LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEN .Ti AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVflI-NO. 17. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLILL.,111 I RIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1910. FOUR PAGES $1-50 PER YEIAR IN ADVANCE. Iso1u AU I Afll 'IIIfflto haln Malu tI rn(l,'a irocess of the' piant la î'rntii __ _ma LIlLI * sme~mu. MII __*flfl uaund uutomatîc, noue of-lîlprodriet ýMAION ON TRiIAL VI WLUALliKMumUSAD flfUieng rehandieri, maklng the auc- gg~tue f t chalh and far lîlow the urt FO LI' ORALw~SITEUofJU llfLION- igcILl icared. The ORBI LFEAT TY'S FIRSI PEUT BRICQIIEIE PIAT' 'peut e<i tire WILKESB-th lNOW (Froni %5edneaay's SUN.) White no hurrah han boen made about Il, Lake county's finit and only peat lndutry bas dled a quiet and naturel death. t was caied thse Illinois Peat Company, and planned a location et Orayslake, where an effort waa made toeInterest the local syndi- cote ln the proposition of maklng briquettes. Inquîry by thse SUN yesterdayr showed that the enterprise ha& finally corne to nauàtî due 10 tthe failure o! the company to interest the local people. A bih l tit -i a. atairin ierl fo,îiii. însïking of l'ai brickis, whleh were ia b. sold for fii Tbe peut bede on whir'h the' romi. c(ally illr'.loftf aIiî rla inn vaexlint thelieutheur. Tire Oea ir' v... hrw'ver. terarlierl ai rdi'ita o!f uelsanard i liii r valu,' riilIr eople.' New Type o! Peat Factory. Oltirli o! the Peut Prodîîta l'uni' llIIrîr fLima, O., have juat cioaî'd a deul for the establishmenti of a loi),- 014) lant. to be locatvd near Lakeville, Indiana, lu the vlcinity or Sourirthlend The Ireat lîrodireis. wfrlch irruîe lieut, tuei.,uros liiîr. gau 1Tir iiri tertilîzar sud fertilz'îr tillr"ý.tt i lb, îîranufactur ral rirj ý ir' arti im rthle lioggy lanrd hi i7 ltilrit rîf L.akre %ie Ie lic irornoirr' ehairrg ,Iiraady jiohianlii hh' lame-/ii * rrîailr'. of laud 'lhe iptant wIll bhi lw-aTî'd utntire tarin of Iam(-K Haîrisri. lone ihh' Vair Party dapeuded wera tho8e o! the "Big' dalla irueka. the ralirinal errarry Sag" and the main acreage o! the peti asinrg w<rked unirilrrgly for itrIol la on what le known ai;tire Sinka rýatIon t ihim i>olut. For thr' irsî tarm. Tests ware mada of the. peut tew ironihu Tw"tis rieur aiihora r. and ît wau lroîrun nevi île îctl vasa. 'qur" d tr,i a ae tire ,i it. un i n111rî factory..wil1 e,-rlrlad riprlly Huas ihe rinrirrut roI, ai ne%' machiner) la a(ldad tir tha- Much Peat in County. r'quilîeeni Accordiig ii rillua The tactt ihet ihare lam muer peai lr 'ii hIn a v rur sas vral i hiiilid umen the county. the mule bedu helug about aInha reri tLakevlil liurîrfaîtrn' ira Grayelake and north of Wauikegan iiditla ,kvle e~îtn i fleur tire golf groundis ha through sBorae years puai exclted much Interent and n îot a littie apeculaiiton, Trhis l8 Increased b> the dl8a'overy of whai la deseribedan usa uew prorpaus Io take peat of a pour or fuIr rîualty and make IL Into a perfect fuel. The Procosa la an ludiana one. Durng the pot i wo yesrs the Sko- Itie drainage systemes, the Deertild drainage Bseem and tira natwork o! drainage canuislentire lake raglon ol' lna thie !ornfng terrltory have practi- liriauviit inorrufo1' thi' village Proces of Traneformation. The lîrrnirg of!tlire artir frurîrthe mrarsiry ard hbuggy lands Inru the liant iîroduct8 le an IîtrP'raîlg liroceami w'hlch hug akieiryeurs tiu înrfî'ct.The I>eut laq takan trom the ground through i.owerfui riction ultras and lu sut> Jerted tri a rocéas of raduction and eteam heuatlng, causlng It tu be drita IL la theni tampered and ground tu a uiuforun muas and lressed Into lloeks Can Make Perfect Fuel Nowm. 