Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1910, p. 11

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENI)ENT, FRIYYFBR ARY 4, 1910. Il.-Tii. rom- ment bli waa second read' ternoon, after neasure sppiy ted down, 56 -eted ta corne r, and tonight t wlil wln hy ]tu passage iered a fore- 'I Ncrth ,Chicagô rer td or Iow truLmeuila sales are fTom us. provide 50 thýat j to the 441 -1 u I I t ta Pi 20 --0 ai le fi NOIC. t"o on the alose wili expireon the. TELLS QF t45£W MSMICO. 0< 900 of Lands and Lots for &Me, 24th Day of Jiiti A. D. l«IllO. W. B. C .Sihwio h needn iletteraéifA, andSpecia Sith ' Amauee. C lSnt ttsteIdpue 4te Q'I llinois County e! Ahto on the. 26tb Day or Jue A. &Of 11bi recent trip te Las Vegas, NeWI là.19« W. P. Ralliai t rcllaed the W. Mexico, fron whgre b. rturned au sa 200 1e% ol e4Zo t Ex. N. 160 Ft.) lot 30 Pt. thé unknown owners and toaial o! HIgtiwod. Also W. 5o ft. o! N. Wedneday. He wrltes: lntreted n he !olowlng 10 ft. of E. 400 ft. Lot 30, Alo, W . ,. w e tr Chc g Tuesday evenlng bed Lande, or Lots and prtion. 25 f. o! E. 350 fi. O! N. 160 ft., o! meLot 31, alilnl the Plat of Highwood lnaiS 6:30 o'clock witl rather a sal TAKE NOTICE the Cty of Hlghwood and ail assessedl crawd owlng to the caïd weatber and 'AbId ta Ria L. Case, Hramn Peu- ln the naine o! W. H. Johnson, A80 the snow. Wbou we reached Sîreat- Ody. Homer C'oolie, Est or W. E. the E. 100 ft. of N. 197 fi. o! Lot G0 or, ILi, tbel'e was not much snow ta uMderln Clara B. Woamera,, Burk- Pît. of Highwood ln tbe City o!f11gb- o~kr, J. E. M. Prower, Mra. W. H. wood asseased ln the naine of Sarah be seen, and at 9 a. m,, Wednesday,1 b~Imers, W. E. Suadenln,,Jobn Roh, Thuber, Ase the N. 90 ft. of lhe B. we arrlved at Kansas Cty, where MoUa Brase a&M Irat Warka, John 350 fi. of Lot fi8 HIlghwood ln thé there tuait no onow ai ail. the auit was IWember , H. N. Hgginbotben. Au- City orj Higbwnod aossaedi n the tta lesastion Co., Rsddle C. Bsn nainme of Hs.ddle Birgdahl. A8o the shlnlirg brlght and the weatber was9 ahi, May,,. Ltta. John A. Roche, 7. fir. of N. 200 f.of E. 125 of fine. We rolIed on through Kansasa, W. Parker, Elizabeth ïItaxwell. Bk. 2 pli. C or Hlgbwood ln the Citi and arrived at La Junta, Cl, at neph Monogue, J.«J. Lanieng, Juliaof Hljgbwood assessod InLe naome o! about 6 olock Tbursday rnornlng, Claite. W. IL. Johnson, Sarah W. F. Hogan, AlsO tbe W 90f) t. (Ex. wbere we slayed about ait bour wat1 rbuher, W. P. Hogan. J. 8. Praîl, Jane E. 166 ft.) Lot 4 BIh. 15 Lucy D. Coin- ýrdeun, C. 2, Smith, Stevert Muegai, tocks' Subdvu. ln the City o!f11Mi.l ng for an enjýIne, A lttie hefore rr . L*àrdin, Annas L. Benedlet. Hen.d Wood assessed ln the nome o! j. s. anana we arrlved at Kit Karsonas ran X'lowere.. Et o! lorael (itrwoo,. Praîl, Aiso tbe W. 24M rl. of S. 1% oh t Wooten, Colo., now owned hyf aln Bot, Anna QuIley, P. Bradley, B1k. 22 S. Ashiey Mpar, Piaf of 11gb CMl OwnIey and J. P Morgan. As ~lia Westerfield, C. A. Werden, An. aroid ln the City of Highwood as- lu esinkevisa. Janett Miler, JaMes assed lu the naine o! Jamoo Prandîn. vieWCi*5 climblng Upit he mountalna MQ.tWt~Aiso Lot le Blk. 3 Leonox Suhdvn. Mt a grade o! 186 neet tu the mils,. frowelli. 