Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jan 1910, p. 6

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LAXE OWN~TINDBPNDZNT. FRI)A-T, NUÂRY 21, 1.910 LAKE CO. MEN MAKINO PLYING MACHINES I Wukegan Mani who Hat Been Work- Il. u k e i lg 0on Building of Flylng Machine After Patterni of Wright Plansa Sm.oth Solder Swlndlor .9 ut N n st e '~», 4bY Oficer- Loa6 Sunday Machine-Other Work. 1m %mgau ho ateppeti off a North- Llcvuiyi ulo mtu güV, qt6u ta aAt Waukegmn for the ai- Lk ont s1I 0 mtu r . f $3 uner tise re-builtiers of airsbîps and fiYing mas ohalhn c $6 ndr aie cre hidne Iniventera.s en 4. saloonkeeper, ex-Ser- w.In l Waukegan J_ N. Pacini bas ai-2 éleions charges of more alaegeti ready bult hie machine anti daims3 id 'the ïmre kind befoe ho that ha bas madie it fiy. Fearful of duiogt mid thon ta cap the Oui- the dlecovery of hie secret he wili a bOMM acuse hi ofbrek-taka the machine ta South Chicago2 ie a happy home lni Benton. where he bas one relative who la lu- whe mae theventing a flying machine and another4 maioonkeeper whomtehewo la working on a perpatual me- wadAlbhn fSeit. The hua- tion machine.1 Vho lgces that U5*i-d ri- A mYsterlous machine seean near2 -b4Lýým homte oa ielm te lm LeAter FRockefeller lt aima repartei.2 mille&Regan "Fotmd" Pacîtil. O*uit chargeS that matterm went Bo Tu Dr. P. 0. Raga the dentiet ho-2 '* tieetJat lutastUlidayho "d Ihie longs the aredit of uncoverlng Paclnl'm O01i»Aefor= anmud stack mand gave secret. pEnterng the fruit teotuai W0mm hait Of the. PrOcOeeda the Inventor runaeue day ha 0mw BVM h. la uow elther hinEvNy- Pacini working hord ovor drafttanmud àM Vith relatives or- ln Chicag~o, plans anti wormed the atory out ot fflh hm.hlm.1 - 00 Mon.y ut Saloon. Because et the diBcavary before he -WU mrIl clalmed to have rale wmm readY the sen-in-law ofCaimnir ti.tomm or a loua by mlegnt lazzaroni will transter the ciat ta Md bai$»O camhng from theoumt, a ecret workshop ln South Chicage ea paevboumhy dopooltOd wth where ha cmn work unditurhed. Wan-2 M niouekeepor mand wthdrawn $300 kegan wifl nover osea the machine al- fl. ela- thought that the aniiwum tbugh the Inventor givas a sketch.2 m~ the qum. Howeyer, when ho XI la net perfecteti by the builder blik a i-Slth'm story he chmnged haithough Le bas werkcd ou it a1 Îdi& aware out a warraiit and bail Yeai-.2 *0 e-»mer arremted. Wllard oet- Lazzaroni Fiances.1 Xed fur a Oum this mernlng. The raonay for thë building of the Du ote what the police say wa a Paci i ar craft bas heen supplieti hy wblakey lit 4n which ha flu aginst C. Lazzarronl who la a weatby Itali- Me jal i nDiedge, Willard bail bath ant fruit dealer. $700 bas beetu ex- Wto îboilkë and looketi as though a pentietise tar. the gasoline engine eifoloue hati »truck hlm. iottng $240. The air sbip bat been 4Smlth Tole Storry. christeneti"The Ragie" and isi six- Âccardlng te the tery tolti hy the tpen fret long Ove tact in witb anti UCLiry nd accuslng busband Monday wigbs 220 pountis. If 14tieuigneti - MSghng. SePtember 17 ha teok i <> t arry four Jasengers. As soon lard, thon a whtskoy wreck, te hie a- te craftt s perfected Mr. Paciii las- luBeoon uid rouht lmplans ln give a publie exhibition. fieiin l Bouon ad brughthlm No One Has Seen It. s-oiud ta sobrlety. Willard banseerv- The inventer