LACt COUNTY UNDEPENDENT1 OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY OU.. ceTIledocee No. '*i glorsResidence Telepiione No, 1141. Llert.vville Exchiage Ictered et th. Postotnie et Ubertyvillel. as MSecond ci:-n Mter 1991f3DWBatLy. *UVXKTISING RBTMS MAUXs K.N WN, ON IPi Ti SUBSORIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY EN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUST.,................................ ................ .... Editor FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, lfl1. PRIMARY LAW IN THE MAKING. A direct prlmary bll, esentlally thie QEd OgIesffy act, declared unconsti- tutional by the. Supreme court,.lent week paused thie Mouse..t waa fiercely chargsd that the bill in knowingly and wilfully unconstitutional. lae t possible the Illinos legiclature wEIE again hand the people a faIne prlmary 15w? The people are warranted in concludlng t le, and furtiier, quite probablel We have hacE juat al6out enough of thija character of leglslation. It la tErne oui, representaitvea awake to the fact-thât they comprehend the. people are mlghtlly in carnest in the demand for a direct primary aw that la honest and rigEit. Nobody is fooled by these Springfield antics, though many are disguated and mont evecybody mad. There les not a man whom God ha& given average intelligence but knows theIllnois legisiature could, If it wi led. pan a constitutional direct prima. ry law such as la demanded by the great mass of votera. If we get another unconstîtutlonaE primary law, it wiEE be the result of delbrate cacuiation with that end in vlew. But in that event there wiE remain the satisfying knowEedge w. tan vote for qr againat thone representatives who aid and abet in this contemptible triclcery, ns the spirit moves us. And tih. apirit la weary with long auffering! STAMP SLOT MACHINES. According to, an announcement juat mode n on. of the bulletEnsa Enued by thie postaE department the government has put the seaE of approvaE on machines from whilch on% can maIn. purchasea. Ti' buletEn aMates that the government wiEE now IEnue $temnin rails of 500 and 1,000 .ach. The rolla wEEEb. made n two ways, one of which wuEE have the *tamps end to, end, and the. other wEEE have them engthwlse, there beEng a perforatEon betwecn the atampa and perniltting of themn being pulied1 out anrd sold one at a tErne or n lots. Anotiier announcement En alto made En the builletin, thils belng to the1 effect that persona purciiasing staniped paper ut the postomoie and destroylng1 t by mdirecting or otherwlse before the stamp la carfcelled may redeem t et the wlndow. On envelopea and wrappers the face value of the stamps on the prlnted rnatter wEEE b. allowed for that d.stroyed. wEiEEe on postai carde seventy-flve per cent of tht face value wîEE be returned. .The government ln ful of new wrlnlcles now and announcementa were gaEore in the recently Eaued bulletin. Another En that hereafter postal carde may be purchas.d n sheeta of sixty, five wide and twelve deep, this making a aheet 27V2e by 39/2nches. This la done to accomodate printors who gete orders for large lota o! cards from manufacturing companiea who us. them for tatements of due&, and also notice carda for the coming of commercial mien. The sheets wiEE shlow of the entire sIxty being printed at once, andi then they may be cut tu the reguEar