Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jan 1914, p. 4

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LA KE COU NTY INDEPE1fl)XNT, MRIAY. JINILà Lake County Independ e n tBA OUT $0OU; OffIciaI Papai for Lake County________ MPOEI.(OE Otre Tolephone Number 1, Lbertyville Exchange. N Si S AFE Ua e ie hliPootofilceetafLhrtyvdlie, 1Iii.sSpecond Ciase &MaIllter N ES O .SÀfE <auaed Everv FrIdny. Adrti.IungRaes IMade Known on ippicaton. *IJBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.60, PER YEAR STRICTLV IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH .. ......... . .......... ................................... .......... Editor 0. 0. SMITH --... .............................................................. Manager M. J. WEBER .. ........ ............................ Resident Manager, Phone 68 Appendici tis, agetording to an -exehango, ls some-- thing that enables n dector to open up a man's anatomyl and remove bis entire pocketbook. " If you don 't believe it, asic one of the appondllx-Iess folks. Làooks to us a3 if the officers of the Lake Breeze Sani- tarium btter get very busy and close up their part of te deal unleas thoy wisii to have it 1"thrown in the air." They cannet afford-te romain passive now-they must get busy or undo ail that's been done by the county board. Mfany 1business-men cannot avoid being put in the "penny wise and pound foolish" class, but officiais of a corporation have no roason, ro matter how extenuating the circumatauces, te pusii themselves into the claas. The public doesn't expeet it; it gives nobedy credit for being so extremely saving. ___ Vive iiundred unemployed men marched in parade ln :Mdç w Year's ove, carrying a big banner with these vori ds ,.it:* "We vrent work, not charity." And, the ohauem~Shataayof them, if givon real work, provid- $a u 'wu m'T lmidLas they Apected. even if it vuwa as mudi as the employer could afford to pay, woule quit forlhwih andgo onua "istrike." Waukegan love -sick couples will ho interested in toa'ng that Judge Oullivan et Chicago has ruled to this t~- ftet:'A gift la a glft. If a man gives an engagement ig ýto a 1lit belongs te her absolutely. If the engage- *m$ la1 xn, the elfls not bound to rçturthe ring." j, _bxýý fy"o give a girl a ring, be sure you'vo decided be- $W b and it over. Andif the engagement la broken, *mtget peeved if slie doesn't roturn said diamond. SInstead et cutting in on the business of the country jurechaut aà was contended would be the. resuit et the par- og post law, it la proving a boon te thie sniailer dealer. Nou -vrery merchaut, ne mattor' how sifail bis trade, can de a t"iloider business and is in a tar botter position te cern-i ti.big hionnes than betore. As was remarked tsconfection, whatever is best for many will 'jlU atel prve best for the. few. A, Awoen'a jury to hoar an insane woman's case seema g n u weare glad te se: Sh:rif f Green bas à trial ef insane persona by a commission of P».910 and flot laymeui, would ho the ideal and1 uMer te handie insane cases-and that wil ho smm day. But, until it la, it seems the natural and tblng le have women consider the mmmd affections of hei r w o ie i l r u iti o r e -, [ke Oounty. W. trust ho may see fit te continue it- *e kaow the average womau who, could ah. know before- band that ber mind was.te ho tested as te its