Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jan 1914, p. 8

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aukean NftM ~'mme< Nov., f,.cn tha Cecef~ .1..of. 4, ~I. ------w ICKlu&IN BED SIX YEARS, M4RS. WEBB lIAS 1PASSED AWAY, Suffered Stroke of Paralysis1 Qver Six Years Ago and Was Helpless Since. WELL KNOWN RESIDENT. Becme Unconscious on New Year's Eve and Died Without Regaining Consciousness Waukegn, Jauuary 3. This moruiug, ahortly atter mid- 'alght. occurrcd the death o! Mrs. Mary A. lumait Webb at bbc age o! 73 yesi*. Her deaah occurred at the boute of ber daster, Mm. Sarab A. Crab- tra.. 316 Sherman place. A troke ut yarlySis vhlch ehe suffered ln 1907 reidred ber belpiecsansd she had bein niad ever cluce, unatile te aid hersai! lu any tmanuer. On Nev Yaar'a ave se sauk Into a saae o! a«ma and <ied vîthout regainlng con- lin. Webvas boni lu Salent. Mase, --a 4180. With nar parents sihe cmta West ln 1849 and sctbled in Wou- JW5Nov. 14, 1888 se. as marrled to CbMr-.s E. Webb 'and recldcd at Gur- ugg is ideath, July 16, 1891. M. *p lad heen in thc hast of bealth takea II l tb typhoid tever. Me. asufered a groke of par- 10 la JnJy, 1907. an danother on fluer 14 ofthe sa me year.1 Pince ,t~ba ud been pertectiy b.lp- Mms.Webb leaves te moumit ber «s brtthér and to siaters, Sam- ObWn.Vmrs. Serali A, (Irâbtu-a. 'Xi» Mettie lionn. RÏsi Sunday atternoon at 1:30 Wke he homne ut.Mra.Crabtrce, 0.dMpe f the Pirat Preeby- wx clâuie ooftiaing. Buniaiat todmptarY. Ppauidlags' corners. m.Webb> bad made mnaey friands %%li dVérlag ber many yeams kah an sd bar death bringe tq* aY'omes, both bere and BRREST WOMAN, SuE CONFESSES TO FORtiu INQ TWO CHIECKS Sadie Callahan, Taken on Ne w L Year's Eve Waukegan Offi- cers, Clears Mystery. Defendant Is a Comely Widow JS EDDTEMNY'B of 23 Years-Spent Pew Yearsin County Jail. t' bý rc bÀ i a bi p e,,Yp Od 'goy Wells Saved ,Mfi From lnjtry, But, -.4fMinmfofLost Thumb. S W*agkga. Decembar il. R« Wal 17 yaaw 014 sma or D. A. wellu, & Pabln lving et 586 TYeomait Wtbta- letst ise ifflbof bie ight band WUsai hMeblt, that member Intheu eega -of A aed .ou-Per Thursday atter- ùM ehaout 4 0'bié*.nea ap endeav- a 'i S ave"iot th e neighbas ~U4rqs ram. m atl >"aieîlr ac- «Oe h ven thea lglhap Ocdurred. Wélls -v'asOPOfrtag bihe feed cnt- lie i1R bis tatuies barn. Peveralcbii- 4f~ rou (b'thenelghborhood Cood -«gsU alosewatcbing hM. Re bad *X2 temi te kccp avsy last bhey Iltt but thaY dld not psy inucbh t lbbis varnings. Thcy kepb tgabout close. oaa e& ftiua eblidren Sot daagps'uusly close bu the sud Wells Uet that bhc -*mighb loge- ils baud. He obt q*kkly ta Puabhaheboy'a eut ot danger suda as be did su 0. a lever vhMzh causcd bic k»d ta sla andl befone he ýMeeat t bis thumi lad beau la tii. .cogwheels.% lb vas the Pain Wels bad sut- APeseaca O! MindAobutoteb aMd reverse ît'su ha could - ils thumh troin theqe He h loadtotahbbe X c.Hic M-unénd hil ftbler and a Moen the latbcr.-enrivcd that bbc boy go tu the su ad teck hlm there lu hIe a.He tound lb uaceesary ta practically tbe vbole si te ;Joint vas cruebed 80 bà > 1 oudnot b.e aved. U berOieamputation bbc boy vas ',irasa led. for record Wednes. - a ttWde g iv y tue North oae onijiay t he b.Cantral qui!.