,-l.A R!o!m !-KBENT. FRIAT, JANUARY 2,1914. Happy' New Year. Jamna. coa. i.«oluqa bureon bis lut aMtEuefagm .ibo. Re ex poocîà So build a bonm. la 1the.prng. MW ouvaris Vogi of Wsukense apeni Chbsou a brt wehhlir aloter, làiru..W. VU are bappy to report tbat 0. A. Bàok4 uho vas huri test wook, te botter. W». DicknmaioaiLakte Zurich va. in tova os buacasBat arday. '.. r.nbHoward. vho l ilh the Peora Ub l.Imoracce Co. 0of Noria. @pont Ç"tane. boe. ith bis parenté., T~he houa. af W. A. floulag camne »ar bolus burnodCbritnoa raght vheoaa blas, adiseuored by Frankt tuai. ýiulffkhu clodot uthie raom. The date- Ooaon.taat lalcludiag aI at r. Biammili'. lothiag. M'tr. sud Mm. Frankt Smith af Bart.unë- vile, Okiaoma, ,Iitecd friead4anad rois- tir.. boesa l.w day. lat vecit. ir.. Smilth (nie aefiveiad> . inwii knovn hmn, iaving boen a felident of Bali...- vile for orne turne. Mmr.'Lylo L.itviler, vho boai bosavery sice suot he peut voek, i. reportaimach botter. Dr. J. W.Palmerof ai rayolako vas a plssent coller bore Batarday. utmasa.hall New Vases L A. VFtlsbhm retaraed frout Araton J., cher. lie atteaded t4e fanerai ai his Dther 1- «TIi.Chf lista..exeniaeigiven la the opera boums by thi. ichool cblidren as. à encemu aery vay. Mi. sath liai aovcdi rom th@. ltch- ardonoU it ilita the Clark bouse on <Cf- dur laàke art-au, Theé tsueWork.r a n d tiodemi Wç;odaiea viii îatai l 9ier. iointly on iroiobme reswîin the warknscn oa Dralaerd'e Anez are aot taklng adiati. tal sof the - picasaut veather w, have b.d tihe peat wvee. W by nî,t get haay? VOLO Mir. andI Mms A. J. Raymiond er- -taImb ou Critmas li. sud tir.. Louis Li& sd larily ai West Fremoni. tMr.1 Md Mtr.Kappie sud daughter oi Graya- Jime, tirà. Cluf sud Mime Russie Bond 0f De. Roe&aucher bta. retarued tho Tolo sita @puding oseral niontha la Mr, snd tire.. Bou Cuaarar sud daagh- ter of Avoni, vialteut aithe haome oi Jas. Kinvalnt aitSturday. tim..Lms Huon ad daaghter vislfed tel Utrtyville sud Waak gan lait ceek. tin.. liam. anlii visielt tber daughter tir.. flanc>'Bohny ai Elgia, listwvesk. tir, sud lra. C. 0I. Huson and tMi Marlon of Elgin, also Mr. and tir@. Fred Croket oi Librtyrillo. vers vistors at the home of Mri. sudtirs.4Lt-e Enm lit veot. mi". Bule Dnalil vîitt et her home boe. ver Xmaa. Mien Auna Compton of Elgin, epmnt Kais vlth lira. Jas. Kirvan. Rtanch larisilung relatives lu fuhi. PALATINE 39o karrlou on Thuruda>', Dec. 11. Mis. Kaymi Wsillrus sud Di. Santord, lir r- obeon officatiig. lDc. andt trs..Bau- lord returabd au Monda>' evealng from " lehonejinoon. The>' viii ceide lu 'deLambert lover liai. $1si.. ad iJohn Wslter@ bhaero rtumneu te he a uAhton, Il., aft.r a tuta V" e laitii Mondets ht.. lr itsd MIR-.. [L Piagge, lIra Afin* Toogler"ad Wst.e, apeut Xman iae i ibair mother ai ihe D. N. Tiaiifpea hmIn uWooditok. OlmOidbr a.na.gd is poaltil ln vib ithe Beiden Mg. C., Chicago, che h@ hma been for th.e pst elevii yestre, Mud Wiingo bwcithorna taCanada, titi. Elisuor J. Johnaon,u olut.ad blibhlya.teaied citiien dieut Bturdoi, Do..20, oi aId ege. Thé uierai vas hsld Wdnedsy, Rer. Rohéson, officiaI. lng. WEST FREMONT Mdiss Elizabeth Damner @peut Suade>' vlth Misaetiagutalsu Ditt:. george Spoeri nif'Ohio, i. speuding a feu, day. euth hb is iter, tirsFrak 'Setz- PEED MILL I ai rossi>'ta gku nd oa aimny alU et qÇere8 Peid Store la 8andal on Tui.. yW pd ltardui ô0f «& wvok. p1A4 j. E. Jývli ormfer Chief ÇWIk in Office of Auditor Shws 70ý Cent Levy l8 Exoes*Ie. SEES $2, 000,000 SURPLUS. Iptltftuld, MD. .. .