LAKE GOUNTY INDEIPENI)ENT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1910 t----------------------------------- IWAUCONDA 1 Ml. E. MAIMAN. Com Mits Mary Martin and] Bartnard Martcl ae C i iagui v uit,îtfl mona. f.lru. ltaftcc. ah Lturtyville. te viiting .1 te tuume .t Mi. aud Mini. James Mucrax _. MLe ictiearyisgle et-ding thp eeok wîth let- sucer, tMrm.George L.add. Mi. andt irs. B. J. ',ýhaflet-cahied on relatives iu oar village Sandav. tir. aud MisBaud and danghter. ot ibrt ' ville, weie gueste o! Mr. anîd Mis Janieg Murcay, Satuîrday. Nature makes the cures Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo- phlosptes c a n GoU' ~J'-s't Mise lIeue Kent wan teudeied a sur- this.prise party Satnrday evening by a thisin umber o! ber girl frtends. A jolly good It strengthens the tme waseeuîoyed by alprenet. nerves, feeds famished tis- A grand masque hall is ta be hetd t the Oaklantd bail net Friday eveuing. sues, and makes rich Feh. 4tb. Metzgei's orche@tia, ai blood. Woodtcin to:lfurnishi music for the blood oc'casioîn and a fine time le prornised. FOR 8A LE DV ALD 00T5i Tickets 75 ceais. cupper extra. Siecta. ld.dt -- tors 25î cents. A costumnervtill ho ut the hs.tit.]l 5.,taesBas ..d ËfZild eSre iah,îtel tbe day a.nd nlght o! dance. A most b-1 tsel eennu..issid . kiect. cordial invitation ilexe>11nded to ail.0 sCOr f BONE.40 PorI t..~' Hngb Courtney. eldest con ai Mir. and Mît. Henry Couitney, died nt hie home DIfflOiD LAKaker City' Oregon, lagi xvcck.Th, DIAMONDLAKE Ideeeased xva a formier ritidentInl oui CI Mi. and tIre William Cooper aund! io ln îlonrtc1-i'm about aod rifi. chldreuepentS'unîifiuy wîtttei ourent- eioîtlîif jVurt( uiaboulen fon tiel Mi. uand Mis. Lucilîî' maul,,od be went -te.îloe'ting ini Mi. and lire. Knedier qweit Suuýduy 0regonwhere he xxaë an ilittlenctîi wlth tbs'r datiglter. Mies Wifl fRay lawyer; and hait a file clientaire H,- The dontion n utsMn cl uttei'ud an(]îîd aves a wi!e and -n ta niotîru hiclou.s about #$50 ai h 0ie eathice biothers. Jocejiliaolit a' Miss@'Annie Ti.rui ist Stir iiida. v itb da-tor and resîdes lunl'ocîland. ocgî'ný ber parente. John aînd Jamesi'c si, eeîd re on the Henuryv î t. ut f uî i..tii i ,î- t»itir tit,,,i i cii Foiur ieter.. M arian. L.itl. Neil fi. wife uni] ibid reitn miho uc.'s tutv nîoi -tii %'-hl),jvc nt liomte'and Atgtgi.a Mc'.. ber paretît. M r.uandlNi". ce. î îacf cf f bJ fin Tiinton w titiri-i.