B.sB.s.m..mmugo AL iges. R EMENTS an addtion izes, Ç hon. wilalo F Dairj. E Ont%, E gfood D d of CR: eedl uNE No. 30I 1 for Our to share next two good Drese icaq at rau. PPLEY neer MB PER rmm j O e Breakfast Menu 0 0 i Buckwheat Cakes, made of the Fox River 0 mils fresh ground Buckwheat. Pure New * * York Maple Syrup. Home Made Sausage. 0 SPECIALS Pure New York Mapie Syrutu, gallon ............ $1.20 * Large lse eu Gold Dust Brand Asparagus ....S....t5 *TeInta Asparagus Tips ................... .30c Jello-O, asone-i lavors i3 pkgs fur .............26C * J. ELI TRIGGS * Phone 25 Phone 3 Try Old Time Buckwheat and Atlas Flour Sold by Wu Eu DAVIS (iroceries and (leneral Merchandi se LIBI2RTYVILLE, ILL. :I~I The Natty Dresser ie just as particular about tfue set of his lînen and under- wear as about the fit ol his suit. No man cau say bis prayers right If bis collar is sawing his throat and bis bomom bulging. That's why our stock of (ient's Furnishings le everiastingly busy. We offer well-fitting articles or in every line. Up-to-date in style and reasonable lnupp always._________ J. B. MORSE & CO. Everything for tien LIBERTYVILLE, Il )rice ýLL. LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS The Amici Club held their dance Thur&- The Woodmen gave their card party day. Monday night. Coaty Superlutendent Simpson was The Choral Society are planning to n ilherty-ville ?UesdY. give a concert sometime ln the middle Arthur W. Newcomb speut Snnday Of February. with relatives in Austin. Mr. and Mira. Diet Nf -Mahon have re- Henry Young, of Highland Park, la turned from their weddiug trip. They ývslting hie parents this week. had planned W o ae a month but found C. H. Smith with a Part.y ofexrthat the>' cauld flot do 80. sioniste left Tuesdas for La@ Vegas».-New, The Firemen held their magked baill Mexico. Fseday nlght and whlle the crowd was C. N Duand - i NewYor attndigfnot as large as il ebould have been, ail C.N bo ranofdile n ee ortin fthengthî,se preseut had an excellent lime. Sheldan echool. Fred Parkhurat, whî, wae e@hot at a Albet Lichfeld eft ionay nghtf urkey shoot at Hal!l>av Thankegivlng, the south and a tour olCuba, will returu irs e-.-hmek andtle ihprovîngfr lu about a montb. h wesUdlinroigvy Mr. and lire. Geo. Hernî,k, of Lake Fores!, were giiests at the J. Eli Trlggs nathaornoriter Ilinoit edneedamora home over Sunday. igfrNrhr îiost uca Edward Dreie-r has rented the cottage nurnher of regietered Holeteinem for bis near George Miorris' and wîîî more lunt. hord and experts bo return by hile- end of lt lu the iear future. the- week. Richard Yioung, of Waldrund'a grocery Fred Croker entertainei twnfy.nlne bas returned alter a weeks eioit witb ,of hi. Iriende, Saturda>' evening with a his @ioter lu Batavia. good o! d fashloned supper at the tallor Mrs. C. Hapke gave a enebre Party lait Tuseda>' evening. The prizes were won by,,lrs. bd. Carroll, ladies prize, J. C. Boly, gentleman'@ prize, Mrs. Geo. Lynch, ladies booby prise, (Jeo. Lynch, gentlemau's booby prise. Ater the Party, refreshmeuts were served. Ail report a fine tinae. The Epworth League Business meeting and social our will be wlth Miss Eva DuBoia, Frida>' eveuing of this week. speela feturesl of the eveninx will he the reception of uew memboeI nto the league and ipeciai numbers for the socia hour. The coutinuance of he Mission Clasm wlli be dlsuseed and work asslgned for the future meetings. Ail voung people are cordialf>' weiromed ah the both sessions. Arthur W. Koon, the master horse man o! Sheidonhuret, bas purchased several ne-w jumpere for next se-tson. The-s ne-w horses wiii be brought bere lu a short tinte and trained. Mr. Koon expecta to complets a ver>'flue bunting course at Sheldonhuret this jear and no doubt it wili bring many crowds ta Libertyville during the year. Ail the plans are not completed for the seasun but willi be anuaunoed next zuonth. @bop. The supper was an informai affair and the menu e-,nsltei o! turkey. olives, mashsd potatoes and oyetera, and the- merhauts got t<îgetber and had a good old