Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 8

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J- LAKE COUNTY Il D"MMNE4't, FRIDAY, J»AURY 30,1913. ?Lkiul(egan ~ NlI NE WAUKEGA PJNSION EMPLOYES, Ell MANY PEOPLE TRAVEL BUT WEEN OR VIS DENUS TU COLLECTOR SUIT IS ýHURE AND ZION CITY A 'FRIENDLY' ONE OHI W IRE WORKS EM -1 1864 Tickets SoId at Zion for~ Local Attorney Who Instigat- PLOYES AND ONE E., J. & Waukegan During Month of ed Suit for Certain Fees, E. MAN COME UNDER THE December Last. Makes Repîy. PENSION ALLOUMENT 0F Tîuet tiare le a rousisdereble tret- THE STATUS 0F THE CASE. tic tîetweau ZZlou Cit>- sud Weuke--- THE U. S. STEEL CORPOR- Fgan rau ha spcln b>- the falaowlng fig- Is Case Started by Town Board ATION IN IlS ANNUALI ures suppiiet bu- R. E. Pf.lfffr, the OvsCagsBadWt dePo aget atZion City. OvsCagsBrdWt STATEMENT JUST ISSUED, B rn::te;montl o t-'emiter Hain -1giA Mus i l UI I M iF ~ T Iai-a c ere 1,864 tickele sou i-a the ZionUUAL MILoL10 pssegersforEditor Son: 71onCit dept t pasengrs or i notice lit your paper of January A TOTAL 0F $1,1 80.80. W'aukagan. This would mean anex'1 penditure of $19968. 2let. you state there le a triendly suit Bight employas of the Wauitcgan On Derember 20th. or the Saturday hr asi pendiugagietafom buoiator I pato th mrcnSeladtefore Christmas Iliere were 251 pas- Terissutpndg ttili Bc Il te0f Ihe Âmeriranhe Steel and enthlng but friendîr: 11. le being Wlre conipany will raeive a portion seugere Ofrhs nmer247 tsfrWau elti up until a board of audfitors ot of the $118080 whichlei the amount tlie 2:-10 p. m. or the 5:12 traîns. 'Waukegan township are eiected who -alloted Waukegan thie year freim the Business in generaile on the In- have nlot suri a chilI in thair fet. 1 Penionli'nd.Thepenlonreof crease at the Noribeestaro eodp In supposed t hati autbority andi advancedi Ih oca pantar astoiaw: Jhncrasse at the Nrthwaslern depot e my costs out o! mu' own pocket. Zion Cty. On the average llreýr1e ~sddntt sria:iltn -Berwick, Samuel T. Gerry. Antirew more patrons on this liueto anti tram to go aheati and will go aheat i wth J. LitUngrn, Jacob LAtbiade. John Chicago sud intermediate pointe than thîs suit, and other suite againet Pla, George Whyte anti John Wyso- there lias been for the past three Uic present Incumbent, but am helli Mk. 'years. 'With the reluru of the spring back lu coid blooti by raId teet. ONE "J" MAN AFECT ED and sommer traite there le axpecteti rs enwl ar ti orc Mble thera are aeIglt wIra miii te lie a large business done in treiglit tion. E. V. ORVIS. -mon affertati in the annual apportion- anti passanger taras thie year. liany The suit whlrh Nfru. Orvis reterred -ment,.lit davelops thare was but one vleliors and touriste evail themeelves ta was tartea againet Robert '.lu- 19. J. & B. man lu Waukegan who of the fiua sprlng, autumu, and stam- taw, prsant collector, by the town - gaies under the pestsor plan. Ths mer waather tb vieit this worid-tamed board, on requeet of Mr. Orvis, but, mm la NicholagSm~rith, a former '«J" cty. as Mr. Orvis States, It bas neyer- uigtnesr. who now works in flua "Ji' bean preseed. Iu this suit, are put - weadhause. lu ail. there ara but Sorte of the truite of their labor. The forth the samne cintras that Supervis- alliet Ibrea "J' men who purtake a! records show Ihat a great many of or Clarkeadatvanced Inlu gblanti Park -thte pension plan, the other two living Iliosa retireti have taken up easieri agalueit Collecter Schaeffer-that Y~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'JUt ksdyt d odarlg oMr. %lutaw retalueti the full two per Heie la what le apportionedtiet the thaîr pensions. Indeeti, more thau cent of bis collections, bis argument - J,"7 Oper cent of those ou the poneiorl beiug that Uic, state law permittea ?mTasportatton department. $1,270.32; ralils voiuntarlly requestei ta lie a town collector te retain ouiy 2 par oannac f equipmant departmant pansianati. Oniy tr casese whera It le cent Of his collectIons up ta the bi04.00; maintenance of way de- obvions that amployes are unabla ta tua ble had relaiued $1.500 Sitaer Pertnmnt, $300.00 ttali. 82613.32. Pu'oPeriY Perfornu theîr wark, ara tbey iwhIltb the par cent diti net belong te Thbe Third Annuai Repart ai the_ raquastadtet retira, sud then onîy on .him. Penaion V'msd Shows that pince Jan the pereonai approvai of the preel- The casaelias not belen handieti by gay, 191, the retlreti emplayees of dent of the company empiaylng theni. the states attorney, but was placati tl»eieoporatlon bave heuefitted te the The plan ambraces those employas 'lu the bande of Assistant States At- eXteut ai ovar 81,000,000; 1291,457.37 wbo becoma perrnuntiy anti totaiiytorniy Runyard, A. V. Smith belng la 1911,$8268,780.93 lu 1912 anal $422,- Incapacitatd, for et the baginulng of Mr- Mulaw's counsel. Purther than 81814 ln 1913. Thea» figures show the year 1913, te ruie raîatîug te oua or two cruferencas. uothiug ba* m sheas. of about $76.000 par )ear. Permanent tisabiiity was amended, beau doue In the malter whlcb thun la the Pittabtruhi Liiet abus, 1Sei that auy employa, age uat con- bauge lu sn unselati tata. lu these 1"8~5.07 wore peli ta retirati arn 1iereti, whg bat beau ln the serv conferencas. Mr. Mutaw sud hie 3ibyebs; lu the nearby coke ragions, 1lie aniy flftesn years. sud lias hecame counul very piliy statad that tbeir III1t120.21, and lunallier parts of Penn- ahaolutliy unable ta aarn a livalihooti position was ona whera they wished u'l*ania. $112.568.98. The Clevelandti hrOagb no liauit o! bis or bere, as a te lho entlraiy wlthln the iaw, anti district recelveti the large suni ai resait ai ulckuese, or Injuries ue-, If the collector hadtheIb legal rlght $40,739.20; other parts o! Ohio. $38,- talueti wie not ou duty, mayie it etan e fuli 2 par cent. lie wlsb- 427.54. Those In Chicago recaivati ienflanad. If an amplape Is ljuretd tandeSoli 1 t, If the law was tounti $14,643.69, wbia those aîtuati lu otb- whie ou duty, hae le taken tara of' la lie Ihat hae 1 ad neorlgbt ta but ~rparts af Illinois receiveti $16,552.44. by the Voiuutary Accident Relief $15 00, haot3id Inot wisk te retalu -Tihe ran.are ragion hanefittad te the Plan. =more tha hat Sulla, sud the bai- extant oi $19,996.16, anti 832,698.12 Ail the lime lest on account of dis- aceer the $1,500, lha bad keptin-u vere paîdtet thase Who bad beaun rn- abllily, shut-down, or la) off, net ex- tact lu the bauk se, If It were tounti >ployat Inl plants locatad at Worcester, ceetilug twa years' duratlon ln any lie was net anitiedteI ta iho a s In nuss. Thrîliasince covers other ana perloti, le rredlted to employes a Position ta turu Il rlght back. plante eatteredt Irougliaut the colin- as service, provitieti of course. they "I'n other.word,' sait i hs counsel. tri, returu to work as soon as they can "we feel we have thie rlght ta retain There are now over 2,000 former aliter suchl iy-off. the full 2 Per cent ant it le our de- * oipioyeaa ou the pension rail with su If a retîreti employe desîres ta re- sire ta hava the point settieti througtb average pension, for those atdddlu turu to is native land, arrangements the praper cort action.' 