Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jan 1914, p. 4

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Lake Cou nty I ncepende nt IRE TOl I AKE Officia] Paper for Lake Cony.1' COIJNTY NTONLBÀNK Office Tlephona Numiier I, Lbertyvilla lExchange. Ohapred ab the Poer.îlbi.eeat taebrtvville, Illi.. as Second Clamp Mail Matter Ia.upd Evmrv Fridstv AdrtlilltRates tMade Knîîwn on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 81.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ....... .......................... .............. Editar 9. G. SMITH ............. ........................... ...................tJManager M. Jý WEBER... ................................... Resident Manager, Phone 68 With 144 si1oons 'n Lake County, ono should sureIy be able to get alil the liqid refreshrnonts ho might wlsh w1thout going b Kenosha after them. We are atr2r.g for having thoso 32 farmers near Lako County "Islick up't their places to satisfy the. State Board of Heaith, for, we want to keep on having milk and crearn at home-and we imagine what the resuit would be in Waukegan if a good part o! that nrnnber waa eliminated from briging their produce to Waukegan retailers. Milk would thon b. as scarco as oggs or hen 'a teeth. Bo, hard au It may aeem to somo, let's urge them to "slick-up." It would b. somo joke on Lako County if that assist- ant iiighway commissionor, after inspecting the Lake Vil- la stretch wkich the oounty board roquested to, be givoii ffxst state aid, decidod on somo other strip lnhtead. Whon ail that fussing on the, board would have corne to naught. Eýowever, it is fet ho will coicido with tho request of the majority ,o! the board and that in tho oarly spring work WM1 start at Lake Villa east to the. Warren lino and the. impassablo stretch thius improved so travol botween Wau- kegan and Fox Lako wiil be securo at ail times. Now that Lake County roaily owns that tont colony, w.May exp-ct t> e u ro 1n ~made lier. and tie lutitution in sure to b. malntalned at a iiigh standard. Tii. Offty bas a fine chance to make good there and we are conident it will prove a good investinent of $7,500 for L.ii. County. It means much for the tubercular poor of tii, cou.nty and even for those wiio are willing to receive tfeatmont there and pay for same. Tis colony is unlike the poor farm-it is to receive patients whether they car »I~ for lie care or not-and the. good part is that every. VZ iJibe on a levol whether they have means or not. »xutheii fact that some patient is to b. troated there whose eSxin l paid for by the. çounty should in no way deter any- bOdY Who can PàY for treatment from going to the colony Wbéen iunoed of attention. In fact, lu ordor bo encourage tb county in its undertaldng; people who can afford t * _y.ii@uld give the. Laake County colony the preference F &Omo so trange place because tiioy're at home and will rmi*eo jusl as good, or ovon botter care than in the past, gui , odÏiiarly a county institution, can oxit in btter -z.**ê lau one privatolyconducted. lu luooklig over the, sites SUbmfittod from Lako County epileptlOcOlènY, the one froin Lake farina aid a fow others, strikos the u! oiAn d Most beautiful site for such an tcoud b. Plckod In nortborn Illinois. Tii. location, tii. beautiful lay o! the land, the grand whlkcove*r part o! tho land, the productive farm I -ail thft things argue for the. site, although ft might lbotter for iakotn mthe matter o! trade to toated near Waroton. Howevr, tho Fourth lAkesiato la -ideal *'for the. purposo, the boantiful private 1*6 w 'Uch would go wfth it makting it unrlvaled