Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1910, p. 8

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W*Or» Ex Y. M. C. A. Store- m»PloWMtt and On* cf Dowie'a dei"'n BringInq Zion Pomp f4~ ta Zenth' Joins Firat I~Church on Proeeetation MORD~ie B ocf ZMon, City, Ew1Woe orthtei lato John Alex- aW chief aides as -the pow- - » -'sofllfanous Bible classes, ýý S oftho Prtnclialn Dovie'. .Z2.-on the Methodiat churcb so a fui] fiedged inember ef 44»eIt mthodist ciiurch or Wan- »Ità itMim ve hi vite and dàigh- 'Meb daughter le MmIa, abel vkalh, an accampliahed muai- N4mlbiep vas brought about by ik .gin by Dr. Burling of letters M th$ pester of the Ravenavood MUMWH$t church of Chicago vbere le naR are former members. 1 Mas. Hsd Eventfmil *iltory. RIÉ,"bac! »a oventfui hiatory 414Y be eonsidered ta e be en Iet the imiet aides of the late John QMader dovie In building the ZMon earciay tealitszenith cf pomp and OrWgnally thie stcrelary cf a T. M. '.A. branchInlu Chloago vhen he ýJofted DvIwe', baud ei fol lowers ho lumwdily a70Zeto prdufuence. &Ivays connected vith the roal estate e ovIes enterprises tht first -talng ho Id atter Dovie boUght Zion 1"0 tu go ou tht read with a stertop. ittuem sud lecture ta, prospective buy- ers oa the advautagea of tht ahostu Cilty. Led Bibi. Ciatises. AttMervardz ho beaded the Lau' and $Javeutipent Associatien end the Securi- .18a departint viicdealt lu al *4tSok, and bonda of tht Doie', U e 0oýd the fainoua Bible ca,- 4M h»cci ganed a vom-id vide promi-j ýJw aad later vhen Dovie fei l di e»M »,eh vili any faction but prac- t'OW retlred te "ait on the fonce,," se Zon -ai- areconcered. tl Hynin Wrter. 8(So flon la a bymn vriter andi X& or 0ftalent andi genium a, veil1 '01 astUtMseu anud Judgmeat. Hei iZ Wiitten a book cf hymne the1 *'ote net a muaician bim And aMentramnadlbed. It la b>' the people vWhar a"itenest- 4 Ige ounty hlmtom-y that sm ~e 4seopmay e prevall.d upon ~l1e aceaplee istory oetMi 5 Wsloomed ta Church. îýS, r 4 De VIB" , Ble&', letters vere ,,e"d l the ilethodiat durch yester- -W se wuacordialny vebcomed înto ffl*"Wp as vere the menabers of laly What Votîva said. It 10aaid by semne that Voiva lu 96 sermo referred te tht Sioau lu- 4t~ Suday, but ne ont seema mta, sme. "I 'havO aemething I wish I couhui ll 4oc. Hov 1 vlsh 1 couhd tell Yôu,,e But 1 have pramised Dot ta. .lsov tia.t il vouhd tlckle yen andI 1111 SaaY is mucha. that un pray- W 4e been anevered.," Omdr8esof name. vert mgntd bu I7ets are te tht tfeet that Inde- SOI&OUttwvuld tîlther be ceuverted e.-.the, City. lb. lu Shian ay upeuiy that Sîcan ig» ÉO b. lnteresttd ln tht uev ifflgAn y- M .0. A. movement. *obe .1 1 Wnleit for St Louis O*Wbr- It làs Undestood liait eilg O a traction mssuoeand reporta Pi that he may have heen offered a 49pa.l1tion vtth a StC Louis tractIcu WM* hatiug and trapping ln lii- N44% SilPPOSed te bave paaued avay Ub tis&e vnt of land vortha 8200 per r% 7«tthe prueuet uea$on'afur har- wt- ID tie tate viiiyiehd et ieat ,0.Moccord ing te lie eatimatea of *MM l laprobable that muIrat lit*ra.lbthe buk of lie produeL. i* ralDaMe cnal' la belng trappeti 0t3de atler for tlifrt Urne andi hnua trappera are dolng veli aiong baka. Mtrodosla, saï upuai, leads 1 iIaer tovna. the hunteru and ttmp- ffb tbse bringlng lu a worid of pelis UqMMtut reach 200,()00 i th. S"O of the seaaen. nt drug the Stomaeh, or stimniate g, wOr Ktdoey§. Tsat le.vrong Die nri.e tisaI a-e eY.Iaa VIit". tisss vs mk d. con- got oo .gw TmIlt mo i lad. Deal Tuesday Mlrnlno by Whloh Frank Goebelia Follows Stfnley Kot- Nine Men Said te Have Set Upon Of. They ggt Second Floor of the Lead. wlckl, Who la Cialmtd To Hafe ficer Joseph Potocky and Bsaton The Inmaeaturers have arranged with us to give a Fr.. er Departm.nt Store end Wiiî Crimlnaliy Asaulted, Soven-Year-, Hlm After Dvstng H emlmo o nnvofe.rn +4Star,~ n ure4-l "ranch Out Greatiy In Tremendous Oid Hannah Goobella and Givos the Club and Revover-North Chicago em A LLo t eer L Lerin LUO is "èion f wh* t îs Trade ln Ready ta Wear Ladies, Police Alarmn that Recuite In Cap. 