1913, of $20.85, an average service o! arc nmadet ti esont lme The towu bocard felt that the limît 28.82 yaare su ana average ag o! b> orlgbank ldraft or by P 0. for a colectea s$1.50)(. anti thus the .63.73 yesrs. mioney order, and IliniaN remain as matter stands, uothlng daflita ever The basîs of the fend c-as $4.06,log .asoli elas. lu case a peneloner hebng doue. 00frein, thc Carnegie Relief Fuuud. eomsIncompetent te bondie Ilise1Tle anmant In qurestion le sanie- tu wblrb the Steel Corporation atideti Pension, it la paidte ist iewfe or tea thlug arount $3.000 ar $4.000. $S.O,000,. making s Joint tutiio guartilan. The contention of those wlio have $12,N0,.000. Operations were coni- It le neediese tae say that the fonds 1Insiseat the rollectore eliault retalu meureti on the firgt of Januery, 1911. dtstrthutati do Ioumeasuéable gooti, aslibut $1,500) for hie work. la that tlie 1%ea funti epplies to aIl wio wara ln 1oVitianreti froni avar> banu SO mdl Iw plaily statas that a colertor the service o! the Uniteti Steel Cor-- rates. It muet le an Immense relief u'aY retalu .P upt $1.600, but that the pmrtion, or ai any company ocuedti l those dia are nearing tiat etake 2 par cent of hie collections over or contraileti b> 11. on the alova data o! lite wlieu the fully reelize that that suni, shahliab paît loto the town- or thereafler. It la admînîsterati lv ticir uorklug tiaye are lesaulng, to - slip treasury., a board ai twaive trustees. viz, Frank know thet tlîay wili have au Incomej D. Atarne, Du!uth; Raynal t. Belllng. ta depeud upon after île>- ara unahle MANSION WILL BE Ne0w Yank; VW.iliam iB. ikson, New 10 dock.EETDBYS IT York; Robat A. Frauke. New Ygrk; TH E A. S. W. C.ERC D BY WFT El14e H. Gary, New York; Jaese l' or tlîe benefit of the wlre works-- H.L HoYt. Ceveland; Kaniler K. men o! Waukegau. herewithla l given Waukegau rontractora hava recelv. KaPp, Chicago; George W. Perkltîs, tîs amounte set astde for tic differeut ai Word that Louis F. Swift, the mili New Yank; James il. ieeti, Plutv utlis of the Ameriran Steel ant i Vre lionaîre pankar o! Chicago, le plan- bnrgb; Andrew Squire, Ceveland; compaiuy: 1 in th cosrtin facuty Mharies tI.Taylior, Pittsburgh and Genarai offr, a 57iAlcnutown nn h oututn o anr H Iampden E. Tener,' New Yorh,,u or.5iliI i Amariran worls,--~home whlch ilîl a-lipsc any ai the tissogl a manager, who le loratat ini 21 ".5 4. Anderson -,ork $1 .872.60, unansions on Mîlllonaire row, as ]Mfitaburgis. I;uaier Faits uork $120.4)(1, luff St. 1 thec Grain Bey rond las smetimes Pensions arecnompuleti as tollow,. ut Orks $403.20, itrsddock c orks $743.. calleti. A Chicago flrm oa>f architecte VeYr eacb roar oi service, the employa 4 (Centrai furas $,93.80, Central 'las e len engagati to prapara the -- Nevec ana par cent of hie averagcej s-orb tis 90 Coneoidateti worke,' plane. Ta excai lu spientior andi inçathl>- pay receiveti turing lie la-t i31».8 55. De Kau esst and c-est works 