LAK OOUNIY IPP~D1T RtDAY, JANUARY 9, 1914. SyCb4A$.E .MAZUN Reprosentti.vs - Cor"osaaind.nt Phone 84-W Severel frou bers attsnded the Uncla .m.Pmshow ut (rayolake Frlday esreuleg. tirs. Clans Junge visted ber moîber la Chicago sevprai ticys lest veet. Dr. Mrin madie neverai business tripe t o Lbertyrilîlslaelt veek. Tb@. New Year's tdance at Ainanne"'bal wýAs a brillant suces.. leue@ry wey. Ai promeut @peut a vsry sujovTahie erening. .U'dinly-o .ticets@s ersalti. Oaa. Richardem on elaid up wltb a *prabW aee., barlng elippunouthe Icy ai.lie gela along nicel>' w th the auiofa acane. Oemar Tbomam bas reuteti the diai forward orer Riebardeone store, farner- 1>' oSmqpied by Wike Smith. Louis William@ sed William Walk bve.roturnet frram Montena, vbere tbey bave been apendiug the pat ev mntnba. ENDOUSE FIREEI SBAL 1115laur belel liai ail support Bens lb. Libertyrîlis Vaîunuler File Depari. ment l. meriteti a great tisai more tben lie evemneg persan belleves, as it là Ibrongi tise prompt respanse aI the merutiers oI Ibe tepatuent liat mauy Oe bhome is sveti froin total detruction. We hsartilu endrue the publie dance of th. diremen lin Iboir efort ta rai»esude tor lie Improvsment ai lhe jepartimeni. Home Lumijer Ca. oi lierty ville. The card party gîven for the beDefit ai St. Patrie u hurrb tat Tuesdeaveu- ina et the residence ai Eti Cunufugiien wan quite a sucemse.bath sîîieliy anti iuencielty The hiiese was crowded ta the utinîsi A ins lunch vus cerveti hy the ladies ai the cburcb vhicb vas beertily appreclatet b>' aIl pres§ent. Father Faley wvas luChicaga neverai days the paxt veekbavlng lis Ibroat treateti. Tbo Ni w Yars odence given byea fcw of the huis omn Wpddey evenleg vac Weil uttenudtd and ail report a gooti tine. Supper vas serveti by Mîesdameés Lei andituBf. Willie Winters, wbo bas been quit@ asick the pasi veet, je rnecb better et the At Wauhegan. Wetiuestiay, Franktlb. rrig osooti an a ti, ani tre. . F Mass Ethel Iitineyer bas returusti tu Drumoui a lii. lac, aa Rîb.ber ahooltllesineWauksgan aitera Tomnget daughter ai James Trigip of IWtva veke racation. On"gueLake. vers unîtedtIin marrlsge. 011e Hoimus vas seen a0Our streets Aller a short houcymoon tbey viii mare lest Suntay. iltthelb ouge. oruerly ovnsd by A. W. One ay let veet Louis Young, e ain lrez. le extenti congratulations. aI Mont Young. wbo bas bec worhing grviqtbing is lu readiuessfor thoe t the Enrelope iectary lu Waukegan. b ar"".,of a lamrge cmofaites st Amaira badthtei misiartune tu have the unidltil bles bouse tbers. Ail that le neede luger of bath bandes tation off at the nov in marne ieveather. firot jinet. John Ro.iug paiseti vay et is haine tire. Leble anti euitnr Jessie, ai ber Weduusday eveniug, Dec. 81st, cfier Wauktegan, have heiln speedinit a @eW a long ant i lngering iineestatlhce ge deyc vuîh the formers@meter. tire. M. E. of 60 yeers. Il aiqthi sol 2 doivs. Lux. Funerai services vers belti et St. L. M. utekins bhas rtnreet to a Wti- Jomepha uliurr tiers atimSt. fPeter'@ varih as hîrd trîkngiuet-the tover. ehurrh et Valu,, vitb imternent et Vola, anti <lemrk.- itheig bias gane ha tover Be leave ta maurae bslues four sons. ity-e-gît. four daugbters anti twenhv-tiree ugrand Mr..tirslert Wiiters bas beu iav teing a chiltirsu, besdes ahbumt ioi irenda. W@ see if tii,- gripi. thie oust week. joie je ezt.