Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jan 1914, p. 6

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PASTOR IS BEING I1'-D1SO-7CKX. DEM) - l011 lune that lho wams olDa te bur a trar I% NT N OW SU DF RC U U Ibat hie family knew that muimor wuma JUilTO N ~~D. TO SUEDFORnCIf&RUELlaY«PteIoftheIbnaitwind sdCOtnd r: aeOe> linwand cold raine that a hmal (gine Y PeOe. KD of erIs Suing HrHsuiîgsavt aasobu ewud 1 -Pd.e. catty, a et. 5127, band for a Divorce. -ifMeyer venture out wilh a etraw bat! S lprlngs tram tv substantieall. {O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(ontinued FrmPgeOe)r-( ontied ro Page One.) before the proper mbtment. even thaugh M ies of the ?ld Bay jetate. Hits tather, *1,am ho sweltered for weeks. Oliver Ferry, was alse a native af ýaqum ti getlesr.We;BUA CS HRGO 1 "Well." hic wife ighed, "«ri glftd Of Brimlield, and won harn Jan. 27, 1788. wilh great pleastre. BRUTAL RLI ~(Mrs. Fred Funk), supervlslug nurseitfotatudbtla u sbyTbuhutieh mdbshmen en very deetraus that ma., bùs s and Waukegan acquatutauces and ai tbe colony, and Dr. watterson te wesr any more. Ail 1sai le tbat î bsratveceut. hie asamfain 4qMs shahl compete for these prises. friends ai Rev. Walter 8. Evans, for- vent ta Washington where they et-. O dutse t the late t adr ein tra by occupation, and In that county was Teo this end me earnestiy ,olicit the merly poster of the l'iras Methodist I tended the International Caugress ou te you."- considered an extensive one. Mr. o*fferatlon oi parnts andi 'eacbers. l churcb ln Waukegan but who Ister Tuberculosîs. i"«Oh, l'Il get a goad ane, ail right," 1 'erry's mother bore the toalden naimej li our part we promise to kvep urra became a Congregationai mînloter, During their absence. Attorney boae asured4 ber cbeerfully. "A con-: of Pblla Fuller,.- oervatîve madel, but one wlth nome, The union of Oliver Ferry and Pbila1 toatter before thse public in ii csuy ! and who gave up the profession sev- Carence Diver secured signers fer a dasb Just theo mme." (Fuller) Haie was celebrated May 19. »dwe pledge ourselves toa"Sf absolu- erai years aga ta become a gentle- corporatian. Amang thase wba slgned Sa bie did. He gas leaviog for aj 1813. In the latter part of 1852 tey Impartial awardiug of th prIzes inufariner, were surprised. whelI were saine af the mast promineut pea- business trip and bougbt the new batb 'W.hopela lhave emîneut experts tpres.'they learned tbat bis wife la sutug pIe on the uorth sor.The associa- aou he yta tlo he n raih! n, sBaotubaencmetawnsipkeunebugleasd et ta pass on t'verything ofiered sud hlm for divorce on rather sensational don was incorparated Octaber 14, masu euh whom bie was to transact chusetts,j.ud, white preparlng for the *0 aisea hope ta maie their preseucecags Amu tethg.luer10,ndrteaneteLke business, lu the ear)y afterona final reusoval ai the iamily ta lts chages Aongoter higs.Inlie 198,un Tercuelaine oftttheLkeyoung bay delvered a large round box iWAestern haine, suddenly sickeued aud * h il tatutse one aiflu clief educa- divorce bill whcb ebe bas cauaed ta anyTbeclssisttt.B t the Andrews home.dedSpt ,18,iavgulec- t"altenure li , ile intheWtl-- ouny crcut imeana ai an entertainment. etc., eur- "Msybe somebady's sent us a pres- dieu, Elaru S. dled lu Masachusetta AIl~~~~~ to-fresy utb i ts or tJost r.Evn hre cient funda were ralsed ta purcbase eut," Lucy Andrews cried lu ploasant l Alsample: o nr us ei h cuta oeibir.Ean hre e Beach Tent Colony, as It wss thon anticipation. "It couldn't be lowers, Inbis tiet year. tisons married Sain- huadefatUe officers at Gus sice at 10 that ber buFband chased ber about isnown. Thibs was cri December 31, could lt?ý' lucl N. ('oy sud lis slow deceaeedý ('dito a. mn., Frlday. Feb. 6tb. the bouse witb s butcber kulfe and et 1S»S. Her cter broke thectord and oppen- N. Lucus L.. decessesi, Jolia A., Wifel aise tisse threateued ta dlsrlsange a PuMi1 ii ietrttgdsl d thse box, anudsea dsplayed ta vlew or John I.. R.ýdllg, af Waukigan; abat~xnOtnler.a 1on 1909forte flusttagtio n nAdrews' nId derby. Cathernje S., wldow of Dr. Cornellue FAINFEULLY liURT Rev. Evan.ssud bis fansiy tek I itwss helsi and the profits were sui- clams r. uLw."TeIe i. Fc; ry , g ed ers -ai suoHeu- I "~~~~~~~~laut thrs.Adrsua 1. a"nsTe x.,< ttsar lIdattsehinoffr AT Waukea betweeu fiteen andi twen- ficlent ta warrant the purchase afItis seudIug haine that oId bat! It cames n y'ae 1yer;HrmadHn ýýWilILL KÀ IiA tv eara aga altbaugh there are maur .swn groundis. A comrattee was ap- lu banîly for me, though, because 1 t.he da, ofliedrwh nd ye rsI. of heaIer esdets bareseuhe intesi te select tbe best site sud the wanted ta have Dan carry out saine Alterts iia er busbad, r. STATIONWeill. Sa far as 'u"'wu be sud surchase 'sas inade the latter part boxes traintise cellar sud lIlI give this Ferry caine ta thtis country sud de NA A T TO i iedid ont have any trouble of -NIav, 1909, ai the prciient fiteen bat as a reward" at the haineoailber son, Hiramn, JuIy b ile living hee naithaugh saise alleges acres, The eqîipint on Beaclh Rond Dan was the furniture mua. He was2, 87 Miss Lournsa Wetzel a* papular 1làbr bill tbat bis cauduct toward ber was igaved ta the preseut iîîte en pleaeed wltb what he ternied a "swel elieviug ttiat tihe resourcep ai tbe W"ea oigwaman, sustaitied a bas bliicruelasudnhwas fprofuse, 1lu. bI stta . ~~ olleresi Letter oppartunitles for p"al i njury wbite roluer skating atyeare. Thereafler. ibrossgb the genernus day week." he saisi. "Au' won't I bie acquirlng wealtb, Hiramn Ferry came "Go-gaaisation Wedneaday evening Ainang rther tbings Mrs. Evang -tMttasd 1be11na!fcitizenit af LaIetehie swell guy, thougb"'!' y rail ta Buffalo, N. Y.,, sud thon by -A physicien wha atteuded ber declar- charges tilat ber buebansi auce chokesi rauuty sud the norlb shore, $12.000 That uigbt cold rain caine dawn lu Lise Great LaItes te Waukegan, wbere Od titat bier knee-cap was brul5ed se- bier lu Silver Creek bospital, Joliet. iwartb of buildings sud impravements torrents, sud Mrs§.'Andrewesd uaetlihe arrived lu thse oummier ai 1849. yn'OIy and that he coutlinar under- lu the preseue ai nurses. She sas s have been aSsied. Aruang tbe out-of- sîeep well, becanse ai a new worry Hiaviîig bougbt the tract oi laud an .aadbawit ws tat te bue ws b als matreated