~A0 rurning ton yeu's i.:Obiawmor ~4,te a A comely lîbtie voman vbo provcd te be a "gras viduvw vas arrested by the police Nèv Teare day lu ber rom le 41wPhoenix llates ouWaeh-1 ington street, Waukegan, and vben taken betore Dr. W. W. Pearce. vas' Idutliied s e coman. vho, on De- cember 201h. hadl hlm caeh a cbeck for ber for $20, vbicb atarvards, proved toelie a forgery. She had beau galWg by bbc nams o! Sadia Callaban sud thab vas the namsenedureed un the check vbicb Dr. Pearca caabed for ber. On bbc same avening, J. N. Msckenzle, 'alao a dmngglsb. casbed a $20 check for îbr.a WPhpti o checke vera made ont lu sImilar manuer-both ou bbc North Chicago Stata bauk sud aigned bi Stanley Wojton. Mr. Wojtoe brandcd c the cbecks as forgarias vban they ap-1 pearad at the baek sud'bhat's vbatf cW btbb ahelssicion of forgery, on eh the police began vorking Wad-'l needay atternoon vben lb vas report- id by Dr. Pearce. Placed ln Jaîl. The police finally gub trace of the womau sud foued abevas living lu the rouming bouse under the came c tuame ued ou bbechebcks and bbey 1 took ber uiudcr suspiciun, coufronting ber vlth the man vbn casbed bbc check for ber Inthbe store. Sbc thont admittad ebe bad bean theme. Dr.E Pearce at once dcclarlug abe vas thcO mame persue. Subsflect Identifies-- tion vs made iy Mm. Macenzie. 1 Accordingly, bbc voman vae placed lu the county mail vhare seenubth. latter bal! of New Ycar's day. t Mn. Callahan, s she colis hersait. declarcd oee1ba e rather shorti,1 af funde. neadcd mouey and tbcrefore1 decided te get it via. the forgary route. She admitt<laah. knev se vas doing vmong, but, "I needed tue mony." Mre. Callaban bas been living lu Waukcgae aed North Chicago fom soeatime, baviitg tollovad eliffereet rosans o! qmlployment. Phe ducs not look like a bore crimînal and bbc pe- lice beileve she merely vas driven te bem sct through necessity albbougk of course they- do not excuse hem grievous offensa. Alsstt ('blet Tyrrell dos$ nat ho- lhave that other forgeriez in the clby eeu ho laid at bem door. He teed. th4t thase tva checkts are the only ones $ha msnaged te pase. Waukegait,. Jaeuary 3. A profound sensation vas apruug this attamnoon vhen Ela Cýgllaan, tua pouas voman amrested ait a charge of havlng pasoed bvu tomged cbeck. for $20 each, une on Dr. W. W. Pearce and the ather on J. N. MauKeuxie, dcclared Wt The Sun lu an interview in bbc counby laili. hab see as en- Urely lameless o! auy knovlcdgc of wrong-doiug sud that 3obu Wjtan, on ut Aldermian Stanley Wotou of North Chcago sud au aviatar ut mure or lese abUlity, wvspthe une bu bîsme for theaD zplnta hlcbseelbas been plaçed. Miae Callaban declaned that site had kuovu the youuger Wojtou for a year aud that et une time cha bad "kept coîpnsy witbhlm." She eaid see ail eold hlm a gold vatcb sud that be bail agneed ta give ber $40 fanIlb. This ha did. che said, lu the form outwtv eeke tor $20 eacb. bu vbich ha signed bIc ovu pâme. The checks vere madc outI 19hem, she sail. aud sha bail nul thea shtest knowleelge but that they acre aIl r1ght. The uuly tblug she did. accordiug ta ber sbury, vas bu endosea ber namne on bue iack outhbbchceckcsud go bu bbc two drug storee bu Set bbem eaehed. She said ban flot Intimation that eumething wase vrong came vbcu bbc -- - ilvu VUs 1 BLOO TO SAVE LIFE 0f- HIS VOUNO CIIILD. CELEBRATON NEW YEAR'S EVE DEVOID 0F OfEXCITEMI3NT. OW.N JXIIff TT y, OPENËDIVTIIURSDAY FulIy One Thousand People At- tended the Fine Industrial Exhibit Thursday. MANY ARTICLES DISPLAYED Affair Is One of the Most ln- * - teresting and Ir$tructive .ute F. Bidinger of Waukegan1 