size by the printer. CITIZEN'S BAND MASQUERADE BAL Held Under the Auspicts of the CiE- zsna Band Friday Evening, Was Largsly Attended. Frlday eveniug oI last week wa. a gWa a vent for the lads and la@sies of Lberty villeansid vicinity. It mascaused by tbe annusl maequerade hall given by the band, and about ninety couple irere la attendance n masks besîdes a large aumber of aprathrs. Thosa magked irere lrom thaenublmne to theMost tomical, both being greatly adrnlred, sapsclly tha latter, whieai caused many rounds of merrlmentu.t laItct Etira an occasion long te b. remnembaved, ms nothlng happened 10 Mair tii. phsesntmesof thea sveing. thus addlng many laurei 10 * this organIsatIon whlch la an bonor to aur cite. Tbe musc was furnisaed by Hapk's orchetra, which aIl know ira& of!theboast, ths dancers trpping tht l'îght fantasdc" til a late hoor. The. prises awai'ded ar, as toilai., Boat gOut's costume, Arthur Kirchhoff;l: comical gent'@, Chan. Setîer;, let lady.m eoétnme,vMln8 Bertha Mailun. conîmealL lady'@, lMr@. Chari" Seiler. In addition 10 the aliore hirzen. i1.0 gronp prIs.were aI,,, giveil, une of mbieb wa. a Bier Btrown aud Mary- jane, andltmc th lier ocre nultn l'la! e from varlegaied îape.r oiii ajdd al greatlealure whihventu. Endorses Quetin. There i. a iertlait, uere uf* lu, ou prîde- w lilici i-er ' t, i i ccl cîîî, of their f I'lli iuniri , .1 o, ,î office îîid tIi,' pehî'lpit of .r lunInhil pros en lihi un bcvnd q i otii % th ti,-. Quentliiians ulla f'or County Treasurer how cuaim ne 1,11, lululi most? 14 thie questio n wli uw.. vill @Don lbe at iag orle a1,1,01 1,c.nuittir those irbuarc loyal and t ,xoi uîld -eu as Il it wouud Elx- îearl. itfuit .otf unamious, thal un r,'îirrinc ig iî lut the County(Bard, an Suî,crsour, ait (ibis lime. wîîuîd keet i m iiuam touch wîth th inlîncxre ut cof crv tom in tLe euitiniv, wiu n î,ul ai4o lui gladto Süe oune il their rîieîîll,cnc uit vanced, wuiuld bu' vîtmi, re eici lui liio than anything wiii we umgit do tfr him aI timtillie. , Vulile Ilîcre liai- beau others uertioi, .as possibule ai, dîdales, tîut a Iel tic, situatiom n i thorongilY Uîdertuuid, ir un flaýi li pmobable that an.y(une n il reton. lu nul hlm o0 thîs tepiiog nîurîc lmIiuh niahil b. mucti needcd, %% hen it ornesa v.kinse tbeoonntyofficean(uE utwe (Ioibis, ne eam sa, we dîd our bcdt for our tua i.- man, mbatever îuay 4te tii.1aI hut- - coraeaand right here th *tIli,' anmd pae"Booat for George and giv Ili, tho baat start you eanu t hunte Vo-vRaI A -,ilTA Xl'A V E lis W. ame makîng9 a speial on tua mv Dâ&hy. Try El LiBERTiv-iLLE Lt uais v 'JOIt Brave Boys. An incident of inierent 10 Highland Park pecople was tie bras cry displa3cd by the Schauffler boysn ible bunttng outhe lake shore aI Fort Sheridan durîng the b olidays. Their cousin. Manvil Coomubs, a sludent of Purdue unlverslîv, wbo wu. bere spending the holiday. with them. sentured t00 far ouI on the tibm ce whicb gave way, throwtng hlm nte the vater. Allan, Henry and Bennett, by lylng flat on the ce and tîy holding each other by the f eot managed te formu a chain and Pulled Young Coombs out. saanng hlm frorn drownlng. The boys are 10 be congraulated on their bras-erv and qulck action.