LA" OOUNTY 1NDEWDENT, F!RIDA, 1,1 fon IN A1TACKON ILINOIS SALOONS. More Than 200 Places in lii- nois to Pauson Local Option 1 Question in Spring. PROSPECT PLEASES 'DRYS.'Iý Little Effort Made by Uiquor Interests to Regain Territory Which Was Lost Before. More thais 200 o! tise 325 votlng unlîs lu Illinois outalde of Cook coun- hy lu whicis saloons exit wll vote on the question o! going 'dry" Aprl 7. Tis was lndlcated last ulgit by re- À ports as the Urne !or fllng petitions fýr thse submlsslon o! questions under tise local option law cxplred. The re- ports ludlcated that tise greatest bat tic between tise "wet" and "dry" forces wIll b. waged athtie polis Iis Spriug. Depend on Womeas's Votes. Dependance upon tise vomen voters o! ties tat 10 decide aganst tise sa- Icons le responsible for the decision 0f thc "drys" to make figisein many * townsis. The !act that the women e.n vote bas encouxaged tise Illinois Anti-Saloon Longue 10 force tise liquor 'lsue ln "wet" sîrongholda and 10 con- centrale Ils efforts lu a struggle ta malke met of tise plate "dry" terri- 104Principal figlt viilb. nmadSe AVU-I 7, but tIere hi siso an election ta hi ield Âprll 21 aetvisicis otier n uits vIll vote. At tise latter election kt is estlmated tisaI from 6010o100 ad- ditional voting nuits viii declare on iý tii "vit"* and "dry" question. leav- tula possflly as few ams outalde o! G. S oounty lIn viicis no figlt vin ble àa"e by Ue anti-sambon Interesls. AI- mout 800tovns and ciles ane expect- ed te vote on Use saloon propltion aetishe t'wo éecdtions. la 18 coanties o! Use state te a- loez viii malte er laut stand April 7. late"sscoutes Use votlng viii doed v setisir Uey -are ta lie absolu- toiy "dry, as ire 1 counnUes of Use Tises.1i» counies are: Adams, Boom, DeKalis Fayette, Franinus Kmx.Jersey.Logmn, Le, Macon. LENT BEMiNSON FI3B. 25;9 EASTER TO RE fiRU PRIL 12, Ash Wednesdag to Brin a.a calemiar. thse actual date belng fiel by tise iquàmoa. le thes. sa in tlhUe B D AC~ F Gregori$an.but ln tise alnsnac of use cuces t ln given au Mardis 80. I 1II4L UN whiih te the diffireisce beveen Use T m 11uL< ,a.ud»a nev style caimdar whicis v.une and Ushe Jolil1an or od style viîc la &U C M « K C countlee vhàe GUs reek la Use ne- tional cisurcis. ttlll obtains. Mn. ~ b,..i1So - -~~~I the. vW *Wlois vuitW'a. *h M .oit.i North Chic'.lU .auuago. PeoplseSowa, Marion, Putn..r, Schuyler, Stephsen- son, Warren. Witeside and Wlnne- bago. Three countiep vhlch are now ent- tire or party "wet" ln which tiser. wUll b. no fights are Mancock. Monroe and St. Clair. NcHenry County Trowns Vote. PractIcally ail o! McHenry counfy viii vote. lncludlng thse rnicipallties ot Huntley. Woodstock. Harvard. CryaW Lake, ansd Norths Crystal Lake, Belvidere tihe ouly *'wet" spot ln Bonne county; Freeport, the iseadqsrar- ters of tie "vetà", ln Stephenson coun- ty; <3alena. ansd Geona, are among the aorthern Illinois olties vhlch wlli vote. *Chicago Itself wilI b. lnvoived Ls the antl-saloon fight. The townships o! Main. and Proviso, in Cook county, are votlng on the Issue. Part o! tise township o! Maine, containlng.nine sa- lons, lies In Chsicago, belng annexel as Edison Park. If tise township votes "dry" the Edison Park saloons will have ta go. OLD TIME OREAN- IST DIES IN AÀliOSz PITAL IN CIIICA4iO Charles Korp, Veteran Mem- ber of Local Church, SUC- cumbs to Cancer. Tise remains o! Charles F. Korp, 49 years aid. vo iseded lu the Souths'abat. a Utttle o! tise pleasures of iis business boom le apparent, everyone Shioreiospital lu Chcago on Tuesday world lu contemplation of Uic sacri- seemB 10 b occupled and conitented. saorning aI ten o'clocis were bough fice wiîchsvas In very trutis "tisaI far- A feeling- o! optlnolem prevails." 10 Waukegan ou'tise noon train to- off, divine event tovard visicisthse day. Deatis resulted from cancer o! vhole creation moved." HIGHLAND PARK whlcis Use vlctlm had been suffcrng lu 1913 tise date o! Asis Wednesday GRL EA SM V some 11h1.iletm,,Tise funemal i ii ie vas 20 dayp earîler lIsan Ibis year Is'EDSM V is-Id Saturday afternoon aI three anti for tise reason tise Master date AT VASSAR COLLEGE. o'clack atie Svedheh Baptist cisurcis wae on March 23, lnstead o! April 12, Interment i Oakwood cemetery. as Itlal this year. Master le a mov- Pougiskcepple. N. Y., Feis. .