*udiuucou r îiu.-er.--. iî1at hv tie. 'i F. Liux nas a %Waukegee ta tbe berearu ies. rîsut.uir1,Ni'londuy. tirs. Francs. MFary 1lias guetoi Thin -usesMaude anti Helen ClarkL Chicago, viere sbdwil speetia iev days eutertamii da ev iriremils Saturtay eren- vith relatives anti Iiendo. naiuni iîîmor iii thym î-îusuu, Chelime ho-Giicirsli 'fi i.r oirhig oudey Dr. anti tre t'ines ltomcsuuiier ah- - tentietithe funerai ai t1e lainera couusn____________ as Elgin on Fritiay. MmsMande Ceretunti basmturnedti i The remnai i oftins te Johne luiisiz.W livtiiu Wbv hsueattends.callege. vba for rneny >ers vas ereideit o ir and -%'Irs- iimiry Pa4iepettNew, Ilh15 rlace, vere brought b re fuor servic» es nr, ail, iiner du- giter tirs. Earnest gatihurlil.Jiý Miss Martha rut ber tlsmiuiv i'Ci'entLonSrn bant qule sesrel ts,, a-eksugo ntihave ri-îuurd ta the i uivrersityoai liii- lubat e t hrome turing thint tirne, 11je e bta tir, unid'nrs, W. B. Stewart leit Weti- tirs. [tocs iunnill rioitî't ir daughter nsi> . vebr.Foiivnr tirs. Wrn.Hicofnnme t I ltuuuu al ui muedyfýrPtrug Foiu h L;unday laist. - tue>' will i mdtusea inter. Mimss 1.-ailievsead pent a veet viii Objectars ta the prpi-asmetipuring aCutiii iag n ronoa o Improvernenle luin-tghwoatiaphisare t k in County Court Saturtay a. In.i. e-Tii, 1 i-i1,nceirt Campanv yli' et wvietithue hearing by jury ant iahei thci'r. l h, J iiaryj4:t unuer theauns- the appeal ta, lhe Suprerne Court en- ph l, M.-- I(, L lies Aid sau'ety. lereti. Thiey villfile thue bonds withu 'niO. . K lain andl taughtir epsut Iu 30 days 50 thie eppeal nay go uts thne art inu Chicagoanami Evanston. if tbsy teicde an thatcoran-me. Thuey Thu,- lu-li'-,f the euuretuviii huare a are flot fighting thne publie benseit i-kuleiu luuuuorr uni tiie cunretu, Jan. 10. Neature but are ttglitiug the legal oh- 1', i- hau il'mtci mm -il huait a lias- lecions vinicinJutige Persans amer- nh ni'.s mucvîug alqrlie imii,'uurani'e dinner rulietivien tIne city affichis souglît Jauu 11) u ut 2::io l. 11 confirmation et tins tmprovrment tin , , îumuru ttmuintcuta bis court a ev days ega. In taklug mI,,, uit 'neg au tlus i'e.corta tins malter ta lthe Suprerne Court lime objectars vIii seek ta bare the opmn- Mm - Jiomo isrtindt I iertille viiere cie atte-nuds luu ion of Jutige Personis set amIde. The Improvemnt is anse u intic-inlong Tuo e u'i'tutirr iiet a il ihd t1imir - tretchmes af concretestresare toantan -t n nhue ciurclu laih ýe_ belaid.Mander, Jani. 1.1, ut 2 ). ai. There vers 3500 inarrtage liceeses tasueti tn Chicago lest year anti about 1,M00lteWauksgae. Thes proportion borelEsabout Ivice (bat lu Chicago, populations consideret. Mare ont- aliera proportlonately gel rnarrted bore tbgl in Chicago. IBargains PHONE 24 formerl> ai Mihîburn vas tii-d lure Saturda, .Jeun. e t tiillburnn ceneter.. Uncle Pennywlse Bays: We ebould Il stuiy te caes ofa aur greal mon. A good vay le ta get on su invesautlnscommttee Good bouée and lot in good location $1500 Good houas and lot in good location $1900 Good houas and lot. good location,4 - $2400 Up W. ha». leotihum..t'wmal oel Yoa à 1 gta e 0'r Mr buane Buy a City Lot w. hava hem fis.