.Lj-AKE .COUTNT EPENDENT WAUKEUAN WEEKLY SUN LIBEBTYVILLE. 111.£1-&!Ç AJ.. JANT JR Z79 0. 1 2--- - . a - - ia w -a JWy Whioh Tled Case of Lake Côw,#Y'Woman Vs. Saloon- keepers Flnds For Her. WEIGH MATTER 4 HOURS. Unusual Points lnvolved in the Case Wherein Widow Sued For Death of.Husband. LAI<g COUNT'S$ STAONOEST MAN L ý ,On. Ku,.li f W-1 of ten, WHO IE1W WILE ORVîING HOME Wbat ho coutil do-. *-4*1 ttth eariendof a thresh- 2--Vos. 00pound hog tu sbout- der an If it were asasck of fleur. 3-11ull up via. puliey and '~tendUe 4Zwagon loadse ofle in s dle day. 4-Alwsys asiectel the hardest pat of ny job on which hi wvos ssalste.1 Wha±t he drank on Feb. la, 1913.- 1-Pive whisk.ys et Volo en- visit te Molsflry. O-Twe hlglibdlle iand îwo glmiases tboer whie nIMcHenm-y (0"d M.e ahosrty lunch besidées. Sted mors drinks ai Vol. MIO ensilotité home (and hi. so. Ç"Odntacedociar. thee e *ae 111098 Msgtmo hn webhoefor itiquor h. could mswaIio n -dma Wouvisput bue shlm). A Verdict for 83,00 aalns thte sa bakeper detendants, ln tavor ai Mms Gerge NKue ansd ber iamlly i Wàrrfftou, Iii. couuty, wus retura-1 d4 o' the Jury I circuit court at1 1S;30 Tucedar vening. Uie jury boy- hg retlirsilait 9:30 oclock. .1 The deicudants vers ail found 1 Uity eofomtributing tu the ileath of1 tuhei. b.detendauls being: 10à Mc aelnd Thea. Wagner aud AUna Wagoem- af Vola. Mathias sud HumaW-U elmer. Mathias Baner sud Amtoa Digein of McHeum-y. R. J. Dady ami C. C. Ed*arda represonteil the eosPinants. vbile Attorney% C. P. Berme, snd JOsiyn Of Mcrtcum-v coun- t>' Md George Plelil af Lake county affled for aIl detendauts. excepting tb. VaURera. vo. atm-age ta say, bail ,00 counsel lu court. Ma-i.Knesio brought the suit on the groUnda Iat an Fehm-uamy 131h 3551 Yer. ber bushan ansd liicmy TapI.ens, igbor, vput ta Mcelleury havl e oreted grounil: that thcy - MF ti quer at saioons rouductoil by 4@bmdgutO or In buildings ovueil bv 01cM; lIaI, as a resuit of bis excea- dsdriniing on tliat day ho diei - ledriving home, hehng litteil deuil 01UI hies Us aOn as i. reached ie lai-d sr th. river- an the Beividero 908d, Varreatan Grave. Plie bm-ugt OM 1s iU dages flof $10.000) sud the M"i starti Monday moriug. D)e- hase -&edtaovs uenesie vas a 10 Bl tature sud that ho vas nc- e106000d ta drIuIring ta excess, there- 11» tIées as fiaressor ta osuppose OUable diias a rosuai fthe drink- tit0f lIat isiticular day in thone »ra-saloons. fie WUMfSa ver. net representeil te bOicring but lbe judgmeflt à1ud e ganM t lem mo theb.omme. 19t'hO le venBofltrepresenteil la IMM o due ta lb. tact that 11ev «eiaomted ta hbave sli theur mloon Mi bUiling befor lb. siït vas tart. 0&d&U ey be iave neoîroprty vhlch »#.Siseasble uoder the lav and that 11M' tbereforo are vlling ta permitj hmigment ta ho entored i a utthem, «M 'i asattratcd lunch Interest 10 1"ansd Mcifenm-v county, hoiaag a on*UuUI i in ail lit featureg.1 Sm eia case vIser.a manaivas ~~ ~dx-Lua visaho slar$e trmMclenm-y, but the tact whe li yl. ciranute ater bav- ~tffl XWu*npta drink tu the -a- tg ouchiS, thle owncrm ai mame »IdUbl. for-hils demis.. Un- * 5* te theebliàher court S5M5.0Jtis'tablhed te, a i. br @Whfis M M sssand w ev t lb. sal busInes, provlng furtiier that ittui.a bazardons lUne for auy man to follow because he neyer lcnows wbere the llgbtning la lHable tu strlse. This was a case where the out- eider would flot associate Kneisie's deatb vith hlm havIng drunk in sa- loons an hour or two