2. KruI4uisa in the City o! Wanikegan for Spe041 we Batsa .man coming front the ranch ~1 lua Bd l a - i assessament Warrant No. 155 Assesed rldlng a4pony as lbord as ait!oulmn. a.. ~ ~ ~ l thep ~ome 6 1.1 DreynerofC.E.Smidt. Ala Cit pang aur train and reac4ulng Woot- t a Tax asale o!fLandie ad of Nort Cbicago for SpeciAl Tai en Just ahead o! us; dismounting, tbe1 à0hslor dlinquent taxes for te 'esr Warrant NON. Faseaaed ln the naine rider carne walking hoetile the loLu7j mO-se.ylt ont raue, o yh, Lso Lt 14Bi. train sud did Dot etop untl be retcb-3 9t lelaothe oCouert 37 S outb Wankegan Cty o! North e ool.. heCout Hute lntheClt icago for Special Warrant No. 17 e ur carst, ast se wpre at the rêar end ifu..-0! -ilsudaés.sged lu the naine .o! J. D. liardin, 1wth Our observat1pa tcar. To aur aur- lsis.~aWpdnto a ' I4sws Aso the W . 20(o)f t. Ex. N. 150-fi. Loti1 [irise ai) wallted Coi. Ownley; ho ~yo~AOU. 0WL23rdb.10 Pvers and Jefferys Subivu. ln the; camne becc), ta shako banda with tbe )ica4.ai1 W.gpiel or Cltyo! HlghwoOd for Spfcial Ta, 1 boys ad renew is invitation to stop *reeleo! tÀns dr p ots t -gi Warrant No. 25 assessed la the nainet ercel of Lnds . . Lts14"4t the of Anna L. Benedict. Algo Loi 12 BillOirprivais, car and apeud a !ew days Mi Ta P&. 'kO~f le 4moa 6Einmoor Adda. la fhe City a!f11gb witlnbila huntîng and fiabing, wbicb !î. aie ! aa oPr rtpeciai Tax Warrant w, promîsl t o ssonas , .as aed In B il xpr o h ajveo î-25hlamt aot eyer adoadu NIls L Case and the tiane of reep No. 91 oasessed a thebb naine o! Henry ,udsoetetm.Teclnlm ion qn.te aitove sili expirion the. Mogexr ante turne ontredepio2 ôidaae h ine1heclne u erd 1.yo! Jutnm A.D.190 W.. wltb icbsr Day o! Junin A. D. 19110. W. B. 'nàith i,,uurdy bud. At Wooten w. auopped Ae o>ot te 341h Day of lune Aý . loasgee tiat long enough to lake water andà 908 W. B. Émih purchased fis fol- Alao at the. sanie sale ut the samne reached Las Vegas sesverai h,,îr4 à îwing Loi fil Assessors Pif. ln place L. Y.flubes liuurcha;eed and lias laie, At about 7 o'clock on Friday . %~ a! E. % tor Sec. Twentyl isasignea taunme bIs Certiicatea of mornigw trefo th mré be Cty of Waukegan a$ssaed purehase on the folowlng to-wit: On iugtwe atsand ktfor;b, ueccay î te nain@ o! Hirasa eAbiody. the 23ud Day of June A. O1). lm î1-y thwotmasdaatueey Uoo Lýot Il Bloek 2 Humer Cots sikes îu rcetl Coin. 15-U>8Cha. W bodYbwa ln the be-t o! apirits,sas the luhdvn. lait he Cil y of -Weua- of N. . Cor, o! N. F. % South 38 8< Wether wasa