LAKE COUN.TY INDEPENDENT-. AND WAUKEGAN ýWEEKLY SUN V'OL. XVII1.-NO. 19. PART TWO LIBEITYV]LLE, ILL., FRIDAY, 1FEMIARY 4, 1910). POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YXAR IN ADVANC.ý VAMPIRE WOMN rst < 0Z -%'SALE FOR FROST OIE~LED IDPOU JJURO l ~RIC PRJ~1 for daugbtera deliuquency, but tl NAEAPPLIED Th ELECTRIC OR NEW wubpa a tjwalw8y>tecauped hre W(RECK #AT CIER: RFI i ' FC~ ILE) UP MRS. SOSNOIJSKY; ld bi'ai nitpnlt tcus h FRANCI-SE, MU Spreading Rails Gve if SCENEýi IN PARIS. OVERWHELMED BY FLOOI). as Cause for Disaster "TRUST BUSTER"I ELLIS AND WALKER WESTON. at Orie This Morn-! ing- --News Reached Here Near Five 1 Wreckaize Piled 25' Fcet in Air i- il (Prom Wednerays $un.? A Beit lune freight piled Up near Giliner station at oe this morn- ing, due 10 Cther the .preading of the rails, a broken aie on a car, or an open swltch, and one man killed while three were injured, al of themn being burned by thei steam which hissed out of the wrecked angine and added to the wid desoistion of the scerie, the wreckage being piied twenty-five feet ln the air and fiteen cars str5wing the traCks and biockad- lng the road. THE OEAO: JOHNSON, A. AL, engineer on wrecked train., THE INJUREO: ECKLES, W. J., brakeman on wrecked train. PURDY, W. C., frenian on the wrecked train. STACK, D., brakeman on wreck- ed train, rescraed ln thrilling man-4 uer by Coroner Taylor front be- nieath wreckage where he was pin- ioned. Coroner Taylor worlcsd on the scene of tihe wreck »Il nlght long andi heroiCally wieided thea&" and saw witt, othors on the scane. C'oroiner John I.. Taylor waa caiicd tar thre i-ele ot the wreck at Gilmer rtlrrrtly aftî.r 1 olock titis mornng and wni-ktd tht-rt- ifuater 7 n'elrk t i-uidelring assiiitatrace tri the- lrjured i Il.- rli ethat %V. .1,Ect-it sand W. i' areai.lihevi-rt-ly acalded lnr aillil loot I> elîag badly brîîlar-d.Rich- aîîl I-iai k. hie lie-ail lrakernan, whoý flow 11i-> fiai lreva-loux condItIon at thî- ti' - lA liAer lia>sj>lt, laid lit ilié ii. stuîîndr ail 11e rotwreckaXeý fi-eî> fi-et tlgtî trîi tht- time rit r lai- wrt-cl irîil 7 orl-ocla 1h18tnrn- Iig, when le waia reýache hy the1 tliak cear Taylor RescuCe Stock. .-kwas iS îhl»iwibpneirtbtsteeli i-uitta. bagH otfrauls and brokeri ofec-uîîtwrecikarge. Ie hati bten rilîrti-il as kllled wlieri <rrone-r Tay Jar haîîîered to be pas>ing aind heard Moul1e îîrî moanlrrg. Dr. Taylor states thiit lP wag the- rouet pîtîfiri sound lie liai] tvu-r leard. The- lnjured bra ke mani was teebly vialllng for assistance 9 tu L thse girl by ian her own aid trons thse anld le tri the laukegan and nd tbat as a fuI la now ln raealth. She famlly down t)o 0tri thse soon ait the dIng tri the iormedi Morn ee "$750 Ha'ving suggest pointed. .11 limes.. stomners, we cari iO 0 7 1 O-hl ;ayo stcko aiofr bl f om .0No be or IdOek0 atrr al tretiat-t lutervalit acrt-auitd Irait lia Worril go crazy frout tht- ext-ni>- Pundya tfact-. armis, bailhamnd legs Iatlngîpauin ahichî ie waia atffering. avent- baidly hurn"'il he htetscaphmgi Rusheni (o Waukegan. tt-sa iaid tht-hotwastertriana tht- Wnrhhkng wth ai duil aimd rusîr otd hiler. Dr. Taylor hai tore tmos-e ail saw th coone ad olles wrkeli-i clthea andi dresut bis barnai lie Paie il)fr over ttiree harsutil also attentdeil Ecklcai bt-tone il wau, extrcati Stah. pon ex. a"'llaIO, I ws fun th ouror- anti Staickwaas alivu. EchIes, taite. lire i trIrbs aere brohen. bis sbril- 1arma andi legs avent-scaldeai ait-n aas broken andu that bath teet Engîneer Burnedti te eath. wlr-frai-rn. Dr. Taylor admînister u Englacer AI Johnson was bîrrueul ho e a a inavy dose ofristrychinne hypo- aitatla Il 1la Ibought. 