OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY 0e Ttsgaos1905. 1. Liltora Residrnos Tlephone No. '1141. Libertyvfle Exchange maiered et th pomfice et Llbertyvie. 1ni. ss second ciau mater Inusu WU5KLT. AVR5TISINO KAT m ÂdE KNrOWm on APPLICATIO*. BUS8ORIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE OrRA14K M. JUST............................................ ....................... Editor JOSEPH W. BRIGGS _ .......... .......... ..............City Editor KRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1?10. PAATIAL DIRECT PRIMARY. Direct primaries for cIty, town and county elections, with delegate con- Ventions for senatorlal and congressional district&, appears te be the best that Miay b. sxpected of the present legisiature, and that la only haif Iad. Fact la, that sort of a primary iaw wiil anaver nicely for the present and Pave the way for eventuai direct primarlecas* a medium of choosing candi- dates for ail Onfces. Haif a loaf le botter than none and there ia a reasonabis doubt as to the feasibilhty of carrying the direct prmary feature beyond coun- ty offices et thus turne. Perhaps lt would be just as will to first perfect and thon famillarize the votera with a direct primary law limnited to city, tosen and county elections before attempting is application further with th. cOnsequent absolute aboli- tion of conventions of any nature. Until a subtitute la offered for delegate conventions which shali preserve party organization it wouid be just as wel to retain enough of the convention feature to Inspire party intereat. Direct primaries are sure 10 prevail as a mediumi of chocaing candidates #or ail elections in the not very distant future. The probiem wili solve ittaif once we have direct choice of candidates by the votera for ail city, town ande county officea.a BOYCOTT MEAT. The Anti-Meat sirike is spreading luke viid-fire and aiready hundreds of thousands of mon, women and chiidren are concerned inIt. As a protest aigainat high prices il ls likoly to become an historicai uprising. Starting in a amali way In Cleveland but a few days ago. it ha* been taken up in a num- ber of culies, In each cf which it has found thousands cf folowers. The original strikeres*et the tiret day of March as the terminal of their protest, but frein present appearances it will be difficulti b bring the movement 10 an end at that lime. In somne waya this unique strike will undoubtediy prove beneficial to large number, of those seho take part In the undertaking. There Je mi doubt that the aajority of Americana est ton mucli met&id would b. be'ttlr o« fhyet. .zal1y If thcy seould make fruits and vegetabica a larger part cf their rations. IAnny of t10e. who test the mater during theýnext six weeks wil flnd that -thy feel botter and work boiter than they did wiien they made meata the large, portion of tueur diet. More than that, this moveinent seil lead the ic#ives of the. trikers to try many new ways for making vegetabiles and :flariuiaceous food* more appetuzing and tempting. The effect of this sili be to malte's decided change in the future bille cf fare in thcusamds cf familles .snd seul tend te make the use of ocher fooda than meat more universel thani aI prOect.1 If at the saine turne this strike *hall cause the pachiera and retailera hoz manterially reduce Uic prices, of meaft the crusade wilg have accomplished a grea deal and wvithout any of the suffering that no often ha* been an attend. Lietupoigeneral strikea. GOVERNORS CO-OPERATE. Lat week sas two lmportantgatherlngs at Washington, the con. lerence of governuru and Uie