dlaims that he gave *1 tw0iity-moven years in theUo ite bis machina lia llrst test on Tuestiay, 3tate &army, whore his record la sald January llth, anti that ha covereti a tob gool, andI vas off on a throe distance ot two miles at an elevation *ëb tbm fualion pay prcparatary averaging tbirty teet. Pacîni la not $D iUshhting ho ald-sailf ievth tais achievement anti - ef UL oit h mlth Dplaminoninfg 1i.,wnovwrklng to perfect tise crait éb« Wê-vamon hlm vay ta the foit tu se that ho con sear te greatr he!ghts. S40.but two veeka ister Snlth No nue except the inventer anti is »MMM massgin Daller theii. uenoiceonOUfatbar-bu-aw have sean the raiship t iresetU hee ho "and mi agauri but the Inventai- gives the following ý6 bM took tho IllBoer home description ot It: Il bas air tanks 10 0011118 blm topmand pethi onis l~on bath sides; aise ana wing on each tilleaide. The angine la locatet iIn the Aihame Intriguie- midle. The propelier bas tour - ~ timos. ha. iloefflboamitho blattes. The wl.tgs on each aitie are k. t ChIOM htvooa hlieaoerated by the angine but thse wing M~1 i M-i m-iho fttserBUS lu front l controlieti by bond. ff a 4111V aENU vawu orderel M»r. Paeini, wbo evua and manages _11111411111111ybe'lme tm the vonuntha fruit store et thc corner oet Mai1 à10t a an; hm1 be famtdemand amu andI Goneasa streets, will now î 0 111111ee MMO. b« t at vhe ho seek ta Interest an onclaetfbis i-e- M aft Illiste piace demmaued illng ai South Chcago anti hopes *« ale IL ak se maiglvahier ber te get hlm teatlvance mare raoney ýM et W psoffty wvkb bho ayaifotheUicpartctlng et hie Invention. »# 4M M socc lt ay He aya tht 1 1Pacini comeeofa a fmity ot inventera WM~ut ik»ovm whem the'and bas a cousin at South Chicago, hz.1 Charles Scaiena, whe bas been work- wMI. M tP.-oe- i ng for touriecu years on a perpetual «T* I gulw ~~ Uw Uioe - de- 1!motion machine. tht. ,mlm Bsbeau- Feare Theft of Idea. 11,11111 mu5bdm be - 1 ',aNoneana luakegan will ha pî'r- bit 4 et b ow &Srd. sive wi- mititate sacPacînla air shtp as ha ~ m~f'to ~ 0< ~ feara that soute oe t right steal bis 10 o tmt'octon r midea and perfect due machine hefore 'amuloted 001ws? ha accempilahes whai ha bas qet eut "le. charge t the poice «oa ta' at do. Ha daimsa that le le paiterneti *0< WlfMiI siaiity bu aifute mter tac Wright brothers' i-plana, mniced lhe uly prohihem which Pachnt bas ýq$ m lokhop6 ead mud ta obeanu utable te salve ha asys la that ~t '. lokel t.> uid cted ~of gettilu the ci-aft te mar ta greai _________________hiz iaandI upen tale toature he yl t lIoPftWMi nUi-eln Sied S5uk l th!van util ccescrowns hlm efforts. Wbm ORUd Utel hua. a Balance of Awardm At Waukegan Poul- IUSB-mlogTdin0 to a bah *' i-y Show *vlxby a Ogeh»frs alttu (IcOMTINEn i-ROM LAbT WES K *#0~ Os-$" avenunelet o(oany hey s.. abr- t 3at i fi-- lte ty imta he 1 iHou-Mima Kennedy, Racine, Wla. -b - a 1101bec«aun tuc inl tae drifhts 2 Han-J. C. Jensen, Kenosae Md themstee Suid nt budg-eIL 3 Hn-J. C. JenBen. 1" W Mr.or.tathe nure vl hand h4 Hen-MlsmKennedy. <b. OWto o oioy a mter an 1 Cockere-J. C. Jensen. *btmmtiig vieit appealed tg the hoit2Ccee-.C emn t sulthuta melbl eough and 3 Coceril-Misa Kennedy. en. nought ta gai them baci bIoPta tMsaKnnd tb* City.