LA"E COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FIRII)AY, JAýNUARY!9. 1914. m*dful ~' ~ 7c <IoeLYN WED HERE; BREAK I YP ar ~'OzcsNE'W 'WISCONSIN I ~~~By N. E. GATZERT TALS~I ElaCD MARRIAEE LWS? NONE RECE IVEO FOR LESS THAN 2S CENTS 1 j r"atao= utpifs rviot "id £s.-ef.ifi l niti ner. a"eia.,mm I ++++ .4..++ ++4ils,++ +&P@TWCINET9:17.L Milwaukee Couples Run Up ,I le...As . eleeleelefile. . . . P. . . el eN 'i ... NPOsEMthat Iînl. a. RciaiaH1VRtle Os. ia gainst New Law Operative ipoi SA + + roi ]M T +ý,Ow tat llinis an pm71 aMenues, lortiel atnd thse Law th e w o k 0 1 pi s h ew e r e ty p e s , fa ll u tto g e t Lth e W ith N e w Y e a r . PrOR SALE-A 85 h. P. P-- F ORl--9 at trn~Mlle troU istié datte. No dontthe govleruor M Wva yefo n f On January lotthLie nDow Wlconsià "mbla auaombile laellthat tise iFOsuRI.W ot mmitomrca"a-but oet thOdai.Oturcis, of sbicisJe- marriage las became effective, one tova asd Iioftds'a i'e.k Plant. Bmfes Ibeten@ig0 isP v a êe aBesO. Tis St. Peter * exIlihîc promi»« eeatbrins forLJ tl>Any coud tires. Makg Oi. Wtt.La rooýMn for 50 coae, 200 tons silo, meV ion vitI do machstoward% thse lnipruv- plaine, n. m"Mage. tint7 eMidaunto tangles, principal of whlch la a provie- Co., Llbertyv9lie. ----- ti .11 bouse; pleuty 0f wvtri levei land lnil ut d*is'p Md bresdlng berds and tSiat the adis. A PtOPiset shalltthe Lord Ion that a Wisconsmn couple canmant FORSE-ous ad lt a Lbcty.blak siLWl» mt for-cah or on lh viliitend te stasnping out, oraletaMut ju0" 0raie. Up unieS yon 0f Jour corne teWaukegan and Set married vila, pries48.OOS. Inqutire01 PAW hms. Aise a M84acre stock ansd check th@ increaae,ot bovine tubercuiomei, bretirus, 1Me.muie n e-Âcta 3:22. and thon returu te that alate to live e UwLbeeqvillle. c15tl dalry taim. Gond soif, Bond buIldiwg, whie IS crtanly viil dicourage tise Jesons vasraleiUp lirat. andi since wi thout vlolatUng the law. Another Oa~ pluty of valus,, lectrie lgbesia dpraceof aking Illnois & dumping Pnteeontthle. raehsg np froin amongat i le st Liey have teoplane an examina- FoiU 13LE-111 PWOcl otataing &bout telephone;oune mdo'ro. raifroati. town grouad for rejoete. Mut certaînîy Itbbc r wMha e b as rgred. ie theofasIx mtht ont ore marrchage T13 1w m etfl"artvth Wlrg elght room sand Borden@ .11k plant. To vent for vil i Inaute, te grouiler or Wlestent, full number et the Cisnrcb shallhave eth dorctranfue t doint for that bous VI*hbath roGM lad patr7; alsu cash or on sebws.Asdrees Brooks & the. prioe uf cavtie lut tlt.s tate, but wlU been accepteg tb glory. Thon tie anti-th oorreuetdoifrha las»bara 34z60 test andtiotillernuut StrokerOsee. Wauwouda,. 610a0aohave a tendOtte cu sas I the cl Mone Il begin [liSe et tPisug it la.certain a' big angle le h-Jia. Aî .dealylmrovd;ail~ ~llI5 prceby utiM au h:daun #in work of deilrIlns gait deafrtng te re- due as a result of thse ase. as«, belai uâ butesthon telle -y«". FOR RENT-130Ommare itualeti squatlhoteaIt uLb isueo test etates. turn to bagmonY seitis Got-alilOf Only Leo Milwaukee couple,. applied fflbje lal et cly. Inquire ut J. H. âge. -v ulvnraonbemu.Iquire HuvevertIsereare osiner deusaseles rmv. vhom are regefienteti In thse taelve for a iicenae lu Waukegau Frlday. Guawv i.ihrt~vile, ItouBof568. 