COLJNTY __________WAUKEGAN WEFSKLY SUNý eÀlqp MAN WH4OHELD mANY R COINTYAMPIINOFFICES IN LAKE CO. Announcement of the Wauke. C gan fIep -CaucuBringsout ôttp 0fCO. Offioes. JUDOG,.C&.5RK, SUPT. 1t SHOOLS AND SHERIFF. EST est, ln nodetn mTafl rrange- attary f ound 3d ggatt thse er- ýg hlm- teaeker ni was job. ened at zed the BY'S' . two la- rge eso- ,ht on sistance us and eacbers' 3red. IN TION- Uhioe(go hWs wife, ' 1111 wVoj- me, his n to ii n le the ýred sud- Sharvin 'barge Of the eider itk-d that ber the 1 hic fa-, laiu goule ksed upon retUrfi ta lecks the 511e hec ýd Aug. 2. unit No%, separatpd. wlf&so ad- ber. LTRW.R'&&PV % VVyI.TJi'. i, iu.m E à AV 1 v inI'tt.TAK i" 'mil.011 nsm-kat M q5ai ta T5. '1 ' A IThTAM Y lT AW... IN EPEN'DENTr CENTENARIAN' DEATH T3PROI ATTRACIS THE NATI ON. LENTE M I ItERE; ALLSOQAL ACTIVITY CEASI4'5 Theu Are the Officers Whioh Ae~to leF I*-Utte Ri- vairy' ayed as Yet. Nov UtItise Waukegan epubiean teva primantes have bain callet for Mercis 7tix, peeple are asking vise. lise cosint>' pnlnarieaara la be beld and visaI offies are t e hailiet Iis yur. Hres tise ansee. Thse ceunI>' prinarles viii ha hit September 9115 andthie elerîlon viii ha hit Dacember 7th anti the men eleatetlin tefce assume charge of lith offce on »ecember 101h. Tise offces Io ha fluet sincde: Casant>' Jutge. Cunty CI.ak. Cottrty Trssurer. Colhlt>' Supafintmncient of Seheoli. To daisetisera are these candidates t tise fieldi for office: Conît>' Jutge.Penny b. Pensons lo a Candidats Ionr r-electben andt e date 110 18 unopposet ant in etlit ha Ilie- Ir wiii nol ha. ÇeuoIY Clerk ileateeIn la candidate tOC"IetiSandt t date ho abs fia Ceunty msPe.nendent of Scisoola T. Arttisr Smson la a candidate fon rta-alaçtbond 10 date le unoPPosed. Fus sarlif tisera are Ivo avovet 01a1ldidtes. B. J. GriMa anti George N. PoWell, botS of >Vinkegan and biotb àfflo- ieriffi. Theji are haIs vag. 148 ative campaigni. Mneunti trsourer. lisere are. In P.tlgisood anti William ltoe- tng of Reund Lake. Tisa telathie candidates for of- 11ce have issen orklng quiatly 10 tate 4" -vise tisere ay>'ha more candi- dateratlie offices befora tise iattia gala going goot andi isrd, no other ave coeeout yet tisan tisonse namet %eport hsan Il that Hriramn Ferry me>' .aî oPPose <louaI>' Clark Hantea h~eian mate neotelinite &tâte- Mmnt as yet. ,,,MILUAGE LICENSES o John bciunk. Chcago---------...36 Mltred Beuingartinen, rame-...38 G60. H. Cross, Mlmet .........25 Maude McCuilocis, %Itropoi.11.-....u <luit Noblberg, Chicago--------461 Helma Bekunan. saue----------41 Abert Dspp. Pittibrg..........-27 HIliii*à".rtsMuakegon-.....27 Arthsur Roue, West Allies--------.29 NNeiI Griffa. Columbus---------..26 Pranis Scotto, Milvaukeea-------.22 Mary De imore, mame------------..38 'ILLINOIS ON TOP' 18 -'NEW STATE SLOGAN. Cisampalga, Fuis. -Tihe trst l»ve htatise Pla" f tise Illinois Coun- moedaIl ederallon '10opus lilinois ta tise top" S>' unllyIag tise cIl-le, ag- 1101tril, and liduatrial Internât» of the Mutie, aimatie Tuesta>' vienae Mting ot gre-aetatlven of Chamn- poinI. Clark, Voies, Cravfort, Cursa- l01and. Dougas, anti Edtgar ceun- vas hd aittaChanpaign. Tis Ybeating vas Use trs t ftan