-North Shore Newrs Let- ter. Police Take Drastlc Messuram te Put an End te Abuse. Chargea o! dlaorderly conduct iri preferred agatost tira soldlers ibo irere arreated lutI week wben found ln company wllh tiro young girls on the sîreels. The parents of the girls state thal ibey mIl aend Iheîr daugb- tens awaaî o echools, irere they mil be ptarud under discpline The soldicrs werc ftncd next morn- iug n the pollIceCourt and allowed te return to Fort Sherîmlan. Th, gli 1 "i",nu,,l .a(edln cpilla. but nero îa,'liIci 1eir hornieand i lel r mumulic r. iv turnicd of t i r cron- duI ivi euh Ie uoldcrn n t i, u , i St uîu t i. n u- d ,I I fien s , îuru muni I ..i' ;,r'tuur. . illeu', lîi ir,. îI i m. l as,- ' c.i 'f iuluî. mi',i , tunractors nd, I i ii, um lî- , , . a Illi'. ' cri.,î u. i Mr@. John mcormick, asissted by MIr@. Edith Warren and Mrs. JaY Morse, entertained the Alpha Club TuesdaY eveîing of iis week. A iirogram con- sisting of ocseral tuusical numbers rendored j» Miss (liard, Mise LilaL Me- Cormiek, Ed McCorrniek, Ussticheumao, and Helen Dework, a violliis, whlch showed a great deal of talent and a reading by %Ira. Frank Just. Ail numbars wri enjoyed hy those present. The lunch was exceptiionally fine andeer- one depaerîad feeling it was ana ol b, pleesanteocial affaire of the Beason. The hlghohool eaIurtmlnment at thbe town hall, Frlday evaning, Feb li1th, preeantsEin gong, tory and pictureaa muIt unique and lapinatlng POrtr&Yal Gil native lits, inlbheSouth Ses Islands, wilb a snparh ,ettlng of primitive cos- turnes, curlos, ceremonie8 and tbree bundred beautiful vis.. Should the I Tirne is More Valuable Ail The While Employerm demand IProlfltnas8 and minutes are as valîîahle as, hours Used ti 4e He i. a wise mail who appreciates liaI lIme ie money. This eîphasizes the ned of excilepiaes. No one thFse days eau aBford hi carry a 00w-slow, now-at lime plece. ne Miglît juat about as Weill gnqa the lima trom the simn as l'IEo g'reat graddfalhar ussd to do. Pleaee remembar that viea are tErne speclatisîs. We maire rigit ail sorts of wrong tîrnekeepers. We seilfaIl the dependable clocks and watclîaa. W. match the Io weet of price and ire Invite you to bother us aiE you like. A Lt TC"C pîatrons anîlfriend8 belp tla mako Ibis a II I 1 z b succeas, il would encourage the effort. of the Sehool and resol in a play given THE JEWELER by one of the classes ,uîneîime in May. iriîe 1. Tick-ela are 35 and 25 cents; reerved LbryilIl omtIs at the drug @tore. -2-lt1 Thîe city of Elgin ie îîîaking a great effort ta oblate the horne office of thîe Myatic Worlîer order, whleh lesnow located at Fulton, Ili. The Commrerc'ial REI'S -A SHOE THAT WILL SATISFY YOU- Club bas taken hoid of the project amd It'atheMenz"Eaa." Made foreveryday, ontdoor service in âllsorts ofwasher, i. putting up a vigorous campaign to ecisWly fWyeur kind orwoe-k, andil'&s tht casies, mo#t comrf'ortable &hoc you can boy. land the pria.. Elgin woul prove an The upper leather is our own spcia Mcnz « Eaue" ProcesaofTannage. So sou mad idealcitv în which tu locate the head pliable litrenibds yo of glove leatbr, very eay on yourfice:, oeither hcat, water nor office. It lanirell iocted. huaanunierou seriewill aden lia ad yet it'a tht toqýhmstarongest upper Icathér isnàed. railmoade and inotherreapectssadapted aI ta tneet ail the requrementa and lae mucbhi be preferred over Fulton, the pruefent head office location. Other Menz ««Rase" @hom aa à !uely sofld mand thorouglIy hooct- cille. may