1 -j.kvirI, Llb&e Fauot iss.lébin tise bovilite rae tisaineetIntime- tribes Of 11ML They sere Clarence Jensen and Ella ?hmo 801-.I . e>t Wilmingtesn, (irayalake. c-l5tt dingo attenstion, diesasedtit culoie ieCiuc t thesGselAel Meyers, Mlwaukee, 24 and 26; Geo. -AII0l artier million.sutf dolars each vear and ti terwise calleti tise ('ircis of tise Jacoba and Dorotisy B. Hahn, aged Fo* SALE-5 paitienger 2l cYfînder HOUSE TO RENT-On Austin avenuie, Jet lite or notbing ha. been doue to Fin*t-borna. typlcallv i-epregenied 'lu 25 andi 24. De" bautomobile, $200. Thisecar has new sud gondtirsetil vater Auguit cek tinroIllefente t yt hst con- so tiedtherirsÉý l.eL f I i-Hilîiuelire- 0f1 aidcours (e I grane I W hem, bea torougisly orerisauleti Lad le in Ra iLbertyvilie. Phone 273-1-2. taguoum alîortl9u len the diset» respect- In the Passover. f/ 1 nothingoutthe Wisconain lase and 1 goodcusditisou LiItEETYVILLEGAIRCOE. p-16-2- 50.forîmoîre loues, both inantel an sd luThese were dlvlti- Inutcnpyol ihorsael animai deathe. itlan ans orier maiady edIinto twil clas- 1~ havc no knowtedge of te Wisconsin FORSAL ORREN-Bicksnits OR RENT--At Lîtertyville, 5 rouaifubtatml ri-sent att us ine Contagions@ e. the Prieste 74"' ' aws and i-anirot consider wtere lieo- FOn AnstEOR wEsuid luwire ondFlus on Soutis Park Ave@, sfl ilern atîirtin tins exieted for >ears, tise a n dfiteoir eet- '- i on ems iîga.Ltycm mac. onAD jree t o1, r w yatatue gond uproventent%. Iniqîire of Wm. Riede3, ilariagettiat il ham doue and le doiag .l. T a el-t.A.-Ttb elit Illinois taws.' sa".Ad.fbe B' I pri fGysaýfl.-le r ( l anciaand MisMeyers a-or.-marl lîIW.-i- tint. Phounse 215 IL c16-1 dWe ii no tiiboutcLtaie and fedFral "leprChrist- riidianîd returned tu Wisconien. hil - ------ ovouciTiit.. ChrdieL- nomme hum iten 110douîlt. being the' irs! rouple in the FOR SALE-A fese getoil tarte or cagîn FOR RENT-112 acre faim, une mille gugrrinuenst miid eL tiooiuiiie isi.ui lueci E îofi.thanti hou,. Mliui Iarsî LLeF' ioutiesnt <of Warcenton. 3% mîtees Lmade iistahrilisuinitiitedrcpriesa a and iltor i-eo tiay bucmade an bort. C.B. iupe, ria ke oý, Iront Wau!egan. Mres. M. Bendtsen, Ariîthie'disi-ase. anîd one thac e-ecte The L tes torp - 4,iii- lu '1termineite constitustion- ___il.. ____._W___________________ phone 921-Y-2. wail a,îtal[ai e t rax. ~ It tle jpi-itait' rsetited th* re- ltofielatisetInlios -- O- SALE------ ci-- ious- 'a1,s I, iuiaiiy iîiaiitie.. l e el Seie for italiid-r ou thLie f i t i s lot -onstitutfinal. FRSLý7 .,nbn-o godgrenU lIos and if iresent unuaifv end@elorîîiuers. St'i,'tlie.S-- Twet notîjer icetises wr're grante-d W".-a___eof .1, __&rk -__t_._ . . .ta. a.. .. f ii.-w aî-ecoutîrry is-Lur le The antltypical 'ý lic. lier.