toSe b.14 beloan aal-aita meeting In, C:Maipagnezl Novembre WOIIN ALDERMANIC CANDIDATE IS NIECE OF LATE MRS. PECK. ÏU i M1.on O-aS., thseveinai at- t1muoy oetousiao, Wviselurmulng t .lpalderman against 'Bafl1ousea ioas Ceugila, le Weillknov n la Wu- b5gaD, behig a nies-e of Ml-s. John P6eek tise aget fSheridan rndstirosi- d8t Whoe diet noeamonlise go. Mise 9rake tmeuently visitet han ffl# b*e aid bog eacquainlet Pwl'. eke triants. . --,~ufi bsu appueleinlucases las 0esast 01 Le e ~ty, un- t. lou Whmaiare vatcis- tk'tb tUi les-et tise rane sise te malt- bu lb tise cty, for atehinn ader tEPtJLICANS ARE 'PPOEWOMAN FOR ICE-CUTTNf À fi1INi RAIY FOR Canton, M., Nid THE LAKES IS NOW TOWNPRIMARIES Inddgntl o u o nyo NEARLY FINISIED Canton. She wiIl be n.o f tohJiree -andidates for Office Asked to ontheltizensa ticket.CIdWahrHsFzeIe -.Wen Dr. Rogersa rst .anounced Cl ete IsFoe c PreentNams o Thrs«her itention of makina fihe race she to Thickness of Fourteen or day, March Fifth. receîve.i' support from ber vomeR Sixteen Inches. friends. Lte dveop it4 0hw- LECT 6 ASST. SUP'VISORS. ever, caused ber to lose mu h uof her MANY ICE HOUSES ARE FULL llifluene- After the Nomian' Civîr ne Vacancy Caused by Dem- .league fall .isrda nIt t Hun redq f iTouqndq' LAKE w"u"ululw"uuv%! J wu"'- temt edissuadle ber trot enteringl i '" "'u-tuz u" ""atiut orest's Removal - Many thefi eld, t announced that t wala of Tons of Ice on Hand, Ice Seek Collectorship. flot i'ehind any womaan didate for Famine is Not Likely. iy office. Thse Repubican town ceucus bas Reports front the varlous lakeu iln been formally called by the Rel ub -Lake county Inidcate tiiet decîjîte the oa oncmItetedt n I fear expresged a few weelss ago ta BantowdaMcmmite. tisenda te lg- saven o'clock. in the Besley Mailt there might flot be suffieient ice this House , Sheridan rad and Maia on winter ta meet the usuai demand C HARLES PHILLIPS. The town commttele eiso today for- summer, that the supply wlll be uP ta Mrs. Ellen Tenkinson, 105 years The Lihertyvilie resident whose tions on the ballot, ta appear et the il At the prescrtitfinie the tce tîset la nîglit of onidlige.,S'he was horn lns death luet week erdited more office of Secretary W. B. Smith. 201 being cut im front fourteen to sixteeni l rei.snd andi caesta0ibis country than average intereit because of' Nasington treet, aIt eight o-cdock loches in tbicknuess. Saiom the siXty-one 3 cari ago and settled ln hie prominence for yuîrs, was for- criThurgdey, Marcb 5th. At that wq opanties Who did flot care te taee aukegan Site came groin Brook- mer coufty trilsurer of Lake dînie. lots Wiii be drawn for positions J f f f 'I I I a cbance on waiting for thicker le 130 ta Chiiago bu rail and w ent county, former circuit cierk, for- ùIl the ballot for ail oMKies, the posi- dbogan ta cut wben the tce reached a from C'hicago t . sukegan lsy mer superviser of Fremont, for- tion for town collector of course bec-iI flI * lbess of frram seven taelgbt Il.