Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jan 1914, p. 4

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j~[keCounty Independentl ~ r' ~ Olfficai Paper for Lake County. Office Telephone Number 1, Lîbertyville Exchange. tured st.te Pomittilc at Li bertyville. III., as Second Clacs lail Matter 11used Every Frida - y Adorti@tstlgRates Made Known onn Application. « -UUSGRtPTIONt PRICE. $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. a. SMITH .. . ... ... ............... .... ................................. Editor F. G. SMITH ...................................................................... Manager0 W. J. WEBER ...........................Resident Manager. Phono 881t It wa.s just as everybody supposed - that Spencer, when he was crying out in court when being tried for mur - der, was offly shamming in his endeavoX tW make it ap- pear that he wanted to-bang. Re tried that way of bluff- ing, and, while a murderer of the worst type and most dan- gerous of ail kinds, it appears that he "1got away with it" for, Ùstead of getting the noose which he said he wanted si badly, he's won every step taken for delay. And, we would dislike Wo wager much on the finale of the case. (He will either be sent Wô prison for a few years, or declared in- uane, or, perhaps, pardoned absolutely and then taken up by soine social reformer as a wonderful convert to. reli- gion-for, he now is posing as a reformed murderer, one who 'would neyer harm anybody or anything, not even a flea). lie killed the young weman, Mrs. Rexroat, lie ad- mitted he did and it was also proved; hle wanted to be hang- ed; the jury said he should hang, so, why'not hang him and have it over with and serve an eiample that ruthless kili- ing of women in Chicago by these cut-throats must stop?t The fact that over haif the corn exhibited at the corn show was gathered by the school children of Lake County and thus insurd the success of the show far beyond expec- tatiOns, just shows what power the children of the county have to DO THINGS. Without the aid of the school chul- dèn, W11o were interested by County Superiintedent of t-Schoola Simpson, the corn show apparently would have been juat about haif the success it was. SALOON F16HITS IN 300 TOWNS IN THE STATE IN SPRING 'Dry' Leaders to Bring Con- tests in Downstate Cities in April Election. îtDrY"~ leaders wiii bring on la on -lights ai the April election lIn rly 9811 tl tirlger cties downstete, ac- -eO14185 to reporte received et the '-ItoQuarters of the . AMi-maloo 2 Aegus. Petitions are belng circu- 10ted th more tas 300 cities and vil- lages tInIIinla.The. petitious muét ha 01.4 flot later titan 1%b. O&h. 1%6 more Important chUies wlîere -peitioflu am incircuatiou Include Springfield, Anrora. Monmouth, Ai- loa, Preeport, Mount Sterling, Galette. Blaçmnington, Rock Island,. TA Sall, DsavllIe, Dixon, Ottawa, Rochelle, Decatnr, Mlins. Dekalb, Mattoon. WAUICEGAN, Paru andi Oregon. terys Etpect Women'a HeIp. Prasant prôtpects are that tht- su- prme court.wil l ot baud down its Ielaon on the constitutionality of 'c'- INDIANS WILL NOT TELL HOW THEY DID IT. As rt-aratniof $750 tes bt-t-a îaid to lau Indiaint.