'i'l Prosecit a se of Bravaoo claied to be one of the greatest labor savers ever invented - CiothinO. turc of AIIeged Dastard. cers Thuraday Nlght. Hein'-" FIrat ln Everything/'u - Stanley Kotwlclk vas Mtonday In a soloon fight at North Chicago PU«B for Thi slgan 'wichappars bound over to the grand jury ln bçinds Mouday Officer Joseph Potocky val Tislgn wlhapasregular- of $1,000 by Justice Nelson at North badly, beaten by nine men In Steve *J1h vunder the name cut of tht, enter- Chicago on. a charge of attempted sa- DI)mpBky'a saloon at the corner of rising merchant. seems to be Very sauit upon little Hannah Gooballe, Thirteentb and Victoria streets. Demcp.ý PproPriate rght now, for Heln'a viii aged er.Ktikl atr a k' lc a pnatri ,lc 0 'twt t és o Dý rhh er.Ktll' atr a k' lc a pnatri lc Pr iai IZIon iey A deal va, Tueaday coneum- mabed wiierebý Hein'. loas the en- tir, secoýnd floor of the Leader eat mont store of ZMOn Cty for the -pur- p«o f eonductins a ladies' and chil- dren'a suit, cloak, valut, sklrt, mliii nery and fur departmnent. Mr. Seholta reprented the Leader ln tiie negoUtitona. Wonk vill b. commenced at once ln remodiliag the second fl0cr of timi Leader, à" the. imamrshave agreed te dliver possession by March 1, and vben oomPleted i VIIbe one of lie i»iadonmet and 'must sumptuously turntshed ladies' suit departmnents in Illinois. Mr. Schotz of the Leader gays that they have been very anxlous since the oçening of their store te have a la- dies' suit department andwvile they have had mamiy offers f rom Nev York, Chicago and Milvaukee concerna, they deslred te connect vith a marchant vlth a reputation ini ZIon City sud tbey believed that Hein', vert proper- ly equipped te cope with the sharp cempetîtion there. Tht Leader representatives put tht Plan befone Mr. Hein last F'rlday and Air. Hein lin ii chaiacteriatlc qulck It la saad tht main reason for the It va, net, hovever, tli thie moru- ing, that tht papers vtre dravn and sIgued by ail parties. It la sald that main reason for tht Leader urgiug Mr. Hein te come juto ZMon City va, for the knovn fact that the Hein store already vas dolng an almeat Ineredlbly large business vith Mion Cty snd Mr. Hein argues that by placlng a depamtmont fully stock lu Zion City he viii net enly faciltat matters, keep viat trade they already have there, but by placlug an agres-ý sive manager rlght on tht field yl gain mnuch nov trade. Both pariea are satiSfied vitii the alliance and there la ne reasen vhs' bOti ShOuld net be sucosaful snd If neot, Mr. Hein saya, «&t leat 1 have been 'firat lu everythiag.'" J. Claent Noian and Mise Maye MGV&y Unlted. One of the prettiest veddlnga of tie Seaucu occurred et St. Mary', chapel WÇdneaday viien J. Clement Nolan vas united ln màrriage vith Mi" Maye ifcVty, Oldest daughttr Of Mr- anl Mra. A. J. McVty. Tht cereMeuY vaa Ptrformed vltb a beau. tiful Nuptial Mass by Fr. Francîs Barny, pastor. Thte'bride vas attend- td by ber sister Miss Frances MeVey as maîd uf hanor vhihe tht groom vas supported hy his brather Mn. Ed- yard Nolan. Prompthy at tht bouc aPPuinted for tht ceremony tht church vas Sitd vith relatives anud fric-udt vin Journteed tram ntsc and fan te vîtnfesa the cecemany aud breathe a prayer for the bappins af the Young' couple. After tht ceremaony a large vedding vas bcld at the resideuce. Tht bride i9 a luvehy sud tahtnted young lady bthoved by ahI vho knov ber, vhite tht groom Is a Young man of fine princIpit sud sterling qualits and la vorthy of tht