LAKE (JOUNTY INDEPINDENT, FRmÂAY. FEBRUAY1,11.pal ÀAi li- IdE ey nt ns e ber ded ht ,~~~~', ~~~~A iaumber fronbreattsnded the Cari >.uS I lN À Q -V $ 0 Job V&FU ofDetrot, pet Bn-Nia I"FornesPhilipe of Milwaukee, ......... . ..... ..... .......A customer of ours waa in the otier dey and aaid thut ho.bail ra s irake n itu .el,.hr aved $100.00 and a possible a-ot by h agà hekn-0 1'h.rwlu L I L soi ai the count vith ibis batik and paying hi@ buisewith a Obok. houd ong Uih <h vs& rlay mdid ~.omcg Mo.' ~ Mr. lsud Mrm oolaton wsrs in Wes.Mran m~lsre. ut wime. à vdsisll box VIlà s cof M e.,., k..,f«,. * Wok. film b iiib tm b.d son s ML otoi bamo pine raow. oYOU Pay Vour Bills with Cutmrecy? taisMISOS <em-« 09 the.. Ihir hnsyiaouet ptatsID fies lb haorus lb ssul«.lssryms a ei m, 0 er vsilm u frmr' pm ~John Rowilug snd deuglâtor, Mn. valson fos.wowe k , etrnedb ulegr-"si Sbpadoa pect th. week-end do. Do you getasrospi foe ysu.mossylPag Mn. AseUtaaildaU s .. y M lut aida Vaut L the e. . ma ,. . 10AS. o! . w tlh Mr. Rowiell u eghtsr, MM,. by chok and yon get sud you gsi a vmospt for you - uonsy tbo vplo. vell, ilb goum of Mr. sd Mlins . nsd KimBaomciW on. Iapdb.aits.Parlane. ao.Prke , dis ayed. IUe on'I v J. L. BS*a Tk@l d Tbanday .qukduy pt h* eji flsm a. Cbe ho edui eh9urdmi . W J1Éýohn mita%l~ is iw t r-w*oe Vayq~ .- IbbkIOoi, IL U irs sD lcfr llteh and lira. Cari NUse, bcu.% &W W« pu~a.d ubil yEV&tisWlng#wibe hvitile Mofa Wonk bu. * l bal MI.tcn1h' cmrhablegoqhppisoh dthelWh.This is the only batik in Lake connty that bakos. rm*ï fu admy ila lborspn. surprise party INônd'ye venlug t illslm. Armour les bouse at Round Lake &M .Ioba nlemybâti the mifortuns te Mn. a"dMMm. Normal Lentsc ai uk. youn scount svery month and mails you a state- joula i uâlacMiu..llbadil ts@ber ltb.sntb blnrtbday. tbe Knicksrbocer lms house, ut Taylor baeshi@abl. broisa ane dey luit wssk.MlaidnWl., Vers gualsbe of Lake Villa ment .howiug yonr balance, together with the ahloWWpgato bave is nlihsg Ifiln reportaid thal Johna el u.b onLax.. A flmber frntm ber@ attsudsd tb. frlsade rm Prlday sseulng tu Sudoy checks you have iusued. brob*ieBu el5utsl0stop béfaunesle d theBHibaèrd Amas boumansd Mr*.Felon oi Wuukeshs are aution iFk ontrsbnsd eoea Mthel*pnag.ayat orhils ruuufwrg yTbunsday ut the mos5 the tirt f aiMrc. slsltlug tdr non, Charles and iamiy of Em edcewo1 itbî pn ndyB a W. m ha e iBEST SYSTEA for handling Your Busnm lembsn yard bore. Mr. Martin net sund Mrn. FrankVcerene udîi dtl iy.Ml»Em Syokr wobabe home ln Chcago. frmCiaooe udy lirs. C. A Miller i odcigaorè able tu b. out U<51i1* ovo uday gueste ut tbe James Kerr Dont lforaet the ;()Id Fok@" dances lu f wl ho t the i isuhoe store ail dey of mrmons uit the Cougregationul churcli Mrs Fred Ray u as bepn haviug a neige omo. the opera bouse be. atai-day seuluig orory Sturday sud ut Brtgwan'sstole upon "Thie Differes eBetwoou the Old o gip o s ettiew a bu é. Pub l4b. hor wll b a ris wat piry Tuesdyafvaternoonuntîl sud thoeSNie View at the Bible' wbîch Jelm j, «<wb etter as preseut wring Otto Lehmanu aud party of frieude and ssery tailier dunce. will bho<of the nid Marcb (m. tu c<lect taxes fur the Town weil woth your tirne tua ttend. lîr. and Mrs. John Reynoldo wene the @pont Sunday ut Maple Lune larim. A S TA TE B AN K lou bundrda~ e-r vbdii.Enîevit u of21o-2 Rt. CPo'c olco. Ihn'tflai-gi-tber on Valetine'@ dey. proid parents oaia boutl' vg boy about Work ou the Geo. Brampton cottage aia 2,O.OLk ilIlni will holdays pub1.Eauxtioilauli c 2. i . %x. oieo. Ail tiie latemt styles at The itexail Store. tw, weeksàugo. hall ben started en the lot uext ta bie aias2,0.0Lk ilIlni pnsiso uwu a the Rosafarrna.