1Ils body bail] airmlcally andta hî-n usaisted lnlu uov îo tta eceiavtr alotrTi Inîg hini uaaîo ai snrttchet-nand ntht- e oan t-fl lirahved-k hre'rnr Tay- avas alien tri tht- Vaitll>g traiaamuIlof the E., J. & E, when hie ht-airaioft rtîsheîl lia Waulaegan the- wrech ibis mriring,.rirahea tri tbe FPfttou Car, Pileti Up. j Drn. Taylor states tait SUt-en cars aveme pileti oune ontop rit the- rther antI that aitlrit tht- cars anti tht- en- glue are cnmpletely demolitheti, Tht- train aas a heavy ont- cansiatlug rit forly-tari cars aima It aas traivellmg At a tast clipi ioavu grade. Frrirapt-rin- al Investigation he states that tht- trainuren ssy (hait tht-y helleve that thue wreck aas causet!p tht- apreati- Iîg ortIhe rails. lnquest Detayeti. A cornner's jury aras inipant-llt-t this noon aindipermIisionigiven fen tht- e- nioval rit tht- body rittht- titaulengl-I utenr, A. L. Johnson, to Joliet. The taklnrg rot tetlmny îlIrîrt be cotq- -menceti utIl tht- Injuneti traintrien have rt-cavent-ai ariflclt-tly tri testlty ,attht- Inqut-at. Mon Wcme Scatded. Brakemen W. J. Et-ides ant iNFreý min W C. Purtiy wemo rldlng ituite go a, &alun Head! Braiseusan a Oý ybgsIta~vsn. Bthe Vreclk ocur 3Thout w ho aveue injuîred were: 'illiain Eî les. limaik(nraarî Joliet. saaldcd. i) Scarîl. liremnan Itichar ld Slaik, bruukerîarî AIl of tie Irjuijreul niera, incluiulng; tle uit-aid erîgneer, i -aide in Iriliet. IIrCler uîd Scarul a e re i nveul to Track Taugle Terrible. M ien thie wreck Ocîaarîed A G SuiîaaerMiuar. liii- peraror statloraed: aii tai j1a0111t, waai awu aeied altele g> aulleil ii Joliet. Tavowreck tr-ains au Ci st-nI b t- si-t-ieIeuofth(, aiccidernt. Olt- W!IIS acral It tn Joliet. and a St, t elephone ho lt-arn If bis son waýais w-cie a et n rn arnrng the, crew on te train avbîch 'Ruuîdoui When lthe avmckig train avaiswreckt-i. lte heaveai a slgh ritfeavai arrli-il hey turnnathat tht-y rt-lut-f ahen he lt-ami-ai(hait hrt son liait roe uoftht- arsnt ilus ta untan-ý was mt on tht- train. gle ',vlach tht-T iad Ptver encouient-il At ane ocîock thîs mormlng avite Engineen Pînloneti. spt-t-ilug driwr a stt-ep grade triwards Par f ht-enginse was forma lu ai Waukegam, an Elgin, Joliet & Eastern caao ahial naltht- tank avas titroaut frt-lght train lunt-bqrge oritCrinductor tht- rtht-r side of tht- trait-l. Tht- en- Michael Tn-aihnrnandi Engîmeer Alfred itgt-trwaas pluhotit-it bneath the et- Johnson, jumpeti thet- uat-k ahen an 1îne. litsi body aas reacheai at oipen savtchwaa reachet! t a pint abou t 9:30 ibis mornlng, but death near tht- Olluer station, resultlng lunhadllaiheîîplatc bt-tort-tht- arechersi tht- demolition rit Ove cars. tht- deathicoult rt-at-b bIna lit- it reporteil Bu' &t Engint-er Jrihnsorindatht- tnjury rit1have a ifîe anirîu wo t-bIlarnn InJoliet. titret- tralumen. Rît-bard Staick. a,- buakeman. avas hrringht tri Wainhegan, Broen uAxle