-For Mr. Korp isad been a resîdent of abl. date Istead o! a fixed anc. as le tise fimt lime lu the hlstory o! Vassar Waukegmii over a score o! yeams. bav- Chisltmas; and vas made perman- College tiesenicuors of tise college vîlI ing corneiere lom Sveden many entir 50 by Uic decee o! the councîl vear cape anc plain gowns at the com- years go. Me vas a pliar o!flise o!, Nce, viin ordained lisat the ob- mencement exerclees next June ln- Bvedlsh Baphit durci and besldes servanice of! mter plsould b. on tise stead of thse elaborate commencement oMetcating as organit for many years tis-et Sunday followMag thse date o! Uic govns ueualiy vorn, according ho lu- tanglt a Snnday icisoal clase. wisen vernal equissox. viscishi Mardi 21. formation glven out today. tise members o! tise cisurcis go there Tise latesl date on visicli Master miglt Permission o! tise facuity ta make for tiselr veekly vorship net Sun- fallta April 2, so tisat tisera are lu Iis Innovation bias been obtalaed by day Uey viii miss thse veil knev fig- ail 35 possible dates for Ita observ- thec dais o! 1914. ure ln front o! Use orgais. Me bas une. lu tact Uic Eautcr date cames Tiis yens' Uic closeso! 1914. o! viîci officlated et Use organ for many lu- tromuaich Jeviais Passover, vlhvisic is 'ls Margaret Cnshing o! ighland ueraIs and veddings. but different t ha lntlmately connectaitluntise Bib- Park. president, petoned tise fingers vilI mainipulatise kcyî next lical story and wviîci occsssp on Uic 'culty for Use privilege o! wearing Saturday visen Use lst ai rites are Saturday preceding Master-this yes- tise bistorte cap and govu at com- mId over hi. romains. Aprhl 11. lunlis. Greci and itussian mencement, Strong Averlop to Taking Antl.TryphollVaecine. IYO ONE ACCEPTS OFFER. Three Injections, Ten .Days Apart Are Needed for the Cormete Inoculation. ln It the fear o! havin,- three bilion dead typhold germe lniecled loto liseir systeminstisanmakept resîdents o! Check on Social Galety April 4, la 1918 on AprIt 13,i 19171 on April S. la '1918 on Mach 3S& tu of the City. 1919 on April 20 snd ln 1920 on APril 4 again. Not minace 1818 h«iaslcoess 110W THE DATES ARE FIXED. s early a Marci 22, and nat anUs No pers«on so living or hie. on.or Season of Fastinq WIII Be 20 daugiter, ln Uisely agai ta e *an Days Later This Year Than Fater as early as Martis 22, ince tisere vfIiib. na sucb Easter date un- it Was Lasi Year. ltiater the year 2000. waukegan, Ili., February 2. Asis Wednesday. vich falle on Peb- INSl&çULL IS BACK; muary 25 marks tise beglnning o! Lent. lu Waukegan as elsevisere, Asis Wed- S E 0 DT 1E naesday begins a perod o! 40 days o! penance. Tise season o! Lent la mark- New York, Feis &-Samuel lusul ed by a pause in tise round o!fisuman of Chicago, viso bas been abroai for festivîy and lu some sort o! glvlng lw0 montse on vacation. returxted on up o!flise mere pleasures o! 11e, tise Lusîtanla. He voiced a sentiment Unlîke tise Neaw Year. Lent carrnes o! optlmlsm regarding European hsusi- wlth It eometblng more tisan a merely Dies$, commerce énd finasîciai affaira. isuman desire or resolve te do good 'Wille 1 vas abroad malnly for a or to make sacrifices; since Il le a e- pleasure tnlp." Mr. Insuli said. 'I liglous and not merely a secular date. could net iselp obsemving an optUmý- and la commemnorative of tlîo:e final tic ieeling prevaleesîl ln financl and days lu the life o! Christ and o! tlse business conter" o! Europe. Tise e- Great Sacrifice. 'Cader such cIrcu.-ilucti.ofo!tise batik rate ln thse prin- stances Il la not strange tisat men and cipai European countînes whIsch bas women ln a Christian vorld sesuid recently taken place ia an Indication observe Lent, or tisaI they shuuld Io! no scemcty of m,,npy. White no la tise arm la vich lise ierum, leVer, but tusaglat yfptous dis. ým appeer aller Ivo or tIre. days and foliovint thse lnoculating or ail of!akgu eray0 IJnele Sam* soldiers and sallors. WueaFurayS Th* typhold stuation lu Norths Moy Lueis, 30 rears old. thse trot Chi» agenmi te bo e enlubaud -nd ChinamaustO b. boraiL n Cblceao, and tisW er only anuc onoal case. The one o! thse 1ev Arneftcan boraOPIOp t.uporaa'y hypo planýt bas hnInslaUse of hi. race. arrivai lasWaultem nthiI about ten das and whlle II; doe not aternoon and was tais e athe l"*. vers