Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Feb 1910, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVII[. NO. 20 TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY il, 1910-1-!Pages PART ONE $1.50o PER YEAR IN AI)V-AN\Cl. DAIRYMEN ORGANIZE FOR PROTECTION Milk Producers Met ln Chicago Mon- dey end Organiz.d Under Na- tional Danner t0 Get What They allUgo% t. be Thoir Rghts-Locsl for Lake County enid Vicinity Je ato Organlzed and Elect Offcers. The plan te foiun a national asso- ciation of milk producers, wbich la expected aventnally te embrace, everyi dairy tai-mln the Uinited States, was formally launcha-d at the annual con- vention ot the Mllk Prodncera' Pro- teotive association Monilay. when a commttea of live waa appoînted te dr&W up a constitution and by-laws and nominale offIcers for such organi- zation. Three bundred delegates. repre-i senting 3.600 Sllk poducers In andi around Chicago, took part ln thei meeting, hesîdes viziting delegatesj f rom tIoston, Milwauîkee, Iladisenii Troy. Illich., and other cilile The convention wa-s belinl the Central Y. M. C. A. bal 9. Il.Rawt. beau ofthob,-dairv divi- sion of lbhe tD-îar1nmetiiutf.Agricutltutre, came from \XXsciîngtoîîas cerî-ial itli rmentist ie etifc rtary XWilson.ieý ýase croîîîlani,îd biî <h ýMX h1litceî a ho le c lji-I of the mar-ket nilk sc- tion oft li itaw i sdiivision. E J. Fales softKing rceuni i ni ii wa s eIe'c ciprei(Ietit oftihe a s secisti<îî ii iit i-r J 1' XlP, ii lobo trii'i ma e,.-ected vît i;,-,-i dent frein Idiana, CF XX]iti vice prýiil-ttf fri ii X -rn, : l- Raiph (Chitiîlioî v ie- r-Fideit trîîin Illlinii(i J, . i h ir aloii .1 1F. X ul were r- --cî-idc itrv andîii re i le then weiit on te bol aat l said wene conversations aiih Pý tha- goras and Grant. XGrsîît hi- ced wai in a war ln spirit land and the world would learn nîuch te ts advantage when the victory was won,le sald that Grant was a prl'.ate in the heavenly warfare. Pytkiagoras on Earthquakes. Proceedlng after this te comtnuni- cate wth philosopher Pythagoras he told on behaîf of the suclent Greek the cause of the Charleetonenaert- quakes whlch Juat then stlrred the world. The cause that the spirit Pythagoras a8signed "ater a persOnLIa exaunînatien a" far as 1 arn able'- was that water beated lni the Interior of the earth and generatIng steam had caused the earthquakes. Mlraculoualy SavOd. Telllng hîslilfe storY ln complets- neaeWterman related however when a mare cbld he adha ben saved froun a brushl ire hy an unseen hand that grssped his band and led hlm Out of danger. He sald thst ever sînce that day he bad walked wth the unseen and acted on sprit guidance. It wag ten years later eat Water- mtan returned bere a 'broken ma-n. subJect te its, anîd the oniywasy be -ver reachd Wakegan safely was i) reaseti ef an address tag cea îd ini ibe lining of hie , cea lie waa, ier- ailve îxîreied tri Viauklegan The ret et is hisiiîry e ri iii aiw-il k tirwiî Claimed He Lost Much. ina iis rît, r, e. graiioti-il il, St Lois <mi r'irii rXXau riinriai . 11, hia, lest hi, ailnIrh0. Cil c.c ,fi. c il, ! aid, tu'f ai db iai ) -' l ,i jij-iier 1i g prot,r ib , inii ii,iaîr -ý1, d i -iroiri liiligi, Tl. i S hie ar rl-Ir- ip rer. reeptî-ciîi-hu htu î f XX -iii rîî,uu-,liiii l'of "Tie nill ireaIti has, a vîIt p rt i,îî,î aîî miii iîîi.'