-.. I.. I 3- Martin Thelen le on the rond tijis wéee 12. They %-it rreilde an the Tîmmerman neliig n-irery toil.k fle scys be le t arc., cee-biaitmilesoeuth 0etotwe. t'eu- gelng ater another prie, thi. vear, gratulatioüusexztended fronm iinod. havîegt won )ne jait vear. Mr«. Jehaison Wilso[l bai rpturned Chas Bush, or det aîtisnt liere, home aller oenriling mom.' time witli *pentua leu day.. at Mt. Iloîreh Vis., lier daughter 1ealDetroit, Mil'i. %ii week.Wi V. Harz ef Champaige. s@Peut a Chas. lranard horme.was detented week lti'alaine. on the celit a 'aueîýt.i by 14,111. Ii..d uai*bi home je Plumb Crove la.it Wlmnitxgî o r» l iset iSatirday. jW.ek, Mr. iEog.luiim. oh canùer, ae ld - - eclîldier aîîd mîuett ree'cïtel ctizenr G.AGES LXJ J .arried at the borne et itî.rStanjcer ~ - Mises reda Herw-hiag of Paatine, and Tlh. l..ai.' Aid wsicety oft GagesLake l'Ajîcriion of Barritititoe, W4e.-day. lE. churl wil heid tîîeiruext meeting Feb, lm. Ttîey wili re*ide inleiÀîagîî let the cuirvili ouiThiireîiay, March o.h. 'ilre L.T. Rije'aînd sons atrend.'l MUeriere et the ocileufare re4uensuil tot4 iii.rîhclay of their ttti.' sice in lriu( etra lunch frtir î-tor,.wh.î ar.1 Ar'ngtou F Heîgbic iiuîdai. jien l'Y Uthe ietin c ii rlay eveîîîîîg i Wiliam Duinil, the man in lUe wux sa eu ,-iiii re a i. i , xî'eiicrî NVoie case. ls stili le laîl. haviing been peregran ai . wîeri sed tie cale of unabile te procure lundemen as et bastiete eiîîîto e 5:I.île ha, not bei-eaile tu coeqmuniiateý wltb aîîy ef fis relaives or trienrîs [mh - eto date, ha ve shean lUtilecone VOLO 1:cern 0 er is predicament. fieis.i Idri.Frak irttjaiu o Frinlit iunder S',00 bond, Peedlng a bearlng Kprn thelankHr 0 astuad thforeoion the 26th et the charge ef noe-aup- etl this week witb bir diiugbt.ur Mre 'port of hie wlte. FirankIHeike. Butit' WB@ Qood. 1 r. te Cl"Hou .dlîd you conme tu huy thal le th Diipha. onthlesa mlulng stock?" "Watt, you 'Yoers &go Dobsun told me tuat ha. ee I1tbought It uas aIl right. Thu wanted tu taud a lite o ohscurity?- mari Who sold It to me bail mabogaeyp Weli. hie dream ha& corne tflio, tm1tielu.in heiles c, tanl bras cas "Ho *o?' "*Ho la now Uhe huaband of pdors and a@aluei g on i s or"- a fumons uoman "-Birmnitgham Aga- Detroit F rm.. Fence Bargains 12c per rod and up. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVILLE, 11-1 UyOHA8 E.MASON Reproentative - Correspondent Phono 34-W vey wiiatteded sai eeeryee repeîrd '[ie lirayelake baskt-t bali team wffl deh.ated iast Saturday evenîng by lthe Waukegau teM ina ascore utf11iii los. Mis@ Wînihred Combe etf Gai Park, c ieîîed fiends lere frum Friday util Tuecîlay. OIrlande Hoicil os vieg i bis iue lield goîids hom hi, iarm te i, Grave- laie lhome hie Wetefild Plaie. we are julAsed te welcomeeNIr. Hock ced laliîily t,, ou r iitv %In and Mie C. A, Miller accornitanieul 1,, Mre. Mller's moiber, Mrm.B.'eti,i wereC (iiic uet@ Wedîrday. Thch'ankieha basketlhall teainî cil! îlay .the (iayelake teain net -Saiurdayu îiuilt. Vu ukeba lest le the last gane. pi. e cd c tlî rayelake. lbut thiue i.'e tir, a hiii thley are goilcg t titke lui ru ti,.' laurel.', su it s esper-ted ihere w/Il'em c aet1 gauleý le