Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Feb 1914, p. 10

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MPAM OOUyT Young mon of Lake county-don't forget that when soi1 Zupfft you core to Waukegan, the. Y. M. C. X. in open to you. YoqfIr. ai ýecomo aM ifyou id a membersiiip ini it. Mak lanthie pronduction cf oats,ý.pMopeauin ftisd q it yu~~ molngplace; make a.ppointments at te' "C lte and cultural conditions %re for,«tst4oi fer an,' tethr fid crop, Tiwuare b business men of the City. spread tii. word: et-jmore, lsqprtance. the cliarse. Aàote u=method viierouaste faolio doW. e k. 'vAii. ~i i ~ ter or even the, fertility of theiesi. ccilt, la te sew tte aeed :brepdcst on IK '; Jl he1#. an tus ak f vmag5o tatOvung te thoir greator water.bolding cern land without préparation. TI'ii. fine sinhoblr, wbich Waukegan people have erected. ca-Pacîty, boai or elay selle usuali,' fa neot te the. eat cre» and w. caine -I.prdue ettei. cropshbon asndy silI. eXPçcet big yields year %fier ,'eaj The. work being doue by the Farmers' [uaitutes <of 'Sady lind vtiplny t gnt WefO4in, thlsa ethed 18 used. A, gWd Lake ceôuitlias aided the. fariners to such an ettent that and eainoderately, Stijl subsoil vili sesd beàcd bardi,' te prepareàd Wtii tii àe~J~rs aywelif an cDer ii here cayo are tee wet and cold for theetai ouatone harrevIng la neceesary -. queui of the. institute that they iew the annual appro- best grewth of thi.e rep. MorÉe veter ltvery ira, effort tbât IL. la -possible pr -n rosa $75 a year to $M0. It's succe saful f l'ei requlred te Prmd a pound of te nueIni prepara tio n .fot1 1 thed-nt ifltêflg wlçh akeboads o suervsorsposibl an dry matter in rate titan lia ns- ciber b.d viimore titan ii>' In the retunne i 'Wlçhmak bordsof upevisrs ôssble7an cereel. hence tbe necessity for grow. et the. end etftthe year for thre crop DOoeh8~7. ng this rOo f land wich naturaiîyI once ii>nted, netiitng more can be .9- -reteins moture or vbh is voel ili1. don. te bell, alcng thie yteid. .4 i ng" Spencer, evangelist"-that would sound fine, ed vitAi Ahumus. On sacceunt et their Bée.esteshobeid te careful sers«n- wouldn 't it? Borne press agent must be endeavoring tc liabllty te iodge, cat& shouid fnot be ed and graded ber, oovlng. The grewn on very ricli soif or on lev, tanning Mill la 'gener5ll,' Usod for staUd n te rlewhere hl Oei.ts* to undrainod lands. Gond drainage le thus. Thie procesa8iUS ltake eut at suppot from a gullibi, publieie b puteuesentiekl aise In the. Prevint et In. feaet one-tirird ',Iethé ":4 L Many tlug tIbàdâer-uIa yer on tie platforrn as an evangelist. Jury from plant dhesaseos. ofet .sinaÙýI ilit qM4#, giS, iit er, 0" uj i anthngb. more sacreligious in fuct than t< con. TIb uantities et the tbree Impor- minue. #4,ail. ville . tiiers produçe tatferljising elements removed by weak plut. 'wblcb mtguriali, roduce SIda il*vtiguch a fiend to $he position of "reforming ae crep of ese verY natureily with thie the Yleid. - -liii ' o _ýte?" Spencer ,$eaded for the nooe- why yild et the Individuel crop and the. A 000 Jlsn Io te Soeurs a ter nol W'.t ohum ? If Îan$>odydseî d t h urely doos. proportion Of grain tae traw. iFor huchais ets, ,tharoughi,' adapted pur WI~iIu'~bi~t tu.t oor Ittiewdliai ho hneredtod this reeson, unly e gunerel estimate bred Polgroed varlety this yeam. in"m -re ? f wemre av et o the feriUzor cen b. aiven. A 45 V<>o' Yottr evn sood fer Itext year in h. ood ner A roa? f hre o hve erbuabel crop cf rats removes trom the ad keop theo iifroc> ttidacean by say would soe favor hîm bot ef~~n e" gelist? sali elp'roximn'el.y 44 Ibo. ot notrogen, tiiorougil,' pading