sanity, would prefer leaving it in the. hands of woen rather than mon. ItVa the ustural way. A Iaw wiiicii some bright legislator wiil prosont to g some future logislature, wiii h one which wiil provide that8 tuecoplanat i ajustice court action wherein the de-g fo:ndantin oud nt guilty" must pay the jury their fee Juat tue samea h efendant must pay in case ho is found" guily.' It doesn't seern juit right that jurymen xnay ho V 'aU$d to a jury box and peniiaps sit ail day hoaring evi-d dînes and thon get paid enly on condition that they find thfis>EEDATguilty. It isn't a square deal for the iur>'men;it surely la not for the defondant, ne matter who itMnay l1M. It's hurnan nature for ordinary mon te, give theo thfeudant slgiitly the werst (suroly nover the best) of thet UrgumOnt just te get somo remunoration for sitting on the lwiy. Thun, if the. cemplainant and defendaut were placed on. equal footing in such matters the jury could ho abso- lntely uublased, knowing that, ne matter iiew the case ter-t minated, tiiey would got thoir regular tee, even if it is Àçaul. ou cau't get away from the tact that there's an Iuwmtive always te find the. defondant gullty; and,, wiiy abouid the defuidant ho obliged te, pay the. jury tees if guilt, aay more than the complainant siiould pay tiiem ii eutue oomlainant's charge doean't stand up? > 8&OD TKEM FROM 80-Tbrme t1 .a Ur Joliet Newspaper Says Rep. of This District May Oppose Copiey. 0ole 1M.t rgmtermSr lu tbb 1912 PpdM10 Mar iiprobably b. the Dm. - teeldat. for oonstffl apalut comure.uauaa lma C. coPIg, Plo. et',, ma &Uthe. Republcan nm, 1a0. If the. vu»aiof Propesahe Dam. oeot f the diablet matmre1afflrd. bg te tb. joe't em . loketkbasIt that Edward 0. of Mmîg, MHeary Private. Unsupervised Institu- tion FMear Palatine Faces a Big Shortage et Funds. IT MAY ESCAPE CLOSING. ýStockholders Vote te Make Up the Loss-Cenfession Is Found in Farewell Note. Palatine, 1III, Jan. 3-The direct- ois of the Fariner,,' bank of Schaum-1 burg. six miles soulli of hein lit Cook ecnizty, announcai iegretfully to)day that Franki Heuning, assistant cash- ler of the bank-a private, ensuPer- vised lnstitution-had staîtrd the new year by leaving tawn. In addi- tion te leaving tawn be left a short- age of about $40000. If Is tated emphatlc'ally, haw'vmr. that the Farmers' bank will cntfia île in husiness. In tact. before an- nouncement of Hennlng's deîiarture the twenty-two stockboylders mept a.nd voted ta nimbe ap the deif. They stated the d epositors wuld flot slut- lienning began service n iili ti e bank three yearii age. [Uider thic eculiar arrangefmenita of the unuiper vlsed institution ha wag practicaily in fult charge. H. W. Frelse. raslîier, lis owner of a large faim neariîy. and cornes tc, tcwn oaly fou- an boni so- two a day. Then blie igiis a [ca draft,, In btank for the d:si-rrîiin of the assistant. hîtches up bis horse. and -goas homne. Makes Confeasion In Farewell. EverythInt; contlnuad to run smoothly until the day after New Year's, wlien Mi. Files,, Suave Into town agaîn. Fiea found the itank sf111 locked. and In surprise worked hi,, way la. On the. desk hi o und a brlef note of farewell tram Heaaing. con- fesslng fo [lhe defalcation and an- nuacing- ho w,,.off toi Omahia. 