. iii'î t h' ii lit- ln the daîr, Jiiiiliitrv, bUt lo- îîîglit i ro i î of he si( iii iirk net tei lie île aboli' thing. - salîl Xlr Rawi, wabeaaddrcsc wasethe lrincîipal talk ufthte afiarniieti -Tuera are PROVIDE FOR TIIE nia-ny factors tuai coimalob the cei MILLBURN CEMETERV et the production sud distribution o!f__ mllk. and there la hardly auy cor- mnodty that tle consumier knows as Suent Srmth's Money from Heir ltte abo)ut. George W. Mason. $2.000, Prom The frt corslderatIen. iii niy Mrs. Jane McAister, $1,000, and mmnd. sboîîhd always lie qualt ', andl from Mr*. Beatrice Smith, $1.000 this, of coirse, tends te make the Make Cemetery Weil Endowed- price a uitile higher. To mani>iieo Wisli 10 Care for Loved One. pIe mil k la milik. theugb semaetfi t MiI titioba-s îîît Iii h ft îoîît et would b'-' iear '-a n If it aire gli - o Ihe IePnefi"l - 11.1 he ii ii re ot tht, awa-y '1iaie Jamnes lIî'nrî i Silenii i Suîtb. lic-O_ l'-u-oayuic ri W .fiii, 1 As a taitingi lujtrîlu tlîil,' îuý rîuuuc crs a-re urged te, practîce a înçuu- rugi il eceroieuv iu prnil i thng u îu,, eary wa-te rud te kucýep in thieir bri onu. guuuuul crias thi gav il- t ifilýteliietm i i, s sar AMOS WATERMAN WAS PECULIAR MAN Newsnaner Found n Effects o! Laie X, hue Ili,local iii,,taker. ri-reiveI a îrd frî,îîl- Fc'ii iJ, ' XP-'- hli touaiiifoT illX ianm Xl cee ofet i- agn, tuai Xi rXlasîîîî v îîhl gi v--c îi,iaiiah giti t,, tit, iXiiiîrn' ietlli- i, ry A-,u-ii'ltît1n io 1iii i itîjie oi $2lîîi ii iehiiiu iilin,-for lb.' men'tbu 'hi(Iil iil-i i fii , i 't ,t - îîîtsbi ii 0. ii, IT-i Lake Couniy Cierk ut 1848 Show iiuii u i"ii lIat Broken Old Man Posed as Li$ i, ir iii ii r Physmouan and Seer in Arkansas- Taîka wth Spirite for Gobe Peton ctat Reporters Benveft. <'iii iti uuuî. îu cci,izatin id un t i-hî-i- ofi tu, , oard i eiho rv 'lu reu madue knîîv i iiii anu dissuieut' futhi St. Lo.uis Globue- tlînuuîrat toîumi iii bis affecteý When In aboutltre year 1879 Watermsn left Waukegan, afler going broke,' Mater in Chancery and Counly Cierk Waierman of Waukegan became suidenly merg- cd intoDr, Watermnan cf Crescenit Springs, near Eureka Springs, Arkanss. There for sevan yiars tle toi-mer promInent Waukeganie eeme le have practiced medicnea. dia hair le let grow long. Trouble and medicatien turrowîd is broie. dis agi bagan te show. de was a patriarrh lu ap- pearance when s Globe Dimocrata (St. Louis) reporter totrnd bimat bis home In 1886, Telle Wonderful 510e-y. 'I iarnad merlu-me wilh a D1r. Cook" cxpiainid Watarmav te thi re- portai-. I did nef finish a course really k ad mucb sud then came wet county, Illinois, wbere it was a tes up betwîan laie and madicine sud I toek law.' Than ha teîd et lis carier haro sud ot bis rise te prominence. Then ca-me tie marvaiious part of bics si-y. Watermsn tlId the reporter thal he talked with spirIts nol only daily but hourly and that hl* -spiit frienda" were Genersl U. S. Grant, the ld Greek phil- osopher Pythagoras, and one even more exalted In natui-e whom ho would not noms. lils, lai ilO n lu it '- i i -l t i -"i.l. ti ul ilit i; i ! t i iii l a ni e fui i l\c t l ti- iltm o1 iii Ti 1s 111i il ui]. ,rn Th isi- 111,e i iiluitury scil, t iwlh ii tuati iiii aa uil Ic ui'ýrjitlii5uIy i ciii utai l M iv ii) a, i mihh drav e I i X l'Ii ttt