Cause? arrlvîng ou speciail train ait 7:35 (bisi Worai ecelvet f rîru the- Olîmer sta- i morniug anti aas remaveil (o tht- Jane ton ah 9::W titis raormîrîg Wais to tht-I McAliset- hospital. effet-t tlaat Brakeman Et-kIt-s aind Pire-1 Wreck One cf Wemt for Yeart. main Scard aere not lujuned Batverely.' Tht- vrtck ta ont- ri tht- avrrst that Tht-y vent- brulsedandama badly shahen bas occurret! ou tht- E., J. & B. roati rip anti beyond tIsat wve nt-rt hurt. lu years anti me>lted ln tise complete et tht- roadt r conclude that the vu-]c destructiriti o it O ve cars, tie - total vas cuse the br ektng of a n t-le - bet!ItUoofetohtvengfinsaacarsthetv tise kPm5'i.~sr. .k.aai4 ~ th Convict Few Womnen Indeeti._________ Record Claimed to Show that'iTilar-i îybt-ara sorne elgbt. Genoral Manager of Ru# SNot sri- liithedarys aien aoneAr ail About Mer Have Gons )trbutt andtoe rim . naTîromiten avt-il Orders Certlfied Ceptes to Their ,Doom" genut tn Joiîet, onue for ahi-geai sys- ali Waukegan Ordinncns t-matie sheep steaing aud rime for ai- lt-geai whote8aiî,tht-fia ot clritiing andi iSuperstitious Seem Inclined to 1aliter 1Ihînti, haist here bteu aicouvit-:MyhGaoinTagbefs Compare Mer to Kipling on uofaiwouaand thrtaihI-r ra ay baci sets of Roud for S peedy Figure ln tht-eu-ey eairly elgtie. Sale the SelI.f -NI rua Somnussky has Strved a Inluts. be-mritf joliseeces. bat la thse man If She le Indeeti as Black as Painted jasutert the officiais. Il lm threpIel Observera Claini the Faifl that Sh. ýwih whrim ahc ammsiiaîelt whri paid la Woman Atone Saveti Her Prom 1h' pernalty. Prison Termmand Point to Fact that - Not SinCe Eamly Eighties Ha@ Wo. man Been Convicteti. PAYNE AND CLARK CHOSEN i From Wedrîesday'a flally Stin ) Witt Daw Up Resolution on Mugir C in rd er with the îiscovrt liltal Cost f Living nqu ry. - t-erv roa wlh whrm Mn, John Sa- Washingtlon, F'eb. 2.-Ail signa icilrdy bhascurai-lInriacontact hais. IL Peint tri a congregkilonai trrquiry te - lmalslu-d. grime Itir hui r,.the wor> Inquire Imb the- colt et living. Thre leaders are agmreed tbat sncb an m ais been privately terraed hy tht- iInvestigation absoutit b. madie, but puolice and rthers -Tie Vampire Wo-' they are undecided u as ewbat form mfari," aller tire central figure lu Kil)- It ahoulti take. Ilng' famus pern- Solne ofthlie western Republîcans -. lngstainoîa îoeu-aiwomaau who sagges that tht- prîce or living mutiles arud thrsnsanti lareis. rily tri ahould be Inquired i mb by a joint destoy.comraittee 0f the bouse andi sonate. ilestriy.The Payne esolutlon ta this ofet Mîra Srisrotrshy trolit-ara the roi, - s presentet lu acuordanco wlth ths utation ormamig her-korlig anul de., Instructions te Chalmman Psyae femmu-. s1î-mylig-aiu<l hat I-i wlry aRitas lated i a ameeting ot the commi!Ueo. "èS ~ - beîi vI>-,> he narrieMr. Payne anti Representaive hm Clark ef Misouri. the Dem= tle A "Vampire" Record? leader, were named sas a sut-commît- tee te draw Up esolultiona the - ~.4*- tolowing la hie sleged rt-curdof ut*bject. -~ --' ~ . her actîvillea as Ille "Vampire Wr>ý ' ~man: tibv eths~d TRACY & CO. ARE INDICTED *19t6-Sald t aetr ubna New York saloorrkeeper, taeleope tri Grand Jury imuces tock Exchne ýWaukegan wlth John Sosnouaky, Mombers et Grsnd Làrcenya !190f,-John BoanriUky