'riracrinve ruioni of Liie'inai-shtea rîrîr lroggv IHl rds rIiitir reat fuel la b> arr nîî'uuî a irwiirniiea, bttripLu a few .yeaara agir, Xeru werie tinalnirir fiwl Abou( a yî'ar aigu.1. il 'aiir il ahn rf iii Tr,lîd con au tiîîg engi îîr'r'r foir tiîî' uvat cour ian y. d eseiia ii l'au rît hanIiiiiig th petat ini a vi r riitilc nitOirim'i aitier ireaily iglitreln rs o arf strinv aîîd Sorir île airrr* Penfn'i'î aiingî'r moiets nid Itsi.()ira lired linaIis vution toir lia acortmpletr' rr'v Att rire irachiler lut irir ilanlrr ii' iairrfaci rîr lirenf rira, irîiîiiatuire geai'ratrrrs oiirrilrrrg a irerrirrîiii iase gas ,wlrli th' alif r h,' Kas , iritir . aililrh witi flrilaîrlîlîîr, with uni h fuel audlghi %Vm'Ttirifl of t hi' eoipnîiys ganeratîri raind a mîîîrîrtv of ithe gag tunrriiha Tillerlit fil' îri aili lu' ablil, li b-tr lrrhiîrrî andrl ha'.. ga ir.hur THESE MAY WED. W"r i'A ftr. Cicago Wanda V.W auhlî'wsa Oîtto Daîr usiaitr. C'hicagor Ana NIL ong ,.. > . , IL IL 'nirice r lChiago. Ethel ialulan WaItei .ioyliniira. I 'hîr agul Niue Hildrebranrd .. CHICAGO LICENSE, Reubieir Plaggea.Barriuatonr. 11, ready for au Immediate ehîpureni. The e Aima Dravis, Des Plaines, Il, Second Big Outside Zion Trag- edy Cornes Up for a Full Roaring Finit That in Which Chester Gil- lette Slow Mis Sweetheart *'BilIy" Brown Frances Lee Marion, Whose Brother, Earl Lee, le Ernployed at Zion Lace Factory, and Whose Mother, Broth- er and Sieter also Reelde There, Was Shot in Office of Chiet ut Po. lice at Wlkeeban're b.. Argry Hus- band. IFioni 'nedueday'u tA Wiir'lrar , îa ari) lx A strange cvi'wu witnlessi'd In court today a leni %ru Fleirale ut Zianî City, M., and her dnrghli il are. of fered 10 forgi'.e fGeurge'L . Narloir. the' actor and theairicat agenit, for thei rrrler of'Nilrusi La's du rgh tari ln h is C'ity sonne rîonths agir 21 Marlou and the inrrîîrered wirmair hadlilvad tugether 'narloîr tuiiuwvd 28 tihe woman tu this r'lty ufttr uhe hud 22 teftthim and marrled airother maun aird 18 ahot her dead ln the îofficer'f tihe chief 39 0f police. 21 The nrîhî'r ad ird ter rfît Ihe svte- *211a riri'are rof the Diiwiv falth and 21 îranrfestiag a spirit ut torgîvenesln 19~ accordauce wrîh the dloctrine of their r hrrclitbm'y approached the pri'iorier anrd aaid they Were willng to forgive bila M'arion apurned the ofer aird . 28 seitd h. dld flot lnow the womaeu - 27 The pIea ot the defenfe le lnsanlty. wtau heeuii thim afei irooli. lnte yesterday aiterririrruthe jury was imiianvled for tti l fi.rlu i ut (eOi KvV.Niai ion rrf Zlorr rCity ai 'AilIkevra rre anrd thle trial 1, ira il Eull sing. Miarion nirarried ia Zion cr ity glirl, Irrît aftorwards char geillier. wttilîuifalth- frintrirranid foltowing her rfipl, iad lier ar rested ai( 'r'slir,lratr r.'. arr'rr'lie shot her dî'ad In rire ofice r ii r li ilet orf pollie. Miariao as a rtiiîwr î rniv18 flsi.iflti sfolksi reiii ien tlli snd aier altenit he irear îg, Mlarirn tues rlit deiiy tire rnlooiliîg, ')'Il Ieer. falint hi'woiliîaîî alleged fintait h frlirerudr os ahirîrnmîd M[e ciaiîir.tleriarriagi ýam a a roimofn ta- rIfair aindi e%'aIr-lerinTirdisptrove t lira, TlIer-e la on,- hilîl Second Brg Zion Tragedy. Thriretragi'dv 1,, t hirseconrd big oi' ir on,,irr rt rofzirrrliii, [ ,the iirst lriving r hat rin a lichhIli r (;lltîe riva "13111 , , lria lirl raN, i eflii body lîrtîr a taire rr iaewYork. (Ilittttawar aeletrortiiad Mi liolrrîr irrtrra tiarti iglit fiIris tire Ifrjr aiHIrrnd thutltati' aiw the girlt lr'î(ariie ahe warr Inia dQIIvareý r andriîîii mmi Ii' a aliçii h.'rid uf Lee Reside in Zion. 'he'l i'iiallr'ii îaîîîe o isi i a 'ti ni. (liei' iiririrreii woiiaii. wauFraneas Lee. lier brotlin'r, Ea rt Lee,'Iu a iae faî'tury Pimtro -vee svhose mother and bliothîr Otto anit(ulufler Grare realde In Zion clty aroý -h - - -e e aD iiLuDMie riif,~nsaa m'ho have "lluupi.arM -' He ~Because h.' thînibiths air efete irartineri n the irm ot HollingM,L à& nd thai his fellowmen are rush- Pardon Board Did Not Act FnaIly at & Lee. now dishanded. and 1 sluig ieiMlorg to perdition, H. F. Wei' olp "Iig d to have fled the country with' mari. who styles hinisel! "The Man of! Crom Wednestys Uun.