enter for the honor but jumt muaitu or w. would n00< br of them giving oneto three noir the fight selems contined to Elgin yer servicesand the upperioutwearing twoto six pairsof and Flton.tapa. They wM l udsfy you in every way. Always fit per. Mionday eeing, Truman Taylor and fecdly-wiU give you solid comfort ail the day long- will anul a number of bis schoolmatea ireawear like youwviant a shoc îowear-andbeuî cf aIlvil] asve eoasîing on Wrght's Court, and when you moncy. hie arrived at the foot of the bill aI We.eeeMdy thne speciaLimde.otng -nire frecterry and ailii Broadwvay, a oleigh loaded witb coal in 1è yssrr' hos-rhe Meum 'E... for mernand iE i siglil. andl wih tbe relocity at wbich liedulnr rho.-hA RIA BO Iras ucîiniz. il ýaa impossible for im, la SENT FREE-CATALOGUE stý ls oate t oe ide, and at the ub.uaetinofe piioeosJsvui er l1» Me.,. "" nd nicir hi, Vuuastei10 tille ien Boy' stylesIEn aIl heighu f-rn, 6 mi o-k smp ule îît4c driver of the uPied dd1101 Sh o 18 kmfftii wtinzbOOt8 sec lin,îcommit nt ime for hirn lu gel M-i E.~illiosed m. the plý.-meo out of the wav. and Truîman and himmed bloehec-smidacd s. ferued,$2~ passcd u oderneath the box bebtweer ie 0 --t-tlils'ihta'le, une. $350_ j 12, EE .idh,and . -nyu.t runniers. knocktng hini off, whictîree@ultedWés d r ot. « Iti 5ýj .,1 **Ir in lùIî lieîg nmiresior lesbruîsed. He -II b, th . - -r-s .'-4«A -0 ovas taken thie liuiîie ouie Oîncuîle, lDr. B&"" 5.7- t- rcY-. e'y-. -is thde-.t r. - .aILcgi- Fsa.I ps Tayloir, amdui utin evninatiiun.* ilwaa .1.'ihs'.s.t.W.s..c.... lound iliat hîiinuries Irere siight. 'TO S h e eay the rn.i r as a remarkatilèecapp . yà .s«x -»P« sCompany. aînd coanîcre siiuuld lie nmore careful 1 - _. - wible enjoyiog thie nasetîme. as FerionsDbi "n5its niav arise irom inegligence lin Il ir part. bMemorian. In Rad but ovinx memory of George James Dyer. irbose mnlerious dealb aoj'nrred at the Jane MeAlilster bospilal ou Feti. 11, 1908. 1e-es.S..retainuay my iss.m Eart, tihe lonely es.ket keetin, And the . snbes. long tu huger Wbere ,y darfintg Ceorge .1eeis. Esceirei dear George busonos forever. Tisere i«Mlibe . gEneouis a: ire .1,511meei Su part no more on th. c rlreeon tors Thosah tht darlur lom ,le.elà l10 e olid a tent 10mb. Th- h-11 aath.t a lol.. skE.i Wien. the biesseliLord 4051 cose. LOVINO PARE NTS Presbyierian Church Notice. 141 M, a.niu.iisrning seeviný, cmiilun- ion. rec..,imimutofmomtsr., bapçi inl Il 47-a&ilm-Surdar e, houE 7 :30p, ln Mir.N-os r conilvucî ta nung her c and preanti the sermacu L..w5 AKSURST SCIIANCK'S. BLOCK LIBEiCTYVILLE, ILL.1 1910 Brush Automobile $4M5 The Brush -cars won the recent endurance contest over 24 higher priced cara which shows its durability. relia- bility and endurance. Now is the âmre to place your order for a Brush car if you wish to get one neme0spring. Albert W. Lichtfeld Also Agent for MITCHELL AND RAMBLERS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. SALE -ON- Mercerized Wh'te Wa'st- ing Goods and Crash Toweling Saturday, Feb. 12, -AT- BESWICKkS )dnlocStore unciît %r-erizgd Witeiiîcasting g ,odn of 25 and 30c v aluc go at '~ I) o d inuiCrash T,,welîîîggo uat Il I I pcr yard. Fiac goiîd Lînen Ciabli T îaciing cery tio Crasih Tuîweliiug goî at 7%~c per yard. Fiempiiicached Erashî Towclîîngîgo at si pcr yard. * One Day only, Sait. Feb. 12 'l t.viE.a5Itls lav tii iurn ol amie w'îîum inlml fîxîmîil, t's %. n"klli lii. 1; u,- 'I.