*100 ru& e. " dtodby F.J.DRUCE, Phone Il Ordors T keun for Job Work. Advertising rates on application. Monite Allen entertained a number of bis gentlemen finonde at a dinner party ,'wndav evenicg. Finion & Lewis, the noelothlnglirm, wbo have started nit wbere T. t- Reyuol'is successfully rue a lothing store. opsed up t bit-r store for business lent Monýdai. New gootis are tiaily arriving,, and vs eepetik ifr the new finu a prooperouo business. tirs, Henry ICuebker, wbo bas been1 very !Il the point ten days was taken tu the bone of ber ruothere aet Wauktegan lest Fridav. Sithe jen ery littie botter. Leonard Hook, who attends Armour Institute, je vory iii et bis home aud1 vas uiale t< retura ta bise chool duties tibis veek. Eliner Hiitzeîîîann ofi tuncee, and Miss Malbel Munîtz of Elgin, wbre guetsof Mir. snud Mrs. Chas. Feniou over New Year'n. The Btpy ey e club met wlth Margaret Reade lesnt Saturda>' and eleeteti the ioliowinig ofilcere: Elle &eblosser, preei- dent; liesie Wagner, vices preident;1 Margarest Meade, sscretary; Viola Black, treasurer. The club moee vitb Monts W its udit aturday. Tbe club consista ol girls trom nine ta tweîve: jeare aid, tbey ment once a week and ev, pay andi bave a goodti ure. Sletion of oflloere oçeur every six monthe. Have you got a Victrola in your home, if nat yau are missing many pssaient hours. Cornein andi lt us play @orne for 'on. A few frai,, bere attentiet the lutterai af Miec. i 1kefilei t t Jurue lait Tues- day. A A. MttilIan let sporting a branti i.w ' Kîîî tive passenger automobile. tir Lamb, of Coloradlo, a brother-m- law of tirs. H. J. Wb.elock of tiol place, die d ort lit place recently. tirs. M* hel, -k vit ant soun as eotilied af bic serlus ilitiegs, but the trains beug suow bîîund me. arrivei a ew bours ater hie death. [t is allegeti that tirs. Lamb wil reture vîth lier éioterm, tIrs. AI. Heniee andi Miro. Wlieelock and spend the viuter bere. New@ rpecilved irom Edigar Sessbolti anti wife ai New York, bv is niother of tbis clty, that they htave a lins baby girl. tirs Charlotte will leave je tbe nier future for Boscabel. Wis.. ta vîit fIonde. Frank Jut ofithie Just Miotor Co.,vai lie îur toan Monda>'. Cham. Wightrn and farnily spent Suîday with l*a Feuloi and jiinilv at <l iieep. tirs. Wm. Chisespeut WedneLdtinj Cliciago. OBITTJÂRY. Josiphl Wright t'laphem, ohlest sou ai tir. art] Sirs. ThoiaoeClatihurn, as boi ri f hicago, Jan l18, 18i7:. lu the year INHI e uiiired witb hie parents to Lake countv settling near (luges Lake, where he epent lis boyhaoti duys. As e Young mari lie tooîk ina varions lines ai business in the eities ofi hliaga, Mil- waukee, LaCrasse andi1aukegan, baving been a berber iu the lutter, uit the time of bis tieatb. He Isaves ta inouru i, se ssan aged father and unther who resuàe lit Warren, four brîîtbers sant tva istere Thoimas oi Washington, 1). C ;('hArles. John, Richard andti Mre. liii Porry ai Warren, and tirs. Amy Moaore of Wauiî'neta. He came ta hn,î untinnel>' endi Nov. 15, 1913, Interuient beîug mateienu the Warren ceiew1r>'. CARD 0F THANKS We wisb ta expreed aur sincere thankH tii the relatives. usighborm, singerm anti may iriends for eyinnpathy, belp anti florel tokrens oi respet ta Oar tier son and brathes-in aur seul haur ai bereave- tuent. P-16 