'baauty Mciody Faren, aud the Mc- te. emrsof service. For exampie $4.46l6tel) Kali uorth andi soulli JCorulck nsion, le sait taulie the M a employe wbo bas been 30 yeare vorks $928.00. Dotiora wlrc works ali o! Mr. Swift. ,ýthe service aud lias reneivad au $SSI.kO, lFer-all works 4,017.00, H. p. Il la claimeti that Waukagan plan- Wr«,ffl moethiY Pay o! $80, lu the worlue $3,65.S0, Newlurgli steel wks. lig milii epresentîve bas beau lu bet ten yeanaoa servica, wouid re- 11.856.15, Nawlurgi wire warks $13, comnincation wltli tie Irm ofat a- eive a pension a! $24 par ninnti. t197.4f), New Heveil corks 779.76, cotacta witb .n ulew tua securlug the ibs" 800.0,. Northi works $17,229.44. Pacifie wanke contract ta tumnieh coma of the ex. Mi mas emplayes. who have beau $1284.10, Ranlun worka $1,279.58, rensiveo mlii wou-ak wbîcl i vili e re- - *lb service 20 emr or langer anti Rockdale works $1,655.95, Salem wks,. quhad. OM 48 71os' oreMof an, are e119- $1.080-44, Scott street works 8711.08. Me le ioÎ. Womon uare ligibie 8Shoenhergas' vanki $6,373.00, SouthtIJosephi Dehleye bas submlted plan@ b4b me e 50 yang&. Thusit Wnl1worto 814,806.79, Ts'enton warks 81,. ta varions iotgea aI Hiihwood for 4O ffl t« e»is98s lu tise mlii.74 1& Waukegu wonks $1,180.80, the propse.d nov iodgo hall vwici Ma e, lU uan eoves' I WBU&iMob= vorke, $240.00. total thl odges of Iliat cllY ame iguris -.*r4,e mrruon1.82 o.r .vOtoi frem Ibo Coeniy .rral. M ~ - 1,000 PERSONS IN TCITY CALL~ EDFOR-IfiNERS James Sayler Announces Im- portant Statisties at Sunday Charities Meeting. Waukegan, Jeriuary 26. James Ssyler of Northi Chicago, nmade the sarprielug tateuient. Sun- day afttruoou ai a united chanties meeting lu th. Y. M . C. A . that tan thousanti parsous, or sixty per cent af the resideuta of Waukegaui, are tcreign liorn, that le, the ' vware elier bora lu a toreIgn land or their par- ente were boni elsewliere than la ibe, Unitedi States. He stateti that lie lad been galber- log officiai statietirs trom the ted. eral gaverument and fo,îîîd hile 1. be tlie fart, based an te ast cefisua report. He stateti that the population ot the different nationalities as turnislied hlm shoWed that, ln Waukec-af, lucre were ,flnro.lrntely- LYON FAMILY IS TO UQIJIP iMNASIUM4 OF THE Y. M1 C. A. FAMILY 0F THE LAT£ G. R. LYON ANNOUNCE PLAN 0F SPENDING $1,600 IN FIT- TINS OUT Y. M. C. A. WITH NEEDED APPARATUS - THE BOOSTER BANQUET SHOWS TOTAL INDEBTQD- NESS 0F 'Y.' IS $30,000 Wauilegan, January 2.. A campaigu waB given a start on Thureday evenl ng ln th- Waukegan Y. Mi. C. A. having as is ultimate object the raislng of the $30.000 neces- sary to lire the entire debt tram the association's new building and that it was fatrly weil l unched. le indicat- ed by the official announcement at the conclusion of the fine banquet of donations which opened thle eYee Of the 100 guesis prasent, for. ainong tliorp annnunred were: $1.600 fram the G. R. Lyon family, ta be used ln fltting out the. 'Y.' gym. $500 tram J. W. Barwell. $500 tram the American Steel andi W;re CormPmnY. $100 tram Beptist ladies. Presby. C. E. Society .. . .$100 IPresby. Bible Sciant ... ... 100 Pastoa' Aid. M. E. ChurCh . .- 100 2ff Ru'laabo F. R. Muller Co. .... 100 h im anti thet a plieor guiity mouid Rusian, ec. Fra nke Burke---------------..... 