- boatls Ebeiue- ailroasd ha mer coliector and *»sssor of Fre- ing the ne wiere there wiii B orne 11cinc oe oee.wls n ven11 v -te tt ie mont, former» secretary of tihe drawlng" because or the big. fieldi cf ' ow are aille ta get rc thlcker leil She was tise widow of John Jen- Waukegan hoard of education and canldidateis. ,Wth lisewether rather uncertain kinson,' so illdit a nussîber of n fiel, heid more publie offices, Ilere are the offices ta ho Ifliled Decreased Gas -Bills Bring tbe il.eIcompanies bave taklen noa Yers go. She vas the inother perhapa, than any other ploneer Flue assistantaupervioors. Forth Expressions From l'bancos con a tlsaw and lnnureverai cfa"eV,,n eblîdreus, fort .-fou.r of the county. He was a man One assistant superviser for shsort Many Gai Consumers. lncbes have worked gangs of men graniciîltiren.flfty great-grand- very highly regarded by ail who term tao 011 cavency. Iisîglit antidec yla cuttlng and storing j chîltiren and four great-greal- knew him and for yeara, lived in One town clark Ihle Ice. TI, reguit .latatub several erandebhlîdrenl. There %were fIlN0 Waukegan, the latter yeare bel., One essessor. BUT-IT'S ALL A MISTAKE. races tbe large leehouses already grîseratlons lin1the fatinl,%. For apent wllh hie daufgiter, Mr&. One collestor have been filliet and Ihler owners %wIIIî aay yearbsitîe v-as the oldest Charles Cheeven at Libetyville. One roati conasssloner. No Intentions Made to Reduce nlotlbe obllged ta vorry any mnore. Iresîýdent of Lake county, and iews One school trustes. Bils-Short Month Is the 1For the lest tv-o or lbree weeks ltac nt hn 1e affairs of fie EPîs- There e l iv om ismnReason of It. Ihere bave been very il w sa3-s-vers r copal churî-h uII1)tv-to years ega. AUCTIONEER SAYS Thetrm-o liteassatspra the local police stationi. The po- I________________ vîcors expire Ibis Spring &nd the'r "Our gas bill ha* been reduceti lice accouai for Ibis hy the fart tbatI HE STO-PPED VOLO places will abe Illie 10. as well as a as a reult of the bd gus during file balaes have one REVtheMR.l IUAYLE vaac nteassistent superv o iser monl-,t'1cia wbere tbey bave been able teMRsecureL P0il~. o hebad o s monthIhn last molt" weeks. Tiîs bas§ taken fibem from lISÀL W E ; S S SALE ALL A LO N E Taiberv s la caused by tht With gacopn was their usuel course up andi down th e OVE ;A3. reiovl fomtheety o Speisrlconidrat ate 31-tey e- norh h e o xected '~t they F RNAM E IN COURT H.J. Poile of Libertyville'De- Jobn Demorest Wbo la now a resident 1ildued ur is bill this montil- will hagin again te psy ibis m<ty visita clrsJohn Rhardso i rwsosn lt'î about a dollar loue than or- wben tbe tce-cutting season closiez. clares lOff hec a lenDid cf Isc n tS upervser@dlnînîiy." Thousauds of men bave heen given ~th Lk on Notealprfflhe Sle.assistent p ervîsors N'aulegan, 11ebruary 25. emPioYmeaî Ia tbe annuel Ie barveat. Secretary o h e Cuny lIIîe)rîîIlIII, 1 Feh, 23, l!l4. whose termse xpire tbis year are: Tse- abolie are samsple expressions The barvest has been on for about 2 Law and Order League Lake- (*ut i ndeîîendent. John T. Entrrons. wbicb came ta the Sun ofields weeks. filaboult i elnlabed witbin Makes the Fact Inl n Lietvle l.Jauea G. Welch. via Phone antd direct statensents or the next few deys. Tîsen tbe ire men l.r I betsvllII.Tbao. Meyer. Plersans Wbo feit that lthe bad candi- will neat care how soon Warin weatber Ie-a SooIrs. or