Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 5

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- LAKE3 OOIWrIN E!!~IY1RMAY, JANITARY 30,1913. _________________________________ M i I Have you tried Walter Carey's Pure Buckwheat? 10 lb. soks..-... . ..45c each Triage & Taylor's Home -made PORK Sausage It in dit! erent Club House Maple Syrup Quart Canoa ......50e T~Ç~S & TR INVE3NTORY SALE i Shoes M We êtiUl have some of our odd izes and broken linos of men'sahoea that we culled out of our tock when taking inventory. Quit. a nuinber have taken advant.age of this exceptiona1 oppurtunity but we miust move thein ail beeau@e we need every bit of the room. This lm a rare chance for you to secure good, serviceable shoes at prices that are greatly below cost, becauge we would Pooner dispose of themn at a loss than have themn taking up space tbat we wil îîeed for our new spring and summier stock. You have a choice of tans or blacks, hutton or laee, in velour, patent or box calf. We have sold these ahoes for $3, $3.50 t>and $4, and yol1 cauiappreciate the saving you will effect by tlwse low sale prices- $1.00 $2.00 - $2.50 f 'rhey are beiug snaitped tulî, no youi ca't af- tard to waste tirne. Je B. Morse & Co. Everything for Men UBERTYVILI-E, ILL. Phone 14 Get Ready For Spring It's worth your wie-atîd b mure anad are us. Talk over your Spring Needs-Beeds, Fer- tilizer, Fonce Posta, Tle, etc. ILibertyvil le Lumber Company Dowî, by the OldOsepot. Phone 47 Bein Here 20 Yeara. CORLETT & FREDERICKS 1Phnone 30. .IBERTYVILLE, ILI. Choice Oroceries and Meats oCirber/yvd/o Yic'ms- j xx~~ x~x xxxxx*xxxxxxx ~xxxx To insure publication in the Indepen- dent. copy must be in the affice nu fater than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisera. esecially ara asksd tb take particular notice to this effect. Dfr. J..Tayloir wa a C(hiai, vaitir Tueaday. Dr. V. R. Gaifowav was a fhiagniz, vioititi- iuitday. Johîn Fiiitze sin t Suteiay ai tia r- tires u in lenct. Dfr. A. H. Ciur-hili a n a a ietorli Chîiago Toeaday. John lierte[ îof 4Grtsviki-. m is- et vi.îtiar bore Munîai. Rb W. Safio rai f A ntii il, nuasiii tow uon busiinem Tupnday. J. W.Bron. en fi as îiit fier friot Lake V'illa lest Fridai. A daugliter aaem retoa Mr. aad Mri JC. Iteose last aiet.i'ridiay Frank IH.Just is iu attenrdaiti-e autii. auto @hon, ireChicagti tisak. Johin Fuiutz loft Wednie.da.y nîaîn fiai a short vîst with frieuaet Polo, 111. I- H Sîhanrk and Erneet Brown attended the Auto Show ln Chicagoa Tueeday. Mosteverybody tot a day off' to iro to Chicago to attend the auto show ibis W"e,. The dancing party gven by the Arnici Club [at week Thura#day was, weii attendeai. Brn tatMr. and Mes. Arhur 0. Beetuan a 9% poun4 bojy baby, lest week Itriday. Missesliostta Mondas andi recs Bood viated at it whorne of a f rlsud u rArea, Suuday. tir. and Mre. Howard Bayes i"ut Sunday lu Chicago wiîh Prof, James Smith and fanly. Mise LucilAe Landqulst of Chicago, viitsd over Sunday at tbe borne of M isa Bianche Trlgge boe. tirs. Eldon Clarkeslai!t Sunday for Cncinnati, Ohio, to vAuit ber parenté. tir. andi Mes. flanen. 1ev. W. 1, Whipple's aouhjetp for neit Suday. 'Ooto-Chureh Day," wlll te appropris to the day. Mre. W. J. McBride aud Catherine Berry of Chicago, vîsiteai Mr@. Bertha Fry. Tuesdey ofejis week. Mir. and Mes. E. L. Ehrlich of Sau Ifiego, Califoraia, are vlsitiug at the homne of J. E. Baud and family. tirs. George Croker o! Austin, Chicago, viaiteai over Suaday at the bornes of ber oncle, Frank Nichas&and family. Ed Deming of Hammonai, min , violted bis mot ber, Mes . C0. Deming and iebi esîser, Mes E. A. Biâhoça on Tueaday. Wni. Mos, and sons John and Cl'arence of Park Ridge, @pont several days lest week with Wm. Kunke and family. lies. Isabella J. Chittu