hcriorrofltheir ic-cnty-lth tianviver- uily oet Nlayoc Baterelicli and wlle ibeir daufglîter, Mc,. Marquis Shaffer,. eviteul a nuiibé,r (if their ld time tnleedm at bcn berne lait Monday evn'e;g acdedniter- tauneri at carda. A lunch wu@ senyco during tIhe eveuung. Tbe surprise ua. gncetis cnj(,_ycd net nuls' by the Mayor cnd his wite but bv ail wie atteeded. Dont nules our free gods ad this week. It i. semetblngyo-u cean ford te taie edi-entage et eveu if yen are not quite out. Jason ReneshanduS ule ertertained a number ai their friendseet their fine home uer Reinenvîlle lait Saturday eveuîug. .4Il repent a dellghttul time. Mrn. C. A. Miler i. entetaîning ber motiier, Mn.e. Bentan of Milton Junctian, wie. Taxes Are Now Dus-I uili b. ai tiraylcie Wsdu.odaye and Satardajo and Bound Lai. Tueodaym ta colt taxes, John Muion, Tai Collector. e-214 1 ~RUSSELL 1ý Mdrs. E. A. Reeves ucut ta Aurors ta te. ber daugbter an Saturday. Mrs Emaline Seow dled at the home of ber niece, Mr@. Allen Dixce on Sunday neen, Fcb. 22. She bcd been ceefined te ber bed tersometime. Shewascbout b7 yearm oid. The ueral was held at the bouae.'on Tuesday with hurlai lii Mount Ret cemetery Dlavid Mrnie, lrs. IR. ii. Nlrrie. Mre. A..I Curie aed Laura Crn.s speetlat Tbuîneday with their ise-r. Mirp. John MIr.aed trm. l il(; lnnrio were Waukolzae vlitrr.miTu Wdiusday. Nirs. fkock linýseuet a tee dan s le % ilwatu tee MIes S.C. ltrcwve las gine tu, spendj the wlnter wih Mrs S. Bl Howe. f lladye Melvili,' spent tihi'laet eh thet aeek witb *4 Marrie.t Mr. aed Mr. Mena bave iooved te their new home the Murray tarie. PAIR BUSINESS IIETHODS in our Free Goods Offer. w E are tnt otterieg 3-en a pair of shoes at cet le eider te oeil yen geoda lu our ewn lune. We do nt We lieve lu jeeperdiziug a fellw-mrcat'a customera te pay for our advertieîng. Our advertioai@ bou the oquare and au enr eue ezpene e heri we tell you thati This weoh w. ulil iveyou F£EE On. Tube ot Euthysnol Cold Creasin with evory purchase of Eutbyunol Talcuyi Powdeps Theme geedo are put ont by Parke Davis & C., and eur same gnarante.e that go@ eut witb ail goods frem ibis stere, (lueey bcck if ye're net oatlslied) "ee with tus aoffer. DRUCE ]JRUG CO. The Itexal Store Grayolake Elmer Beckltb "Ont tiie ueek end uiubhis brother le Chicago Mr. and Mm. W. P. Beah returued ou Thuray from Lottavîlle, lad., uhere they bad @peut @Oos ilmo ulth their mon VNdand famîi. Mns. Henry VisPieu vlsited ber nisc Mm ra resi Moore Priday. Rani Dod*ela nof Bubbard Wood@, bai heinen ýding Several davi wth Ruby Ku.bker. Umc A. 0. Gonlldge pnd lItti, daughior Ici t on Wednesay for their bomne la Terry, Vont Miss Helen Harding uai a Cîlcagoj vIstor Saturday.1 Several tram ber. attended thé play given by the Deenleid higli achool at Ravania Saturday nght. C. Md. Smth tram tbe Chcago Theola' gleal semlnary, fiied the pulpit ber. Son-' day. The Llbertyvllle I..oge, M. W. W., Inu' vted the membera et thlo lodge te îspend rueode, eveulng and bave a social Urne. A goodly nnmber aceepted thei nvita' tien. Edua Sbephard vuent ita William* Day Wednesdcy ta apend som, timo uih Mm. Morrill. ?llss Mary Wilson, daughter ai Thoemas Wilson, and William Langiioll. @ou ai W. Langbaff, uer marrled at the par. u.oagc ot Highland Grove cbnrch iy Rev. Staugreor Tbnrsday eveuina. leb. moutul trom the ha,eofthe gar- meént near the shoulder. The oung uorn gave a scream andlddasheul accai-. Port unatelc thii.er',,-d id îî rt lit her ln sncb a uaithuat she lut lier footinghbut a-. -hrr I.'i, .ni. im. ?