as to its rwsi IUWllêhen comparod bo any other that may be offer- et An epfleptic colony may not b. welcomed by ail com- mnUnitites, t, judging fron the trqýde to the, nearby terri- tory and from thie iigii standard o! ail Illinois institutions thoro would really be notiing objectionable to the loa- lion> o! the colony in Lsake Oounty, but, insteaci, it would Ming consldorablo business to the, county. If Lake Connty mai laid it, iot's have it. If any officiai haa the. ability to ausist in urglng the site on the commission ho the extent that they docide on Lako County, he's entitled to fullil credit for lits efforts. Lake County now has no state in- stitution. Lt's gt one if we can! ýAfteir.Inventory Ç j JWILL FIND you are short of State- YOU ment, Bilhead,- Letterheads, Envel- opes or' office forma of some charac- ter. Just cail us on telephone No. 1, and we-11 send for your copy and in- gtructions. job Printing is n o t a specialty with us--ie:s aur business. The Independent job Department ha% no connection with the newapaper, pouesing a comploe equipment that is never Uaed for newepaper work. Weie particular pintes, which ia. sures you quality 'uervue-and you can have the work whoti promied- 7no beput oita"ouple of days." en" esa. TIE INDZPENDENT JQE E1ATMENT Il At the, annaaal meeting of tii. char- holders of the Lakte Countv National Bautk of Lberty ville, wmiiclwaas held lu the. bank'e office@ on Tuesilay afternoon, ail o1 the directora and offiýere of tbe liant Word, reelecteit. leaulatioua wpre adopted aeher.tay tbe' bant ,Wpt. i, termes of the. i'urrency law and it ivast dolded that te iii abe w.m. a i menber of the féerai resterve liantaRyoteni. That itie stiareliolderli<af thima lank realised tii e eicasncy of <the b)ard ai directors sud oflc'erg id mniifeied by te. meelctiaui of earh ue '4 ihem ta their respective po@iticbnO Tii. lant liit exilerienceed una aiiueptiinailiy Uuutiiy growth durinig <le tiuec >ear Tii. directoce reelecteil aie: A.(. ucbweriai, Dr c. R Jalloay, <C.. Wrght, Fl C %V. 14ie:er, F. P. L)yiiioLd, Attorney Paul diriuii, F Wriiglît Tii. ohli ie,.Ietpd «e: F. P .Dy. mud, Premident; G A, Wricht Vice' Preiiderac; C. F 1< ight. CaMllier; R. F'. Wtîaht, At4s't Casalîîr; F s Korti. Aset CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION WANTS PUBLIC SCALE, At a iîicetiuîg of the, Miii l'roiu.r. CtJ-i;iratiçe a' .oiuan helul 1, t HB Emier'a m ire oni iii Miîii <ghlt a là-Ii mîit!., wtàs electeî fî,r the îiipîs o<f canferring vuittu thee uuui-mof th, village board iii regard l t h. installa- tion ai a pichili. j'a e ar cat reagli t'«atie ta b, uader cie «<pt visilan îi the villag.. The assoeiatl,,ii contu-ndw tiSa, s IMSALi OFFICERS RlamTs ff' FICRS At the. meeting QaI the Lbertyvil.e local The. tirat National Batik bas a«cepted' of the 1111k Pmoducers Assocatioîn bild tie PfOvUeloD Of ithe now bank net andI 0 et the tawn hall lant Saturday aiglit <th will becmea megbm. of tii. fIoderai te- 1,afieer. e-eted binDecember were inâtalledl serve hanlk aYâtem. ebY CJ. (0 mail, Lake county cbairmaaa of At the annuel meting of the *hare. thie Miit Pr.dueera Association. The. hoidere Tuenday the former board of officcrs inerallod were: doere *ere NUhitirad, as followe: J. 9 W. C Mos, Prevident. L Taylor, ep 0. Miller, George Quasa- S R. E. Thoms.. Vice Prteeldent. tin. J. J. Uridley, Wm. Walrnnd, '3ei- a. E. Poile, Secrearv iiardt Sehreck said A Ibert Setier. K Samnel Douba. Trea@urer. Tihe offitera of the banî eiected are j The exseutive cotunitrep conooista 0f Ban 0. Millor. Preaidenti Dr. J. L. Tay. rChlo