of Antioch, waa the gueat o!flier daugbrter, Mes. M. J. Weber and ai ly Friday andi Saturday. N. E. liatzert made a trip ta Chicago, Park Ridige end Elgin, Mionday, ln the intereet o! the Milk Produeers AsocIa- Arthur Miller and sster Mies Adeifue,i visted wtb cousins in Chicago Frday1 and wltnessed "Mtelba KubelinI." at thie Auditorium.N The Ladies' Aid soclty of the Preshy- terian church wiiI meet at the home o! Mes. Frank Nlchoina, Thnesday ai ten- nouo, Feb. ii. Baskst bail in the ne gyltanasitinio! the M. E. church ie becoming very poitular and the games are witnessed by mauy visitiug friende. tirs J. E. Bond recela su wîrd Sunday .roui fSan Diego, Cal., tnat lier nephew, Sidney Peere, lorilueriy o! titis place was sererely injureai ly a fafi. lira. .John Croker of Lancaster, Wls., i.. epending some tinte ai lite home o! ber daughter. tirs.EIgar Wells, Jr.. andi wlth other relatives here. tirs. C. F. Wright aun! Miss Dorothy The cibituary tif Mfr.. flaik- wjll be f-uud on the second part of titis paper. Tnere wiJl be a meetinigia!fthe Wurnana' (luild of St. Law'rence t-dii farî-iî at the residenie of Mr@. Lulît Nlattoî-L(4 on Thursday afternooii, . 1. ;îîa Last Thuesdey tMr a1Niro isFred 'raîLer, tirs. John Iriaker aad Mre Edgar Welfs ettsuded lu W iiaaato-k the wî.dding of MIs@ Ortr u.- itoiaaiiandi Mr. Harolfd Burch of Ituckfîri 111 Tb liserviese at St i., E. liisiiîai clarifiuct ii~i~i iiiiatx are as faîlaîî c Ueeb ofiiit f t clly Cîmu- aaîînet 7:45. Murtîaaiî l'raye'r an,! -r.a aaam t 10.30. SîaIaiia ii1lol at Ili, Visitore are veiei aîîe tt any LJ L.ýo i offv<f liii,8kroid lthe new stationî agent for tfi,. f %I St. Paul raîlraad sinese lest wî-i'l M r.Coaites is ailaifreight agent, al i) ofi es ait tue tAld ilét Aun auditor irai ithe liii. agi a 1filae eof the St. Paîa ulîýa(1id ut work fac kinîg out Mr. Colt.3 cs r.ileessor. Va irk is progreslitiairv raçidfy on tfîe ltresib.torlau mutitievh-ids bIn2 a er.ted on Wrigt's loirt (arpentero are nîîw engageld in cfeeting the builid- inig. and i the favorable weather con- tinues for another week te greater shant of tiihe ieriar wuirk wilil have bImpen ompisteai. The Epworth League tsoiel and huai. nese meeting wili bm el-iaion Fridav evenînig o! Ibis week and the entertain- mOtPF-0~. ôtdd lbte ev-ni nglfea badiet bail gante betwssu tirs. Peuliaeouffin'e Sunday icbooi des.and Mes. Jaunes Davisle,. Iafrshmeomti Led a oda gond tinte wiliiho serveai to ail wbo corne. A W&ukfg au n asin hig possesai on an oid coin dated 1812, wbich wea cousidered a rare piece o! mousy, but thisWesek wa hate been tofai that lirmm Lusk of Lbertyvîlle, bas a half centt plece wbich wua founli by bis mothar et Volo ysaes aoeo and wbic b laie theb Inscription "Hait Cent 1809' on une' aide and "United States of Americai on the reverse aide. A large number of tbe members oi Liirtyville lodgs 1. . 0.F., attendait the spmeiai servi» ab the Preabyterian church last Sundav eveulug, whlchb had been specialiy arrsnged In their honor by the paetor. B. IM. Allburt. tir. Alburts sermon déatit isolsly wlth thie good work of the 1. . 0. F., and urgeai the tuemboesto lite the is theirdoctrine teaches, and ail wonid h. Weil witb tbsm. A special mosical programn was reudàereai by the choir. Chicken thieve@ are gsttlng buey lu the section uorthweat of Lihbertyville accord- Ing to the stateuaent madie by Ueo. F. Rtoberts, witi daime thst ou Fridey igbt thieves stole chickeus on the Mire. Chard tarin at Gages Cornera, and ou Saturday ight an eighb gallon milk cau disapçteared front theoUllicreot faim owued by tir.Roberte, andi Who noie makes ail ofSer of ire dollars reward for the arreft anai coanvcton of the thieve and the return o! the mlt cfan At the rKeet poutry shows the Kîmbali Trigg. BRd Yard, won et