tir. anid lire. Thoasi Claphaun anti fernily. OBITUAR'Y Sybif la Vogel Kuntiert was bore le Switzerland je 1838, aud died et the horne of ber daugbter, tire. John ticLaughlil et Hall Day, Dec. 28, 1918. tirs. Kuudert came t0 &meric& vith ber huhband '[n 1870, living et Stilvatàm, Minnesta, môvlog ta Hait Day tabout twvoirentmrse ga. Ou. child wvusbore te the. union, the. daunht.r vbo survive. ber. Tva greutichiltirsua ntions grue araudehuld aima uourn hear [ou. Ub wee lid ta uMit e b. un on s,. W. vi.btosixpresa aur than" tota b. ýii be,. mid ingerr, ta ubos viw" À RERMABLE I RECORD IN STOREI The 8crm aI V. Saner & Ca. et, Long grave diseoivet by mutuel consent on Jan. 1, 1914, sunt (bt day marketi an opoch of mors thtan noualiImportance tu tihs hâterati parties. Avay bnick ln 1869 C. A. Saner thon juet batfroin the var andti ofaItihe bospital, ineapeitatsd for muetfoamis ni manuel lal)r by the lace ofa i g et line batiseofiMiesion Ritige. vas corn- lielteti ta lokah bout for eîîmue ene8t means oisariig a living. liing vtth- ont capital Ibis vas nu easy task, but, urgeti andi encoaetib>' Irienîlsbte riuitureti ta Open a little store le thef village ai Long Grave and amseaciatsd vith hlm bis brother Victor, bath inexperience inluamy unitiiofbusiness. f As the start. vas matie vitin borroveti mimer. it gos. vithaut iiayimmg (at their "aopening stock" vaastsuallone. Boy- erer the email business hpegan ta lake solidt out afler a fev yearm, pe pie began ta recoguize faithillssrvlee ae.t a]@o began ta trust the "bîîys'. Soon theye vere compeibet ina reinove ta larger querters. Tbey built e now stoire in 1872, anti 20182 vas theon iodestly considereti large enougb for ail lime ta camne. They bat the mettofaci ion ai learniug lu afler yeare tinalt teir tirst gnoses vas a 0a" one, f or the orgînal 20x32 building bas ince heeu remodeletiÉ Ibres differsut limes, until nov Il stands 40z56 tva story, attic anti bassinent, vitb a separate varebonse for ortoriug inulky gonds, a&U Ipace beiug utilizeti solely fuir this business. Au time pâaeti ou the mianagement ai lie business changed inevhet. Frarnt C. A. Sausr il ciienget in 1872 ta C. A. deuer 1-Bmu., thosu aller a term aI yeare C. A. solti bis Inéeret ta George M. Ruth, makiag lb. flmm Saner & Ruth. Mr. Ruthn lu tara soIt oueta Fred Saner. the 11cm going entier thse name ai Sauer Brins. Fred Sener vnsbing ta retire anti recume iaruing. 9' A.Saner l re-entero-t the business uialiu the tiimm C. &. Sauer & Co. Lamer the titi@ vast VJ. Sauer & Bras., V. Sausu- & Son andt for tlie [mt tee yeatre it lias lue 'V. Sauir & Co ., -uunioasd of Victoîr 555cr, Alert Saner an mWn. J. Sauer. ileferr n ui.tii the beadinrg iii Ibis artic-le "A Remîanlable Record.- refereuu-e i. parti-uharrl v matie ta Vicitor Saner the senior inîsunih)er aI lhe Oinutii es@oiveu. He bas hi-rn assaciateti vitin this busnnuese fi,,ri the rery start lin 181;i)up ta the pr...-nt lime; over iorty-four years inutire saine business, in tireane tacn n s a recourd ulidom equalieti. Ttrait the lui-nees bas been e succoostal oving ta thi, fet that ail members ascociatet i wtinIltfronm tiesta lime worked with a cilelrmination that titi Dot vaver .