ý John Jet-en, and fils son, of Stillwutet-. Mitit.. fui' recovet- ing te bodies of three noung aumea from Pelle, taa.,to a trt- tiowned et Lake Gent-va. Wit.., on Aug. 28. Tht- n'en were aucuessfui 'tîter divers, dregnets sud dynamite bat feiled. "No white man wll t-t-tr know ta- diana secret." le tht- ont>', an$wei Johnu Jeremy would make when ques- tloned as to how tht- bodies were te- cpvered. "Evetr>' laite gîtes u t ils teati." Tht- women drowneti were Cornelia Deguca. Gertrude Gezee. aud Dlla King. WAS NO CASE 0F MURDER. Earl S. Botwirk eut E. A. Buchan- an. the two young deserters from the- naval training station at Lake Bluff, vihose bodies were fount Inl a t-nom la tht- Grant Park hotel. 700 South Michigan avenue. Thuraday. t-tdt-t tht-r lit-es ln a suicide pact, accord- iag to a verdict Frldey of a coroners Jury. Each hed ahot bimse-Itll tht- rlght temple. Edward 'Itzgtreld, denkt ettht- nu' the. wnnan's suffrage la,, until aitelt-*~ etiedt.att oewili edaset liteAprl eceton. Tits naas r hlm wtat poison would trIng anouz, certain that womnen wili vote lu the- the quickest death with the least 10o ~ption Conteste. In cage the pain. The twr, Young men had leftt 18w thould lie knocked ont after the neloPes bearing their names andi eleeiontherecitsla ltla wereaddreaaes, and below the- signatures womnen's votes were réspousible forwapnndte or cotctu diinlg ot saloons would bie nuill* Pear o fthe consequences of de- fiesertlng is heileveti to have bt-en the _______________ motive for endlng their lives. IdkWu bit We I-NDEPIENDENT. Indepeadent ads--read Dy 25,000. TA%ý rInven rt YoU" WILL FIND you are short of Stt- mnents, Billie, Letterbead, Enyel- opes eoreffie forma of orne charac- ter. Just capl us on telephone No. 1, and wel sund for'ýyour copy and in- dtrçt@ia~Job Printing in nlo t a spÏialywth us-iî'a our businas. Ile hqdnmulet job Depàmùm nuit1a ne' cowbiiction vwfdS .tue aepglwo PMMae.g a comnpkeeqim. * is net ü f or'- aaprWC&ui mae* ***i * * t wieiprmo~ of t jput.Oa«.oupafday," J 0 B DEPARTMFj4T -'M LIBERTYVILLE SCIIOOL NOTES. The tceshîînuitî clab@ to k ujtire Study uf botan> ilondat- morliitg. The nttw prograî neltk bus arrive,] andtim ea beauty It ht-sbei-nplaet lu the eàseuibly rrntînandi it atida îuuüh 1 tbe appeuarnîtifithe rôonnn h id about atfout aiaa ilaide andtior lfit hi1l, lu e golden uak frtrie,. li 5@0 equipped thaci it will ring eight different sets of prograuis. Titis twlîl cave' the tilgin schol teaChers thet-trouble tfring. ibnc the rouma bt-ls.litislan elpet rically uporateti. selwinder antdusa@ mnaster eliick yl operate any înaber of st-cundary t.(oi i. But et pt-ent we hate nu dlock sj stenin tint-e buildittg. Quite a iiiiitle.r from hiait atînulA attertet tintrd part>'tad danit- gnren at tht. to wn hall Monau>. M"41irl(alias 'Stut) îiu'rt,. 13, ct-t'a i un ht-r " ci"nu Li. rt.% titlleut tht- conKilt)ttV tact Fi iitan Weare wtt tk iing shttrt hl d. i Dut. mice tpIremident Havern tnt tint-etneniori ta s i't-ctglitiir itosition as assouiî, eidtu i 01 the mehinol lttie MIr. F L tti nonu r tiiiipal. at-teti nm a oit, îtunî Jt-tati',te t-it'i ithegan Twunit n.ii- huni rn tî,Il-Ani Ni- trtvrý Tit,î,.n1îlîhi-itîhtul. t ttnlitave ici 14 au litgauFtriiin -t-uci t rT - , j ni nullu- icîtt"anin"te,.itiltiuttii'ul torît la Jiuttit ivdult Taiig tiw ti'anmd Shi' dl i .