îil ai'c , )fu ti, Gea. Knigge and ce,. Ni'-1 t uni1funi ssuho h lae sar'ted business lu Chicutgoîi atnrdîuv. iDl.cDawsomnn%,loi.tein flic ho-1lialili Dater daîîy lee i! Atthelic lîîf TYs iL ' Chic-agoî t" înpctving raçidIiii LuxtensuaCao.' i Chans. \uîcdnîer unit Mie, 'fiu i. and Mr@. Fn-id Toti er. Jr., i.nn t F ciarr tpcice-d tîter friendehit - e,'k p "pft8unday witii their parenu. lic atîjl 'ýi-nedar attefîn theqiiti'li %enrtii, Mis. J. Masan ut. lraicî' ris i nauki-gtl and n i'cc i,ariiitNir înf Mise Lydia Gecf'er i.'li fg it-'- lnri i'iti'îr ni'ii'tîc 'ratation. iTt io lir-lihiiv-iii.t'cr ui T teniaiit L.ake Cin, cx 't in-,ii'gai' ilî,~îu t' .lti',. T! - t1r,!,i, i Tile r 't- -f 'auvhrtte' I r] candt Nr,. t f tion atlnu--t %o t i 1r- . P- 'tf, i, lcstcariand le, t'igtih rs'l n r] ix lr ThursdaN, '.t'r,ruc,. 't-dinuf'ihc l, -mi c,îî-li r .. t.. There xii tn.w uitk. 'tIf l and Mr. iti i > i cu h I ii'-c . utrn 'fietide are invîùtýc itite. ,nadikloia-ni ad 1- atii-l-1tvt- "ii'fn f . 1w-mii MIsd. Kuebkeî and 'iatîghteî. Enmma. wahere the bide u-an(d grii . n ili i f' spent Saturday with -Nuris Marnihall tut__________________ Antloch. Mirs. Chamberilainu.. bas betcun pend- .ing a few days wittbhergraud daughfr r, Mande Chamberlain at Laks For**'t Enee nith. ai Wauntt-cu.& e n L U I J Ivasuboe visitor Satuiday and] Sundi-au It la iepoited t1hat thet- tii-utr ita. lissa aold and wiil cc.nmu t bazzge baudsb homKberSfnndac., u at T HJE Aoe da eb. u iuu&c .a Gluten at th,- Li.c1 1':LiLL' -i'cn.t Ca. , 1'-1 YEOMAN ,WELER The childion eDUaTn-d a n. i.ît îgd sleigb ride tW Lîiunnt, n-Mitm t igt 'j1- II. C. Payn U2 ac..nti .iîr -j MILBUR.N RNEE Waukegan. Mie Pltiî astu f-n '.,in- tk, PBnint., '%Arauj Mcc Rugi,,' tail. Mr. Jensen te a u-rh ýi,.tatvn iti lagi;.p.- bit at pt-ca- rit iri.t -T1hut-iJaY. trit1. train faim dulies. iýtet. Mcc it-rîncit,-Iulîe - rt Mi e (iti it-ni I.f $lthgtlam te-n Mis. Titus cnteitaius'tf Ltr t-tt-c sun, . ng atit h ,r..r,itg rien,.' iîutcs itt-hr duugluta friend froni Wimitutact st--k Thurni- Mc. anuit lre IHL.C ytcaig n-ce lirMille.@t, uta,- ie-n luite it-k. "Y. Chicago viitis lest Thureday. Mis. ]dise Blaiwbte I'hittenden speut Sunday W'EST FREMONT. Stmang retutajuucd ntiuf Edav eecriîg. of lest wn-nk wttlu fn-nde uin'asukeganý Miss Till Tekarnîuo prat tcuday ai H. V> Mugue-.tuif Gucuiet, foimecly a! Mr. and Mie, Fred Mi-Ciucken, su! home. Milîhuru Isiti Tut4'ay tftr Flîtntta. Eiannntrn. %usuocd witiu tr. and Mt-sJ. Two sletgb loada ai oui yaung peuple Mîtin Mamun- Hauser. if fiaukegan. M-Cie inently. amembled t the home of Louis 'iittîl tram Thuiuiday utul Satniday Mis. BHiam and Mris. Norman Sponen- Qarduer's, Sunday atornonun. Al Lad wnttb ber Parent- b.r~g attendes] the fumera i fAtîce Cux, au enjoyahie time. Mi. and M ms. Clarencee Wt.dge. gave a . t Wadworth, Monday. Wm. .koiei spenit Sunlay with bie pait.i Satnîday ecxsuiug ai (lueur home'., A bob là tigh lbas] airelativ-es iîom wife here. Dancing was the eventng plast ime i Wankegan. came out Sunday aiteinoon Joe Dohuer and Fred