a4 mm e otwlv. boteif çth*r, Ii. fU . Vaides, moth- fto feuthp tghet Ucen- o f M Va Irf1indet-, éhi PVmbk (ar- W~io6ur qmatp.cia, grandaet Mfa. v.du. P4oeI -bd <eIeuka a ba 4 VIiorct*auaffb7 Mne..Val. t~jn~eter eWther 46. pe y wd e4 t of t4hgcoq- JesephPage; OMbierat, la Outa. jas 71 0 fa DeMOcrt 'of Yferaecémty. la là la * ~ m~~ ctb.i gslauro lea auiove. tMm iaehome b> y tt ovnaDeon becanso00 eoi V *19in the mlesfro tlfnta The gn.dertiul dWI selSaI publie q« ~rvIfj» R.fl.h. auctln on the WUeonU L.Gee tarin. f,.Ë i* g> 1116n rth e riltenerad onl lh a*0 Wit4the Clilcas and Miwaukee gravel f the Uca. rond. on Tue auy, January lsth, 1910, eù, eutilLgai 10:30 o' -r.laec Wb", Nb, Mend et Weti Br"d1,1091186 e rouowal et the Wovkm'u Breedorsand, Drivira fWee McGr*awo, a 3 rear old t, U~udamn JeaiMcOreggor by Bow [Sebotion; Tutay Wlka, a brood ouare Trhre Than at by (300. willka.with bal; .)eaie me- *Ye nicMusema, Gso*oir, a ânue hrood. mare b! Arthur Ï&,961 P- IKoOrouoe; beavy brood mare with Ir ity dla the fùsOi; bnow& drlvlag mare. 3 yeara 054; 1IÉjoter é. "Bud" black carnage bhorae, 4 years éft _a0, ,, 1nid hevy e.M" ingdalt colt; year- totalatiendauce lis rt bhionajGratton anid Tutais Y a 0ae 1,eai10,. Wlka; Jopste, a yearling colt by <lan- bretta Punce. Clarumip. ' » 'od t a~4 1K -Èîlàdt i Twelvo grade ym4 caws, f resu or t'Sia~ér~I1kucOmidiIn Bacc, 3 three erid hboit- ibe urs è ia ; 1 Uiree yreara cld buit, Bwiss sud 1*1o PrM $e-Amerlcau cisc. Durham; 1 yearling bull, ful bloodeti t.t.buh BuenoAires là Durhami; 1 t wo year olti teer. Tweinty Moudof Hogae -Two tâne bècad aowi; 1 boar, toIt blooded Burkabire. 7 hoga ready for M oung )lmire.uiàiet; 5 siita; 5 Piga two monilia Que bayleaSoder, I aide dellvey rîke, Dow?" i corn biader, 1 oat blnder, 1 mowes-r, 'lu yur aie1 ibal rake, i cultiator. 1 pulverizer oncelu i m1 ulky plow, 2 wlklng plows. 1 corn ive aud y.sheller, i Ott cleiner. 4 anet fbar- £tdaPo. ue reall 1oe tauhope, 2 buggies. I deme- tbek Wéol ll4'crut wagon, 4 heavy farta wagons, 1 - platiorni scape, 1Itrou kettie. i bar. J ow, 1 aeprator, 2 cil tanks, 1 grit crosber. 2 arai, tacka. -. SXltY ta eof bar ln baru.l lot of cornufodder, 1,000 bu. ot oata ln bina, 500 bu. corn lu crIbe. 125 fîocy cbîcIt. aie, bougebold turniturealuail too eanmd otier thliga ton uumeroue UÈ T ïlâi 4t ale. Ail aulila of $10 a04 IKdt4l, âb;sisane -r $10 a crodit of 1ýilI Iî iven on gond bon 4uiim at 6 per cent Intel-est. No inxM bUhved untîl settleti for. RVES. & 1MOORE. Prom. m R IC Auctloneer, Clerts. ADJUDC^TIO'Ï. NOT'ICE. Pibýlc Notice Id bM~Iîy' gIsen thèt ~o hrra 0. ratkeu deceaaie *lu attm 4lAýciMiiftcourt o L4 laaý nlght, begin.nýng aàuct Ior iu by elght- down town Waukeian aud banîds like saod lu a etrnlutejeo eO O 0- ê# - Tbéee who ventured ou the etreeta ln a aebe Sahara.c REAL. ESTATE TRANFtkà . tho evenlng were whipped #long by DepOt HIilSlppery. 