--rytirne the vint or. veether ebang,,l [t bas ever been the polir>' ai tuei,.m-ut live up ta ttie aid German cm-mt fcb die"il serve) aivays nindhuui ai the custuners intereqteas efllastheir ovu. To keop tiovu unnecies..ary elponees, eaiducg, styrai-ket sqchptiiu-e, ta ]et erer>' tut) stand an lte vmu iimttoin. vith a pains. taking regard for amiait thinge luin rdm-r ta bu wurtuy ofaI Imger unes. The growth of tlic business hem neyer bee-n seniationiai tiiere wvesmun> tenuu years noeg tire-I. t ter anese.ther e ve noa0 aiii> iemi.i, irur spurîs tor amie etretcli amui doi iii tinsditsnb the ni-st. Miss Woadbury a1 Chicago, a trablust nurse vbo bas been cerlug for typbald .,oer patiente et Anllocb viaiteti at J. K. Cribbs last veez. MIr. snud trs. N. 03. Leutzus:ai Oakfleld Wié. ePont [ast Tueeday anti Wetiuesday witb Sbeir many irlentis lu Lake Villa, and ettendeth ie New Yeare tdance. tir. Lentzner bas e eplentiet position as Principal e% Oaklielti. Au informel reception iu the nature of e ouprine vas belti aI home aiftir, anti tire, H. Sherwooti on New Yeers [)ay in honor ai their liftyeentb wetding eue. iversar>'. AIl the aiternoan anti eveuîng frieude callet t offer congratulations ta the oldeât marrieti couple lu aur tovu. Bath are velsudantieeoying tifs ta tbe ut mont. May they live ta celebrate many more enniversaries, flarriet anti Eleenor Wald entertainei tva cousine irom Burlîngton Baturtiay anti Suntay. tire. Hattie Rawling @peut a couple tiaya last week witb t3rayolake frientis. A goodly number ai our tiesone anti vives ettenedtithe Masonle insteallation et Milîhore lest Fritiay eveuieg. The Ladies' Aid Society met Wodnes- day vltb tMr. Ijias. fainlin, anti beitia businesmeeting ant id i eving. Mre. Barustabie and tir.. Wald ver@ ie lhe clty on business last Fritiey. Miss Gertrude Miller bas bese spouding- ber vacation et ber home bers. The mourne vbich hv - - the bank for thc pas year bave been matie over lnto pool roama, anti John Notir viii bave them n l charge for the winter. We bati bopeti that the le-bouse vouldibe apeneiup for,.vorkIbis vin- ter, but recSntly moaitbe"'lities tram the ice-boueanti hetieanti betitilqg ram the boarding bouse bave been rernoveti ta ither lîlaces.5@0 t eenîs that lhe lai-e yul lie idle for a tînne. but vs hope ta se ît inruening îîrder agaîn. Nfrs. () t' Mattuews entertainei ber sic. lv' i-,tmsSiaulie Boulden or tiadisan, Wis. last weet. tir. and tirs, ). C. tiathewo anti Floydi 8pent Nev Year'os et Wilinet. Carl Soreuson ant iwle helti a iamlly renunion uttheoir bome on New V ers day. Our haut ie giring away t ta o ceNt- amers and irieudthte chaire ai tva vsry prelty calentiare. Tiusy are al8o preeent. ing the famnitles je and about Lake Villa vîth a mîatch bai, for holding the large boxes ai matchs,, wbieb surpasse auy- thing vs bave yet wen for salety anti conrenisece. ANTIOCH Piu.k Slyeter anti vile ai Endeavor, Z iîs, via have be epeedingua a 1e daye with.tre. Styster'c parents, tir. anti tre s. Burnett, returneti home rThursla>'sreung. rs r. Belle Sugart andi daugbter ai 7Days of Interest to Vous'-, January 123456789 10111213ý Deposits made on the above' dates wilI bear interest fromn January mst. If you have been considering a change in';.our bauiking rota tiens with the camning of the new year, yenm