Nordmeyer-, Jr, Mm. Alfred Nîrnde s-o upanttd M »ie ttj baby, Howard Evan Smith. speat a iew days lest ai-ct wlth fhe A. Clark t, San Berniaidir, 'aI . toi M i o. MClare lo!t the firet ai the latter'% brotber, Franik. %ist the Iattieî'm mitter. Mii tl'ic-(egi, weeorli eividere, wbere site wi attend Mise Clara Vebe, ni Dakofa. xiii spetud Tbey let Sat-tiay aud expn-n'to urn1--ain tht'- .edding i Mise Alice lMcCrackea. the wintec withhberiunt, Mrm. J. osseoit a rnonth. Mine itva Nottingham, o! Chicago, 'Voucn t Sud a yard lu Lake Cîîuty lliseionary tmeecting adBruit îrrt-c ut-f sîa.t iuiday wth the home folk# bore. w!th a better assortes] stock thunthie tng was bt-Id ai (bn-homeo 'f Bran ai the imizui tii gcieiuguCo. LBEETYVILLE Lt'saasauCCa. c-lb8-1 Jattiedon. Wds-day eieniiiug.î Meses. (leo. Herinlg and Frank. Hi-ttel Mmu. . W MtGuire and '1f, iFu ik'v andity, t,! Wankegan, wîlt sid Miss Le-na Bansi spout Sunday[feuitan atteudu'dthetIl11. A t iotua -t- ra, lu at tht- (eunnseChristian cburch Boin to Mr. and Mis, W. F. li-tz, a (bat eburt diitartue a'aitestl ut-ruîc vit.-tttaorne ans] brai, hlm Bnudsy son, Jauaiy l5ttu ht aic ti vî tfswj hoîlttt-nh' t 10.4i(ja. iM. and Pinar bhng at Mi. and Mis. Will Lobman atetli dregniat-îuuiînhî.v nlcting ,Thuucéa Il11 uk thebo fneral oi Mis. Hi-uty Fcddjî'r uti-t -îeb.:fcd. iîner a illin. ctrIý. Y, Mie Bt--sue Barrini tt-e r - ik witb Predc giatLs aslew d "£111L mNo1 Xi t'1. - 1I1t' M ;.ît lu r . tht- iuirt r h, a( n ud t -iFr t i-itirg S s Thc ,.îî-ii. ii,,e un tifi,','a t-i tu. I ir' . i I.and~I -ti l -%'d and a ,:i .eot a .tr' uul . ...l.. ,: i t-liiîi l Plitt.'uiiuu. utu faI , la mi.., u .u. tiltuu il. t I.,; l iuî I tucîîîI( i o ., .i liu.l '. i. u l fl ua.,K,î,%îî eiiiug c- tilr.iRUSSELL A iti iii ' riif htc ltruc éF.,di t ii lt i, t c l rî,î , r-bil luttSalichtiNu I N u. u 't,î u t ' i , u, i muicel.4 r ii filtu tctMlit rî a't,.' , .M tin. ur ý ,ir )jcunita' i t'uh ittîli . ti,. ci E. A. ,F'ci- and George l'rîîceuuttcau. Fan du Lat gai-ted 'husilntes fi Wtucondu last lic. Cliittenîten andttrs. Brunwn aid Satuiday. son, aifCGurut-c. n-litt act t-dtrify The, patrulu o! the Lutke Zucin it reatni-a ithIlice IL G. 'iuciwc et-y ien'etved tor t1icî [ecettiber uuuîk ltt week $1.75 lier huudred Ibo. >Mare than they ecrrrenvi -ci] before. Obiiuary. Mis. Clara 8cbasiman. wi1e o! A. G. sebsoiman. tht-Weill known Gilînier merchaut, dici] Jan. 22, of brîghts dus- esse. Mis St-b wermnan was tbe aldeet daughter of tite 1ev. H. Casions, of (itîmer, and was fioru Dec. 17, 1876. Ou A pril 9i, the t- neasedi ase mat-t-ed tn Augusi Scltweiman, ta aboni weîe bam i ve chldren, [.1111e. ugo] 13; Carol, aged 10; Ester, aged 7; Earl, aged 5 and] Lruwhî, dfed came flie eza, The