elleged lta TI~~-h gadjr havecomîttei mrderby ~tin ~of the aurpreme ceourt, criminal brancit. crainrtryman river ht-al wlth bt-en bot-1 bas filait moyen lnidietm«e e scb le andl kllling lia werrt tri peflîten- againt tembers of the stock ex- llsrv ton friurteen yeains aind lotit pro-ý change lirai ut Tracy & Ce., whoe perty.fallure last May with liabllties et 19>17-Mrs. Siiauiky, lb la aIIegd, $1.250.000 lt-t!teauninvestigation by forcesa dairglter àMamie Intri wbat laý th edtiarict attorney's cifice. ivrulywiesaeyn h- g i The charge la grand iarcony. The 1vtlrull 14. esivryal 1 ag tfirm consistaetofWilliam W. Tracy, 1909190 - rs.Sosousy 1Fretierlck W. Parker anti Robert D. * liîl 1>1 ir Siarirayand aCv 1noton. The- usmes on tao lu- Thorlial ' nia arresteti for chitîcen dictietits wero not matie publie. Jsteallrîg rand serve terre lun -runty jli i 'enis t-stIfles lirait wriranaiiaiked hlmi JOIINSON INDICTED; ASSAULI tri go wlth hi-r tuasteal the chicke._____ Veniq wheu hi- regains bi@ liberty bl! New York Grand Jury Votes "Second catighî ith t aolen horr ansd convIci-1 Degroo" on Prise Flghter. 9ror uuds'tri-uii Parlis. coLushst±ng cf1ed -rit lheft.Fraink Lonatis taken Into - tr rivr.t'J'lie sieiera et l'arIs bave avrmanatravrir anad both ailegeai tri New Yorki. ub2.-'Jack Jobnson, n Il, r blit iîierlgsareaThre have ripeneti bouse rit ahame. the heavyvelght champion, bas becs d trou,>1 bý ceaaierirf utile demaolisbsi 1910 Ira. Sosnousky lu county jaui aiteS by thse grand Jury berle for i trorri a 9h t ia» tenauIs %vers obrained ionru Iraclical charge rit "pandering," ageuit inteseond degree Toute one,ot theht- O aa> i Paris. waa titrent- foln g tr fduhe htti-0a ib i-pl bc oNu pthe watlers a-nL wiog tr ryliritalairer tiatme- chrgeaantJ angtvetc ira LraArngiles Io New York lu 100 ultis another fnegre tu an uptova ho n rîrril n'orneil îli-igLout ile country. latight hert-r 0drink. tel recently. fr(rat( liivestiguiiiluuii, la ailwetftire gev. Johnssn'a courtseais" otifletito Ohiri aid la nuis itiistnut te Ateorney Smie a Menacing One. produce the Pugilist Ln court tcday te Thuseverminc riv or ix y answer the IndictmuoL bady aaaaed naiaga every orle with whom the avumanRE lînt tour cars ai-rt- hysase ad'as couitetatri contact bas uitt a dooREV. ORGAN DECLINES CALL 011ir abolit eili»i-ara letfithet rachk. 1uclîdlng the- ariran ht-ra-lt. It la The- track %hI be cleareai by noom, harged, ani it la clalmeil that the Lon don Minîster Refuses Pastorale of uleclari-ilai>eiiîioYee ut tht- rond at abrive gruea chonîcle dot-s net tell tht- New Vrk Church. 1i ricloch thi>. iiirnlng. Tht- St.Paul hatoit fwhat hasi betallen, rit thet- m- Lonidoin,11eb. 2-The e.0Cap arr-ch trairn aai susmmoned lat Rond- troua fightsanad biceningganad trou- bi oraRte elkow. G. Camv Oit andl aaisiiiîimouet!bt-cause It waa hIes Ibat have crime tri pas. proscher, bas declineti the pasterate It-nair tri tht- scene ef tht- wreck that Tht- mlle oft Mrs. Sosuriusky t la-f5' cftise Firth Avenue Preabytertan i ouid rpaîrh tht-rt- befrire tht- corn- rmau. A pretty wriman lunht-r yeung-o et New York. panrys a-recker at Joliet t'oirld he t-r days. sbt- atilI rttains traces ot tp naîeeth.cucbi lir-uagbi tr a- wseue rit tht-accdet-. prlatine heaury aima tht- main teatu til t- ligi vertures te Rev. Camp-. Delay ln Newsa Resching Here. ls he Illlariuaîing maille whicb breaks boitLoio gterceont refusai tOf Tht ar-ii t-iu paceatt:0 aim. lie a alîlg un hnogh blakthe oyevIrionJ. J. Jewett. peSter Of 'rhewrek jok laceet :00a. ., iikea silig sut trouh backCarra Lane chape]ofritlrmilngham, le, but the E..