Auraira tiret and thîrd cock, second cocterel; tira, fourth sud llth helle; second andi faîîrth pulet; third peu. Also silver cuça for lset display anai four speciai sttape ande olor ribhona. At the tbe great pouf try show, fourth cockerel, andaba Racinte, Wfs , tiret anad third cock; third cocterel; fourth and fth pullet, tiret anai fourîhlion; tiret peu; also sler cuça for best aiirplay andi four itpecil shape and caîfîr rîfbous. A Sacreai rouv-ent will ha given tt the M. E. rhurrh tnt Sunday ai 3:30 p. tu. by muicians of the city with sute visit- lng contributttrs. Mirs. Lulu Mattiarke andi tre. C. N. linranai wili coaîtriîute orgau ntiitbeti ait Weilinas ccotopatay tha soloiets MIiss Norma Peck, sister if tirs. Paul Natutiwill ha pressetandi offgr vîalîî tumuers. The La(lfarsi Quarttt a il ettg andi Mr. and tirs. Nf. E. Williams a. ill reuder a numîfer lu Welch tune. Mise Llah ticCormiet. anda Miss Carnie Cfard wiliI cfer soloas. The above mentitînil cotributors assuree a very ufeamrtig frtgravati 10whîch the Scbauck vîsiteai over Sunday at Beloit, publiclas lnI-t.'îIand will be heartily Wle, wibb tirs. Wrîghtîs mon Robert, welcomed. whëre ha le abtendinar colfleare. Ums Florse Bierman of Chicago, viaiteai the firt of the week et the home oi tir. and Mr@. J. T. Roberteau. Miss Bierman tdok part n te Odd FolIow proramn whlch was rendered et the Proebytersan chureh on Snnday oening. *LIÉE INSURANCE. Bs li a good dllm who protide. for hie wl.end cildren. H.oAs a bttrclil un who also protides for hla wldow and orphana. iAN IOR N ou LII. bsmace Compsan "u k mut The f remauiis dancesabt the Lberty ville Auditorium Friday bigb of lust week drsw the largest crowd atteuding a dance at the nîew hall. Mdusie wae funishsd by Hatîk'four plscs orchestra. It As sai that the firemen sold nearly ibree hundred tickets. A fime aupper was isrved et the Lyric restaurant &bout 11:R0O'cloct. wbicit was ona o! te bg !etires of thse ung'sprogram. The firemen worksd *ttriluni for weeki lao mate titis year'i dam .tnshaibet and muet pleasurahie evante la the history ef the. deparitent. and juding front the naebi*ýgtAckets 8014 ad tii.very large crowd ln atteudancesai the danes,th--y bava been vsry suceeesfn. The dan.. commîttea wih to tha the public for their courteousnsss and attandane Set tse danes. Independetit ads-rea lly 25,000. -11 UEEP NEWS 0F THUER MARRIAOE FROM FRIENDS Through a rotîndabit a v, fraînds of A. R. Aîîdre-wo andi Mise Mabh- ltiadoîijh weore jufo:rmeai that the ùoupie hand siu- ped away to Crown l'oint, 1iriaatîna, on Raturday, Jattuary t-nth. andtaltere were marnei by a Lut heran a ianister. The facto .of the caie are tfitt the noie Mir. andi Mrs. Andrews hand gone tu Crown Point on tiie day itîaîtîaied wee married andi returtitailta tht-ar re*spective borne@ where ainlv tht-jr Itar rejetie knew of the weajinyl'or tao weeko the frieride îf tihe.youua vîiiçîle wpr.' keçt in igna)ranieeof their tilrraagi and nîît utitil Manda yaf tht. w--k a a. it getier- aily knawný The bride. iis well kniîwîitoriii.t Liii. ertyiIýtIté,eop a. iteiiliift 4 ia rplait- ed jarre for the pçaust se ii iire lInoat tbreeyetirs aola Thii.tay luraittre atid Paint 'to ire. She gairteif thfa-frit-ndi iiç t,! niati i a rfi fier titai h laîpiness. Site is the, daugfitir if M r. andi trs J, t. Rudoiph, whîî resiai. tiiar Dl>iaaic Mir. And,!rew.s is the focal manaîger for the Chicago Tëfephoîte (Company andai n eonneetion witf th4 focal ffive fia@ tiorîipany territory. He ha. f wîi wth the laelphoiîe coîiipauy for oî er five yeurs, the lait year being eçient fiere as mtanager. He bas lived boire. frac ticaliy ai lbhis fille andai i the son tif Mr. andairMs. M. E. Andrews. tir. and tirs. Andrsws expe to go to housekeeping at 180 North Park avenus