Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jan 1914, p. 13

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mmàùRaits Pe raIumopr q~.p vy f rligan. l W*e hiOMyMeot a note i#~~Wy tohdevid for 4 69"ofradum r i 01 etalsain tob i dêermlmtel i*.»e emb r eaeewi t« b ers.aucgo 755 .,Umlm ofadoue.etc,.rv rnqnSa me cueti ngOe tu bae d ftsr as aads. rma» o ve$ni veicne- eElilaednW Cnce. Tb* OMM t11» sueîout odeatri. Tseaa. apww bfmte w cape tb*hl41fr 5'Uof Cure. Dr. 18eb > ~ ueo. 8 . Aai 'latie i ad an otiit W~~o* et *Wcrb' aImH Wela ocivey rant-y. iU l viti. actuare re- ap18 rea tahisencf". ev - Ù Dr i.oi of the e t er 10,00 : eo. la lita Miteadism eet 4rethobi>' s ae r; Vï1 s;u*au i tue nnof thee ;9ýt#mten Lm fogit1ii0M Mlmva liCofcathetw a aal park ae À hona treet Mut-heeatfor Je n at*: UOf teelani ciie 9ý8pte tSo~e mcl eis1k SBara'éow n, vomd *-ib SMLns Ie pi tîoo :A and Cincinnati. a4e t e j3r do&s.-r dieloas. inlh lctiidi",s ta Sfor cOn- et1-6 .. 'd we 4-k- F M ry e i M SmI.sleSliCaW Voirk lu l ad. W h.-chrches. 6tu.t I» h.mrusmmteUr. Swaun lomtir ë 41shffadi 16001814Md. a :lekon$Admivhy t* ,111M0 ACT AS PAULJE IS Wtitesrnm M s' the masI vialaie ~ewisthatrÎi~ ~Fifty.nlne 01 victime of Chriutniae ,-iv-o ba .* e...t 1e.1e IresAre Laid te Rost After Curch 1111116% her thoe 10I& SerVilee-Publie guiegies A.e PrIcI 'whmt liaiet1 asés?' .m o tirt noUnoed-Moyer'e Stery .Myetlfleo 11111111111d. .- the shérliff. tIIePUpo%#.OS 'ite ieffl« àgrat% 11104 -Calumet, Midi., Dec. 29.-Ineipreas' L' "dm bams." ami be est os: "It 3h, ly edaedent, Calumet buried 69 of l. oïse.sioot; tus val. l'waueiMW the ,formeaof tota, chldtren,. mcaen n a bitch"salln W u & ernie s t o*o. vomen who on Christmas ove toalié Md 1 I Antt de t -ip<h*o o.Mse eath la the. pentc rldded Itallan Ma4 1, 1 0111t tb Vthe ."WM U O m t dme .boullng durins the progreaî of go pn>t Y 20lm l M**r o aêV 0e "ChMauas trea .atertlaneat for t& et à a suri.'la c 0 oUMas hpmas,&an' ttle ouca. The. people of the entiro aP, Oeaye taonhlm thAt lI wÇat It te it copper couatry and maay f.rom out. amfu ebleel la ber im@oSetheW au maide Pointe paiti tributs ta the dead. a eaniduece bitve.n hie CD'me oucr." All factioansver, unituti fer the trme belng by the, common eorrow ead bo- rM11kin e Mo_19p. reavemeat aad the. lîfales. forme vere ,yfT yen cap isep vur bh"vie. ai111about laid Bt fnt andi gatiieroti about the A"yOu ter " «a to o.long ove of yawig graves Beutth. If yen gmu rue whesvI, men scanheta ver. Imb the eartii. doubt you. Total Duel 72. . But maihe allowanee for theïr doubtlng. Four of tii. victime ver. burbé If you cm vol andi net b. tired by watt- 1he day before. Niue, wll ha bunleti tas 1iSaeu.diiti= n dY, maklag theo total aumber of the. Ir. belig halai. ien't cive wvlv la bat;;«. Funer»ai services ver. beld Irl i A" Yet dont look 100 gond uer . ta tbchurches0,nd ver. failowed byatu * 1,1 * * . * . nerai processioa madie up of the. -1;11.mI ,thi.unf«ovlng minute emaller processions front sac, ofthtei Vltit sixty Meeeeui e' e.e or imac. ciurches. It vae more the% ~an- hotu run, 1anti a haltbefore the «o0f thei,o' leu Ir. - u et m eerbu btetoge reacliedtheti.cemetery, 154eq, It Asti. wbld la me. , u ob.a ma& I'laestimateti that between tan and t- My soI. teen thousani persons marceti. The -Umiyezi KiPllg miners carried I al but tour of the. At.flrt , o %gas. cankets. The. interméata ver. la the, A .aelor apOndeof en @ etOPDLakeview dcetery. Ay aveur l otaourva aot_ o Tedeai vers bunieti.moat of thein biea P.tie*t Irlahba B itht lar-lntranches. 