meeting of the National Cuvuc Federation. Their ebisot la the same, te malte unifom the Ucst*t laws regarding marriage and elvi-ce, clald lober, pure food and druge.. Even the mont ardent exponent of the chat rtght willIase. the benefita cf uniforin laws In these Instances& If the Impetus given to 1h15 movemeni bears fruit there seul b. no littie joumiese by tie rich te thc lande cf aeasy divorces& Yh* gresteet icentve te a Manufacturer te violats a state child labor Sasela that rival manufacturer, ln ther statue may cmploy children and pro-. due.the ssme produet cheaper. Reputable manufacturer, wili velcome a efflorin law. The. tante la rue cf purs food lavis, the vsrylng statutes giving ams tate au advantalle ove, cther,. The. protection ageinat impure f ood elieuld b. hi everyselere. 1This couféerUce WC goeaora ia a comparatlvely nese order cf things: I1 lu, br-nglng the stateui Into doser teuch and may resuit ln the straughten- Jng out cf the. hcdge-podge of sntaglonlstic Buâte lave& FOR WOMENS SUFFRAGIE. $*nater Martin Baeley has lntroduced lntUicIllinois Sonate, Sonate Bill, 74o. 37 which has been referred te Elections Committees of which Senator »raidi à@ otiirian. Huit. Ricard T. Hagen, In the House, has Introduc.d ouse Bill, No.3, sshich wmat eerred to Committee of the. Whole. ikehthe.. billa prevlde for glvlng seomen the right to vote for candidates et Prmary Lloctlone. sand et Elections held under the Commisslion Form of #luniMelal Gvrnmont. This might bring municipal seoman suffrage to many eltie oide of Chicago, and sehîle not as valuable ase the larger municip'61 suffrage bill beterae i.regular session ln 1900, it ia about ail that seomen can ask for, undor th, terme of Uic GOvernoras dali for this session. The friande of tUicacuse are requeeted to write their members n the Lelst1ataare urging an affirmative vote on the suffrage buis. Most of the enombers are loeltlng forward te s renomination, and they may have an awak#niig conscience ccncerninq justice te seemen. A hearlng before the commuttes wili puobably occur Tuesday, Feb. 1, 3 e. m,,t Sprlngfield. ln thc tates of Washington, Oregon, South Dakota, and Oklahoma women suffrage contitutionsi arnendmenta are tolbe submitted this year to the people wlth great prospect of succesa.ý If Illinois dosa not sant tu iag too far in the rear t should begin enfranchloing Illinois women. Do Ion know thai its easy to bum j softco",l(Ifl Is g ood coal), witbout the annoyance ot .out and amoke. Jusl give the fIre a vsry littîs air ûiu top. DOU't check the stove pipe dam per too1 eiofsly. Use Pyrolite Washed Nut. -YouE cau get la trom the Home Lueber Coin. Pauy. I bode closely, but liightly, sad Usais. nougb air space Idi the firs tu bure ail the gases that would otherw ise make solot and sinoke. 18-tf1 Don't drug the Stomach, or stimulate Ch. Reaut or Kidosys. That is wrong It la106 week nerves thai are crying out for belp. Vitalise ileis veak inside con- tro1ing nervis wlth Dr. k3hoop's Res@tera- e,,. and ose. bqwquickly good health< viii ore teyou aean. Tet t a@eelt Sod by2 . AU.. DEALER&S1 The Cozy Corner -BARBIER SIIOP Law Flsgg, Proprielor Ioch arund the corner on 8pau Street, next 10 the Boeehmnbuildfu bWMad OPPOeie th Pester blacemith @hop. I.BTYVLLE, ILLINOIS 0Iffs ansd Tobacco 1 c-y Aeoicy Razors Honed State of Illois, Connty of Lake. s. Circuit Court of Lake Connty. Slarch Tere, A. D. 1910 John L. Reddiug vs. Hngh Basker- field, Ernmsî W. Baskerfieid. Isabella Baskeu-fld, Helen Baskerflefld Darrow. nome tine, kuowu as aud called Helen Baskerfleld Darrell aud James