0 th erry gale antidhad to go WîIIly nil-, Tht' deflut bill cas gaoslpPeiY nid o 1'rIs d b Lakte Gu5 l1 y wlth tire atorin, the wlnd glidlng1Ireacherous tlîat tire pe-ople liad lo:ALLEGED SAFE ROBER 5H01OIti e TutC.nmpany, '- ___________________aong tire wakH fr flfty feet at take tu the roaa foi, sily'. salie and _____asIat t Il.Titîmglra- a tulie. tire civ dîil ot egîîî te, di-ar tiîî' Kllled et Chicago White Resllng Ar 0 teed, asîîc eule ulng i lad Lke S w noSnow Cuta Face*. down ltwnii osi. wallis tîiîîî il ouîî rest by a Policeman. a Waukegan, 111. l alis.J.Grnme I~ae* *#W~ eile rh no~ ci tiatdr su iîwd 0flei. hicago,.Ian. 5-A moni, sîtiby the sec. W it WTheîi 1 s111 w wîlc h at V îd ry ai.liito w rth e T a na"r L t .police to e t~ he second burg ar o ti o o o o 00o0o0o0a0o 0 a o a o 0 bundii eykidw ichte ofinba lu heta TTriswrjai e llae he irn -nected wIth Ithe atteînpîed ,are robberv iiior .11 face Ilke abni fsal ultg rai et i lteo ie or o the Norwood Park postoffce sud lîriaî \iiiîliii-ulWf that mein auddenly realized what W0w esen oîeo a Norîlicesteru ralîroati statIon, wuWaialilici u wt WILD NlgfI*T IN CJTY.COUNTY menCli ear selle fer anid eîîvled thein.: blusil tram rear cri to elîglue when; ahot and kîllet b>' Policemien Fronk liry iiilni(-i iili-li( 'ui lae lshng oas cre illiiîlîy ollil ii Th atee cus st-Wuitt lu a bouse ut 3624 Dicken, esv-.C11iiiiîîliigs & Ciii ý\îil- iUI thereforu there are no disasters ta re-, fThe nîsu, cho waa wounded hy tlitrie Clîa-. %IcNeill, . a ud Wcifej ~oedr ~o Sldb' alos el.tte cultur of the trac-ks, ral)icd club Pense of citîzune, lied been traced tetg2 ino3îbOc #,dr ntS ut Oneime t ariuHa lport. hrec lIecisof sîîw, Ibat wauld gath- the bouse by Lieutenant Calline andticlu.I Succe.ded by Saft and Bain Saaked On the Northwesterii anîd the Chica- er tri spitîe of atrenuotîs effort..huier- squ&d Of Policemn fromn' 5he îrviug svlns Adi.l-gîlîlPak w Goba O White-Traia AIl Late and go & Milwaukce men dia sorIt ai the fered wtl tire matura. Park station.$100. TrrcGnrlyMc mee ilght of way to malulain lit cure kept Testorni last iîlght va asort o hen umriopenedth Ie iloor truisilla Wllkkisoi a ilii~isband Trae GntrllyMuc irpedd b an arevolver' bahule began lu chirli G, bî. Bard, lot 11, 1 Ex N. 1 teSom01aibm lnu haf d s e tio is 810Wmo ersunra-enugciN. rt5l lt-M i th ilîigt u yttha onlgfreak ln tlîat Il cas ail bluff and blii- the allegeti rolihur feu, malck 2!f, llighai Prk-W aud brushes extendud clear sancg their tdamuage ,eYouîd the liuîî,ediig of î;atc'riîlueîît secret sers te etîmmirei- $L (Fi-rn Wedtuc-alays SUN.) Unes as fer as the eye could sec itraffir ifi-te i nad or Cpt-Thoas1.iAdriami VatîdIvkolad Io Old Men WIntcr liad a inery lime The driftsa made the snow plowi nec- A(ut i hue ccieous esidiîts l'Porter aie -sec-ing îoilfeer lo M. Bard.S , 5 lt iZlcl of lit lait nîglit and the- old âctIers essar>'. The snow driftud arross the1 asic-lt, the 5110wteil i ii great rain iî e-ifodngCiaowtl8u land Park; . el. $1 00ii Wbo ait behinti the tire aud tell of tie country road lu gruat drifttsthat iiu- 1 soakcd goba iistcad etfl111uîawdery hase beE. lioeliig (anago wltl aîîur. uintere of lo a go, bad t about for ledeJ itaffler lu Wu g the drifts flakesansd a sîlother imehall fIl laous $ Iilbui rer t eks. It i KJtaie L. Sîîîo ujisl,aies Mmry- when luit fiat ktud et a wdoter wure kuee, The people titi well Generaill>' eaking, the evcnng cao belleved that tiie' ouiîterfeiîing Sec. 2 1, Deerlield Twp. w. î6. b Th _ re. wclouta l»ew a gaie;n wlth the clearing of walks sud paths nflt damp andtihfe euow hi t the face "plan t- la located ln <hicago. i 76D0000. hientory 3ovr4ere i al ews ï-ht u ~the hterest of Eçonoifical ?ersons T wný-oTables C Table Na. i tomprisea vain lot ofi Bath Robe Velours. Outing lanuels. Lînings and other