faneraI took plac e Wdnesducy and] the odety was hnt-t at Fafifieluf, 111. Thîe paif bearct-e weîou William Zeisen, Wini. 8S4uut, 0George Fasse, Herman ilsNodmye. ! îmirigtin ~ Mise Ethel uni] (t umuM, GuuIrý it, ý a aThe faneraI wae nsof the laiges( (bat di odeeo Brig uil art-y Thursday ve i-e îg. lute-uîgt-'-a-lralage,. nane t hebas everbt-en tutid lu thia section an(t g a few days erbtccvîitung cnt-he wam the et-i.u' 'unrtîrîîm t, a tulttî eeting Ipet?§sîturday (bore go amany flirai afferings that (bey Rf iglut tables acre ila t-ut Thfin teaBftuiiutu'l'hn-y Instellai] oiceosuad bad ta tuttaken tua the enetecy in a TUlle Tekampe o se ding a lt-W la(iues'ptre n'aminin tissiîc uu'meulule-rat. ct-t-ed ta, sixty-four. siieziai u'auveyauce. st home . Thaîn and]iret gentlemansu, s, Jtainumr f.i-1l"91-'igft-l lVida. . eWp ad Fred Nordutëeiet.fltefreebetî'nts wcr,.set-vis suitait lit-t i Iaciil.hN îf Waukegan. Orient Sun- ota, are viasttng ilt-ttiet bere - "fineut ts mnî tai uti t.Card of Thanks. iay.iu M , Mcand Mir@,e tos, J., i desîre tu> llunk my rnany linde fort Lolnx aa ayaecairGRAYSLADE h jatu 2; ~thie belliandt eyrmpacby ebaa'ume lu the ..~hmn wasa Graendk catt-c \Ir - f iutt-rtdýnand dangbter, Nli. 'teaihu tf uîy belîuved wife, Clara. Teewaagrand raly inît-,it i iu.utir t,,î Mis,. I.G. Marrie, at A[ iue'0.c S UF91Ae-Nanxand FAMuI 't. of the Milk Prodni-er'e 'cctetfIe .nsso,,t-a. ju l )edyltW .HG LN A& go» to Fu'moeut Tex Payera. ion lasi Thursday. Etectiî,n oft uit-j lt--t j iituborg snd son,Sherminan, [Russel MIIIexpect@ ta beave soon for a et.ths lysabos store every gatec ta the connty convention sud ti Went fa Canad" hast wOOk, WedaesdY, itrip on (ha Mdteraeneau. « 4«1« be ~MS ofaJanmsiy annai meeting. Good speakerm e rt-tw ateeni] the finaealo! bis mother. Mi sud Mrp. Carletati MOsslY have ?. 1. Wjoeg. Tex pissent and ail milk pioducers showed Mi. and Mis. Charlies Cap@, of Wanks. goas uc Clfornis to remainta (is % ?4 m ch lteret. gan, wesr Gu euseliuhore lasB Suday. montb. MutrtcieBrom i,1, tetioioft i leur yuoutig bîfmtros H . B. tixuo take to Teas. Therrwa as a large tcî,xsd at F. L, News-ht'e sale aud evccytluung ssiI]at-lt. lire H. Gtitîcrie uni] cýifdresn peut Suuîtay wittlierliait-uts,'1fr. att] Nrs. Siocut rît. BARRINGTON. Tite Barriugtcîn Royal Nemghhace xviii gmt-e their annuel mtasquie bail on Ntasbingtou'e iirtbday. Chat-les Scbihz, ah,, farrt-y c-un- ducted a general store ut Cake Zurich, bats oponci] a ]tîatrnu tre i t Mil- waiukep & Fuliertun Avenues, Chicago>. Since tavtng the lake Mir.tchofu lins bei-n 'ugageinluthe Miecantile busines lut Cbicago sud lias tiieu Ct-t'y sucî'essfui. Thuse wbî live on thetut-ai contes "an si-t--re fli-crLakeCofuunt.