or even thre hours belore,. yet a jury In court beld that those drinks cauxiseie isdeath. ('iaiming tbat be was the strongest man Inlu ake county and that there- fore.ordinary aliments would fot bave caui bihl&delLbwhWe iriding froin Mclienry ta bie borne la Lake county February 13, 1913, complaiants' couD- sel Iu the case of Mrs. George Kîsiasle aWsnst the Vola andl McHenry saloon- keepers eudeavored ta prive bis mus. culez etrengtb by wItnesses wbo bail known hlm lunliie for years. For Instance. bore la wbat some of tii. itiiesses testileil ta: West Gray-Tbat be bail seen Kneiaie ift tbe rear end of s tbresb- log machine, a feat wblcb few men 'coulil perform. Reuben Thomas - Always saw lKueisle tairethe. beavient part of aay work lai ubic behowas assistixig. tbst two, days before bie death, he bail seen Kueisie pull np via. the. poney route. saine 45 wagon lbail utiMe wbicb bail been taken ta an tce bouse. John Camphell-Was tbe atrongeat ma- 1 ever rnw. Aflotier witaes nMdM e1 ailsee hlmi plck op a M00pounil bog as If It wer. a chil. The complaînants bave pictutes of Kneisble ln wrestling costume, whlch recalis the tact. that several years a»o be usedin 1 take part Ini wresUing bouts lu the connty. He expectedit wln by sbeer streugth of muscle but did flot mak< mncb progres because bis general knowledgc of the lame vas not vide ani bis strengtb of mus- cle ili not alail mucb. As a vrestier ho vas cansldercil qulte a Joke, anc lime capeciaily be- log recaibeil hy Assistant Chiet Tyr- reil sud thers vben ho mot his Wat- erloo tram the banda or '-Gunee Jack." vha vas brought lu trams Gur- ueo to wmesle. The compîinauts sought ta, prove Ihat a man of such etreugth sud sncb spparently sounui organe, canlil not have met the indien eleath ou bis wagon vithout the lInoxicants baving brought about the condition vblch causedIL ut foctors on the stand dit- tom-cilas ta vbctbom- auy ather cause ulght have hm-ught an bis death. The defeuse lusisteil that juat hecause ho bail taken drinks vhiic enroule ta aud troin McHenry, il vas no sigu that saine ather omganlc trouble mlght flot bave causai bis death; therefore tbey bled fit cold nal ho laid ai the drinka eutiroly. The evideuce as Put ln iv Henry Taylor vho made thecttip ta McHenry vltb Kueisie, vas ln substance this as regards the numh.m- af drinks ho recalîs seeing Kueinle taie: 1-Enrouto ta McHienm-y, hoe aw Kuolale taie rive Icu-cent drinks at 10 o'ciack. at Waguem-s place. 2-Reachoilestriatmll ai noan, ted tes)ms andl vaîkoil taHehmer'a salon vbee-oKnioisîdmau a higibal. ,a glass af beer aniletc a lunch 3-Returnoil for flour ai mi 1. drovo tami tavard eaat end o 1f Village and staPoci at Engoln'a Place viiene ho drnk anather higubail andl s glass oft beer. Ho testifil tisaI Knl.'Sio aloo dm-ni tiat tact didn't enter lieeucae i ear- Iug bocauso thene la nahody m-pm-c- sentig Wagner ln court. Thus. ln ail Taylor testifiel that .Kuelale, dunIng the day dreni lire ten- ont vhiskoys; tvo.glasses aorienr s8d -tva ighhalls as yoD as a- irlikat Vola. Be. tie drink& vriol cludeil: Ivo hlghbbal lad Mtvo gs os et beer. lne shmllIbd Rtsfie vas la the village sud itdlh. mishî Thi, case ha attracting mh inter est as filembodhes uMusud at eties,1 ou. of vici tu liat tleb. vla b M vlth elqen cildren, lte youngost of L whom le 3 years old. MYjIIIEjE The complinants' counsel ia.tuai- 1 ing tbe stroxig point titat Kucialo vas n E 9 O D sncb a strapping tellov that It must i~ 5 1 C U L bave heen drInk tbat undermineil bis bealth and causeil bis death on tbati JSSlOWN JIONORS fatal ride aceoau the county; the de. fense argues that be ba dbeeî recog- nlzed as one of Uihesleett drinkers Mr. and Mm. Ambrose Raught i the. county snd that the. drinks he of Libertyville Surprised by bail on that particular day, Foh. lStb, Their Frnends. 