il tee t. Te aesechctluîui îuiuuîîfi- seuars cge recelved a cash guftifî $1,il, ii frotlrs. Jatue McA lster ouit Mih huumî, thietprincpal ntte w ii-used. sud ouyIhe uîîlrcst dii Iveîl tIen- trot clould le splîiod on InrPrv- iî,g thei Xic 'vîister lot. Tbeîuiccus yicr suother gaverons gift wa-s re- ceived b>' île association Irem Irs Beasine Smith, the grandruther ot X'in. Smith Masoni. the douer et the ast gift of $2Q00.00. Tii conditions efth tiagreemuent drawfl Up. biMre. Beairisie Smithl bciîg identîcal with these et ber graudamiiWXilliam and aise Mrs. Allstir. Xiti thece thi-ce donations tIa i-imitai-y- bas a îurîetuîal bene11t fond et$400 0,thc interest tiare- trom easci yisr amounting te $24000 ase long as the six per cent intereat la accumulstlig inspecte Southern Illinois LUne for Bonds. Robai-t D. Wynn ofe Waukegan bas accepted a position with a big trac- tion firra and la 00w niai- St. LouIs angaged ln iuspecting the condition ef the Illinois Southern Traction Comn- pany lina now building betwean East St. Louis and Vandalia for the com pany, the name ef wici la net given. FOSS CANDIDATE FOR GOVIERNOR? Openiy Referred to as s Candidate for Goverfior of Illinois and Be- Hieves that Showing ln Late 8enator- lai Run Would Juatify Attempt- Line up of Congressmen Formidable. Wahingten, D. C., Feb. 7.Ilîlinois, though It may net kuow it, is threat- ened wth a descent upon it of a whele flock of congreBsmnen te fight for the Republcan nomination of gov- arnor. William A. Roudenherg of the Twenty-second district, Pleasaiet T Chapmtan of the Twenty-fonrth and George Edmund Fosof tha Tenth are among these who are contemplating district ln congress for the more Im- portant oeaof runnlng the wbole state. Of course Rodenberg has beau ail but an avowad candidate for monthB, and a formai anneuncement ma-y be muade by hlm at sny titre. It ls li- deed possible, thougb perbaps net lire- hable, that lie may decline atiother nomination for congregssud iiid.voe the naxitIwoî years te bis caiiaiKn iir the nomination fer goveruor. lie tied te the stokers shovel. lie had covriiîed th.e idea ot eetalilshing a pac'king business ln Mexico and b"- oning the Armour of South America. lie enlIsted the Intkrest of severai MenxIni Mexico, among theen Jose 1.1- mnanior or NiexIco City', minister of finance. certain concessions were obtalned f rom the Mexlcan govern- ment the principal of which wus the exclusive privilege of laiightering cat- tle ln XMexco Cty untll 1926. Then DeKay met Ham, who agreed te, financ&the scheme. The comnpany a-as incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, lit concessions capitalîz- ed sud DeKay departed for England wth a large bulk of the bonds wbicb he rîurposed disposing of there. PLACED STOCK IN ENGLANO. lie succeeded in plscing $6.000,000 ef theen. 'togetiler wftb t*u-thlrds of the $22.500.000 commonl stock, and about $306,000 of the floatlng debt, wth the British and Meican Trust (Ltd.) of London. Al went welI vntil the collapse of the ax-stoker's bank. Then the Eng- lishmen hecame alarmed, and on Feli- ruai-y 2 they appllad through their lo- cal counsel, ex-Gov. Gîk4., -J New Jersey, for the appointment ef a re- ceiver. andî ihspma-n, hovever, c ii-w Anid, was appointed by Judge Isnnlsg lu accordîng te reliorssstîîeng iii, Iliithe United States circuit court. de iii.i iuîreviutaiiNt c. thfiîr aiii-,ci wli take possession et the proerty et iased uieu the orfluct , a gîtierai -the company thers as an anclllary re- luiluli anîd s lotng irîîg <f <aniiditi, eie Tii,- iiicisin cf bi îîii vll ýi 1,'-ii111lirn tli- kini f cii,î i lii t i, ,a i-dý UNIONS CANNOT US! Fuss a H Ambitions. BAYCOTT NOW i-'s ii- i, liii lrgic- ail iîiîriii hii,l mil.