-This vwu lona. 1Ple-.s Kney >nd#.. anud Spoudding Hors. WilIIFat Tobacco. T EL. abhrne ovuaI by Handea Md UjsuullIug. aata tebacco vlt ap- VWMlY an great a rellah as chilti-en 4M, tXndy. The bornae wlth tit de- laito proféra Batle Ax, but t rani-alof chewing isibaccola 4V leUo iii mcepi cit-ars as a The anlialduas net lM6 t0bacco but actualli- swal- f, It ha ClIImed that taenar- Acts m a ixatve andt tat the *'ota itfur the good of its di- -t *drgeba ftotoeb. or atimuIate dait4thatapeeryingeubt lawsvaak insldo con- Dr.Rhboop's P.cstors. Teutialt es itand @mi 2 l'ullet-J. C. Jensen. i Pulet-J. C, Jensen. 4 Puiet-Miss Kennedy. Blue Favoaiis- i Han-WIimetta Farm Ce., Glan- vlew, Ill. Houdans- Ahi te, Dr. R, T, Aistea. Zion Ciby. S. C. Suf Orpington- 2 Cocl-F. W. Peuiis, 3 Cntk-T. B. Gieax c. W'aukegan t lien-H. DunavLuu (Chucago. 2 Heu-H. L. Dunavan. 3 Han-j". W. Feuida, tig-hlandi Park. 4 He-T. B. Gleave. 1 Cockei-a-H. L, Dunavan. 2 Cockei-el T. B. Geave. 3 Cckerel-T. B. Gleaveý 4 Cocker-H. L. Dunavan. 1 TPullet-T. B. Gleave. 2 Pulet-H. L. Dunavan. 3 Pullai-Jobu D. Thomas. Zion Cty. 4 Puiet-T. B. Gleave. S. C. Back Oipltgtot- i Cock-P. G. Lewis, Zion City. 1 Hn-R. Wilson, Elon Cty. Hei-P. G. Lewis. Han-P. G. Lewis. Han-P. G. Lewis. t3ock'erej-R. Wilson. i'ockeral P. G. Lewis, Ceckerel-P. 0. Lewis. Cckrl-P. G. Lewi-. PulIat-R Wison, PluîiiefR . . -isý Puilet-. \Viltson. White Orpington&- Pullet P. G.Lewis. t t'acke-l i-s. Hai-ite> Ziout City. 2 B. W. Lewis. 3 Ceckerei -'.s. tiaruley 4 Ceekeral fuira. hernIe' 1 Puliai-D. W. Lewis. 2 PuUlet-D. W. Lewis. 3 Pullet Chas, lunes. Zlouu City. 4 Puliet-Mra. Harniey. Black B. Red Gam-- 1 Cock-R. T. Parina, Waukegan. 2 Cockerel-C. C. Nash, Waukegan. 2 Puilet-C. C- Nash. Carnish Indian Gameo-- 2 Cockerel-A. J. Truby. 2 Pullet-A. J. Ti-uby. 3 Puliet-A. J. Ti-uby. Pi Gammo-- Ail te H. F. Fitta, Waukegan. WUId Mallaid Duck-- i Cock-Wilmctte Parut Co. i Ca>ckeîel-Tobias Jensen, Wauka- gsn. 1 Hen-Paul 13airstow. 2 Hen-Paul Balraiow. 3 Hen-Wlnuatte Farra Ce. 2 Cock-Wm. 1. Lyon, Waubegau. Indian Runnor Ducks-- 1 Cock-Wilmette Farra Co. 2 Cock-Wilmette Farr Ce. i Han-Wilraete Farra Co. 2Hen-Wilmette Farr Co. :Han--'uogeneen & Bennett, Lake 1 Cockeri-i Nogensen & tBrnetl. Pekin Duck-- Ai to Paul Baîrstow, Bronze Tur-keys- i cock t' t'powers. 1 lien -('i, Poix rs. 2 lien- t(' l'tiael 1 ý ilienî- -C. Powers i Cockeici R. .C t oull Toulouse Geose- t bock-E, Il.tohnuson, Grmai- 2 f'ocl E. Il. Johnson. 3 Cock-E . 'Nfunroe, Racine. 4 Cock-C' C. Powers, Wauluagan. 1 lIen-E. H.Jobnsout 2 Heu E I. iunrioe 3 Han-E. I. 'tuuroe, 1 Cockerel C. CI Powers. 2 Cockei-el-C. C. Powars Emden Geese- t C-ockerel E. L. Muni-oe t Han-E. L. fulunre Game Bantama- Ali te Mra. Gasclian, Elgin, Ill. White Cichin Banismns-- t Hen-.Nrs. H. FINtte. WAUKEANS GREAT CORN INDISTRY Industi-> that la Now Second to Nono n Waukegan Hmd Ita Rime RIght af- toi- Civil War, But flot Until Eigh- tiom wcro Posiblitien Boon ln Glu- cose. HMutai- and L4t of Coi-n Praducte ln Dtail. From the eeui iest dut,.3t nu -tîuî-rtca coi-o tas beau itientiflid xxitiuhuinan- ity as a toodi produci auud lias srceuu- paulati man anti civilization. handtilu band, tiawn tbrougb thea ates te the present time, Prohabiy no oua coin- modlty ever bcid aucb a place utfira- portanée se conIiously as coi-n anti today a part failure ofthei crop lu the sIlx etates known as the "coi-n