Darrow. In Cbancery. No. 4591. Satisfactory affidavit, thât the de- fendant, Hngh Baakerfleld. rannot b. found o that process canuot be served uPon hie. baviug been flled ln thse ofe f cehe im (erk of said court. Notice le therefore hereby given to0 the sald Hngb Baskerfield, defendant as a!oresaid, that tbe above naxned Complainant bertofore Imd bis 1Bill of Complaint lu sald Court, ou the Chan- cery aide thereof. aud that a suiflions thereupon lesued out of said court against the above naeed defeudafits reiunable ou tbe fIrst day of the teri of tbm Circuit Court of Lake County. to be held aithib Court Honse in Waukegau lu sald tLake Couuty, on ibe Firat Nouday of ?iarch, A. I. 1910, aslIoby law requîred, and vhlch said sui lestill pend ng. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clerk. Wa D. 191 Illinois, Jauuary 1918, W. C. I'PTON, Complalants Soilcitor. 174'. Californîs Bock. An onnsualiy handeume book on Cali- foria ha. jusi beeo published by the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAVL BAILWAY. It .iiille4sent ho any ad- dress for thre cent' postage. F. A. MuILER, Genei Pa8peengr er nt, Chi. cago. C-17-18-19, 'I Tuesay the Milk Producers of Lake County seul MesI in Libertyville to Make Plans for the War Against the BordenýCompany. Delegates wlll be Elsctsdj to Chicago Meeting Also. James O. Crier la speak. The inembers ot the Mfilk Pioduoers Association have eounded theW tliraIt gun lu the war whicb la beiug wagedagalinst the Borden Company and ihey viii meet In the town hall, Wednesday, Fsb. 2, for the purpone ofteiecîing direciore for the ensuing year. The local seeretaries viii eleci delegaies for the connty con- vention and tbey yul elect delegates for the big meeting, which will be beid in the Y. Mf. C. A. Bldg., in Chicago, on Mondny, Fel,. 7. Besides eieciing delegates to the con- vention, whieh viii be held in Chicago next monih, the convention wili take up the qîteetion about the building of creameriee and if the milk trust doo not coine te, their ternu@. il le likely tthat Association Creameries wil i b. buili in ail of the tovne vhieh nov have vream- eries vhich are contu-olled bj- the su caui- James P. Crier, the 8ecretary and others have been oecnred to tell tbe fmilk turodiceemabout the var vhiçh le tbeinlg waged againsi the trust. The aâsert thai ihey are not being paud any more for their mllk than they vere thirty years ago. If the Borden Coin- pany dues net memi the termes of the >milk producers by the Mrst of April. it le ihought that there will tue (ive nev Dcreamu-ries in this cnunty. "Tomn" Oreier Speaks. "Tom'lireier, editor of tbe Caxton, addrese-d a coipauy ut about fifty nier ai tbe t nhty Chur-n laot uîght. Bis subîect va. -Nainrai Religion a. Applied t.. Lut.. He proved to be an interesi. inNg speaker and va. given close atten- tion. Mr.lireler is a university gradn. aie and bias stndied for the prieeîhood. He hb-s load a wide experienreeand taika and writes triiiantlv -Froin Pittsield Eaglc. The iaadies of St. Josephe' churrh a iii gîve a enchre party and dance in the town hall, Feb. 1. Admission 25e. The proceeds vili go. tor the beneit ut the parish Alil are cordiaily lnvîted. The conce rt which tbe Apollo inging »ocietiy ave for the benefltof the Liberty- ville Choral Union wa. a declded sucts.. in every way. Twenty members of the iinging society came on a speial car sud returnsd to their homes atelsvieno'clock. Atter the concert. the Choral Union en- iertalued ilseir Wankegan triendi vitb lce cream and cake ierved btu th church parlors. Master iMaurcO'Hars reeeivr.d mnch