î i'NIici'NDETis~ antuhe-latiNlîu Itcr f fmian fat-ý4.ff0 a yeur uni] titi-t'eekîy Imiter fî,-au uni] J 't4I't-'ltif 'T for $f1.87, a i-at-. P'rsvi-utust-luec Cutudy ('aid Cure Tuebleto-awij sPafl-Framui] umikfx-uycheik ail colduu unittii ttieip.Tîy thi et ni-t- und]met-' 4-825c. Salut by ALL DEALERS. BEN H-. MILLER. Attornecy. Adjudication Notice. Piieit-N it-e moheccll' île',,thtthe ii enie tht,î i li lat Wfliaud Tcîanuýi-îu1 oftarl Wi'iimtaoii. i attend :titi Cu...nin Coca. cifLaie ('stn, ai ate-n a-tc tii ft- hcidtuitheCot~urt Hoese-In itegam. In -aidCounty. e. the tuti Mcnday cf Mat-h ct-st. 1910, whunand whe-e aili pet-ees havint eli.ims c&gaitsaut estatecam niotiit-dsud reqnestted to pr-et-at the carne te stld tiet-for adjiati-on. JtTILIUS RADI<E. Execahor. W kea.iiJannstry 10, 1910. C-ns- t'l la u,. ilb tt.u f I i,., iiul, - ~itt-t i, j ii l,' 1, l. l 126 Genesee'St Waiikt-gait btr. t-nrug -iiuî ,i . i ti . mte . 1tILk n - t e Ai u .tit-1lite E c-.,1.., rill Au- îi.'~~ Il f- e, iiet utimu lrciuîtiave CtHealth Iol, i~Oe--ldVý "'t. lunuu.u1 ilî,t 'i , 1'1h ,î.yî"1'i, .yt- eut l;tîî~~n" Pl, , . lut , t' lat. C i yt F i n iciver lu. ' r iti I rI Ii4 i ' kt, n th l 'ii li i 1ît, t I let ir .1 n-ii i, ,ru.y i !ý, l t,,m -i-s. vîti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ue' u it1i 'î.itr. .,hj,'re,ît,' i Fehrnary i. l1i910. 154 Thia us l a n i etment. Ail du- t st1iDr.choo's Reticitiva B J. If likcr 'ý 1 lýi,:,- illes tî,r. lt- tiura an] ut Itutlim Bardwt'uni-etmuce im n'auk- a o estn rpiis drmtinaahco ry -mm.iii t 'yle mu-e .teicutelmy*n gzan on Sutuîrday ii ofîce1t taxes far the Wvep. rIcomPa r.- siillasstCtte ick, to w n of Wuccen. ED %%i1mN RAY, COmm LE(1ur TI rmeaflwIh bo on ed. C1 7 3 Th lnsbtelow isi tiencinupnew & s i-s ii hese wh a sas nou t-ci ej= t O yyon sspedfet. y t-teuoeciM elt&iaS yo would y a homte nhysAhC ian. My aileSansd thé book Wom seinsaimenî. h havehcne BGY~ Aftorwards eau bave iecsh aln iod for.tCmor=a0-7 (lI!INIcomea. tr. Shoop Box 12. RAcineWhs Or. V hi-b M-11 o.i f1 "" sci THE LARGESI MAKER AND RETAILER L OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "RSUPERIOR l'O OTHER MAKES." L '1 ta-u or. W. L.t..ugis shoe.s for th tissu .i. ycs. and saal«A t init-e ai-aC .Pupai.r t.eait thar hiant- ade at-apin sf.ty conCt ss .d d.r.ihi1fv." W. G. JONE8. 1i19 Howard An.e.. OUrsc. N. Y. ,f , CoulA taires ye inta'my large faC' B taries et Braclehon, Mas. and show yanu bacc carefully W. L DaýmgIa shosea" e matie, pou would resu..e why tOhbold M thefr shape. fit bettsi. longer, andi g are of groeates' value (han any allier malte, «4 c'rsoxv--8e ih,, W i cec- sse..d mois, us eisciend i-eie, tomc. 