urPler(f u Timotly of the g-s uring tie MLstfev Icones.NOT KNOWN HERE BEFORE. lusloklg ve ~ar sase o lst Henry B,-eecker I weeks Ilad causeti the comiee te av-j ekInoticeti a very seîsalioaal Mr. Broas-ker today sait lie would celît tise SuasH suggestion Of rebatlng 'WELL KNOiWri WES1 i m..t allegedtiîlerview- with loba Richard- be' a candidate for re-electlon onth their -bille tilts mntit a certain per. T rormaiiy ppears ai te ir loofVlIll hchasaegDeMOcrtk ticket. Mlr. Speilman "entoge lu Ordur ta maile sceuicit Clerk's Office With Re- son th auIonWola bI a chargebof tatet nlt ha reacheti. but it ila un.amenda for csoir'gm SIDLMAN IS DEAD qudst of Registration. hic sale et Volo, Ill., had been tan- u.derstOOd be yl ek re-electlon. UT 5ERE'MS NTKHIF IUNLU.G ,TioasE Q le e-rles enced l'ysmore of tbe î,ople of Vole, Mr. Emmuons ati Mr. ',eyer bath ITH'S I ISTKF f UB NO REBATEhma'E Uale eret ta ei bs ooa t ndljuou pic annllOtweed today tisey would be can. YOU"'VF FOOLE[D YOgjR8ELVES! of the Lake cOuuîty law anîd order and he aidRichrdsn led e st fididtesfor e-eecton.league. lm an attorney. th aniseid ale tso ht ta s tathmmi . dîtat'ues for rWech ouneed h IT'ff JUST A ltAPPENSTANC'E' Waukugarî, Feiîruary 24., lie ls a îractlcing îawyer lit file the sari ae gve hiiif. Wbci ruPrvao Wecaasoucen e When the etîtor ot the bSun Iound Willlainî -atings, 35 year8 aid, a iof u1c I seunasiiîi cnîi trat a a ouit net hoa ecandidate...k am itise gas bill et iclsîonme vas one dol- 1lItait street, succusîhedti latuberci-linibr ustrutb. holding tise Office of justice. bes-lng 1er legs than test montb, visen he 1'Io">, Ibis usorni iîî t 83 'coka T efrtki)weg.t The simîple- trulli tf tise matter lm heen elerted 19suPervisor aller helng Iudthte8:3g0nclr teerai lîes ta osît t ocant n e ul""eras' îrsit eîîsî ert tha Jon iiohrdcîî ilt îît rIl ffJusticesandi heceuse or if, I shah flot Sun Office alc,î reiorteti a dollar legs halt yî-arp. Mr. llesîtis was bri 1was e-îtitiî-îltî tIse- lreix (if to cotie ale suttaei ciapth efunse. tod~fa uprior sidM.Wec t bis home, v bris he round that tile aI-ltve h'îî)s iiear Noîrthiîilcago, 1Iley" camue (his. ie-k wiîen lie- ai contleine h swl e he înslu- ,foneman Of Ile-S'iloffices bil lîl 1et iîtlad li-ed fils Weîkcgaus practicai- isîlîlmcicitcér' Ofc suns lienehd ii î1, a trî Those Seeking Coiiectorahip home vaes altio about e dollar legsasned ]y ail aIfli,llte. ilc1.baves es aloiîmadeoaarequeit tlîal bisl name 1ung The candidates for tOwn collector Illhen ise bat ceverraI telephone mes- bic vife, four mîters andi one the r lciC cluteti inI tht list (if Lacke colin- I o nlytise repou tbo d a te tic k eto rta d ate g es ta th e a mn e e Ie st a n d se v e r al i h s e m nss scu f llo w : M rb , J o h n E v a n s h e t ) u e c a î s a s î a in th e menl u id oIofdaech-I vri iatn utPersans stoîsîse-ti ii as they Peissedth Ie auss Mrs. Normîan Blrady of Weuke.Mrlciutcot ck, goisvh eet-re ma î~ IPasl. Sun Office, wiîiî similar statamenîs, gels, Mrc, Heusry Stone of Chicago; it vla exlined ta hlussîhat te prcjHenry' Bejoss. Use naturel conclusion vas tiset a re- Mrs.'