applause and the selections by lb. Euterpe Quartette were very weil render- RFEV. E. M. BROWN US!S PRINTERS 174K A Chicago evangellat la supplement- lng bis vocal efforts ln Làtertyrllle by a mai order campaigu.Hes bas sent to each of the 570 voter, lu the town a series of pont carde conveyl" w aru- loge, teling thee moral evtta te shun. The campaign vas planned and le betng carrted on by the Rev. Benja- min M. Brown, 2238 West Erie Nîraci, pastor of the Onvard Presbyterlan chnrcb. West Ohio and Leavtt streets. He la working wlthth 1e 9ev. John Van De Erve of tbe Llbertyu-ilie Presby- terlan church. ln addition to bis mail campsjgn the Rev- Nr. Bruwn bans tartled thse town by preaching nighti unaloons of lb. ertYville. He said i-day nlgbî bis pos- tal card warnings and bis cholce of sa- loons as places for revival sermons did not IndIcate a belief the men of LUi- ertyville vere particularly depraved. He got the naines huom thbe poil 1sf. and 8e vent to the saloons because he thougbt he wouid reaeb the men ho wanteq to address there. Serves "Red Light Warning." Thse muet strlking postal card lu thm Reu Nir. Brownns series vas large aud bore on rod background the foi- lowing: RED LIGHT WARNING. War ls deciared lu the naine 0f Aleighty God on Theft Murder. Traffieli Girls and Woeen. The Devil of Greed. Thîe Oaeblng Place. The Saloon. The Bsck Plague. Delirium Tremens. lu addition ta f.i. card there l5aa sert"s of elgbt wblcb the LIbertyviie voter, bave been receiving da.ily. Al are red sud eacb one beara the picture of the Rev. NMr. Brown lu on of tbe attitudes he adopta ln preachlng the gospel. Tts. îeverest Imitation oS ual Cotie 1 t ie 2tue liavnr-*nd te made in just une minute. No Cdious 20 or 30 min nies boiting. àade trom pure parched grains, malt note, etc. Smspla Irae.. CORLETT & FARDEMICKS. Time is More Valuable Ail The While Employer, demand promptueus and minutes are as valuabi. a hours used to be. He in a wise man who appreelatu.e Chat time in mnoney. This emphaaizee the need of exact time pinces. N o one these days ean afford to carry a now-slow, now-fat time piece. Re nigbî luât about as weli gues@ the time from the son a. hie great graudfather used to do. Pleaâe reinember thât we are time up'uiaiits. We tuake right aiH morts of wrong timekeepers. We oeil ail the dependablo dlocks and watces. We match the Io we@t of priet and vo invite you to bother us all you like. A. HUSS THE JEWELER Libertyville, Ili. e.- -~ -- We are now recelving our Sprlng)Une of * eDress and Work Shoes 0 Made by. F. Mayer Boot and Shoe Co., Mil- Swaukee, Wis. Made by Hamilton Brown & Co., 0 St. Louis, Mo. Made by Menzie Shoe Co. SDetroit Mich. We ean reeomend aîiy of the *above. * Now is the Time To leave your measure for a Tailor made Suit !of 0 Clothes. Prices reduced to close out inter 0 0 0 CF Goods. *CaH at the 2Oth CentUry Cash Store O SCJIANCK'S BLOCK I E.W. PARKI-URST 1910 Brush Automobile $485 The Brush cars won the recent endurance contest over 24 higher priceci cars which shows its clurabiiity, relia- biity andi endurance. Now ia the limne to place your oc-cir for a Brush car if you wish to get onie next spring. Albert W. Lichtfeld 'AIs" Agent for MITCHELL AND RAMBLES LIBERTYVOLLE, ILL. The Unrlvallcd UNI VERSAL Stoves and Ranges Anc Handled Exclusiveiy by H. B. EGER SHARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS Libertyvdle, Ili. j When in necd of a cooVinR Or heating etove inapedtti ane. for you wiII secure someîblng that viE 6e an addtion youw home, They are thé bet-ne betier. DOWN BY THE OLD DEPOT THE PLACE TO BUY Ç Scranton