- t-iiiiii i joîbîa, fîîigri ., IndividUel Members of Uniuns are Tllrýfoiii ol, ilne nd hp il- Bound ly Actions of Theîc Officeca J, î,iiîi g i i nh h..iý ijtll histhe Big and Vital Pint ut thel t loiqikîi-. i tl 1,_ , 1lîi i,iit giii Decision whîch Sets Precedent-. il uSi i it ~Sherman Law Protecla Manufectur eus frum the Buycott it Seeis. EX-EDITOR TE[LLS__ IlIS STORY IN f ULI ia iiiu, ?nn., Fîl -i -- iii' iii the hattera' trial lu th, 1t S cii- Latest deaicled acceunits et the baik cuit court Saturday, lttir bear- rtwuty lDzoceedings Ln which tax- ing the charge hy Judge, James P. Jean National Parking Compiany, the Plaît directîîîg t to briîîg in s verdic t DeKay conîpsuy, is itivoiveul show-e d fuor ihe plaintif. fixed thi- anîîîîîîîi ot ,)ii their arrivai frontî ScaXiiik 1i td.iages vi 1).it>E.hait ac &l'o wei--k the tîîlaliit cdcv e h)uitnint c d icivrtoîî ailiiti Laivir 1. The packlng compsny, head- ed by an ex-Waukegan editor, wss fsrmed by himacît, an ex-railu-oad stoker, who giadualed froto a ci- gar store to a bank, and a Mexi- can cabinet mintister, 2. Governmenî officiais hîgh up are conected wth the company, whici, had the approval, if nul the support of the Diaz administra- lion, and t ls nol believed thati the wreck of the cuncern will lie permitted. 3. Details of DeKay's scheme ot organization are revesled, l'i iii- vc haptîrs ln the csru'er et thý ii' ',cikiganite arc Inieresting and îîîîme1,î a-i tîîhd iti the Ncvv Yorik XX'rld c- fi hie - DelgAYS STORY IN FULL. -A, ti t-uîuuicîîîîî ouitihe clcclîîg ot the i1i SuiS tBatikîig oiiaityi uif NlXii v- iau iii ttiitl fuundî-d î th.. sacuirS iI îiic ritafoitrM, rriviiiî ,o -r.i ia ic N, i i. ai, iiuii \ etursey coi îîr i jil duîug bus- Ini--s crîîec the iborde-r The hacn îg comiii,îîî ms.bîen fi na-uc, il iithei-n s!oku r sqiank, sud a boit uchelater faîildliecanse of lie Ii l. h thi iiiiet s dîliciti of abot 400,000 hesris. the parking conîanys funde. hIs shhleged, were tisd np. George . ldam was the preqIdeut ot the bauhklng cempauy, A conmpara- tlvely fcw erBa ago ha wase a stoker on a raihroad lu Canada. Temptad by the igler wages In Xexico l weut there sud wae se tbrifty tiat ceeu ha bei-a-ve a sort et buiker tor- lis teliew eiupioyeas, dlscounting their wsgee. This side lnini stoklng provad se profitable that Flan)ln a- very short tîma dropped the sboyaI altogether sud bagan prîîduciug suother kiud et emoka liv selliug cigare In a littie store Itn 'Mexce Ciy. HAM BRANCHED OUT. Next ha brancbed eut by handling Amen-can axchauge, iben set up ahoip as s bauker aud cvaulually establieli- ed the coui-a wiîl the hîgli sounding ttle eftihe ilnited States BankIng Companuy of Mexice City. Soon atter that bail bean tounded and dam had elecied blînsaîf preii dent, ove John W. BeKay went te Mexico City. de bcd beau the pro- $74 0iu As. the Sherîmanîl iii i iru-i ci mdci iiiici. the actionîîmîa 's biîîîgbî aîhuo- trîhuhîe usamages, Jîdge Plit molîi îulicd thi $-,4,10 i)lii ibnie. niaking the a îîîîîîît fuît v% hichiî lb,'d-fc-udcîîi,, ari h si uit hilrîich , foi- $'0 îîîuî hciiu lai ii tral hfor clI dci ii f ,a, ciitI. il Xtr hi iî i 'tii' il - itîiî i i iii,itiuter i- i lu'I Ir il. ýi ' i iufs turui2 îîîîî ith ujth $5. io ii, Iiihi J ii 8.4 iiiiii- datîjagi s Case Consideced Most Important. 