Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Mar 1914, p. 2

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LAX3 QQU~4TY ]J RNT, FRDV A~H6 94 tetsuelnpayaient of samne. LG RE pn < / io a ,w A petltiofl oignaid by reeldente on Lakte ve. praying for street lights on eid HautElenord of Waokegan,@pttes Lakte Ave. ut certain lutervalo front ekwt braie, e.Mle parkt etreet @outb to the corporate Ilmits [B ixnrlredSna rom a -Wasacoad. Moved by Russell and Wells hueinena trip te central Illinois. ^yJ'o that petition be refrred to the llbting VanNeu Young returned Tueediro Co mmittea for investiyation. Motion Fremont, Neb., wbere ha bai @pont th@eSAMEL_____Bit By T. F. SWAN carried. lit feur menthe, W. W. Got of BeitI. Wîe, wae a SAnUF.L in LEad Yortai Correspondent and Agent Moved by Irving and Wells that the George Dalziel @penit lait week "t" caller hers Wednesday. tesion.- Morse bticame @uni of $5.85 lbe allowed and warrant bis eItel, et Wateeka, 111. chance. A casual nemai t fSeveral Young men havearrnrdfor pmeceeou board chip drawn on the trea@uerr-ln payment f Aiegila iGre epevstdadnet .bl ItetW al.vr taxes fon the viliMa lot. Meotion ca1"rriGainepeolborned Thmt eo k up the etutr the hom of d AmasTued a doncTlhat renttheton al eer tien carried. ~~~Bturday nlght, iarch 7 i atk pteau ?,aee mthotRun alat Meeting adjourned on motion of! @peit the evanbug playlsg cêrdà.n l lb»day with ber iter, Mr. L. A. Peeellîrsba bed Zenteeeinen., e o tvlrva: E~~~vleWels nd rs.. Maeleu tMcClure laft Tueeday ight Ptrtoesbsbenacttarat- lantd." More h Iva *4.1'T. F. Swn, Clerk. for Caliornia, whare elle wîîî @pend thoeIbrea weese uffernug witb .rbeumatismt. Pnd-teh orlehabetlove Mmre.LouiseaSpect rturnied Sunday .Z_______ ___ouand hplaestlia fi evstwith relatives in Rverview LIBERTILLE SR NOTES. But f wns flotomt1 "d Mmburet, DfflorID LAKE ~Delgatei elected ta attend the Wood- iewscmpee ew eLadd @penitoSit. L..... - -- man rate convention et Atiorb, April 1. Wa ahGdWo9 ampendttS tMiraM. G Ryand danghter Pearl Bare were: Dr. Younjtg, W.D. Waibhur, [.00 The Physice eliti baefiniahb<i the YWh a ho t od lu I w1hM.adMr.F .gr aiiet pending tbe week witb Lloyd Ray at Feulon, . B. Strang and Jullus Bratia tudy oifsund! and have takten up light. le him pr.lect. thefl ho wilhs.Waterloo, Iowa. Isueranet lîo èsecoute Mir. Mutaw, Who bas been vory iii the Sa tar this eur t e mem u sae cf he cut Backtewelle esclbro niere i th suer ai. wîîeo ierea J. Beeoele movod hie bou@eh3ld i tire. Wm. Cooper @petit part oi lat pat two weeke, i. very mach improved Irahian clie have quit chool. porket. and have te onT mealp; and even woraet Wod@thsiwek ilte arongeonwek nChcao.Mr Copr ngauig i reen.The eighth grade bas sent for samuleIncorrect a debt tof t i4ake avenue wbere bie will ceide untîlý rapidly. tir. and Mre. C. NI. Brown returned pins from whieh they wil (-o@e One. But bcnie uel]e te p, ie pestldence (a buldlu the Rousee uh- tr.Hle pn atwe ufomfo pig atwe ouaa.and finalIY was rcwardnît1 Mr.Homespu. B we l rinBtlgigslstge Wdee .ance by an appnprîtlon diiionatia oje hçgo yu in)nbimvd rmi e 0eof the ienlore ia only carrylug Uneaul h ahntn1l Il1pttwr hcg iie»Tpta. Arhur Holland Wi .a Waukegan vi- Farrell rsidence to i hier's Puac.tltgtheWashIOZtflWondr-îî 8pabt araChiegovietor Tusdietor Frîday.