-Tii. 70 por cent itatn b tee-rt la 4 conts to blgb. lit coutil-bave beauimade 66 centas »d Mt w ould have beon esuf- ficl.ntly grnal to cane for ail of the. lucreasa.la appropflattom imade hy tii. lait gmemra aably eud provide for tii. uloeged 'deltW ciargod by ti Democrâfle a4mlniatlton te Gar. Doe.n's 38 cent rate.1 The rsuait of tb oat to the 70 cent figute ordenod by tbe new tai commulO». Gos. Dunne, Stato Treas- urer Ryau, and Blato Auditor Brady, vii teto pilie up as ur'plus in the "tte treaatiny next yeai lilmb viiibe IýOastiilng likd 8.000W00lai exces evon o! chat vwu provliled as a *'varhlng balance."~ The foregolug la tii.esubstance of the tateaient pcepared totiay b>' W. H. Elibak, for aiany Years chie! doertluntii. state audtor', office, and ro s uppianted by a Democrat. roc ,,y on l4and Ignored, Theo proposition ia that the. tai rate ainkers. baslng their eatimates not UpoU tiie revenue aet oifthe genersi azi.mbly, not yet apon the actual condition aofithe ufate'a finances, but uPon figures vhich ihowem thie fatalj of legllative appr-opration, the amaunt arallable caih. plua eaaagi for a vorklng balance, falieu totaie accolait oifunde ln the itate tresury or soon fo bh oaiected aggregatlug uearly $4.1000H.00 Colla 66 Par Cent Rate liiceiaîry. "«Ail of these thuga" th" arguaient saYe. 'vere takon loto cousidecation by the. lest legllatare aud aliowance vas madie for enougli aOmeyt-if croate a 'worklmng balance' vien the total revenue4ta he ralsed by generai taxa. flan was fixeS et $10,000.000 naf tie total of 123,ff.000 appropriations, as clait-S Iy tilt-mekers of te 7hè cent rate. "A fai of 43 cents vauid have rais- ed suffilcieuf for fti fend. To tis muet be uddeu 13 cents for the echool fusut sud 10 cents far the Untvorsity of Illinois, uiaklIng the total tax rate roqalred ta meei coaflhllns 06 cents lnsfesd of 70 ets!1 DR. FOLEY'S AN TO BE CARRID OUT IN CliICA6OjCIOO WsukevmnQecember 29.1 t ~ .Eu la gg Yohug, upaa ce- iaig Edutie a seauperlntendeut1 O!fe e hô91. lu Chicago. anauneut fuat ahle ida fa do acay clth aigut yack as far as Possible,.ecs-nglng the courses no filet ail studios cau te pra- pared lu echool. "If 18rnY hlelei7' abe sald. "filet more intensive vont lu the achool àbuilding anut lese carl ai home clth artldclal.<flght and t*assistauce of parents are thlugs ta, ha almed et. «'I ais e heîtethai Ct- muet recag- nuze tht- different typas of mind liaI come la school. The day le nov hece when thet boy or girl wîtil greet physicel activit>' sud toudutes forq dolug tilngs musi ho kejît lu the ' schooi hhrough the wark the scbooi offers hlm.1 "Aiready ce have lengtilened fila1 HWlh ichool day by mOna bouc and 1 har, hOPes that til means aIl cark cen be dane lu fie semails. But lu tho grammar seboala vo ciii eut the caUrse--lnteuslty if,". Mru. Young bas aatlined a Pieu filai, WOU]d Meet viti ninejufavor lu Wau- kegss. Thon are uuiiy peoploeht-e, P@PS & rüp&5 m4tY* 'Who vauld raher soe ii, ebu d Bo f e laihir study- ing sn ith llg lu ils ahool building Ibis't MMca yPart, it borne. Thon. amrOU u t a nqepionu vil malte if oxcodinglY jifiont toa tuut> at lione sudthas t»i>the home sur- roandinga lu tuany làmes are not Con- duels'. 