1h,îur,- ii,, ri iiii - ,, il-. 'i. lb.uili-1,ilil", îii!d i"ts c- îu, i 1i for a lhI i il-l theiî i Spi,uiuiing ii, i I iP, il,, ii lis - of A i tI i -' I ,! i t li c I, t Il i iîî-î I-c i îj- - eîiîîr cîlujî l for the plaitif!ut]i 'Furet, ilu ii t iat liuliii il rnenhere ouit-uiionurs aru- hoiîîdî iuy the action f i iIir oulciri an 1 Ibiy carnuilchov tiiiv te do lic ihi', pîcasi. "SecondIl iiit,, iuimi lat the Sherarn anti-tu ust lave priiti ci.. uaiufa-cturri sud marchants frontmuIueYCOtt attack' - "Iu substaur-,il. uti, c nia'dechara- tIen of Indapeudiiui - A tav et axecuuion et eîxty dv was grauted. Th, defendanta will appeal Je the CruitCourtuit Api- pease. GONE TO CARSON CITY, NEVADA L. J. Wiimot Leaves as Guard for s Federai Prisoner. L.J. Wilnîot lefti rida-y nîglit witb Bapoty Uuited StateXlrshal Edward Mai-alles and a pru. ea natned Fow- er toi- Carson Ciy. Nev,, where Few- ler le veantad for cllýed post office fraude lvii.-WXilmiot vunt With the marehal lu tbeecriY ot s guard sud wii lave a flue utri,. Ha WIll visît prietor ot a- socli publichlng bouse wth relatives lu cloera-do sud wlil Iv WhIteweod, S. Bah. go te San Fiancisco hatore ha i-tome THE ARMOUR OF MEXICO. homne. dia expeneas wlll ha pad, ln- But Mi-. DeKay couId net ba confin- cludiuug a- Puhlman sleeping car bai-fb ad by the an-iioie bounda et that sud ha le mskivg tii trIp s vocationl business avy moi-e than Ha-m could ove. POULTRY FANCIERS SANITATION PLAN ANNUAL MIEETING AT NAVAL SCI-IOL i lionois Poultry Fanciars Associationi Heid Annual Meeting Saturday Nlght and Dscussed Polilues and Elected Offcers-Manageriail lneup for Show Next Vear. The annual meeting of the Illinois Poultry Fanciers' Association was baid on Saturday evening at the city offices. when the association auected the folowing efficers for the coming yeary: Prasldent-R. E. Heath. First Vice Presideut-WV1. Lyen. Second Vice President-F. i.-i l- ler. Serretary-T. B.Gleave. Treasurer-E. T.Sargent. Suparintandeut et Show Burke. .Frank1 Boa-rd o! Directors Chairnian, F. Burke; G. Bairstow, E. H. Lenning, R. C. <'onolîX - L. A. Doolittle. The meeting was an enthusiastie une sud riich satisfaction sud gond feeling was e orrssed by the faLncers lîresent - who lad exhibitîd birds at the- sucueeciîîl aiearecentiy betd ln t he A rnoîl i, sondhroîîoîur eî iii cx- lirter,îxhîîîîî s to ,, lithce tsoiw ln the state îîaieidî- et the gîcat tCicago Showa Il'imîîî are ci crted for ihîld- ig a ti.1licter showi,, ti-MiSiii, vii F-rai hiînireifliis, aitîg a,wIu 'v n i oîîîî-, l.nîd ail intîiltrrtîS',irS n IjuIb i liritng lioiiIatii lfor show 1,> iiîllît i iiî îîî i iiiiin llli aloîîg 1i Il, ciui i vorkI, ls uiîiîug ilie îii5i Lii iîîeî,tiîîg i i- îih ia uot.