-.J & E. wreck train dld notr' clouda, Even tt-eth and a wetli3siapeti accepi the offer, airrive uni5:00i 7 loc tthla morniug. rariîth contribute tr i ta power. li1 'riac treiglir as runnfta as au extra But tht- iale o rit sr. SoBnuusky, i BASEBALL MEN IN A WRECK auna c-arrleîl hut flften cars. mtnaclug, tht- aulatrstitioriis asenrt. ____ tion w"as roîagha lu Waukegan that i Ita s'try beauty hais a sinister qnalIt, Prosident Johnson Stghtiy Iruissi- it-akarnan %iiiam Eckles sud Pire- they dlaim, ti baldert iii antiht-r Party on Munting Trip. niai Scairdl aer- badly scaideai. buti latigh-it la terrible, tht-y Bay. ,- this was denlt-d by tht- operatr r t oîî-' An Exemple cf the Laugh. Hleena, Mont, Feb. 2.- President1 mer station, who declaret! that bath The rther murntug In the- clty po- Ban Johnson, et the Americaz rmtn wene Praictlcally uninjurt-d. lit-t station when Airs. Seauousky waa Jague. Comiskey et Chicago, anti John At 2:30 thîs afternuon tht- condition !on trial for tht- ailegeti keeplng ut a Agnew arrivet htr. anti after a tev of Richard Stork avas repoted as re- dtsorderly houat-, she flashed h he eu Sxfrs ea boardthtr yach White vr muarkaibly gond by Dr. F. i. Knlghl, 'tater smille on a Mme. Hooligan. Toe ort u lagattraon hBerer. tht- crirpanys urgeon. Ht- bas tbree "Yrirrlie" ahe saiti as aelle rauteti - e Pat Ky.,tabatrain wreacte rîba fractureai, anibIs crllar bout-1la[Tht- volce vas 10w pltcited, but con- bruises W 1lPreaident Johnson the hrrikeu. Ht- teet are aiso trosted, but tatueti a voriti ritmenace. o«Il rmembers ofthUe Party uer. an- Dr. ltnlgit entertains strong balles ert Mma. Hooligan matie tht- aigu ritfte aJurcil. bIs rt-crvt-ry. cross andi saore (bat selletoldti he- « ____'___*_ lt- Is a marrleti man and hast a avîIf, trutit IORM4REACHES RIPEOLD AGE anda twor chîlairen resîtilng ln St. Louis. Mrs. Srianousky throav back ber ____ Hila tather lm ou the vay te Wauke- aitawled bht-ad dlaugheti. Thbod e i'lUO'V«erOld Tod&Y.-Faheu' e1 gain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h anil stxtctdta eiIa-aIoheanil that taugis sitatdereti.lit getven Children. rive bt- rt-eufftBit- thiza aterioon a&'- 1olti volumes. It sias the laugh oft a corilg ti ntomatlo rcela" trra' t-pitatripht-lt-aleat!ing along a Frausat, jNorrtstown, i Ps., b.2. - Richard jolIt. ay those whe have sucb notions. Dorui la 100 yeaes cîti today. He wus ____________bora la lreland. came tc New Youk What ISavo. Hem. ubos 80 yems cîianudbas bismila4 THESE MAY WED. Bilate Attorney Dady yesterday 'Wl. ,lCtilty for more thas hal it 4 Thomea Carroll. LaIke Forent, 32; j aid that the w"ma iglt have boa. f '7 May MoDemait!, 30. amté,thepeit bah yw1h erbiluXe ishasW5 aaMIyu &1 Visarlie A. jernherg, 30; Liulse B. bud w"m,$» *iUâdedtac iit M Or May b. Stop Prepamatomy te H&ate ing Receivma appeal te W&eaog* to Get Extensions of» that Rend an -RoaIly b. SoM - to point Of Saie.