Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Feb 1914, p. 6

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Waukegàn .Netvl %9~4 YV~oIf.. m gh C.usn'j' -/**.. INNI' 0131fl3pjljTO POLL TIRE DIUAS Wo O0F 1r-- SIÀATFÙN3RA DI~S[j 0F105UNS WAUKEGiAN OFOTIIER RELATIV MRS. ELLEN JENKINSON, OLDEST WOMAN IN THIS SEC,ninAFiontdaChi-M.WrgtsatFnrlf ma nFve Wards to Direct1 Husband's Grandmother as TION, SLEEPS AWAY AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS ILLNESSJ Taking of the Big Poil.1 Mrs. Berk Dies. -WAS ONE 0F THE MOST DISTINGUISHED WOMEN IN THE NATION BECAUSE FEW HAVE ATTAINED THE AGE SHE HAD-LEAVES MANY RELATIVES, INCLUDINGý FOUR GREAT GREAT GRANDCHiLREN-WAS A RESI-! DENT 0F WAUKEGAN FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mire. Elien Jeukin4oit, by fanrltse oldet ceidet a!Wau e a Wri.t ~nght ad Mrs. Stevens are twlns. count> uans a! lifte adet>esdets T wo o!ftem, Ms. William Fulnton of o!fte stale sud country, dlcd qthurs- Spencer, fa., and lIra. Titomas Jeu- day nigitl atIl: 25 o'ciock aI lite home kinson of Rackford, la., have cefebrat- of ber dangliler, Mtrs. James Fholiiii- edteir ifîlelt (guident weddtag'an- rake. 176 Norlt Bullrlck cîreet. aI niviersarles. tse are o! 105 yeacs. Site bcd fleen Mcc. Jenkinson was confirmeai la a eidet a ~Vukeau or ite1m te Etiscattal citurcit lu fceiand witen siîîy-oue years. dîe a yauug girl and afvays vas a devant >~s~ J.asltscsst e sie wehe member. Site alletda churccitreg- -'-quietly anai peacefulls. Site sauk Jufani> untif fate years viten ber age tutua'adeep slecît laIe tante a! er- prsveuted lier fron atteudlug. noon anai gradnaiiy grev weaker nu-Wa. Weil Knawn -. tifltse sud, vite,, stireai spirit fiut- 1Mrc. Jenkinsons name la taown lu tersai fromItis earllily tome. almoat sen>' part of tse country' fi- (Ilita fe mothsagaIr. Ju-cau se o! ber advanced age. Press 'kinon ws i goo heithdes itedispalcites teliofa! assite cefebrat- e d ber blrltday Year aller year were fier advanced age aud was abusle a est ber maas reguttimcl. Fise weeks sent al aven thte country. As a ceý aga bier canditian became sa weak l suIt Ica. Jeukinson recelvéd mail tlit ste as blied a g tahed jPoalcards fromt people site did ual That manketi te beglttuing uofte"knOw'. Slue aI titese 'sers fronpeo- sud forait abs dua iterameaîr 1;Ie %N'ho aImise alpassea te centur-y untif l il ialla' Lecame a nater o!0 Eumrk. Many people caming la waa- day an hors henshewoud vqskegatniadle Il a pinlt ta viil ber fie' dmaai ou wfe stewul 1isafore nturuingborne. Breaks Fîve Ooneations 'rit Mrs. Jeatitison really Wast The eat of rs.Jeninso braks1~5 'rae aoid It a neéimntenllcated Titsdeatt a!Mca.Jenknenubrests whichi la ual Iue vltregard la a hitterlo unfinaken five generalltis. salie peupestasecaeilahe Tits cîitsld o fersl!,areticîtl eacjeda ssimifar age. Proots in ber * dren, fo'ly-faur grandchlldren, ltt ctrse are caucluse. * great-grandcilidrsn andi four great- _______ greal-grandchildren. Thte names o! iten chiifren are: T I IS O À Titoma Jenkinson, Ilockford, la . HEaa4 OM Mr.Homer Stevena, Excefelor, ]CNIdT % ORJOB MrS. Wilam Ful ton, Spencer,' la A N U C S PL S lirs. Frank langitan, ExceliiarO NC S w s mina. Mc. Jas. Hoflinrake, Waukgu Mrs. Wlliam Wrght, Waukegan. MrS. Maude Edwards