1913, vere as îotbing fot bim te gulp dovn. lu tact, ver. ouly Drsc- tical "vashers" for the otbers titat be ANNIVERSkRY ON DEC. 31. woulil bave taken bail tbey been oh. tainable., Coupe Io On.etfEarly Settiers Fred Mattbews. ownor of tic müll of Volo VWon4y-Are WeII at McHenry testîfid for the defense Konl h ony that wbe Knelsle arriveil at hjailil Koni h on lest Fehruary, he vas pcrfectly ober sud tbat he saw notbing ta Indicate (By one Present.) h. bail been driukiug. Compalnants'On Wednesday atternoon December endeavereil ta impcach bie testlmony 31, 1913, viien tblrty relatives andl on the grounds that be recallid too fricuils of Mr. and Mrs. Ainhrosc many details about thc vlctlm, een Raught of Libertyvîlle, Ilii. rushed lu thougbt the affaîr occurreil alm;oiea yeam- ago. upon. vithout a moments varning Thomas Thompson, road commis. sud uhen tbey sav the baskets aud elonPr of Nunda townshîip. told of sec- boxes sud packages brought lu, they Ing Kneisie at the miii at tbe same knew they mlght as well sui'reuder. turne he vas there vith a boai of Those who vers present vere Mr. fecil. Ho uaid be apipearcil sober. sud Mms. Charles Raugbt. Nirs. Chari- He recall hlm becanse af tbe mans lv Raught, Mr. and Mrs. John Suther- unuanal statutre.- Attornys In Tilt. Mr. Daily andl C. P. Bernes ers en- gagedInl sevoral rathor personal tilts dur* te day vbicb cajiseil ug. Whiney ta taie a hani lxi tbelr argu- mentis, the inilge fiually telling Mr. Ramnes lu reepouse 10 hi@sae.tisaI be bc permitlcil ta finish lis questioulng1 Of a vituese that "Fli taire care of Mr. Dady." Andl thon the case cou- tinuedl qnietly for a tîme. Itavever. the attorneys vere at swom-da' points for thc ontire hearingi andl their tilts createil conaidorablo mtenimeut ln the court room. 1 VOLIVA WJNS A BIOiPOINT'..INTUIE WOODSOCK TRIAL Woodstock. Lau T-(OGpfcat)-Ti- day vien lh, famaus Matheraiii-Val- IV& glander case vas ilartcil beiore Julg. Pm-ost. Attorney C. P. Raines, for Voliva, made a motion that lte deyasition ohiained in Amttorney Mohersili, Wvi a lte Ucest ho sup. pre& sselluothon yards, that It ho Practhcaily tbrovu ont of court. Tbe court uphelil the motion sud the deposithon therefore vas Dot ail- mitteil. vhoreupon, Attorney Beau- bleu, af Waukegau. m-preseutiug Mm-. Mathereili. muaved that the case ho continues! until th&? fourtb Monday of next. May. Hie roquet vas granteil C-Ii thus the tamous case agaînIo shaveil abeai for future trial. This -te the fitth trial of this case vbicb vas tic outgm-ayt a! Volivals utter- ances ln tbo pulpit about Attornoe Mothersill sud Fabry, anc expression isedcih blcecame; famous belug '"lhey sm-e moi bcgiuuing ta Ilip the PiP off thoir bills." LAKE CO.MNIS FIRST TO EiET NEW EUEOENIC P E RMI T Cupil bas broken the ice lu Reo- sa couutY aI lest. County Cleni Rus. 8811 Hf Joues issueil thetilrst Siconse under the nov eugonlc marriage lav ou Moudav atternoon. The liceuse vas Issned for lie marriage of Henry Gunderson of Ruoseeli, Il., sud Misa Catheryn J. Nelson of the tavu of Pleasaut Prairie. Thé houom-ofaIissu. Iug