-.' Drute llrug Ca. TlI'- uîany' friands of tIre Catherine âea'.orne. .o brthay aruywasghii-nat te GLM~ Taet Ae Nw De Iwil Lbe at lRufi gave ber satirthday .urî,riee in the James Leonard takes part in apa borne o! A. Ml.ite, Sunday lu houai- 1iiray.lake Wpdneodaue and Saturdaym Wo,'dinan hall tant Thiir,-ul vo ving,-The. Folly af Force" ii-en ut lihrty- oi the. 2-'Ird a.iiverosny <of the i rth a (of-tnviie oeanna wt d dLake Tuedays ta cou-ut afi-CifortY beiug Preecut Ater In-. ville neiweek bv the i)eerfieid lranatie birs. Eluis Petorkont. Ouuiy menibereai1 Loir taxes Jolhn Mason, TaxCllpetor. lulugin carda for a shar i-i iien a ânue club under the direction ai.o eeu the-tamîiy attendeS (juif# la fi-w rian beo-oi aslseigh c21-4 ul weusrsed cîuîeietîuîg (il sd- Mrad reOittiWaeg, Arnîu &C.,stredt in îe t;ide jolPalatine Saurday eveniag whpe e au o;ihave the agffley for tbe Ladies wvem, cake, fruit aud Mriadffeclot <li lnt rcie atod fi ac lieMonaythe tcdda neranfei ilsited u iew day. luit week withi Mieo. itloott'aenedaturntIrs. Jamesà Atn ail. t the rnan,iJore atcouîng îrî,îu î,aî, by ithe choir î(ithe Palatine Lutheran Howe Journal patterns. Corne nd iget ElECunnngham flue a ir 0cyelake I Mg.Jme Awel morning, 200 mon conling frolu a lashion ëhoe-t sud lt us ohow vou ail vî.-tor ast Saturduy.Chm iarsndagteof iiiy ul rn utl u ' oc ngha ut1 l the lateet patterns. The Rexaîl Storne. Chas. tirawbeim @pe-t i î1iîay in (lioen- ChsRiade nd agltr aiBS t m The îa diieu a i ue 10 eas o î~ MmsIuaIutusetuandyidlr,.îngC ri îî usprueAutiati>, vi@ited ut Wrn. t'atman auellS s Theý utthe uffon ilibt Sinday wtth the NMisses Eliaand Aita, audy bidin u Js. Aranno hall Saturda)> omo.Eluiol-1-ibholds the houai ai heing tire Catheriue Rail bac le-e, ultetain- Mr@. Edua Ghumons of Wuukegun, um eseninu. Feb. 21. t,% rnu Kipi medtf alwtiii- uasregulan Sunday ochool seholar Ing hbe r ieud, lins, Stut iMifllwaukee, speunding sometime with ber abnter.ltIre. Browen & Smith hase reclitis pur ayse!tian oe ihbrmtr. among is lawiemates. baviug attended the past week.Nesn dave su-astlewnReomngtinbtber mother. throe yýars lu succession witbaut milse- %M. Taylor, a gentleman f rom North Herbrt Ne@-on ilaaable t thrbcthaboutu Mdr@. V. F.Drunuond viited t lien r4.pej,î*r f aiWukewtuu. called aon e- iug one Siiuday. Eluier i three yeuns Ilakova ba@ rnte<i the tieMuth tarin. aabîaltr ota b. ab ncosout One fa y k re t ou h homeofleur Likens>viiie Tuesda uand ltines andS lu-ion e at week. aid and um the son aoftMr. and M rs. At- L. M. sklne @pont Sunday wltb bis ug a i ie b.iug uoced urncosaus Wedatoaay. iltne. F Wilde eîoned ta Milwarikee thon Ricb. parents in ceuosha. rreutly< iepuI eurigawl the U'nited, States has atlp o e mdybvnr@ldnm ie Emery Adama s eqalte Ii. Mr. anS Mrs. F. . 