taehioue-dleast. John Woolrldge wbo bai a etroke o! paralyeis ten da ' v aguî s împroving and bis condition i. as good as coli be experte-i. Tbe e-np1li, 0eesO! the INDE- FFNDENT office Used t, set the-Ir wat e e- b>' hlm as the-re wiue baril>' a day but what he di not eal ani reai the- Sun wblle he was waitlng for tue- mail e-o be made up at the piietofflce- The-re- nao about riven'y- ire- couple- at thie lire-me-rilî fnîi- i'rda ,rilt and lfjftEen of the"se- ure- îîa.ks ['ui.Allîsîiiî won the- prie-efor the Ie-t igenlemens costume-. Chas. Seiler the- bent gene-le-- mens@ conîe-cueotunie-.an,! Mis Kttie- Carroll. the- ilost iimlc ladies' costume-. Mliss Ada firadle-v and! George Hoag wvon the- prze as the- ýte-t alîze-re. The wurk o! the Aretic c lob te, secure benches fuor the 1ark es priigre-ealug rapidl>'. Nathan Gatre-rt anîl C. H. Smith have the- minsfrel al e-ample-te and it will be read and the parte wlll be assigne-i Frida>' ove-ing, Januar>' 2tth, lu the 1It):ExE-iET affice. The show la Mrs, Bunten. of Dawuers Grove and Mr@. Edwin Cook, of Iowa, were gue-te ah the hume of Mr@. J. M. Výowler this wsek.9 The e-t>' fathers mEt Thursda> evenng and looked uver the plane for the new eewer. No~ officiai action .wa8 takîýn un tbe matter. Marsball Dennis Limberry s îîîrrue-îng rapil!> andit Vlm thougbt that be- wîll nî,t bave Vo go u Waukegan t,, have lue foot examîined by an ex-ray. Dir. and! Mrs E. Il. Siiiitiu returnedi Wtedrlie8diav aIle-r a tiio w,-L. t ril i.iihe- eîîuth Tb,- -î,,t., il, i i,. iirgiria 1 and uther ofaic istolricuie-it If> oun nant toi nake- linî,,lf the-gay Youug buîtckm ip anîd run 0et te-il thent that John iiA-vers fbas a litie- î,aîer for the-ni. This bas îî,-îr been knowun ta lai] The Woîîîe-n's (uil,! of the .piopal Mission willil ie-et wltb Me-e. Curtis ou Lake St on Wednesdav, Feb. 2ud at 2 p. m. Ail miembers and those- Jeiring to loin arec ordiailly invited ta be preflent. Mr. and Mre. BR H. Cale @Denut Sunday wlth Mr. Ce-le-s parenté, Mr. and Mr@. Philiip Cule, of Milton Junction, where a Party was gren ta WiiîeCule-, of the White Soi, who wiii leave usît ntonth for practice be-fore the- season ope-us. Be-v. B. M. Browen, the evaugeliet, bas deveioped a campaigu for the saving o! souls, wbichb >'Ité oduese, le attract- Iug ver>' much comment. Most evange. liste belleve in thse taongue alone but Mr. Brown la a firnt believe lu printera ink and la usiug a great deal o! it. How Do You Loan Your Money? Inveotmuents.-Do you know that there le jost as mncb differ- ence- in securities sncb as mortgages, bonds, etv. as there le in the average commodit>' you buy at your dry gopode etore? [o you know that the relative value of such soeuritie8 cary as vastly lu comparison to their FACE VALUES as do the prices of 80 man>' diflereut kinde of cloth pur yard? Do you take the saute precaution in buying y.îur securîties as you do in buying a piece of dress goo2s even if you bu>'fi of Marshall Field & Compauy or front your most trueted iercliant-or a caw il if you bu>' It o! your next door neighbor? What do you know about the comparative merits and relative prie-e of the secuxities yoo bu>'? It wlll pay you ta thluk offi. We receive dal>' the offeringe o! be-et Loan Compaules, Bank- ing Bouses and Bond HouseIn the Uuited States, aud can furnieb you the be-st securities at a saviug ealusnt wbat von now pay lu man>' instances. We aIea negatiate flrat mortgage real estate loane on improvI Lake Count>' property, furuishing the Inveshor scperlor seecurity and~ the borrower reasonable laterest rates. WN ben you bave moue>' ta ban or de-sire tii borrow e-ail and- see Us. The First National Blank of Libertyville Nert Dour ftiste Posi-Office Open Saturds>' Nighls DR. E. Il. Sf4IT1I T!lL Of SOUTII!RN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Smith ciit CCm cîn nati and DOsacrbe it as a good Country' Town, Visit Washington's Tomb et Mount Vernon and met an Illinois Jack and ici a Battieship on their nervi. ir FE H. Smith, who lias justrehurned Iront a two week's trip lu the