Police Say They Found Local Ever Shown i My. Submits to Transfusion Op- People Undemonstrative in eraton n Knosh. TeirCeleraton.The "Made ln Waukegan" Industrial eraton n Keosh. Thir elebatin. xhibit which opened lu the Waukegan Y. M C. A. on Thursday àftarnoon and IABE'S- BLOOD TOO THIN. WATCH PARTIES ARE HELD.,vlil continu: for avaeek. la vithout qusin oneofthe ftuent exhibitions -- ever ceeu lu the çty. leully une thou- Vas Born But a Week Ago and Whistles and Shots Welcomned aand people vlewed the dIsplay ou Thursday and several thousand more ULfe Fluid Was Not Very the New Year as It Crossed are:expected toattend berone tue Strength-Givung. the Threshold. E. R. Gobrecht, sacratarY et the Y. -- M. C. A., muet be given the credit for The article'below troii (Sat- The celebration of New Years eva )oncelving and arrangieg the show. urday's Kenosha New* lsof In. iu Waukcgan vas, unueually culot thu a Peuple wbo attend the exhbit mer- year, people seeming bu b. rnuch Jea1e1 that se many different kinds o! tereat to Waukegan demonstratve than uouai. The polic articles are mauufactured lu Wauke- Cause Mr. Bîdînger la a brother ascerb that everytbîng was very oder- i gan aud they lett. Impressed vitb the of Mayor J. F. Bidinger and a ]y througbout the evening and it wai 1 tact that Waukegan la one uf the meenier of the Waukegan and not necesaryto iiake a ingle arrest greateut manuuacburitig citles. of Its as a recuit of riobous celebration. dz. Iu the country. A few who. bad Kenosha munic flrm cf O!Shea & As usuai bundreds uf peuple flocked Iutended to have dlctîlayc vere unabie Bidinger, hie work bçlng In the bu local restaurants and romained te get themn ready on bîme but are ex- Kenosha business white Mr. 01- tbet'e to vatch the new year usbered pected bu have them on baud betore Shea look* after the Wsukegsn lu. Tbay vere very quiet and ordarly, the Am o teeSeel&WleCo however, the absence ut axcîtement TeAeia te ieCm quttdore:t ro cnd-pany doubleshad the finest and trebeing q bbifrni rrntecon ,rc L. F. Bîdînger, the weli kuown, tlous found In aime citles. Tharemoct expeucive exhibîfT.tI repreceut- tlarket street piano man, le nursing vere several vatcb parties lu differ- ed a number of the iiroducts ut the a littie voundIn b ic right aide and eut, home, and cNi-rches througboub plant. cucb a. door sud bed' sprlngs, the city. Programs bad beau arrang- barbaid vIra, field fence. bale tien, cul- ca rapldly recoverlug tram the wound. ed le several of the churches and tbe phat uft rou and any number ut dîffer- The wound vas the resuit of au n l. nav yaa'a. uusered In wlth prayers eut lcludclit steel aud copper vire. elson made by physcienas vban Mr. and songa. Peveral local people vent The J. W. Harveli tactory exhibited Bîdiager submitted to au opeFatlon toZMon City to attend the big ail camples of the varions kikuâs of nlgt wtch metig l Shlobtabr-food c maeufactured. On the second for transfusion ot blood to cave theniels. tc metngluShla tbe- ail durleg the day, "Mllconey" lita ut bis Iufaut son. The litie boy If the demoutration waa quiet lu the baby and health food that similar was boru at the hospital a wveek ago tbe dowu bown district it vas qulte to other brande of malted mllk, vas and ett1h. times of hic birbb hbic nolsy la4*. reaideece district, es- aerveil free. blod ws s thn tat e ws narpecially the south aide. A few 'min- The National Envelopa company blod