fair bride' he bas nov; that tht Young Couple vas most popular vas attettd by tht many beautiful sud cetlY veddiug gifts htstowtd upon them; If prayersansd gcod vi8hea count for anythiug, Mc. sud Mrs. CIe- mont, Nlan vill b. blesstd wllh hes]tb andi bappluesas aail tht good thinga of thsla ie; after a veddlug Jeurney the Young couple vîllihe lome. leh. 15. "Fortuno" ONow Magulfied te 5M,000 Iu Bouton. Accrdiug te a dlapatcb from Bes- ton tc tht SUN Tutsday a Ide gearch" has been Instîtuted fer Misa Aunle Neehey. vho moved from..hert home I Waukegan te, Boston in 1897.1 Acoordlng to tht veraclous Boston cor-3 respondent she ta 'mlssiug' sud la "heirea, to fifty hoîsand'".C A, a matter ut tact tht stary is ant Injustice to tie mlsslng voman ast oniy her share lu an estate uf about0 $20,000 avait. her vheu tht tucus up and tlis vill he paeed lu tht bauds cf the county treastirer fer a specifleil it vill ho dlvlded ameug other boire.d Titre are a nunaber ut theae itlal understoati.t ,bhomoWho ive on tise rural routes eau 0-U- re lI LaieCOultY IasnpmeZng AM 'e DoIIy lIer OMM nfor *1&00 Je ina aUtW eW.*kelatter Oas.nadsim lpsmmmm uwfor #Lt85 à yss. largely due to the. bravery and Pernts- tene of Frank Goeball, the 14-year- oid brother of the littie girl. y~n1 folloved, Kotvlcik Sunday aftormoon from the. home on Seventeenth street North Chîcato. to a point near Grand avenue and the electile line, vbre ho wua arreated by Assistant Chiot of Police Tbomaa Tyrreli and O«fCor Frank Tryon. He bad titartod fer Fox -Lake sand the. Goebaila boy fol- leved hlm vwith another lad a.nd'con- tinued the Chiase until he vas over- taken by the. police. Kotwlckj had been a boarder at the. Goeballa resldence for ceveral months ane It la claimed timat heoves everal veekal bogtrd. Tii. North Chicago police leai-ned ef the alleged assault upon the littie girl tiirougb a North Chicago physic- Jan, Who learned the mtory ef the ai- leged attack from a midwlfe. The credit for maklng the -capture fa due to Assistant Chief uf Police Tyrrell, vho made a fast i-un Iu tht Police slelgh Mouday afternuon at 2 O'Clock to tht Grand avenue cross- lng of the electrIc lhue. Tht man was loaded down vlth a telescope and a package or clothes and found It Im- possible to run from the boys who fol- laved hlm or trom the Police officers. Says Dld Not Attack. Kotwlcki ls a Polander and appears to he about 30 years old. He dresses eil and caims that ho la unmarrled. Hie asstrts that be dld not attack the lIttle girl but had had an argument about the payment 0f bis huard bill and that hie arreat was causfed hecause ht vas unable to pay the bill, amount- nog to $12. Ht ba, resided ln North Chiicago for several months since com- ng there the lesItîtme. Kotvicki walked from Stveuttenth strttt to New 'York street, three miles, along tht streot car tracks on the west aide snd cdaims that ho vas on hie vay to For ]Lake tu get a Job. and the officer *vont ln 10 order the Proprietor to closp up. Itlb a a.egod Cthat ho wa, attaeked by, the party *and ithat bis star, club and revolver vèe Itaken awaY tram hum. Atter ho lied jbeen strIpped of his veapons adsishI, badge of anthoi-ity, it la reported that ho va, clubbed vith hi, owu club. Hyde Takea Prisoner. Officer Harvey Hyde camne ont the scone Juat tu tione ta render valible aiRstance ta bis brother omfipr. *Hyde va, atruek one blov on the toreiiead by one member of the. part>' before ho could detend hlmaeif. Hyde thon Pulled hie revolver and threabened to ahoot unie,, Dempaky came with hlm - hie Prisoer.With lhe harrel cfi the revolver stlcking into his nib,, Dtimpsky declded ta subinit to arnest, It la reported. Officer Hyde teck hlm teu tht North Chicagoj police station. At the prelimlinary heartng the next mornlng the case va, contlnued until Thurstiay night at 7 o'ciock.