yoar &fter Ysemr. ______________________16 Iun. ot pbespborleac scdand 37 Ibo. This la one o et tii ip-mtiiodi te UMM-eo potasi. sxPerianents bave abevn secure maxImum crops. Gt the micuit tiiet phosphorusanld bannyar timan- seed te jtwith . ure are the Important addition& neces- On. cf ts greatest essentiels ln sary for a bumper rat crep. liming growing rats le te get the seed Inte the selll eflot necessamy fer rats and the. Voeudsarly. The crep grove In man,' cases -viier. -the lime lis ap- béat la "ol, veatier and la orten amn Piied, directl,' forte rat crol>. It teirfl' Inod .by a taw bot days -resueIn a eroductIon of the yieid. wion îIt la nur maturit,'. Front or -Oabeing- leua tahluencegi hy theiecan bard fretzes afis,' the secd la preoleding crep titan eny other Cernai, SOvn sýdom Injures it se that as a fit doeenot materlal,' affect thie 'ioid nul.o14soeid be sewn mest as soon ne,. mrttr -lh rp tii.,' feiiw. as tbeo' gt o aIn condition te wcrk butfortit be of f ther crope. lat te swlmt. Bu i t h a are gonrali,' found to;lewing a The. eneral rtiie for rata of secdicg ith 1cutateI rop such as cern. trous te ate twelve Bpeas te t rotai Oncf cern, oats and cdoyern laacre.Wonbacetn,5Wtiv t ee generaliy roundi toe be at tecks ami wbon the. drill la used se, ~i.JWe . edaPted ferflaire ceunt,'. ton peelti. Va,' elitil e st- n Lowfirt culoeoom~i1 pkep sd fis true Utat leis attention ta giv. tien to te oiat crcp. it niods It. forOft4~~VIthz easy reaeh or Ipartieulàr[ar u ornosration 1S14Csr~ ftdy "!Or dIvr Ttm 8~41Orace Corner Gênes..and Grand Avýe. FAENDPOSTAL RULES- TiDlIMIT ISR-AISED. Announcement hAiesbeen zmd. ii, Peatmaster General Burieson et the foiieving amendinent te postal lava. affecting theAieae on titird cls mail q or mlsceMeees printogi matter. "The. Umk o e iguit for miscecle'. neens Printed initter, censtituting tAie thIrd dlais mail, theii.aee ofpostage On which la one cent for eacl twto Ounces or fraction tlieroof, if feur pounde. Parcela etfniiselimnemu Prlnted Intter veighing more tijan four pounda, vAicA are vithin thie unit et six. end veight fer matter i - .'I . -. ____________________ The Chicago Meat Market has done more to Keep D'n the hlgh cost of living thau- a - *y stéréeIn WaùkýÏan- If we cut the priceès ahi déeperwe would have to Gilve You ;théGod IveB13W Pot'Roaat .....lOc -9c lc Pig Pork .................. 11 . . . ..P.. .L.. . .. ... .... . . . . . . u uldies Roat ......14c PPIgi' Fot ............58, àé SU Rosat ..... ....lice > 0 e Àdered Lard ......... 2%0 .... .. .. .. .. . 15C P r S o~ r. .. ... . . . . t t Sea 1c Pr ~ 4Ih........... l2¼ Sw e led Pork.... , .......................e 0 ...... lOc Hnd Quarter, Spring Zfafnb...4 " SFrs Quartar Bprng Lmb ........O Ir 15e Laiub 8 1t ...1w ...... .... ..................... sasp...., 300 h ~a laayJreu. O ickea.. . . ..... o f th e ; f au t A i c it a , ' p r e t cetbbe fRut eiài. aid are maiti, aile at th on ond tu»is'cf pestags Presbg d ôtfeurtit eU»smitter fa- section 4M.1 Tho eer Mqualit,' of the. gag for s0enlIttie time. but for te lest few days In pstlcnlar bas censed inn. dreds of coinitaints te bo lodgad vt tii. North Shore Oa CoIpan,'and man,' have taken thair compilnts te M'ayer J. p. BdIagor. ln oitestat b. viii b. able te seclire relief. TAie tnoibie la net ooailiipd te an,' one ,portion ofetityf, but la qulte sen- erai. George p. Geedncw, genemeÇ manager of the comPMen wvien ques- tiOnegi about the matter tode,' seid that Itesgib'l te qualt, et CeaQ vhlcb basnhebnauaed lu nianutectur- ing the gas dnring tAihe tt ev aysi m e,' h a v e lid a cm e th in g e do*t rit. ADJUDICATION NOTICE Publie