perfectly .tsftctory as yet 14 Brie sazitarturn vier. ho vili taise Ia ezpected te, do muach tu purlfy thse thse troalmet for tuberculosia. Le vater. Tise permanent plant wtIllhi oontract.d tihe dimasenmre Ittl tn«tsled mbort>y. Dr. Nersehleder Urne ago and trled sivirai different pointaeout tisat tise hypo kilts only 95 vays o! curlas himmel!. i'iallY lie piar cent e! Uhe germe and ays tisat vas sdvlsed to corne tu thse local m-- nol untUl filtration la adopted and the Itarlum wviere sucli gond results bave dumping of sevage Into tise las. 19iscen recelved and lie dld so. He stopped vîll il bo possible to get ab- seems in be qulte an Intelligent sort solutely pure drinklng wgtcr. o! fellov. A long-needed and muci-advut'atedl The total value o! newsapere3 and erusade tla ltmlY 10 lbelàuncised ln periodicals. according tathie lait cen- waukegan sccordlng 10 tthe statement sue. Ia $737.876.087. almoit deable of <ý'ty Healtis Inspector Clarence b iat Il was ten years before. Thee ln- lllks ho nnonce tiat . itena Icorne o! these publications vas $337.- 596,285, over twice tise amount o! tise tu sie. tisat expectoration In movlngi perlod ten years earller. Tise aggre- picture theaterm. butcher ehope; and 1 gate circulation or these publications otîser public places lu topped Immne- was 164,463,040, nearly 60,1500,00 diately. greater than a decade previcus. THE MODEL [AH MARKET I Tie Best and Che.apet Place for First UuaFs Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and SheiliFish Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKE COUNTY IW. J. MUNDEE, PROP. Phone 307-J LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE NO. 2 VIROINIA We have taken the Agency for several thousa the James river and Shenandoah valley This land is high, rolling and will raise bumper crops--- We are going over ever corn, oats and other r. p that will grow inIi llinois-without i he diadvantages otf a next two week#3andl will then be abIt long, told w inter. Good land cmn be bought for $30.00 an acre and up. sîîbject a prospsective îrnrchaser may If you are interested adctress Box 402, Libertyvi informatiopi witt be sent to you. Or, bette for a personat interview with DURAND- & DURi LIBERTYVILL-E TRIOS .U INQ -i i1<l ýýi (ss 1 àMM Lnd'acres of land in of Virginia. ýry foot of this land within the e to give fuîll and intelligent information oîs any __ yrequire. lite, and fuill_ er, cati AND ILLINOIS, 3 o 1i 1 1) 1 )1 a s1s) Norths Chicago from acceptlng tise of- fer o! Dri M. Herscisleder. iscaltis of- licer o! Norths Chicago, tu Innoculale free, any visa vould apply to hlm. Itl 100km like Il for up to tise pres- eut tîme nI nue person bas availed hismel! of tise offer. Tisree billion germe seems like a great many. and tisen lb seerne like an' Imposition to transform ones body Into a burylng ground for sucis a myriad o! corpees. But lu reality t lsn'I sousnany. judging !rom tiseir aise o! one Injection. In away tihe doctor "bas Il on" lbe patient for tise latter vould bave a maer'y lime trylus tu prove Ihat b. Sot short mea- sure. Tisun. If a doctor ver. lncllned tu lie memcenamy, ise could eaelly kéep ont a dezen or tvo deatngd asandi nu one but hismself vould he tise vis- er. If a patient vlised lu be sure lie vas getîng his money's varth. ise mighti muet tisaItbe docte-' count out the requlred number o! corpscs be- fore h. conseuted t10 be lurneai Into a public cemetemv.t Joktng aside. bowever. Dr. Herscis- leder cannot undemstassd vly no une ban avalled bimael! o! tise offer. Notihng could be fairer as tiser. are absolutely nstrings attachai 1tu bis offer. Tise state furnisises Mies erum free and the iscaitispisysiclan offemi ta do the InJection free for ailtvisa consulî hlm. As an Indication o! tise absolute confidence lie places la Uic sersum lie pointe out tht le vacclnated hlm- self, bisevle and litseislld. Tise e!- fecti are fol uupleasant, ise inys. About tisree hours after tise fIrat In- jection tisere may be a itigist sorenes doesrn mti M4. 54%'Cý .iêý was 1 kiýFei WUIl Ar ML Ta$ Mi tie 0 dii ~aof ý»ba s e nioc hgj for lieu et IL i Vto be e ripoetuIty ~the prosi -i rirai bea tug bird man, 1s,0 :-un 0f w Ur. Sbs ','.d babil home me la Use eneetedi1 mUe vit sa lasn ai n ,arers mmd hoI districts MMl an - Mo s1z: dam.- u - l à