CouTaon: Mn,. J. F. Pillifant. W~aukegan. Born tI rsiand Mcm. Jenkinson vas boras lu Counul Conk. Irelaid. Slxty-one yearm *go te Came by boat fiant Chicago ta, Waukeg».ase tte railroa-l 'tdal o toutsainit a i taI lime. Ste made tae trip lt.Chicago froni Buffalo itv rail. Bite bad ma"l ber itome lu Waukegan et-en inca. Sînco rite bas lie% bore aire saw the ralirai bulît, litason automobiles andi tefephones eome lin generai use aud bas seesi ciilte ober vonders o!ftse last six decadea. lIns. Jenkînson wüs mucit Interesteai ln autlomobles and often tok rides lutem. Site afien lied expressei a deairs la ses a fling us chine as sncb lhings vere unaieard o! lu ber youuger fisys. Fluali>' au. day her wlah vas graîifleai for a machine passei overitetai Eyesigbt Goati Mca. Jeukinson urver 'sure glasars aud up la tva leans go was ablA tu, rend thte paliers, Siae lipa lier relatives baie ceati thrait t.lier. Sfiu bas thus keptot 1,ld nu, curenr eveatesud slwas ltia.siîîîsu i nutcl interest lutem. Up ta sa fev mnonîls ait,(,tMr,'(.: kincon dcllgitPIte' situa le soi. -seeleannea Inlubernastisve lîkeai tem fletter titan tie popular eouga o!fte day. lu 9Plte o! ber age lier voles relaiued much o! Ils oat- lJtai eeelessansd icitueR af qtuai, il>' Site aiways wac lu thte braI af eprits sud deligitîsaita Jota. vlttte people about bier, Siet ot illîle cred. Il for, ber avancedt age. She saai it was Goda yil uaid that vten ite got neady ite voufai take bier. Durlug itr tantil111e, site sulteceai consiaierablu Pain and oflen langeai for te refIel taI dealt woufd birlg. Has Sec. Cty Grow MItm. Jeukinson came tu Wutegaui vlanthelitcly as f itle mare titana vUlernes. Site huis taken muci lnt t~ lt n watihing te devefopmeul dUing te liMe ite hae heesuber. Up to a ev jeans mgo site vasabi tueMeate ber vay down tovu, o! fatE ho"wos'.mie itaibeeu coulent t maire short waîts t otite homes ol naWhgoeL JOIR9 eeuktnson. ituaiana o!fte de cumiedidIs-"may Iears ega a i tt &POtSi. Tva o! herc cildren, Mmr Announces Candidacy for Town Coliecto. Waukegau tovnuhip bas itsca t 'somlan candidate for office. la fact te fral uioman candidate, for' ofice under te sew voimmas suf- candidacy for moBe. Thetrst voma tainte countl>' titrow'cdown te gaunLtle er «ofigela Mca, Maude Edwards Coulsan, vifs o! IHenve>' CoRUlsat a Wankegs awm- jyer. CUTEARANWAS A MEMORALE ONE Rector Ganster of Christ Church Pointa Out Unusual Privilege of Mourner. DUPLICATED FEW TIMES. Privilege Seldom Aooorded Persons to Honor One Who Attained Century. j neyer agaîn b. repeated ln titis coin- Hlglway Commission today made PLAN SIX WEEKS CAMPAIGN MOST UNUSUAL COINCIDIENT munity; It la an occasion cieldoni dup. kuon 1hT policies for lte cornlns Bel year lu regard 1teltte employment by Silcated ln any cammuufty lun lte Cmmiunaîue et convict latter on uew and Wili Find How Womnén Stand Perhaps Neyer Before Has world; you today are Io okiug ont <>ns bard roads. Contente smoug ecileg mone 1tilng thal foes people have iteen prir-wîinglewraepane. and How Many Wili Vote- Sucha Thing Occurred-. Iee elo pn-hr in e- lhn h okaepand a igd1 afoo ianlee isa ' Seveai loday. mtagomembers Wfdln i Not to Be at Primaries. Both Were Aged Women. son over a century aid wieth ie was mfsou otred iIaWrnLI c m i e d t i e r r e w a r d , n s w it a ia d t - A l n o i e J o e e i e a y J b < e L Wauega, ieituar 21I Wîîe~ Wllim Wigh, J. alned lier 106th year"-from Rector flov. Dants. Te wsrden Iai t tfat Wititln thte nexttwo or titres days o! Bevdere street was ttendiug Gntr.rmri Itt uea !lm ewndhv 5 men avai- a cotupiete poilio!flte vomen votera thte funermi of bier itusbnd'a lte fate ',%Ira. Ef feu Jenkinson. Sun- abie far lte sprlng laork. Theiepris. n the cdlv le ta be laIton fn an e!