the tiret certificats undor thc lav vas given ta Dm. WillIam Pugh, vbo made au examinathon af Gundonson on Monday sud certifieil ta the county donr that ho vas freeofot ilecases mentionedI n the statut.In maklng the test the Wassem-mau test vas ual calledInto upe. Cauuty CIm-k Joues made no demande upon thoepprspect- Ive hridegraam for detais at the test ta w1f ici ho bail snbmltted. but de- clard that the cortificate lu legs( tortu sud signoil by a.coampeteut phy- sician vas ail that vas nocessary- la have tb. legal provisions mot. Thie couple viii h. mariai on Jauuam-y 16. As. ..expecteil that vlti the firet cei- tIfi cle isucilthat thora vili ho as Immedilate resumption o! the marriage busiep lu the countv-Kenoeia Newe.- T-Ic bom or Il. Uol lale u his meti: but lb. Manth of lie vis.eus» le"d. Mr. s"d MiM. N«. Shultis and son. Mm-s. 8obert Fulton,.%Mr. anid Mm-s. Carl Attcrbury and tva sans, &Il tidm gWaukekan. Mm-s, Lian Shultis andl eMm-s. OrvfI St Peter troan Highland Park. Mm-. and Mm-s. C. G1. Huson of Elgin, Ill., Mr. sud Mrs. George Bon- vowli, Mr-. and Mr*s. Gusa Tovnsend of r Tound Lake. Mr. and Mm-s. Clarence rWillilams, NMr. F. R Snyder sud daugb- ter of Bristol, Wia. Mr-. sud Mrs. Chauncer Thompson of RounailLake. Thcy vere gree lth heurty rcheer and iaughter. *'Ycs. ve ail ebave camne ta a golden wedding'" they salil. They voie brothers. sisters, cousins, nepbevsg, nieces sud ail vere relateil by marriagc cxccpt tbm-oo couples vbo vire Young boys sud girls. When the 8aught tamily moveil trom Nov Yom-k forty-flve yesrs age, ticy bacateil on the tarnencmile east of Vole. Now thone dear aid neigb- bois are granlpariets. Tbey came ta Jotaheuratait atiJa un eit frostramEl- glu sud Round Lako ta ceichrate their flftleth auniversaryof aitieir aid ueigbbors a timne long ta bc rcmcm- The "bride" was presentel vith a -- - - - ---and -- - --chr, nd JannarY 6, 1914.-Estatc o!Elis-. luarebovl sud nibipTheromani a hetil B. Wodbriilge deceasai, ta C. a 110 golil plece that vas aolli, Edadlo 9an ot oehl surprise vhich causer! 1h. teara o"t 30. block 4. Waahbum-n Park, North flov, but iitb and laughter nomChicago. Decil. 8400, dm-ed the tsars. Mm-. Charfi n aught, John Griffith sud vite ta Aifona Ver- a cousin sud a sisier -a-la aio the wee, lot 29. Rose Terrace subdivision, '-rdvas the oldeit oneofa the Làke Forest. W. D. $600. compaury. Sbc represecteji four gen- Johin Griffith sud vite to A. D. Huiat crations preoent. (hiarles Raught.. ber lot 37, Rose Terrace subdivision, 1a&>e sou, aud bis daughter. Mms. Carl Atter- Forest. W. D. $500. hum-y, andl ber two son. John Griffithî sud vife to Emîma The Raugbt brothers bail liveilas Svsuson, lot 19. Rose Terrace Subil- onc tarnily tomty ie ycears. Thres.vision, Lake Forest. W. D. $10. fore, Mms. Charitv Raugt caulil F. F. Hooftt sud vite ta August spcak from abhat shl- persanaiby kmcv Knehkem-, lot lui Village of Waucanda. of the 'bride aud groomn." W. t). $ 1. Bbc saidlin part. We are giail ta E. V. Orvis and vile to George he with you iln your easy home to cel-.