Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1910, p. 4

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OF LAKE ~UT **o T*iwia o. I. Muera Unudaee Telapaone No. 1161. Libertyvife Ezohi OuieB ai the Ftatofoe aitLIbettyvMle. IIL. ouaSecond 0Clam Mater WUELiT. £nvaEUi, &&TmKa NAUtowy 010 APLCAT1OIE. ýý fvTIONPRIOE 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANC 'mI. ÔiJtmf.... .......... .......... .......... .............. Edi W. soo.. ............................................... City Ed M EDÂY, FEBRUARY 4, 1310. ang CE ltor tor WILL IL IEnITýCMOUMEfS. iTle deoialon of tise fedorM supreme court In the. llinois cool case open$ IM aw * et hope widei te thea In4pendefan t'"l eppmnldk than *ny provious 'J»d6Wul relluuln -tisa long lise of casse a lmed et tise destruction of the ap- h.sDiyiard.onkl faut combnation btween the. rallroadeanmd thie bg cool @W*qe 'IboTisacse furnlised aotiser mprasslve Illistratlonof thse trendi of*@"lsona aloinu gpuile polio>. tise emme lipnder considération an independent cool compan>' In Illinois la*pd a oomplalit with thse Int.rMtat. commwerce cosmmssion alleglng tisat Sthpowolrede were refruolng ta give t a proprtont. sor of car. for tise trg*ofits produrt ta market. The complaînant contended that It 'wt= car lns proportion toeI* output v4th tise productionof tise WlW' eahsee 'Thse eallroad companlemi reelted titI. contention, clalmlng thse iot te faver tise blw.r ahiîppers. Tise contention wu@ alac reslsted by thse WrvI car companles. Tise intersate commerce commimaion, supported tise *eeisnd of the Indépendant compmy> and osderad tise rallroad campan>' to aýMietise propetlenate distribution of Ita cars. Tise flndlsng of thie cammis- emenwae unanlsaoueîy afflrmed b>' tiesupreme court of tise United States. l'h dWItoelsla à sWeajng victor>' for thie Indpendant coolaIcompanlea. Tb*M:Ce eau b sicappeai fremits lindlng, wile, ln tise natueof tinga, muetMihave à sdepread Influence on tise cool trade until thé readjustment wiè e iaInevitable ha been aecomplied, wisen, naturally, tise ground 'of eseplin wIlhave vanlihd. Tisaquesetions edcar dstribution haimabeau aone o tisa mot vsit.d an greuis o ut efthtie tranaportaton bumlsee.Tise ralîroade naturail>' wlah te ftWërtlier larger oustomei' and tisa blg coailnenspana. are Minlitent uposi befsg auPPU.d.wltis cars te tait. aore of tisefilmit of tismr production. Vit Sets the relletad compasils muiitise bg ceieperater e ouajgit of tise @mal- les miner and aispper and hi. patrons. ln ise Inqtsry lo tise condtLtid la «»e asslacrmte region cmrn yeurs ego It wasthioien beyond question tisaI theisermllaiompasslea and thse big mine oprator. worlcad ln harmony>, silti tbtieoesi th thtie Indepordent mnesansd tise amalil oaepassea were unable te marktet thier product and tise coneumera were comipallad to piuy sucis preemas tise 4ling qand railroad oeenblne aaw fINto10fli. Thes uprema court heam ffeadd tista uei practîcea muet end. Enforcement of lise décision wlil g-fr-Seesard openinsg -tise flalt te comsp.titi n, te the. direct banefit ofthtie consumera. CATTLE 8UPPIX-NfOT SHORT An Intereeting lght on tise eet of living le previded b>' a recent Inves- tipetieus by army officiais lâto tise reamona for tise advanca ln meut prcei. lnformed b> tise paers tisat thse raies waa caused b>' a decreane n tise auppi>'oe cattie, tise army effilai, witi tise practical enargy wilch charac- tecisse affaireaiet ime., looked Inta tise question, witiste remit, Il lmaa- *ërted fiat taie> diceovered tisewestern rangea@tgoaie carrylng more cattîe tia" *ver