50 , ount agaInut humt very strouugty.Fuk R1sn,50 er.And i iiiiaroue ollier sîîîaiier do-a- .I e,lrst saIlie lc it c areyt'o sa, 1,300 Swadas. tlonv. auong the annoutîranîeuts lie-I ai: y thiuig. 1,30 Austriaus.lg ntri Mr. Chldester that tWýo Dalen Takes Stand He matie further aston.hiuc elat- Preshbyteruan sriettes are nom.ascli 'Mr. Liolen ou the firnto!fl)oleuî & ment la the affect tuat 11 per cent raising 10) for the "Y" Broecker then took tie stand sud cannuot write their acu, rame in the rauîged et thae Y roome proveti a- Funk couteesedti ta lis foriead. Engiiah languaga. sucress far lieyond anticipations îîf daclaret i ositiveiy liatIil ca$ a for- He axplaineti that tha data he ele promoters Ot-er 100 men were gery. Il wae passed tirougli a loc-el collecteti showet thal t hile the paer- present 10 partake o!flie flie spread I bsnk, liowever. snd btha n relurn, cantage ut Iliteratel; in Waukegen proîideliby thte Methodiet ladies, Il edtiut Dolen. lia sald lie lid cou- vas 10 par cent, that the percenaea its one of tue hast teedse mîcren versai alti Funk before the triai of Illinois residents d-ht cannot write ouid lhate clsbed for-ani It ouly anti that lie latter lied ionte sat t thair namas. leoliut a trille aver 3 rost tlîem 50 rentsecr. hIlat lie tnrged thechelrk. eayig par cent. showiug thet Waukegaue It was a -get togther' banquet for hea diii 80 Ici-ause io iiacdad the percautaga Is 7 pan cent over the av- the men o!fthe ity andii ls sucreae money. orage for the stale as regarde Illiter- Indiretes for cartainty that tlîasa ban- le aiso tastuiti ¶0 : Io it lai acy. quete wlll lie helti accaslonally wltl Ilng Of lits csli.bistiuient a shirt Uije Othars prasent expiaineti that many "n further objart in mmnd thon a e , ago. The kay-ta lie tlir. iho sai, of the forelguers who roulti not write niaI evanlng for thie men o! the clty. ale ltt In a ptst i c(' 1r, ail cmployee their naines lu Eugiisb. rouit write It was e surprise ta, many of the cau findat itii orl,-r ti-at tue firet thea n inthair own native bautiwriting. gueste Ibat lucre lg now, an Indebteti- mn gSn es aie uîp o dlfii OIe n lu fart, one wouflan beleved that the nasseto somte $10.000 on thîe Y. gelting lu. Onc eîîla deof tl-hemI)r parcautaga of foraigners wbo coulti building, anti ail faIt that the tume le ssii lit wcsay 10 gi-t Iluth le write their owuu namas lu Ihelr owa wae liera wlieu stranuaus efforts store. The estebl.slumaut lad beau languaga wault show up vi favor- abouit be madetie alit I anti hava culteret Inl thie manner. lie salti ahi>- wlth thxe Amercan horu-in tact the structure clear lietora utts is.i-Funk, lie dec!arei, lied corkad for sua fait tha proportion of Americans I h fraly is ronceru tram May i to Notemn wba caniti not write their naines In Mr. Barwelis Leer ceran cek hhFn L'ngilh would ha greater in Wauke- Unabie 1tulia praseut. Mr. ilarwA'Ai onetutahavlng targeti was tek- gan than thosa forelgu born who roulu sent this latter to Secrrtary Gobrarit cei on .the niglit of thie roett(rv. Il not write Iu thair own lauguage. whicli was test at the meeting: was toruq fr.m te conter e! the 1 ami sorry that i cananot liawltli firme checktook." FO G RIil A ou ai your banquet whlcli 1 trust laeGit M K R H W S il rigthq failtul togather. After Dolen iadti fnisheti hie stale- S' NVa now have su ri a fine hilît i nent, the states attorney asket Funk IVAN'I1DIR E (i60ES Ing anti have got everythlng