10 studylng. Baverai moufhs ago Dr. j. C. Vlaey,j Ciy Physicien, exprae st rong di,- appror i ftisa Plan viilcb maies h agOessary fon stUMdnts ta prepare their lassons ai hoe.and salut b, iiapod the. echOol lboard voulu tlaire ac- tion lu have tile courses changeS lu sucb a vay ibat ail ai the. yackca te doue lu the- schaol buildings, ne pointed ut ofthat suer cbldreu bave b-en. lu chool ail day fiat ibe>' ahould lie eliwOvutot get out andt play Unliamp.ced il>'thein studles, The, Suggestions ha Mae iihrougii thé Sun ai ibat time ara prsctlcally tiie saine ai those autlieu by tira. Young. lu vlov of the tact tutt he plan viii b. Put IntO effoci lu Chicago sud ineets vii such iiearty approvauIblieI e I [sery probable izt viit e given s trong approrul li' %o th oo uio Edted Jw F. J. RUCE, Phone 1l Onders .Takon for Job Work. 1Advertia.ng rates on application. I.,.SRvae of ai akegaa. spent Xmas vlth bia motter andt graada.atter. Eimer Burge accompanleut by dii,, Elizabeth Eruiemnark islîted the former e pareat@ et Wauksgaa Christmas dey. Haroldt Arn. ci Waukegau, oelot X ma@ wltb hie parent at tia"eA Lke.' i..eonard Doolittie ai Waakegaa, vas a visiior nit bis parent,' bere lIme Tbmureday. lies Winifred Woodiord of Chicago. yvliiLod frieudg e ethe liret ai the week. Allen Sevory of Kîritienu, caisu on frlendu ber. Bafurdat and Banday. He i. la fl eicswpaper business ln chat City with bis tathýr. The rayolake teamn playemi Waukcgan ba-km-t bhe eaui last Saturdey eveaiag anîd d'leted them in a scote 32 ta 'J. i'lie genie vas flic rauglieft of ai the ganies ulied tbis year. The. risiting t.-escemw*ed ta tbîuk the ouiy wa" fi wiu wee ta knock the ather lellaws ouf ai bu»-ne..., but c bey louait anc boys ther, wltb fthe goodea nd tbev proved ta Waakegau team that fhey bail gai iat> @wî' campauy. Tii.siai dance given afler fie gaine wai greafil eajoyed by t hase cho aàttended. Ueo. Adams, @snoufaitr, sud lire Eaiary Adamis ai this place, la iick vlth typhoid lever at is hi.ome. laNorth Obiago. A. R. Buueoutraniacte u ban..il Ch icago Tsday. Wm. Wilsoa andt vile ofi Znda, Wiu., @pont a fewr dayu with relative@ bor@. Mr@. Jeue Longebaugh w». a Chicago visitor Tueeday. tirs.Henry Kuebker i. qulte selcit a ber home on Hawl'y strm et. Miss tyrtie Kuebker ai Wauconda, opeut m. vpral daye w ith ber unnle, Fred &Ad liii. Kuebker and lasiiilios. Russell Kappie entortainod a nuaiher if bis frît-nde et a banquet Kuniday Mir. anut trs. Jek -- e. aiChicago Heiglit... vent 2hri@taf i th tir. aod tirs. Wa. Ellio. The Llhertyville chair andt sevesi -of the seaiere fram SBt Lavreace ttended service at tihe Bt. Adrec'à i Muaiai bon. Baadsy evening. Miss Elizabeth Kuebkor ofIvsaboe, vlslted her brothér Henry. ber atur- day sud Buuday. Miss Edit Gagsf aiChicago, le a guofif af Mr-. sud tirs. . rtllie. tir, sud ir.Frank Smto&Oklahoma, are rlitlng relati risead miendS.ber@ sud ut Round Lake. Brick aut buik ie creaai et the Bosali Dcug store. The tisons andi Ensteru Stîrs beid their joint intallation