before. T"aem cattlia, iowever, It se ciarged, hsave been bought up .b a>' fe bout trut, o that tise only @ahortage suffered, If an>', la b> tise Inde- péeim ft dealers. .Thse bulletin f tl. agricultural dapartment, juet lsmuad, aima asserts thsethtie nasmier of cattie on western rangea la grester than t w* five yeara qpo andtisat tise pricea pald b>' the paceri have advanced but aighîly dur- IMOtise poriod ln wailcistise prices ta tise consumer have risen aoc pienonve. issa. atraw. Indîcte strongly tha tishe popular suspicion, tisat thse trust W/iM 1« the fi'fi isîghis re u 0wOllfOudd. , EcOnomiesawho Inast that Ù»e preê4eu 0fmuet RIce..hîsagaon tisa le 1 t aUPPl>'and demande are W* »Mt taie>' overleoitht*if«ottht the trtaç&a witisahir contrai of the iUes*p ,teurvat 0014 toraga fmfaclitez and other aida -S tiseir huai- ffé a0re i a Position togointrol thea auppi>' and to erg&ta artial conditions 51b1. a e foe yare &go. l'aie gveressont nvetgaton of thse mnt trust, If honstly undartaken 1iW tho.eagly oarried eut% wll tisrw a grent lgat on thee situationa In thie po 1jsne tise p"ea*wMIi epUff te belleve tisat tai* trust la respsqntaleI r thee trembe àà9@wi 4qs qwMsnanoferepriai -an aMtrlke Id boycotta plether tise>'reass* hlsi4ugmae.t tise ielred reduetion or net. Mut DstrctOougreosan* Atlv. itleOgtlg ~p Ofd art tit tWsgu oiie Little Lake Coun-. 1>'111081MM Done, Sut Fîrat Part 1011*rithlaisNteller> end Lfe Sav. mqs tation Malte Up for t.1 Taie quiet Inralsm aftais aid sclioci SWbe* tae darecterbatieofiblandLucus *arn, taie Waukegaa veteran vIna bout bth bis eyes as a remut of et- terdiag a waad ciopping bees led for thse beneflt af a endiers wlaiw, le ta be rewarded substtialY ay tais gov-1 ,branlet tirougai Cougressman Foas witis an tucreap lu pension.1 Cotinué Starr la amoug taie Laite1 oesnty veterans Ilsted for an increase or pension. Taie ful lust of what Congresaman Fois bas doue lu taie second sessliaoftaie sixtîctai congresi la as falova: PFosa, George Edmund (a repressuta- ire tram Illinois) bills and joint resalutlons lntraduced: llaruett.e, Evelyn Hutchîne: ta lu- Cireuae pension (see bill H. R. 17647). * ý lie>, Williamn: ta lucrease pension (seabIl H. R. 16984). Naval mlitit: to pronnote efficisncy of (se bil H. R. 17759). i4ary: for examination for promo- ton af certain warrant offilcere (blli IL IL 16890). -Far award of congresslonal med- Mg ofe hanar ta afficers af (bill H. R. -7Ta equalize psy of assistant sur- Visa and aetiiig asistant surgeons la (bUli. LR. 16982). -R..elative ta retired rani of officere wbp ftlinlupaiyalcal examnations for VébaoSos (bi I PL 6893). ~ -tlgstatua af teiSra on suai- ýWp1*dut>' au abare(bill H. R. 't-e. mend acta relative ta admin- etatha (lm! IL R. 16911). 4aprtomtt repami iewre- mportsaof afere for furuiaa- ands (1:411H. 'LANua U:teo reme peun eab apoe Pesotudfrets (Iltseneand Indîviduala, 364. State Iegiatnrs, 654. Resise aon, Fortificationsa ppropration'blii!60, flos. Earl Jah isseld Januar>' 24. EssI Joan, lielowed eso!of r. and Mrs. Frank Wlmlngrtoni, aof448McKnley Av enus, Waukagan, died et ais horms Januar>' 24, 1910. after anuiinee of tws.uty.elgit daym vlai typliolilever. Thie daeeeead vai bor aet Llbertyville, April 23, 1896. At taie âge of thirteeu years aie graduated from taie Waukegan puile chool, tala beng ails firet yveuin l hlgai echool. He wai a meniher of thre Pre*byt-erian Sunday sehool of Wanlre- gan aud alwaye foui it Worth wbiie to attend churcai sud Bibis Claie meetings. He wai loved by ah i ho kuew hlm. Begidesaiel ather aad uotaier ae taves twa brother. and two