wo. LÂKE ()QUNTY IDEPENDENT, FRDAY. JANIARY 9,1914. Wa Àotà, anr:a 1.0 Saidi aes.s i.oibrt LA . Kisr. SA Jo la mais a busnss tnp 10 CMUP oWebddy. M"elà. Bisci of Grylake, vlled vthsi s b"hm t Iise Si. C. A. Hapko as»dfaml tuoot New T*rs dilner vlîh ie mother usar tir. sud Mn@. J. L. Irving returned lest w* ek ront & vssk's viii wth relatives #'IS4duRdolph of Rockford, vleltod hie életere, Mn. John Ktnlgg sud Mr@.. Voeiker. A nimber of youag fok@ beld a vatch pwV et tielbomne of Vlet Porteons ;MW yTsar'. eve. sud judging by thir à"ie, tu. imcvyear knew vben it --e Mies Clava Kange vas coufined te ber haie afev deye this vceh by a bard 'John Roues gave a perty Tnesday uelq bgfor tbo]MtiiliM ' bis roomu sud 411e îouugters enjoyed it tbovoughl. 4uit.a nunîber ver. ont skating on LA"s Dua Nev Tmen day sud the le lIPs*e very ood ondition. The vaen h~vlovvr, ba&s poied tbe skatingi W th, Mebelug. Iidmw 0ison, Who vas lahen to the XecKAlister hçaptai lest Tneeday ejPbaid fevov-ded lhe folio vlna lThe romaine ver.ont to =~epLh Thetnday morulng. Tbe 4000 esma carpeuter forecau cm. ~,bYthy l Soo insesud bad coins b" ,froU Minneapolis te, buld a bons. se*#otion formau. ln~s ue gataken b Uic bospital IOdVon an operation for appeudi. No. bas been alllg for some lime vas iàss nmoed aivisable to operate vtbreoadltion becago vorse. ', o7ete ithe vllage of Are ffhmIuialtMoudew. Ja». 5,1914. Vratmon, preideul; Trutm., 1vp Zvn, Irving nad Ruecli. à ad ibte pevlona meting =x ~ i,su poved on motion of ~'~~t5.gter ad hisrgular monthly ' vuïm 1@14 dlled by the finance oioptdon motion of '10 ovl1018wbile ver. vcad: en. . «s, vv......i.......... 0 580 J. wt&tAlin ............... 9.75 alï ieC. trest iable.. 39.58 0at0, lIslio& k fio, legal twvles........................45.00 ¶.oe Co. lepeadeut. prletiug.. 110 IAGAZINE F AGENCY. 1 have acured thse Lake Couaty uge.j fer sUteI. les -84" asu a ps Mdé am, ppsgmed gotes seuer o ecdcpeaa fu" PmyenVUtyourvfi- vouita peietenait .Pdlem "liaivn aa msm 8sg te l. A pelal satiinU hin u àe.s disis e essi caIL AREA NEWS 'AGENC (mot lac.) W- J. William.. teamlng ....... 5.75, Moved by Rusesl sud Wall& that OULA E URICH bille b. aloved and Warrats be drau on ctescurer lu pemenî o1 saine. Milu Mabel Seip of Chicaxo. vlsltisd Motion Me.ro rea ore sover New' Ycsr's. Moyed by TrIpp sud Wella that tUic issElle Feddelsv. clcrk lu Carl 5mai. clsrk b. supowsrsd tu Purchese trom store le takLing a iwo mouthi vacation. 6eq L"sgal d.icor Co. a COoî of1lsynes AI. Orr I be painter, la putting lb. vilflgelave. Motion oarvled. faaigtub ntenwdpt Meeting wjournsd on motion of £lhn oce utenvdpt IN9ells ad Irving. School oommencsdfi tcenov achool T. P. Swan, Molrk. bdISefl Oud8ayOttltih$sbOldAi vacaidon. ___________ TchiuffrS eJar tihe channe. MMa. Uyis le vletleg finds le Chi- Offlon BU urturned tu Eveesion Mond&Y eter spendiug the holiday va- catiokat home. John Dsvtit entertalned the enIits and Gerber failiseNev ysrs, Mv.r-uftchingeW&aaMilwaukee vieil. or Wabt vek. Tlie F. N. C. viii mut ii tii Mise Bessi Alved aturdoa utrnoon, Jan. 17t6. lire.autohlnu p set Monday wltb MrÉ. B. L. TvlPP of Are. Mrs. Davicon ras