- une party lilses la Wisconsin, FORSAL-lhrr-d oci îuitreî WA TEI +nuL iujuippedi tiiendie id Priesto whlttecomesaîRot-ai Pr-ient btt, (l te uttepr lses inu linoi%. itencel FOR ALEBared wk octrel. W NTE ond, .sue, tise gretut iligit lrîest. liu- Il is telti te aw doent apply te titim. leore H. Ilite. ýAru-a, Ill. Phone . . . . . . . . . th, uiLtt e teuo ilproment lny vetedwltb kingfy b,îiuOrs. wili fiave' 2s1-W.2. p 143 1SITUATION WANTEO-Gii uweîity go 0r Seit.~ ~ ~ ti nb~ asso' i.tî-d slti finî heLiefaitu, ai hut -l Wlsentt,,ition todesueaeraitiiîuppue-rk.short-tuuuî.- nilict'u, ae anthrtax u@uallY Litti,-- li E-k. eIjoint-hiir e Ti.-re- 1Ou2a of te sublimenLttinugsa luti FOR SALE-$:-,i9 ftes tw ise,-île îîuu- Aui'l . B, . -îirailî'ic.Ax- 'uie enude !itasiin fn iiutione tt) ttreet, a3 s. Sfaii-nderor the oserc-oriiî iiiru-i wil'i ' WM lq Plain tr'---lOwn pruveus lute witiîsunlI bostue. a iargall'Suefl i, tdaia egnrtIyi i oaoeso als lrospae Corter Broadweay andSel I.e-eiîi tr"ut.___________________bpeleiic -ameie-nuuhcoîulîlelifone, Io -it spîiritual. Titeir îîîri, wll be pri John MeLean. Literty,,ille, Ma (9) u, n1eî; pt. uue ii.-it.-îîi-eamal is geifnulrtla teîoibrr nsle-i îiiepae c1if WANTE 0-1,. but 4lîetoitte iii pet-i i < fc ita,-mlurly flic -bleeaifig uof mankind. St4xiL Farri. I. 1, LiL.irty'.ilim.[Pboue w*au m - ake io y te autlitis. The Firet Tables of th. Laie. Real Estate Triansfers - 231-I 2 cl~V ii t Tise t-ru iii tigbt Ruer.,tfaif ewine Thei-itest tables of tLI ,iwswere pro- %61S....geetrnshed B.saassu FOR SALE--SdIeunui-oi'l Timon',îy is,& ____________- ______-____r----- hi~ ". ia eiufLe t i-e n pareiliy thie Lord Hiiseli. Thisccii balli Mlimtha ri «ack airco'- I ANT O . I) 1C regtete-red broo blanîd 4 3t I, -fi-derai gîtrernuienic ns t 1 eet h atta atwscetc, .kUti Ilnoga, Ares. II iiî JI. 60.1 lI, $oW. Th-o_, A"'. -~. g.r , sra, li li il - , s'f heaperllt Imageof tifs Cretor. in full rAlîtrai te ut Titi. 1 it hue tin-anLeid i 1,> 2 ~~~~~~~~~ accord wiLt Lise Dis-i.'afil andi tut i l hI n e , e pli- ttlig. 'iii -..t I deliver~Phg. 27-uuî-1i. ~lut ulupar.-itl if iîîbti ldo. 4 ,eîod eî es.o f t te Ii li.- tiissw.Altu lu Li us J u;îi-. FRSL-t[-Iv41-otain, esp'-rfituirtatloa Truc,, a fI teW ltee nieded ii jotiser 18w titan taL n is FORSAE-fslirivul 4i i-etient 2WANTED-A go tsaiy girl îrbsre",A u he-i ii-lirce s-d ut1 ..i-iuurug v na us i imueof îsnlis erf'ct iiiio mile out, $5 5119; t-rnis hiiiii ,ga ISt'n toi 1,- enal holeat Lb.- tue di--a,..-but tef ieu:n isa@-<iode iw- vos vriLLe-n lli is.heurt.femr29113 Cutn ietvl-iîue;iy b'ruu. Litiertys-ulle. A gonsd ltie nIat ) e.-tial mm-eAe i-t. But by i-esn of aBi]this taw- sas Editlu T. Gardon et. ai. Lu AIma B. FOR SALE-buri,,- Jeus-, i .M, , - gjI lfi IlkieOtali dgîîuilnagCs lirth tlc iTiýu-aie hut a tu-w iiitemtrstiiiae of broken- i,r itt.lnsnity fias nilotnger Le . loLs 27 Lu 30, Blocklt3, Lake Bluff, enoumbfor Arýk- iht on. Phote. 21 -J orcail t t4 dsesse ta pruperfusiîXiieameama aeapeertlngmetaitec aîîdinean eed$17777. emuuub or ,.-r5iv G, A. Truesdefî and slle Lu BIla L. Fre Wtrlne L- Il'ega ni- - îreut t tIi- dieeaetl>t the.