%giînt tht- Jtaîn i. ii t-cal d tnt batt T tr 'rt m' "lite Ne- Ti"îtr ti t i, tipitoidi un5 tinet- iigati e ct- t 'it-hit dirciui. lii Huit-h rt-portste tin it a as a tiiet ütlae nebtt int t-rresptctt. Tint- itutiy fltu-de tnt imts vil be glad tu lt-nn t-tut m-i'le iiit1tt-i a repidi.' aft-r tnt-t-operatin. Sint.a s tpet-tttd ouiýt'iuîeday litoiicig. k.ourtin gradetmesta .bouqutct lu ile Ritale> Suintay. ht le "aunt" Etiuan t-ai 'am t-Chat-lin' Dit-ta' Nnw tinat- tirt. ceansetttr t-xtitue uit-t-r vit are-alilgoiig tu tatiln iner ai ut-st-lt-at aual [re t-t-nit trutnti lt itoftthe \ 'Q tit l't'trltltgliat-di as innît ttltnt t, turtý titi iut tactk. 'i' ittilitii grade litas lvi'iiiedt n 'irtuî 'itit ia- i gtographlY we.t- Tiht- stwint- t'ait ltat-y t-lues ie.-t tst learnel cloi c -k 1'ay lot- lt-unir ati nt ici tint-etigeiofut Vnkctîu t-g 'nI ei n nu Sttttv chtint- ttc .auclulit as cht. Et-el> inl itilitariteevs a a -erut- tMis Hot.g'c rouît, Frit->. Wiatrice Carrseent Sunday att-rltooca aintieveniîtg with tMlt-,anti Lits lGeorge Wright at HighliantiPark. Gien Hluininrd has bt-en absent otn accoýunt ut iagriltp. A natetngof 1ibe renior clasa wss callcti Tueiday mnnrning tu discuas gî,ing a hlgh seho3l play'. It waa inuved l1> Price sud setonted b>' Hener that at- have it. Motîon cariet ail voting sy.qý Moved b>' Case> secondt-d b>' Price mat we trait mnembers of the otitre? t@e into the play amas nceser>'.terIco .... iinonsly. Tht- date. atîiasion, etc.. have nut yetht-en dicidet. Wat-lt t, r iaunr noicekt. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRÂRY Please past this in >our catalogue. Mt-l-At home aitit tht- Jat-dines Hiutioe-(iott 'n'aIl Bonnetr-Einigrat 'rt-ail fiuruet-"'Ti-nambartîn Chnuuiter.-Speieai IUtnenget- tonworth -better ot JeiiteAlleutn Foi-Wanietd a Chapîftoni, Foi-Chiu stanas Eve ou bLoriet- Ha>-A Mens tiltn Howells-'Chance Aciuaintae KinSse-tllass Houet- Long-"Sciff Ntiebceloni-'n the Bishop'c Carniage licCuteheon-What-hia-nt-me M iltanni-Catht-tirâle and Cîtrches tcf lie Riae Parrsh-Love Under Fire Iteeti-Spinner in tht- Sun V'anDyke-Blue ltlower M ay-àMoceasas oof tiolt Wbit-Adventure of ot lie Ut-de Wht-silent Plutes Wiliainon-Vauity Box. NO'W COUS TUE CORKSQIEW iWN New York, Ian 1S-Woatirous styles are decreeti for wotaen noat sprlg, salti Chares C. lwum$a. a !iev York MStftest wbe etrmili t- de, tom PArla. Atlte h.bëd de- werb.d, tiaigoaw tl.hII.ftdrue. »Ma t laatditors mnwotaÉui,.'alt- Tb@ oomlng Vogua foUows: CaIsasw ha..v1ag atufl$ tu* . Ooqqwwt4 over, a«OaM rlAu. #. W«idusMareese. be «Ms Wbm " "" lm "v *d uupOtedby; nà'M* t oUiSe s taps WiýI....W01 b. dyed blIr» M. C*IIMtsteM-lr w4bebanged anti cunled at tii. idesi Me muami'boirne. Slirte--WUi b. itobbloti, ,alasiiet anti drape". Ildeplnd &i-reai b71,00. ON WEDNESDAY EVENIN4i SENTIMENTFMR O Anime CampNo 176 M. W. And LA IT TRAIN Excoeior Camp No. 887 R. N. A. hfid a joint inaotallation uf officers At the Theevp ieremin dffiDd ora lteWoqdman hall, and tollowing the hu.' The evr înccasîn deman toro late big stuppet. wea uatnsdaâ train dàil>' front Ciii-go bet-onte more the Royal Neghbors. Thoe were înany andi more apparant Dow ihat durlng îinvîtedgnme precent wbo were not tire winter mon th@ tht-te ns 50iuchimeberoi of ether cam p. more gulig on l. Chicago n at4nu lot-m o The officcra of Arme Camp instalîed eit amusemuents and iustructive shown.. temeigae There ila atrain liiit-îg Chincago alter ctnoe meeting ae elevenu tloek aud wlieh ha@ as itm des-o dvsr- .Keirl. tination the village ut i ertitld, titis Banker-Walter t.ytle. train bing the oelt- whieh merchants, Cer . E.Wells. profeionat men antd îitizeIlésin gêni ai scr-F R. Shodr are anxions tii sem ritake ils stopplrg Watchmt.u-C. Metzer. fine e t Lbeî'tyvilw er-e i a gooti andi Setary-W. E. Milleir. coflviLctfg arguament tu Set thîs trin The otinters of Exci-lenur Carriît whin'h tu, Lbert., ville by te tct ttt darlng were installti Wednesday evening are; te live stoek show liîelinu Chicago a Oracte-Mris Cârri. n')ued ltw weeka ago tbim tt. t-ainn wlich was Vice Oruel-Sirs Nt-lii.