folaoemi y a banquet lait Tue-day oeoiug at tbeic hail. $852 FROM LYON ESTATE. Inheritance Tax Fees Sent to Springfiçld by County Treas- urer Cari Westerfield. Durlng the- past aiouth, soins big estale bave pesem tbrougb the Laite count>' courte, anid, as a resaIt. tii, stateutfhIlinois la couslderably nicher through Its collections made under file lnheritance taI 1ev. For axaniple. Couuty Traseurer Westerfield bas had toseeud ta thie etata treasurur these surasof maney whjcb cama as 1the tte', uars nf file luberiace tex: George R. Lyon estate-1862.8. Helen Undervocut estate--$597.93. Alex McDougall eatate-$424.79, This suin gaes te the~ stete In ascii case atter the. exemptians the egotales are entileu to are taken off. Fac exemple, teLyonetate. str the. exemptions vote taikon off, shaveut $91,000; the Titdorvood ee. tte. 163,M. ,the. Mcfougau enatate. 144000, The tte recordesashowual tii. G. R. Lyon recetved as her abers, af the estato, $43,000, sud the tva iong, Charles sud Wil, .euh $58.482 Under the state law, euhb hein la entitle tef, $20,000 exemption. Tifs why> the state recelves the, tai on but $91.000 of tha $160.000 Lyon asiate. Toc, Offen This la the View vaken. *"I thlnk the school teechiers lufhila tovu ought ta get suorç mouey than tisai'do." 'Whef Put Ihat kiud ni an Idea luto your heami?' 'Wb y sbouid va expect the people who are educatlug aur chîlmicen ta norit toc $70 or $80 a momth, vien we pay omr cilaufieurs ai east $100 and turuteh them i wtb ýo"d and iodging bt-ides?" '-But chat dot-a ichoel teuchîn- amnunt to &aow.?, Look at moat oe the teacii. ae. , Tha>' alut gai nothia' but odu- Oa±Ic."--Ctlcago Tribune, Hasppy New Tear 1o ail. Mir. anidlira, John Bu.and son or itocbtetr, Wl.., apeai Xîiian with tir. anîd Mr*, Il,.Jale Mir.sud lirA . W. Saflard andMig.. Parte returuomi from Wbeston, Ili , Fri- day. Mm, J. P. Davie ad cbiidreu of Liii- .rtyville speut X1ma. wit t tr. and Mr@. Hari White oi Ubampaiga, Ili, pont severai day. owith tae homeq toikq. Mrc. and Mmr. Carence Ilauner viîîted the Bain aad Bonuer familles. li« lesen BAffovut rturned for thec Biolldbyafrom Taylorvilie, lad., vtere ah. teache. ichmol. Mmr. Jamîeeoa and mou retururd home last week fri Charleaton, 111. aia. lue: IPollock of Chîcago speaf X Mao wlth the hogue foiko. Missl Aliee Jammieoun of Chcago vleted frontWedanesday unfîl Sunday wltb her Cake villa No sehool tili neit week. D>. R. Manser was ln the clty on buei- ne@. Idonday. 'Mr. aud lMr@. Cari Miller sud non @peut several day. at week wlth Mir@. Miller'@ parent@ et Whitewator, Wl. Mi". Susie CaIu«i retarned with theai for a lew days' visit. Henry turnie af Waukegan ia spend1- ing the week with bis prandparonte. Walter Danilo@ in home from Evnoton academy for the holida. Rtay Kerr, who J@ conaected wlthl an auto racing irm in Tennesseef, was home for Christmnas. ret.urnlng to the. soutb the firot of the week. Edgar Kerr spent deveral dayé lat Parents. WW5 ait. ushe uui ere. tir. aud tirs MeDanalmi and baby of George Mitchell apent Chistmas in the Wil mette and I lrm Sîmith and chilmre.n City vith bis parente. ai C~hicagomi sunt several day.. vifl Mr. tirs. Della Sheirwood of Salem, Wl.., and tirs. DaviiYoung. aa aguestautEl. S. Sherwoamis Xmas. tir