'Ike stic bsah.clîse, M. B. Colby Mercantile Ce. IF. UDIKMYVlLE, lu.. il- GORAY Frida C. Marr EZ The Y( the boni meeting preseni. Ou W(u ocrur thi until aft Mît . E tuon toc Itoein, cattie T iat-at gueci o! The Il tion ao' lifber Yard For Figures ou UILDING MATERIAL yprit-es are rigbt aud grades Kuod. Wbether 3uu bny or not get My greg. REPARED WH1ITEWASH: S. HEfAD, Pop. Sugar Gluten ai the LiBEtsTxutt.,Eu L*iitEs Ca. .'e-181- 1 DEPARTMENT L ~ Z ]PAREVE I, '. Toifil1. rva Gb nScratch Fsod Mr. and Mrs. Schterding, Mr. and Mrs. John Koceske, of Colvin Park, III-, ltg' Legi piclli ngfens t espondent and Agent L. T. Bouse and Master John, NIrs. vlelted with bis muother and brotheir. Vileer Jhn,ilîîî I.o theI'k ti.LafnPeio House, Misa Viola and Master Elmer 1ev. and Mr.-Koeneke, Nlorday and LayrOW lliai Ig Perga s i dr ~~ ~visitied Mis. Sarah Catlow and faligily in Tiieedlav. wr<ek . Ili Y.da, Rev. S. W. Woui!e transacted business Pvanston, it belng ber birtbday Sunday, Mr. and Mca. Chas. lBock are imipros'iig rilInt, utliigîrMsawa.haysd lu Chicago Monday. Jan. 16. after tbcir recent cieknes '1rs. floni îriii î'i Mîîf.-lait k ganyehotahy and Mrs. Harris and George nttended the Mrs. Laura Tboep, trepSi-hroedler. of Conway and son, of! Rîndotut, e;c.iit ai limerai of Seth Turner at rysiake Barrington, vielted] relativee lu Palàtine Wedneeilay o! last w cek iw1tiilber o llibili pirt,' frlin i ileni'oe mlciie, i Tusdy.reeently. parents. ii.rf.and %Ire V l ')ntf 1vrmX Monda Dr. C. W. Sowlee wenlta tbite city Mi. and Mr@. Wldhagen will lbe nt NMcand Ntrm.8. L. Tripp1 and rauglîter, M ruit n iA ligii, n l io ii, D. .,. . ,* Tbursoday ta attend the cleule of the home ta their friendéola tieinew recýiHîccel, of Rockefeller,.strent 8 turdav r .1 rude fllîcîgî e aln I "~ifl"ui~n' Isar Ctrciioke, Chicago Odontoizraphie Society whi.l je de o n Bothwell St., lu the future. axlnuîa ibNr.T irpeaîrelit ee îaslI tie iic..-dki'. - 1 .0.-" iis sia being beld Friday and Saturday oi this Mis. L. Meyer, o! Arington Heiglîts, 1fr. and Mr@. Jas. Richarde. rn week. spent Sunday with triendols i Palatine. Miss Bertha Hîîlîîe atteîîîed teachLsrm' Auiî.'r if IfIfie îefriraî wi attend. loi loi 0y Frank Caurtney, o! Cluny, Alberta, J. H. Toyntau and lDr. Molcolm we e e ting at Lihertyville Saturday. edSthe rIlax o,14nîigît oiri t teîx hlas. I.ALUB.,ty COMPANY Canada, cilde8t sou o! Mi. and Mr@. ieceeitly luii.iateýd into tie 1. ). o. F., John Knopf left for Chiîcago hast wcek keto weore soold anîl a auraî of tililrîvrime Patrick Coprtney and Miss Esther Weduiesday evening. wbere bes bas a position, dollars wasallid Murphy, ai Chicago, daughteî of Mr. Dr. Stark bas been on the sick ligt the Mr. and iltMrs. John Pester aind !