tatas" eanda a tramor tbroughout due civil- izel vorîti, for Its use la no longer confinaI to f ood for maa and beasi, but lb new for-ma the basia ot many jmanufactured staplos et commerce. It le estimatal that there la now I hing conaumedin u tae manufacture et cern syrup, coi-a sugar and abarches, &bout 35,000,000 bushis a anualiy, cf whlch 11,000.000 are madIe Into, atarch, maysaon exchange, The manufacture of dues. praducta bais grown te thomo proportions thraugh a former law pie mu comparol vit prient pricce. The lncraa of 30 par cent iu 1908. hayaver, bas bad a tandancy to checkt the ativancemani matie aiong manu- tacturlut- Inca. Wbather lb ramains cbeckad cannet new ha foretolti. but the pi-autnt in- dications tio net hoîti auy encourage- ment toi- the belaf that coi-n wili av- e -r ha lesut The bigb prica o! coi-n haut r trtalieti te some extent theamr ourtt o corn suiuop useti by confection- i-rut anti siruit mixers. The starcb busuness otfte ceuni-y lbas heer de- creased .ou accouuuî o! the impçortation of satge tînitheubo secalled itoadareti tapîio- tiotur. Sagoetu-t suîtplaited cornt star-t tatsiti' t el foi- las, It iti'- we, cornuri starclu a-ith îextrinieomanu atsrturers, foi sizing in coittun nitls. -ati with the calciraue utanufacturers. Tapioca lttauseti toi-makiutg envelopes anti ouber gurus ant i ase tîupîîîauts ilarcb xxith the raill brade. lb ti5 snet untîl atter tbe cîxîl ar that experimenta wre sbai-ted lu the 'Uniteti States to make sirup front coi-n starcb, the chaapest source ot abarch lu this country>. Thesa experîments a-ara suceteful andti he pioducts call- eti grape sut-ai-'anti'co-n si-up' were matie, compariug favoraisly with the pi-educte ti-or potate starcit. The intiuty graw rapldly until, in the year 1884, the importation ociliatato LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN 2 Hen-Nlra. H. F. ]Ititts. sirup and potato augar or gi-tpe augar 1 Pullet-W. S. Patrie, Kenosha. taîfel off te a very sinall amnount anti the 2 Puliet-E. i. Lenniug, North Chi-i exportation ot cern pretiocta assumati cage, large proportions. Since ithat time Il: Biack Cochin Bantam- lias grewn until_ it la 00W anaetfthe They are useti ln tbe iollowlU.glinos af business: In laundries. for tond- jellias anti puddings, toi- candle-gum drapa, lasenges, etc., for hkLking; pic fItars, pattes andi sauces; izea for stlffaning ant i fnlshiug warp anti cep yarns anti fabrica lu textile Indus- tries, lu paper nauutacturlng as a filer anti inisher; fu o tusttca anti asbestes; In hrewing beet, aie and ibY alcehol manufacturers. INSUILL SAID 10 oPLAN B tblsthaNerih b obre Eio( POWER MONOPOLY1 shore, whfle thora areaaleo planteaia 1 avy aGrange andi other signit New Fosture of Libertyvilie Man's! places bayenti Chicago. Activities are Apparent Comrpetition in cicage Insullîs postioen la olid with ChIcago Drainage District and Besitis li9tantiPer Industrlails- Indication That Ho New Contrai, hali supplies matit or the poer tatae Pield that Drainage District An- trailîsportati oit liges, bas affectail a nounceci that It Wouid Seek A>ter inarger ot the surface linies thai guar Fi-ost Line-Piansta Beek Others autea hi"'thtbtzlxtoer centract, ant i t 1 Han-Mai. H. F. ïFitts, most important Intiustries. ctiiiidelaes tiaseglutcoseuor 2 Heu Hi-s. H. F. Fitt. In 1907, duere were usat Inluthe man- cbemetrd ers tha ucosredor 1 Cot-kerel Paul Hairstow.ufacturaetfabat-ch anti glucose 40,000,- g-p ua rprymnfcueii 2 Cockere--Mrs. H. F. Fluas. 