- rausîg i-cnit îiuraapge eus Man treds tht' ct-est Piduler, 10 acres lu N. I9. %u Sec., B. cd1)-îNu.. l 1-fiIltilyr, u npiu otrias iait l ttt omlereoclainf)NwotTwp. W. D 3$277.5-0. R I Nu 2 .t LSMA WATOTulooktsitle iicriienal . a bi fcebis Inlqtitv an d tu ressrte thse Law o! Karzlmirz Tenczar anti .fe L t SFEOR ANE -SL-1,*eadt:zr,-E-I- orltrein1^oadadante. i ttt tl'aLtIfi- .taliiîîiag out, îur (jou a i i tIe-hStanlelase Kula andi sefe, lot 5, Block FOR S LE ýtçil e aud 11iî~ -1;uL 00e i,,tu- rcaoiu L oemmiiodjnt i-cc.atniiiui t.ut.-e.vuw-si-is-i i usias Thon Muse-. waa Irstrsicted Lu brus 10, Dreyers Suis. North Chicago. W, - --IrcurtTIi'aSaars- uiil c uîm tîiu. ait-hmoi-b pthe lioru.-.i rie mienî letiles out the twu tilles ofthtie Law.Titis D. $1 FOR ~AE-75 'h usunt;ult.uîi. i'iiîeia - - itiie forcibhly i., ti.-,I" ti.tiudrepresents IhtîluTh'e Christ le fuît ,-,.,r T. H. Simitht ant ifIte LuMaille A. 25 Cockrelo; 25 t anio 2 iles REiS ,iaeaes it n iu meiot: u eorfts îeuî- Vance lot123 Shaw' Soli. o: Longq Telepite eAreés 21'ii>W 1,1 Ait v 1 H iLK ouOi tIgv ipic taeeilu)Mieî 1,lo f l oi a uw s- ii i'quire t irte-tlLu 1bt W. P. Holland, lot 51,. liret atdi- ___________________________ .rad cry i-ltiliU I pputarit) or iona ticr W ,.Un p outOf siae] ionti LuWashington park, Waukegan, FOiAEAqatcyo ii o O R TRESPASSING ftii ekirîg trretiu-s of Ifiseanidîflii-r degridîu<tuî Ia a-work. cOInuiîlti-d liiW. r). 'armeiif si. L .T antipcsee Vtti i-e-bnc,-l. Rse,- tii- tu'aiera Mues Ilatiie 1uis nlaLatise anultvtic Fitîser santi wîe. 10b acres iu eaat1 L.ibertyvîie 1'lthouie 2-*7.1. 2 lt l'souldilaidlîsI- i.f illrue duu-u-F, îr cotuoitteil ru iI'u 'ti.- laitsectioni 10, Avonutiosenship.1 Sam Vfooley Took Away Rifle e-c-,î itar i t4w -aitIiirîte*are MhoreI ifuseeeioiliuuutiiing Wtthi li ttiswo D One-ad efsL L FOR SLLÎ-- gý;oi A No, 1in thir wiI, T -lmýpggqlie fme,-tables of fiL luî nas peculiarlit ~E. A.'ummingsan ietL.J FO 0SL 0A i-ii- AN rmHne hnH Ds b ats .nni o- if1forent frointn L- -t. Blis facesbonui: JuOts.lot 34. Cummnga & Cos, orth FromtHntet oen He#«"- tb.v1wild tnaL nt, i- ?natfeof Iaroi and liL vas -u fe--:r i hmtLu lit On addition, %Waukfgan, W, 1). $350. Folltt, Pissîse 134-. -16i 2 covered Him on Far M. tîntouiti iniatt il-a.ea thi utî-al avieil. s'tuli iii,ie o ur, titi,,,,t3, 91.Roe i teLuRoy ______ iiiler.lii-isiltIlg ittbLie th e iuat peen- f tLi,- i -inelitos. but ni-mos-- Zîninter, s-est liant lot 15, blfock i , FOR, bALEl.5Pton.25 I Ti rtii;.TRIED TO ARREST WOOLEY. ltt.--i- giaeL soie 't d i-,,PuteLu0nhren e-iîg lite presetice u of î HighîlatndiPark. W. D. $600. Haybaid. tioie 54 UIl :')to . ,th- larmer aend et, un Lisetingié rteîc i.t Christs wu-lui, a-. ediator uit titi.1lutin Moitoney and vif. Lu Josepine i. îu; util iritie' r-ituatt1sgis-euiesen n ut. end Ponihite. nul hoaccompanieu il Hotlui'yer, lot 1. block 431, Lake Bluff. e Iristead the Police Arrested this oee Ion- suimu'iilcttv. I sa rillngoftIIs glory. Rn ttfil(. T utuW.ud -i.-.u $-aa1t FOR SALE OR TRADE-lîs- alo-ad __lo_,-_____Thsld-_._.___tad if- eVanyL pi0 ond essew hV111trI eiuî.