sinply grand, almat ean assessed ln the naine o!. Haer chu. ta Lats Marie S. 86 Dets W. 1:2.62 vroetth payrdewhti 3oke. Alma, a Sirip o! Land bofflded Cho. W. 603 Cha N. 31.22 Cho. N.. nevyOwe a te sitartyroe lh Ot la the N. hy Bih. 30 9. T. onithte E. Wly. to i. on N.tUne N. E. 14 44 Ch& vcs eso ece u ky Market St. on thé 8. by Bih. 44 E. or N. W. cor, o! Sec. E.ta Eeg., land, and here. we Split nup our party. id on the W. by Sheriden Rd. In Pi. et N. E. % o! Sec. 14 Town 46 the auto golng ta the moist. and one )T; o ltie Fort ln the City o! N. lR. fiE. assessed lan bhenaine 01 tem.1tathe outl fad, and ihe oihcr Aaukeg8n asesaed i li<e Naine or E-t, o! araei Garwoad. aigu io 1m liq il ,o! W. E ti1underlin. Aigo ShaLdy Naok Sitbdvn on Lake Marie ue 1 the nortit end. At about 12:30 at il 131k. 48 Village o! Lake Bluiff la N. E.1 Sec. 14 Town 46',N, R. qSe ail met ai what we cati hie bay mse01s in lbhennoe O! Clara B. E. Amsesaed la the uaine o! Elma I...stacks, andi ba.d aur lunch. At 1:30 Woomera. AiseaLot 7 Bih. 1 Nni-Case and the liit- of redenuttionoi saedotorth mssaaa ~ndaLak Pak hînga Sbdvî. athe- above wli expire on the 2.1d Jt il L»f. W. 1t4 ON. E. % Sec 25r o! Jîîne A.1).1911). W. B Sinttb. eaira dmr car at5:30. and roî « 4N. R, 9. . amiaessedi n iii. Asiasgace I Se lsd sod 2688 acres o! land. On1 tme o! Berkwicker. Aisea on the 24th IDay a! Jane A. D. Saturday Mr, Peters tonk the people1 Ando Il texi ored te 2ptonon hi1908 L. Y. Sîkes parcbaaed Lot 9 Bik. Shomw W.badluio rooinfor on Friday1 (oeuln pe 9on t.eB24hSDaito 2 Humer Cookes Suibdvn. ln the ditY to the. msa, and sold thein 1160 acres ta A O 110W.B.Smîbo! Wankega a asessed la the 'anme O! odti irchaser. ilmner Cooke. Aiea Lot 1 Bib. 2 £Jfl4 inaklng a total o! 3848 acres ao 9ti Ais, an the 26t1 Day o! Jîîne A. D derlilu Jet Adda, ln tie CitY O! Wa- trip, wibh options talion for 480 acres1 $Og W. B. Smih purchase the foi-* kegan asseaed in the usinue o! Johna more. W. sold to every one w. took1 wint, T& E. 175 fi of thé N. -% o! Boit. Aiea W. of R. R. Lot 3 BIh. 3 qith us. aiea ta s M. Word who bas1 Bk. . $I eAshîey Meura Pli, o! Hlgh- Rockianai lu tie Village o! Lake Bluiff 'ood tui the Cty o! Hghwodad.C~ssseArAed in the naine a! Anna Qulg enliving dowa ihere ail wlnter, ossaed ln the naine o! J. E_ M. Piower, ley, and thb.dite o! redempttion On and la delghted witb the country.The itis the. W 32 fi. of Lot 6 i. 52 the above uil expire oun lie 241h Day balance o! Our party took ieamns and Ity o!r1l*hiad Park azaes.e lu of Jane A. 1). 19](1. W. B. Smith. drose Io the Montezunma hatel, and he qgm. e! Mrs. W. H. Weamersa. Asîgnes. bot apringe, wbere w. imade a short 4o thtpot-ce o! Land botinded onfl Aio on the 251h Day o! Jîîne A . 