and lies. Arhur Clark and Arthumr Jaâ. Atwell in cealiued ta the bouse:by %"anAistine @peut Numai at. pleamant ilinois. Prairie, Win.tMr@. John Nadc is eatertalalag a aisce Miss Annie Met 'rdie af thampaiga. and nephe froai Chicago, Ili , s. epeuding the bolidays vif h lier The rltmaa exorcise. giron by the ibrother andt ,lsfer. atool cbildreua nd liumday Sehool lait Mir. and tirs.Bert Trotter ai Chica-go week vers splendid aud dld credît ta, the opeaf Xmas vwifith M. andMitrs A. K. iatructors.1 Bain, tisses Mayme, Katherya and Pearl 'The Sonner famieispentXN a@a with Leýonard andt a frioad upeut Christ mas ai the Marrie iamiy aet tuaeli. the Lep9nard homo. Miun Gertrude DavleaofiLihertyville hir, and tMra. Jas. Steveli ver. gueate apeat m.rerai deys vitb ber couuin, tisef .an sd tirs. Chat. Gliser aibMay- Vida Johnson, aad attended the part>'. coud lait coek. tiru. Gloser roiaraed8 Mr-. sud tire. ERret Wels@peut Xmae vlth theai for&abonr iait,0 wt thtei latter'. parentl, Mn, sudti. litre. .mAria Wlee.iaad daibiar lBen-t Pafch 0i Rea.eLi ah arriveil Christmas day fmain New tic.. tatilda Spafford sirent the. bah- York ta #pendt soins liaie vith relatives.. day@ viih ber daaghter, tirs. William T. J. Webb has go»no Texai for the I Miutchell. cînter. M. 8. tiller in la char-g. oaieho tir. raetrang and Joui. Ana and haciiiis sho>p.t leoa aie Xmaoi dîuer vitb the Hughes I1tir, auj icr. .izon af Union Grave,8 el Aaîlocb. Wlg., visitemi their son here lait vosit. t Minetend Clevelandt oi Wheston . upeuding ber vacation witb ber pareuti ___________________ tira. T. Bi. (arreti @peut a veek witlir AN-IOCH ber daughcter at iRacine, i% ta. Frank B. Huber has received the Bp- tir. aad tire. J. S. Deninan spent pointaient of postmaibestr at the lacal X-jaoi clilatters» part-t. near beau ofie, L.ake. Our aierehants report a goad holiday tire. C. E. Deaman aad son 8chuylec b)usiness. @peut severai day. euh relative. Iia C. F. China @peut ChrisiaiasInChlcago. Dr duntr.B a'. e1. LeBill andtlamily ofaiolux City', la.. Dr ndMs.B 'E'. alomgaeaare vieltiug tirs. Dii'e parente, tir. and parnta ltb0r ?!çý dê i a M" DyiLi&baer. lBth déleft 7 * M v s. Laloyeti Bell aut daughtera oi ~> *ralngva. seai.Weî Paliaisu, are vlsitiig rlatives sud Tb@éMtisionsd 0. 9. B. vili iail frinautoe. affier@Janw7 4d.Mien Emma Turaser ai Grayslako. le RBuiti.Bounner o!f fbicago up*-ut Wed. vling relative@ sud frisado hors. neoda>' sud Thurada>' vltbthé bon.. . . John Elaniwr la eaterteing hbe doiter fimn gnolia, 111. tir.. E. V. Lui aut daughter spent Christmas et bor doter. lu Auiioeh. Gardon Fonutici opent severaidosys with hi@ granutparente. Mr. andt Mn. Thomas itrag the paef veek. lilas Ethel Difmeyec lea pending tise halidays et homne. MisesLeurs Lui spetit Chritmaadey ei Glenvlow. Mies Doutie Lui af Waukegeu, vas vmejitlag< frit-nd" anut relatives hors pariaif lait week. Father FoIe>' vas a C'hicago vsitar laï-t Fride>'. C A. Dcevhieim @peut Chritmaa et hi. parents et lnviev. Mi@@ Beyutecker us entertaliig ber cousin, Minse DeiiaAndrus ai Pleaiant Prairie. Cbauessencqegor leaspending the hall- day@ wl[h hi. uncle and unt a, kr. sud tirs. A. Clark. tir@. Claybon Luasautdtir@. Cathorlne Ituff voe Chicago viitar. ico dis uat C. 