laid Wurmet lu tb. -Dismond Lake cwetcry Friday &fier. nooe. Mms. Darleon vas an old reeident of tbis Place. George Mitchell snd family. bMv. and Mm.. Eluinan and Mv,. t0@& epent N,-v [Years vltb the H. linehi family lnubi- cago. Tb@ l.adlee Aid eocifty vilI mccl viUi M-e. George Mitchell Tbnveday morning 7Januavy lfltb. Everyone invlted. Mr; Butcbinge i@ attendinir couvr t e Waukestan thie week. Mr. tnyder vas plesaatly enrprised tac»t Wednepdosv aftevnoon by a number 0f ber friende Who helped bey W celebrate ber bîvthday. 'L PALATINE Mv. Herbert Plagge vee a vieitor. eboe.Tueadaî. Rer hneband ha. recently 'beau Riven the prefessores chair in thme tlova State Collage. J. W. Freeman avrivcd in Palatine froin Saskatchewan, Canada, Mionday. B e viii @pend the vinter vlth hie vite ber. Mir. and Mm.. Arthuv Brobell of Yetter, 1 owa, are visitlng'relatives and Iviende! D Mise Jennie Aalck of Pomana, cal., ,knovn to many people ber. vus eerionelp burned by an exploMon of a iamp Dec. 14. She dlcd the next day. Mvr. and M M. leu ecntertained relati ve. t rou Chicago dnring the holiday. M. Boune and tanmily @Dent Nev . eare vlith relatives ln Chicago. 1 Mr. T. tilov. vho vas tahen very ensddonli, ID recently ieelowly recovpýrîng. 1Dean and Rnth Weil@ecf Oak Park, 1ver. gueeta of Mm.. VanHorm over 1 8nnday. ' Miss Grace V aLHnRm isa gneit Of the Garricon taâmmy in Elgin. 1 Mv. Prellbevg entertalned hie relatives froin Chicago during the holldaye. Mr. and Mm.. Reuse and tamiiy epent )New Vear'. wlth relatives in Chicago. PRIIE VEW- SThe Ladies' Vernon Coetery society v iii meet vitb Mm.. Frank Mitchell on Thureday aflernoon. Januavi 15i.A egoud attendance la deslred. (FRons APOTHER cORREOPONIJENT) Misses Rattie Keiler and L.eonora Brockmnnu sPenteveral dae@lad veek vith relative. and friends at Lombard, MaYvood. Eîmlburet and Chicago. Mr. and Mv.. W. Brocknian and tamllv and Mr. and Mm.fi. Bvockmann an .d filY &Pent New Veava day vlth Mr. and MM.. Fred Brockmann in honov of the.laster's danghter, vho i. have froin Canada. Animal Insurance Meeting. l'h. aunual meeting cf the Mîilibumu Mlutuel Inenrane Company viiilh. held in the lover room of the Maaonic Haill MuIbuve, flibnoi@, on Salurday. January 10, 1914, at 10:8(1 a. n ta veeve the officiai epov$ cf1th. Campany, ta ast upon aI business Ihat enu hoeproperiy brougbt before th. meeting, for tbe elecuion of ail oficer.. Meinber.s houlti attend Ibis meeting asn vry important quelions vili b. discuset sud pcased upen. Mliburn, Ill., lieu. 80, 1913. c-15-à Job% A. Thain, Secretary. TOiNG UP . VMÔ wl be very materially am1ssted in a uig p if yon depoit ail sumo in tht. àld Ch.fik ont only uch outu i;a youm Yoqpropertymeas .our gain O~~~BANK MLvkg Quit, a flmber tros hreattedd lti. MIItwy bud dames ai PaisUit.Ntv Y.mr's ve. Aul report a aus tim. TUs dires O f Sthe EsN ires srm Compny eld he r vsaunaI meeting bers Chas. cordesine aduer the cave or Dr. Waddlgtgaae possent wriltig. Rcui7 Hilluma ebppedl a car of lire stock te Closgo Taud". The villageboard met at eglar sesson Mouday nlght. Mvr. and lim CW. Andrwsof Chicago. vlsted friands ermsondeg. Fred Hooft, John