notice le hereb,' giventat thie SubscriAer.Exic-utit of thielent 'ViII andi testament e c My,'Daviien dOcas& w~IatIgid t»e C..Uay ,court oet lae Ceunt,,aitaetermi thoem to? teAe hol#en et the Court HoeueIn Waukeganlansald CelInty .on theiI. ý oMna, f April ujegt1914, viien 4 Vioau Peroens h 1 1g daims '&aiunsit ald ostato are notified and >Oqqoseted te Prnaontte saie te 4 Court for adjudication. )r' E.AilaimonExecutrýix. -WaukeganIi ~.9, 94 W ékl,, ol. 3-20-27. ad0Isd byte varices nie ,00AASLW 0USV4î h e d f o t h e t i w a rn i n g so I- Os c f8 ý- L W 9 L 7 " # thol»eet ar In tiun*to esoffl.1'e o mo an did bis bat to ejïtop bis pini ed, III.; lob. 1 O-4udge JBS twas toa closeo at te tit to A. c rmg a i I SangainnflCircuit-- na Iii.'Possible. court today handed downa'adeclaïon Pedestriaenswho wftnessed the se.- deciaring vid the. gcd rod@ law en-. cident clsed their eyes for tkey ex. cted bY the. Generai Asbly PctPd.te aso the, yeuOwig vinan. ie. At uLmnuionThe liv s*»staok,, MII JhW hu9Ufe ied undrti.wes tbec. ed In a case ouat 9h a o W ltb P urt q u e s tio n m e o u ld t ra % e te n s, M cI M s poe u ty , to hoofi béen uilled had it fot been fo the t r c A c o un s- -tact th t the tender of te car pre, State TrOSsU lrayn t'Ol it DID ~OT SE 111E CAR.Veuted ber trom mrliing unde.' 't. ittefufl4S,.vUS i« .uOn , Ilt -R b as eever, the tim dér r ll- ld Y 4u@taind. the. d m urrox of, tatae ed ber aMent the Pavement lnfllcttng OffkIShI.à Nttfa ii ae aPPqw.r Ïwas- Struck andi Knocked Man, bnhses and abrasions. lid the DoQwn.-4.baer Waa Ail Thât car been golng a littie fester hnt Sve NetPromDeat. vas these Injuries hulethi have heen A nuMber 01 People rusbed torwîrd P E R E >Mine Alma Johnscn, 18 yeara oid, to pick the vlctim ulp. 8h,. wan daz- IE CU D et D.erflid, was otruck by an east Oj and PartlY. Unconsclous and was No Chlorottrm Ne ,fertilon bcund car et West Miadison and Ca- renoved to a nearby drilg4tcrc whére nai streetz Ini Chicago on Tuesdy rettoratives were apled. No Pain; No DOtention rombuies tternen.,but was saved rom serous It Io aid obe wa rçmùvpa to n Fistule. Fisue nd Ail Oqow *f lajury' by'-the fonder. Suie vas r10id t.pîtaî viiere ber injiurieg wer ft- t ootw,,Trnisd SueuésduIly.-ý' sverai feet and painfutly bruised. tended t, ater w icb be liq sid 1ta tisfstion Guariit.d. t mi" Johnson bed started acros bave ilsigted upon lhefng a,e tsa s the street and becaune ooeeioat fOi>- return te ber beome. Tii. Lake ceunty'R C A P ,L 11 fnse bytheconesta trmc.SbeYeung *cinan censilders ber escape a netlced a stroet car.apprcachIng ln ver,' close one,. Wltnesses doonet 20, Burton floc W 17NorthSteti et. coie direction kilt' ieglected te look tbipk the street car cempany wan te lni the other direction. HurrYng along blame for the accei, t C A0, ILL For Women and Misseès to be ahuost i,'en Awvay on T HURS- DAY,) FR Y, and SATURDAY '61 Ik5NMI Can you belleve it? Such a small price for suits se4lng ail season at $10, $1250, $15, $17.50 and $20. MWt ts Our way, we, start -each season wlth new ,merchandise, anid todfkpi up qlckwe ake the Iow that there wibe no> question but that they wiii go, and go quick. Remember the days: TIiURSDAY,; FRIDAY .& SAIURDAY At the big Spccialty Store Ji*77i Wgiwfor you to 1E$» 98C/Ir.1OMlWo Fan'nel Sit é cfer-~A0S~~trCM #' -75fôr Overcàts ivon~h $20 and $22.50 ~<> $fA~IW<>1 IrhliwýC!otb MiLo 2o1 Worth $10 51J foa fIIs~uep 1ne Crduroy Coàt4vorth'$w00 W'èe v alt oe s3jw yOu WbOn yotu corne to see ~ worth your hle t nvestigale, s a - ~5idlCiOkn o Th~5U0CStreet 1q~,ni Ne~gb. ~ Street 4 - s ' . f' -

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