ber wbeu thev towu Sonars were the laie Z. G. S-that trotsbledler Ctinuptba ulbeieS uildt, bebegan îéé fracturesi. Tbe lnJury sa$ tise, were living lu Cuba. is. Evaus sas-s mons of Kenoqha, Jeanette Miken ~after thse windows, se roused Lucy ts ruu ska mrvmu.H orsta n ciet ta whaîn abe expresseed ber warry. h ruu ako mrvmn.H ablf tartesi suit far divorce againsi Wiutbi-orsHarbor and %IrsG. H "orfte'l ehm aarwflually oasuul d731 acres ai fiîse]ylm- Niba Wetzet, in cmainx witb a5lber husband seseral rears saisbut re, Campbsell of Highland Park.# lu rnlnng," sellesald, "sud l'in perfect- provesi lad à&, tan Alstine, wba is employesi et lented wben he sobbed ont au arpo!ozy Waukegan there have been 50 nsany ly sure Lise tirait thing hb'lI aek for le, On, SiTe 1th of JaiisarY, 1860 lîr. *ï,aval station. were circlng thiaud praînisesi ta reforin. 'enerous douons tlint it wauld be u- tbat derby bat. If ia ralulug hIke Fcrrv-issuried Ma-v J,, daughter of 1age drill bal lunwhicb tise skating Rev. Evas.sIt la salid. bas been fair ta intion saine witbaut publlab- thîis be ju.Jet cau't wear bis new Jaumes aud Elizabeth Pentecost '> %b' bold. Suddenly aotlser skater treated Iu bath Elgin sud Kaukakee in9 tise enlire last. Tbey are toa sîraw bat ta the office. t ou oo, in, bath natives oif Coniwall, î s-M up bebtild tisemn sd lu tryiug Insane azyluins lu tintes past, sud la numnernas ta mention. absurd." land,. tbe former borri ai Prohisî on i "*Oh, neyer mmnd," Lucy said connût- JePMs. thsupset e yo n Aiines, amuJiest. i ayes f ice noatt mae wheiaveusla wbst elu gly. 'Ton can't tell wbat the weatb- - l1,I1,ad h ate tfl Tbb pse th yeug mn. bou Jolet.inot tomak th intituionwha iter'e going ta bi.. Maybe Itil,mine place Jane 21. 1815. TIre>'werî' Mll Wetsel trt her balance sud feull ira. Evans sets up lu ber billtfilet lu Inthe care of orer four bundrea ter'u auyshîng tomnorrow mariug" iarrled NlIav- 10, 1816, ntsc' 'ui îc'ar. 7Jiy te the floar.-landiug upon ber ber wtll power la ainsost ail gone by îcases should be mentloued tiret, thse But tt was't. - Furtber, Andrewsi lato ' :, 0- ' t ~e. reason of the alleged tyraunical tac-!Inaise ai Dr. Watterson. 1'ntiring Ilubost hare ltssed is wiie sud daugh- ns, ssg sua P stoiiain nit.r ober. AMer s S" wasi carried frain tise bal ta tics of lber busband, ta wbom sbe wss bis tuterest lu tbe Institution since ter before ho asked for bis aId bat. 1 tsanrt stop the>' caine te Little l'art ý*i>afthe )aide rooms ansd Dr. Taylor matrrie inla Fargo, N. B., iu 1885. One lits tnoeptlou, it wasebe, more than ail "Hat?" his wlfe maiS vaguely. "'Whatnm aegn ndbuh 19 tllé itaval staton staff wae ausm- son. Ramer Evans, 27, sud , ne clsid.LLbth GrcombineS who beldi IfIÀ>bat? 1 tbougbt you ware yonr bat out: ce now Wakeguasto d eGbvou19 --eadmade It wbat Itlaistottd a i , fthe -store visen yosr bougbt îi ars uwibetoLh raeHwe Nie oxasuined the Wnury and wbo ta dead resuited fri t u ion i . 1 dld weas- my strsw bat. Ims lc aiirt ieerystir qsguluneto uImrtand wbat pr.