- cf ilii I li bh,- it g it r, îb', 1iî-tdi ut- FiR leaili T Aitîtt i icciiit- FrilE. Allie, Supelien-îden t cf Stiowa F.Bur ke- A t ising v ete et thsnke aas tiien gîî en te the nîîvcîaueruu et Wsuke- gsn for their liiety assistance and hlci l aIs, o the- , a-or, F.XW. Buck anid thc n i iiier', etf(ho cii ounceil andîU . J iager, ctndi li thers a ho îî kiiidli ýdiii teî i slcer clipsîanasc- s'it uIithe a swat. t fn rca The iexi rcgîîl.r tjîeeiiug w Il lic behul Mar( b 5. pliaci etfnmeeting te lia announciiî Ister. SCMOOL AND HOME ARE RESPONSIBIL! Prof. Seat-es Tells 300 Teachers ai Highland Park Jhai Oftentîmes Wrong Conception in Regacd iv Deicate Things Wcecked Lices- Blair defines Responsiilies of Srhoh and Home. SItilui il l, 1 i. I ii i ii imitS.11 l lýa'V ilai, li , i i u-iiu i t il,7 -t.' i - r li i, 'Ii iiii, eachii i i i i ti ht-- , ,ir iî,îuîîîîui ui ,îî1 l,, l iii iý ilitvtiiihiiii, Proîf Sa-i l u il illuit illli il ii- taîîglit ht iii iii ini uugrii ti ( iliat- -ul ii ainld ,,ii i. u-d lh t îîîîtîî ai ui ktiuwli-ile u it ili-, i ilbju-ci ciiI. a lite. Pro f.XX cikur iiilii ta t i iuiîpri(- d i n îî îîî ith a u s uîîi lc-,,anîuidiJ chcrî-d that tîtîhess tue i roîlucci of the- toto-liacs suh he cati nu-vui-r ie a gresi singer. Mie8s Hardie recitî-îi Ruskines Kinir cf tbe Golnden dlv ci- andt îiltif sti t, hhlugliiit tcegrades Suierinti-uit Sujithtlectîu ii doi 'Infanîtt nîiustu1ev" wiîh the aid o<uthlb,-iee, ,rîîtîcouî. Example for Whole North Shore Fur- nished by Gocernmeni. Little Bene- fit le Trade from Big Station as Supplies are Boughl in East. Three big festoies at ithetUnited States naval trainilng etationu are te make it an example te the entire nertli shoea ncluding Xaukegan foc modern sanitation. They are: 1. Waier fler system,. 2. Sewage treatment systemn. 3. Hospital and refrigeralion fa- cilltles, The water plant will filter the water supply systamn acmrding te the ai-- cepted standards sud willi comprise nothlng new in metbod. The ropperas method being so strauuously nrged by the steel trust will net ha, used. Tb@ sewage systaru will lie atter the spray pattern, Sewage wlll be separated Intô aollds sud liquida and the soieuil aI lie trealted iv a niare te make tham harniless te bealili Tha liquida wlll be spi-ayecl te get aeration sud the air la exPecled te ptîrify ibîn ti coîînectiln a tb thes îîrocass. The hovîital csten, iulilibe the' nîlsi conitlete snd expensveI n 0the îîîîdlie Wesit Local Trade Bentefits Litle. Le, a t ruile le tii benefit lut litile froni the nîcaal raining station fer the 'litille r a-oit that li stuptîlies are t e oi'n conimi iu madle i Washbingtonî an, i I muo andiiNi-w York ailh pro- i ciii, bvi iefit vîîîvt Xaiikegaîî i ii j'el]th ibe tîtuiii tlîixiiiles otily. Contracta lu Be Let. 111 theirlî clîrînz the gorernmntt ,Li! 1,( aho iai a0o, Worth et con- fmii i fthe ib îcîl h ii g station in Nih ii,i-go. OniltaXrch t1-,ti' gciîrnmnueti ilîl 1-ith îî-oni cutcifer a cotîl crocher. i lie oflitl, are utîshie te give a-uv fig tires as the specificatlons have net tîcen retiirned from the niavy dapart- me'nt at Wasbington. On Aprîl 1 the governotent will lIt a cnifract foi- a conrrete brldgu wbh will ceunect the main plateau with the receicing plateau. The officiaIs as- Irnste that the building a111 cnet $16.