Mathier and Chau. Godgluck lidt for the Wisconsin voode lut1 Monday. Mrv. and Mr*. Ed Ernet of llarlngton, vislted vîth the latter@ brother over John Prebin eturncd te Waukegan Sunday alter a two vache vleit with bis folk@. Word wae rpeeived from Wisconein that Mr. and Mre. John Kohl are the happy parente or a baby con. Marie Heinrich, Silvia Seip and Win. Eichuian epent New Year'e day at Chicago. Mie Emilie tisher 01 Palatine, vielted with ber eleter, Mre. A. G. Sebwerman over Saturday and Snnday. Herian iBouge@, vbo i. a etudent at the River Pomeel Teacheve Colle"e returD- cd Mnnday alter baving epent bis holiday vacation witb Irends bere. Mv. and Mvi,. L. H. Popper traneactedl business at Barrington on. day lust veek. lira. Tcm Oeary returned to ber home Sunday aller having viited with ber ieler, Mr@. Lou Sebuuacber ceveral veeko. Ernofit 14ullich viclted a fcw day. vîth bis bIh.o at Milwaukee. Laet veek octir.d the marriage of Mies Amanda Coneoer te John Rechel 0f Chicago. They veve qulcily married di thc home 0of Liv.Succepe. The ncvly marriedcouaple viii live in Chcago vhoee lir. Relebti basbueionsc. Mr@. Phil Amee .alled on Mr@. E. J. Umbdenstock oune day lact week. Ed Albrecht of Mil vauhcs,epantgatur» PSi and SundaY wîth friende bers.. Mies Barbara Amaun visited at Waukegan lust Sunday evening. A. G. Schovean transacîed buine. at Auvora iast Satuday. Mise Esther Surina le visiting witb friende in cibeo. CARD 0F THANKS We wish 1te.hak the kind friende and nighbore wbo dld se mueb for ue and our dear mother. lMr@. Pavîdeon, in caring for ber; aime to tbe ladies who sang. The Famiiy. A check forger wlth an entlrely new gaine truck Waukegan last Bat. urday but se fur a. hnown he vas net succeceful in bis operationis. Hie vlgit cornes tee, soon after imilar chieck deale for local people te be takeiî compietely off tieir guard. By pvetend- lng ta bave a loothache the struger cought la vork ai least one local den- t$at. T'h. p9lice are of the opinion he tried ta vorh hi, gainebn several other places. Valuable Phmd Cae.T». Lut@. The lrony of fate vws exemplbfled et Manhattan, Cal.. rsosutly MIten vorklng tncsssuly sud aMoue. . tvo yers ln a mines lu . vhnobi butlhb bcdfaitb. a -- aieneasHi. lsjý vas iliel by a cave of rocks sud dsbrls, eatimmted as veighing forty tous. The smre fsll of sanli ltai cvuesiont' bis Hlite *noverad the vsry or* body lie bailbeen ieein v16 qmic dogged piersistance. The one.l s SoiDeo0f lthe iciet eyer tllsov. «sra théidistrict. - Pigeono s mDWiepis mivs Dag lte estege 7 ria ; Urae pigeons proyet cf gpeut pactlcq un ln canvynt m.L age. Thes. vwrn tihotUapheci mlcroboopically o- pel lioI.. of collodion wviioliers lu losci len &me5quile attaalied 10 a si lb read le.lits uppar *1 <of Ibm 1.11 feathers. New - fie la a mli tory pigeon system.glmlflod lii mFenai amilmlary o1 var A Buto bamst, vito arniesr t b"PIOiSI thel udquliir vifi di ougmol«oei s obie j"", bb ta" but. aeesoy 5 *MWmim ftbet bu M ville The congregtlnu f the Prfebyterlan cbure babd the m rare onsonday oi llstsêl gto a moci cloquent mai .iarcl ea~m, Dr. Parker of Oaa Fruudso Who ocoupied tbc puipi inmrend evemlg. -The