- tr 1le,» Hirnandu rie Was rîned ic lan-si -i-t It.lit, is ite, artelftle QualutslelotTIl, GrentBIay addition Lu tock, rerably caillei, orce.tllie i- Local Police Court. V L-AS A Ai Orl -éelt I. u', tu1..-: but vt- shittiLake.Foregu ds elf 1.- 10. H.M- purchaeeratenyr i, ep*prl,ý FZieWetpatlo ,block 1. Scisuacks' ut Jetnnie Lu Meridfeil . li. l i i, z Valentine .Iueb wae arresteti SaLt-- 5~~ ~ai a ieCtrhu-l i eam ur- adfition lueI.ibec5ys-fte. W. D. $3S,- 14;-2 1 ay a. i. on a carge ofhutfn- il- suiChu-i-et in tht. gi- Lny tei.g ,hngeIll) ~ Ruesei. lit1,11 btse auon ac.iEargoey ut lîunlr- I 1Ii ULifront eartbly lu i,nt-uis-i'n-uOde. A .1. AMuin and wÏnite LuB. f. Mil +++ ++ its n Lte S E uoie fat onBel ~îynpaaegstv, ~ t Fls I-lut 1s-e.unr Lord tilP hîn. uîîdivîied une-hlaitout6.33 acres ut ... ..+.'.. .+. vider.- treet jusL veat utfte ciLs- W I1UITII.JLft 0qJ A Fi-i[ls sgio rfororilît.a ti i upart setionse 16 and 17, Liberty- + ?IS'ELI1ANEOUJS + limita. li e aa given a hearing lhe- i speakLtotll--itui -itiste iuand ville tttwilshilp.Q tC.$1. . . . .. ..+. . ..+. fore Police Magistrats LWalter Tay- Inet dlrfuLi - ate spirit piîrîc IlH "Ille'r and s: elle jo'.. E for aud wsfn ied $9,40. He viii lie Hearing in Mothersili Action Is IMankind sivi vet .-"%i-nsonumore. lia- Trtt.'71î i a-setueat rutIihertyvllte stsiby uItul aie' Ris epr--ente anîd n iir il -uroai. W. D. $2r.000 AUCTIONEER-Yearg otf enterence.ibelld untit h.e pays tise fins. Set for vvetnesday Before ltive-1ie ttih'ut Osrtie-s iii,.S. tGilbert aîîdi iustaanu Lu I have raisetianti bouglit aud solt For cornie lIthe LIme Wooîey Las Jdg Fot.daes- efi -. tt loî ses-Aiarîuham, Pi-rl R. neunch sud itushatuf, lot 260, Ilve stock ail my litie anti kuos te haticonsîderaitls trouble froeinisunt- Jdgirot.sapsIIîclu ii),-sal L sec Araham,'h.iLie ,Fnrst W. t) $Ili. value antIlbuse Lucondurt a 5sa]- tO feuille.tisugittleselylre'pa1sthe 01 Hersa vitalLite HaLvari Heraltiand busisandtie eLtihe ibout prîcea. For dateis attres is prupsrty andtiontisuIlleul poultrvy oeie' MotteraliVva sian erVte Orid ss-île---.fihtern l umaiii-i Orf .Ctetpr lt21.Lk P. B. Johnsoni-i-Lion.111 t.nsilr-fith-usobatrman-Vituif e "dei'. 1). $10. P. . Jhusn o Phne 11 -Zon anti Injuncti thse Stckby their r-sct- trial wvieh la te coneup lu ti-aflaîn 4,r,, tirtl,, restiLtuton limes, j\ett'u us it s-ife Lu Williau City, lu. Sept. 17 tu Mch. 117+' less shootlug. He etermluedtietastockr: Other Featcees cf thséType. 1.itiz. s"l iriituIlusection 3i anti ?2D NOTCE- sihlden ~i-l-sL oeil, close vatcii in future. PhilP Motitreil, former Zion City Ts torttgrlieAraetre-lionîîn touwnshlip. W. D. $10. cachblae o yuatreionbl a. Titis mrnrnng lie iseard agisota fred la o~r, nov an asistantl Nttorney btodypliethei aolnting outhlteatar ,94 catc bain or ou L c-avuabe rte.general ut the state ot Coorado, sel Royal Prlethooul NV. Il. Watratis ant i lfe Lu Candilde Latign& oLasLiberttville. [Pil)ant iggbachi of hIe barn founti ho on hanti neit Wednesday te presa r. \ As lu tise type su- Rosi and siee lot 104 Shases Suit. B~ 0.