11k. 30 BL OOrIgInal IAWU o! 98 .Y iesprbe h .stop, sud then drove aiplbheseulu- 4ttie Iiot on te E. by itbe W line@ 19088 L Y Sikestpurchased the X'>'. - iMarket at. en te 9.hy 81k. 44241) t. o! lbe . N%1o! Bik. 23 E. b-lhwynteKokmunis- e thq d. OigIal Twn n th w ey Mleurs Pli. of ltighwood lu1 the Mande severni stops ou our way, and in i th ad. Osida!Bldwn on lae1h. City o! Hlglwood anseseed lu the uuanY planea the boys conld not be 011 o W etSun Aeassd lu tpêhenieaF.Biie.AnLo2i. iIere their owa eyes as 'tbey wouid minet ! y iSnde-l &o peiiSPort Clinton ln tb. City o! Hith- »eWùen. Warrnt a. Park assesiied in ti. naine o!ftiilnk the" we»r going down humi when 7saesmeL War1ant . 2O75, ia ai1. 8S Pradli.Aise W. 7.1,fi. a! Lai 6 tue er. gradually eclmiblu p. Af- e ~yo! (megn o eaired on the N. lIn.) Maiiory-i ter idiug about fifteffsu mîes w. 4dn1.ti WakeanforSt5dv- liNo. Cty 17 W "k.aureachl thelb.Nordbouse ranch, wbchi U*eed ln the uname o! John Roth.'fo aec l TeaiWanet! 'delaW a 1lIcat.d lui a beantîful spot about *>a Lot I Bih 3 Elmasleys Sunder- eriieîd, l te nLoif id IrkWest-7200 fTet abr-vp mes le. flere iwe Ig 2ud Addidn athe City o a!wmu- osemî soLi1 k.8Kran rain.for gpecWa aaaesntnent War- oel Addn. ln the CmlY o! Waake-tlnhiteited Our 'et an d weut down ta MilNo.282a5s.o~d Inbthenme Jaon for Spectli ax Warrant N .8a l1111h creek lea24lug frontTrotît 1'h ToiiasBrsa IanCo. asOsed ln the unaie of C. A. Wor- sa Lh o"Bihr aukga &b:da.AtrLoo2uib 3Ergton fSprings. and iaking off aur coats sat ada illae aiNos-h Cbago o bdvn. la the City o! Waubegan for dosa on the rochesud aie our lunch; p>ecliaeteut Warrant Speclal Tai Warrant No. 56 Asesedtrea h îry10 f hi b e orme o! JaMC. vem- la, the naine o! Anton Vsnkiviez , ada socha and went wading ln the ~ 1k. 8 kAdi. vi.Aiso Lot i Bib. 14 Dreyers Subdvn ta ter, 4M Bluff fo 4pecial AVit-athe City o! North (Chicago for Site.,te. bnghrýdato ]- e t*b Bluffan. fo 6 eal A sae l h- nIai asessineilt warranut Nu. 19 au ch baahets. and, Ieaving thent wlîh pu J.N. Rlggiubothmni. AI-.o asaed iln the naine of lanette Mille-r, oun culots la the wagons beaide thé ~tt7~k.37N.4d V olfe0 Alan the S. 422 ft. o! N. 667 f. ft ý%' rodsit e waken luptlb.etreanabout 17e lIk 3 for dd Vici lae %ct R ib 2 Pit. C o!fii1ghwooLd in the ke Êsnl - or 17Ss.a aed n te nan't it my o! Hlghwoadfor specmal aese.-u'u ode ta a bend. wbere the motin #eranstte-No. zalonCa7Alsusaumet warrant No. 21 aKaesed Intheii.tolus ahaded a little potnd. and there Bh.As4ett N.RAdd ilCo lage o ÀLahusnine of Jamtes Swanioiî. A90o1 ot 131 Se saikeul on the ici- V cantlnuëd Bik. fo8 spe.ial sVieagmentfaratt 8k. 6 Ermoor Addn. lu the CitvOfo! n a uitile !arther, where the atm p. l75ýsaaeesed lu the naine o! H.u.% Highland Park for Speelal aseasaientco lg«giiuhcslsn. Alta the N.80 rit. o Warrant No. 103 assescd la the nome cIud strihe tic water again. and bli S,, 85fit. o!r le. 58 frntlcva sof A. Mowers. And the tline o! r.