/ w $y fi 0eMs )ROM Editod by F. J. DRUCE, Phone Il Ordars Taken for Job Work. AdvertieJng rates on application. Mr. ad Mm. Bowe and Mrs. Fred Palmner of Waukegonwere gue@set0 i lm uule Whithead aotlY. Mat Wagner, the popular atation &pent af the. oo line, ba purchaaed the. honte whore heolvoe of John Wasbburn. Mr. and Mres Frnk Gomp and wile ef Montpeller, 0h1o, oras a ieet e1 Mrs. Gomps brother. Carl Lewis, Monday. Frank Foulon @pont Mondal atternoon ln Chicago. Mise May Wilson of Zenda, Wl.. wao a guent ai Mise Suai@ Whitehead laetE w.ek and attended the. Mystîcos maok( hall hoe.lait Tbursday evenieig. i Misa lm ia rtield la movîng loto theE hante accurMed by Mr. Smith and his #inter. Th. hanse uas recently pur- chased by Miss Carfld. Dr. Le. and ut i fChicago, were guettao f Wm. Euhi and famlly over Sunday. Service. were held ai the St. Andrews Mission on imb Wednesday eveulug. 1The. Bridge-whist club met wlth Idro.t J. M. Palmuer laet Tueeday aiternoon. Tb. ma'îk bail giveia by the Mystiv Workero last Thuriîday evening w..l cribliber dres. she juiped actav a.,,_____ lithllu as possibîleiianilgel c cul i rriij- --- lue ailmaf whlcîchatii-r takiig liii-BIR oI niP l.eeemed eatli-fiu-d anîî permitu uru lier to eecape. Bec <eerge McGîiîs ioîrmu.rly thie Tlue horse wce bau ledtiîp tr ic iBiapthet ninrislter oet Waukegce, wili îîalk hc' a paserhv and later Mr. preac-bhere ineday, March Imi, et the ti-hedrove If awar.l*rie erics Corne ced hear him. fi' the meantime, Nliss Nelsron &iVI urrie, i,. (iant Murrie aed r, au lied the doorwav efthtle office Mlrs Corne@ and aauienoh Rneell, buildilng anS stood there teeling otflent Thursday with tlîeir eleter, Mr@. hi-r dreurs, knowieg ucet eomething John Bonner. lied hapîicned and wonderlng if she Mcrtluî Mitsicluuen basi reueil tie taie had leen InjureS, A trlend ctianced kmoue as the Wieecke.tcrm aul wlli leng and Invetlgated wltb utie r.'- more there eoou. s.It thiat sIc fourni! oh, was ente- lMr. and Mr@. Andrcw White etfUraye iured but that ber dretsalad been laie, @peut Saturday with Mr. and Mr@. nlPped out as nîcely as if the ani- W. j. Whte. mal kcew what lit wanted. Fortunate- Mies@ltuby ililingo attendeS ihefuneral ly lie merely cauglit the dres itseef, et Mnr. lRobert Jeukinson at Waukegae tearlng It down se that thce young 'Moudas_ woinan's corset cover'was plainly vis- V ýible ln the opening made on ber shoul -in Comns et Grayolake, @peut Sun. der. day uith Mr. and Mnr. A. K. Bale. Mrn.. Bain returned home uihbihlm te TW Id lp CÀ ES lahsi nxegMr@. Cremins boe rtum the. IL-84 bospîtailu Chcago. Mn.e. Cremîni ds net improve very faut. 0F IPiTIER A <E Carence Wedge bas been very sc h citla, bui la lmprovlng eit preei. NOW 1 PORT D eBolier-t Banner ai Chicago, @peut the week-end ulth bis pareuts, lMr. aed Mn.. Twe moe c ases et dipbtheria