south, bas mauy lntereetlng thiige to ay>'of the south land. Dr. Smith not uni>' thinke that Cincinnati la a dirt>' town but deecribse the place as an oeer-rown country village in wblch tbe Inhabîtants bave lost came ofi the-ir giio i neauner. lu hs river e-t>, the people- t nili> expectarate oin the walks, but leave the streete5 for the waiks su tbat tbey can do so. Mount Vernon wuasoe visite- and the Ge-orge- Wasbington iAd tomb bas be-en abandoned and the bodly nuw reste lu a handeome one built b>' the present ownerb so! the Washington home. Whe-n le was lu Norfolk, lie aeked the bohel eierk If it would he possible for Iîhemn to vîsit the battis ebipg lu thse nar>'yard. The answer wae-intpxuselhis. Dr. Smith waoered o.ve-r tiithe- dock and wblle there. aske-d a Jfack il it wouid be possible for theni ta visit the North Carolina, whirh la>' lu the barbor. The sailor iooked at hlm sort of funu>' and inquired where he was from. The reply was, fIllinois, and wben the Jackle beard that lhe was front NortbcernIlîlinois, ho told Dr. Sfmith how be could enter tbrough the lines and gee the battleship witbout an>' trouble. The raie was wben an>' sentine-I boke et you, juet etare hlm ont of coneine-nve and puesou. [Dr. &e-ith used bis nerve and went ail over the shie-i unattende,! School Notes. The- Laurean Lieerar>' Society' heli an Iportant meeting t, elect a ne-w presi- dent and discums future- plane (A ente-r- tainiient. Chai. rry wa eeete-d presi- dent. Howard Mc-Laughlîne îlrîppe-i echool be-cause lie liai! othbelusiness more Important. W Iffre-d l,aMataline us n,,w artending the- Waukegan Hîgli Se-boul, wbere ho naw resides. Some a! the Hligh fichools muest e- thusiaatir athletee have heen tcyîng ta encourage basket bail. an,', apparenhl>'. e-ver>' effort bas bean use- i ta Sd a baIl, but th. efforts bave, no far, been nu- ...ce.fui.l. Nal>' every taivu lu Lake Count>' that bas a bigh oecool bas a basket ball team aud I la agreat dis- appoiutmeut ta th.eachwerandescholars that a hall canuat be located for eue-b a purpose here. A challenge was handed ta the Pierlan Literar>' Society b>' the Laurean for a debate, but, so far, It bas not been accepte-i. Some bave said the>' are a! raid. The Count>' Supt., Simpson, of Wauke- gan, was a visitor eit the echoal Tues- day. The Conuv eachere' meeting heud at the ichool lait Saturda>', was poorl>' attenisi on account of the failure o! Vhs teechers ta receive the notice lu tinte. Special examinations wlll be hsld Set- nrday morning and evsning for the bene- fit af those who were absent on the account of vaccination, a"s thoes wbo failed wtl be given anothsr chance. Sine the organisation of thescheool inta Vwo semesters, wbsre each le ho ho con- elderei as au lutiger was noV clearl>' understood b>' si.e of the puLpis, how. sver, there wlll not be au>' second e- amînations for failures lu the- epring. Card of Thanks. We wlsh tu returu aur muet sincere thanke tu our tan>' friende and ueigh. bore for their kindueu anam sympa Vby lu our bereavement, aiea ta Ihose who sBawed their esteetn for aur dsar son and brother b>' beiug prenent et Wauke- gan when we arrived. Ws wish ta tbauk thoefriende and neighbors wbo waitsd so long lu Vhe cemeter>' ta meet aur dear one and aiso ta Fathsr Scanlan for bis kindues lu guing tueCicago e-o take part lu the service. MR. ANDi Mit. JOHN t'Hguî'e ANDi FàIIiLe. Me-. and Mrs. F. P. Ilymond le-ltThurs- day for Melburne, FIa., and will retuin Vhe middle o! Mare-b. The Ladies' .tld Socle-t>'of the M. E. e-hure-h 'ailI me-st et the homne of Me-s. H. B. Ege-r, Tuessa>' alternoon. Feb. 1. John Cannon, o! Lake Fore-st, and estate, came Vo Libertyvilie Monda>' night for the purpose of obtaailg sonte medicine. He got a quantit>' of fire watsr and he was founi b>' John Brixan waiiowing in Vhs snow. Ile was taken Vo Vhs tawn bastile and whils Vhs mer. chall was gefting the suite lu order tor the guest, be tureud upon hlm and eruk it a terrifie- biow on the face. The M. B. Clby Mercantile Co. have many bargains on Page 3. The Semi-Annual Clearance Sale.' We keep on hand for mlie a choice line of high grade R.aIlroad, Public Service Corporation and Indus- triai Corporation Bonds which we oiffer to the investor at a very attract- ive rate of income. We aiso cali yonr attention to our Savings Department in which Depart- ment there. has been deposited with us over $100,000.00 of the people's money on which we pay three per cent semi- arinual interest.t -1cake, 94i 'flafonal Bank Capital $50, 000. 