- ournd a ni". lot o! waier cresas wiln rild=u .oExerts -«d Jeffreys Div. denuption wiii expire on the 25th Day we- puilid and l ookt hack wth- uea f Hig* lnlthe CIty o!dlilgwooaui 'Pl JtnîiA. D. 1910. . W 1 'nitW.waihed on aand d tNrJames ie special assemsment Warrant NO. Aasigtiee. L.eonard. sho la ln charge of the ran- I 'asesseai la the naine uf Haddie Aiso at the saine Sale aithlb. sunte b HeIvtdi n.sdtoku -Bergdebl. Aiea tht Pt. (if Va- place Artbur Buiilev îurchausid andub B inme .ad10k-l eted .Çaitnut Si. lu, ibe Cit5, o! bas asagned ta me hie ('ertiflcai.s, ail througb a heantîful haine with ail igilï YIark W. 1z Separating Bmb o!rîîurciase on tb. foiiowlng 10 wif i modemn convenlences and everythlng Chaton I Add. (Ex .N. On the 24th Day o! June A. . 198» iat a hurt migbt desire. On the /of!t1 aaeI.lying e, o! soid Ad- Aritur Buiîkley parchaseu .(l o rhban bmmtr wih Qiling Lot 3 &I. 9) Ploo t Addnt R. R. (Ex. N. 33 fi.> Lot t1 Bk 1»Pc tugsteoet-,wchr a Pt. Climton la lhe City o! Hghlanîd McKays Addla. lante Cty ni! WatubE-1 gistpred 64 degrees lan b.the had e. 4Itk Speci s esmoeut wamaIt tgan Asessed (n tuenati. o! Wnu lFront br. we foliowed a heautuf.i p. ~ ~gsed1.the u4me o jt J it itchinsouts. Alao S 3l. it fN 2U 'canon at up th Ie noith uuf Trott .:o~54l e i.uip QredainlSlon fi. %V. I+ N. E. 14 a! S. E. % o! N. fipringa, whlcb flows a treatul cfi io fieabve wïl*i epire on Lthe3Iib W. Y.Sec. 28 la tbe City o! L,4ke ~ya!Jîn . .190 W . ulî oraassadli the nanue o! Tsna O galions a minute, and where the nrchater. , Boienstein. AloLai ', Bih. 1 F *il.' guvernnîient ls planning ta Instali a Aieoa ai.the saine saite.ut the sanie Kuthhera Suisien. o! Pt. o! N. %4 Set-. trouit îatch.-ry. itu Iis canion they lace W. IF. liogan Purcbaaed and 2u ln the Vilage o! Libertyvflie am- sere, growlrug aifalfa and tîmothi-: ~s aalgu~e 10 3ê hi cer il estesed in the nne of S F. - stade o b ttnanasi'c ir pasasWed u taonefi e rtîolgtitsthe ime a! redemption on the above "dso h olnan èervri i tilpeu3âoay te oio At o-Wtwiii expire on tie 24ti Day o!fIlune, With piles and White qusking asli V.E.!IM~an iircaasil Lot 3 8. I. A. D. 1910, W. B. Smith, Astigee. trees, mahing lb. acenery granit %f .aIal. E. 14 of Sec. 11 Town Aiso on the 261h Day o! Jone A. D. Ttiey hadt jujat iniabed cuting 3,00i0.- iN. R. 9 lE. ssaessei n the nome o! 1908 Arthur Buikiey puchased tic W. 000 folet o! lumber and iny post4. ili. L. Case, Ats lits N. 50 f. o! 12 o! Lot 10 Bib. 6 Port Chanton ln As w. sene about tu leave one a!foOur -t 6 fleech rove being a Sîîhdvn. the City o! Highland Park assessed iGerma redwoh butsn If nt. o! the 11. Pt. o! S. 14 o! Sec. 13 mn the naine o! J. S. Pral. Aiso Lot arso and, rieada. w Weildluaht81» sU Pt. o! N. 14 o! Sec. 24 Town 46 29 Bih. 2 Homern Cookea Subdvu. lnace!anbsad elinat- i.. R. e E. Aaessed la the naine o! the City o! Watikegan for Speclal Tai da"-s e viii be ln de scbnow again. e. W. Parker,.ases Lot 4 Lah. Front Warrant No.