(Chevalier, s(,uÉi six font. nomth 621 chrate your 1111h asnnlvergary. Those foet. cast 90 feet, lot 2. block 6, Mc. uift yeam-s of vedded life have hrougbl KaY's secoud addition. Wsukegau. Q. you many biessings, a kinil Provi- C. $1. douce bas always protectend ron. Ton Clristîna, M. BRucett, ta Olive Rab- have endeavareil to ho helPers for orts, east 77 teet, lot 6, subdivision or each other lu heariug escit oticr's lot 49, Lake Fm-est. Q. C. $1. bordonus sud m-ronioeeci others W. H. Harrison sud vite ta C. N.1 bappfinesa. We kuow von vere not Dumanîi. lot lir village ut Libertyvillo.a bleased vltb olive plans arounil our S. W. D. $150. table, but tbraugh Providence an Staniplaw Soaansd vite 10 Stanis-t adoptai daughter was rainer!lin four- law Wroua sud vite, lots 21, 22, 23 home. Tim-ougb bier laye aid devo- sud 24, block 116, North Chicago. W.t tion ta van Sire bas -'On lie love Of a D. $1.100. .i truc tather sud inotbem. Tins through W. B. Smnithi anil vite to Herman the stroug chords of love Sho viii ho Pankoke, lot 9, black 6, Lenox enhili- a staff for van lu your decliuing visilon. North Chicago. Q. C. $40. von. Pleace do Sot tam-t ta Invite E. C. Pack sud vite ta M. P. Bld- ne ail ton voars trom t01ay la cela-ilbeconi, south anc-hait nom-lb anc-hait bm-te vour elxleth suulvomsary. The lot 12, Waukcgaui Inveetinut subilivi. hm-d's sentiments sm-e if they coutil sin0 .C 1 go back fitty years soif laie back$]n Q..$1 vilti them the expericuce athie fitty Estate o! Mary W. Teo (deceasol) years passâ, they woulil rnrry Juet ta J. G. Waiuvrigbt. lot 31, Wads. thé smo. orth subdivision. Waukegau. Deel "Fltfty yea-s asinre we ver. vol but $300. still tic love kuot did not sever. Rev. January 6. 1914.-Mamie Hansonr ereuilassaiedi t tlgbt viti love and te, 0laf Franklin. 30 acres in southeast oh, it's ut as 51 rang as ever. l'y. ouo.toum-th section 12 sud 30 acres lu neyer bail ta say that 1amrn amm- northveet ouc-fotirth pectiou 13, Avanc iat I marrled Amrn mose. and I knov tovnshîip. Q. C. $1. bc lovers me nov as munit as viien W. T. tarr et aila E. A. Dunakin,t ho asicd me tarinarry. 011 lime par-- 110 acres lu namtbast aoe-tourtb Soc-r baps has diîmmeil our sight. aur stops than 23 siud 5 acres ln southeast une- ta orne mav gacr flatfater. ]Rut Gmi taurtb secctionu15, Nevporl ttovnship. vbo vatcheil aur earthly love, vjiS W. D. $6,000.1 zpide aur footstepe ta Bis all;a,, and Estate o! Wlilder Buttepield. de- i Wben the angol lifts the veil sud ceusoil. to Fred Rudolph, lots 6 andil poitta' te us lb. gî-louietie ning, te 7, blci 2, Scisnoks addition, Liberty- love vreali that vo vear on earth ville. Deed $725. vll.bo a cmovn in Heaven brigil mornlng, Andlsno om- long lite passeif A largo gatlhcring af Knights qt Py-b lu peace, resuionsivo te love's golden thias vas seen at thé annual Installa- lever. We'vo coxiqucreilait hlits ofaition iofficers atH iuibvood 'Manday t lits, ve're lovera nov as'muichassever eveikiag. .Tbore vers, visitons tram Sa band lu baud sud beart ta beail, ail nartb shore cities, lucludijit many t ve'Il travol dovu life's bill tagethien. tram Waniegp, 1An ovpt«r, suppea-0 djspisiug dam-ess3, sallits on aigt, fallovoi lie wvan, for love viii shlelil us tram the weatb. er. Thus a vcry deligbtful atternooxi was seet vitb this ageil couple of 72 aud 75 years. A bountiful voddiug luPPer vas served, follaveil by a Oum. hem- of songe closiug vlth Blest Be the Tis that Binil Our Hearta ln tChristian Love. TWO SITES ARE RECE VI3D AND ARE REINE_ùà-CONSJDERDN11D Fourthl-ake Property, and the Warrenton Farms Formnafy Received by Board. and one or the Ment w and Flepm-setatlve F. 8. Muttro, bas m-- beatkxlovwn resîdents of IAkf county, ceiveil officiai announcement that theIlies very loy at hbis home on the south two sites be submIitteil Irom Lake