liard, ail sizes, C 0 Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon. 0 A tas, Cartervilie Washed Egg Ak Coke, Ilocking Valley, Etc.L KINDLING WOODL ~:Pioneer Cow, Excelsior Morse, Bui[lalo F E Gluten. Grano Gluten, Dais4j Dairsj. E E flour Middlings, Bran, Shorts, oat%, D, Corn .. Red Comb Poultry fond D oJust Recelved a Fresh Carload of :ARISTOS FLOUR o Every Sack Guaranteed o:Coriett & Fredericksj * LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE No. 30 Big Semi=Annual Sale Continued Owing to the bnci weather which delayeci the arrivai of many of the new goods we haci acheduieci for our Semi-Annuai Sale we have decideci to continue saine until February 10 thus giving everyone a fair chance to share in the bargains. We are aiso fnaking many additions to the liat of items which wvili feel the ax during the next two weeks. Reaci the liat beiow and believe us. Standard llosiery Cuts White Goods and Trimmngs Table Linen Ladies' Burso seamieos, per pair Persian and French lawns 10, 12, 1;-, itemnanls of colored coîlon Damat, 22Ye. for 65c. 18 and 30e per yard. 25e per yard. - Fne hall bleached Scotch Damank, Chldien'@ Educatora, linon heelà andl Organdiem, white and Bine, 10, 12, 15 Beverai pattermi, a dandy cioth at 75,. tues 22%c. and 20c. Lu nch and tea clothes, homatitched Mens@ Endurance Sockî, lhum hepls Engliah Long clotb 12%~, 15 and 18C. at -45c. and toes 22lYc. Naînspokt3 at 14, 15 and 20c Ginghams .1Fancy coiored and black lace hoslery Wie corset cover embroidery worth Amoskeag Siaple Ginghams ail good Laie'UnerulisDainiy embroldery edges on plain and A fine lot of 1910 patterns In Dreas Corset cuverw, lace and embroidery barred foundation 5, 7, 10 and 12. . ingham@ justinb are excellent fabriesq at trim 25 and 50c. Towels and Towelling a very low price 12Wc. White underskirt@, excellent material wîde variety trimes at 95c. Pure linon bemstitehed tovwelîs, several Groceryj Savings Ladies' night dresses, many styvles, patterns ai 25c. Kellogg'si corufiaires oc. 8 for 25c. specil at 75c. Fine uubieached bath towelle at 10 Quaker oat. lic. 3 for 2Ue. and 15c. tmerican Famnily Soap 6 for 25c. Cotton Remnant Surprises Stevens pure linon crash, bleached ai Granniated Sugar 18 Pound& for $1.()( Printed lawns, Dimitits, Organdics, 12e per yard. Fancy Santos Peabnry coffee 1 s,. Mulsa, @e., ai 5 and l0cper-yard. Many Fine Scotch crash at 6W. àMonarch Pork and Beans, 7c par can. ot these pieces Worth four trnes theprice. Sanitary face clothes 5e, 8 for 20c. W. W. CARROLL & SON Arthur Newcomb va. la Aurora Foisys Kidney Itemedy wiii cure any J t <Ia. Tuesday. case of kidney or biadder trouble that is J.M Gr v sW H.A P Y Before yon have an rntn o uino beyond the ueach ofmedcicne. Itlu. A U CT I O N E E R Auctloneer -make rnqnirbes of people.Wae vigorates the entire systein and strength In the bustness-perh&Pe you wifl e9t ens the kidneyîsou hey etiminate the lm'n-ec Me B.fore Maldng Your [Date information bat wIii b. of bnefit ta purities froin the blood. Backache, satagacto ioua.rnted ARrl SALES ONE PER CENTr yon. Teleph ns No. 1 ~rheum aiisn, kidney and bladder troubles Of ice 2M S N. enesee 8t.L i r y v l e yo. eepo N.1 .betvll, aare ail cured by ti i reai inedicîne. 11551,neePhn 4 e F10 Is,. 144 Eiuuwood A, Lb vll,111. a gond place to try. FnÀ,cx B. LOVKLL. WAUKraGAN, ILL. PHONjE 1431. 'NDENTItAxe-'COMTXMR-IK, 1 PfflDuceps -ro MÉET Of .te etailhidi badieti ltb Mg dipatcLTolelahone -âbm an s Ivce~ deixy ini is jni Wear pray bomoî i Ô i o o o o o o o o o i o o o o o o o o o 000' ! 1 il Phone 47 Libertyville, 111.