Stolzman, cbairmna; C. M. Wileox. lor, Vic-Preaident; J. Soely (iridle.y, W. F. Rafeman, Herniau ticlreck and tJasher; 0-tCarroll GrdleY, A' Camber; W. j Stolaman. Barry (C. Meyer, flookkeeper and Teliar. The delegaten for the. rîîîinty and Wiiii lis increased capita and excel. annual electioù or. Hpnre iHlortiin, Joahn lent faciltice afforded liy a competent BOveeîî atid Clins. Stolirnan. A enioker ttaffiofif fli.ers and its new quartera Tb@. folluwed the instullation. tiret National im rendering a làgulhy est- letfttory mervice to lts patron@ 1<. Thi. Anti cii local of t1wl~. ik Pro. officere are weli pleasedl witli the new ducerm «eociution uirder th,' leadership cnreicy bil. whieb the i.ybleve willi Of John F. Miartin i«id .lohiî R. Haycock reedy many of tlie defetite of our old wmiihoId a tueeing-aitihe opera houes systeni. The. rew aet will makee h pas- an1 ;Itlirda.v of thua week forehe eleclJon ible foîr liauke taohitain maraey tu buan ai iiffici'roéanad appoiniitigof cleleates their cuat,inpeain timesof strlngency for tihe auoual Lakëe city letian ta and iprovideïo fur the prorpi retire'nent1 b.,h4 ti iLilerioviil,.aniiary 31, f the i:urreu'V wlien it b»ha.erved lima 1 urdîe. ineurlîîg perfpet elaicticity. COUNCIL PROCEEIDING S pa ,:" ipra '" aet reî1îairea th- .holding ut the. n-srves Regrular meeting Jiani-), .1914. of . îîcouniry hats an -lhe regionimia linn land and Faulknera aent. their awn districî,Tb"ii leature ebould l'iie minutes <f the. ast reicular aiýd do mancha tiiward qutiuirg iterest rate@ adjinrried ciieiig e ivece-ad and anid prie a griat clieck ou stock sud approved u motion of Titup and ,iiinlle îmey trust" Operations lu Eileowî)rciîNew Yark City, shic b las hereololire Tiiheaia'eurer's «<id u'lrk's re'ports b-Deen iearent refterve ieantér for <lie wer.. read and aiceîitmd on riatiîi<u of fundeo utcountryhatks l)OllenIiaieribnd Eiloworitli whislicarried NT LNOS AN ET Th- foliiîaing hui. ae epad sudý NTLLN TAdH innî<ership exceedm cover one hunulr.d alloaid linuiotion oft Du)leaier endi atad tai appcixiniately forty cons of Boýsl3u5 iée'llch twrmd. aci vîtîng aye: 1EHenry BR Eger,<via wasaewarîled <lie Iee s now liing received lUythei1i . ~Protor, inêurani,.......* 94 50 coitraeî fier iustaliin g heteaini Uatillg organizaîlan Pel»erV weeL the P'î'iect a. JR. MuhîollÈà aau _r...6 0() plant n the cîew Village hall, hleti to e otln.ý t th vllaeýhou" i.mbeury. .... -........... 65 00) huiler in (place auj hie men are iow i(U' iiiîite a vtris pcîitahi ele O'i lete HW'«a riith, -.aiarv. . ........ 500 piing the.biuldinigsuPé) tâas suiun as 'illiigé' Fircîiiu'u salaàri ....... .........29 0(Otue radiatore arrive' tiiet-rai lue set trn irlîng'îieuruu lIr. aten arad t'athe l l lullley. walk relat,..........13 10 position. lneeculug lic tih, 111f»anu 'In l.r reptoew & Tayloîr, hfMîlu<4-g 5 M r. Egere co<iicact r«iii tir a rom- in l i t arme qUaniu<ties, ,) I t i' lu i ilIarrl,tyu alk rîT a t ....... e 86 ple<ed j ib lus Fi.lî aiyt1 lré.t 'lu.,- ile b1<1 lir aad -11'inîg ouile éstockii all]friran .1c)u. mýt e w r........... 5 10 je <if ihucn & l<uîrutu.uniîni i îi.du ccctii <li.,u g l lien' sat c.OE Leter. treetsu ik ......1 04) facturce, aud tii, sa <li i adi utir stéiaili N R. auld. treet a ,rt. . 7 (fi)>ta> fée, uod thruiicouut tha' létluii LIBERTY VILLE SCUOOL NOTES. liulî sMl(îgm'iMr.e,-> h.,stîti. ilac fr acasiailglia. J.i>Davis, drnying........ .......4 ;I>l, oiud tt)ii laîura-eu.< inlatirJ miorl a an H <allowaay, seer ýia......f4 12 aacoirditug to spet iflîatuucn,. A leur daiIcI '.e 'listin.astUe ire-lu iwhallek 11,1s . mee... ......... 