startadifh liati auything ta eau- lu replu so well that we muet relieve thele n-latue evidaura. etîtutlan fram lihe losti of tielt which .Ail ha says le true anti I cent ta TO PEITENIÀR I le preventîng Its projier andti vgoroue pleati gullty," lia reîîlled. growth. There are positive ]y no 'unk alîpenuet in court ail alone I Ivr R~r1in inIIvflt~ n-rensons why everyone lu Waukagan sud was not aveu repraseutati by Llov Badwi Fiall Get InctiqplA h. -f '..i. i- fith. i-i, - - rannoe put nue or uer enouîoar 10 to the Penitentiary at Kan- lite wieal anti pueli Ihie work for Codi re flBetterment elong. kakee, Illinois. If You cen raiîFe flue lhougand dol- lare ln tan daye to redore tae pres- The lelegrani balow le o! ltereet ent Indeltetinase o! ten thousanul dol- licre as Baldwiln, after bis arreet con- lars lu thlrly days, I shaîl ha glati tessedti tat liebl passeti forged 1 ta make up five iundrad dollars of checks lu Weukegau, bavlug tollowad1 t tic plan o! going toa astore, makitut \Viîi lest tu-lhes. i Coi, e purchase and gtting the tbalance youre truly, on a forged rcck whlcli li J. W. t1ARWFIL.i eti ta the storekeeper. He worked (,Note- Mr. Barwal libas already sul- thp schama lun two walilcknown fur- errîletianti paîi$2.250.) niture stores, using the naine o! Rob- To Fit Out Gymnasium. ert Erakine as the signature ta the Il was liera that WIII Lyon o! the cheacks whiirl later were founti to lic G. R. Lyon & Soîns tlrm. was called forgerles. upon anti ha told how lie and other It was not long afttr Batwin left young men bail fougit the tire whlclî Waukegan tiat ha wae arrestet i ut tartedi near the, Y. M. C. A. wlin Il Kankakea. A telegranu says o! île waî beîng launriet lu the olti Hope- conviction: bock years ago; iow they boys teer- Kanksicae, Ill., Jan. 2.-bloîti et thaîr prospertive gymnasîum c-as Baldwin, a rcheck forger, souglit by to lie bat anti how tiet stîrradti eu detectivas for 100 forgarias ln Clii- ta c-ork lu the liucket brigade. Ha cago, wliere he useti an allas o! L..wsoeo hs os A. Bratîston, sudtlu Wiscansin, 12 Ha than addeti that ha ant isi Illinois cities anti Gary, Ind., tatiay ohradbte a aldovr pleadeti guilty ta torglug the name o!fmther eesudofthe reliadtaY.kM.iCover J. Bert Miller, a îawyer. cotî the nla edet fit u . M. C. iA. cheeks for $20 each, aîmost two aiusd daciet n toronttheiyula. montits ago, sud was gîven lu Inde- tslum tomletaun meG.oR.y on.tlCrnf lerminate sentence ln the pealtan- tetelt ln .1.LoCn tlary. Blaldwin reprasented that lie tluuous lianti rlepplng followeti Mr. was su luveutor, anti aftar gatîng ati- Lyones announremefit, it belng ex- velu patent mattare. taok the isw- plaineti latar that the etîutpmeur ilii 'tare card anti signet his nanie to roat $1.600. checks. Baldwin was saught. et Indleatlng hou' keen Intereal 1$ 1n Wbeatan, Elgin, Harvardi, Joliet. Ma. the "Y'"hr. Goaliradlil etietitl""tre nuance, Aurora, Waukagan anti Rock- cently tice mallest clese of tic Pr..