ltere; to iolirt bie los@, nue sister baviug died legs than six montbaar. Taie uerai was lbeld WedîEsday afler- noon froux taie Presbyteriau cisurcai witb Rev. Chideter officiating. Buriai vas at Oak Wood. Adjudication Notice. Publia Notice te hereba' liven tirai ihe mb- scriber Admlultrator oi the escale of Henrry Feddeier. deasased wtl atisd tire Counuiv Coart o1 Laie o 0=7tanaterni teireetota e irolden t the Court ltnuse In Wýinkegan. tu Raid Couata. on thest ni ouda o1 APrilusDei, 1910 stiS and = SUe anDasonsa vtag aim,,a grit *id Bti aren nfies d n uesteri ta cassent ths mare to $&id Court lar adudicration. DENESON SUNTINUTON. Admnltrator. Waukegau. Il. Jannata' i. n19s C-19- RAY MOND J. DARBY, AI'srne.- IR24 Cosmrd lNit. amsi BIdg. CIkage. Adjudication Notice. Public Notice tlb bereba' siven thiratirhe mb- eriberÂdmrnisltrat'rr ai the est-île of Amella AnanlllatDunford udire. receaaed. stIliattend tire Courda Court S9 Lae Cannir. ai a tern thereot lo e a boies Kt ltnsCourt Enraie lu Waukegau, in Raid Ccunta' ou le ire ist osday ai April nex.t 1910.,Vies ad wbsns Il Persans harle, lalsan agusi sitaii s eans ntfiet antrequstet l psesent tse sasse le eaid Court lor adjudlicatbon. GEORGE ot-NrORo, Adslultralot. Wankeani. Jancara' n. 1910 -9.4 Bawss and weter asseemente are due for thea village af Libartyville. J. B. MOaSZ, vçliage Colector. 19-lt RBamber taie saek bail et taie towu ha.lLiertyville, Frlday niglt, Feb. 4tb Rivasi b>'taie Clblasu'm Baud. GaneraI admission 75 centsi; spectatora 2m cents. c-119 William Attaridea wâm bon, Mreai 1, 184u, ln Shields towLmhlp oin i fart, wlnera iehoapeut bie file ustil aie dealli, Jeu. 27, 1910. Tais tersa wa taken by govarmaul patent ini 1887 lii higred- latnar, JeeCole. Tais Cole wsrs Methodiata of Englimai bload, who canne froni Cork Couuly, lu Ireland, with Ibair four saus &adeverel daugliter a.Jma Cola died Nov. 6 1861, aged e1gb ly-faur, sud Nancy 8weatinam Cola dlad ln JUI> 1874, aged ana hundred. Bath are lbur l a Destontown Céeatery et ZMon City'. Thoas aÂtteridge. wbo tasàried their deugitar. Ana, wldaw af Robiert Eseenlan, aima cane fromO ork to 8hieidt lu 1887 and aetiBret settled on Ofadiot snlnatea. Ila 1840 ho ceame ta liva on thea cole iaxm end dlad there 1T7,6ald *»s lad ta rami tu the k HUIlCemeterY hall a mile nurth.lMr@. Atl*ridga lived taý thse goad ega ot unety-mlz and diad ln 1903. Willim Alleridge was taie tiret pupil ln taie Laske Forest Acaclemy. autsring tais day lt opened, Jen. 1, 1859, with ethreOoner, John Jlohnmon, Elien Miler and Rlobert Patterson. lie attsnded two wrinters, workiug on taie farsa more than hall taie year. Hie educetion wam lu the oebool of observation and Pz- perience. aided by muca reading. Bim l1fe wataie sveutfrai nue of egood fermer tvain made Ibtheaet nfail aile facilitles and vaa sweys boa> wlth tise work lu hand. For tweuiy-ane, yee ho hald townshitp affiem anad m.rved hl fellow- attisées issosi eab>'ln eeh positions. neHae.towu clark feImm 18«85 tq18U8; tColaector, 1871 to 1872 aud fegaîn 1898 le 1899; eaaomKr, 1884 ta 1888 and 1896 ta 189ts and auperviaor, 1868 ta t1869. 