can make the change, nov and nlot lace ane penny of interest. We cen collect certit- estes of depasiton any bank. Start today by depositing ONE DOLLAR. Open Wsdesuy ereulings front 6:30 to 8:.30. ~àIJ1ta rru0t & »autua Umd A STATE BANK Lake Villa, liioj $100300 E WAR I For information Ieading t. the ar- rest and conviction of a'yon. steal- mng h.mber or other material, or in any way taniperimg with buildings u nder construction owned by DURANýD & DURA? NOTICEI l'heo niy thlng the Independent ha* ta ssIi la PACE. It leaa known fset that 'a n.wwppr makea nothing off ta subocrlp. tionO thOmslve.,-lt muet depend on th.esale of SPACE. Many correspondants w.ekly tond ln Items portaining te ailsrg vine0PrOmotors vii realiz. Profits &@assreuit fce he iver- tlsing those colums furni.eSuci tems sliouid end muet b. pold for If we are t0 livo. Theo rate la .mali-Ove conta per lino. In future such notices viii b. omîttoti unis«. notation 'le mode that thoy are 10 be psld for. Any &flair whore admission la îhsrgod or promotoril moaea profit fram Il, la lni lhe it cf thînge for whlch notices muet b. paît for.-TF. NOTICE TO OORRESPONDIW Indepondent correspondents lana Oasos are getting thelur item* ln >ol for propor handling. Ws wouild.-a them if paisible, ta have lhem lI j office byýTuesdaY. H. J. Poilie, liee uctioneer. 4>161 The Coffee IWaut at the1 YomWant To Wm. Hortan anti lady fienti oi Chi- 11SER=A'M uago, spent New 'leurs vwititirs. -Sam Ries.1 Eter>' round un i t, latider ofi surIsse mas e).Kittlthut anti famiiy @peut New tnuîraughly neemel stFore aspiring ta tue ',mrs lu Burltgton. ane abane. tiuus uuu'îringacornparatiucly slow, suiv. anul sur,- iriîgress. Whunhe workmng un tins roati ut Channel le r- irung ii.'t uiýnburs aif the aId irni L.ake Harry Smithi anti Fred WillItt dug look bau-k a mu. a gratoful leelingil up the, stelptans imo four Intinafie. A iev tuiertis thse puluihuin geusel for their yi'ars agoIieun skulis ,>vrsuneeartbed loyal raîrouagi' rahhtiug(batsmus mie ur . tis samie spuot, vineh lad t ends ta [s nuit tiieasuiri- -ons lu dolhlarsan utittic 1hiel tien (lis vasa forumer Intie menus eand tiipi- tý, i -ma>'tinsfrienule mlý i iii-rmai gruudml andi lZouat whhii, Id acqueluhanu-es ilu Viedîmes ofa'ai et veek tinhet dneye the tutu re. . ' ut un atmer vili pruilahul ruuuhuithre tif linsdeatti of i terotin>, retire tii asm-i tii; ratirely a ululet hl lifOte imes yar aId dauginter aoftir, anti as bim fiindustriu- munaurs yl permnit.tirs. Framnk Sarage ai thim place but What Wm. J. Sat;ur viii engage in usavimo arec spvnding tins vînter at Lee@. nut general>' ku,. un; but lie tborumh u lurg. Vlolriha.Tiensdut came on Christ- busiuees sîpeructuinehobas hall in th( lus a ugit ah teeon he.Suie dieti of business renders L s uomptent lu, cie,' ipîuthyria anti vas huriedthie next day. e succees aifan tlîii rbehunuertukes 1me Anti hoxun wuatiministereti but tailiti. tins future, tir. anti trs. Saraeu'have tishe ertfelt The business m ii hoe coutieitihuy smnpathy' if althstr Auttori friendis lu Abert Sausi- and John L. Rues as theur sud boeavemnt. Sauer & Hans. lins former bus been amseatei vîthu tir-bueiness erer msucre tire Spragus. vina vas ratiet bers ou boybood. tIr. Itumes neaesnoformai accouaI