1Dt were lu The coIol'tar oi the towu oi Lakset webr fCngesAae«itbTrelative" bers. .Joe sLangabaugh trunsacteed business Waukegan luit Fnlduy. Villa pilI b. ut the bunk svenv Tuesday Each Bell Telephone is a JLong MIr. und Mn@- P. Thes, gr, une enter- lu Chicago tIoudsy. ~and Satunday, wlie s vun taxes mu.v b. to the Progress Being Made bieaig relatives AlfneS Ileaiie speut Sunday witubhig I]RUSSELL I paid. Oea. A. MitceWll Distance* Telephone. by Anti-Rum Forces. Joeph W%. SIcHen', roadunguter st Wadoworthh 1 c-21-1 rau for the democnatîc nomination for MIru. Ali.-e Thomson wyul ententain the A beavy suow siton Frinday anS The farnilies that use their teepon s t Washington D. C., Feb. 8--The the legistaturo twa years ugo, ls agni., 'Slady Cub ' SturdsY ufiernoon, St. Saturday made tb. tirat sleghing at soca tisho she &prend of prohibition sentimeut lu the an avowed candidate for the. Office, Valentuneso day. This club consiste o01 sesofi Ereryoue sèlems tO b. sujo <ig NTI Hkeep up; ramily anda oilÈ£ osa U7nited States lIn the Isat yean bas malng hie formai annaunicement tits@ilxoanesivon elderly ladies, i-he jaungeot ih. Sirlighiuig parties uni- ail the go. tMr, sud Mrn..Chus. Pulien une vi@itiug happiness, to reIeve axet>', to express made a deep, Impression on leaders wek, being 62 yeare aid. They meet uit the The Youug Peopi'@. club met witii frieude lu Wuukegan. sm ah -nohrw rs s tt h _____________ homes oi the dîfleenut rembrs and have Ml l-cwiu on Fnlday eveuîug. There Aichie Mupvithorp, who bus @p@nt ine conas-ess., Marte DeVrîse, a pupl uat thse Wan- very enlayable times. was s gona tteudaue sud ail repart a evro xtntdlssofdi ree ge The events ai that perlod, lphleti iencan sehool won thse $5 prize for Fred Wilkeaieg »pont ssenai days theh.ileetimle. homerfsi lu urdyeeg a reod "'me h elslie h vteedintelutiiglt of the anibîtlou. pre ..tiug the best celley ou How in fi rot of the iends. inChicago. The. Farmers funstituts an Tbur&day reporti a very plesoant voyage. - tIJr. program the temperauce advOCaLteS Mae Panas Homes NMore Attractive.~ aMi-aMecCnia, Who la noie uiugiug ut bi-auht out a gond craieS. The laies Erue@$ plia accompuuied hlm aven,hba telephone that others do. bave set for themnielves lnuite trne-, wi w as presented ait thse armers' t io- jj-pitu reobiios. s utraclUg erveS di nuer anuS upper anS realired a Secîded tu muke England bis future dlate future, ai-e causing a lot oai Irvtitute 'which closed at Gui-upc ou murh lanrger cro wdlta uaDouai. -;" ics ittetir@n lahme. w t f on lxsm5 yib si-ioua thiuklng sud &orne snhuety On1 Frlday liEliner [Bonge le unabie ta b: uttecani A number attendai tth. Institut. ut Jo. Turner, Sr.. ai Graylaks. tran 5 u5 the part af menitene af congres. roho - - t thie SI.& .bani o canta ii Gui-ne. an Friday. sacted buiness lu Au-loch tbe lat of the lol.h beyonS theli- nases. Adjuturit Ginirai F. S. Dickson ai uo-sa A. Dixon, the, tax collector, wiii soanweeei lu tact mcny of the leaders Ilutheile hItlinois National Guard. afflouai tIns. Chatles ëelneuluu ertained the cal u ou >UMoat oI the ice bouses startedil Uit CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, national leglslatiure believe i-bey ai- ed Weduesday that Batteries A, t itcu uoa feno. DvdMri a akgnvstrFiatels en ee nhstie.A .Ades aae eady se. the prohibition question DatývIl, sud C.o ,ailkeganwonîd bridge WhiBStKubTnesay itnn on DaviS arrewssWyea.iia ndy -oieb.n ee uhstikA .Ade aae loomlng as a national