-213 asasseai la the naine I do bate ta conte bach ta Milvankee dii. ta Lewin jPark heing s Subdva. o! Homan Cooke, Also the W. 14 Lot again," wblch Io tue verdict ofaitwbo ffillt. N. E. y& Sec. 24 Town 46 N. R. 2 Bih. le Klnk and Powlis Addat. lu 0 S. Assessed la tbe naine of Eliza- lie City a! Waiîkegan for Special Tlax go)WIlb us. Came and tabe the trip; moil Maxwell, Aiso tie E. 12 A. N. Warrant No. 203 assessed la the naone you willi neyer regret the money mi (od. 4W. 14 o! N. E. %> Sec, o! Iouisa Wiggmns. Aso Lot 17_131k. cas you. On utir way home. wben -s. avaoc&icums ke u11 b in s ses' iss5 =*s= =oSe ..l.iu ibubunt ol kaisitwu ecouis yi in hs o!4 D " I .d ) n rssd ialdolm avre-ls '%-d. Runasboai d 5 loch nA I.plis-Tunhbn rollé, beaintssaierM îsek# dtQ*n. 1 ofi ruul isl. rffn..Srsfil 5l-N kî eê 5,i.s-hatdiveSi th besed Mrevth. ~luitad se.uuiujted on Tu besêos suiPii.4NOTE TRIS FACT. Vls4ha is «Ilaas sI ~ id gsi t heCa ."CMgIEY qup wthTopDSeea- an". *Mh*ircTeCrisObP£= qi dwt oSeeo dC4 ý modu-fui tamp oqulplseai. Meser, Winadhieilà. Lagneta, RHa Rail and Foot Rail. L ~iZât '. t aç i ."1-dé .0oed FiVe L aiftps anOiGa Tank, .laclt, Toole, Horn, Etc 511554--2500 i.edyuis Ilvunast whh Tumble Sarort Tay Tonnauourasui F1vu assenge tumbleg Ca orr$ 2 ltoneau F onur asn 4ouwo'0 1DUY Mfils Mwel la.ý It is an innovation in automobiles.1 No other manufacturer has ever attempted b g C st) much of real tarie in a car selling at this price. and tte pâyment of a lhousand dollars more cannot buy a nicer-run- ning erigine or an easier-fiding car. It is the OnIy Car of Establislled Reputation Selling at a Moclerate Price. A ride in it will be a revelation to you-especially if you have owned other cars. lts flexiblity, the power of the engine, the resiliency of the springs, the upholstring- ail are of the character that you would expect only in cars carrying a much fancier puice. iSome idea of the attitude of both automobile dealers and the public respecting a Haynes ai $2000 can be gathered (rom the fact that (lealers bought up our entiWe output of 19 10 cars wilN hiiirly days after our first public announcement, and inquinêN f romî six thousand inteffltêd parties have been received. If you contemplate b ;ying a car of real worlh. recommend thist you communi- cate either with us or our local agent wilhoul delay- ,,Haýysf utýo'e Cç KOKOMOi ýNWANA Ç. '.Iu~s~waUkepw MI., AgeUt rot - &-7; I ~ John Rogallas little daugbter Io qtite Mro. Dora Downey la entertaling ber mother and shiter from Minerai Point. r. W. Fleling of Chicago was a lius- Imess violitr bere yesterday. A number from bere Wll attend uthe1 "Paraite"' a( the Schwartz Prlday ev enlng.