-Heary Fry of Cape Gerlrdeeu. ocet bat airead et> leen lîriateti Anti as for suris e fatse and erronse- AI. Carne>', bate un lunev ilh lise sîggesteti plan Mo, andtiFranksHtigs of a! ertîsctrefare ho ball arricd tee late witi; nuse charge as aboyas staeeul1i temansI John Cole, hati beeu decidrd s,,s b>'thse ga co- in iîlý bis request. aý public retrectian af thte sie by Fred Sisober. Johsn Rîchartison. Ed. Webb. Party, For cuveral >cars Mr. àUstiiigo hbadlti e sait that bu vaes a practlcing e position aI Brwelî's salailu fac- attorney' ant i wsbed ta ha incluted Vaurs respectruhly, Mrs. Harvey Coulson._ But inquirY let 111egag offce brought tory sîlsere hs intiustry anti closue p- lis the liat, anti while the cierks dit Il. J. POILE. The Present tawn collector, Roabert forth e denlal lthainch e considera- plication ta bic vork matie hlm e gen- flot soit hisiwhen bu hai been adi- Ilutaw, la net seeltlng ra-eleclion. tionrs be ei i soaithe patrons. erai favorite, belti vit i ua employ- mitteti, the statumeat caes as a sur- FOM RTNC E ion. ta Oppose George The ressots tlic- his vera reuiuceii erc antilbis fe-low timployes. lie wes lPrise ta tilera as it bâti flot beun FORMER TEACHER Aslusual tisera ahI bua but 0one - l eacssashcuetee areever>' quiet, nnassuming man but knowa abottftise court bouse thet ha OIES IN THE WEST. Publican nondinfee for tova clerk ant Insricae sheueteeae - -the othen tickets 11VIII net fi11 Ior that les daya ln Febcîsery anti becanse as ""'de frIeuîdy vîserever ha went. vas entilut ta e place emoag the Word bas bea recevet lus Iis Office. George Hutchinson wiii hae un- a conequence- the moeters have een Twa yearc ga leist Octobr ho dis- attorneys. cit of deah o Ed a B con in PPO d fr tisieoffice, viicheo bas read about two orctitres ay e earier c aeredt t ite as fflicted vlwtlîthe Mr, Q îsyle-orgnally as e Matha- ci> eatýe ah.o, Ei aon latiis month thans ,rdinariIy. tire-ad white plague. A montb leter fie minîistur but of late yeers ha bas. SetPe ab.o ebruary 15111. hait for so men>' years. enasctryothLwadO. Mise Bacon vas Iormerly a teucher lis Other Tickets to Fi "No rebete vas given and the biIs,11e ws c ompe-lied tai give Up bis PO.he ur-a> IIebyat r tise Waukegen echool for about Oive Whlle It ta generel> concedet that as a wbolu Ilrviii bu1 h about as sis. His employer Boilist ta gîve dur league, drawuusg a salery or $110 yeers and vas a member of the Meth- the ttepubllcan tovn tickets alwayea usueal, vwas the îuiieuatlon. "You hlm corne liglît, outalie employment, e monlis for looklng alter th1e morale odit curc. Se as cosinofhave )uet happesird ta bear oIftt but lie vas 'lat able 10 attend ta tis, ai Lake count>', lits saler.. teiag paît o ti t c u r h. ise v a a o u s n i v n l a t ie e le c ti en ln A p ril, lit l a th ore f i cs c o n d itio ni s e e m ati ta b u s e rion s y ea nîlm îe r o f r c h ao rt b il r a e - M r s , C h s er l e s P a r t r i d g e , f r m e r y a i ta te ti t h a t t h e D e u o c r ts a n ti P r o vc a lso b ue th e vb l c a r e l a n e r o s 1 1e M n . o h l s e v i t ît i o r ter e - î ct l 0t h t i n Ibis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ci>.at mt e oe isgesie hsyervi aisptettaiselo rits(,1eich due la Ueairtmn.