have John Bannier. developed in North Chlcago. One et Tuoalo1.gb ioaes[rom tht, vicîelty tbese cases le le the John Kologlnsluy tamily wllclî was eXPofieS te the dis- ttended the dinner st Hickory cherch case wbeo il ibers of the Frank sirTbursday. ocky tamly tayed wth them last Mn,. Nicki Luikien baid a sewlng boa. Menday whtile theîr home was heieg Weenesday and seveaitrem tlîl, vicînfity tumlgated by Dr. Herscbleder. The other new cAee ete ntbe Sirocky tain- were there, ly. The efhec cases are: Clarnce Bock et Eibow, Canada, FiRANK{ KOLOGINSKY, 16 yearc tonnîerly il! Milîbure j, callleg uîu oid nid. FRANK Iu.fiOCKY, 7 yeare tîld. riends. He wcli reture tlîue ceci. This huai-'ilre.' maseseoetfticdis Miss,',MargaretGilbhert cnd lPearl cae-i Tlur Sroekly rani thile iiiutl Clevelanîd aitended the tea-luens meieting er anuninfaniit. t cluld aise liai in ii g l rt i.C r e rrt Fridcy. ulseasi- A chllliiiuT li Slrocky tamlly d cd Messrs. J i. acdii 'fVirc tnang uri ot dîpluih,uî.u lust Sunday niglut cbou t tuîer l fllkilîleil tleir ilion.-r&e et nuldhilgh ,;kun s burleul Meîuîluiai riday. ercoluli N uulug te a charge ltd cith tuui,- Attorney Dady bi, Dr. \Ire. I., ria Strng gave acdieiner Pariy .tollev. DrIér ir-iiI eder an Monda rc Iiuaiuii -ns w-rmwr- laid lfir t weive. teriîeîuî, i irii uuuluuîtl liater theluer- ,u-lue llu,îuîuir iitirnerl home trou, aI, seuilt twi uuunbers o et tIianlly tronu lbi-lui diccctlng tbem te go liuelur.IliIanmi b.e also traneactîrd te tlîe luniî- of a nelghbor whillInlbuinîess iîî VWellington, Oiol, and Ft. thie lcuiuuu ie, tpened ta be the Ko tVa>re, i nu Iogln4ýky inuilr, le order that lue M e ie .J lle n e mlght tuinuigule tlîe honse.MranMr.W J.'tteM.ad Tlîe lexi tuia*r Mrs. Srocky aîud lier gri. C. E. licnman and Mr. ced Mns. chili ed ivn uuiith the disease, aud 1. I. Holniei spent Suria witb Mn. ced Dr. Joliey uai called In. Atter learn- tireo.. A . Nelson Ebt Looi Lake. ing flc tact-s îî uhe case hbcinade a complainit against Dr Hersclileder Mr. ced lire. Pember ef Ohilo, are who baictels te bie the heaîtîî offîcer vioiieg the latiensa father, A. H. Stewart of North Chicago, and Statec Attor-.hIi week. ney Dady bas flled thle. chargea wltli M, aeNias a enqlesc the State Board of Health.Idr.Kt ehnhabouqi sc Dr. JolI-y Injected anti-toxîn filleautil,@ home et ber sou, Oaear Neibano. the members ot bath tamhilles le an effort te innvent the breaking out et Cunlous Result of Àadrs mBite. mare cases. As a reenît the mother As the reait ai an addor bite, te- anS chlld are remewbct better at pre. i teboko h an faCr ent. Tihe rcakieg oui of diphtherla dif (lytes)mcbo thobd Wof ar ie the Kologlceky home toulay marie Il f(aes o iedJ ,Cf necessary to place thle bouee under bas become marieS 1k. an adder. quarantlne alse. Th~e membre efthte The physicen ubo la attsnding thé tamtly arc qulle Indignant ase the aiule case staesetuat tiie skin andS sulei membens ofthtle tamlly are quarantin- flsh nesr the bite are Ilke a plae ofa ed, belng keî,t frn thelr waruu. leather, pIgmenteS exactly the soi as Drn. lienactuteuter maietaino thal i(, an ariSer, île white strealu or ring Ii cas îltet t falt le the motter. as