-tui rtiE sîîîuhic j It tureîman re o in imi c m t,'l n. 1,.', ' .' a vry 1111e air ,i lui,. Li4rty 1Ue %I, ant u et cl .,h arir I , ,.ý ie aiis' V wittm xceriehic witlm ilu- lau îî Iin î ,, ,I: iE~rlu ab.f ut ' N urther'î I ii My ila- j. o lj'ils 'a - i u, . inH , eî. tint. Y on, e ut ipeu s'ii icuud ui,în, îîrîmnandt tarli h 'l -. I,a'ly, tunt Ilîwbtiy. anîd nîai-hinery W ant wifet libonrd1ni hîeje,., ii'~ <mair Pwna"ifmntihe lire hi 'Ansier by muaml umly, giving exlicrwrliiv bm ml i îe'gaoIla thsmould ctheralse and wbere cmvloved. or here peîîuhale lmk a~,hslE m"e1') miqui'ej the neeesary ëxperueuice. uhuve amount of salary desireul on 1w,, or lob wurk of ail kinda haudled mîth lhroeeyears contract. Ai .ll.N Cg~ Promp'nêxa, and dlspatch. Telephon c 20(j Monro Stý' . TNo ie&I l Llbertyville anid esve delay 10 2<U onueStCuci, I 20h placlng your order. The Cozyj Corner BARBER SIIOP Lew Fagg, Proprietor Just arouiid the corner on Sprague Street, nexl to the Boehmn build- ing and opposite the Pester biacksmith shop. LEBERTYVELLE, ILLINOES Cigart and Tobacco Laundry Agency Razors Honed Thc UnrivallecU UNI VERSAL Stoves and Rangesj Art Handled Eaclusively by H. B. EGER HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS Libertyville, 111. Whea in need of a cookinir or heating stove inspect ibis line, for you wiII secure sometbing that wil be- an addtion to your home. They arc the bet-none better ., LIBERIY VILLE LUMBER Co. DOWN BY TUSE OLI) DE POT THE PLACE TO BUY Ç Sciranton liard, ail sizes, Ç 0 Bostonia Ca.nnel, Pocaluone 0 A tas, Carterville Washed !gg Ak LCoke, Ulocking ValleyJ, Etc.L L ~KINDIAdG WOOD) F Pioneer Cow. Excelsior Horse, Buffalo F E Gluten, Grano Gluten, Doisyj Dairgj, E E Flour Middlinqs, Bran, Shorts, Oats, E D Corn.. Red Comb Poultry Food D Phone 47 Libertqville, 111. OJust Received a Fresh Carload of0 SARJSTOS FLOUR * Every Sack Ouaranteed 0 é Cor!ett & Fredericks 0 LEBERTYVELLE TELEPHONE No. 30 ~The Lenten Season SIs nw atband. Time inow to edo tht' ¶astt'r ut-w. ng, and make tup ail the daiîîty spriîîg things, you'Il îeed bt-fore long. E gilNa noo ,ul1,, 7~ 18, S n., ilNininn,îk itiI, l'noo) t 1,2y 1 --and PIN lYýrian Lawî, tlii 194 l5vINS od lýih t'unm irt Cliitii, a nuit, il iralp W u VaV. I uf ri lle dr u Wear, ut 3i0, C ure -ver ein, ni dei,25: val iii . ituî:a l u t , M lu Frechî La wns and i raiii iin %Nid.. variety. Danylace and ernbiridry .é-Jz,, ejper yard and upi. (litîsi Sik, nin iw .îpritîg ehadcuu. at 27lv- per yard. File du Noird, lirems CGîngliarnu. ail mw fpattern, 11,cr i(i ,tyles. Seasonable Gtocery Savings.I ihenuine George'. iis Bnel(i dihî, ijiiund brick,fie lieet Niirway Chicten Mackerel, 2 for - S -* 1 Oicle Holland Hcrrinic, 3 for 10e. Specjal pri. uý n kpg. No. 1Facy Whe Fisher und,5 aW. W. Carroll & SonI J. M. Graves W. H. APPLEY AUCTIONEER Auctioneçr Sea Me Before Maklng Vour Date FARrI SALES ONE PE CENT Satiafaction Ouaranteed Office 208 N. Genesee St. o Libertyville, Ill. Residence Phione 4632 e.. 144 Elinod Ave. WALIKEGAN, ILL. PHONE 1431. *OE i O o o o o o o o o o i o o o O i I 00E NOTICE The Bathrooms in the Lester Barber Shop and Bowling AlIey;t.will be open Suncly-fr-8.m.-r-- to 1 P. M. JOHN LESTER Proprietor is juli wear prayt bosoi is evi in ev At1wa Evel Nolic-