LAKE COUNTY IND)EPENDENT, AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN \\' 1.- -l.NO. 18. PART T'WO LIBERT'YVI LIA;, I l., IU )Y, . '. \ ~ <1 FOUR PAGES YI.50H l'ER YlEAI I IN A I)\AN< E. "OLD SILVERIIEAD" RI9FHATTIRB1HTBDD~T RELEASED FROM JAILýDl fHM OSTE99 [ inOeo etKonTramps in the BRUTA I LLNERA iO AlN BG Country andc Oniy O sadvantage ta Celt.ny Alonrg Wrfhout Friction Bs Fact that Wtern Drunk he Waxes Atîu'ari-e a nd Reaily Il ere s No Liv.'I NAI! OKO AEB UYT~A r'Il , jjr .'rt'i for tr'ng d r,,, loi , o '- 1 j rf ,' rlti trîrll, rrr g"el i ixtO tl,% l" t itrr 1.. t," ' r '11-0rj r t , r r r.01, lt,. rrri,r r,, r,. 'rr 1r1l 1-rjrlr tr rr i :il, , l,-jvj. ai rrj tr~~ 1'. a tirr j' il aj1r. 1 rrjart r-'rt , j 1j'. , r it,,. rkrll, l a,' i l.r I 'r.,'r, Mr, Vr r rrrar <'jr r 1, -,' j, r i, , t t'trrr r j itt.r( , l î r- Si('r jljitt1h. Fý rjib , r 'i'rr r..',i , o r (a(T'l jrr',ilar rr j,îkrijl'o', Iltri ofr, rrî,' (' r,.nd rr, 'rt r -r,r SVjrr'.t'.' tt )r 11 1j it. rjr ,1 i 1 ir i jr, <'irl arjrtIli t rit(r,4. ij1, (jjr ljjlj0jij 'jr ltir' jur V illr,' ,r'rlst 1r>tj (. ,, e NtSiit ion. r,,, t i(il (jo t ril.,jrj 'A( zir ('0v ai W'r', rlr'aljl-, r, l r', r re (.rr'r' , tIir ie lir, rr jla.i . lrrri, 'jr lrr r t.. rin tj. tarj,t-, r,(t'rrrcg r, hi,,rrg j lj r" 'l dr, rirîjiar ,i ,r hi ,'r, of r t, jri.,,.rjfr' arr' h'r j "rir'lilrIrt r .,j r ' r S' , li itlkri N rr j a jr' g; 1,,r il rlj .îj A jjj,,jr rr \" a Arr d., f ,, r.r,, r r j 1 Sr how'errr ,,,, rr( -,,rues g('rr. rrjj 1 oMion an arj.'j r,. rrjyrial Del entelopmuntsln T, ra so Maon and cratongtesd fythal on the stand that he rntcnded ta kit hil common lamw wfe's para' maur, Brooks, but that when he met the maman and made hec an offer fa corne back with hrm wittt tirir chîtd ise spuaAim# and, mad w'th rage, he ,tew her. 3. Marion admit@ thaf ane of the reasons that ted to the fcagedy mas the faCr that C,, mrfe taughl their chr(d ta cati James Bcookrs, her a(jeged paramour "Papa." 4. Defendant dectares fhat dead maaq as his comman tam ite. bu that Ce cansrdercd tht, bond sacred and that Ce kljed her bt cause he iaved her Bo. 5 The Lees of Zon Crty Indje offering Marron thcrr forgveeness, har-e been Ithe strangest mtnesses agans( Ci,. mccchostile and d S aIl they cou(d fa serd hijm 0cr. Grace Lee, Eact Lee and Mr's Lee the moîher. ailtoo0k the stand agarnBt Marron, as d.d Cuprare Watker, wCa produced damagng (Cters tram Marron ta im. Pecu(rarrtres of Marron. " ofj,'r jrtl , rrlrî j, ,r I., r -i firil, r-j jrll, il Op rjr. t jIl. l,îrr <rrijrr'r' rj(,'lof dtr I1 tij,î iu ,, rj't t rjr . jriiotlir. rirîj r -r, j 1j,114îji,1 aj r-jilt rl,.r Itrr- j,rV f ,,- , rnd 1h i1 - h t -in.r,'da,, ((rîrO rjlrr ,,l. , ., -rjrrj r(jr il rrjj,, :î'ru u'rrtrom g (rrî, tiirrrr tî'tiig jj' tj-r %tifrl, jl,' l. 11e ,r ril rth j'r. rrt. 1 -1 tinirij- ,, j,,' av,trtjr,jr' r,, tis t.1rt andjr t lrrjj tir jrj,r, ilrr , em I"j r'j airiir-r Oh(tir t;,, dontrr r I rI- lj i,,,î r'i.jjWhgîa'r- S , rttrt rj r' ,j jr t 'arrrrr rrrrrt rrj. il , l-r tr'. -t r-jr, The Jury rn the Case. Or trui r 'errar' friierira,jjrr Irty( mr fr" peN, rus(t for carisr'. thj-erlijnri mr-drtlh ha ving aIXtira î,,,c r] rri"îr ra t' j l.r 'rr rrti ar Li(. rrr i. 1 'l r in r t h, t r t h jj .