- that bas praved no uaisappy ta Mr&. a tuberculoasi sanitarinin that daes tbe derby. lbuet ail bow unaccaus- as a stopping place between Lttle a fracture of tbo kuee cap. He Evans. Humer Evans Ilves et Plain-.fnt have ta stop aside for auxint he madating nmus Mores ame The man Fort and SouitihPort, lu atiser wards, t *nt la 99 casse out ai 100 sucb field. Hie la a graduat. ai the Univer- country, Neglectlng bis pritvate prac- psomised taitbfully ta bave that derby I etween Wauiegau and Kenosha, Wl.. '~udbreak thse tuas cap. ley aif]lilta. tice bo devated tbe major portioni oi up bers yesterday atternoon. yet ho He et ance turned bis attention ta 7M Wotel *was ireà what relief As a furtiser allegation lu ber bill bis Urne te thse sanîtarinin. Wbat bo doesa't seera te have rueaut a word ho:s farming, but lu 1849, be embarked lu »mppofstle and a axIcab was tison Mms. Evans sets Up tisat ounPebs-nsry fbas doue taiep the Institution on lits sil. Lucy. If yen don't est no raptd' tise tailorlaz business In South Part, l oi esd fraoga Woukogaa ta take 29, 1912. alle as tarc e go > te the test In trYtug limes nnue but hum- ly YOU wOn't choie." te hooM,~ as lit vau docded Usas it uolhbor'a te escape bier huabaud'a self and bis mont Iatimateis rlead Lucy set on the wlndow seat lu th*4 and vas there during tise dreadful diltaitrom for two heure that ru- choiera acoorage, Returniug ta lb. lien, buter thMs trysg te mal. vraI-S. ie noalhe once attacied iaaw- litg vatcbing for Dan, supporteS! >y taluslbe there reinsined util 1862, ýW9 trip on the street car. ber witis a gun anS at suother time lIevI«ng thse wark, i Position the excitemeut of 15 anS by the joy Ofi1wisen he engaged lu tise clothlng anS , "Wje the S&M roqer skating ace aciaS ber Inseusible. bavIag been physician, manager andSataylug at borne tram sebool. Wisef furaiture business lu Waniegau wbicb *M r ly coasequence ta bappesu Rer, Evanh Owen a failauer plain-.tceasurer, Dr. Wattersou reeta that be Dan finally arrived sihe snmmoned ber le carriedi an aucceaptuliy outil about tes "Waekffaa couple this yeux fieldad for nome lime past bas doue bas accomplished bis main purlionse mther witb a jay',um about. notiig but conduct this lu a sort of sud tisat lae tagîve good care ta the 'us sors-y, Dan" MM-. Aadrews saiS 81dle aln elbcue l tates bg woosi-N'EPBNVXTIZ . Indifforent manner. isibercular of the coinmunlLy sud ta awkvardîy. "but 1 dldn't underatand t eiefri uies.,neAg furnlab a place where they may bave tbat Mr. Andrews vanted ibat bat. Ir, net. 1890. hie aud his wlfe bave fonS sucb cane. whIch vas uat the case yous dan't mmnd, 111llbe very glaStiIfi a conuiotable haine wlth their daugb- - iyou vili bring fi baci today." ter. Mrs. Ferry. visen he fonSbimeeli tise victlm of ,.rIl bring 15 If 1 can,. ma'am," bhl To Mn. aud lins.Ferry were boru the disease In North Chcaga su 1904,. saiS, grumpily. "But I ioaaed It te a lire chilsiren, ail natives af Bentan At tbat time there was net a tubercu- mrienS ot mine ta vear ta a Sauce ta- bio-s sanîtarlurîs la the tate o! lit]. uight sud 've got tahaunt himum " township: Hirain I., bora April 7, 1863, solawbere ise couisi go for treatinent. Mrs. Andrews gave hlma a sîlver dol-! married Grace U. Cale, Sept. 24, 1886; Tise usina ai tbe Institution vas lar. wbicb bie ruug on the stop before Pisila E, bora Nov. 3, 1864; Jahn Y., changeS fron tise Laie County 1,. lbe condescended te accept IL. Then Mlay 22, 1868; James H.. Marcis 5, brus tal the Laie Breeze Sant- there vas uotbtng te do but watt. The 1874; Edwsrd L, Oct. 26. 