1872 to, 1877 end 1878 to 18M2, Mmrs Attsridge wmu ual oui>' a goiad citizen. but wuase most unuainal man,. Ho bad edracatmd hinmaîf tua einlt vishoea ilsnie of taieEnglis laguage wua ae correct and choies as tistet o mnat coilexa.bred meus. Hi. range of reading waes 'a vide that lho appeared fitted to dieusae u> question of tais day la finaucial uer plitical science as apt>' ai nattera of erop-raiang eud cattle- hrteding. But aie waa more than Iu. telligent; lhs wem stauncis and true lu taie brigliset dogre. Hie love of trutai wee 90 coiususuing that it became e neig'nborbôod commouplee, tbat any etatement of William Atterldge would Pbear aux ins-pection or verificanion. Hie mndgement wa# ai goud ai hl@ word wam mure. Fglr minded and tolerant. lhe warld penetrate 10 taie heart of a per- plellng problein and brlng forth a ra- tional and a @&fe course o! action. Hie frianos rslied on ails avice as that o! e truly vusman. lis vas kiud and cousiderere ta al matiklnd aud eaw tais other aide in evegr> coatroveay. No ans avar heard hlm denounee or abuse anyaue or auythlusg, aven Whoeusails critionm of aievil vwai aarp and genuine. Ha laved hie illowmen and srred tbeausa ian officiai, ai e citizenand maenelgaibor. 4hlsldtovn aand Lake Garnti have 10.1 a gnat citizen ln Ibies impli tindi>' tàeuar, visom tiha bgw9ird ksow ont,, grst ini mnaioad, gret Ila serice, great lu aptanuns of God,m world end God'a Providancea.Thse old ea af etalwert ton, le papeinu. NtlIransTriggmw&e operatedan for appendiotlla Monday et laie Preabyteri4iu Hospital, lu Chicago and vitlsetood taie operation nlSly. Accordiag te, tai Sun tais avuere of tais ssat market@ at Waukegau are about t1 lutalgrocerY departmeute lu thir places of business. Tise la doue ou tais theory that taie grocers aofIliat -city are seillug eamoked, eut aud dried meute Do yan know that lt'm eaéy te burr aofi; coal, (il lt-s good coal), williont taie annayane o! soat sud amoke. juel gir. the lire a var>' littis air týu top. Dou't chekthe taiae pipe damper to claasly. Use Pyrolits Waahed Nut. You cmn geî.ll tramtais Home Lumber Coma- pany. Il lieds cîsly, but lightly, aud lesm enoughai ar epace lu tisa re to bua n&il tisa gaie thst vauld otiserve uta.esot and amok& . 1I-t Job voek 0f aitl kilam Isand t ltai pjamptun &UaddisateL TeIwhone No, 3. tyrilla *n=4myre jeltau llacin 7MOer orel. Tiame is More Valuable; Ail The While Employer@ demeud prompînesaend minute@ are ai valuable as houri naed to ais. Ee ln a wiss man who epprecietes that time la moue>'. Thla emplimiase tise need af exact ime plae. No ans tinese days enu eflord ta carry e noiw.elow, now-feet tisas place. Ha miglit mm about ai veli grasse tie Iss im taie sain iiaslé greet grassdfetlsar uasd ta do. PIee.. remember that w, are ime spécaliste. W. maire rigail au orte of wrong timekaera We oeil al laie depeudebis clocke aid wAtchee. W. match taie Iaweet of prions and w. Invite jara ta balIer ne ail you lIke. A HUSS THE JEWELER LibertyvMle, MI. H ERIVS -A SHOE THAT WILL SATISFY YOU- It'adeMen ~Ee."Madle for everyday, outdoar service in al'tsm of wemthai, eqscWaty foryour kndofwark. andit's the essieu, montcomfmrableheyau canby. TIle uppaer1.dteià otir own spedial Meoz "Eate" Proce.of Tannq e. Sa o tM pliable Ifi ""d yoee of glove leather, very e.ày on your feet, neither hem, wan à«. mees iM iL" lian d yet iî'm a e Sogeat Upper leadeUr Me= #-Base àmsearabslutely mallud theronmhy hont- must lic ô, w. woul& flot hear of thes in an «Wta îhree year service md thse uppers outwçaring two ta six pairs of tape. They wlllutisfy you in every way. Aways fit per- fecty-will gire yod solid comfort Il the day long-.wiIl wear like you want 4 ehoe to wear-m-nd best of al wHill ave W anreeyday dmho p"Udalin o.g- eanre facomd al ast sin. for yeusua t. aste shan-theMent "Bawe fur menn a"dita dupliat Etfor ,'-th. --AMERICAN BOY SZNT FftEE-CATALOGUE Plussemg o. he over I» Menu -Eése*" ad _ isg~boha. f.