- FOWLER GETS A GOOD FAT JOB Former ýUN Editor Who Distinguish- ed, Self by Aggresslve and Useful Career Here Goes Prom Board of Local Improvementa le Qne of the Biggest Municipal Jobs ln Country -Now Chicago City OffliIa. Frank T. Fowler, a member of the Chica-go board 0f local improvements, Xlonday was appolnted temnporary superîntendent of stre«ts by Commais- sioner of Public Works John J. Haie- berg. The appointînent la feor sixty days sud was made as a result of the situation which followed a recant r-I Ing by Judge ScanLIan. tylng UV the civil service commission. Waokeffl heartily congratula-tes Mr. Fewler and wishes hlm -dia permanent appoint- ment. John T. Fetheaton, the New York expert, wss first ln tbe examinsution held by the commission teoUfl the Va-. ra.ucy caîîsed by the death of Michael Doherty. The test was opened te noureeldients. Later suit was started in behaîf ut a number of ward superin- tendants askiug that. the axaminatOLn for the position be marle promotional. 'Olr. Kethercion came 10 Cnicago, ciii atter looklng the situation over de, ided net te sccept the job on se- cuîît oethIe legai tangle. Mlr. Fea-er stood sixth ln the list of that exanulnatioii, baviug the sec- et ci higbîst standing ln- al axcîpt the lu gîi-reîîg fi'îtirei. [le la not an -jtîginercr.butniînagu-d te surpasa9 eigii i igineeci c w iriteck the test. ' i iii tnt like tc nialc aiîy broad ciciet, enta ac te abat I will d,' ha ccfdinii cealing et bis plans. 'Il'wil saybeivever, that I1intend te pitch right lit, regardiese et whether My job is te last six or sixty days' I bave hopes ef heing 'able to sec- ceniillli congiderabie, and I Wilîl do nu' lest to make the street depai-t- nient an efficient organiza-tIon," Nli-. Fowler reasgned bis position as a member of the boa-rd of local im- provemants ln the aflernoon, and will begIn his 158w fOtti bis Morning. $62,000 CLAIM IS DISALLOWED Refrigeration Plant.- lu the sîîrlng a otraci veut le lai Theodore C. Henry Cielm for Thaft feu s $27,0iu0 rfrigersilon plant. Amount in Commission* Againat 1H. Coniracis wili aIse ble lt fuir a two Estale of Late John V. Farwell se stori' vrick nurses' home, 610 hy 40 Dlsallowed and Costa of $X.70 are felt sud feu a routa-ginua bospîtel Assessged to Plalntiff-Appeal Bond 3, bs lIii tuet, The designs et thise Sel ai $200 in Case of Appeal. etiuvîîturî-s yul bu' inikeeping wa-lth îe gu terai building ci-erne of the raser- The cIa-mu et Theodere C. Henry, i uîi loitu Tue officia-au wr,'uable te hrenotar sud reaîty dealier of Denver tg-u * %îîîfigures, as the spcificalione and Celuorado ln generaI, for $62.500 lu, enut eiîe-îu mi iiuiii i îlfon te usi yîigainct the estate et the late John V. Iiýiitiunîu Farvel etf Lake Foi-est was dlaallew- Work et Standtilll. i-i Tuesday ini tle proba-te court Thtev oii.t ithe na, lstaionltu ( it take ceuvîy sud cosîs et $3670 prativattcii ma isiauilctili The ce- cri' sesesseul againat thi plaintiff ité ruuuuiuituas nit 1îîrnlittetiIe!îvliutIctheappeal bond, ln caeeetfan loiiig i lii uii uii - cuiý ý rifor tht, imuî,îu-ch, fxeuiat $200. pam, t tslut ii Theî icee Is eue, it ia slleged, where Theu uîulî tic, li iîîmu( loiue cul he îînuuuicieîît îîuef dicalieveed the cdaim uic, c I tii t-ii ii mse0fcour i euec fure .1 udge Joues. It. Ie lntioated ui 1h1wi i -tmiit .;,t vpioc he tmttatiliusy lie crind hîglier up. p lain itI IeIo pî i ing 'utiediiiibuit litiuiuii rimed tlat afier la had Ii i.,ïi"ilt1[Suit)i 1mii i i11m1119ugthe 1 