tigu la the Sb*" *a0 the ubisot of Uic cvsulug sermnioMad q etlrulg aMonut et the 0" aW hesortbquakc vas given la an uetradi". Tb@ Chrhstisa Ddeavor socliy viii take OP "Tic Dack Beuric Saêrl et the meeting mutSonndae. vuili at 7 o'ciock. Mi-s HcleuIiar and Frank Bopp]@ epet th$i. Ws sk. t Suppledals arIm . The. Ramr ylub of Deetdefldwas saktprtasd aibehome of ies Winfrsd Boppi, uturday eeung. IM. Javis bus been visitinu ber einter ln Gmlesburg. Mr. Nel*08 la conunetlcg vebearsals for hie plas "The Poily of Foref." The smartesî debutante dance of tbe âeeon vas a New Year'o eve. aifair given by the Mu Sigma Chii girls in Andcreon's hall. An unueuaillybeautl. fl fcYstein Of colored iirhioe s nsîalle for the occasion b! Rubrrt tircenelade. Abolit iftI1couple@ danced eomc Of 'the pretty Dcv dance. wbwb vwer. gi von Offi lai sainctlun by the ouvlal Arbiters for the tiret lime. Williami Wbtlug va. floov manager, and the clîaperones e e Meedamee Whltlng, Krema and Blaun- child. Mvo..Rlebolî, Sr., entevlained the teachere of the ramwar sciool a, dinnev Tnesdpo. evcnlng. Mr. and Mmra.M. Wlnkel vislted rela. tives la Mclenry New icare vweek. tirs. Engene Ender gzave a bithday dinner Wedunday evertîlg. Mis@, Elizabeth Reicheit ba@ been vieit. ing Mise Elizabeth Lp.ey of La'Jrangp. Tle officrersand teàele, otercy torian cubnrh iilmeet Wedneday evening iu the chnvch. Comnmunion esrvicec were hcld in thme Evangelical AssocIation cburcb butidav miornlng. Rer. Jordan, Presiding eider, preached. Four Haidi children vere baptiî'jd. The United Evangolial cbuvcb beld an elecîlon of officers for tbe Ounday school Nev Yeave daey. glss Emma Slilg, snperintendent; Bareli Vent, seretary,; and Arno Fiants, tr&Asurer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ktilcksnî.ecker ver, lime guete of Ui. James lss Ot Chicago, New have daey. Knaak drug S@tore bandleo Mer.dith F10 ver & Vegetable Co., cut fhavera and Plant@. Leave yenrorder lIer.. Satis faction gnaranteed. Funeral vovk a seciailty. c-i Mv.. B. H. Kresentcrtained a number of ber friendo Monday .vanlng. MÎsa Rntb Colline of Chicago, vas the Igues.0nf MiesElda Horenborger, Wedneé. day andi Thnvsday. lits. Fred Kevaien andi cbildren ef Chicago, ave viscilg ai tbe home of tb. former'. father, C. W. Patie. Mr. and Mr@. Beechamn had as thei New Yeave@ guesta, liv. and Mrs. L. Beechamn thd Mr. Brown cf Chicago. MieRnth Llgrervood vas the gue@t' of Mies ladyb Tucher of Hligblank Park, Wedneoday amnd Thuvcday. Mv. andi Ms,. S. P. Butchîson and daughler Irene. vere lac Snnday gueste of Mv. ant irev. Roy Rîacind of Wllmette. i Mr. and Mv,. Ed Knaakamddaughters Mildced and Bermulc, ver. guests'aI lthe bome ot T. L. Knaak during the palt week. Mies Marie Krcss cntertained a fev 91 ber friemids Tbnvday cveomng. Mie., e adora sud Myrtle Ficher of Chicmago, vere lthe guette o! Iheir aunt. Miss Rose Sebmiti. Mr. sud Mv,. Rd Therrien sud sons. Rimer sud Eddie, ver. the gueste cf Mm. and Mrs. Win. Kotelizieben o, Bubbard's Wood@, Nev Tear's day. Misses Mabel and Eldae orenbexget ver. lthe gueeseof Mien Jennie 1511mer Chicago, tonday. The Ladie' AId of the St. Pault@ >Evangellealchurcit viimcc Tbur.day aI lb. home of Mn$. C. H. Jumbrend. Mdises Elizabeth Knickerbocker vili enteviain the Daley (birtie, Friday evening. Mr. and lire. S. P. Butchison voeeb gusetoflMr. sud, Mr@..B. Zochier oh Wauhegan, Mondai. Mine Marie Bliemel of Chcago, vas th imavîk-end.guet pf Mr. andlira. Rd t Biemohi. 