000 hushela ot coi-n, Worth moi-e than no lase wholesoma than cana or mapIe t Puiiet-Mra. H. F. FtE. $20,000,000. The cern experteti was augor. 2 Pullet-fil-s. H . F. Fibta. 8,000,000 buabels. This matas that Coi-n. thc aew Americaut king. now 3 "ulet-Paul Bairetow. this intiustry bas palti the tanner for 4 Pulet-Paul Bairsiow. about hait as raucb crnm as bas been slptsu ibh-si u ilkie Baname- exportati The corn oldoti rora the t-ar, whicb wa neeti. as Weil as wlth Ail te Mai. H. P. FlUta. farra la calleti 'cash cor-n" and oft thi whisky, whlct we con do wiihout. Golden gembright Bantamae- about 1Gi par cent le consumine by tae_____ AIl ta Andi-aw ltpp, ZMon City. starch anti glucoseumanufacturera- Warm *eathoi- Rousses, Black Tali Japanese atama-- Comparisoti cf Profita. All a Ms. . F.IMIts.The wsrma weather et Mantiay anti AIlte aiH. . FtU.The toilowlug le a comparison of Tuesday enabieti rairoatis te meve Buff Cochin Bartmm- tbecttal pratiucts of tise starcli antilredatte tdiydtagt i Cok Pal Bii-aew.glucose Iudumtry and thei- values as About oaaebuntiret ant i fleen cars ot 2 Cock-PauI Bairetew. campai-ad ta tome oduai- agrîcultural ceai eebegtt akguat 1 Heu Paul Bairaiow, Industries. wre ilvai-t tba varieus planta 2 an WimetcFaraCoTatal coi-n puoducta, Ibo., 2,061.000,- ef the cîty. The Coco Producta Re- 3 Han-PanI Bairetow. 000; value, $41,221,000. I Cockerel-Paui Bai-atow. Be ua n .Sb5,96,2,0;Onlng Company reaumeti griotilut coco 1 illtBeet tt. a g ue,$389,7. Sh. 6.2,0:andtihie wl-e railla receive4 pleniy of i.C.W Pul BMan ita. v-ale ua In23.5., bo 1,3000;coal anti was rua ful blasi Tuestiay. R.] t, W Bante a ae u-a a 1430.0Depend on Rotaies. Ailbu ilmtteFara C.value, 28,094,608. Railroati men o! long experience Tobacco, iba., 682,223,264; value. $68,- atate tai up untît about Oive or tan COAL PRICES. 428,530.yasa- eee50 trl ee cIlareai- te epite s a ft Tusshwshew enai-meushy bas atoppeti traffic or seriously Interferati ceaI hat revalIn Chicago Mon-1 been devehopeti the lntiustry anti bow due achedulas forc ither fiaith or pas- day, abat- wlth te Id prices that ttrant- a holdit i las on the ranutac- wltb the acheduies o! friat-t or pas- obtalueti January 1: Od.Nw turing coramuaity. Oce was an uheard o! thluug. The ra- Iodlant Lump----------$4.25 $500 liut Ibis holti ou the manutacturint- son for ibis le saîi ta e thecaute ev- Ilinoois Lump-------------4.25 500 comniy cannot tua jutigatio! Intel- ery englu a i- equippeti wlîh a snow Bitminnt crenlna - 2.5 35 lgetuthy untîl soaieatietuata' concep-- plow. The plows acre put on early acahiofs smieni-n-.4 .7 .40 590flan lut given er bbc things that these lntise winter and were net i-emoveti PocOhovuas lump andI etg, 5.75 62 5 con'aruuhtducts toi-m a part- Cheralstry untI eprint-. The rutatsis 0w tipenti _____________bas fouint many ne.w fida of usaful- on oua or two iotar- pIows wtich arc A rWln Slsmn natta fer coi-a prMiittitandti bey now teit--gneattoese tilvision, There A Tesehin Saeamtefrni a part of a lont- array of corn- havaonet beau many severe suow ibetre 0617 7îiî Ave, Peo-la, 111 modiie. tiare ls the complete