as e hietht b ws narutes betore the. "witching hour",11 o.h i a dlsplay ot many forme o! en- to death. The physian linally de- volver, geitguna nd even cannons velopes maeutactured. cided that the only vay to save the hagan to pour out their uolcy .alute4 j The Cyclone plans presecaed a dis- lite of bbe chlld vas by taklug blood It vas as inane as a F1ourt ofJ i' uta ofornemental tence sud other from the parent. Atb a on coclebration le mauy respectsà Every- wIre producie. A tue ws cnnet-une who had a boni ut any descrip- The gager Lock company, The Chi-* to au artary lu the ueck o! the chlld tion eeemed called upon te use IL~ cago Hardware Poundry cotiipany. the sud the 'otber end ufTtl to an artary The factory whictie coan mmcd Cicago Recordlng gstae company, ln the aide o! the tather. Iu a ebort lu sud added to the celebration. Ev- the Nelson Machine Company, the tîme the blood va, pumped from -ery locomotive in tbe local yards Northern Braosa Manufactnrlng com- toobed a sainte. Above the berrifie pany. the Gibson Birothers Mauufac- father bo son and the cblld la nov <le- <in coutld be beard the power iren ur turing company. the North Chicago -cared to be tbrlvlng. Tb la able 10 the vire miii. Foundry cumpany. sud the Double taIre pruper nourlshment aud the *'I don't keow how to explain the Illast Manutacturlng cumpany ail pra- physiciens declare that lb bas every absence uf any grecf celeifration." As- canbed their moel products. tbe dia. sMatant Chie! Tyrrel i ld, ns.Tt pîsys lene«Ch case belng boîli inter- chance wo grow. Mr. Bidinger de- vas that the majority of peuple me- estlag sud Instructive. clares be bas feit no fil effects trom maluad at home or attanded vatch The Prranklyn R. Muller coinpany the opeation. meetings. There vere few peepla on pesented nome fiue speciments ot ar- ______________ the streets and. they ver. very or- bidles made tram ashestone. a tire- derly. True maay peupla diseharged proof material. This company receut- *guns and aveu cannons but thîs wua y lnstalled an ashestone floor lu the NE E RSF T te, be expacted." bath rooms et the "Y." ______________The North Phare Oas compauy ex- hibited a hottie ut crude coat tar PAU , BÀS hilcai a by-pmoduct of bbc local SME E SONTHRE TENE plut. A flot showed the many arbi- iDade TrIm thesbottanceut AND IEAL-R-SALSO r bflJo TOna aohe y TO BUP BOUSEIS lro a-ct ievas cxhiblted. The advent of a xew yaar on Thure- IsPa se7lîîbit conslsted ut Induction day broughb juy to maey Waukegan- M IIIERflJ sud spark colls. ilatimons and other Ites. Prospecta for a prosperous electrie appllances. tvelve-upanbh wIth health aud happi- Tbe Bravn Portable Elevabor tbrn* nese causeel a look ut coetentment on Mrs. Shebesta Asks State'S pdW vas unable to show any ut their many - 6 ,.,, . pradueta because they are eo massive Ta dthýre th. birth ut a uev year Attorney to fla*CSon ne- but a handaume porttolio ut pîctuec meant but grief and sorov. Death, B hoved off bo good advantage. slckness sud general msfortune-all turfleu îo nRif>IuiItiv. The Harter Uilibles exbubibed one clatmed a place on the pages of 1914. ut thair splendid sbaam cookers vbich Among the vamled happenings vere: Waukegan, Jaeuary 6. have provad superior to the firelless The Firet.!darrlage. Complaining that ber son. Erneat cookers. Mies Ethel Wilsen vas unitidle Russell, has madea threats that ha The V'lder Manning Tannlug coam marriaga bu Jtalph Praston. The core- w iii huma ber home <ove and fcaring pany eMbie many fiua specimens mouy tart lu in19138 & q edcin 9of leather %juned Iu varions vays. 1914. lb vas bbc firat mariage bu be that ha viii put bis titrent Into exacu- The Wainwf'lght facbory ahoved performed bure thie ycar. ion unlase restrainad, Mrs. Michael mauy fine peenantc. bors pade and The Firet Death. * ebeta, accord.Iug buto e local Po- canvas articles. Amang bbceevanr George Shoup. 