-<1 ~ Jeuit aiootfng hie 22 caliber rifle, hie action for criminaellisel agaluat v\. ifle-es v ers0.ies uon Fox Luake. W. t0. $200.1 Bo 6.tfýJeuis safulIbe vas eiooting a ib i lIbur Glen Voive, overseer of Zlon Wooly tut bs rfle vay tram».Tie case lias becomne a memorable j( eirJ.tetore anoînt- W. A. RoaIng andTevle et ai tW H. MONY T LAN-n hprvedrea ati alî b- vult gve L bckvisnone, as it han been h-lsd fourflImeas ng anti cutsecri, F Drummonti lots 8, 9, 10, 53, 54 anti MONY T LON-O Imrovd ral nd aidhe oul gýve t bck h uIntise circuit courts of Laite anti Me-(fonLte eprlet-_ - Èe.ta. J. 8. Gssutrs-, Firet National the fellose palt inhl damages. Henry counties, al Bach ime the gen- ly ornle.. uinaa.,iBlock 9, Roalng Heiglits. Roundt Beui. c-j5-tf iJouitecame to Waukegan anti golng oral overseer isaving beau rounti gullty the autitypa Ieus Lake. W. D. $300. -AaLiepoIeIttineogf av tlibeling tise youug attorney. a - -muet offer lm- -Maryt 0. 1untigren et ai tW Dortisea le e hepol 0sttio sugt t hve CopIes ofthtie lîttIe nevapaper e ef -b ho-Osm oS3 ub fBk 6 lh a warant worlngt fritheloyettMonCttyIn wod. te .lt'.d ibet barber trade in a fent eeke anti Put! ofWooiey. Tise police matie an lu- Oua articles appeareti serve as tise -A-. - \ is l l-tetiltt.$Pete thuttovok i ooi ags.Tiisteavestîgation-ut tise tacta in tise csp tse na mnal is utat sIng es-en unie 91 acres lu N. E. %/ Sec, t, Liberty-v bonafide oer. Write me. A. B. Mo41r. anti as a resait Placeti .ieub uinder sr, thsy have been readte utise other jur- deatis il ep.W .$00 Pt-e.. 1101r Systeni o! Coliegeo, 105 S. eat. Wooiey matie a complalut es vfo e d tisf amseetisy It Âre'.Aset..e hki S miisrly. ts f et uatthausmet auInl i- lsESro o .E ure ,FuIs Ave.. Chcago. P-16i-1 agaînet hlm anti the fine vras admin- clalmedth ie pecular wrlting of tise dec prieethç.ud cou- a isterett. general Verseur la apparent Iu every éerate Lu office. îîly tuy sacrifice, luani wife, 130 test, W. front on But- Thsaegnu ai r eyarticle.itecase o uet )testpicl ilprient.,Lise richi Street. hetveezi Wasington - -. XÂ flIÂGE IcENSUS Vile tato an aa ae vr tte'; Attorney D. R. Juelyn igaa.- sacrifice vas n. jktlîock. Tise antItype street anti Grand avenue, Waukegan.y strict on tIti mailter. No limiter may slsting Attorney Alex Beaubien of vas our tLor's ou'n bodJ lu Lise case W. D. $3000. Otto .............. unt upon PiOPertY vItisout firat sip- Wautegan lu thse prosecution, seisieofteypcludrrift.hesr- C.E elranwf ttli , Mia.A msie-------------..39 ctistecneto h we.chef couingeu inte defeuse of Xr. fce vas a goaL. Vhs antitype li;Lise Sammon, lot G, FINI. Adti.te Wans-. lbmle Auma, sa. R~Ilavy fines are tovideti for viola. Oa aueofte brh-e - .U$« ÏJui, RichmtondI. d .37 ilmVdva. As tuas, lath iseanyJury tam brmae naureo13ise11-13,.-H- ngtoil Park, Waukegan. W. D. Miaule 3rlachisacker, M- 22 eJudge .Frot sel hear at dia January bSse500.110 Nuti-e 1. herehv Rîven to ail permone iater-sted Ousat an inKtallitit o ut npor eet ft hi.