miade alrrangemnets fer a eai te cul - if îîr, ,im - i plltILc as th u httin ii Montvmuma Lcand & Xatir Com- 1 i .l ii i- 11 it)ii un chai i îu1,11, igîts lui wbIuh thclaie Lake i i mu i iniii ucrIthemulinig lu Fureter was Inlerestid, the decl was ýO o t-t tiii il deaon oîly t e ha ccripted later XVii Iiuon i, i -. itahlbuildin gsc siii jtde hiieitly et hlm, whiritore ha I-1tici i-u:t a etcuudctiih as ihe nrh,îîlanu'd lis commission. ..sjjt i u uccihl iv eiihei. Oiher Counly Court News. A uici c f the ueildinîgs uecriug tutuge D . L.Joues îirestdis ln tha coîuuîîuî-tunu ihI ii b'aucaepteul by the nouuty court Tuesday sudheard case Rus l Leave for Florida. Adminrai Ruisa eauu eon the lthtifor Fhorla and wilramam ibare util tue middle et April. The admnira-I %i II continue te act as commandant et hie station sud ait businîesat tha ai-a statin will lia bandled by in, Mai-shals Wear Unforrus. Dînrîty Uitedtai teSsti rurad e Will Fuiiow Chicago Aidermanic P-i. vearing a plain unuvfrm In eeutornuuty maries by Two Weeks. a ihI tle raceut raquust made by Ad- Reu hublîccu f'oîurt uentral Commit- mirai Rocs The cînfonm is bloc sud t'e' i airmnsu Itmîertu Conilly th-s nla-i-t5. a policean$ieunifornu ani weîîk sîctedlilthaîlte city primai-ilic irimmed wa-hI naval buttons. Thi les ailpi biii~.v lie hld ta- eveks a ui-hal a lii net iear s ragultîon mfter île cilioe cdermanhi- primai- uuIoite u til île eBcool le termchty le ounAan, h 3.whuch iveuld laid the eed bv tbegoverumaut. teeeh aient aboîut Xarr 17. lui regard l te bu' nity pri-lariesý NEW SUITS WILED. thete le net c greai miai et weriy, a luit-ohbfoidsi-hmidt vs. P. Sebeanlo- lu is bellevîd that tue naw primai-y fin Ireaiug Comupauy, appeal. laie wbiuh bas paie-cul the bouse or a- F D. larraiibee vs. Cake Foi-est U'ni- othîr taie wll be effective by thetlime veueîîv. îredîuasen casea ounpromises, it i., neufled for couuumir avants. $700 chaim. Tbeni are fea' mr ne ci-ty or toien candlds t hus feirsxicpt that ToWvn Collecter mXtawtie iîhii-n again fer INCREASE OF CAPITAL. tieoffice, whillîTenui Clark Hatrhil- 1aeaFiniest Ici Company, take son wilI et roui-ce la renommated sud 1Foi-est; capital lnci-eased ti-oru$4,000 reeleited. i te $10.000. sud XWiliam A. Strang. It la a suilt fer doubla ret-eui whlch il is alieged tîsI XMr. Fagan ieillfully ienalned ln a houaietfXMr. Carmans located at .31 Granud avenue aller the expiration et hua lia-se, The lease expiredt May 1, 1907, and Fegan continuad to occnpy the preperty until May 29 o! the »Me year hacaneaetfilînees, wblch hea]a- lu-ged prevavtad hlm froni giving np posesseaion of the property at the Unie veî the lease expii-ed. One hnndred dollans ha the amount sued for, At- torney John D. Pope reprasented Car- nman and Attorney P. L. Persona ln spîiiarlng for Mi-. Fegan. An information bas been filld againet s blind pig keaper for selllng luluor wtiout a liceose. The ar-est las not bain made yet sud the naine la withbald. ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT. 701I0-C1ty et Highland Park vs. Me- Mullin: motion appoaled 10 continue sllowad sud case continued untl April taiou They ail get ronîts: DoctOri. 1mw- yen. merchants am oU lItidanU.BO wise and mdvrtise-ItPaYs. Ou- waiet colnmo la a winnr.

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