- graîîdmotiter. Mrs. Silen .lekln- day atternoon in Christ citurcit, Wau- citera wfli corne froinilte "tcusgty" for't te learn te sentiment of thte son, thte city's famous ceutenarlan, kegan. obus. %ionen ttbregrd o te Wt ad Snda ai2 oclok l CIisi **Nine years after the deatb of the The expesse witicli conimunlties Dtry fIglit wbich ls ta iebe hltli ere churcitlber own motter. Mnr. mma whose birlhity ws celebrate wwhilng te catirt il lirrita bear this cîluig. Titis action was declded Chriatina Berk o! fLerty stres,. Monda>'. the Latber of is country, WM lie 50 cetst per <apfta for rvsry ipon at a meeting o! the Womeu's iaisa almoat a cenlenarlan, wap elsie final saw te lightI o! day: three convict laborer emplored. At the Coli- Chistian Temperance Union tui the pproaching te Golden Oatie. sa& years before Perry and otiters fouglit tenence fitwmedecfded ltaI this Temtpecance temple on F'rlday' afler-' befare te serv ice closed litte tierrattttsonhefts.he mitwllovr ecar, -tai f000. At Tbis meeting a cauttulga, Bsree.l re. l bté Jsd hadt conte lto titis lire; yeusubfr et wbih l taexend-avr he exlai geatîlîon onlit OtieSiars te clty ehici totday honore her-inern- Wif I Buéd Macadiam Roade weeks was outllled sud mappe-d out- lan allier words, whon Mrs. ory sell i d ulillidlte average l]e I sfudIfe lterataev- Officers were elected wito iill di-' Wrightt retucned to ber herne frnm t man," ai lte nectar. coutluuing lng toe'lie tate wlll accrue fronthlie recs.erJ work. Tiiey are': attending the tuneral o! ber hue- wftli: "twenity-llve years go site itad construction (if ma.-adant roalis, fon Chairman-Nirs. C' J. Just. band's graudmnotiter. te as met pasaed lte lim@ mloted by lte psaI- whlc thlie state will turntl.h crucited Secrelary-.lIlas Grace Pearc.e taItlie door by relatives wwito ld misîs as lte lite of van.stone tree lnth 1e cmttuiit,. Tite Treas. snd ChairmLn lin o. . er ttat lber onwott ee, MlIs.I "We have totsy tu rejolce Ilulber rom,"nittywIlllhavtalu beur ot>lte Miss Jessie Btennett. tlerk. had died m'shile slite was eue tranAllion ta lier Fallier aboie and treight ctr.'- Thi,' ht,îl lit part Citairwomen wsre appolnted t tiiie Of lte party of niourîters acain, lte occasion is'Çtnne of carras but cae'swiibc tram lte tprison. witere Charge ofthlie campalgu ln thte difler- tag liailaying Mis. Jenkiusoni aofgreat kIr itecarte 'God i:iî' rro'sn-lt 10 airttcd ult tlo eut iiacds of te CITY. Tiey are: ber fiat resthag lplace. Mc. Wrighit ed one of eartb". noMe'.l .u'auru.Sixly nearet ltsn. r lt ra O , Fîrst Wacd-Mca. Swansott. eveu belng aone-aofte palibeacers. Ion@vcsrs cru slitecamne lit akeliter 'u amri, lai, .,fr i t Second Ward-Mru. Si. R. Sed7wicli EPonaihly never bel are bise suatit part ln Ihi.. commtntlîand bas eern h .1.7fotelmF 'bird Wtard-Mrs, George NIcr;in- ait ulausuasl entcident occurred la e,-'ecytlitg' drveloplitere, lite cae e ai mb ufgtt,cttll'-, 'I) Iifp, lth,"t*Ti uts. Walikrgan aitere lte matera 'lien Il sas a mecc larniet. freiitt i] Il itrrry 's irth . ite ',îr T Fourît Ward--.