-ammeeenri- s ow lue for drairnege îpur;ài;esfor tuie vie a .1) 1913, îîponr lande 13 irg withiv thie Seavf-ý lilougit biainage Dtlîettl inthe Counut 1 aite and iitateif Illinoime and thte Mentes muet Lb-paîd Lu the usîdr Oignel IFrankiin S. Kerzi. trpaenrer of maid disLemer at bilé offi" il, the villasge of Liliertyr iii.- miior hefore tth.,lotti ij8a- Mar-, A.,[). 1!,14, and ini derault of suris payruentm, the tieverai tracteo!o 1 ind upur. whî,-h eaîd installnient reghasi- ulillaîd, amI111Le e gta aeeording t,, lais, lu pay the autouîtut os Uri Îustallulertt anîdilt. i>ated Ihie 2cd day of! January, ý, 1). FiaLJiu S. Krn, Tréaiuî.-r, Jlan. 9-161 23-30 Notice iîs herlby givesî to ail pereone inter.ted that ail instaiiweut ut teD per c'uut ftihe aoecerenstlein ow due for drainage purpoftë furthie year A. D. 1913 upon laudeim ymng wsiî.n the %Çeet SkuLie I-lînîaie iâUtt ie Cuunfy of Lakte and 8tateof utlinuje, aniu tihe mane muËt be paid toute undersigned Franklîî S. Keini, trettseurer utf -aid diêeti iL at file utie!l the vî ut Liiîertyvuiie ofi or belore the lOth îia. of Match, A. LD. 1914, andinu delattit of MU-h pal Sieiîtd,the several tracte of land upou w hkulàt aid inst&llnett reinaiL ubpaid, seuline sold acurding to ne., t, pay Lise amiuunt o ut u-i iutiSalimsnt and romtéa linieJ tiiie 2nd day ut Januarà A i Frankin i8i S Bni, Tivaeuirpr. Physîcian and Suraenrit Jan. h.-t16-23-310 0511-e aveC Docker B on&DM*sn- stu, Honrs 8 te 10A, . 1 18. 7 bIl 7,,X. State uf Illinois. Couuty o'r Lake es. Asieca attenon toe e, EMar.Nesag'Iltbm., lu tite (ouuty Court ut Laite County, 1 tILASSES PROPERLY FITTEP Jasîuary Ternt, A. t). 1914. la tise i inater ufthtie Eiitate ut Elizaiset LibentyvillO. - - . - llIIudà Stoiz, deceaseti.I Tu Fred erlck K. Stoltz, Luhîian M Stolîz. Anna E. Cluto. Sarah J. Wright , DIR. Eu H. SMATH Carnie S. Brnown, Ruobert L Zltt antid Bese itrr.survlvIug ttuabanui antidIENI? helrs et lase, reepectively ut Elizabeth ait-ESLA&& uônîtTy àto!.A!500hi. Oé SLoItz. deceaseti: ouu-8 te !aa...M. w04 it You are herehy notifiedti iat on DAIL!. Monday, tise second day oI February, A. D. 1914, aithtie hour ut ton u'clu Lic lu the. forenoion of saiti tay, tise untier- sedu. Exectittrix utftee st WII anti 'testancenttou Elizabeth Stoltz. deceas- PUBLIC U TC ed. seul present Lu tise Hon. P. L. Per sons, Jutige ut the Couuaty Court ofc0 f t tetion palsi b Lake County, Illinuis, her final ns-.janctionme. aatiiset resuite la Puant anti final account or hec acte anti Il knd cRame.avaoa dolugs asesucis ExecutrIx, askto lufav-e AI)isaneos o naleor"eisasg, 4ai tise Mame appruved. Lu ite'dischatrgedoti a o aeoreciff »t andti Lulas-s sufiiestate tieclareti set- NR lied anti cluseti, aivicî time antiU place you inay ho Pr-sent It yuu ses Phosiss 148 or 48 ZMO#Cl"l fit su Lu do. Dat~ed tLii 9Lt day utf D..REDDNGI>ev. LILLIAN M. STOLTZ, J.LaRE-vQ, Y Executrix ufthLie Last WiIi anti Testa- VETERfNARY SUIsemois ment ut Elizabeth Stolta, deceaseul. wkly-Jau 2 Graduate Chicago -vat. cohUe mir tiuî. a su& eYVIECKERAttys for Gste Ave. - Phnue 1136-W. . Adjudication Notice. 