fabrics, values ta Table No. 2 leànmade up at Renînaiit tentaIs, 11k tIl>bed Glnghama. Diap etc., values to 35c at yard .... I -- - ~Waulcegan's Best and Blggest Store.I Women's$000afd $12.50 Coats at $0.98 rfjjj lot of coats iîîclidcls iaiîv ' ifflit' tasoseî ltttit mlll>iinî bt u(l cloth, kersev and fancl' îîoveities, 54 iîîcliesi long, scii f-ittiiîg, salte 6 ~.981 Woiîà s $15.00 and $1800 Sufts at $1000 A quiî'k disposai vill bt macle <mi tiiese sîlits iewilig Itil'thextripric e 1-(- 't4 tiui, thev are value s tlatliîav c bi uîgi t 15.00 aini 18.M, sht- islîiii i Ns of stiîped ser ge aud hioadv I )ti n ail4orlon ig c tt ýsatil> lîîîed, plaited slcI, ' -c!II Dlresses liave Been Wonderfuily Reduced Aýt this priic voî il i fiîîd ettîmîi-phtti v garments for tliîv are the ories whiciî lave been ,old at 10 0, the quai iitla '-il r iih aî-r sege anîd panîamai, is a highliai a, t îtlt ail dand iib îo îd c'î td, sale it e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 11lt5 0 9 Fur Prices Hlave been Deeply Slashed 011- iiieitioil îisîoit o earr- m'ci-. a sinigle fii)i >îîxt seuasoli. I aîaI liî-;lls I liai w' aitrc efeetly'Ne illiig to sacre -îim-t'iavîin IIotder (o t'ffcr't a ii.în uTe redîîctiioiîs lmpteseiît saviîgs of 1frpîn ilOne-Third 10 One-liait. Pt' effil8flS iHire Is Great H~ gurd FlneetmI i soly augh t tauhobu itestlug 1nec s In ( lI18i-ts. îlot et eld, mndsrabli- uîoil-l.s buti the boit $1.00 anmi $5-00 ci catieun, ai our awmî well equlpped woî c 1001i11. etîr chaIre of iian y styles ut ai of aist SMa- iiy ('bii. lI fat News oally alP ce tSuîî latiag 1.98 à" Otfr Wiièr' Sboès are SIashýed ln Ptice Wouiaa' 2.50 Simees fiiâtré à ib,-ït '59 'I'iîis is a great bargain aîs tiiey arc the most 'lcpeîîda- bie iake of shoém, leathersJ <-oîîslàistiîîgd of vici-kid andj gunnîeùlhigh oîr îîediuifil hbed, buttôùn lacé di. bix»cbèr, ail t3izes, 2.50 valiles . tit pair .... . . . .. * , Otri's Bhool OSIis-A eiearanee of a lot 4't dependable sh6és for sehiool *W.~, côfri- prising 1.50 valîses, viei-kid with-itet tip and dùll tops, aigo gùin- hfiai lèsàthe 1akIe button and hlu-her, sizes 2 e 9to p.31 ..................... MNou'à3-50 *ad,4.00 shees Rediccd lb' 2.85 Thuis lot ini'iiides University andîu A.nî"ir'aîî entleiném'n uiîukes, coiistruetetl of the bcst 8toek andi espeeiaily de- sirable for winter iveal', hiave heavv soles, blaek and taîl leatheîs, al i 17k 50 aund 4.00 valu es Boy's and Girl's Shoes-ThJIise wiil giv$ ex- ellent service for s<'hool ivcar ' -taui'uchlv êotstuctdsatin caîf, gun-mietâl, 'ici-kîd>, and vetotît' aLf leathers, attractive gt é; sizes 5k ý,to l13.2, 1.50 . -valuecs, pair ................. .... k I Dresslng Sacques 39c Sia(ie or Flainocletlc in especislly îrctty patterus - saluies Ihat aold as hîgli asi75c. sale priee 39C At 89r, This lot luludes Ureasing $acques-, and lonîg Kimouas, nmade (rom a hlgh grade of Velour Flannel tu Persian sud aiber pat- oins, $1.,50 velues ai 89cà Childrens Coats A I)enudill lot of o-uts (Iiii> I $ i ý Ili i bidreti of ages 2lu, Il Ni-nu a lc 'ind of ltm»arikii - liraad-lumh, Kî'isi-s-suiland *Ils 2,98 Bath Robes. NMade of fi.- li.I,'l 2.69 *à2DOf'S Mlies now 2.48.-About 100 pairs in thiS lot of vonetîs patent 1eàther shoes, Rýed Cross anj Ainer- ean Lady inakes, weit ad hand turned soles, button anîd lesnappy s 1e 39 2-048 "~d 4.00,Melues at..... ýA 1