26 on thes Ca*hallc aide- Dep -@ottonelet nve edh.en-ld teremainder on the. Protestant rnqW5glugtOaUe0< llegitet. Ti.Followlag the lutermeatland the. bnci »Vr,,tellçvwpd the travoer, moutit- services ant tie gravea ides conducted meso u ffl amn Dm c, t m by the pria-utsa andministere of citurch.- wu Iva ?rr tBk thi&" ho s ald s attended by the, teces..d, la Ile, a a-It5 <~~ ".Denme mother ml publie service of eflgyw»coaducteti tü v v eaI o BU y riglts an' t t e laid ean the. mitrance to, the 0» o th'àmi no woe ih. roncemeey of h"bà&cireMoyer'a Trouble Myatery. _WeZwbutdo M Wal_ stra the heIf! James- Crase reporta that iio 'W.I. iie d ye vat? asoti~ au been unable tbrougii the bardait tm elr.*« 0ld ouha*'fe tecrown vork. tae suve ta bis satisfaction the ho«k? I cen!t u leavlag ef the, district b7 C. IL' "n !reoia c.n dle btconr oyer. prealient af thie Féd.natloa of «â.n!ar a,«wn d do id.» tiners. The aheliff la aot convîncoti R. st leNov etk 'Ut.titît Moyer was forcedti t leave and eny" Il vas not knovn that he bld lMa,iH- te.Mo*Peape. left tbe Scott botel or viiere ha ba4 - 'A Eaàhtote'vh~àheem~aiueojXSom uatiirtetidi ad ieren 'abuadil te. entçrtaln aamlly pet autan s-l. He doe ot knovw ho ardaredth liai corutrY bouts PrOP-ed at thierail î. niere vas no trouble vhat, conclusion et the. performance a lattine'er eBt tb.Scott boltlh. Baya. »Niue af bis ova. Bach of theomo- pany, bimeo If lcedt. vaste, etee sut crova. andtihte pool voulti b. THINI( THE KARLUN 15 LOST, Whaiing Steamer Thinke Lait of Hep Ha* Been Sena. 1 New Bedford, Mae., Dec. 29-Aq. ther predictIan tbat tha Steffanisoa f exploration sbip Kariuk bas beau lait. < tb!& ou. direct tram tba Arctic ne- ..- -" gions, lis containeti lu a lettar datai Oct. 13, vblchbubasbeaun ecelved by w a Nirs. Z. A. CoUla cf thîs clty. Tram w Stephen ('ottle cf Vineyard Haven, ber e - - Cottiale Isou the 'baling Steamer Belvedere, wblcii la stock ou titee1c j 10 mlles tram Demarkatlcn point, fAlaska, wbere tba vessel bai beau tee - md Ince Augait 25. He sayg tii.> 2111,ber. RADIUM'ftS USEO ON SOLON mm=" Congneemn a simr' Seing oTreaitl tako bythe ersn wo posesed d for Cancet- b> Dr. Kelly, the montbofthébitee@whiahi(te BltmoeDe-39Tle onito tii.~~~~~~~~ Rota h rilsvlbb Uac tort G. Bremnor, Unitad Statçe comedian> vould laquiro for. Oa his cawngreasman troun Nov Jersey. vho lo aseurance ltat lie meau uudergolog tbe radium troaient for adiantago. but rmu the.