1876. taitmon> recently iecause day seenied as long It vauld neyer euS, 1PoIiticalIy Mr. Ferry bas always cousieres tis lattr nane v s redragglug liteweary boume alougunatil 1been a Repuhlicau sund bad been proin* aproç>oe. Dr. Wattemson dadas-es the bame-comîng hanur. ietyIetlei'hteafiao with conviction that there la but one "Dana been boe.ta taie out thei bis county sud township. Far uearty ather sanitarlum Iu tbe cousntry- whicb ashea." Lucy iSal, cbaarfully. I a hiait century be bad beese honoreS ls as IdealI>' located as ilbe theti.tinguoe lddn't filad the bat latter &aUY vitis officiaI positions. For il yeas-8 Waukegau. As s cossnty institution jMm,. Andrews vent Out tu the s-ia jho vas a nember of the county board ho thInis the succes af the lustitu- ita tbe next daar nelgbbos-a, where sh.e of supervisora, about elght years lie tion is an. w0 I, osaSan-I."u as treasurer ai the township scisool 1 bal te give the fellel' 50 cents for fond. ane yer collecter anud for 40 hIj' g~s IL." yearsa ascuool Sîrectar, Hie every CRANI( CIIES Ms-s.Adrews refunded the 50 cents actInluofficiaI ite vas markeS vitb anS Dan appeared let ance at tise door the blgbest cousîderatîan for tise best * WITli LEI3T IAN S ba 5th a is i4t for ail the hterests of lise pepl He wpAM cake or a basket o ai rs' y8a i oarbe plb el dreva wu non Sadi t gt tljX tadh.Éoalurgtd "Crani wth yeur leit band," le the aius et n ta ft d is- nttgs wos for hlm botb a campetence advice ai accident nndervs-ltessThey amet ,andhsdhnt ou 0te irci t aud the hlghest regard ai th6se wlish say the reflex action vbicb c "m stie hall. vbam lehe al te deal. Reîigloualy, then te nos apt te do asy- damage. as "Tberes no nu eylcyt nYthing 10 Mrs. Ferry belli meinberehlp In tise lit ia the front blusaed ai the bock ai pape aboutit t." as etaiSLuscy. "Il Methadtat Episcapal cburch.f seibqomý te baud wbicb vouldlbe ta tbe di- vau Id just vonT hbleute tb41hin aS ______ rectin atlb. kici" Tie pe san Cmach trouble,.lies-e ho cimes nov.w I CI1f vu rctln o'th «Iek. Th peson The. doars svsuaopen te admsit tic The coo ishapy, he cracking, th;reiae, can let goilunch M UoTERaueca alem0f~is TO other embersof thefamîly net la position vbicb au.ld ccas se- "RelI" Andrewa s-tedlbseegily. BE WNA T R Y othr minbrs f te fmil rins leSJun> lu case anytbtaig goes "My, but l'm glaS te got bamel Welt alhappy-ppcsrteaa1i arpen, thinga a rang. vett, theheIs my bat let lasti Look% brikhten up generaly. And Calumiet l th e automabile dlaimus la nain- srOfunY «Wlit? Ps-Obably ho-' ~I ORCE ACTION Baldng Powder la resýponsible for il ail. ber sud mare thon baUlul the casvv ea tais yewo.i ibinisaft dr by. a 1ydiii, a it *s- 15tev , W alter iE vans, Joliet clergy- voasdrful leavcnîng qunlittîca maure cideuta, declared a vteras uter- lit vasnon shabhy. You'd boer S' iva litnu-tas-mer, wbo bas beau sued by pers-ety shortcned, faltlessly