26 years old, paseed lice, bac aeked Sitates Attorney Ralpb reetraint sheots for tevar patients. away ai the home o! hi@ parents un Dd utlecag tecc u The Dow Manuuactnriug company Elgbteenbh sud Victaria etreeta. Hie Dd oflecag tecs n pracented samples o! the fine vork deabh vaa due to buberculoslp ot vhicb sec that the boy le sent back tu the turned out by their plant. PartialI: he 'lad bacu asuffering semae lita ret'ormatory of Pt. Charles, IIl, wbere finiehed doors. cupporting pillars fui tîme. Death took place at 1: 5% a. m. be already has cerved tîme. porchea, etc.. vere hbown. on Jnuar 1.Mr. houpbai bee toThe T. E. Gray Bat company exhît, unvernur bail fMr. Shop ad beueta Ruseel, who le a lad of about 17. Ibed diffarent kinde o! bite. He leaves basides his parents saveral yaare, vac arrested a little uver a The Miorrov company chowed cea irothersansd sieters. Hie vac the veek ago un a complaint svorn out ples o! bbc vacuum cleaucre they man tiret deatb bu take place this year. by Malearrler William A. Douglas ufacture. TheFirt Ares. o Nothaveuewhochagedtha ,The Ryckmau Wildar cumpan3 Jo Thme ralsthArrectordNrt aenevh caredtht hoveci a nev circular eav that fi Ju te fiStman buldbchareedbof he h.boy had brovu atonea througb meeting vlbh quibe a demand. 1n bbcs flare ma bo en anras t e athe vindows o! hie home. Russell Reardon Brothers shuved camplei 1police at 5 'clack ou bbc marulug ut i as arresbed and vag flued 87A.0Hle of i e w ippesad onas. Janiay . he olcesa he18ou.vas unable t a h ieadbad The North Sbore Dalry campani Jauay1.Te olc syhel af-l pyth fn sdhur- uboved sampie ut the varlouuearticlei fering o! delirium tremens. Ha e 1c d out bis fine In jall. ' mauufacburad. Befome the eud of bhq sufferlug ail sert o! hallucinations. lmmeeiiateîy attar that. accordlug veek It lu the, intention to serve Ic The First Slelgh. Tbe tiret alcigb o! 1h. yaar spear- to bbc police, vho eay bbey received creamn free. The Public efferte Company eboveg cd on bbce treetsg this morning. lb bbelr Information fram the boy'. a devIce vbich indicated that Mîazdj vag driven by a delîveryman for bhe mother. bbe lad ebola a quarter be- ligbla humn much lece curreut Pc Buck rosat market. Iucldantally thisI longing, to bis mother snd venb out candiepower thon bbc urdinary carboi lelgh vac bbc tiret to crosse nbcgts Genesca ereat bridge. uc ntasPed 11. Ernest la Mrc. Phe- liBb. A odigehbtdagid -basta's con by a tormer bucbaud. davIce vlbh vblcb he manufacture tdeclares aba had net recelvedl a square Bbc sent une ut ber pbbcr cbildreu face powdars. This exhibit proved a, ?deal at bis bande. Plie aaid that If out bo look for hlm sud ask hlm bu tnteresbing une. offlcers called st lien hume and ar- jan.yofie".e niddlbe puniîhed tor bhc aI-l returu tue quarter. ACCOrdng t thee reetd br. Igedlav IoltIo tha lbBboild a' tory ahe bolil the police Erneet teok She sayse bl an aîpolntmeuttobu hlm aud not bier, bis littie elter lnto a