-Fox Laike dlo- nanIce Asetiwith tihe Rosi. (Sroms WedbasgyaSPm.) There te somethlng brewtne ka jthe affaira oethUe Cbage £ &Midl wakeEtOctrie Rallrad cel%!, lu a telepitone coinversation, jeitet- day Generai anager Macae êt ou, dere! the clty rtWaukegan te hg'ml* hlm avlthcertifit-ticopies of ail Mdi.> nances diat have paast-d hetweda (00 city and Bte rond. This rnrraing a typewritten> l«Weo reas8r eri tht- requeet andi thse cR7 avilI fumuis thlie nrdiuancos That ont-etof(vo ting a labou tW haPtien laecofidt-atly anttclpaffl:- 1. That tht- rondla IgettilgceotUWi Copies rit lie urdibiancea trot,&Il eltias' tri offer them as tnducenseii ta a jprospective purchaiter fer Bte enttra Rystens.11 2. Titat tht- roasl throasgh tIseteWmêt- t-m'a representative ull ak ft eX tensioni of fransc*" b Iore hi~ aun ua very short ti* sMdbeê -e 1 li boiréoe, te hiWe« Mùteýý wvise. t Stands. T'hé FbX Lake rea! orinsam*,Wb ske! for with tbe rost. PASSE> l Speaker Shurtlif Appeae 0We11,69 ln Sehaif of Bill and HO'eeffl * It, One I-uniredsu ad *lx A~'q Net aSinttgi. Nay--Bîiloivswowî~h ery and Fith Law Changoe. - (Prom Wstinudgy's SUN.) The Waulcegsn islng lam u batcheny bilt paaseth le aqebté of represeatatives teday l0 os .u*et single may veto e bdfg recordé&-,r The. vote passeit tEs foltowlng (he appegranceM ef the- hoaeqLlis abehaf o 1ý Sharieif mad a strcttg pies h Ila favor, The bIbi la a enbiato cd* CaPtain Richard Smiiths fishIu whlch provlt!qa for a8ccooti aW M uniforn i wtb ether staeO, sMd tutQ S higu lic-ens. for allen llshermjgfriés, otheT sale@, an&d for an oenes aee for pt-mit anti herring tise yeér' Mo ~. & avîith th- Stearna bill for a fiaishaIl" t-ny. Waukegan la ablowei17.011l:for ia flait hatcht-ry If the- bill ftnally oe# te senate.- TIse billslatidmitteci ta be coe et0 the- fsttmeasurea the clty bé.e ~e hat! awarded l. Thaiksam 4» t Captain Smith, vite trattoti sud *oç* et! bard for the hin, »~d M.Se ube îîrgot! its paissaes, as vtI>q -t Speaker Shurtieif. The SUSDN r bard ton th- pausae tfUt»seWý i about two anti a issif y'ears s<e more aid vas thse oasly Iilot u papen bu urge ie passage etr0uu. ATTEND WATERUAN FU~A Obequtes of Ext County OffolIW W a arrom Wedn~ eaaUs. County olfticai.y"Ut""a. the quit-t eubeft oftsA 14. Waterman.aiet et- vas burie! ln th*b. o9Mut vier. edaitbemdti, 1l Azntgthe»s attgAbe es p&iH earerse wmt Heytieckei', L0, W all41,L c""ïý Vire uf tht- muat serious feutures out the- great flood iluPl'aisLatht- firodlraî avrt-m700 mlles o e tW r, bt-lies tht-fumronsr atacombe aimai (vusubterraaeai bten fainous lu lt-ratire fora slongîiliii» 'lTht- plture shows a pary n mi catacombe. liraîrdateul 4rytIie ouerrlîav utthe- iSeiie, outaîrate boues rt-mort-i chant-hts and tht- burylng grouadsrudir 17N,. l'ie 'Y aere orgluatly tht- quainnies for coutrbnutig lIae iavIfibrt-a f tela cI V Weîi te Champs Elyset- quarter. ri oetilby tht-fliood,. tliousnitdsoft it-r> wtre put ta- aventoteereet a waililu t e The projected waik ut Edavairi Paysan %Veston.,te vetemari pedestrtan, tr disys. stantlng irontIre tormer cily lteh 1,I la uttractlng te attention oetmn %Wade H. Elilit. ordent-n bat Prt-ailernt Taitt tri Chicago tu assisilun the- btel ernuwnta bt-at knwa-rrust lusers." Ht- vas tormt-rly attorney gent-rail of ot-nuri Wlctershim.