'Éhaie wpe also notes made out [o the dîlterent stocliholders, payable ln tram six monflis tf0 eye tais. Of the value of these notesn oae ia paricularly opflmistlc. "t doa'f thlnk tliey're worfh any- thlng," said C. H. Patton, una of the largeif diectors, aleo owner of the Palatine taak and prasîdent of thie Lake Zurich Dalry cçompany, and the~ Palatine, Lake Zurich and Wancnnda raiiioad. "Ive angaged detactîves ta trace Heaalng. wlio I don't ballai-e la anywhore nemi Omaha. I under- stand lie loet the whnla amouaf la stock speculafion." "Axe the depasifors' interests safe?" he was asieS. 'Absolufely," i. Patton sald. *'We have pledgetsi that amount." "Do you ses any advantage la staf a supervision now "' "I believe thea bani ilIl continue as la the past," lie saIS. Overseer Rants Because So Many Women Are Following the Chew Habit. Wmukegan, .lanuary 3. la a littleasida talk an cbawlnig gumn delivaied la Shulali tabernacle, Zion City. Voliva waraed the Zion girls agminst the habit of cliewlng guni. "Wbats the maiter wltb the peo- il ' otlimrlwait. -E'. civwlinait (l '.'.lab1tcouldnmake an exception) wl-n I was cm the train the other day was rcheaing gum. I saiS to my-1 self: "Pather, la if possible!' that Darwin la rlgbt. aller aIl, and [bat people came tram moakeys!' "No, Loid, thaf cannt be true. The manke'q-tinust have coma tram the people." 'Now, thinIt of If! What's ynur body, my friand? It's the temple of thie l-oly Ghos§t." "I have juaf as mach respect fai the man wha chaws fobacco as the wnman whn la a dlrty, nasty.Ilittie gaax-sutciei. every bit. And t he man a-ho selse chewlng guni to pollate girls of this landS Io no baffer than thean iitaho selle tobacco. flot a bit. The chewing. of the. on. la mast as bad anS dirty as the other. Wbqn you chea- the. gain. ou are chevlug the Juice wtt of Bit old oow*o tom»Abt, and If there are any cf pou women that have the habit o! cIi.wing gan lIl bnp the. linlag oofo!anu014i*Wu stomaeh and gisýe pou Me e Brt butS. "~la the. chevlna guindt la ktakes out o! the treos tbet é»t aMtbi aiie, Enafi. buga"d uPiMa Tre. casue fte t la pour oibis6c omv lut gmn. Au thou litHo spotu &» titen fie&. sugmoisas ni spfid TlOng of a fnie@ lookinggir" wlth beautitul op« usad firt cosues. that mlght b. a great oamat 10 bar sez. opoaing her .mouth aud ciieWln embalmÏed upiders -..ibngs! 'Think o! a nice looigagil viti drink vhat iX go0&, 4"irummêbu ltbat-Ioun bod sr lrn "iu tr th fe VILLARE BD0AO'la >DEATI! 0F WILLhl mcl. REOULAI NEETINO MONDAY ARD 6181NS NONDAY The trustes. nf the. village met ii tbgir Monday mornlng st 11:25 oeloek oc- reguiar monnhly meeting on BMondày Ctred] the deatb 01 Williamu Richard (lii- sreniig, witb oreident R. P. Sciionebele bons, a well knawn young iman of ibis premiding. village, at the ane of 27 years. The. de- The cierk'esuad treamurer'o reporte ceassd llved witb hi. parents, 34r. sud were resd and arcepted, A iage uinter Mrs. Tliothy Gibbons. Wbo resîde on of biii were aàliwed and ordored paid. lHiurt Court and for tii. pagt two The Publie Servite Compatny'e bisefur Yaars mad been employai at tii. Foulds thbinîoutb of Dsemhrbrotreffllighting 1111111108CompallY. Re had boen l lmc wa euct ten dollars, n» the members of ChrlstWnewitl kidney trouhle, and bisi lii- board reported a nombsr of lfgbts untin,1113deatti came sa ebLez tu Ibose ont of conmlssiaon seeîrai uights dnrlng elio iiiiw biwe. tihe month,. 