gl'1,csry store, meat Wjton ln thue Broadvay tce The statement of Miss Callahan that got bbc quarter cbaae. sMd kaap ng oneam parlun lu Waukegau the Sun-l 1 aWjau 1 l nalba itteen cents, sent tati tenta bsck bo day mornlug befuna New Yeats. At u ne o! bbc muet prumincut alie1bsmohr thi pysWoto tun luI North Chicago, came as a great i c sh comptain o! the Pro- bhc checks over tbulber sud ae. ent seurprise te bbc friends o! bbc youug1 caeding Ilb le a »dldehareatancd bu out at once and got them casheil. man, vho say y are et al set huma dovu the bousm. Mrs.. tibesta Pha ys umto thn tod br hearrve , a h1 told the police the boy vas uninan. Sitmed bu gWot Caîltoulsd lirthearrfiss t adecision. gahean-ht hIlUbnks tuaelily 1If ieCallaban'p stataniet la cer-_Iaea haanthb aul h mMd»5t If sha vould Iffl blm $37 o! the $40 recb lb brove an etirely differentplcleU se h 1udrealiied on the thecka he 1phase on the. vhola malter, lb v as a r ol ht h tesattor- vould reburn. l be br lu g 1fevdaya stated et firat that BlinaCalaban 1usd tlPrblehateBae- as haie ePacted ta get $160, Ihat vwas D ogdteam ~U.3~Wjo ey VInI taka thIumater up bafore due binu. Bbc conseatad. aey ehe ~ j~ e h. e w ys tbt ha oayjdavti a rIo -and-ti ure&adthe monay over -tu. l ceekvaë-miru tUb aele"r 3k <rCla ObOua.Wo. MUT Wojton., left .nbs aaWoton aat-&l hb the siba n. Aider, MArCaret Milieu, tise ahiet -daier gatrsiocri for Calfornia noseras atheb-mgaWojton brafuded thea *0km as lot D. P. Mille% tfoM.sti Of'js« knowa 'torgerlea vbesu Iiuy veM.pffla tamU006dd a Lm, able bitaUasa lagainat Wjeuaushaement,..1 *Un s5 aur aa aMai = SAFETY FIRST IS PLEA OF RAILROAD Ncv Yeare greatinge Cthe bcman- agements o! tva railmoade Frlday conasisted of a reneval of latety firsi ineftructlonu sund bbe vlsh tbab 1914 yUll ha a benuer yeam lu the prevan- Uon o! accidenteansd lu the iucreae couforbsansd sa!ehy of tue travaling public. "Sacrificespeed ho safety lu every lastauc," aay thea trti'ubona given Ontb hbie Chic&"o & Norubvestars taMead.s.Spcii amng aiaolu gIvea for tis e oamiastlof ào Bvteue durtug aold wvagtber ho se»éiaut n lm or àav a lodged balvean tise rafla Oum The Y. M.' C. A. eubody au option on vbat 1 contrat. Waukegau lu jîîctly îîrîud outlisuflue 'l'mue. 1 vas aeked tu rive an op- Y. Ml. C. A. building wtîtch vas cor bln- utt plctcd and thruwu arpen duriîîg thb onb- te price ddnot suit me sud pasb ycam The'buildinîg <1,51 lié the I did eut doufi. Nohieuy bailany au- îîeîglîborlîuud ut $60000. lb lîad becu tborlby 10 submib my proprby as one hoped lu have lbturxnaliy opcîî'd bY lufthbe sites. We dont vaut a place. New Vears iday. lbut pledge uffuticienb t atku luurvcuy. te, pay offthe,îciridptteduev tave nut ltta idl u iiiy becu pauut and lb vas dcclded 10 poutThe tacbte, however, bhab a site pane tbe tarmai opeuing until t-b hi h bln<tudcs %MeKeownB proparty buildinîg lu free or debt. Tîere arc 1 vae une out bioce cnbmItbed Iu the already a large nunnîer utfuîî-îbèrsletate bhuansd which le nov under and tlhe liet ic gruwiug raîfldly. Very oadrtn hi wle 31. lfbtie equilpmct lias be-î ei Éisucnldrto. Tîî. vla 1m yet, but bbhe ilrge gyuîîua8luin lu McKeown denies ho gave an option iu dally use. .on the properby, bbc tacbtele estate New Federal Building. buard couid coudemu If lb vlshed and The American ('anutmurbion îm thus acqulre the propamby eeu lhough pauv lise brought th(e ncw $104),400 ha mighb not wlsh toutsli. federal building lu a stage- ut îrac- icai caînalebien. at lcaSbtue oXterlor Isi practically inichcd aud lb remaîna mcrely for bbc luterlor work bu belI dune. Wauke-gan pîeoplcetiad feareil I t It mightbc usome little lime befora bbcIn th s case wurk would ho sba led and the bulld- Ing cumpledei but lxe end lm nuv ln h B s sight. The precent poetoffice quarters the _____ are much bon cmall and the depant- ac aly s lb eau leave the preicent crampeil quarter.s ad mova mb bbchefiue bullId- athe PL..,,,.