îinîily Mr. Whilteniug and fairîlly, tif Detroit, and Mr@. John Murphy, were uuited ln past week wè are sorcy ti, Say. expect ta niakes Everett thîci future Mlch * are tiuaving itttirsi bouseeinn ated " "'i marriage Thursday at 9 o'clock a. m. ait The M. W. A. installes] their 1910 borne. Mr. Pester baving rented bis by Johnibu aetit 3n/l n [7j St, (Joiuukills churcb an Grand Bonis- Officore Saturday evening. F '. hng lacksmaitb sbop ta hie ncpbew Bt WrshJircd evey Y owt u vard in Chicago. Miss Mary Murphy, the Meeting. a grmnier wal; llowtng ede platiarun. Stils. J VJfisvryII iilgi sseoftebieat a nlof Married at the home o! the bride, lu alao- Ritzenibaler, who was iaîured @tlîesfr. on îfH t ae .C l hanor and Edward Keltinge. cousin of Des Pleines, Wedneoday ccening, Jan.aWeek 890goeis provlug rapldly oudler Tingrenrmri oeaIlH k.llcd.l ak C l the roomactd asboetman Aftrtb 19,1910 ai 7.3 by ev.McCalan.o the skiliful treatament o! Dr. Tracy. énmidl-. cereuaanly a reiception was beld at te f the9, 1910, at .30 b 11ev cCa lpteuor eriiinaieo heAt-o The Mirois lick Bi lbwîîî give a One way fa to puy noattention aometof thegbegatlonare Cis onc50,WReubeng Aroprerringaover! the At-ondarne lu Aniderson'@ iHaillsaturday. Jan. ta it,; ut cist not until it de- bEris afThe brids cparnsol 03W ge , o rrngonti MesAîtia Leagne of Chilcago, wîll i eak et the 21., tii raies fîuds for the ball team. This velopa Ifoopncumonha, or Erie S. The ridai ouple ire Davis, ai Des Plaines. Mr. and l'1h, (iraceit-eb uir tSinday botb îiîttinug i u rtdiîn la febîswl ie bociio luiy out ta Wancoada for a short viait with Plagge will lbe Bt boue tatheir friende anid ecening. lanîtireire dne tatrain, bony su titat boh uyato luk y u o- the groome parents. Mi. and Nre. at thelir bomie in Barrington alter Mare'b. Mis l1arveyCo 'ion returned froinîtlier athe in-hhlitrrienyaIu lu wll ai P ons w abo t yers Chery c- Patrick Conrtney and will then depart Cnrtltosvsrtibbreuc!îil iMiaie tie. 'riticketsail r,' '<h iila iue utai.If erlS, C heybet a fari lbterta. aada. 'uie extend Az xWilson bas left palatinie anîd vnituinging ber fittîn- grandeiu n e îvltii free. 'rlwrei' xiiriîîd iiînsir,'and tihing for colay,or'The taes otcongratulations ta the couplle and iie at home to iietsfrieuii i La itrIitge hbei. ei..yiiie te aseuitct ,f a t ionie. hn focldte akI. n e8h them iaun y ears a! bapiuy wedded inii theifuture. M W. Kîîc,,lî.îtransitu,!i in D a he ayiiiyay lite. ]r. Sc'ierding and aif' * -,rnîtn I Liliert.voi le, "ai îîrîtnvNORTH CHICAGO, p h. t -. cfsirrooo thiir genntii weîlîting atiivýtlr , i ws te iliih, i in ie w T eR.l. .ttn ilt leW* .ci.h .1s Tire N\yetf,' XWrkes il! "'1iah Loidgc 8.11s telJan- f,'î Wlmsa h i-reiertcsjliîlih'u.'fiidî ei-ii, ý< 1 ry Ni,ý 142. hcid theirsatroual incotaljutiitn Chîagîi and EvailtIefntiiîjit lit .111,- iiiii-l, ii of crN 11 Mis., Phaii'oi. '11ritiîlîtîîîîeris sc, ani]~~~~~~ ble ettc ',dncdy ii I'fiig artîcîiated lu thle lil-ucl ci'F'i cilaîi g 0trdîtSatuinr it i tii Thý il'n i fi.' 