1. ieirdocier snd aditer apeai 1mai wibli thoir brother, C. T. Hleydickn aof Mr. Wooloton af Geneva, va. la tovn one dey ]est vo. Mr@. Leko>' ief moyerndutson epas Chrimas weuh her parnasin la Chunago Mr@. iaier Curry la ver>' poorly,h.vlag been coafinout taber ted for th. e s io A numbe; Iroin ho B aieadeu tlb. card part>' tGu(la le.lFaFridaeeonng. Btou Surs hnadtthelr electlon oi alicer. Beturdaetening. The iilltîlui ver. elmetemi: duel, E. hi. Ame; Jdge, Eiier Ciurry; Tee-lier. llriiiimt- ecydeekor; Smritme. Teesie Cunninscliaîiî;Guide, 'Wiliie liagerly, CKItain. lie-rii AJark; lCo~. Keeper. P. G. [timev',; (. 0. Kesper, P. H. Maddetn; Manatger, il. W. Brout-; Pasi Chief, Thiam.Strt-mg. One Ganut Dced Assurud. Evecy man living bas doué soin. good thiug lunhIeslfe. even if ihe lIE li uàcousciouly.-Dlencistaer Union. B. J. Pole' the auctionser. c-15ii C. à. rocse.s anshcago 5rîmlay. J. R. Crihb vao a Chicago paiseuger lionda>'. Uni-le Tains Cabin viilhé ubovu ai fie Ccyatai Theatre an Nev Yea's nîght lu three reses. RIJSSELL Haeppy Nec Yser. The Yoang Peope club viii meet on Frida>' eveniug viii Charlotte Siver. Mr. Pitma eloseS sciiool lait Weml noéda>' vith a pragcam andi ires. .A goodi>' nu mier ai the- patrons attendcd. 8chaal viliiopen again on Manmiey. There vers a good many femuili>'geth trings hece an Christas. Mlies Sarah Blrî,we speut Xmae ciii ht-r muatr brother aniS sîster@ et Wads- Worth. Mis.. May liadgei l(iigthe eek withiti tir. .hMarrie and iMr. Comrles. Minaueistmme sism lw.niing the hîmîdi. deys ai home. tlilbert Howard le ettendiîig an agri. culturel molege ut %filvenket. MW. A. Carrets:emeîîî Sàturday vitha frienut lu Ragie, Wl.. Heur>' Hanson euS faîîiily sperit tht holidaye lunUtîeuo. Novellst Muaqucot e Scptusc Novoliate do ni see oin w h s'0t etrn n lu oin knovlodge oifihepnlp. ttuu. waobcand SicWatr COUt te -Th&é B ean tf îloha" 1~ lampte tu paint 4amoral citii the Worda: "Out aimplo asd unprettnd- Ing éissycu. bd lthemeru t 01tkoee poacematutahoin It laupromli. su a benodiction fiat fie>' shah la- berit the eacth." Tho fact la uhai the. peacomakers dldnt cecelvo su>' inciipromise. but If le said fiai 'thie mneat sMailnlherîf théet-art>'." Long Life. Sic John Luuiiock. the scletuti.ha$ siiown bow long Insete may lIv6 If preservediftrnt accident sud harraiai a&l kînda. The greutest ege attain-u by an insee!, as lt-r as kuovu. asa that reaceby a mueueu t. wblcb lved untllAugnit f8, 1888, vileu sil vas utarly iftU-en 3parB old. Anufiler queeu aifilhe sttii'.specles didît er a lite of uhirteen ý,are. WiliI,,uzd;Icê. "You'd heffer cetfsow,", aald WiliBo ta the clergymen cho va. dinlug vltli file failly. 'Mamma nover givue wooe'n ou. place ai pie." II~a~ ~Îa rut é oau&w u A STATE BANK Capital $25,000.00 WISHES'THE REPIDER A~ND ITS PAITRONS PA PROSPEROUS FAND HARPPY NEW yEAR wüd r, .Ca/e /ew 0'r .Cbrtyville ir. Biai Wright bad the aiieiortn &0 trip aa rug ait ber homo liai wiek Mad la forced ta b.ola ted an accoant of the svere .Pralnlux of boride. W. J. Mande. veut to Chicago thia <Wodneoday) aiornlag toa scoapany hie daagbter. mis. EIIra, homo maoin the hospiti. lm M tindo. vra. taken ta thé boupitai two veebia@go, che Ob@ underweat an operatian la thé hop@ that ber ailmea stiauad hy a fa11 about threoraagacouid bw rems.dled, sud it isoma ihatber doce vii hé graiied mta report. from tme.hoital aaY eho in imprmvlng ceaartabiy tant. lrembyterian Services 10:80 a. ai. aoraiag worship. 