194 tif, '"ii il Ituauiuzi'ul. lieiuuclg McI ti Smâie. Fi. H. Euer. mume .. ................. 23 43 1 CARDO0F THANXS Fit-eiteu t, ieu n Mil ler, vice.' ric.ulprit; E.H. ('«lclit, ex pres iii <niii us I 1 27, s« e téi-luI ,li 1,. -il . ' I 1 <<..1 acad I :i< hu tSiiiildai ,scctn c «<id stacajardi liiCo., ga,,ou ........93 :18 ta, oua <aaanv lri'cituand ii eigituiic for tcensaîrer. InekC. eaé...... 0tiboear kinîlnema andfloirai token. 1',t 6 1..t-cne (' r.auj respect tuouon dear soin anad brither, iluizo (<lti, (for soine tamaon oîr otie, <. C Brumn, eieni wiirk....41 43 dncing aur roent lecavemn' exte<îded hlis vacatioun untîl MoauJuaa PulIic 'ervi', (Co., ring.......12 40 Mr. and Mrsé. Tiniotit- Gibbons@ andl m.0ofai asc wételi. Lalie (oPub 1lsh ing P. 'tetluig ai Co.. >rautcu ... g ........ ......... 29 80 sauta Clans ruu't have stOppêet aih.bW. fi -Iruder. inspa'tlng.. 61 50, sciiaijiboude tlit-car. At tenas. it hlu<.1<narie<u.hgie.. 84 w. caime hart Moniat noruung <ve Sevc(7. brt,......840 disccuvered a anital-y drinkjug îfonnîitii U-Elvcîtian is in the hall, anoîimr radi<atur in th.e outh Iocu.<ic- n-itation roon auad four new msx-seetaola E BH' -uî iutt, Cleti. Marie Andrmws sent <lie latter part Resolution of Reapect. Mraan is a of lasi <veaili wutis.juin, LîlEiulpb at WaagacucAs.Tii, Sîliccuuri' Ms-t.c of the ___________ Des Plainesé. univprsa' li a sleul froan lahuî< te, test Jennie Lind DIlutia. rupresýenuitigte n Lîov ratier, leargze Anisâ, and ~ ~ Prang ompan, iýntNle)niei.uci ii. . aaERAN, ih uttnhuaithat <ve atternptM o l - a strait he f<P ag )a - *Core n " iae. ouui utailk'ex[pression ta tii.y the graides.Tuhis ic < ewi'oucmee that sorcuîw tieat vue o deeply l.el, tlionghieua iii. iîoard blas ,xdîiad. . inauleiluateJ, exlremoed,amnd co palv a tîibutu' ia a «cdm thait or)point-' express tq E,étiier SpEllmman <s niscnt Iroinithe ithefeelinig oi i-l"eart, tai the splendid second mmi, «iacco u iîu <il lof aving asorth oîlf<lii (pu'irted brthier, tiecforelI o A i tisilil lia. e tere ti, ,veuuclu 1Renolvi',lluat as w, cirîgleo 011,tearg a grail. I ~Wî tluc l orlui! u )1 tdeîuurteul i rutrer, 1(3 m (.4 iuiw lii1,<, ii ii)u, ý.t ileoz"al uc Iull iu iiwaliajvthii il t i ttt liluîurus li Llil. e î.tî . iLuuuuao-1<< h"ci nd oftI,alac a year, sux ltii di a'l yl Iii, allY *t n'hîcluare <ilii.~lbat îîurc ctîe c iracl i.dt bj u iii.hiesi aitiiocitie, <of the I(ilesclt fur irillofiithirty 5at- , anud w. eci dai . ii<iia'] uiiîutd'res 'mu tbie tiietii. lî;tie The oui.ecci luait uîe.'uouit4iipulieuanduulfau1î:lî «ii us a iuî tiaur uîark utof'll laîghlu siuuol i. autiii g.c iubituiiu. %%e , atlueiui amito itie uuen-iury ofuit ru have leur evei< <illajitIli %n let, e, li b" sare d b or btR eormdialat f<lowij basket balil As loug as tuce mas 1 emt éie «ou eodsadta @nou un)r tiegiouuîd vue ould playt n~thesée Ruculutuans h. suitafuly icusrihed a îîîai tour,, lt'ut now tluat uis upe Ile ,tli.eeu, seul) a copy iliereof b. sent ta' euiluilt gaî tbeii.liseof a hall, a.ud do bave truc inuilv <il the deeeass-d brother and a 1Wl ut i liad to turui 'bau a couple of gacuées opy bu' rublusbed ici ch. home paper. tect lis whiuli acre i.'ffermeîl cilus. Su mr, aIl R. P. Schnaebele, ehou to get thue «<<v hall have failëd. Thos. <iclride,,<of hi$ r 9ur staff of grade tesciiets s enot un F.E.over e vewyx good <ahtp. ac present Mlies atiee El icuhiulie <v ale l aiaayto lier hume PeetV le c at lliight, 11L, Frîdat- moruluai for an Resolutions of! Respect.Prsn VauAc irieuuîîteuiid, ûn accuut itii.he WuFLiAe, Tji. Supreme Master of tbe Life Producing $1,0( serious illuee of er tather. Mîie Rowley uivers. las called fron labor to test, ontvunr 5 let Saturday muornihag for ber home at blciveit Wotthy Richard Gibbons, end Age Net iait Sycaunocre. where ah.cviilb. operated oni WBEtiEAIu, fi isla tlngilhat vi.eattempi 20 ................13932 for appendicitus. Miss, Ratel Butler lasta give siome suitabla exprssion ta the 25.................. 