1Mr. Bake,dîsfriet manager Mfr. Gibbons w.. a member o! f . .o. of thF ciimpany at haukegan seut a ep' Court C. 0. F. No. 15110,0610o represeutative etating tîîat it wam MyPtic Wîirkeroi Columbhia iodKo Nî.181. iuiî.ssble for hlm tii il, preseut st lthe The luerai services wers field Wednes. mýioligMonday night. hut that he d&Y niarblil ata10f80 O'cloci t tii theL wtiuld take up thi.e sree lghting pro- Jîrneph'm Catiiolie church, Fathpr Lutt- pî)itî.îîl with theplroper e4>uksittee lu n rolli oikiatifig Thle remanns werp taten fi-w faym. fi>the St.. Maryè cemetery, %Waukegsn. Tii'îue î,epoi.-i-writ<en ýys ('hag forInurmeut. D. i-'e,î.mforlt .40î t, . ew vitllage A Inrg nuinber of-se innl>,,g of >ît haitluidiig tirlic' i ai. aa.septd micjetied atteaded ttii,, muerai services iu b, tihe bonasd auei herit,muto u iordred a iiiiil Thiilral offeringà e Weaftaîy pui unidt ery catifitii 'rirîî.,'Acain T1ipi. &A iBU L'ru- t -..riîcîuitt i(:,ire ,hi.1w t T. Arthur Simipson, Couaty Super1 lii ieîtoi ls t__ i~t.' i5.Intesdent of Pchools of JLake Connry. e 'ldlio ke I#aý t anko) à-e t wil ns elected a member 0f the execu- e' idtat le îtdo iiîî'a4'u te tt.., tive cnmmJttee of the. County Super- fte neifttue it. ai-i ini. are neeîl.d. Infendenfa Association whlch met in Fi iletaile of the, Jro ..'ilte-% wt,îeh SPringlield on Monday of! Ode wek. wiil iii. made Friiî oi ii at twel. e County superintendents trom i al tjtil)cL..wilIl 4 touiti aio,thar c'luinu. parts of the. stt, wure present ef the contvention. It le considered a sig- Si .'c îîmiis~iîcr W Nltltsolaîii nal honor thaf Mr. Simpson should be wue ,îîîfî,iisiî tiioaci ii , svoetutoif elected as oMfeer out of go many del- t't i-n i âIPtrft iýf ftevillage, ..a e gates. The. convention le held vlth je-i auîiriarv res.iîîre. YI Mulioiend a vlew to discunelng beaf methoda of teaching and by gettlng Mdens front wtt.-,îc.rl ti niait, a tiior"ngh idiferent echool heads lit la figured iliis.pcti(>s n i81i1i tiefuticees otii Peae1 iat ail wili l pudL- rc,i,ie itii and wiftiont pnouier StL awrrence EpiscoplChurch '[lii' ard [heu ;mijounwiî,d No ifs aeàt ri-gulir meeting. QUIET WEDDINQ AT ST. .ISEPIIý6 CRURCI Iiiii i I.-ar* i..u,irîjc nt [le J' epti's Futtiho l ifi ..-,-urred th.- înarLrriabre *m W, tr' [ue EF Mini-rietoi Mlr Albet i cl)erii»it ,eFaer I.LtrelI oiti i t. î,ulv i l.- iii tnpecait .livefum, of the Yîîuag oup1l.-and a lew îiends tieitii ti-ieat. Pi' a f il iiee idifoîr a lhig wtoi»î<, am tiîîth te bride auf grooîua bave man ' - relafit c',aad a ina- f id Iiends whO îilauid ou beiuig frerentat the , edding *.'rvî'e whiciit bati [lici-a rralîgtd lî,r ai ii:31) o'vcmlk but thnough the. ilînease a fihe iîricle's adi-e majut a lew days heore the, weddiuîg, the, plais were burriediy chatuged sud thfe widding took place ai 17.30 t'oin'athe. lnorning. The, bride isý a daughtvr of Mi. and LIr-. Peter tlower@, Who reside on .Mdii- ukie a'.enii.-, uth tif the elctric statîoîî-. hi C ii ,.iv -k.., le riends titrougitout ti,- uuusty.' Mr. ulciiiriiitt z, a ail ofiMr. and Mtr@. Petvr li-îuîriift of Vu aukegau, aud a roiiiiiwut ioiîng imiit if thst * itb-i ag cii uo fll eias a stefijilirituier iiîr AttoîîtYE. V.