00 Surplus and Profits 30,000.00 Stockhoider's Liability 50,000.00 Total $130, 000.00U Special Prices on Hl ousehold Necessites Whils our prisant supply laits we make the foilowlnir pries: Large ai»se andlod Granite Stew Pansa.......................» 12 Bols Tin Muffi Pansa................................................oc 6 EBole Muffinu Pans.................i.....................................S (iood glas Tin Dinh Pans .....................O Double thick Titn MUk Pans,s.a1 aize ................................dc Samns kind lu large isa, worth 15 ......................-7 10e TIn Kuhfs and Fork Tray witb bandles .....................4 25e Bîseve broulot Boards.............................................aot A lot of buet bIne and white 11usd Granite Ka" s ad Pots, ah . . ....... .... .. . ....................................... ...... Jf vloe T HE F AIR Libertyville, MI. ..eooooooooooooeooeoo*eOOOu Thanking our many friends for the liberal patronage of the year jugt past and hoping -that the new year will bring them every prooperity and hap- piness, we remain, juat SCIIANCK BROTHIERS Hardware and Parm Implements P. S. Satisfied customers have given us a prosperous year. We alim to please. Our stock le good and the prices right. marehall was nt ta ho ont doue and b>' Teewy eabkr'sl tteGs hie loke you wîînld ga>' that be wa@ a Teewl oabkr aea h a represetatire for some coant plaster office, Satunday, for Vhs benefit of th. bouse. He waa fined Vwenty-ff vs dollars Ladies' AId Societ>' o! Vhe Mothodst and caste uni wee taken Vo Wauke-gau, -bure-h. P-1-18 where ho wlll be Vhs guest of Sherrfff fI. L. Howe, who le lu Missouri, pro. Griffin Ion the- ne-st e-w daye. The swede mîssi to send Vhs Odd Feilown @so le af no social promînence- as ho seys Bill>' Poue for a feast but the dlier he id noV relate-i ta speaker, Cannon. h a@ besu postpouei lu a later date. M. E. Ohurch'Ber4lbss. idoruing subWit, "Thes WJolDm svening subject, "The PrisomsM là The ladies o! Vhe Prsbtwl. wili srve supper ai thebUub1h ,.veab, Feb.3, fom 5toL -l' goiug ta, be one of the brighteet honteE taie-ut play@ that bas ever been writteu and onte of the- take off@s on local parties1 are sure ta bring dowu the- bouse. Thei moue-y from the saisof the- tickets wil go ta bu>' bpncbes for ths park. 1 Do you belle ve- lu gots- Do you believe- in eomte" Do you thiuk that a came-t la the sign of war'? If>'ou do not, look lu the wset an au eve-ning lue! after sundown ami you wiii ee Vhe lamons HaIiey's comet lu ail of its gior>'. Tise einet contes ta visit the earth hein"e onc esvery novent>'. six yeari and front Dow untîl epring ià wilI continue ta geV brlgbter and then lV will get dim again until it final> di8appEars. lu the middle ages tan>' people wbo were ver>' religons, tbought ite conting meant the sud o! the ivorli, and IV was the cause of mucb excitement and myster>' ut thet lime-. The ordinance for the ne-w sewer whlcls wlll be pased aetVhs nez! meeting o! hs eoupeil wilil al for a oewer which wil be about te-n lbensaud feet long and will go frant the selhdc tank up North avenue ta Firet street thence ta Newberry and we-st on Newberrv Vo Lake streef Vu UOne Lange and lIse-n down Bligb street tii Bile>' avenue and then ta Nswberr>' This envier will be cou- uected with one which @%art& fron ths Heathe building and tbe-u la C.C. Bulkiey'e. Libertyvill o i lu nexcelle-ut situation tue- a sewer as ail o! the stresta are on a graduai lope ta hs river. Wben the se-e-r le- cumpiete aintogt everyoue in own will have an oppar- tunit>' V o einrect with l If the>' su de-ire. 111