- Demp- sky gave bonda for hie appearauce then. Monday night vas tht 1551 ulght the Dtmpsky saloon viii e open he- cause thtelcense txpired Snudayt aud bas not been reneved. I GOVE-RNMEN1 BUYS LARE TRACTS Remnainder of Highwood Southm of Wai- ker Avenue bu Seq Etitrance au Part ef Highland Park aud wiii Prohably ho Anunexed.-Gover,-nment Plans for Brigade Pont to b. Undertaken Ac- tiveiy at Once. That Highwood la to ho wiped off the map for the sake of euiarg. ing Fort Sheridan military roeor- vation. Trhat the lask wiii cousume five yoarsaut toast. Thot Highwood wiii disappear mInt the reuervation that what lit- LO IlJ E Oftwi morgd lt THE"PIANO MAN, HUSSEY BUYS GOURLEY. Hil u ark; - Thîs d. la he substauceo0f itr Hussoy Reported te Have Obtalnod mation that le current talk at Option on Gourley Lumber Stock Hig hwood and Highland Park t- Today, but Empinyces of Principals. day. wili Nether Afflrm nr Dony Des, As la geuerally kuavu the gos erri- and Details-Gourlcy to Enter Coal net intenda ta trausiarîn Fart Sheri. Businessa Ater Sale?da froua a regimental toa ali-d The M. Ji. Hnssey Coampany bas ac- Pest and mnate it oser inta a rosit.- qui*edj aun option taeliarchase the John Imptîanîit îilitary post cf the centrai Gonrhey & ('ampany tomber stock lu West. tht yards ai the fontofutCiyton street. Fram tlîe tf) tifie th(- gaverntotut Tht lîncehase vili probahly be dom- bas haught large tracts o! land la add i)itted earhy next veek, IL la sstd, sud to tht fort sud nom' ihere la a decided If IL la It la undecstaud thst John mavemeOnt ta acqîîiue another tremend- Ganrley viii retire from tht lumber ails acta, ual ta vipe ont Hlgbwood business sud continue merely lu thtel)sticulariy but ta give tht fort the coal business. Ht bas valuable docks ttrcitory It nttds. . on tht ake front. Judge Laudis tb Appoint Seven Trus- Tht iggest teatuce ut tht report- tees for Estate April 1, but Receiver ed arrangement, bovever, la that ail Thomas, Who Ha. AdmlniatOeod Af-i litîgation nov peuding bebveen tht fuire of Estate Sa Abiy, Wili-Refune tve business men yull come to au end, to Act as Oue and Wlii Probabiy it la rtported. Setie lu Northwoat. Two Notabte Suite te End. Recelver Gus D. Thomas et Zion By tht terma of tht agreement it la City la dulng everylbiug lu bis pover understocti thal tht Husaey-Gourley te Itave asIuuch money as possible ln InJunctien case, bn vblch Mr. lGour. tht bauds of tht sevon truseesavho iey aought la, gain pOspeaion of tht viii aslmînlter tht Zien Cty estate Hueaey lumben yard land, vhich he aller tht recelvenship la brougbt te a ovua, hy wnll of tjectment, vhich close un Aprîl 1. Ht nov bas an vas lu turu helti up by Hussey's lu- iand lu tht form 0of cash sud gilt edge Junetion, cornes te an amtlhteund. notes $145,000, mort than enough 10 At tht' aam-i lime tîte lussey-Gui- pay off ai of the secuned and prefer- IY option Suit lu vbicm tht Gouritys ced Ciam againat thteatate. This r'ought to force Hm.lSSty tU cemplete aurm amounts lu 3 per cent of lie total tht selihig outhle land, ovned by Hue- outstaudlng Indebtedues sey, ou vhlch tht Gourhty lumber Monlgaegc Hoiders ta pernefit. yard la siluattd, aise comes 10 an end. Bttveun o-w sud Febnuary 1 mont- Thege stalements outîlue tht prîn- gage blders yull be pald $68,000. ont cipai tacts lu tht big deai as rumored of tht iacgest of tht metgagts to be today. Mr. Hnssey la nov lu Mani- pald Off this veek wvili be one ameunt-t towoc. FredBalcstov. eald te me as-ilog te 815.000. Ht bas tv parties on socltitd vil hlm, la lu Chicago. John thoestring vho are negotiatbng ton lie Gourley ceuid nI oteleCated up bo ZMon CItY laundry. Ou. ta a Mion PreslIme. Wbile ne donliaha vert Man and tht olher ls an autolde buyen. tntered by the