-Ray. run tu Lbrty ville cluri tig but week Recorder-.%r@. Annie Su> danît. n.l.the trai wast),,wt-il patioaizeti ieeiver-Mr,3. Eiuil>' LuskI. ttnat flot et-en enugh standing routa Chancel- or-Mr». Enitit Herrickl. could [be Fonad lint 0-eî'otehts. Maria-îrs AuguLita uk-ina WLîte .ve cuulnl mDot îîrttîniýeor predict inner Setitine-'tr». Schruader. inait ueli a iindtttiîorliti[@s wiuld Otunler S-nîie- tcBertha Jo.liehtnîn exi.,t ,Ilnet-pr>'ti ip itiii raili t% inrak'"- ________ tut bistu wî, t, u eatart- mat,- in sa>iWg thut tint St. Paul rtndîtt, l îtntîilnniuptrn JIOLD PUBLIC INSTALLATION giviag iotite tint -intILa traini Mi tnitJi irat ejilaIv dut t ýoiIdbc ýe11IN NEW LOD«E HALL iîtbtr(iaînil Clt arit ansthe ptuic coul1, te' tnîn- uquiitntl wjnlttntre at a it 'rth, t C h -ti- 'apt-r Ni. 34M in itî-, d b-e tnt n tt-uttire, rad 's l ffLt'er., uniTnii'tla.v eveit nag outtit e tek PuîPtInîular tratins t.tilt l.ibi.rtyvîie lin tirt- Lodtge 11,111 on tite thnrd tittur to P "t"" lt r t Nat inail Banfinu i Ii' g Nu fit tttalun.-, ltt11 ttct l]' ailfiThe imUalt inn ereilînîu'bigan eaS :3t tînt. peuppe emi1:5 unl it rli y tii w it5 utlutk . Air itrt' lut-eta r u luiu cl iinnii' e t n dinn y tir ns ieuîtt-s nilthettr, t' ttf'I lrouucht utrt le i- i-uing. vetintins nr att- bttuîi,'.n atpit) Thte nca' liulgirui Ir, ithe. luiki nîtl in n. Inteectiby dtiiint u iieityv'llt- iag weri'e untîî einiiitintne tfi'rin4 aind] nivintg ttntir ig ,tr car et a lot< alinistallatioîn Ttnesianiuviiit' as wtt-m in liet-t-v annd hen byIhtntr, î.wnstnud put the dllaiîug toucuthhin e n'rîtîttîn retur.n 10 heir r'nç,(-ttt-e tOwn8 att-r orinlv a t- w ida>s betu ire. ainF rii i erefromnt tttu oit t linte rThe rourit,.are înctly eîtîtuln ti'iiand train ire 'i'ncituaitinu-vit.' te ît t ut tdernn i t- Ct>'fiai t inulanr, hie c -c ont, im vomtilril II 'tco ittitittiJally cuiteti foi'large gaItringe. h'ili nu Chiagoi jînet Lt te tîtît. v1i l'eitier iisald tht- dig;ilis< c are murtelriit tt roumin W.Tin- ifle-E lnlswo trt-: elabrateilluinaions andDot it, W. P -%%'ai. B. ('arr. tutt ut teln t-attstte -' uî t t -i r a glint tu i A. M -iotrtidý erl-il tri. attennd tintse shunt. eaint lui'trs Secretar> iMay Crtiitr. 'l %e liane rigilit-e n iîi' ur milet t TeitrtniaPakr vi'- prti.nnleitut ftin, t- l'atit rt.tltiniro Treuactu'a~r Mit- E.8 Ktei andtilIr. J H. Hîiltînn, A Corai l-scie litugttun boith geinlemuen vii. ltitvi, i aîîprot'-l.' Xilt.-Mart- Jumt. ed tn the prî,îer wu, oitld gîte thnc Rat h-i 'atl,îrîn.-u.,. matti'r tbhîir bcd t n.nnîlratiolt aind IuLtI - . ' tmatelvlt- înercedef,,time. t-nd aitln .tI..r 1tt Ii ttt,. in Eit-ta-Mart h e ivtr. prestige to btar ia thir ullial etliactty Mavra-'l.aura laînlir Liliert>tville wouid hlie usurt t-te ne- î'htnpli-'lary Chuîrchtill. comrnrdation askt.d fnr. Orgaîitit-' Flora Duraîti The automobile chin n Chicago neit ititrdtr-'Chrnctlua Kerin, week twill again cal lort tlten t ree t, Sentnel-John Austin. for sunît a train fur tocal people, andi hi lehi.dthat the- rallroad people Will sectiis maîtcr a- w.