__,ti-- r. and Mr. E. Nolan will accupy thelgthwbeda. ode yenfcr fthre. Borte10 tr. and lNre. Theodore 7ereen Mie@ Luella iitcheil entertained a iew Farrell reme. tire. Lovell viitaid in the lower grades ce Tueeay. Feb. 23, a daughter . frienaue 1a lelgh rida party illtieneeday H. B. fiponenburg waa a Chicago Friday.TH R N C. A. Bllueki flniibod filiug bisi 'ce eleeiug. They went to Lîbartyvilie and visiter the firel of the week. Ha bai Firsi grade hied a epelling contait i THaneeTry aN boues tonda tnu n d bi a fâne crop atne h yi.rcui engatdao e aetO uea leno ewe h 08the many services wi of ion deapite the tact that the wioe-acre Paul Rai and Jamee Swan of Liberty- raiiroad appliances, making alout forty an à girl@ of the A elase. c iieaeoe oa howlsd "no lon this year. ville, sent Bandai wlth G. M. Mty. lu I. Turner Wilcox la abeent, the cause iatere arg oenand al] Lesile Hardin @peit Sunday pt ie Tbey nmde the trip ou tbeir siese@. Tha Gurnna W. C. T. U. silil hold ain bing a cold.viey t cm 0 -bole te Autioch. . A. Woodln laaded ie goode st orpbn aîn ae 1 i r.vt o abcm J. . Holcaab, arrlved Sondai night Ae aona natt aCliona anes. etn Maile1prompt and r@.nd Helen Caeey, '14, trled ber baud at tfwom> Dêata wee ha baiepo tbe Mr and ire. B. Mille lft Frlday for a li the moll caî grade being the victime. hetwa weeki trip t0 Clorado for a viit witbsiesb It Gptle i fr'ere ier, Mrm. Waler tir. J. B. Mores visited second and »tig ls osleted. wbcbthemporeeRUSSELL fourtb grade one day lait week. 1W&OII hCrOonkite. Witt aoeê l, st. orelant ad rosi WUi Stroep visiied ie Buoter ai Higb- The Ladies' Aid elcitu t Mrem A. C. Mahal Johnson of third grade bai @Oetlng Uies exeage of itae mtarai wood lut vie k. Corrne wa largl attendaid. It waa ttovd ta Ares t Glarii. S~ i~ ~ C. T. Bartîsîl of Evaneton. epent lait aisea a bltbday parti for Mises Bmwe. Vens Gallaway le trying te tmate the Madb moved ta Chicaga theY bave Tburiday witb ie siter Mr@. Laura B. Juet &fler dinnar thena wai a showerofnw tleluekwsppla Sh bua dit Iteupkepaidtaxs , Kane. pont carde train the ondai chaal arrived Veond"y moruiug withabrillllaft fusIld iette unc arnd lt axeaid tir. H. Wbrenberg and daugbter oi poured over ber bead, wbich cceated red bandaansa bouill tightlY oud ber FREE TO FARMERS. ha" for noeeime wantpd te dipos ai Lbertyville, are the guests ai h*rmother coneoidanable merriment. la the evenieg neck. By pedai arnemoSent tohe Roae l bullfi va. net outil lb. matter vas Mmr. Gerber. a rec.eption bad] beau ilanued ai a eur- ia, Haven wai absent Monday ou agrea te mail a copy of their Bilg 1914 pbed .xcluoirell in. 6e bande aiftir M. A. Woodin vas a C icago vsiter prises for Mise Browe wbicb crtal ento atasa. Illustrated Seed Catalogue aud a sam- Kaelgp bai aty progi-su Wasmade in the final ai the week. wai velU cannîed out. There vai eoing- pie of their Camons Dlamond .lo's Big dhiresction. By thaexcbange the Wmn. Bulcioand fimily morad thrte lug and epeakiug. tir. Pitman made a podu Ite n de aie fet opb ai waskcordyofbe 00Se lpe cr. ls re Mises. Bus @score nome new op-to-date miles alofaiDiamond Lakte Katurday. few remarke and lu boitait of tbe Ladies' aodcd h dale elcipH mvdcod of velr Nuselelerta. Caina b*»Ms propertInb Cicago ail rented ta jeu. Thatcher moved utoe the Mitchel, ld rmted Mis Broya with a beauti- beîoil the dtri Iswfl.Tuea dian grown, Oats. ta every render of fui signet ring as a token oi ber bîgh The freebiée beld a meeting Thrsay isi paper, who buys or plante i rîti Wood tomate aie in ete yc lia ain.ei ml hc h abladfrth feno n aebe cigv rGardon Seedsanad Nursery St n'. JW wD enie ir o ixtiilmWord bas juit reached harsofaithe eem l ell se ~bad orinthe mqhaiu@veue eolpoeThis, book Is a comtplete compen- Mb1l1uare fnarnte Do0Ev esyasdeatb of celleui vont she