%fsiL . t' csui atacsc idwîI ct ssS -"Site wac realli. a part of lte paslt lt .letlîro .uîîrtc.u Firt ý%ard M.N sJames torrow. tendtl. lte tw.,cal af a relative ' atd lier ki'uîlic a -l' -i, .' ýiv -~ 1 ... ,... .irs. \Mary' Armstcontg was .appoint- so ecse as Lier buihatutis grand.i- l0 s;' i '-"" iîtti. lai t cI gI 0 r,,ri. lit cd citairman orthlitlerature cuin- niotiter, ane aiîum Mcc Wrightr "),a.,tlitlaaJackstittsud Je'ferè;on hsit 1 'r i,~-t, w'outký milles sud wlli tepervIse tleii 'ont liaiti ila'eraed gceatly for years. utle stliaurts of the 1Lititcent-ry andi Thoc,,u'r i'ttaueyl c .îe oi' ssauîng lterattire ta inus stag- il, sste biliai era a tuittiier name an tle'f'ollo'ing condittIos e of te campalgn. Wauikettan. Febctiacy 2:3 waltld bacc bren lln-.ed ali.t teirs Thee cil) or viv'!siiu lî tirstr rc' E PlIans were laid for holding muet- Mcc. ih1t,'slns leck. 440 Liberty fec site iidc'aacterliit"lfketh îeîrs. s Idefondsdlt ii it thlie -unditfýns ()t logs lu homes in the dîffeceut yards ptreel. une of tb. well kaowtt ceai- "lier leniaa'liy ur urpose ivaà Iilu&- tIre stole commission ma grerd tpon du ua"t tfý utier strangements 'sîîiidents of!telite ly, d.ed s. 2 ociock Sua-! relmledittaan incident wallecitla clated aia ecLrutcncr-teselbt'.lt rtc maide. Thite citruomcn have been day sattonn. Site ball besuconfletei of' ber eartý,flive witen site iled 7pefrnce In lte allormeat o lte ali glven te autiotarty te appoint altrlerr heomet fotr nepast Ibe mentits, miles wesl of! Waukegam -8. adstale couvicît abac. Il la lte ticsire v.onîen te art asn tetr assistants in te lasItithrer scrute of wh4i iteh lead drti'en la lihe iamiet ta brttg fred thIe commission ta place lte con- Ufi Pallng teCity'.'atteint lu lied, Flot sud vas vecy pe e lid MliT wiici t eood the firasv- viols lu five groupa aof lfly men. Escit "Titese workm 'avii? vîgit ci ery fui. as Meite meety pssed swsy lu ai lue. Combler dowu the main rod o! o! titese groupe wil ie s a.gned ta iti htome l i te cfty anti wMI poil lte laieeP. the briet, Ier Young teuenof o!rnses tite rsI rive camminalties pcnvtfg î'nmen votera, an olffsanOff lit organ - Thwr, are fiee citllaren: Henry, bezne frlg8tfened and startesi b run lte uecessacy funds. R fzation deciaredt lday. -We willisaas: Berlt. 117, Laite street; Louis ilecIt.aiay; mnumu ouI le stop trient but As soon as 9ommcinitleeë appl>- ta rte womeu whter they lntend 10 118 Beli-Mdece strelat; Mrs. Mary Bller, sitq shouledI' to ltentulakeep svay, i l tiate hivay sominilson ecf- tic vots for te Wet or DryF tassve and wlli 440 Liberty tirent; Mra, Amalla Port-y, tbat lite vomiS boid titem n blte road. mates aOflte coul ,of construcîtn WIT Cuit jst io'w mastIcare gong la vote. PladuibSiL. Uhir& M AU.tilam Wright,. And,. bock te tite fan Bsonusset-en ie made b> lte file i We viSl ato urge tflise wvitehave 001 Jr..31"- Belibre aireet Titere are, mîtes ftgh « &M i oped vlit the convitfafiortet have fi qalte made np tirlv' It te leget ouIttrer srandtues, iada-iWrigittrite, this determInea woan itoing troua an la eigilty miles O! "lite t sud l»Ie tO jd> go said Ib is va>' we George, EmnrlcIiIsad lHareM Ferry. ilium ilits'eroadail tlite'limte. aîd" bard roais biuld talqiRlbubini aspect tgel out a vmy reprenenta- Funeral Tb.esadc ormooe front lte "AnMd, wlteu site'reacico,!homeael tive vote Of lihe vomui. We d olni- Germlaa iteformed abarh. 