& Iug vblch ic s macterpiece ut cunveni- ue ence and madern eqnlpmeut. Much Paving Done..Osre eei omo The year 1913 lias becîs memoraile <)jerv-lir eafom f no far as pavlng l.mpnovemenbe are harueccd ell.rgy that may couccrncd fan twu o!flthe eitY'c umunt lievimnalizeil in salîo-ponind Important thurougibtames have been paved, namely. Sheridan ruad sud nmachine whiclî viii go ou Grand avenue. For a long tîme It hop heur after houm yiclding a beau kuovu Ihat these bau streete shuuld be pavcd, but for anc reaculi power licat six etrunig men or another thc work hadl been put off eoulii net eqîtai fer more frome time ta time. lb rcmaincd for the preccut admitnrationtîtacomn ttaon-% vr-ry shoîrt ime Con- plcte the vont. Battu stren-ts vene lu Wîst Uihea ages ut the nmen- a vcry deplornble conditian heture te i bbc oud rlogte pavlug buuk place. Olicer iîtreets ln fxj 91 rin h the clby bave beeni paved and the uîîly stroita witbhie trivial coot regret of the majorlty ufthbb peuple of rulîîing the- machine. lu3 that ubjecters made lt Inmpussible te pave Washiugton ureet. 1hat's Improve Crooker Proporty. For yearc and yearc bbc old Crook Pr maîîuiou whlcb liau tuad upun au Eiectric Po.wer elevation un bue (ruoker ruperty just nonth ot the Firat Baptist church on Geuesee sreet lias been an eyesome it's the mioderun ealizabion bo the ciby. The tact that the owuers have ceeu flto bu ave the weede 1- of the- Arabian genii-a g moved. the land graded and have u- ont liat retpuudesta the, nnunced thel n itention o! muving the tuho utnwt h big bouse aud c-uverting lb into a toc tauto vblta rmodern fiat building le cause for gen- streogtb nee<Ied bu doi the emal îejuiebng as the piece o! poperty work. The big tiig about vac une ut the vorcet ceyeeores lu the t-nto muhepai City, esPecially un the North Sida. l u u uhepai uTIAf elty at thie peeuttbiue boasbs uan't be given the facl-is wss accumpllehed durlug the pasb year c-y, conomy aud sll-arouàd The yard la locateil on the corner at Sheridan rmadlsud Lakce ebreet on satisfying qiàafity anywhere. what vas tormeriy bbe nId liglîthause pruperby. Ail the city'e equipmeut la cb sore l n the clty yard sud lb eau If your machinerye what. honnd rcadlly -wheraas lu the past _ _ _ _ _ _ lb vas eeabtered over bbc entIre ciby sud no ose kuew jupt vhat bbec cîy eVer lit 114 imn't rUn by 't, ovued. The etarage building lucated Ylu the clby yard Ic ueed for bbc sborng We WoUld like to lkwt it a! hsy, grain, etc.. sud makes lb Pas- a ible for the clby bu buy lu langer ~ E.b qusutitias sud thuis get the benefit ut YOU about Fjcb Power. -diacount- dNew Factories. 9 Mile It cannot ho sait! that Wau- kegan proper bas badl any new fac y 'les go np lu bbc laot yaar there bx u h , r i n bntoor the ua.auohtors P pi Sevic zn.edattet ail Wauteau geta A.More henafit trom tluam 'tha" dom.0 OafU. 0 Ombloys relde la Wwekopm and aP.nd thal, mouey hira.