baiigan oua lu hmseroeaeeiWe.Wcoltpuey d îum ai iarming and farm and gardexi libr dil ro th tao. Mr nenly w ol Cne a oemeyeidner Mchga. undayoechool. About oue bundred ino lInormation ai te vhat ta ddseede. fittelle bow ta grow bilg crareI bouterareat succees sas a mea estate 1 ore praeut. The ladies iurnlebed a aliboogb thora are math dflun and ail about the heet varloties aof 1 niesoi t bvalb ailty10 Mm. Paul lRa and cbildren oi Liberty- bonuliful banquet. Mise Brave i. rumore. Seed Corni for yotîr locality;,aIaSeed bat prue l lte rasadio. ille, allent Suday vii t ra. John spending a lev dais with ber motber The juniors had a cdais meeting Fiday CQats heaf,atre SetaeseIs, Baeebt atml fb rnato.Hdge. and tamily at Wadsvortb. aiternoon. Mixtures. Seed Potatae. andaI allierh, SOU CM L C MIG& Tom and Doris Cooper and Grtrude Vera Mecalepeit a coupie ai days ai -Our ou" elpetti week-end maklug tarin and garden seedos ad Nureery Towner viçited Win. Cooper at tbe Ui. A. C. Cornie'and atteuded the the trip inom Cbicaga tte inneapoli stock. fi Is worth dollars ta ail, o ab"h regular meeting ai lb. Board Pe seinbospit a dai.drtr. Hrpotetht haecuya orenwant af eeeds of auv sort. It ot'IeIon.sand svilurgsoAHearatort@rshhientae rcepîlon.lleFREE te al autreraders. Write ~ isbail Moday. Mari 2, 1914. .4 _______________ Anomber attended the farmere lun- va. ieadthll.fhe ot afor filtoday. ransu.%Watson, proeadet: trutees, 1 AUCONDA situte in Kenouha lait week. gai the flisngOW lha M. The address le Ratekinso Seed SHuase. Shenandoali, la.. Box 1377. Vdhi, <Seein. Inving snd Russel. .4- - '" " " 'Will Melville boaimoved te the tarniePanbe nngwkly-4t INs ialtus oif tes previobes meeting Mir. aid lire. John Meyer and faally, bae racetly purebaied. tir. Neilean baisin nn _____________ ,1«4 tandajpeoved on motioan of Irvinug wba bave reuidad on the Brotokstarn, moved te the Mielville tarin. Leaive ordere at Pas. FurnIt lnire.r GET AN OPINION au suI ana mlle veu ftoi t fu fr the pit fonr tir. W. Lundy aud iamlly bava moved Work doue by Mn Aldeu. -24-tl FROM ANY ONE. 1 nermmruad isoara dublsyearc laft Wedneday for thel, new home iuoaDr Lewln'd bonnes. rqcit w" a adtel xth inuml Abrt, aad.Clara Effilugen le viitiug ber sster, IKJI iELWhoole wearlng glaccea inade by us. î'omtean mtdo mto fN W R I À C Thoro wlll be rio need thon for us ta ~ahIo i osfdO a0 iDr. L.IE. Hughes va&aChicago visitar lMr. E. P. Siven. itllicElig emsrgadn W" »dtOIlaI lle r d Madai. A ailg load attended the ententain- [h3L. S M K lem. Fitted with especlally adopted Tb.@J fichwles udiPlL. Ceanî !mmetlai Drtà rairiYan.nidaynight l bsei by us, they canujat gîve other 0. bliebc SerndP.eL Ca., f met e eorh Prirt on rid$ n5 84 lîan perfect satisfaction, for we kiîo.e Peaub lereC., attlnry... 1 M atii77nycalled on relatives and ieude M. Waldkircb and tir. Foulon loaded Ih ÎAM II IC low.-WATRY & HEIDKAMP. Opti- W.l.Wllams,, cîmel vont.... 7 20 l u ilgeTuaa.their cana Satunday and have lat ior INi U1 IN BON LiIIIIJcaEs 6W anapiS IL J.1- , tetwok......... 0 Mus D. H. Mu'rphy rturued home their reepective homos in Port Wsig Chicago, 111. 30 Years lut aur Prescrnt Iraks Co. .ndependent, publishing 83 Tùesday ai.t-rp.'ending a iew days witb ten and Rockiord. Undleturbed by the findlng of theLoain T.3. MeBida, hall ent........... 7 001rltve Mmigln Win, iver test han driving boras Staie Supreme Court that the recont T. . wa, xpnee........ 