- tord, but hati neyer beau arreeteti un- byterian Sonda>- echool colecteti $5 tii ha vielteti Kankakea. lu pennies, nickels, etc.. anti bjugîtý tliem ta the ciorci ta ha givan ta the Mrs. Frank M. Henulng, wife of Ilie 'Y-" for Uic building fond; lie fait tefaulting Schaunibet'g, 11l. cashlar tiIsoua o! the hast contributians aven gave np lier figlit Ffiday agaliiet lier matie. love' for the fathen aiflber children anti The meeting wount up b>- Mr. isobbingiy toIt ber father she wautOti Goebrecht asking mienlta, vounuteer ta ta ueo hlm. Hanning lealln.hecounty go out anti raine fouta lns ana way an Mii.L He expocts a 118151 sntence anti anoîher Ba tlsey cmn iftthe antan. sais lie wauls ta pay back the. usney debt befare lthe building Ia detlcateti; hé t00k snd above a&l redaèm bimmotmse i o YMn volunteore to &M Bld laI thé e 0 e ebul vfs.'-orm Scmpelin la nov ekpeuiod lire matie suri au arranigamenit un- neesry. In edition to torging the chack. for wlîurh crime ho e-as tîoîud oî,r. Fiik con!essedtihe oIolng ctuoes ita th1e police- i. iireaklng -mb eaundrobihng the Lyou'e store of $5 In maney. 2.-Attemîîted hîgica ' rotîîru sud* abkcault on Valentine Broaiibear. -Grand Larceny tri eteallng goiti watci anti chalîî ut Nlr4. Tyr- rail. 4-lreaklng luto anti robbing the C' T. Gunu store at Lake Forest. 5I.treaking into sud robbery o! the Dolen and Droacicar flace. Appetitefor Strong Drnk Said to Have Been the Cause of His Downfall. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914. Charles A. Punk, 23 years old. who en Wadnesday mornlng ln a routas- sian ta the 'Vaukegeu police con- feLsed ta having committed Ilfve crimes, ail punrishable by terngIsnl the state penitentiary,, was gîven a preilinuary heariug this morning bie- fore Police Magistrats Walter Taylor ou a charge oifnrgery. lie plead gilty ta the carge and was bound oiver to the grand jury tu band@ of $1,500. It la saidta have been Funkas wlsh that ie lbe allowed ta remaîn lu jail uutll the grand jury ranvanes no hie relatives andi frieudndil i ake no effort ta secure bonde. Funk, It tq saiti, realizea Ihat If lie lale n il Iliat hie wlil hae out of the way or tenuptation. lu addition to torglng the namne of V iiiiam C. Dolen ta a cherk for $20 F'unk rontessed to three rouais of iurglary, on-3 o! grand lareci-ur andi ane of hlghway r-obtiery. Stte's Att torney itady, it le said, ciii a4 l0i" grand Jury ta return ludltmeuits ('n of the rounts. \When Funk wam ai raiino-fd luis ivornlug States Attorney i>ady ex- plalned ta hlm tiiat lie did flot liee "u ay a word If lie did fut clsb to as, the iaw gave hlm this priuIIeg-ý Ifte warned him that If lie dii Ray anyi1hing tliat il cauld le uspd againsu 4ýýý --- - - «ýemmmmm4w Funk hiames is predicament oun1va very Iow as a result of binod hie associations with young men of poisoning witlî wliich hie le reported to quetioriable habite. Wben lie mnov- have been elck for some tie. ed here tromn New York seven or: Inquiry by the S un of Dr. Edward eight years ago lie was a model young P. Gavin, the priests netihew brings man. Then lie fell in with fast rom- forth a statement denying the report panions and started to drink. le! ln ful,' ad derlarlng that the priest says lie had no difcuity In purchas-Ils not suffering froni blood poieonlng. Ing ail the liquor hie wanted anîd many Dr. Gavin sald ln answer ta a query: tiines hie weo{ home in an nîtoxîcat- 'Father Gavin le gettlng oiw ail ed condition. Aithough hie was a mi- rIgbt hie conditio lemflot cyt~tiral, nor, It le sald' le relatives couid flot sud 1 ranno, understand liow thor r- iiduce saloonieepers to refuse hlm port. gat out. The fact le that lie liquor. The repiy of the saloon menbail a weakening rit the Ieg-. dusý to It le said. was that If tliey did not do varîcose velus and that's ail there. ie it that someone else wouid. ta It-thpré, was no case of hiood poison." MundFe's Lightniniz houlp Cure for sale Fatiier Cavîn did flot offlItP, et hy ail drulzgisto. 