>1 Rev. A. A Pfanstlebl of Sormer- ville, N, J., la visiting bigsaon here. Ben Sears was yesterday t-aken to the oital, wbere he wili undergo an olleration for appendicitla. Chris Nolds or Twenty as'condj etreet lo on the alck Ilst. Ben Elaenberg la preparing (o iioid a big aale nexr week. It wiillt aa week. Mra. John Schwartz le laid op witi, an attaek of rbeumattam. J M. McV'affreY Of Wilnieite visitedi bere yeaterday. iL W. Williams of Chicago ESP4nt Yesterday bere. C. Aý Pfanaîlebî @pont the day iii Ch icago. John Range, wbo bas. been atifferig wlth appendilitltal rapidiy recover- Ing. Peoriy Poli -*ylnlowero. The ioymakem gît founeberg are among t he wor24 p* Work peuple ln Germany. It #*;x hàppens thst the earnhigge of a »onbab~erg wofkmiau and bis toely. *oerklg mixteen tours a day, du not eicei *240 a week. About tbree yeera &go there was an exhibitIofoughoe WInutrie lu Ber- lin where article.> froin Sonneberg were dlopiyed, tbe Csklng et whtcb waa puid for at the qMte of 4 cents an tu. Numerouu iastinces are un recordi of cbldr" atter achoël bouts worklng lix ho=r at a streteh color- lng aud polsmlieg the heade of douas for a ptttance et 1% renteauantour. --CisgoNe'ws. Ti.King@ of g.rumark. The duelt of tbe Denleh kings la kept lu a glreat cathedral at Rtoskilde' an oid towik twenty miles froni copen- hagei. Every year the entire, royal faily aiways psy a ri.ait to Roskilde In obeiMuce, tu an aboient eustom. On one of tbe ptIlara are mark@ show ing the heigbt. of Peter the Great. Nicholas the lrou Olmi,, Alexander 111. of Roua. the king of Engiand and mauy otlier kai. The cathedral was bulit ln,,the eleventh eeaulry. Ltha.i Iwo mighty towera. whIcb can be. en at a loncg distanite. Tite oldest grave la that o! King Harold ., wbo dled lu .i~. ,, . 'i illowing: *s teaSM M375 the easy TI e ew Sillis end Dress GŽpp4 for Spring and SUrnMpe T HE comning season is to be one of many beautiful thingt in dress materials;- a season in which you are flot cotid to a few favored fabrics from which to make your choke. There is a great variety of weaves that art destined to bc popular, so that to suit one's fancy and idea is a comparative- iy easy matter this spring. Ail of the new and populat faf*ics are now on exhibition here, making a showiiig that for Var- iety and attractiveness would be difficuit to rival.' The var- ious fabrics displayed are presented in every color and shade that fashion bas approved. Among the wool materials strongly in favor are---Serges, in ai weaves, from imperial to the wide diagonal twill, cheio(_ and bard finish; Panamas, in plain and fancies; mohairs' Sicilians and blick and white checks, as weII as rough and looscly woven ,ovelt.m. In silks, those strongly in demand are pongees, messan crystal foulards, plain anid fancy secos and taffetas. Your inspection of ourlUnes is invited. .ijsj ' ' j -'M I 1 ;

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