îbi, ot b ase esuI i vnt. h r neetdl htln tiseu. 0f lais years Mise Bacon vas a full leva ticket ln isopea oI land.t- 0sel05 iig u o h if cthatbigreatit ha bismesrv et- a superviser et musie la tha Pubiciug eone on Ivo of tihe lova offices. ferunce of lime ln reediflg tise 1btmeters ae aveld schooià et Seattle. lus 1912. Il le recalled, Use Democrets nov as comparudtao lst menUs. Tisane h le enalut upaîe EYESHADE EXPLOSION _________ centeredth ieir forces in an effort t asoniti, In the total, be ne particuler 1Mr's. Hasctings la Prostretet aven bier PROVES FATAL TO MAN.1 Al la repontai liset George Bristol, elect et leail oneeor twa assistent va*" nein the bills aven tise preied uband'i8deati. Although they an:re.Mllnbuil elli divorcet bushant of Munnie Bristol supervisera vls heresult tis a s 'I'lm. - -- -au m igterhave beauried i a ttapoc bseeviîe e wbdnah abwas kllat a yean ago n ta e'> POIlimaa vas vîctoilous b>' a "ht e ng ie n a hildvre ta note the aeeo!whtehea Chicago aben an auto vent over a inuail majoril> as vas aIso enry T Geraî C. Smith, son ef tise "chvas bat 19 yaaraoi r anti tis de-la ttBnerlaietpoarplantho!atise bridge lnLincoln Park, bas raceatîy Bycecker, bots being democratilo nom. cipil oI Wentieli Piillipa 1115h Scisool, 1bt1 emodadtebie nteBu sadpwrpato h marned a vitov ln Gosisea, _lad 11151060-and Miss Marie Matieof 3131 Prais ta-be vaes unden 14. tisey rau ave>' Public Service Company' of Nortisern whe nd.vert marriet. Tiseir parents Ion-llnî.LetTsnt>'eae ie viea h oveitese. ale emïloy. sieotiser ilreeelectati-ve re-M avenue. Chicago, eloped SumdIay nigTïlingvoiunuo hinrtrsanite rs. sho t î rte.a aronet et lnau analumInum faàtory tisera. Tise Publtcans. ta Woodotock anti aller reuling out have teer ben iniel euahesndce ba es tseoteaiste, aics epl opdani report aiela tisat BnIAtOl as taken Wiie l islalikely tisera vM b. a lBeensa cleri anti a mUinuter wev a ve e e N cue e it tirsinc e cf a llenrte ebadbet nti blnt. eda hie citdren Ifron thise ieVilla. or- SMore candidates for aastaLnt super. united lna amitiblubt maralage. ties.c No ple an tis i AlmtreMin llaen, tadSI. Frnan d b ssptl l ine psanage visera tise> 'aibeau liaiesvîcer tisaist tose vise nov SoIt heàe long ilîneas teygt.r b usSn re.lntu eeatee tat s for a long lime eud that tise farnl)jeis11110011, tberaare non. 7.1 lahi flue Arrangements are now bthe ma le onatga vansB fby r s s ad a m rs.It e-titsla ntSpas ey. Two otande ly Iliu r e n it t l Th ie p re s a - fi l ed . J u O t i sh o s ie 5 <wh o ffic e h a v e fo r a d i au t i ng ts o f P i t lig a c o n - ita n tly . t t s eo* e p a t v r ul t i e ent Mns. Bristol 1 ll a aise atehave ~- -'e helt iet E1éiveotà on Tise luneral le ta hoh laiton Thora-eti'shotirculat wcc ur e d e one child. "1111114 oq Pffl W-94 tise afiaooa 01 Marail Mltis, Wlo i eday Mteruocu. tesotèrli cur Rules for Lent Are Read in the- Waukegan Roman CathoIo. Church Sunday.c PRE-LENTENSEASON BUSY, Cathoîics Are ToId WhatThey - May and May Net Do Co0-, sistently in Lent. Below are the noIes fer lent ab ptW out by Archbisbop Quigle>' of tliqilu- cage diocese anti viics vene read la ail Waukegas Roman Ca&tWht-"j cisurches Sunday: "Ail deys of Lent frein Ais Wed- neatay (Feb. 25) te Haster Bandai -X (Aprul 12), Suntaya esuceptet.