> eel inariled wuman. Lîtiga. od"caime to Rockford a few dayas rOllOwed the dissolution of the ugo and commenced a campatgu of, Joliet, IlU., Jan. 19-(Spelal--Tbe ut t lo ail over now. warning agaînât preaent day. evils. but monitter Of the pardon of George Kr-ug- his efforts were unappreciated, and he1 er of Lake Zurich, han fot yet beesde THESE MAY WEO lfi now tri jail on a charge Of circulat-! cided, fnaully,, by the, etate 1wrdo» 11,11 J. Heyen. C'hicago 2::, iatq Ing obacene Ilterature. board which Met bem. yentérday. De- fi ~~~~Weipm t e one of the qtyeeregt bta 0!Cs~t 'll egte t rIev A. Nordunieyer, Fremroirî, 31; of humnan ffbt8am that bas.drfted Into 'later-lia the year. ,Tà« oUt tk Frea, 2. ,Rocktord ln many moone. He l@ atdel&y le not knOW" ai tbSý was a worth allege,l un ali dou f( irm, b Ad o M, au 'nia nde rAI PsIx-fo oter wth a hgleo-lrd D ON hÀA I eurd, closely cropped heaul. restleu hazel eyes and an attire thie principal feauturas o! wirich are a coon skin cap M4AI BE I JAIL anud a gîgantîa pair o! felt bonite. At thetret glanca ho aeema more lUt.a A TROCKFORD, ILL. hardy arctic explorer than a voice in Haercame ta Roakfond saute daye mgo Those Who Know the Zion sud inquired ut police headquarters for a nlght's lidgiug. He then second "op Prof ess toRocognize :,ksoeiggoadwieh Mnen lta esume gang that thore leaa hî'reafter. Ha retrned tatb. jatil H. F. Weiman Says Ho Is "Man every evernIug au b. coulul get n Of God" But Circulatos lodgiîg, but ]ast ngt dd flt ppear Obscene Literature Duriethe eveulxng ChIe! Blargegî lrad complainte front resldents on Park avenue and eseawbere that a big Man Said bo be Samne Who Panaded strauger waa accostîng them and cir- Street@ of Waukegan and Kenosha cîlatflng literalura wblch wa notlit. Shouting 'Woe to This City, and' to r-eail The description seemod ta Threatening Saluons aud Ganblln 9 îY IltýWlh that o! tire iemon-whlskered Joints,; sBeivd tav e n îow shovaler, sari wireu b dropiled la Baleved t Have ee m It the hesdlluarters a littIe Iter h Bound Over in Rockford. wa aarciîvii luiterI pockets wers - ond Onudreds of ueatly prfuted carda. JMe udmitted he hsd beau gtv- l'mm N 'n'dnrvsday 'a1 SN.) lug thae away and admltted thes oh- Thom whoknowseentitiea, but dechared that hie Inten- Tin.theln mia ic "maiai Zion:tisort *as oaîy te 'save the world.- l'ity rillhm, 'irotear, ia recînule lu the «'1 amn a nMan o! nature." h. t*sd. r cntraIlfigurne ineuitoned ini the follow. Chie!f Bargen. "I live a aveet, Dure ilig fionrrtire Rorirford Itapuhlic o! ,lItea.nsd have a commission fron yesterrlay. a ZIon fanatle, who basîdes abuse to warîn the errlng human race hnradinna the W'uukegarn streeta and thuL la golng ta b-I.'1 cuîîhîrg *"Woe -ta this clty," lma llegeA Me was held to the grand jury lu tri liane een oudered out by the Police bonde of $100. aftî'r threataultng the saloone and n _________ wiro ufterwardr, waiiexîîellad troam Ke- KUGRDCSO EAE It Pays to Watch Our Bargains, Here's a smnall list taken fromn the many things. our Big January Clearing Sale, means to you from a saving stand point Lion Brand $1.00 shirts....... 69c or 3 for $2.00 $25 up to the minute overcoats and suits $19.50 $15.00. men's overcoats.......... -$9.75 $1.00 wool underwear ......................69c 50c fleece lned underwear ...............39c 50c and $1.00 boys' waists...............3,5c Boys'50c Pants, cither Knlcker or Straigh ..t39c -50c neckties ........................39c Men's 25c hose ...............................15c $3.50 Shoes ail styles...................$2.85 Mens $5.00 paOts............................. $3.95 Boys$, Mmuçlçs i.OO suits... ............ $3.95 *0 o * o o o o o o o o o o o o o., o o o o o o o o o o a. o. 77, a 1 "t1"" autiv lie illa"Ilà lu.RLIRLIkll RUSE mamu à%ky mmffwaw Th-ý hva,-Iný f 1,, 1,. , 1 F«ý . 1 1