50c and $1.00 Per the servires Sunday. stili timing con- hottie. *-n-tf J iined to th e parsonage. Ask Us About Sioco Indirect F'xue LATEST DESIGNS; BEST LIGHT FOR STORES, OFFICE AND HOMES. INTIEREST- INGLY LOW PRICES. j - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 4 bryiiD - i Eight SAM'NIREENLEAF CELEBRATED 95TH BJRTIIDAY Aged Shoe Merchant Is ini FairIy Good Health Despite His Advanced Years. IN BUSI NESS FOR 75 YEARS. Takes Interest in Lite and Dis- cusses Current Events AI- most Every Day. Waukegan, January 2.1. F-amuel S. (Ireenleaf, wlia for the laeit seveuly-five yeare has beau en- gagçd lu the shae busiuees In ilake smi Mclierury colinlies. a record prob- ably nat aîtualed bý aan' othar utan lu the etate- or'.ccuutry, today us coe- Irlitn, hie nlnely-flfth birtbday. Mr. ;reenleaftgis it ouuiy ana at the aId- est living rosidenîs of the rounta but sas one orf ie very tiret white slot- ilresliore. NIr. tireenleat was born lu B3attis-. liorî. Vermont, J.iumary 22. ISIS, andî utîn' ed tn this part of lte îoihir ni 11; cii-t Mrillenry and Lake i01o1i 1 i'! c i lt divi ied. HIf e tBr n- cititkr.d the iliol, busitiess, and t.0 g.tier e lbs son,îi îîiuct-1- la cho ,lî,r,' 011 Wshtington tif, lt abolit a ,îoar agi,. Hcre Many Vears lie rainie t10 Wukpgan lu 1944 wdieu Il " ""ty 'vas "l Poil L.ttte Fort and c he. Ihore c s v tiîr 11e cxiuse fsr culIg ft any tlilfg buit a gond siceil tpwrn. lie blie d blirae oer Fise and lias sean the lîlace gros l'o onue cf tha toast thrivirîg I11111eiaipasIn tae country. Mr. GrîenlPaf iioes fot tak iv . vilicredit la hutuiself for litslong tife, relatives attrubute It largély t0 the tact thal lie bas atua-va becti a t l itofregutar liabl's. tn a1iion tu thî holia rver liasbli.n a tiser ot ttnîCro As a 'tuing manîîhlie aP. lite Pcly iyand relIatIu ce tsrî-d fli hto %%Olîhd î nt ii e long. Of late y Car.-. lîiîtever, lie lastitan In cx,-elieiit h-allisud il %as flot untlla fîw dais âge thaI lie eeuued tanle an the terge of a lireakdown. due prlnclrialiv to advanced age. lie cas Flighlybea taday. luacever, lSnd relatives -nucr- tain the hope that lie wili re-oter tram the attack.' Takes In Life. Dempite hi@ adivancedi years. Mtr. Greenleaf taices a great intereet in current anventa andi rends the papere daliy. Ha faites ranaidaralle inter- est lu political issues andi diecusses lbernat cousiderabla length, ex- pressing hie vieweg on the questions. lie bas a splendid memory aud takes great dalight In diarussing nid Uimes witli men who are aomewiiere near hie jwu age. Ha reraI1e aid avents with great tviinass andti e much sought by resl estate nien v.ho are anxiaus ta, clear clouis troim the titie by estahlehiug certain tacts about men who livati lera many years ago. _ _ _ DR. iA VIN SUYS FATItER fiAVIN lIAS NO BLOODePOISON Priest of Church of Immacu- late Conception Not in CCnt- ical Condition. A report was currerut Satunday aIl. ernoon andi this morning ta the effect that Father E. W. Gavît,, of the churcli ot the lmmaculate Conception Arn W. 1, C.1 Tbmo wmu Roe W4. pets A.- 1 I»IUYU LJalUVVIII Fligally UULO ell- ;

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