issue. The> flot b. mustered ont af service. -îtBAKT ALOf ana. Richard Wlltan buSl tbe niofotune tauemho.MI ten the time le neariuug ri-n a cai- bas neyer been contemrplated,' calS The basket hall gume liai Ssi-andaY Mn. Chase of Fortluud, Oregon, foiruer-j break severul ibe luit week. tiltautonal arndmen ritîiovidlng ion Genenal Dîckson. evi-nrug proveS ta b. the tbest oi theIo tio -isllaci-, ,aliod an Iiendie ast Tbe psniy giron by thbe Maux boîys f J es ~ " initiait by congresIo a referendumi Independent ieschesail points Ii t e oit for the home teuru b.utiug aIwy eupieotrni- vlitorinl Russell. gentlemen esidente ehowsd groatabilîty h i af the. stutezi. Laie County. theru by ane Score. The home teui Wasl tMrs. G. A. Sivrn ccompanied hi-r as ciog, ballaSaSd tango dancing, sa utb il onut i ________________________________________________________ audlcalipeilby not Iavlug Barge lu tihe cousin, tIr@. urive ta Waukegan on isaiepoted .leode l gurus and l itoifrt by the hame fana ths% Friday, the latter wili niai-n ta ber Bai-n ta M. und tIr@. Chas. MOe a îre ssco tho egular t*arn poulS rwon easily. L. hoaernel Plymouth, Wls. dauglter on Taesday. Feb. 10. Mother ~»nig~r Hook was nat up ta nuai record iniI1U > J I basket trowiusg, but diS fnu, pari in J- anud child doing fie. uIt te LîhetyrilIls K1~~7 the field. Rues pas chers wîtiu hi@it llMl» RN It Pas learued Tueoday monning ai TownnHllj i1YW IR FE CE ' O WSog daute-b an the bail wbile Mann sud --.'-. the dcatb aifitbe vaungeât son of Mn. unSd,~ i Wiil ir ntegm vr iue Mr@. J.H. Banner unS L. 8. Banner lirs. Wallace Durnm, wba maille jut f< J Ev."' Whil the 6s, sone syle as ow a 12 perrod and cridit lu Sue thern in keepiug tbe attivuded ti-e Farmi-ne Instituts ut Aiea noth of town. Mn. sud Mns.,Dram Stra scrio the Elgin teum dapu. Eversit Wedo.sday. bave the syrnptby aifi-hein many friendS. When coffeesure judged sole- Fence.Sale Unil M ay i at e BooktouikBurge's placeb lydib ietJc (icg, setaf- iePyîe Ine eundl-r y upars»rluality in thse cap, ls. Nght ho pyed he Aber Jac of hicao, penta le Mie PhllisMorly rturnd frm cocergive youthe aluealpasas garne wpli but pas handicapped by Dot Suys ut i4 fear, the pit wook and att- Chicago Mouday ohi-re @hoha bu een iible ta procure. heiniu ueStaplaying wititle teamianS edu60 Prtoidi-ut ut tic Farmiers nsti tu te spending sevriaIdays. The grocer in the mast conven- sud wIl tsaeh Iwastoo lightio theoElgin beavyweighbte. attiane..-%Ir-lai P waineelected se- On Snnday eveaing Mn. sud Mie. lentsudtheleasci.arus5isltributorot reut.d ofeeî tiieetora, hoala the - ot itwas a iast garne anS a pnetty one, cretary of the \lilk Pradaeer'a Asiocia- Edwin Wiioan etoi-Sd a teleguani firn ogicaldistribito of caftes. ad the es Waltz. Tango, n, rauir honuuug. Tiis i-bshe tret tion- Tariira, Ni-b., ,tating that their sn Most duivags riY.