'i rt ii i, n i ' e n he ow f ar inteai (il a a iek pjuielîue lin a'iîuint î'Wa î thebwsaecansîipared, pol- o! the fiai] n do.iru e T ou thoer e es nlu The IMisses Mirgaret ) ing i~caw il 1 -i i erl.' i eallýv I Pîifidi Ll.,' gi'ni l t i iiiii luth ri,iaî 'i rfliig c-nous osuhrotrnces are asorbed into the floltîîiau visutedl ii.mLiiuil,-ie k i ' i hi.tir,'- i tt.-I th i ,i i. .ucî uilrerit.iiiIiloiita ftend ive i'e u statli- a et-e as 1, ,lom s lrelcit. 1F . L a ozl tii,ýýIo dnta fen d iv e oe f Catr.: Monitor. Mî-s Aiîce BusIv,'x . re- 1 le Ralh,. litr Sunîtiuv. j.,iUi lji-i i 'l t aliîilî ,j ji ,*~if li laeiîg- , ,Il ' ii v as nature intended. Kuovîng i . Jau c 'r, doctiirs afways inquire about taiv. IL E. Maîgnai Itanker, R, i Kent, fileii Jati 2., 1910, '1iut I ii' it. r t i litiatitj cltti n. 111 tii(, ia 'uba i,i 4,'It t , ' 1' idîî ttc uarts. Atrs Plls. \larxbalf. Lenard iB . eiîrv. W 'irdec litigliti r 'fl '1fr i.ind ir, u . j 1,aMi t i . , !'j lu lit' 1ýlia. I MliV i ' ida,' liiý 1,,: iii'., i iar df -, . EJ. A C .- L -11o . Lr i .. tNde liari-i. Sertinel, Alfred T1ruiiî. luitî. ii iîli i u i. .titel fi ......iii h it ui l',i u àlfuiiaerrfor tIjr,',' veut--.! J, tNV kalil,1 Mrail Mr- i'hlt, sn"i.rl ,, l liîik, , i iii , i n, i,-iu,î tu , ' Ph-ic1s.I, lit 1.îIawvliii iîît,,,,r llrta-l.l, ir ir surIr,, rRi'ibag 1.rI,\N . Atl,.rthc intaltation i N ' j- ial ihîi, i l'eig fîr.hi, irt ,l'ti I i liiLAK i-o 1 a* 1.f oi, j.jIRi. j, csjIlî't Xi--. Jennie (;rn and IL.. 1' lI'riert itc lluguce r't trî ,, i ii .îîîî.., . j"t tieraioi t'lauieii,,th i Ane, ow, hoie1u- ilàt.M>ANUFACTUidsoRERt4tt ANFAT 0ERO former lv are' tari' î ii h101 . uashigbly the tat- f ulversltivT> iir,li l Jii i ). 1,> N t '1<11' ,thli, I, lrU, rl,, îui rD1i i a d t I i,,- latterle t 1-v t-iil .aie uila atrii-n-i ' cti i'r'î,crontd,'.j't Iliili i r'i li --t_____.1,______1_______ loli-titi uîu l'j,. ifiIIl 'i CiiaAl iliOai,11iber yvitl'1i1't arble a,.u Granite fiee taIji. 'i ttc ýpî itiîîuat i in ,ctlv Tu,-tdue i, tb i ii il il'1 rj, M N- îîn.ii,'ri ,î, t, î. ie \%,ri -srl. %Irgl i --I tt1- l ai'it fJNj I r. ii, iiMr> i f i k', Cii,. i., î., j t"'! î i i ir i ue',.ri'fr Kl, il-fi, .t.lA 1-1- n lr iiuc"i 1 i'tî .-i Ma* k . \î ...Cernetery Wirrk of 1-'ery cîi'i,- uucîîr, o t':'. ., iî N o.iî.ir.---.t- ., i >scriptiouî lia-i.. a- 1.-Er r e st l o.nn die n'i-i 4 or) 11..ct ilt e 1 t ýl y 1 ha invii GE( GRA ou nnn!!o Her 2-14F E ol 'cul,. naiw Th* co Clro omlY 1 vo toji h oa Mi toga metlC io no bemae inCtyo anore tuteB li uid FIR The Gr