list stornus bu recott ears anti the rail- arutt-s t-I hae-Iten ti-ouhuhid toi- tomne odhaeprntdtersnwf time a tht iintit'iy ti-ouhue. soseverIv st upto date:-rsi aepriit hi nwl-f tmnis1Ieousit st'i-tely cari-y mvt-ripa 1The Ibat o! starches la matienuP oetlog cuhîupipcuuuto bacome authquuteti, Ater tilu ise iottit. of Foleva Kitinp Pillal p1de tlacen, aLant isn-anti were totally unprepareti for the Pii ta- h-natiu-lv reiveti. adpal odrd on aZnl eherIuly rat-uuuned ituta te mlIdry, lump, rrystal btin hoîlng fou- oIfashirineti winter Pottys 'eKldnoy Pllamare b-aling anicanecîlouary, thhn haillîntfor iaun-______ antiaýtiÀc andl wihh restoeabeaath antt drias, pi-caseti lump, t-tifs, soluble ant ilîuîntyo ia aimi edIuitr sticati FsÀrx B. LOVELL. amîdex. -VILL.E Lu MSt-R Co. IS VOUR ROOF 0. K? 0 We eau meet your requirements 1no * matter how large or small they may be. * The Prepared Roofing we seli to *our customers by the roll is the bost * on the market, and cornes complete *with nails and Cernent e ytlat *the riglit priees. - SPowell RoofingComipany. 117 S.-fienesee St. WAUKEOAN TelephOna 377 *ire 111 W 3de ftiuruittsirî tIt'udtux Stîuck Furra, oaa anti one-hlaI nulle tuhtotutWauconda, Iltunoi@, tas îenstantIy on fin luaîntut four Pale, at l tuat-tnarbet p rire, a stou-b oh utul Ituatiitîrees, satltiufoi-the rond anti al ata a trk: express anti tii-iti, usetuianti eeivtashie, trîr 1110 1 600iifouinnuats Pilt-a$810 f0 $200 00. No plut-s. tuinue tut fotntain Mediow andt teetht horsts Iwîuck rn the fatanu. AI] accliuusied anti avoit isk tof jsicktnass. Ail guai-anteeti ountilivary as rapraentati. Taiephuoad'l ! . E R 441 W..scsdî CO. F J B RR VOL. x LAI]i 1I Dextrinea -are- mateienluthuetolOw- toi- Power Contracte Aite. 110w aoriuing on an elevateti marger. iug '-radles kuowu te the tarda as Position Impregnabio- whteu, îtedial, canary, apecial tiark Tiedw a o ilosad Ii uother wortia. anti In rier, hy the cii;rtt. Iiisli and American gum. Taodwt a fllnî n ime tire thicaga saniiary district The utrai-tI l li bbe îoîîowîng finesa ft to taenoi-tho-n hait, drawn %vrills ui) anti la raady lu SUPPlY ('hi et tuttteta.luub tetil inima-y to 50mbe, a cii-cie 100 miles In dl- caga anti centiglous terrlîory wîÎh tbey are tîseti1.1 sizes for strengtheuoan tr. liglit anti power, lusulla compati iug tiue fter ant i iii.qhlng the fah- Tollnisiiic- 1itl to will bava ail the contracta ltera are- rie; for clotb. carpet, tirie, etc.; for circlo wii ropi-esont the terri- n e1u oiinIesuee thi kn f s'c lrsfo clio ndoter tory whic*r the drainage canai Deal WiII Go Fai-the. pthieruiuug-rolors fo rclio ssîinothr comlsaicners as> tii.> wilIbé, iIt la bellevatri that the ramifications pitn, seslahrtatîg, able ta, suppi> wlthIlight and pow- o h nuidtfwl oee ate pasuters, fo f-obd sauces, garnis, and i - when t «n noaction I a Ut ouedetai wiii ous a hor glue; in muclage Ameicangum The smre cii-ci. repressenta and otiller coutiying att-cet rallroatla ont whicb la uaad lu place oaigutut atuibre, atydifret to fChcg ee nlddIntesr anti succcaafuluY. itomerentsVthe aitiorn,be- Cfac agoer nid ntemr Corn sirups are matie lu nina grades liiovod to bo pomaea.d by Samuel Jt la now baiieved that the Iusut turingue sTeupac dm annt fwhlh thy mmli of LlbertYviile, ta catroU Plan caîla fer due Inclusion