=atronae n-tpWlz n rasa A ME~~ICAN ~~iR E FENCE co ~ ginr. the-hoine tiauui lia. liet and w. tIrs. Eiizisle-tlîTwen r ae givcuî a Hait-i bl du-S suddeniy. Harvey M xO-a-d%îîpWlt teDam dt AM ERI AN IR FE CE CO fel t l n direitta tluerita homse postal -nicar - t)vr Stirday iunouai-Wltuin <ac wel nuit favoabtly knowu Cx0-a offee -____ tiîe ue.Thei-cuore ans 20 tio 21 and ai lier iiglity ý,ghvilibitbdsy. tIre hi-ru tiîc aviug always beeu bus borne USBERTYVILI.E. ILLI. was rotuecoîc abuti 200 people. Taper i. stîliquiît.eiik. uiti a fi-w yeaa ga. rohen hioi-unt baturisletocosutrCo The sc ial dauve aiterwardsw8eP-iiyed P, Ai Whire cfi lhna, pet WtVeiso-t. tIr. V. il-on <athirty elgit uueahencu.. Need an ba irz,ss twd.Tii. rext garnewi- liiday wtli tiiline folic uand spoiei,-at y,-are iiagi- iamt eiuner h. visiteS sicegs-"îîr .12..s.erc. _____________________________________________________________ rSa uugbt, Fi-b14, lietwer-u the si-eculof t1i-li vvivrrs.lueis-rnt- hb-ne. Twoou ai« is iten,' i.e.Se.Moui bsii g.d d .n1p RCHE ________________ ___ anygan irai-ru iti yi-vainatd it wli hi- A H. Stc-ai, i ririsaeted buginece iSre Win.Hiuitn-i-and Miss Mary Witîn TkhsPrie@ May CtsheQality ese O C E T A ~v iJ n t ne vni-auîi eii- t. nukenn vî,lî~lit \ionday ioruirvg Ivr Tarnura, Mn. Prie. rc.L e e REAL ESTATE & LOAN CO. Witon ieav-c tv ieriiis de-;ai-tiii-ia 30P., soeri. ~ MEREDITHI -REALO acant v!v Ici-erv oi-h-r ir-- rî-and emalildaugliton, matin-r, fatiier, ABPoEBil sa JeVIa.:o nly a %% ou tuCcLEchD heS.r-Plins îm ,No.134.W PHONE 24 U~~LBFRTYV____ LUC . CLERK 1IENDEE P0 nyatu ahic. hir-lesstersandivitwou biothens. Tueur IMss-Ja 5.5. Ose. PHONE 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~grain illouieriqt-tc]nen-t Suna uduv an rýdýeeetn terbatatM6SE.n- c.C.-. FIRST TO PAY lIS a~~il Who havei Iiitativns pieusle use tiei-rn n:ayuvrrcxcdtenhuifî OcacPesYacJay on ae U DealersinTAXES THIS VEAR bre. i). P; ir"pîlb 5 u $2009000 WORTHI Dance Music a Specialty e ELel E stte ndRoy DIasvi on aaChicago vuetor ne- # Toron ta e ndWaukegan, IiFebruuary 5. centîy. 1 0f ImPROVEMENTS-- T.oioleci-or Robert Moi-aw. this Sei-irai mcvi, ibis vieiulty attendeS tie FieI s r n erarningng lti-e i-ar ai OShea aud Institut. a u nae. PA N D F R 11 Bii rsitore, started io coioct tbe L N E M R 1 4à WN W.VQN.LS.m..2LN . taxes foi- the topu ai Waakegan foi- TAYLOR GROVE --Dr i. N . hei Village lots and Hgouses th-3 year 1913. Aslttng hlm la Cay- Waakegau, Feb. 7.h' ton Rait. wha ball irneS itihe cou- James Mi-Canu li e s-y poaniy. Over $200,000 partis af public lm-___ OTEOPATHl HPYS92IAN We bave them. t~~iy treasuner's sud cauuty cloerk'offi- Ornu Hawkins bas beau an the sîci loet. provemeuts plîl hopuIn a bresdur- Chicago papers have rcuted W V*OKeKtQMmç .&ls mor5allt ce off and on fonrmorne time. Mm.. Dactie. nes Mary Duncan, former- ing thle carrent ye.r If itbe proent the. case ai ane daiful pife. one o wm- lbmtyoll.em ans. and niaf. . Today up tai-bhreu 'clack, aven ly oai tus place. le vlisilng ber parent@ la plans of Corumissioner J. J. - et- dueo""aîu i elsulg n iIisMd ovesisi $1000 l taxes ad hounpaiS luat asnWnhegan meyen nS Cii- Elegines' M. , Dont Fari ILands a Speciaty $1000 In acres aiil befuim lanInsuai uet akfleyre ar i-tye nt. titis.aDont le willing i-a foaeothe ight' ta vote _______________ clenk's office. bu4 ar@oth alfod@shtar areou.Oth mun Thie mt ane tao psy is taxesvus o! boebu basu survoy.d. [ai us hope baover. $106,000 la dependeni- poutbecause ber hustuand objectae- O- LL . OR.Aiee t coanty Clark Helde. vsa eiched souse lam s ndustry.WM l oti li u aan pat action is taba i-aant ecting on, lu politics. Thtis la-îualadyAJdrleNtc.- Inorato ad ne..gtina. froa- a. i-b ffc itsmrnn itnl' ie' ist st-emn u- -.0h>ndC oteba-lhooJsd pj uh. li ata