11:45 a. ai. Bibie. Booi. 6:45 p. ai. briatian Endeavor soclety. 7:80 p. ai. eveougworchip. Viilforî aivay. veicome. R.M. A-..UgR. Paitor. BODY VS BADLY '-umNGLEI Inquest HeId at H!gWîaild Park This AfterrSon -à,Rdiroad Company Exonerated. A mnubetvoen 46and 50 yeoar was run aver sud lnetantly kllod by a Chicago & Nartiivootern train Juil aouth af the Fart Sheidan dopot ou Weduenday night about 4:50 Q'clocI. Aocordlng to wltnoea the, m-asa walking aloug the campsny'es privato rlght of way and had ateppod out of fthe way toa show a woith-bound train fo paze and dM not notice he vas then dlrectiy lu the. p af af the fest north-bouud train. Tht- engîneer an the train tnotad bis whkstle sud dIS evetrythîng possible fa cern the man oi bis danger but eapentfy file noise o! til t iler train preventeut tht- vîctliheerlng these signais. Thet- rein vas bacteu up auS the. menglemi body put on huard the balg- gage car, belng teken ta tilt plationtu of tilt- mepot. Fcom fihera if cas ne- moret-uthe Prior uuderting pstab- Ilsinent> et Highland Par .chene Coroner J. L. Taylor couducte thfilnl- quest FrlSay. Tbs Identity o!f taerictiai coul t o be estâblsheut as no ona caulut ce- caIl barlug seen hlm prevlouel>'. WhIile bis clothing vas oi a cb.ap quallt>' sucii as voulut bo voru b>' a abornna man. if vas ton clost autbe liaI eaun b>' au ordînar>' iramip. No ione>' or articles ai value vas fanautlu hie clathing. Thore ver. na lettons or documents. fiat iglf serve as a lev in releavlug his Identit>'. Â portion of a Gcet-k necspapon founu tluhil. pocket leauts ta ft-eassumption fiai hoe vas e native o! Graece. 1 Tilt engineer o! the train chicis etcuck hlm declere t tilt ha haut beeu looklug fo ce giguel sud that he dRi ouf notice the man lu front af hIs en- glneua ntil ho vas but a fec test ewey. The verdict rtturneS b>' tilt-jury laie Frldey p. mi. showeu t tit tht- unkuowu man came to ildueetil vile RENTING Houses i ur Specialty. EVIERYTING in FARM and VILLAGE Prcporty ALL kinds of business Apropositions. L T us talk it liyo.. about LE ham. SOMETI4ING 80 interest S o0.ry Prop.rty ovnor _r DAY is the time to con. sider oui- service*. ALWAYS roady to serms A Tu saailifaoerly. tait over ywot EASY TR The R.zuJ$5.st W. thant 700 for' yoor lIib ' rouage dunnng be.wâsd'&ra and Pa"S ydr. Druce Grayalako, ltuuqiq.o Jewelry and sowme 1 havt uns agmy h 1 Blaci Who"miils JqU Nam, sAd have a a Jewolry adiSlovr teo dmIRw iLttvs abd Insu merigl.V 10 cals on yoa.Ah Tl 1LIT. RIL5 AI. Lyon MBERTYVILX^lL Noedmna ORCHESI Round Lake, ID music FOR AU. OCCAM Dance Music a Speca walklng ou the companys igbt n ___of_________ wa>'. Thé compsuy vas exanecateut of blaetbytle, jury. Thereniuns A WN 0 V N2mj ai tht- victIi viii ho lepi et île Priar Dr. N. W. Schah. establishment e 1ev days lunfile hope os pc.Aru fiat friende or relatives me>' arrive WAVXKOAI< . i ta clai -tiltm. If ami oua shows up IWIlIIb. a uc.in S. N.6" là tle>' cil ha burieut lu îhe pottera' LbryII.a e.s- fieldt. J - Lake Villa, flinoig D Ul c li c a ri ti t( ti