- T» miol tutad bufldiag et naw taotoKIu.hal ,èfvt baiaquiteasbrisk'saula frmier bc 0. le: ty flb lis lm Me 'w WAIJ1MiN lAD 'Àf009 YEAR IN 1,106 SOME TIIINEiS DONE Waul<egan, December 31. years, but the condition la one tu eal la a retrospective giance back torth congratulation. threugh the year 1913 one caunot belp The Sub-Intak. but notice that kt han been a mfost A review of the year would n eveuttul year for the clty, a year b onit lhu eern h. marked by the completion of many b opeewtotrfrigt h .. great projecter" it la sale to gay that mîh-ltake whictu ia now practicalfy neveç before ln the bistory of the city completed. it extends 60() fest mb ¶ bas there been a year whlcb ,tioOd out the lake and lm tw be used ln oces .o .ouPicuougly. Following care a eirecywe u nyruo h tew of the seblevement Zwhhtheofeirnywhnura raoth past year eau boast: precertt city lntake Isi not able tafur- Completion of Ganss etre vie- uich sufficient water. There have been duct at an estimated coet of *80,000. times wiîeu the city was completely Complatlon cf Central fire and po. wîtlout water because the inouth of lice statione t a cent of *80,000. Completlon and openliU of new Y. the main litake was clogged with lie. M. C. A. building which çost 0,00. lu uuch instancen the Inconvenience Practical completion of fllw federal Io the people wa@ not the only thlng building at Colt of $*00.0. --in cage of a large fire the los@ un- Many Pavin@ lmprovsmants. espsc- Lally on Grand avenue and Sheridan doubtedly would have been very large. rond. The cub-intake lu being built aubstan- Improvemment of Crooker Place tially, go that at any time the clty- which for years wu* an eyscre hors. may desire an addlUoén may be placed City yards and atoraga building ln. ute n titsd.t.ntenb I stalied on South Side of city.thenofltaditcitn « Location end erection of new fac. terided an lndedlte distance mbt the tories in Waukegan-North Chicago lakts. The ,ub-intake plan meeca vitis zone. 1 ie approvai of ail who bave glvreu, Practîcal completion cf sub-intak, the malter serious cousideration. Tihe ut lalce ait cost of *9,00. nlan portion ofthte work la nov com- Thé New Viaduet. ietpd eand it remnalua merely to coa- Xithou.t question thle con1plet ionf ne'~ i to the pumnpiug station. the new Genesee Btreet viaduct wa th1e greatest achieveinent evpr accom< g/f plished lu the history of Waukegau tN'.O NDINE was carrted bhroughlu nspîte ot oppo- sition and nuw that It 1bacleî o igeted and peuple have ol ngi' H1E GAVE OPTION ON au upportunlty to cee wbat a splendid $tructure It really lm there are Yery tew whu do not stand ready to ctep W R E T NF R forward and pay their proportionate ahare of ti asseaumeut.. The viaduci la a tbing of beauty to wlîicli the city A. F. XcKeowu. owner or conalder- dau weli point w1th pardonalîle pride. able land near Warrenwon station. Central Fire Station. called the Sun hy phone Friday even. The completion ofthebC (entral lire log and sald: aud police station &!go stands to the "While 1 underetand that land credit of the clty. Fur years the ire wblch 1 own near Warrenbon ha. and police departments wère houasedbenicudlub itcumtd lu a ramsankle old barn ou Madi- enIcudlntesesumtd son sîreet. The precent building lu to the state board Planning the cpi- thurougbly up-tu-date and equlipped leptiecocluny. the factisl, lb vas doue .i.

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