raiscd writer receutly, lHe saJ5 tisse cuaimt e DM»I- hie youag vite tas- a divorce bIu a baigs oullieb.roduced iully tvo-thirs-sIf 'cbargeofaicruelty, vilI ho bis oavu Cannot Ille compsired with imotoriseswauld craai viti tl4e ieft liteKin&d. Isyr w v h b e cauoe*te trial. ,&hes ak----vem,-hch -roise bad.A lropationsae pumbes- of 9315 A -meovboee MFuu i ttla saiS. 15ev. Evans torrmesly,,as CA8I,ýI'MARKET Mie Bemt and Cheapeut Plaee for Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and Sheil Fish Vegetables and Fruits IN* LAKE C OUNTY W. J. MUNDEE, PROP. Phone 307-J LIBERTYVILLE Bell System Many' a business man has experienced the loss of a profitable deal because of his inability to make connections -to reach or get in close touch with a cer- tain place at a certain tiînc, A way out of such difficulties often may be found in the Long Distance Service of the Bell Systemr. Timely use of the telephone usually saves the day, and the cost of the service is in- significant compared with the resùlts. Use the Long Distance Lino. CHICAGO ITELEPHONE COMPANY, A. PL Andrews, Manager IL E. Churoh ServiS& 10>:30 Preacbiig, Puer. W. L. Wbippie. Subi. "Sacruiflc, Human sud 12:100im. duuday su:hol. f;;45 p. nu. Eirwurth League. 7:30 )p. um. Preaerhung, 11ev. W. L, Whippie. Subi "The (' tisi nvitation. BtLawrenceEpiscop'lIChurch 11ev. EurWAuaS. WuuMT, Priesi-in chas-re Eialy Comîmunion evpry Suris> 7:45 a us Finit '4unday eotb lti::3)a lit Morusig Praye-r every SuoiJs rtehspt abibse 10:30 s. ni. Suaday achool 11:45 a. us. Ai Bal>' tSy. B ol>' Commsunion 9:04) Prebyterian Service 10:810 a. m. msoruîng worship. 11:45 a. mn. Bible Sebool, 6:45 p. m., ljiriatian Endeevor socies>', 7:30 p. i. eveuiug worahlp. Visitais alwaye velcunse. H. U. ALt.eUwr, Pastor, Public notice is bereby given thas a special afeeting ai the stocibaldora of Tbe Sheldon Sebool l cal iedfor Tuesiday, Januar>' 27, 1914, ai ibe naur ai 1 o'clock P. iM., as the principal office of saiS corporation, art&, (tarsier' Rocke- feller), lluinois, lor the purpose, ai changing the location ai the principal affice of saiS corporation train aias, llinuls, ta 1018 South W abouti Avenue, ChîcaquhIllinois. Gaie Blochi 0. 1N. Durand F. P. iiymond W. 1. Laie t.a. Patisan Mtajoritv oi the Board of Directors of The Sheldan Schaol. Jan, 2-9-16 Mena cureofo!Home. 1 Philadelphia, physician wv6 au- »79a a handsoma practice andS excel- ,ut hospital connections tolS me mu tatereating altbougb torrible Ihtag. About 99Pas-ercent. out ai *mry 100 babiole-tbat ars-enet ta haspitals for bs-lngint Up Si.Tho Seathbrate amangsucb unfartunates ilamol'. timones ap reat as vîti infants vbo bava the. immndiato cmreofi usthers, Tsuly thero laàmomsthuin aedd ta.& emilds lIi. beldem food, eboer euS Inep endont suIs-reeSdb7 85,000 à cc a I' r Co- se YFiOMANS Is the Best That Money Canfluy Ocr ex mnatieus are ilsoomaa" cornue. lu eeri .ar Si r'ompetent relractiowm e ireso starire. eWs .Snd aur uO les,. aod me99 eau trame. Wse e cciiartcisiar ecu., Lioulis J. Yeonma MANUIPACTJRi<40OPT#CMI' wAuK!GAt4. -ILUNbîs Popuar1ïecanc ..,raeme Ac Ji Dc Pq

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