lie ning round the. dark mottlod greand.S ecys tîcal betore le tumîgated tlîe bouse lie cxaînin"d tbe tbroats of ail memirofetIhe tamlly and tounul ne trace of dlphtherla. Munidec's Ligbininiz houp Cure hor sais by ail dnnggi@tu. 50c e d $1.00 par TnA.Dnenaui .A.,..aA h Ct oflflf.L -,.. ,-0- oue ciu SFREEI FREE!O FREE With each saxings account opened for *1.00 or mîore we will give one highly pollshed, MOU-UmM JIORSE ATIACKS VOUNEi WOMAN AS SUE WALKS PAST IT Miss Hulda Nelson Had Close Escape From Enraged Ani- mal of C. G. Deicke. TEARS DRESS, MISSES BODY Incident of Friday Aternoon Which Miglit Have Proved Rather Serious. Waukegae, Fehruary 21. The white herse oc ccd iv C. G. Deleke, a local Insurance agent. made a vicions atts.ck on Niss Hulda Nel- son, tenographer fir Attoracys Caire Eduards and James Welch. aed had the Young wcinal not heen able ta retain her footing and escape frein the animal she might have been seelensly lnured. As It uas, she had a large plece of ber dresi terri ram lier back as the animal'. teti cloeed on the garmeet le lts att.mpt te seize ber. The youeg waman lied been on the souIlth elde of the treet near Hall- teiee drug store and tarted to ne- turn te hen office. lui leavleg the sidewalk e@ ad le lacs wltbln an arme length et the Plecke horse whlch was standing in front of the liolIsteln drug store Tlir- animal îeened docile aed she lhouîght noth- lng ot lus presence ashse passed le front oetlit. _Fie gel îasî lthe herse and theretore dld flou uie i make a eat, loward lier,h catcibleu bert Just asu she reached the stieel ar tracki ,.lien the enraged brute uraliled held et lier dress, getiGne a tîill-sized .Cake villa Arthur Bowling, who ha. been @pend- lng sometimo ln the West la visltlng relatives lu this vlclnlty. Urs. Webster of Oak Park, @peut Sun- daey at the. Potter home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Avery and Ruth visit.d Chicago relaives Several day@ recoutly. About twenty af the friends et Mr. and Mr@. Ernest Shepardeen gathered ai their home lait Saturday evening for a soctal timue in honor of M ru. ihepardo's blrthday. Is uas In the nature ai a surprise ta ber and was complete lu that respect, but ah. seau made ber fnese fes] at home. At a late heur refresb. mente were aerved and ail departed for their home@ ulshlug ber many more birtbdays. Mr. and Mr@. Fleyd Culver et Grays- lake, vlsited ai E. Shepardeoo Sunday. P. S. Daniela @pont Sunday in Evanston ulth big son Walter. Mrs. Fred Bamîlu and Clayton @pent Saturday lu the clty. Nessel Falier @pent Sueday witb bis parent. Mr@. Raymond Sherweed le quite Ili and cunllned tu the houes. Albert Kapple @pent a feu days last week lu Chicagu where bis ile and son have been @oinîg @ro me. Vilre eaused by a defectire flue uaumed Berne excitement lu tewu Monday more. ing wben the Interior of the barber ehopî uccupied by Heesel ilaber wam destreyed. Mr. Faner lest muet ef hi, barber flizireo, but Mr. Wendiaeid's cii le partiaiiy cevered hy insurance. Geo. Mitchell, our caebier, mpent bis Monday'm vacaion ie Chicago with hi, parents aud trieuid,@ Mr. Pttreon, who bas be,-u einhe Picr.' for the 'paiit ir a ha-i ight ai suali tarin