-6Ichwr Mensasem" i;trltd ià the plinr. t blcher-stan.dd,,wfttd,$ 5. oSr mredium w"-,h '$3,50, ôa 12, Ewidth, sMd 2a mu,t Wbma. js r- .d.40 - e .111 hlI .51 r5.. ua ber h.s..da. ta s." au "A...4a Eu W. PARKHURST 1SCMANCK'S BLOCK - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- -i -- LIBEi(TYVILLE, ILL.1 1910 Brush Automobile $485 The Brush cars won the recent endurance contest over 24 higher priced cars which shows its durability. relia- bility and endurance Now is the time ta place your order for a Brush car if you wi'sh to get one next spring. Albert W. Lichktfeld Also Agent for MITCHELL AND RAMBLERS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. *.SALE ON_. AT 5 and 1 Oc Cent Store. Saturday, Feb. 5. 5c. A yard, on ail 7 and 8c Apron Ginghaxma. ONE DAY ONLY. We aiso handle a fullI hne of Cali- coes, Chambrays, Zephyrs Ginghams, Toweling, etc. Califarnia Baak. ADuunueually haudsome book au Cali- Orilaia jut beau pnblished b>'tai CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAULI RAILWAY. It vilii as ent to au>'ad- dresa for taires conte' poatege. F. A. MILLER, (jeneral Pasenger Agent, Cai- cagCo. C-17-18-19 Notice ta Weadmen. Al Mmslira o! Acms Camp, No. 176, M W. A., visose dues are ual peld on or bafors thes lait day of esch montai wilie Suapeuidad without furtiser notIe. E. H., clark. e-2-19 The Cozg Corner, BARBtR SIIOP Lew Flagg, Proprietar Juet around taie corner ounfiprague Street, nieit to thie Boehm huild- Ing and opposlite taie Pester hlaukamitai shop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigare and Tobacco Laundry Agene>' Razora Honad Th-e Unrlvalled U NI- V E-RBIAL Stoves and -Ranges Aue Ibo"l Ezcudusly by - H, B» EQRiR HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS - Libteyviflé, IDI. Wh= n anad of a caoking or hcatlag stove inpeettii l!se, 10e you aWi aeeitmemthàg that avilibc am adlf ta yaur ho=e. They afe the bet-noné better. DOWN BD ITHE OLD DbEPOT THE PLACE TO BUY C Scranton liard, ail sizes, C 0 Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon. 0O A tas, Carterville Washed lEgg A LCoke, Ilocking Valleyj, Etc.L L ~KINDLING6 WOODL F Pioneer Cow, Excelsior Horse, Buffalo F E Gluten., Grano Gluten, Daisy Dairg. E E Flour Midilngs, Bran. Shorts, Outs. E D Corn . . Red Comb Poultrglfood D Phone 41 Libert!p'ille, Ill. oJuat Received a Fresh Carload of SARJSTOS FLOUR: 0 Every Sack Guar*rnteed 0 jCorlett & Fredericks: * LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE Na. 30 O 10 Days More Iof our Seluo Anaflua Bargain Offerisg remain, Gel in on theni NOW. Standard Busiery, lien@ Lali e and Ch idrens 2jc. 3 for 6.k. Boys i aundered Negli gff and 'Sateeu sf t shirts at 2e worth double. ladies 'Night Drpsdees many styies, choice7 30ecDapery S iks rdueed o 20c Remnants of Pit d Laitn, Batist JOrgandie t -,and loc Peqo H rutitehed bheete at $1.00. Ploscsest match each 25c f Ou Sprig ln f White Goods is the tinest and ust complets iu Groceries Try"Flsh"thefainons Haud-cenner 10e Amercan Famiy Soap 6 for 25e Granuiated Sugar, 1A Ibe. for $1.00 Choie Santos Peataerry coffees per lb. 1'S XXXX Pou dered sugar 2 lais for 15c Monach PorkandBeans, Tomato Sauc,e iza7cprean. for20c Smt'rna stewiug fige, per pound 10e Faoc.v Prunes, fineand meaty, per pound 10e Holland Creamery Butter per pound 35e IW. W. Carroll & Son J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER aft Me Before Maldag Your Date Satisaieton (huamated OSa5c MN. OsuasseSi. * iience Phone 6M R«la. 144 EionWood Avé.. WAUICHOAN, ILL. W. H. APPLEY A*uctioneer FARil SALES QNH PER CMlfr PHO'FE 1431. i I i I. 'I 00000 r ils jus wear prfy( boflol ixý ev alwa

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