1,666 iakiiig Mdiés Rowleay'o room and bad sorrow that vwO scdeespi,-feel, though 30................... 13,20 IMiss Barbole'. tonS Prld&Y, but Umec inadeqnately expressdad nd to a sa Gladyâ Paymri '14.1.e acting allsubatiiute tribute lu words. uhst en pooriy edprass This tabte pr in thes foutth grade nov. the feeling ai the bert, to. th, splendid LaBarre Juat &petit Baturday vîUx Worth ai Onr dsepaa-ted Worthy ai" friendeinii Chicago.- friand. Thetafor. bell Semester eamans iisvrilat. Ob joyjI >moied, That as us mingle ont tanirs We &I l febd botter ywam thiare t, viithe duet of our deareid Wortby JI over nd putsud friad, au il or ho -ago onvard overeid ~vwlh hlm tote"ai <tbe helstar. élue flaclwmade, a trip taobCicago @ou 8atuda~, "osusen. bait. u. at r Tht o b r b, drapa la «Il*" *s0 . Otm TOur a.1hc «"i 'Wr ot<yaa'4 v priermam ne th.: Oes"11Nortbura Parfent sd uhhasV.ash i M& e, thea Rlbpdrem.m ary of aur ttspssesd oeehy, tislel TheËnttsry drlmtlmg fO111111ulm ié'Ob morlapage ha set adde ln aur a blet~ tir e n tid là M UÈ< me--recorda andtI tat lb.. e Moiutlonshill Michigan Mut orielfor M ease toha e w uta bliu 1< eai û.-fland s copy <hUit Ibethiscf'13, fur we ' 911 But 1luls h.sent ta the parente of tba ilethathe lleR eify. sysa thaugh they decaaSed Warthy. didtffli'gttopo eai, »pla tsmi. i P. San»eseii.. Peau Hulghleu àtdfft he play of . ditib whsglr. -The Bond en, HapO*Wmetthe PrnocsipMaille E. l)oabler, a .. th.atre 1. Chicago, TlauratIay night. Committea. "I xYOUineeanc pind wet feed. W.hav,à aiu of1àU4de that wWlihaine # et the, mm, o Pêt as dr ETZ $IL"B ftFEED MLS 1£ve Lets Mills a trial and you wlI ev. urne azy othoe kind. Tb1sy are the faitest-wtýrking, eaaiest-running Fced Grinders made, and coot 'y(>u ýeast for gasoline. Grind Oat -Huila. >Jfalfa, Hay, Coru with Cobé and Rusk, Wheat Soeeenihp and aill mai! Graine fine at a single grinding. Bubrs abarpen themcelves. On. set-grinds 100" ta 3000 bushels. W. can furnish you tho right unZ Letz for your engincs hoçat- power. 8eS us about k uet ouc= LIBIERTYiLLE... Ml. B. EGER ...GcMRYsLAKE! ai r rn dcer other words, man is a luable pjiuce <of lFîpr îrty. If a nakeis $lioo, !$5oo, -it1(1<1or l'.(( lis tamîily or eht.'Ctî.1 îu.iî ii- of bis jiturd djle ath, tlhe >11111 iewould iav<e earndin iiaxcesof ain expenfses, if lit- lad lived. The- .ng table illusitt'ati'i the lInsli'U:ilu should t-arry lin ordt'r to capital- im uuoney-traruing ahility anti pro- is tanîily from a total ioss in etveîut premlaturb deatit. ording ta Annuity Table, at 6 per cen, of DOO Yearly, Over and Above Personal Expem«e 1.00 aga Vain.e<ver $1,000 Auie Net Itaruinics 351 ...............12,703 40.................. 12,21 Vain uer 8Bac1n A g e N e t E s u in g a ............. ...... $1 0 . 04 0 55...................... 9,556 ?rves that xnost men are under inisured. JOHN HOMGE District Manage tuai Liie Insurance Company Oamgaais.di. Buy it Because It's a Better Car (eIcliiSchanck Bros.,Lbryil e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ce-' O O O e., e O O O e e e e e e e e e o e o ê e e e e e e e o e e e *0 o' ut 9 d tbobtroluCW=gý,"Tbm*kyalot. --

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