of every etr conuss.Th uesaceater vaieîy et the oloctrlc liiht. ipawer and trans- Une eut et Chicago fer the distances entine cniue cmithe strta as tof potation finem within its curvIng of 100 'mile ventuaîîy. thns Tecmpes ia sasfi limita. - I ifehasucceacds In effecting MAL uowa: cne~ me- Furtiiermore, the cii-Cie on- stop. and ha bts beau mentilned open- uor ses lu U ta p eain etm !art ain ail o thedmilhactivitires, I îy iu connectien wl te tducsde iforte lasss I th prparticn o mled ir- those naw in a mteiia floin, iFPi-st rosatifor- te mendu, ha ylhave tripstor- coufectiouery, haking, In air- thoas n progreoa and thcs. plan- **stoltrt h(- thunder" of the drainage upa j&rn, jeileas anti prcaervca. For ned foi- the tioai- future. d,I titi, lad before the district bas the manufacture et vinaegar, brewiug Tbiers, la a growiig bellethlit thej aven l,_ia far stan hac yl have ot boers, lu the manufacturing of Commoenwealth Mdilon Company- atit matie tiuittfi or the district fo, cbawlng tobacco, fod sauces. conulng the Insuli] intai-ests geneualiy. wiîiteiu rot ery fit of meats. pasies anti sizes. tannlng ra-n1atr attlbceiuoai of leather, blackiuug, piinters' i-alleam. y>Thomas A. Edisouu, la extentiittgits A *e.Sclu shoe polabhea. toi- Iiishing rurldstisriiacîîvîtt o takietlu al] tht- territrs ý i-en fouadries, it, extracta sucb as sîihîn a radius et luit utiles or chi- \ttai iîi ii ala iogwood, etc , tit siivering glass afor agb19iaras i rri liît îoîîtt 19'fl, -li tit,.\%a. tutu-roi-s *'titu]ttrtuvurtatbon art- icetirlOuI ffil ui l tti No-li iaYtork sal, t)rt ix ti tfftoîît grades tf 5ttK5i-5 Ills butmti-l t lth,- îdistrtict 1lt t, j\Na .u~t',i( hiîî-î l W ,a titin are mtade frott cornt art(]t htb i-r -tses .ituc ut(l ii ii i iiai 11 o t t iti thi , i . Pi arkt ti, ti il-xxuti J14 aret- -ori-t-sliuîdingly lîi teti The% tlogo, liittitagu' listibi 1 piî lv , , lt iI, -ti .i i t î ttce as lolutias Irn leiuauuattrila<1 o! n h. itrc g s l> e i-urairtt, ttr strgtr i olorttug. lu te - n diti' titi and<I -it -t i it (ie i ti s, 'I o o o..ltiqî r h - r itîanufltîirt-uof latçic aciti for tartruiîg iîîii-iiruls 71( i l,- Ibti îitagt-î i'ti, w a ~ t iiiii t i 2 Iiitliltribitri t tir-t Ii ti , imanufttu re flîtî .isatt p l l , , ixiu'u tii l î thl a, lt-tri.IC1 i il i i i t. il ft' It'i i xxa il.î TIe grade., fut r o r[ i t it it lii' uiglit fli, sel] iiurbbati tat Illigili-t ttti r i it it lx i n trl al,- six, ut n t -tu(.tdti g lu rtrgul , hicit o>ud irt aasth e Noart h Shoirf' ît itri t lai: ui - ai;ii IIl'itu is t, î-r i-t a rubiter itbtituitutmade tront the foî îttiltîtcalli ilatl-ittioni lirt$7 lit rulier gooit Iy ii i ntittg itbit t lt , îîtî aîr ti l î lig t l i lti- ilittît tf a t i i t ' I i i',uli trtrtn tiiai P'ara rubber. The- wcartuîg uualîty 0fl i tb tirtîait1ibit i, Iliutihillitilils toW fîitîti andil ii, ..!ai)trlai! as tht- mixîtutreI' l it ni> aise Imîîaircd pole- tta it tlr- liioi. adthtit hiie -i tf'itti t- i t ii al, ttatlic tiu andthte article slut lihable ta crack m ustu tahi ail, îisloett-tttuiliit tff theIti'tl ai htli ii or rait rora heat wbeinîixed witb tbl5 tiîsuru(t tfotr iiiagp., anti tuber caimàts pet î$2i»i tu t lt iti-.OShaw rusort anoi substitute Ittla avery valuabla tdis~ sta ay aid'firn ai lthenuIgt 1lin lilut dest hi'e covery