-do. antimallea"- raugeutents agitu'iinigly lit time fur the uhenilig tnftire chut.. UU1UUIUI~UI I SUNDAY, FEB. 1i Lblert.ýiII ani te suunir tutu ]In uitto'a "lIiu'o--ehurt-iiSumdat-" whtct ani te oboerveti here un Fi.brnary frst v alil tht- lot-ai enurehes. 'bat de> wiIl ait-o iboc-rt-ti bv tver>'churet lu Chicago as go glo îb n reh day. Tint-t-tar'tit-e chut-thec in ,ittt-ttyvilie Whoî have p ut-iggeathis lnot-etneint a t ta exprutit ti tat thc largeet attenidae at st-tr ii-s îtri t e e petive clint-t-tes wil té wttnn-'ved uîn that dav. Tht-pt-o. graunis ut .-hrinu witl selu- p'tiaI y pt-tpareil tor'timieday, anti at-pecil suitjt-c4wii [te errangeti i-y tht-patstus. Moeubei's ut tht- ditetent cougregatione wilect-ates the etui?. tîîwnship wiîh litiratuce tu aruase a dftip intert-st in those Who are more lax in attending churet st-tvices. At this day we have nut Iearned whether a sut-inltime wiii te set tor services oa February fral. bnt it la not likel>' that sncb wiii b. tbp case, and the services will most likely b. helti aI the reguler hours, bath mownlng an avening. Reiltents of Lbertyrilleandthelb entîre townsilp wilI do weli ta mark their calentans suas not 1 torgMt thle date and Iben ho takee the Viole famlly and triendq ta their favorite eburci to attend Mim apeuial serviffsen amit day. AIl Rockford newapapers have an- itouned a atricti>' pailn&i4lance raie ainnIna anuar>' Lat.Mail ubsctiberse ta oOkSd paiteruhave been flotiSe t tt Ppesi wlilbe etoppeti unleu ald a t eadvance andi '<Rait the. raiet ha aOUe4 VItitout eaeta.T" lr4umobw out et evmyhmg t *mtp 8h. lg odue- tise hbit wssâo"êtuame sh noms or îkft éuhtb MadM&lomma l& *I~ '8hOs grog 1v uiasa I~aoo âmb t ga$ ugeulrin -U" futte oglgtM br tbe «bektord pubU*mw Iagachils si Mary (annon 0ed Jan. 15. 1914, at 1468 Maille a"Sul% B'azitoe lu.,- daugiter of WiOU=amGuaon, WS Forest, 111. Burlaiet Lake otest Ilii. Jan. 17, 1914, at 10 a. M.- grind wet feed ehvealzb fFe Gidr that will handie it at the mamn speed as dry."' LEZsmFLý,H. tP£HitGFlEED MILLS Gve Lauz Milla a trial and yoia wMl neyer use any other km1nd. They arte the fatestwo.,rking, easiest-runrnng Feed Grinderu made, and cost you Ieast for gasoline. Grind Oat .e Huils, Alfalfa, Ray, Corn with Cobe and Husk, Wheat Scrcenings and ai SmnaIl Grains fine at a single grinding. Bubrs sharpen themacives. One mIet grinds 1000 to 3000 bushela. We can furnieh you the n right aize Letz for your engine'a horse- power. See us about it at once. nI LIBERTYVILLE... Ji. B. EGjER ... GPAYSLAKE r Buy it Because Ifs a Better Car .iilT-tr4i $550U & nreSchanck Bros., Lîberty ville Law imposes its penalties alike on the knowing and unknowing offender, amumsing it every, man'q duty to know the codes enacted to protect hinz and hi& neighborai hf e, property and pursuit of bappiness. Sirnilarly, dependents and associates of the non-in- sured pay, in the toila of penury, the mare high pen- alty without distinction, whether inflicted by brutal diaregard of the knowing mind or thoughtlessly by the neglectful unknowing." SEE JOHN HODGE ThetO0d Michigan Mutual Life Insurance CoMpei And Insuré lu SURtE Insurance.

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