(ris. A tvr a liii dates hone, ii,îîî trip' Mir. and Mitîcirmott rpturai-d toii Lfrfy- vtille aud a il i iake their Ihiome. wîtt Mire. [tl)i i-ntt's 1parents loi the. wiuter, c. elinti tt tilretain fig bis p liii, fiali in Wiuk,egan The mauy liiends of tii, coungiz ,impie wisii tbiiti uuciî iàapittt.. OBITUARY 'il rý, Mar i I arkia a as h-u 15-1,2s, i Siraine, N Y., and wa. iîaried t, tiiaiîi David@eon sistv titre, yeaec ar. Trey vane a-et cad liiateil ini L-, e,, ot'. alothi tree and titi, al muie i-'4Pa,îîPaw. Fîirfy-fhie >enrm mili tiet i. tit c.d flin, lé',couuity and li ati-il tmtis cruan ty acar 1îaiond I.ak.ý ' igit 'ears agotii.'vrtired Iroîi ittiv, Ille uni iocufted in Libeît't-vlic. 'Tire e Iiîliîei precedied flîcîr parente ini deatiî, a ile six children 8iirvivethem. litesurvt> opaile: ThoniasJ. Datidson, Waiîcga, )ls. ary AIIenBon, Liberty- vilW:uic.Vllini ". il Kaopeli, Montana; Eugene V., Waukegan; Mrs. W. 1). (irillif l. Kapell, Montnna, and Frank of Ptswi-aw, 111. The deceaied was a borne fbody tand @peut mach of!lier lime in fier Ôwui home and washappy$iherein. She wa8 a tlnd neighbor and gave mucli tune in itelping tii. slck. 8ervice, were held ironi the residenci on Douglas Ave., Lfbèërfyçille, Jan. 2 nt 1:30 P. nm. and Intermeuut made at the Diamond Laie cemetery. site bavini pased tway the 1 ist day of the. olS pear 1913. Lev. W. L. Wipple ofllclated and dSncf. wsre rendered by Mrs. James Davie and M r@. L. B. Hnnby. Pnblo notWcele 9 bWi0gve. Uaa spedilmoeetofgo.q tq utç4ou s0f Tb@. Sheidon âcoM igeMff0toTqildBy, Jaunavp 27, 14 st.hatii 189w). Uw»I.Ok, < - ,urg i eiigaging t theo 'm S ti. PMlci OMM of eaul epemIhm rom Aiea, IM*oig lois1015U»thWebaukAvecus, Chlcago, Illinois.- C. B. Pattuon Maolpof tiha D oat f' tin*tt. [tev. EîîwâÂîî S. WHI'TE, Prieit-in ehicp HIl)v 'oî,îmmunî)u ev"rY Sundct 7:45 ain. Firet.Sunilayin moud t Ilu Mieruinir Prayepr ei-ery Mundav cxecpt 1lîti, 10:301 B.In. SundaY @t-hoo)l 11:45aIn. Ali Holy Daym. Hîîiy Ioitnati m.-E. (church ser-vlcS. 10:3) a ma Preactîilng î14..tV. L wippi.'. 6:45 p . Epwqirttî La&mm-. 7 s p ui. 'ra,'iigt,. W- L. PreshYterian Servicesf mii li i.. - - , i ', 1l1:1iw lu. Kif>,,sciool. 6:45 p. ni. Christiau Endeavor sos-iety. î:110 i. nm. eveuiîug woreiip. t'isitors alwayc. weicome, H. h. ALLAca'?. Peloter. pIwind wet fecd. We have a fUe of Fced Grinders that wlU haudie it at the wmre sped as dry. LETZ snx" nuPENINFEED MILLS Clive Letz IMIi a trial and you wil neyer use any other kmnd. Theyr are the fastest-wrorking, eaiest-running Feed Griýmdcrs made, and cost ycot least for gasoline. Grind Oat i4 Hunea, Alfalfa, Hay. Corn with Col,. and Huik, Wheat Sereeaunga and ail Smal Grains fine at a singe grinding. Buhras. aharpen therniilves. One se ginds 1000 ta 3000 bushels. W. can furnial, you the righit aive Letz, for your engine's horse- !i,!lpower. Sec us about it at once. LIBERTyVILE.. M. B. EGER ...GRAYSLAKE Buy it Because It's a Better Car ~~i~~~tl i~rw I l h I,lIt $ 5 Schanck Bros., Libertyville 1il ,-----11 Fire Insuirance THE MERCHÂNT WHO B«UYS Tgoocis on time is compeiled to carry fire insurance to proteet bis creditors. If a man will ex- tend to bis creditors the benefit of insurance on his goods, surely he should extend to bis family the benefit of insurance on bis if e. Hlis goods do not mean as much to him, or to bis creditors, as bis, 111e meaus to bis fâmily. JOIN HODGE District Manager Michigan Mutual -Lite' Insurance Com pan y Osgamb" ui 50

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