Waukegan. tir. Andrews will rstaîn bis posItion witb the telsphone company. TOWN PLACARDED WMT OOTOmCIURCU ShiNS There! there is ieagaîn.j 1*4 ,wtes t ia-biack on white, or In this cmse *b1ie' f.iatsd of black-tbs remlndsr that you îhould go to church nszt Sundey. Look whsreveryou plau Shat sigu confronta jou, why? Becuea lsa thsre. Juat the particuAar @pot whsre you know ths aigu conid tnt have founda t. way, juat there you wiiiSund *"Let'@ go to Church Next Sunday." Ths signa confront ou@ in nearAy svery @tore wmindow, doorwaya, bouse windows. feuce posta. treesl and many other plae. It la ex pecteai that on the coming Sun- day the Ilits eurebseInAuLihsrtyvlla wU wltues a record.breaktng attendance ait both mornAng and svsnlng service. if thie bs thae mm thon btae aigus wili have psrformed their mlaalon. Are you Coing to church usit Sunday? Yea. "Let'@ go to church neit Sunday." Arn ciang ou& ail short iengtha An Dry Good#aiat remuant pries. (et the fi rat choie@ at M. A. Prutlue'o. C-18tf Beewlck'a Photo Studio wili be topen this week Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 3lst andi Feb. lot, Ws wifl give 15 cabinst photos for a dozan these two dayaonly. it i grtud tools, sharp en saws, scissora, skates, and do repairing on fornitura, and odd jobs. A. P. Raugbt, Firot street. c 18-tf 1 - Cabinet Photos for ths prie o! a dozen at Beawlek'e Studio on daturday anai Sunday of this week. Jam. Siet and Feb. lit. You rau get la Cabinet Photos for the priresof a doten at Beswick's studio ou Satierday and Sunday of thia week, Jan. Slst and Feh. let. This offer wili not bie repeateai agaln. It The Seasons Bargain Opportunity Sweater Coatp, tioods, Fur@ andaili Wooiens to be soldaiat coat. Best bar- gaina ever offsrsd lu Libsrtyvilis at M. A. Pro tine's. C-18-tf I TABLETS - 3c t Clearing Sale Saturday, January 31,1914 Any 5c Tablet 3ç Big Asaortment New Variety Stor New muter Building $2o836.64 (>11 l)et.eîiiber 3l-l3, :~w e aid the abox e aniotnt iin INTERhY F to u <r SAVINGS DEPOSITORS. Oa July :3l,19i3, we paiti W2,483.16~, auit inrease of $353.l Wis n * v î-of thi intareasci (lue to your laiiiDig iliti a saa'ittgs accoant with os in lte past sixa. ttt>iths" Ifi tot. wiîy diatit voit itaitt ,-NO W and recala-e sorne of the ititerest wa-hdiWr ailA pay next .lly? -NE EDOLLA R xii tpenfltut. acciînt Lake County National Bank LIBERTYILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profite. $95,000.o' W91ve Us 'E Gall--Phone 50 Our Prices are Always Right. 1hmeLmubr£oi OLBr T. VL5 For lire and Lite Insu ran ce, CH-ARLES D. PROCTOR Agent For NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Michigan Mutual LU. Inuranc Comîpany. LIETYVILLE, ILINOIS. GT FRESH, HOME-GROWN LETTUCE The Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Orders Taken at Up-town Offce or at Greenhouse. SPECIA L A fortîtuate purchase of a large quantity of Scotch Toweling Crash enafÂes us to offer titis goode uow et a remarkabiy low- prive. This is a fleacheul crash of pure lium, 18 juches wide. Cornes in plan white and alea weth red or blue border. It is waabed saf t and ready for immediate use. We. and others, have always soldithis goode et 1lbc, but witile the lot lesta we off erli it st.................... ...... ......................1 C This is only one of the' bargains we are of- fering for the remainder of January. We have priced specially many items at both store@, both dry gooda and groceriee. See our circulars for some of the apecials. w-, W.Garroll & sons coi ' ..... .... NOR'rH STORE PHIONE 20 8OUTH STORE P)IONJ I Liberyvile -_ IlIITry the Independent'sA jcs 'v o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a i o o o o o o o o o o o e. i o * o o o o o a o Ibabi OF

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