~,. ,, ' i j- mi, I t, dr]r- i 'i, rj r's r. l,,jrr (t ' tji 'tp ' i ri hajri,'.W lj..r a r Itr , r ij, j Ia , k'jIjrt1, (r, -, I.j Nr j,', ThIrrrr 1 I", , , r ij, r, %aii , lr Marron', Case Oamaged. rf tlerrr'grý L ' t f( ii l,,, 11-r i jrt(rr la r'it" lj. ,,r 1 I. I rof '/irr (tiir 11i n h, jr of l ,'-, rjrrr( rit trr i ii jr " ,j, j rd Arrgi ' il2(, îîî,m, re-r'. 1,îr l, r, 1l-j'mi' trrrt itrI I ui hrr j, rim tr( tr ,rrrr rng at]thti-rint, tir trjr-,a trij r, jr- tr-ectr ý sait- t(jirrShertf Watke, cI Zren ('er- gare ta nia gi îrg ev tît ci ,ceigatrr 'r SNir, io,rrr. hinig rhathi hart mrilr-rhit,,r a letter tlttîg bni iree ý. er.rrg t0 terîtgesanrd rire drfendaiit erlually or. r kiti the womaa2. MARRIAGE LICENSES -COURT flOUSE NEWSý Three Nem Suits Fled ýn C r'cuit Clerk's Office Today, 0One fr-, Pa, trîjon, One for Clearing TitIe and One Chanccry Bll-One Cause of Actro-n Feled rn trje Cotinry Couîrf (F'ro M We6ln'days q 1in These May Wedý County Court Suts. Circuit Court Cases. rl it h l i , bi li r, [ ,r r, r~~~~~~ Vl~ ii irri' Simîili jrrl, SrrI! SOLICITOR SEEMS INTROUBLE jr, j l it'r j S A ti,'. ofr , ,5 U"f darg , ,I<ritrftr. Ille Lt.rirret lr'(r'j-rr 'rrg- -1,r, u dr arrrirs T. 1,.r Il 1, r' ,I jr' ,rrî, , s, ii'rj1ý 1 , o 11 r -1 II rrrtrr-grrr \ta, p-ir, . ,rrrr ,,.j. ' i- Njrîjjjlres 1'r r,, r,, j,- g1 i i jî j 'ilr irt' $I o ,r, ,> 1 Strrrljr rrjî'(trr tro,,j \-., 'York (tirlr,'rlanc'th e r rîaj r, jrr i r,pj ilriî i n Iltle tî r-, r f-t 1 0ijrj jr r, , h o o h ,rrril r,r i M. d.-ostr' A ( 'rîlrr 'r rtdlfrr t ttelrt ternnjrir, ..OUR.. Moderato Pricsd Piano$ If vou %wairt .a go ,i pj a n à oderae pjcy ,an h d it àiog toe whch %%,-eron aea iesut LYNCH BROTHERS Lrt eil soir ,me to Chic'ago, yuru could iiot buy te) bet fer Ld%,;tsn- tape tirni vou ,an ut home. becînise wu ha, e brîrnj'.'tt te voui *'ry d,,or the fillrr he jnqtruneît- that wr- rho%%- n rur salr-sroonis in ýihe rit', Fur'or ir r wn 'atisfaction ,aiI ,and 'sur thi', splendidci- lec ion of pià.e r ouJ cari get ro rntich infori1a tronl b> exanin,- iîîg and trving thrs ie tn,îenrt-, that it wîil pay yentin ake a cali, even il yee (let ide te purehase el3ewherc. i here is ne rea- soir whv von rhrid take any chance of d-issatisfartien whrn you Purchase. bteeau'. we r-an giseYioti t plne whîr-Iî we guaraîîtee 111 wrltîrlk for fuir y rdî1 S and we will let yenbas c t at à rrice and ln terinis Wl, h wlt nî.ke it an ebivcît for ','eto select orne*of t here initiuinerit, ti piefriictte aelv ethr[.