parties vhu coulti ho Tht recelver Io makdng ail of lie good feunfi neither veuhd loey afflrm the deas ,ht can i tht cloatng day, of bis deal and ls details. administration 0f tht estate. By thetetrme matie Gourley ta saad Net to Act as Truat. te vacale the lumber yard land, hav- Ou April 1. acurdiug to, lie presentM Ing oiti bis lumber to, Huasey, Rue. Prospect, Jndge Kenouav Mountaina sey taies charge o! the Gourhey land ILAut il vii apoint seaso trusteme ani stock anti al lumber.appurten- vho iii serve a, atintator. cof anc., thes'eo, Gbourey enters the cati the propelty remaintag ljs the ut&"a lualnuo fi1eld ehusivbly «Imd al Ut. unW lal of the landi a04 obàtteu hav1 ation mrýov pasding la 10v sud hîgi beeq oitiManthie ua.r d wis. Courts com«est au an à, it la r.Port. d vitietiamong tisai. bo a stU, 0 It rnaM 8 aPowo PUrnPing FIa nt of a uludmil npluaa few minute& It requftes np foundatgm or spda UJOMOM It wli be ent going right ona the show room &om. E= iptuphtit mis Tt coeu afor Zen than evon a poor wldrnl-winn« 110W O=a. A few omtoaa ly musk. Doa't tagto canmxaUneyou't M . la town. Youl1 Uta uM tàluM goo If you do. WeI1 love you a ctoe be SCHANCK BROTHE%~S IMPOSES ON POORMASTER the vire'milii, but that the girl by - glviug anoiher name than ber own Report that Mion City Girl ln Trouble has aucceeded ln gettlng aid troin the. and Seeklne Hospital Treatment, county. ,Gave Aliaesd Asaumed Name to the Her story le a nad eune and Io to the Poormester-ptory la Sad OneOof effect that she came te Waukegan and City Lîfe and lta Attendant Fast got lot fast Company and tbat as a Company, the Report. reauit of being toc, truBtful la nov ln adelicate condition 0f healtb. She A r e p o r t 1 8 c u r r e n t t h a t a M o n C i t y 1 , n o t a y l g w t h a f m i y d v g irl b a s b e e n a tte m p tin g t o Im p o s e o u 1 ts o wu s u a y e x p e t i uag to g o lu t h the poormaster of the county by ap- Jane %IcAlster hospîtal soon at tht plylng for aId and gviug an aaaumed countysB expeuse, sccording te tht naine. It le sald that ber father Ioe tory tlid by a welil nformed Zion employed ln a resonsihie capaclty at City reoideut. tii. Seven truste.« tour yul b. Zion CttYmen and tires viii b. outalde buieneamon. Receiver Thomaa viii net act as trustes, aithongh ho bas beeu asked to serve ln that capatty. When aaked vbaî he txpected tb do vhen relievtd of tht rtapouaIiity ef the receivership, Mn. Thomas stated that he expecta to take a tri np mbthe uorthwest wlth a vlev ta lucating there. Ht bas received several gond affers of lucrative positions ln Chi- cage and may PossIhly decide to ac- cePt ont 0f thtm. Hi, ahtllty as an astutie and obrewd business men bas betu reCOgnized by ail wbo have had business deaiugs with hlm. Wili Close Bhiloh Deal. Overseer Vliva bas nol ciosed bis O ption on Shloh House , but It la e- pected that he vîll de se acon. Tis preperty le muntgaged for $25,000 and la will be sold for tht amount af the mortgage, altbough It cost nearly $75,- 000. Tht fine residence proptrty has depreciattd much since tht death of CONSUMERS AND PRODUCERS. TFoo Many Consumera as Againat 'roo Many Producers la one Besson Glv- on lu Waukogan for Hlgh Cout of Living and Labor with the Steudy and Proflitable la Given as one of The SUN Invite, communiez- lionu on the "1cost of living." Write your opinion sud mail It or bring Il to thia office. Wauke- gan should have nome part lu lhe solution of the national problem. Friday Waukegan hutchers open- ed tht cul rate var lu tarneat and nov hesides meeting tbe original ent tate prices that ont shap started the var' wîth, are cutting behow themn and seI- iug at an actual sacrifice ta bring mat- te-ns ta a climax. Unoîpaosed cuis lu meai prices by une sbop cansed s slump lu trade tn every other