&oine ntsk as cancer lbt th. sanîtaruen ot Dr. Kat. tb. ront aIl the membene of tha Party. îey, la vhîch no lags titan 1100,000 consentadtanti betvo.a £3 anti £4 vas vortitofate.preclous lminerai la ha. moon laid on the. table. Tii. actor add- ln& ucodtel stator! by Dr. Kellay ta b. ëd, bis ploce te tthe pool. with a cu- anacoy nias enilo. and ttan sai: Dr. Kelly sald that t.e chiot! lasio "Nov. viiich of you laies..andi gan- te b. drawn tram tuis specfleIn l- tiemmu happons to bav. tha eeg'atet stance vas thît the coutptry-shoulti aumbeofet ihe teetii?» taie immediate stops te conservm its Deatbhflkesience reigiod for about radium iupply, aud tuot If tuis worç a miute, then a buret of laugiitor. la doue there vaulti ho enougb ofthe smn casas hearty andliaosotecases mineai tuhonie tua land aIl otiier ftin0<. ciiffr cases. I baveetiirce."continue thet .actor, ______ moiln?,itn ot "Who bas gaI MESSAGE FROM KIÎiG GEORSE, mh ore?" odrte oi Ticcoodantok ~Preildnt Congratuiated On ung Ne Divieion. Flfty.5.vé nth Mlieetone. sone go. a congreeman sal. Paso Christian, Miss.. Dec. 29.-A tbe toucher of a publice chool vas ty- cablegram of blrtbday greetiagq trami -Ing ta lnPltess nattera etf finance ou King George was deliveredti t PresAi th. youthf nI mini nd fér question- dent Wison ounbic1fifty-serenth birtii- lu>' seo f the pupilile atried Jtm- day. The. messaga vas: My amut. "I vaut ta aker you my "Jatae%" laid ehe@."tel mme the. de- grabulatloas on the aunivem-cury a. nominations la monoy of Tour birtbday andi trust that Tour eh., United Stte la dildti." . ealth bas net suffareti from your r 1 tiont kaov, Mise M&ry, rpUedý duous duties of tii. year. Jasaattor mcii thougbt anti mucii "IOR E, S R. L ~NDINT F~IYYJANITÀRY 2,1914. - - ___ raanc'i s*artsSàturailD c);lia SpuIaI ', argans! Wh$&k Brooms - Our regulai- 15e v4lues, pri((d sil- cial, at loc Floor Brooms - Japanese, I i g lit %veight, spec jal it .19C où Xop-Ceb',Iellc oil moüp; oui $I.50 value, priec(l spe- cial a t 95C Dol Go Carts ('ollapuible, e(Im- ionly soid at .00 p$iced at 145 Napkîna-l00 white tîsisiîî paper uap- kins, priced at - Colord M>at4raa SPrieed At from 25e to 95v per yard; v our Ahoce at 2. Price Fancy Cretognes Shîort lhîgths, 15c to 50vo 'alue; vour eli lo i t 2Price, Children 's Vista - i Sizes '20 îîp 'to 34; elîojee il a dis- millint of 20% Ladies' Veste and Pants--Oitu- regular 85e and 7 -Valîues, 69c, Two Lots of Specia.l Dreais Matoela at Two Prime, (25c au O Theiie liîces'aie a very sniall part of Ithe original selling prîce. 8~ Barga~oes! P luc on &Il COATS Here are Iwo Examples: White Cotton Blan- kets - R e g uarle. sold at 59c per pa,, slightly soiled, prWc.e cd very special at 49c Flannelfettes - in. strîpes and figures, vour choice of r 15c. values at loc Bmaon Pmanuel - Plain colors only connnonly osel ae 35e per yard, prieM special at 25C ' wes Ha"e oi Thfrd loor &'-- Hforse Blamket vas U»i-' î JL Pri *A ORMENTD If youcantsj you are sumN bargain. I5~ZIARMENT8 7 so~ AIlso our $18.50&$12,u98 Street and Afternoon Dresses at i-ALE PRICE Nothing reserved. First custom- ~~ .50 valgu ers get firsi and best selectloné -$1.00 a" COME AT ONCE. We want the Î4 Ioss on this present stock to faili4$275va in 1913 business---not carried $.5vle over to 1914 business.. This sale ~Vle commences to-morrow and con--2 aud tinjes until inventoryi finlshedh) U. which wilI be about Saturday _$1-00 valu Night, January 3rd, 1915 YO N-gM LYON-Ô ~. '.;j~ 'V .iO*ni154u4 S. .<wntj ho - F i I >9 ~.auoneiq ens4 ~ e, .4 -s.- 4' i .1 ~r i -* t, 't-t-w- - y -I ' -t- n.. - 't j - "'r t' - -. - ZItA Di :l~4 w -e, .'-~~.1

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