\' r givr vou a Lh 'ý er"f Ile trU, îg Maso. &mli $560 t.e11 Kiogsbury $MO0 t. $350 Wellington $225 te $275 Gomover Gable Bouler $400te $800 $3W le $425 sisete Sm0 Innêr-Player Pianos Euphoma ployer piano$ $650 te $l1000 $M0te .655 1 t wi Il at 1-ast bc te vour interest te sec thest, elferinga before yeni decide to boy. Cablo Piano Cempa,Choaî,IM. ITwu.ip olaIretsatatwe heaye oo .iitfland t(i-Inde pe ndent Supscrilbers ilalhý oM rwrth dvri& re Posted on <afte, .,rt Sjt.rjht,r- apari titcinoter- ar. i C oi,3nt-ty N ew s 0 0 A Grand Testimo.nial! The crowds that responded to the announcement of our great purchase of two im- mense surplus stocks is merely another testimonial of confidence in us. Further reductions and newer goods will rule here Saturday and Monday, January 29th and 3lst Don't forget===Saturday and Monday, Jan. 29 £4 31===Don't forget Specials .. lifte these-made our store Famous Beautiful chiffon New lot silk rain- Women'srmus lin Reg ul ar $1.50 Reg ul ar $1.50 New White Em- Regular 35c Mus- Ladies'$3.OOWool veils, either button coats, worth $8.00 Nightgowns Corsets Black Petticoats broideredPetticoats lin Drawers Sweaters or scarf effects, ail for for for for worth $2.00 for for for colors, $,5 79c1 3.953 37C 98C 69C 98c 15C 11085 AIl wool worsted, broadcloth and panama suits; coats are satin lined. These corne tn a variety of styles and worth up A f o 12.50 .........47 Special Waist New lot of fine sumple 'Waists, made of silk taffeta and fancy nuns' veiling; many styles and colors; worth up to 19 $5, for ...............9 Great assortmnent fine man-tailor- ed suits of worsted, broadcloth, and fine serges. These have the néw 45 inch coat and pleated skirts, $25 val. at87 Special SKirt Special collection of fine Skirts, made of fine chiffon, panama and imported worsteds; these corne i aystyles, worth39 up to $7, for .........3a 750 Secial Saturday Only New Arrivai of Fine Dresses made of Pretty Washable Mat- erials, the most noteworthy arnong theàe isa.a'very fine French Madras. They corne in a vsrlety of styles and pretty col- ors, and are worth $6 2 9 COATS Ladies' fr41 length cçats of fine Large assortment of swell coats, mixture materials in dark shades macle of kerseys, broaddloth, and This is a good, serviceable coat, new diagonal materials, in either, made in new "auto" q f plain or military effectu, styles, worth $ 10, for. 23 worth up to $ 10,.for ... .5 Children's Coats EXTRA ! 500 Children's coats in sizes up to 14 .years, broad- cloths, kerseys, meltons, bearskins, caracules and fancy mixtures, many styles and colors, worth up to $7, ail go at ................................... 1.98 Millinerym==New Capes A imited number of fine Belgian Beautiful full length Chiffon lynx a nd brown sabel Goe fur Broadcloth Military Capes, many hats, worth up to $10, styles and ail colors, for, .................1.791worth $12 ........... 4e98 Near -Postoffice *'Ffrst Evotlo Thne". Waukegan Last Cali Stylish fur set, square muif, long throw, made of choice black or brown coney, lined with 1.7 satin, worth $6, for. ...1@9 for Furs Set of gnine Brook Mink Pil-. low Mds and long tbrow, worth $5 9 for. . .. .. .. .. .. tr/,ï SUITS 1 1 1