1ev. B. R. 11$' ual permit tlem tI. 'l abitciteai Thte statemeul of poileregardlng tond te mise a uilge hsume. C. Meier o! Leovali. Whîs; a former but turuedthoIremabout and imadetlieusba!dflendTics tllervasheail.ovir Thte eomlg elsetlutte usdlscssaed pastor,.o aiiigC. senrltnt As liat iecr itensignatuee ! ardenalle n cf lie P eh sonne fenglhi filvws decideai Mmi..Berk w»a amembe o!fte rASai ont tûe butis âhiss 51e' arte Id Jthesitre fltar an ACotee ltaIt lte wvrn twilll not casItteir Germen RetitrnsdLadies' Aid sud ool tu rasa1Sie Jolonues iets . .penit, Z. fF anCont so votes Mnlite px'ilmâm is ul ets' deq- lte ladies isiui stm lthefanerai lunliiose Itorees sutitSh ]by situe ad 1esADfasZ .Dt> idjs Pftu te tact tita aau:wmu ln runlng a hoiy lgsltrough ir W~s:te vas teu- _________ for te positronof o wwnuitp iic oar. tiila. lu, berpuarnas ak-&B timon a.. STATE CONMI(t sI9 IT PAYS SARL E First Citiez Raising Money WiII Get Joliet Prisoners For Work This Year. FIVE GANGS 0F 50 15 PLAN. First Citiez to Get in and Make Bid for the Men WiII Be Recognized. 1 Mr@. Conison ias amnoneed bersai!t e tamisai as tue>' wtaaed t0 bide; àtyv a cnddae ortheofic o tpiteir ceai votîng atremcgth tla use oun I isI LA~L coliector iu Waukega townailp, euh- eetmdywiwtebgIseo jeet ta te Repaiblican ptma esgob. local optibn yul be ui fer a vote. xed Marci t 71. Tbee meeting P'l'day andite dcci A M FO I e Mc,,. Caulson corntrafront an office- a o! liftse vamn I the lite Iactive 1 t***m hîolding famlly, tanrlien tather, Farm-ie.O' matie b>' the vomen In ltse W eî i [. I I' M ONTL1I en SapecviIson Hetiry Edwards o! Avon uiiDl iil lo..ti-ilip, 'sas supervîcor lucre mnany Charities Commission Commit. 9 eas s candIdaterfuir ae', art 8 masiaRerndroate!,r Clf nt Escds, ne:Pas.OV,4I ,iS SSON-- tee After rrîspectiori in East r t ouie. ime, and made a st coug race. TI-LAUT CUiLL 6ET i sRaytReo. 1 e 1-'itug lisbut a ucîtail itargin. P5AV II LUE i t M1 Nrs('outîcoruenterrai lte cuiras c na ti- )f IL the fist u -" ',.iigten, 0U, 1. t>-tac aller- uailice itli,rcal't Andîi, a, alt Viteboeilluor ottgs cod tltîgt týIletaitaof, t(, t alain'andthte aev lispitai fort-hie Insane entely 'îflle -ci.. iraothi0 iuail. lt,î iflam Gannon of Lake For. at Aiton aboulai fe a'eamblnatlon ai' entr-tu g thOlaîitl lteé nttorcover i est Leaves His 1Daughter's tue collaasd cangregmtloicaI planef and oltshe igh asTit%(- recammendations vilI fie anail fuînctemi as t Bor e o iergo on Share in Trust. ' mateie bya cotumitte a!ftse Illuols frendsl muai. ae cte sa!lier rwomse ____ebailea commissiont, wvici las fleen trlial idedatu t 1 c hanier ."tt s1Thte Ws f10fltsefate Wiliams Gan- i lsîucrlg Insane asyluma snd SIMI. The owncolëctr oficeta he nDon n'as probatea In luy c ourtlv risttutions Insastern tati Tue to's a lr r fice fl ayttc a,5 todaY, stowîng anestlîmaleai value a0' i Ths cou«Isitîse vicitpassea ltse a ntyear r aos eeg ilai' w$1. 