that bas axer> cbarateriatc lotr, ,t -iti id bi tat thim s tii1 '"i., a ifetr ituchago of rubber excelit the sti-eicb t1ai fruiltbh ta)i> it iii- reai gtante' tif Waa Poor at One Ttme. The uses o! cocno eh ai-e t the arnu Ilit', tuiu LaI-of lit,ivle. Sam At tire titi St Il. u-irs livi t it facturaeof suai, soft soap. andi soritir i] i-biuu andtit lat xiii'uut i i wIihland îtiParkthi', at-enotwailb powtiei-a. olclotb anti leather. para- igîttiîg lte duratiae dlutî t bianttio! knîîwt as tIti-n hlouait Motore antîl is gril or ruhber suhtitute. for edible liower bu' îtay intar, wxi îtthe îdistrict iitt)ýtr a-ret'outt'tti'e iichesit atoutn iturposes, shoitenLing for hi-astiant i liîts ho bas tht- tutoatitl> rottht' alec- ti-e ,~it. f artil ut savlithat tht-y cake, for frying anti cixtkng anti l-tairtn-lit-ht anti îoweî lit rtlis tît dis- weru. sîntosît-utti-x iîentent iion adtil f oi- cp giestes anti acrew rut- tricr, try' tri control the aat-r 1powcr their relallîuuîs biaiati i'mal I ii- EiM ting oi. paints anti varuishea anti for gpeiateti lit-ht arilittîel îtf ttedis- anaiilSinmili.tSr., sud NIrs.Albertb Paul slztutt-in textile iidust ries. trict attut Siilii, is-utlu aet t itua- î lIn ighlsand (i lt iinutgrutîtiti0"cakei. ti ut .- Evidences fui- Theory. itk -,ou-lti trl-tanditamonug liii' tsciraixeti aith phiospthates as a bot- ifilui-uns btît Inutl ttl-laigt iii tst,îjuliljt- ou r iittttti Park rnesi -- Tte cake u'ttre adsm Ianvutiî ni Iiili-atu. tti driniaageo iiliqt ttmati Nalthaliet- lMoore i i-fin- hiilî'utali useti ali vuoqt ixcitit t-bs a-t a stock ket foiligthitîndi îoa r ra rt-- toitnd itIru asi-'a rf ret nîîi it ii it ai Irlis A5. t- tood.I tht- tart ttliateis hi-t r-ttniiîauux titi-t li i ti s u., îtîlu- antti hati utsa) Gluse or lioluto ,irîti ws sicov taLenait xxi iitîothbr,-ti'tltof! lutli- i tulltît-oi,i t- iiti Pittilark Ilit ci-ad fi ia lluvstait ei tist lt l1i11, rutla territir, blit1tii rrgartizatliît of tii-it i aidtii tutu il ii i., Fitîiili.i biut il 'm'ts nol uitil 1800ftint il at ttho Illinois htuvLit-ht & lita t r Ihri riti taineti an>- Imtpotrttnic la titis coltut>try. utu patti> ,hi(ih ' ilti tir of it i itf Ft.r Bortit- i-oasotan ukueat t Ir t-cama ,wa-sti-rit Lati- i. in ttotit il a oitf Nuto iA i rai[ir..wa ueJ'or alil k t i i -ti v.l ta -a objeci of sugiiicbon attd axai- inci' lleurs -Ycttlîîtv Ig le buis. ut-uî,îî'îiiilt-, tt itentas been (;Pen tu attack throîtgh Iti addtition u ttiis th, rri--xetic stîti lit _uet stîîrî-. iuttitiiung callue papers ttnd magazines unttil the public tivil> of tht'e Ftinotu Lit-ht & Power gttgiatni. haliiihtrii é»,tiwt-bîg. tart% genaraiiy bas lariluction glucose"asCrutupa if t.ociliitrt uait Itsulliter stiîg-to, rlte)I.t1rig tuile iluezigî heint- unabolesome ait unhealtty. pirse- lartotî-ul It [t ti->It9In-igtel un Saturlarvtari. 22 Sîsreialiti-ices No bass airt authoriîv than Dr. Diley rit-bts !iliElgitinîdotter viltles.a-ii la ie t-rn bal tuttits-them. f 1-17 chir f heUnte q.t. f- (IF Wh about Onu> and n t % Comp et GOî made cote i biqui Itiqi showe finslî) faiiun the lo A hi> inakcigt ha selti Thei pany de is ou i anti i ii isctory. The fi the coin itear t soeaya of wbat Io take anti mal pi-ocelam Durti le Iram drainage drainagf ln te i

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