boundary of MioniCity. couuty for the state eplieptic colony, Oid age bas causeil a complote have been receiveil sud placeil on file breakilovu whlch. It le feit, vili prove by the state board sud wlll ho con. fatal to the resPecteil olil man. Hav- sîdereil tagether vltb tbe others from îng attaineil 86 Yeare of lite. It la accu varions counties. that be bail roached the poiut vhcre This disproves the effort made ltu a break lu bis bealth migbt not he certain sources that only onue lie- unexpoctedl. It Io recalleil tbat some ZiOn <ItYB-vas suhmltted 10 the mouths ajio ho sustaîlil a fai vhile Motse board. The tva sites submitted wakn abshm u tvste by Mr. Munro vere the FavIor tarin taled be b.d brokendis uu, bt ho [at Ponrth Lake and a site flear War. nirnai te gel over thal eEpermic renton, soutbwest a! Wankegan. ail rlght and now it la feit h. re- lu anever ta Uic statement or A. tlina nulUeffecta tra It. F. McKeoov, tbat bis tarin was lu-.*m-«ka -Graduelly. cluded l n the Warrcnton sile, and However, last voci Tueeday be be- he bail Dot anthorizeil sncb a proposi. gan ta teed badly and bis limbe tion, Mr. Munro otates that the Mc- 1seemeil to give ont; ho manageil to Keownus Ooosition ta the location Of -h. up about bis home. however. untîl the colony leapcmsonial becanse It doc ns dgy viien he vas torcei ta, go ta not affect bie holdings. bed andl bas since heen coufinei lnl Presideut Kern of the etate coin- hoil sud under the close vatcb of hie mission Informe Mr. Munro that belpyia u aiy i odto vili visit Lake county witb the Other. le vem-y grave sud vbile ho recagnises membere andl examine cvcry site euh- j ie tamily part of tbe lime. the other mitteil v'th utinost care. The teed- part helal n s camatome condition andl ing le general that LaRke conntY that les vby the family le close at stands a very gaod chance of gettlng hand al tbe time, teaming the end the Institution locateil witbiu lie' mayorm naY minuta. boundaries, its pmoxlmity ta Chicago Mr. Ferry ta One Of Uic bet knavn hein1 anc ot the big arguments for It mon ln îortbern Lake county. It wa5 bo wha Bolto Davis the trot large u L portion af land on w vkhbZian Cltyv UBTAYE TArBpuua as but.I ie sali taDowie made hlm extremely voalthy and XMm. Ferry (5ake e. Tii. ~ rug~ omcme anc af Davic's closent friends tasWnC. Metb&*Tfll Co utlùde the oburcb, for oi course the - chs et Ve . 7 s à « & 4 pli er laies canntY m an, wv ile he Ofacnde empe INpe.ýPho 4. had business deallugs vitb the. over- SI3LLS fSFA ('harles Maxthus bas solu bi acre tarin on the Beach roSi te WU. Ilamn Lun of Chicago for ".j0ê hii la given as part = =mn q~a apartment buildin u as vater vhicb Mr. la»mai et ttii,. 000. D. A. Weale ueotatetbo duL A. F. Conrad representinq ie5 asslst. Ths 1lethe blgnt u * Cloud lnl this vicialty ln a bu tUe, MEW WU3IAJ Springfield, 111.1 Ian. 7.-ShBefttu7y of Biate Woods today issued à icese I& hicorporate ta Uic Americenlad*>. trial Co.operative AsockUleM Waukegan vltbout capital etski: ow ject: social, educationai and 1kg . hexiefit of members; I ldemnom Ernest 0. Lintit. John A. Tisser.