9-1rEx(utni te lamtee.sanTamt !R!ED G R A 8 ri ci Mary A.oas-iN. deceaaed. e-lit attendt EXPERIENCED AUCTI Oie Cîuuîî itut- ut Laks C.ntty. at a terna tteeîî to neClisiden ai tie centtougHanse i Stock aW u mhFa.Safu:r Wauiesn.lut saiti L'entY thy ie Lt-t Mdady For RelemSuc Caie Om -a<m c uit Mat-rh nsi.t 194. assautand wseesai lepos 6-..A uiiçtiuîîd and requeatetitut eenetitheseane tu, ,aidurt ri adjtudication. n uTsm j I5ARTHA A. PROTNg. Itveenirlx n.1ktsrt VflDR. ITORy . Wuian seu'taaeut ofaiMat-y A. Oas.. decesaseti OS+?EPATHIC PI weulveean. fIl)..Jauuas i. S1914 i-, 2~ 215 'Madison St., W u~ BeN fi. MsLL.a. Attcrsy, 9-12 A .; 1-4 P L Adjudication Notice. Suntisys b>' 4 t'ublie Notice is het-eby y i ste - b- -' Toi e-iscA(imitularator o0te Astate uf Feautre, Zlsemet. deoaaed. seS attend thicqOtSua CourtonulLake Oatly asta tern weret o w soldes eit tie. Cout flouslts sesesiagaH ho &Mdt Couoty'«n us. arseMonder of Match Osai, 1914. vià "d wvReeaul persoasbsvint «m WsukgaM DL.Jis. B16 M. WANT THEF SUCKE RIVER DEEPENED Tise deepenlng ofthtie Sitokie river titrougi tise maih trum Deerpatis avenue lu Laite Forest soutb Lu tise Cook count>' lins la coutemplateti hy soute of tise Prperty ownrs, e-ho figure tisat tise ouLlay of $150.000 setl aUd a- mucis grater ainonL Lise valu. of tise praperty. Among Lise large land oasnere are L .P. Svifi., Cypu. H. McCormlck, anti D. B. Jone. Tise pettion nov being tir- iulateti suggestâte seant cf er-k lu Liese prnug. Mr@. Maltivin Drummonti, formeriy Mr@.. Mar"kal Fieldi, Jr., anti Mre. Ed- gar J. UtliefuaitskePareiL, sere dirovuwn oLhias'knees andi frigisteneti, dhils automobile vas damageti anti Charles M. Haugan, an empioye of die State Bank of Chicago. wae ar- resteti ou a charge of drlviug an auto seblie lutoxicatet, lu Nortit Clark seeL, Chicago, Saturday. Tirests he Quastien. 'liere in a etury of a (Chcago vo- man e-ho sys that preseet marriage laws smate e onian thLislave ut man," atti tise eciuare-hauîetmatron a. ahi litoketi up fcom thei nevapapet-. "Wisy dont isey s-ntuni-u-'b.- las-, tissu!' meekly askedlMn ticupecke.-Buffale Expresa. -rae ou, DYMONO IE AUSTIN Loana. Inswance. Rs', Houai Renig. Office in. Kaiser ElboCk. LIBERTYVILLE. LLIOS ELHANAN W. COLDY Money to ioan on Good Approied Rail, Office lin Trigge BuIldIg. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILIJNOIS. LYEU L H.MOUES Luce IBuldinsg. R«. Phonte 152-R. e U.PRU5 MARTIN C. DECME Office Upp. iltiSt. Kbieo t%"C jmce Phes 48 De. Pion. XS4k. N03TH CHIICAGO. ILLIItOIB PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORMET AT LAW. DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. OVPwE 0;13B oOVELLIO BDEuG 010u.. Bouue--frm to 3 and 6 bo 8 P. a... Uhbert'vttw Iliiols. DR. 0- F. 9UTTERREiLD, VÊTERINARI 8iiuUON.. ISSUTANT @TATIE TURÉMEIUXa. Ubertyvll,. flhUnols. TelephonIe litSM eit etter prepa.età my e.rense. ever tu do J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER J~ 114Eluwo.d Ave., Wues.5~ belore mmn igY~wde DR. L. V. SMIIT to e :I, a M :8 , '(0 P~ DoR. 81.0L2 Am.1 Og Offi erinFrt Nationau*D. à Oficelee honBroadway.eopbimu h lbertyvllle, IlIinoi