shop in luthe city and mat- ters bave nov reacbed goacSete a stage that unless they are brought ta climax it tas aid titat five or six ehaps viii bc torced ta suspend. These are mostly an tht outakirt It la said. The genecal cut in meat bas come ta the rescue of the hutchers and they Ilite aters ail avec the cauntry nov have a laver scale of îîricea. Grocery War, Ton? ('uttinig rates ou tht part of onue big stare ln tht city lg also excitiug tht attention and ire of tht grocera alid It vauld nut be aurprtslug If a cut rate grocery war weretut be atart- ed, aiso, vithIn tht next veek or ten days. Too Few Producers? 4 Editor SUN:- Wlth refereuce bo prevainlg bigh4 prices of living, belteve that itlta due lu tac many consumera as agalnat tonc, fev preducers. The natural lucrease uf population and tht Immense Inilov of furtiguers4 lu cîtito and villagea, more than lun proportion tothe country farm lands, ls an Important Item as a cause. The blgh prie per heur of mocian- Ical labor bas caused estimates for buildings te Increaso uearhy double uver ben ears ago. This dos net Mean that tht individual meciiautd la much the gainer, for he la laid off toc oten-Ino much lest time. Labor, prefttsbiy emphoyed and stea- dy werk would help tht situation. The latter vas the trouble i 1893. There vas nu empioyment for labor.I R. S. BOTSMWRD. A tickhlumg or dry rougb eau ho qulckiy to.mned with Dr. Shcep's Cough Reredy. Ne optum, noeloroform,nothing un"sl or ii5rsl. Sold by. AU. Duxt-<ft 70%à mua-chatas &d ptda. vlis aisols-tP"&',Our c5Iei~a 1k sl la n.'.« Griffin's Waukegan OGarage Havring taken the agsney for E- M- F-.'630" $150 and Flanders "20" $750 for ILake County We are now ready to to talce aiders for these cars. Having only a limited number at our disposai we wou Id suggest tbtyou get your order ini eariy and not be dissapointed. We aleo have a fulllfine of accessories on hand at ail times.. Repair Work a Speclalty Llve.-y and Supply Co. It wili be our policy to try and please ail our customners, as a satisfied customner is the best advertisemnent we can h ave. JE J. GiRIFFIN, Prop. Phone 215 lIS VOUR ROOF O. K?: 0We can meet your requirernents no matter how large or srnall they rnay be. The Prepared Rooflng we seli to our customers by the roll is the best *on the market, and cornes complete *with nails and cernent ready to Iay, at * the right prices. Powell RoofingCompany. 117 S. UOeeeSt- WAUKEGAN Telophone .377 Morses for Sale. Monintain Meadow Stock Farm, one and one-half mile north of Wauconda, Illimnol, ha, eoustant]y on - hand and fôr sale. at lowest market prie, eastock of ail ela,,es of bors, imitable for the road and ai farm work: exprée ansid draft, uaeful aud .orvlcéable. from 1100 to 1800 poundi. Prie 0810 to 8200.00. No pluga -Ir t ~work on tbe farm. Ail aeihnated and &"oId riait of dkneu. Ail guarnteej o delivory ause prfspted. Iii aaonda CoLe jt8J u fsl 'OL1. 0112mm Sprea as C at C ing- Hei Wr< (nI A Be GlImrer ing, du, the rail or an t lied ail of i wreckel wid de wreckat feet ln st ,-wln leg the THE JOHIM wreckec TH E ECKL wreckec PURI wreckec STAC ed trame ner hy nieath oued. Coron scierie o and he and sam t 'rouer ta the -si, shuril a, and voit, -uidt ring if-r-iatou aid itir.i sud Sia, t lie artck uIngwbm-r lu a'k -ita Ti Star-k lilleta b loir hbpiuî moll. mit al fd if ibhmt lw W( iatiug piii Ri %Volu ti saw, the t bey couli anîiîmstioîî utof bis der vas MV-re Irane Ma lima% dermically Ing bini a was takei riuaher! la Fil D)r. Tay vero pilt sud ihat ; gine art train vas foriy-twoi a fast cliip ali Investi 1 rainumien tht wreck ing or the A coronf noon sud uovai of laser, A. I laklug of lnenced u have rmen ~at tht iuý Brakemi min W. C Ili a b b p p 12 Ir 01 d, D il

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