1 Meure.. Alvin Meypr and -Invin Plsgge reiuvned W llnbeuia Mondai te, attend Mir. 0. 1. Rocksuba ir as i tseguesi of5 ber parel,, M. and Mme Whltn..y ai Zais Zurich, lest vesk > Dr. C. J. Devis sqat siveesidal lu >veekamihegruaet aMr. sud Mn. Ai rguma msudBu*i Eo"kaek of 0 l*4 Vsv, Inn* .e09i ii «w- &_ t-'m A yonnng ijtn vho a few yeavs ago depoeitodl hie firetsio1000 itb Our bank recenlly wanted $600 10o go te, farming. Hie uavibgs book showed h. lied eavpd S$1878.00 in thrce years and thai he hiad time ability to man- age hie owu affaire. Ha intemcsted our capital and i.ecnred thb. ban. We have a quarter of a million dollars ve vould like to lban to more euch men. Witb S$1.00 you can open a savingç account yul1 env batik. NVlmy not do il nov? First National Bank Libertyville, IM. FREE DELIVERY IFINE 7rvREPIiTiNGj. WAS EFFECTIVE IN WACES N. H60 O RIAS EWEL NRAVINQGLSS Taxes, p 1 u s N.~~~rniro ClEi. N RIA IEN;AIN The People Have Been Looking 1 Forward 'for a Long Tîme to Proposed Change. j~84 EVERYONE MUCH PLEASED.ý The Two Carriers Had Been Preparlng Their Routes for I4 the Loit Severai Days. North Chicago people are qulle Jmb- . -s- lient over the tact that tbey are nov recelvlng free dellvery of mail., .theU S amount of business traneacted by the A u s office Ihere havlng canced tbe govern- ment to inctall the carriers sYstein. LIBERTYVILLE, The plan vas put loto effect Frlday. North Chicago Consl4crg h one of the blggest cleps forward b ln e shlstory. --_____ At the precent Ilite only a portion DRO M NE I of the City la taken ln but thme plan D u O E I evetualy a o hkveItextended le take lnth e tL Ct. Ernest Brean V LV A R LO rieye appolnted. Tbey were b, i E I ibis veeh routing Iheir districts,,ce- LI E RS VE curing the naines of people resîdine ___ ln every bouse and instrtmctlng those who have flot already plaeed nufThbers Overseer Starts Raîsîng Funds on their bouses le do 80 at once. The! for an Ail Around the World majorlty of housseave aireà4it num. 1 Tour to Start Soon. bered. Fixture for the carrier, have;: been lnstlled lu the postoffice. Nary 2Si eros nacd Norl Chiagopeople have beemi around lthe barre at lte all-night meet- looklng forvard for a long lime 1 n ISio aence inll.o the tintesvhen they would be able to Wednesday itigImI. Every person i taI have their mail dellvered ta thelr Passed the large barrel. vlîich vas door Instead of being obliged to walk drapcd ln gold, white snd bine-lIme ta lIme postoffice for it. 11.ta exPected Zion colore dropped Iite Il a coin or lImatIti will be Borne littie lime beforea greenback. the Plan gel, ta running cinoolhly, Ju st bow much was deposlled conld but Il wIlll hcgo much Imotter than n I o se taieeu ll adt' tIme prevîcus Plan thut the people viii at amounted ta Ilmouands. bic able to Put up vith any littie de-jVoiaue