ai AivoeCener und ciii [niove tlUýe.'ci. Ice cuttUeg u msupenedda ecouple o idas this ueek on sacoat 0 the @owo stonm. The houtes aipressut Sla&bout hailfulli. The auctian sal at Enue Sullv&n'a wuowell att«eed wu a aucoie lu ebery uay. k ulght be usl ta sMI that M. Sullîvaui usedel In.ldepeudent for sdv.rtlslug. Tb@ danco ai Amarne h all SaturdaY @v@nlng uwu ejoyod by a ver-y large and uell bohavsd craud, 100 co»uples belng preoufli. Dr. Martini and ea. Cleveland hold the record for si tending dauceo lu these parts, ibey havîug attendeStilve lu an. usak. Juol thlnk tbey are bath bald hesed. ir. andShm .gl**ese entertained rela- tves ram Chlago a feu day. lait u.ek. Severai of Round Laie muet premie. et citizen& euîoyed a âleigb part! to Wauconde Wedne«Éday et lait uei, réturnlug lu the smoàl w.. heurs af moruleg. Heny atzner etfliÉwaukee. v-ited her. Sauudà an cd Sunday of lait ueek. Bell Systèm Your Name should appear in the Telephone Directory The new edition goes to press March 10 The Telephone Directory is a idely consulted reference book. It is a ««live " list.' la Your Name Included? If flot, sign a- contract for ser vice today to insure its appearg.nce in the March issue. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephûi ou ~ GeographiC Guess. s Who knows the naine nf the capital er the. commonwealth of Australiat Daon't gossither Melbourne or Syd- ney, for that would senS yeu te the bottom ofthte cia... A mnagazine exr- planer bas dlocovered the.'Place, which le calleS by thie etraordinary namneor- Yass-Canberra, and tells f1res1de trev-, lers bow ta fieS its site. To do th15, draw a line on the map connocting, Melbourne wltii Sydney, dîvide h byW two points Iuti re. equal parts. and; r the point narest Sydney ulU stad.ý tar the. future capital oi AustraIie.- Tis isato was rougI!! speciffed Iq tIe conatutlan of 1900, but It to«OLILa ten-year cautraversy ta s.lect the .WR defietely. lapin Colonizng In Urd. Japau yl colonisea 06tract Of 000 acres la Brasil, uer -V operateS great rtc. plttioe cliiprivilaeos have bera 3008w the goterament of rau% am payment of the traveiling r the colon'sts.anS»dthat n be chargeS for Ovene ya-u oi uearly 11,000,000 ta 1 Han o0f thisasurauhl b.e end oiftour Ye*A it i thn. colony vIll pumbel 1ree hundred tara' about 1.000 perm By January nait home. ORC -i ,,>',..,-,, .5'.'. Fine for the home- 'gathers the spare change; good for the children-teaches t.brîft. Get on@ of these bauks f roi your HOME 15ank, where you can get the money or deposit it without spending carfare or time. Mail us a postal and we will send one of the banks by parcels post. A STATE BANK NickeI-Plated Savings Bank Your Proposition! Large or mail1 WiIl Re Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Real Estate, lnsursnce, etc. LibentyvlUo, Ilii. MEREDITH REAL, ESTATE & LOAN CO. PHONE 24 LIBERTYVILLE Dealers in Real Estate and Fire Insurance Village Lots and Houses We bave them. Farm Lands a Specialty Information and investigation as free as-water. Phone 24. Meredith Real Estate & Loan Co. Phkone 24 LUhertyvUllo Capital $25,000.00 1 1 .. , 1 inaepenuent aas--re« DY ZDQUU. - b.ttl,,, c-20-tf Lake ViIII4 lUi»àl