-are i- tiaye of obligation Ion aIl tise ltist4 viso bave attainet thein Zuet yeqr M& are net otherwias lavînil>'dispesu. 'Tise slck, Use ver>' paon, IIU e..' - tisse ni,IInfants and la geuetil ail vise. because ef elti ag. vsekly constitutions on hart liber ce a ét,ý without tetrmment te, their haulth fre exemptei frein taa#.Ing. Tises. e- cm pIed frein listng are net r*sttOt.- edte 1the use0f meâl an de» visis l le allowet by dispensition eaI lis principal mal. "Those obîlget e lest are r«eetrle Lb one lui meal ln tise day. visiis j uon net ontiinariiy ha takea belote noon, andti 1 collation net exeeeding tise fourtb part ofaan odlnary Meslu the evanlng. Usoigi tisenueOftnsm venin drlng, sucis as tei, coffe or chocolats, vitsa aial PSteaoetbroi4 In tise merning la autisoriset.- "Abstinance Iromin less ml Is-m pliet in Ibis precept oftfastlltg in, hq tii tiocase. tispensedt itoi Sun- deys wvh estrIction. and at thea prtaw cipal meal on ail otisen day., aze Wednestays ant Pi ndays and lise S urteys In Ember week aad -.lqI veek. - "Tise use of lia i visitsme a torbititen e aine mem, aven oM g»a day, In Lent, 'Lard Use fat rndered troisii> tint of meat, me>' Se ud nit prelar- lng fotd on ail daye .iurng Lent andi On daY, eOftanet andi abatiaca throughout tise yean. "The aboya tiepenation Iquthé general lave vera grantet by'an ln. s doIt cf tise Apostolie Ses, Aug. 3, 1887 aubfequentlY renevet. "Yen viii please te explata le yeur 1leople the dispensaUionaasetrois lie lau of abstinence, la laver eorvos-k. Ingunen, graustat In an adult of tise IIOl>' Set, Mercs 15. 1896, anti renev- et Feh 25, 190à.- AS ACONSPIRATOR IN KENOSiIA CRSI Four Burns Deteotives Also80 HeId at Kenosha.on Laww. ! yer's Complaint. Kanosa, Wls,. es. 24.-Fourp-t vais tatectives from, Use Chicago brancs01ethtie Burns National Datec- Ulve agency and Jerry W. DeOM, tac. tory manager orthtie 'liouma .jet- fer>' cempan>', wvee iarge& vitlsCM.- spiracy and perjury yretesday. Tise warrante vere evosi onI by- Norman 1L..Baker, aitoraej h-Çoc.' Koscas, on trial cisarged,'wltis Itug- lng dynamite te Kenooia te 51ev op tise home of Deces. Complaint AlflgasCoaslray The compuaIntalleges Decqu .aBd tbe dtetivea conired te bau e st cak convicetdMd tisaItise detesve appeared In la <lit eeot Sa ,&&.v* penjuret evîden &#@uIt the Mun. Tisa delectivesare David uL.Bataene. Heremino Poppie, T. J. Tisempos ami Thsomas G. Hanson. Abertf ie.« said teuigilha had àtise me. in 5h custody. Tise district attorney sait ha b"d Intomath Ue sherifftisaI anl et fMe Men namet bat been browNgt te me1 utile te Ilve evldence la tisa dir«ui court. and tisat any attempt te ht5 A fesev wt teir liberty voult ho IN> sented. Tise arreat of ithe principal wtt11- nesies of tse stata ats teSt ut i b 4 fo;uglit case vas Seing te lthe WY vas teclaret b>' thdisict ato àW. A. L Os-rm, te ho a "l i 5014 effort ta Inexience tisa jayý" luAs cl4red tise- m. duil o ilu et Mietahtie ii of chem- ohach (t uck, $« ton i r, vn4ý44U--NO. 23. PÀRT Two Lr-BPMfYVILLE. rLT,-. lêRTnAy- FEmýiTARV 97 lql4 VnTm ipAav-Q ti r'a ip1w.-P VIF An yw Ainv-tuu&,,