tebrrlorsr- flcleny. i ciai offerlngs Ivice every year, once HE dnring tIl'eali-nigImI meeting, and Ibemi vifFKIAL 0f T E again durlng Zions a..u.1 feact of tab- ernacles In July. Voliva ap'Iieeled for a libegal offer- l on accounniof a fund he is ralcing SOO UNE VCTIMhie word-iwe cuae le r N U L& IE ECoiintes In Illnois, andi leter ha ho::s r PiliuuMîO ,lÀ H RE 10obrancb outI ntootbcr jiates and @Death in Hospital Wednesday, Nelva elndhie addres eIme h 17 Dec. 31, of Andrew Oison, world vas growlng verse instead of bettar and ridiculed 1th. effIcacy of I Master Mechanio. Chioego's "Go.to.ehurch" day. ai T'he, Anmrc OIIIson. vWho died >lat. hinds of echames la gel lb. people, W Wedneday atiMc4Jstr or lipa, au support then,'" ha added. '"They get amaster meclmenc of lt. he Chago-iln- u tnpcsr cuppers andi put one pour lit- ,,cnapolil division of lte Sa. uine rail. tlie yster in a quart cf bot valer aud road. Hie dealt vas due to pneumo- give pome Pour dupe a spoon 10chase nia vit ivhhas striciten a hlm arounti for hait an hour. They acouple Of days bofore Christmas viResoit vomen 10 gel together and ccv lu charge of vomi for lte road at Ibeir finmr off t vaiese monci ta Laie Villa. support the pinson andi keep the 90cr R b'is vi.Wva vit him on the trip reccal trom stlevvng te, deatit.. 1 tell 9sad for saine dais th. cared for hlm yonthe Bride cf Christ la no beggar."' a iitout celllug a doclor. Then MU condition grev dre sud bh, vas The ZMon oultry Ohow promises te testoU 1 Ailt*r itallte day ho a greil Cccens thie ycar. EGeorge tio0fore Cllnes. RIS condition D. Chcnovetb, lte live secrelary. au. Igrev v orseand on Wedn«iaeythiénollucoS fiel ieibas eôme fine birds iu"muoton VU r Or»Si laIsasuet- for Ibis y~a'show. He lias w fine fortb l i Ib vbu, o as nbree 0f 811h Orpblgons (moec ýfor amestlilIlvasU avallu. monly Inovu as haliry ChIMXks) For Xr. 11Mvu 7 is! *du auf Vo. 6 eth bflashotsas Offées 1s*d bis dMi104.t" MM lest WeIbmr t-ai uiPIuio amed14 a 1». mm s nuase woe Ho las regd #luebss s ix Ï6110 tes *e~eim~~D. eliqvi. Forty-ore t wir , *uw11efl àïaoren tim& s...fi jeibs waubcmue Upl ig »" MMQU 4ý- M M so t *WMusoo libtetysille 1 ho-, No 2450H'- Ctirol'lmomie. L.ke View,. No. uicf Col. E. L Downes & Son GENERAL AUCTIONEERS Horses, Milch Cows and Farm Real Estate Farm sta HBndee Muik station Ubersyvifle, Dlleelim .B AI RSTOW MANUFACTUNIA 0f Marbie and Granite Moium nis Cometery Work of Evory Descr1pt1on CorrespondenceSolicitet 116 Genesee S Waulkegan The Hlgbvood speclal acsIDlcLt cage ln vhlcb the Ciy fa geeokiig the confirmation of an imlirovemnt te lay a big etretcb of concrete ruade In thpt elty vas declded 4~y Judge Pfi aeons Wednes day a. M. Whvhe .over- rulcd ail the legal obJections. l'h. *. Jectors viU apPear In court nazi t w urday and viii decide vhether t-l vigh ta have th«Ilr obJections tr3ïk by a jury or take an appeel to ** eupvems courLT.lh. lmprovemsuk,Ig ans which itla leiamedWlllv~ enhance the velue of vpr~. Hlghvdod -and the malort«y4Ut dents anfre IL 1.Juat WhAt objeotorse il ta"e.nor bave beçn de.tml60aga by 3"0 -. Pens.la . am Io >U4 NDNI! .1oeih.iFrOaL àTrainsJ. wait for no m2an. ir 1 l'