0 î Inîl lucst>'andi $o nla :daclu inWashington, lucluaies Chair- The utis o th oficearete cllet snaiProert. ,man Fred J. Kes'u .Dc George A. Zelý te twns itxs.offieretta colac The chiîfren gel teesinte, me fo.lar'thecommission'. allenîlel: SeB- lte Pnto collctaerI.ct1u0w'; a: Wilam gelis lotIe16, 17, 18. relt-ry A. L. Boyen, andi Stase Archi. lTepressar leor, itaniatsfo lock 2. Andersou's subivisieon, Laketer-t James Dibsîka, lit ofic ltcluln Cîylo RtI Forest; James Ganuon gtI section 1Thte eommlttee lnal>cted St. En.... Hary BnsO, Jhn ol, Aber Ce. 1"'townsip 44; Mrs. John Sitosian lih',the gvenmeut itOsIîtal for ne>', Ina Pearsafi, Johnt Sîarbaner, gela lots 25, 26, 27, blackt 1, H&y'eseub-.litegovnsano nd 'a ll a ! aing s u ai F e d S i o b e n.d iv is in <, 8a y e rs a ns d M e a rs s u li i - th ef o l u b e n ss ale th o ds o Titere vas tait a îev aays ago 'of sion O!fblockt 4, Bnrchelpg s ubdidul- o ueelo; eln thaloesve ftetwnfgr in lu soullivest quarter, section 15, ereAToy.8yanaiiei didate, but uOhaaiy bas yet beau an- Songsfn-lav, John Siteahan said Her. 18tidl'eales a seIn Htigla, nd Pr., naunceda I. liongit leaders declaeua bert Mmcliigel mInai an-l ofithe! lite ment tey sor lIîe. au. Inter,. lte>' voulai Surely bave a wvra an rau emainlung salats ta bc heailu -ne"t i htevle On udy didlefo lta ofieeio rolsng!frJui Richards, iio Ganuon'e Tac Coiiecton'a Notice a full tevn ticket lu the Sprint efect- 1daugitter, 511h lite praviso taI iteni1Il il eai Bracters store, Guruse, 'an, PuttlIl lafiDte Ocîti b>'the pelî- linesbanai, Charles Rîcitandgon nover Wednesdays andi Saturdays aI Hull's lion roule. recelve snY benefit froni ber stace Oft hardware store. Waukega.-Edinl lte setate. AilIlte rest o!ftse eslais Ra.,Cafiector, Warren, « Thlt Idependent feadeaisal. gaes l te ecitldren, 38-2t+Wkly. a faithfuln ese u it al sbe behissed tc> "Her higi reard for lthe Saflfalb vas aitownuviten Me vlai ut al s mil e ittaeama vitief v Ied ai td u t se tsr n a il v se k , . t= li il l:u~ m Lutys otta itnln hertactccti wlk ~ l'tbthesvnmIsteatchas vad M imsters, Doctors, Lawyers let lte hitas'sesceaon tbe sahllath- and Teachers Met Wednes- aud site seldantmidsed icturcctalter, day Afternoon in 'Y.' "lu bey itomes, ln order thaI lte___ Igebiatit migt et balfe vl&lsite as au'aulegaa. F'eliuany' 19. site a'il, cite vaulai not percmtite' Minlelers. licvyers, dorturs -aid cooa fnga meals, but all tîgs us- twaciters. lirlîl a mper'tirlg Weçh-dî.eday ed ai muais vans Prepareai te presI- alternOOç u Inte Y. M. t' A eat Ove eue day. O'ciack 5at ri lte plan o!funoming "Site le a part o!flte haut Tbought a joint orgautzation was discucceti nt bas ehsuget i elce thmse titys but thaI ,same Ileuth tit Iwas iuitlly decideai vas ber va>' o! thiuklng. No o o etice mater ta a conmittees o! couai av flenmors devant ltas fie t naetgafe miilte !sdts hor- she, AI 103, Il was ber grestest pIssa- aughly sud repart flsck next W'educs- urt ta h er seat in cliurccitdaY evening ah Otve O'clack, Thte cant- "Witenever, o!f ate site liai iterai mle. caslts !fthe fofowlng mem- te name a! a clergyman lu fier tome, bers: Atorne>'Citarles King, Coun- ighewoud sy: Pra tht 1may9 ,o..mSSalOuer Carence Dives', William C. Site vauted ta go, site vas aIl ready>- KolRv hdse n e.Gn aite