:-uuuru----------- - ------s~ There neyer waa auch an opportunity [for mkn Moziey, by spending lt, as hs offered to-day to the men and' wom<n with a hit eré,dy rnoncy. The manufacturers of both men's and women's wear- ing apparel throulzhout the United States have had the worst season within the memory of àny man. The unseasonable weather bas caustd manufacturer~ of both mnen's and womnen's clothing to throw on the-, marlçt, hrogh the retailers, the greatest lhigaue that have ever been presented. A certain person purchased in a cIothing store for $30000 a winter overcoat which- cost the manufacturer $48.00 to make:, an overcoat whicii ormaiIy wouId have sold for $62.00. In other words the overcoat that. was sold for $30,00 the manufacturer or somebody had to take a Ioas of $18.00. J.linois is the center of the clothing industry of the Unitid States, and every manufacturer of New York, Rocl4ter, and ail other large clothirig centers, in order to get rld of their seasonable high-class merchandise, had to durnp their stocks into the retail stores of this vicinfty at less than the manufacturera' cost. store for womnen's wear in Waukegan bas in its windpw,, markecl at $7-50 cash, a woman's coat which cost the maànufacturer double to make. The madufacturers need ready money, and to get it they have made tremendous sacrifices to the retailer, who, therefore can make big reduictions to you. This unusually balmy fall weather cannot prevail mnuch longer. Cold weather is comning and blitzards are sure to blow. A person who bas'money in the savings bank to take it. out and investit in winter clothing présent low pruces. ought at the Your motiey in the savings bgnk cannot nuke as rnuch money Lopr you as you can make for your.selves by buyingyorî'e clothes dibJt utow Un any of, the retail sto"e Un. Waukegan. Even if you ca14n*t w,»ar your heavy cIotbing now you can maire mamry no faster than by buËvtng your wlnter apparel now and plitting it awa' ntlthewitrsbn cornes. Once the present stocks art moved from the retaifris, neither you nor nobody eIse wilI ever again bave the oppor. tunitY of getting such values. The f ur manufacturera arecii even a worse conU n than the-men's and women's ciothing malcers. There S been cc>mparatively ittie or no Christmas buying in fnë, Five manuf-acturers Went to the wafUlmI N ew York City one day Iast week. lu, ore to get mon ey, many of those Ieft In trade bave dumpect their stocks into retail stores of titis vlciffity. If, yout 4 furs now anid cati paycash, yQ o an y them in Waukegan at practlcally the prlc of the sklns. No sin gle retailer cares to blazon bis fu4IW Olt f cu*" prices across the pages of a newspapcr, lest it appean b wants to shut up shop or worse. The retail stores thernseives have thcrçfny been n4a ta place befort the public the actual conditions. None of them feels that it can tell you that $3@.QO vaiue-à are being offered for $15.00. But the fact remains, neverthçless, that sucli a cut-ý la < being given in every store in Waukegan. You can, malçe no mistake by buy~ your winter gpods now, cither Innime+~ women 's or chiidrens wear. ý You neyer again will get such values. You ja bctter take your money and buy now, for you wii Jsi"Iy need winter-garments and when the time cornes jou woïi*t bc able to get such bargains as are offered to-day. You cannot beat the high cost of living i the pr9duie rnarket. Food is as dear asit ever was. Rents have corne down, but -you 'can save on your clothing by buying now- Z F i r"tm