tiiftinsdeatin aI ber latner. tir. introductipu ecuber, as be i. veit antiJosepImi inear, returnedt 10ber home at favorabîr keove lu>'aemhîarily ai thne Pontiac Frîda>'., people lu tin s urroniinig country, Ernest Kelly ai Chicago, @peut New haring farmeri>' hbeusemplayeti for a leurs vwite bis parents. term-al six or @aesu yeare by V. gainer & R. A. Luger, 'sho recentîy, solt ieI anti Bras, anti V. lianer & Bon. For a photagrapin studio ta tir. Hoidorî, bas f.l buiesof ini5b ave wed aePlenespurchaeti a studio atm Harvey, III., anti fuibuinssofheid 1evai b. ainviii Malte liat bis future home. Bis Iii.,v so ont riends ie isbhm suese. n-enater tb. aid etorse adthe lid tovu. Whet lb. succege i of nsv»W rm viii NMssEther Beebe, vbo bas bien riait. ba romaine for tie futue odemansrt., flue fionde eit Woodtsoch, rueredt home but ti.publie mai fui assnti thet an Baturtiay. ue.shoassteul o vEb. Mede ta milep thestii lanardi. îiopew. Pi 1Ioviaglae eoM et 13*18U510 club fer tie -sldamlEt *0s . Iludiapusablo iar ogatisu là a felelgblamEs ,ft "l g lus uoa 'sh icis o im bula.dqmnms ~ jtes bole e t. e il00W l m hetoul.smuet agi. te, 3 l. lat oe U la thélb ootr-« *ebuicilé,ththelb.mostusfl mdni osa louis Wy fer s"opesistasla, wol@Ummm >leMot h vb hmba«Wevr lue ocisie ami ens. WoIDie vER b. *eiMe hmeehai for lis o0» adveaiet tir meaabersip, ami ta addtonte Witbout th*e $ow agrIQUlCt 10 EsW Iblig lb. use or ail tho roomo opeia posblsi u-làviuboutSaiinl u tu lb. mes. lnaludiu thlb bilan nde.lry -ea sisl-4bapffl n NOmX, lsi viii bar a oageMfor tImr fer the PramidBoome, by Frffl IeUIMIa V &e-L«fdou a &il. 1oo.teu Thers vase apart>'utethle borne oai - Wm. Zandere an New leurs ste. There. voe orer fort>' guests anti ereryaue bal a goo tilmas. Bertinu Faulkeer hais gone borne aiter @peudieg several a-seks smilh Grae Bilanche (Oliver ai Wauksgae, tisiteti [t mahos a utuiE, udt utdJ. 1). Murray's haast veok. dik-uftow «Mnu" J. 1). W.lcl vas mu Waukegau lest îb e anti quaulu,' Manday., mure s ssbhng. w'skis. Jus, Engier, vina vas@hot a e i veese goi emot tihng as veit as hie irieude vîin he migbt. John IWeiri returnet trains Chicago Seturtey vinere hi' speut liie- inlitaye. Jeunes Strainun is hmrorn mui Dakota, vinere hi' speutt(hue suumner. Our scîmool apeneti Monde>' alter a tva veesevacatione. tir, anti tirs .Tom Etivurds anti tr. anti irs. (0. Rolenheek etteniedth le funerai of an aunt in Wankegan an Suneday. SThere vas a tamiiy reunion uitthle home mil John Straban ou New Year's day. RUSS&L TIns club et the home ai Charlotte Siver vas veli attendeti anti a goodti ime rn. porteti hi those present. The guutiey se.hool badt bsir poitpon- ed progrom Bundtay altiernoonu. miss Austin of' tilwvaukee, psnt Nev Ters ait lb. 5e111 homne anti célilui ou thbsr trisatishers. Auna Hanun seel tlest Tuoeda llh Mm L A.C. CarrEs. Achoal openut on Monday ails, a vssha Vacation. J. IL Cardes Es ettsndiacourét Ibs vqek. tir, anti Mm . 8.tuwriespu ls- day E l a os htbpisses., Vearrue lEver af Wanuigaa afl sion lb. Siver If e eos hatsy. 1 haovi Kteris ant Rý 0. lierrEs »à fimy attendia b Esetis84aU"AI br* leut Fitqu S. wi?: 30 ~cEL utS Need m ORCHESTRAI awcn N..84l Round Lae,%DL.ý *ii PRUC-m m OCCA m«».pis . ,.islUiliph* Capital $25,OOO.00 l 1