>W1 i Randolph. George Brandt snd Joli& Montgomery. ONTICARÏ Oser., uever nad uyuunag te Go vitil lm and bis religions loachinga. Tii. Ferry iamlly la one ofthte mast promirent of Beutan township, andl tierefore an oxceptiaually large number Of Peaple yull vatch vitb cou- ceiii, developmonts In the ageil mafia condition. S01M. IMPORTANT POINTS ON SCIIOOI, LÀWVVS IN ILLINOIS 1lu 8cboal districts haviug a popu- lation af 100,000 luhabitauts or tever, orilere issucil for the vages of teacb. lirs, wben presenteil and not Patil for Naut Of funils. bear lnterest at Uic legal rate of 6 per centuin, per au- uum. ntIl palil or notice givexi, as providoil by section 81 of the general Au order lsmed for lie vague af a dovi on lie atreet c teacher, anil ual pal for wan aiofinOvhag viiel heWv tunda, lis the oniv ichool paper tual drave iitiiest in school districts ai 000c1ii000us, the firet sud second clans. 0 Whci liens are no funi&lsuinthe - 1AoiG banda of the treasuren. achook dis. 0 tricte afthelie rat adn secondsilcasa mRY Issue ant1dipaton warrante t de.-00, o066e696 fnsY the cost oftuIntiai and aait er vA. .Jasper. 8lvansalm necequary incilenal expenes, accord. 5biWlsn an log ta section 117 af tbe gencralEshrWloam school iaw. Bnci varranta do neot AfredBoirai., Addli ilrav Internat. But Uiey enaile a Kaliryili oyî. Aille school board te setti, vith ils credit. ors. each qçrelhtor receiving #sce. Walter Dumiseni. a rate war"anttor the amaunt dehlm. Ruth.il. Tnl s,lUe Machb'orilr or varrant muât shov rhrWfo ai Upon ils fatpfor wbat pampas. -sncb This mequrmcut lealusidalor'. Fotrr aamiJoue%. ilv&Id there ha no Innocent boldea- af scbool GertMude GavigMa, paper. RudolpI Roei. » Mm-s. Elîza Wakefield, vidov ai Normanit rI. mi" Losuilor Wakefield vas hurlidTue&s. Lorman, Mlles day at noon ftram the homc ai ber iKatii.rhe .. M son. Leander W. Walýeffeld, sit (umne, Ibis helog the aCWkfedim.AIbqleTer, «Wala steail. She vas born in 1841 sud hâba Oiihdlc Ccc.,15 &Peut mustoftaiber litse inrmren tovn>bip, hcing vudeby kiov.In hi,,it dvard Roger, M section. The terai vas bilai fa-am Jacepile Woosivara theb ug hans thie ciurch, hurlaIi "asTom Hca .cliqq ha Wts-aenemcter>'. Pie large ab. KaËinue (Sabsib tendance at the. services imdilaelthlb. - 1 9eCI ~ In hic le. vas bed. le e iA amo& budt occstrred Setus4y. ~ sMqe County Phyian SmW 'i. aminod the Fe" o* -' Ileves Ho W Demuste- - e flam eht ii.a mmn tof of age, vas iiteda up by a sier" $ lectrlec@car. liug aleegnm tae tuis momniug, ue" tlii Iêut souli of Highlandl Pari.t vas braugatt h là**T Xt m-Y b. ýthi e flgW' nlbt At ae yrat% 11W- hoi aa mann, *la. oeil eoam. l. ie Ici"MOI @Bd the var, ho me.di vas trutittut i ho, nidbu eatesifor Ivo don. Hie coud iv" e om» self turtiter " etsy vltb a trienil *ho rslihdi 4î He 'Intimateil bit rsa U hlm an th ie uand bear out hbat gL .....c . bie aildresl e asMMNR Chicago. H.Nsi MM I ij" e rohhed ho sterted là V&Mh M yanke, sud, lad vaiied $O4jý vithotu any food. He àm 11 valkiug &long the rsilos& m* "du that vhou ho coqmg e» w l slmply Msa fl oudoemq. The acr.vof lhe ci ar Wýbý*t ta the Edison court wtih local police vire vaitei.,- remaveiltgtahe couz»,n !jeU l lice ri&,- Dr. Brown examine& tbh e lûs'. f illy atter ho bai 'hm s *Wwi I-*, and aid lteora laesuiio mtnd but Itet$UOW blv Thev do flot 1Mai thi e o 1! Ing ta commit siloi. but ______ car trAa. vu dota&. tn .. ..... oei..:.i bah mIUO ...4M 'aUym5»...54 ckue .......I IRm FERRY IS NOW YERY LOW AT 1101E IN BENTON Pioneer Resident of Benton Townlship Sustains Break- Dowc-Due to His Ago. IS NOW 86 YEARS 0F AGE. Father of Supervisor Ferry and One of Richest Men ln North- ern Lake Couty. Hlm-ar K. Ferry. father of Super- visar Hlmar W. Ferry of Beutan m! . nom ,,IIBMTYVIXLZ ML, JANUARY 9. 1-914. PalffllkpAmm