vanleai lafie lters aud ahle in ter. the."Il vas lte sene so! titse pressaI Mx gandons f te agd wmanai the meeting titat an organîzallon Six re anbarson s o w l 'nd be forme an sd fil i.belleveai vosrakFltsWrliamflfWriht : tit tthia action vîlI fie taken aI ite WrahtFuoe, WSnins WRot Fe nxîmeeting'witeu lte cammîttes Ji so andgtl, Sam ietnto. Raer bmlls s report, Ail expressedai TensNsUdchirsang PlIIif.uI. ueai Of getîîug tagelter lu au Intel- Thofui ciais sag hmnevitcitlectual said sOcial va>'. te oldest membes o!f lte citurcit The final step lavard tle forma- vitose afsequles vers belag soleun- t o uscbau organîzaîlon vas tait- izeai. Ilkea Inlubec long lfe,,Iuciuailng: sun5ai te annuel banquet of lte itedi- "Abîde Wlît s' su ad "Asleep lu cal association a few veese ago viten Tsus' il vas suggesîsai Itlsucit au orgent- Despite lte facI ltaIlite atternoon jztilon voulai te a goad tblng, Thte provei lte mont blustersome of lte IClnlcsI eoclety endorsea lte meave ai vîntes', lu facI itelng a veritable blila- a meeting of ai te fors' part o! titis zard, lte chucch vas vell i Oed viitt vee ailtemeeting , Wednesaiay frienis o!flte famlly sailteageai vas t neanît. bucit eutislam le vamsn 1 ieiug expresseai. DISCUSS PLAN 0F ONÀI«i JOINT SOCIETY IN CI TY, VULCANIZIN(G Tubes andi Casings Reoaired. Casing ýWork intludes R. Cuti, Sand Blioters, Loose Troade, Blow- onte, Re*îreading, ]te-liaIng and Bead Work. Au Work Guarante. Rock BottoM'Priées During Marche TERMS-CAStI. itoer get my jirict on Tires 1Acoeslories. It will mean ney to you. lod Ritzenthaler, oesee St.. WAUKr.GAN4. Baen»t m outh of Pootoffice. YEOUMAN 0 th& Bout That Ifoney Cen Buy exsti,nsUs. arSmthoro.h sbd coMple -y way b yrom.etent iefr.etoinlt@ ires O 9 e Wr-lnd os, r 11,8and moàe 41 jois J. Yeoman MAN'IFACTURING OPTICIAN %UKEGANt, ILLINOIS -conomical p r o - iction '18 essenti- lin sucoesf ul man- facturing. Bu t à realization de-1- Lands. the condi- ions for it. If any plant, large or ornaU, in fitted wjth eteam.driven mla- bhinery, its operating expense figure& out one of the. largont tenu ilb the gemeral cout shoot. It tihroucs away power et rnany plaes between, beîween the. eugime and the licol. Follows hàem that a serraof energy tbat delivers ii.a maximum at bhe point wamted, writeas that iem in louer figures. Von Electric Power There's iso vaste il. responds viîh just the paver rqirrsl.-no moare, no lesa. If, il Iîad li oter dimtiueîiont Iluis 'sorîlti oanougli 10 plnce' it tan 'a hsq alitas, But tIis ts el eîyOu o! its îîîmerausl fuamitres of sapêutiuity andtu he itîaifrtaîtîn of alili sa am tuacked ta a iati h,>1,ma bi.g mtie. If you operate any kind of oeachintry let us talk to you about Electric Power. Public Service Companyi OF NORTHERN IILNois t A marrlage license was lssued bn îChsicago, Wednesday, to Lyle T. Ai. 7verson o! Barringtqn and Preda Her- 3schiag, of Palattne, aged 20 yeam 7 each. 1 '- ---f is, bu ýl Coin[ flood 410,1 FOR ouici lbeen good FOR waY. FOR prore Curai John FOR sud Liber FOR Coc li Ares. FOR FOR baied FOR iFOR grad- FOR Jseu FOR Tht FOR 1 fat 15). FOR rubit. Lake FOR bevel Ares. FOR wagt meWl FOR low v it ' FOR FOR V.l. villa, Il- FOR lÀbod LOS wýrr L. Ti 10: Wilmi 12: 6:4 7:3 whir,

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