501 t-re. R1. imerly 0i Chicago, @Puet lait Friday. ordînance of the counciliai Zion Cty Moved by Irving aid Ruseell that ail StrayadSnday with relatives in farbildding absolutelY the use of to- -liAI(0 S bille b. allowed and warrante drawu n o evîug. ï-bcol nosiuinl htitr c Mil .ilMm.Al, amiy AM ZUbac]dcoml mcnsitutbslome al.ta Itr onOuli.anItie -bie Wallis and fml A Epdcnmut a aebc with LADIES HATS OF ANY K NO. the pîi5l two years mored ta a iarm Mr n r.E .Fik etfrtestict the use of taliacco ta the se- ing, Bleaclîing, 1) eing. o ai lain, lusnear Rolline au Wdnesday. Mr. and counly seat Miondai mornulu. cluslon of onesawn hedrooni. Hals; At for t'a'aloî.ur oenl trices. Subscri tion Mte. Coie vho bave reided lu Chicagto Mr. Hammond ai Waucooda, tran- An ordînance was passed by the CHICAGO HAT %IANIFA('Tt*ltIN(- Sfarpun!or thepeint seru will more bhaktut the sacted buoel:esnin aur village Mouday. eîty council of ZIon Cty Thursday & IILEACIIING 'O.Nli'ANY, 1-1 North Rene~w as lr hswe.(e.Entn waicalled ta Waukegau nigbt iorbidding the use of any cîgar, Michilgant Avpx.. Ward Dideg. (lîieago. Jas GloaeeiiiO Lakee1Ville, bas reuted tbie veek te serve Be petit jury aud cigarette or allier smoking tascto- When your eubmeriptîan ta the the Lýhîeîdoîî latunforira tern i of3cartuEmil Frankt on grand jury. under any of te followiflg ctrumn- paper expires, ectanv yu sd je eîoving bise stock sud bauseliold tico. Eicbman and Water Prebm stances:[ i r > e gode tlîie week. called an finande in Chicago Sundai. lu public getherlngs. e Gwp^ time and In soumc cases mouey, iftire. Eliîn Grahami, wbo bas lrPen Mies@ilyrtle Bicitusue vas ai Palatine At soi' rtilway staati, liotel sore, you li t us bandie your renom ai, teak;ng ber home in North Dat olbtr Buuday. theater or ottier eimlar publie cae. .> W ou a e ta o stae rmida l thedfanlt Tfou ar fo a two nio îls aenu t WaterPuggeW lîin tweE. ooFaiank eWhare@ig t o th gtuîd s d loetssl ouryaBeaetune ti Wa. E Frut ai olorw los u P rkynaurdo.dorcoa yad.t l ei t s o u lte price anti Weil do the resi.. Ivisit witb relatives sud frIendm. che tr itaFanlr. rdha n Iinflammable ait. Ceenao g ome"' t.MisesMamie Hoteyîueyer attauded the W'tldn i fota an nde god propositions on muagazîie.. viet ifumuerai of their lather, C. iL. Hokemever, bû à1,forfo i bir a ?I eTrade Mt..N.Zîmmer and @on 1.00 ai Who died Mndai, Marcb 2,et Shepberd, Wti orfe fayohrpt Long Grave. viited villi relative ln Micb , vbere haeboai raided ion the laitsn»W ncfearidzdo aur village Friday. eon. Whcn cafetes are judge o ir re nab at îmyasyears. Upon the rmssaiayale y upon quality la the cup, the Mr.o ava Mm red u the G anenfau , "a- EnPatPat aid tamili moved ta persan. grnucergive yan the best value pas. Whoalmlevee it,,dou freeterpnit- Ea allna ada heathyiued pon thte treets, if "loiterlng." sable ta procure. Arta News Agency hyal l. tmoved rt hm eîo n m aa tein futu hre omey ne e Fiues of from $5 ta $25 ln oach case TIsgrocer le tie mon convent- ,g ear, mvedte heWm.Welh frm kether ftur hoelentmsedtheleatepneeuvediatrtbutr¶ Cy 0 iwold Lakete firal ai the week. aire provided for vilatiaon of the roeetedcoftee: tharafora. ha la thea'.es L I linOT, aagr M. and lins. F. E. Green sud !aîiil.v John tlsuer nadtIfamily vho bave Ordînance leîc e l tnur to Saedte u 'wbo bave reided in boira ion the pelât resided au lb. Jobn Robetson tarin fur The ordinance iras drawn Op hy Area, nil. ix year@. traded their home tavard the a uumber ut .teare bave moved an a TCaoeFricty attorney, and I N i larm sud marad ta theirn ev home anu as pased iîbou eat yli V ______________________________________________________ MisAuna S&humaken a tiisplace sud council. The ne a la 15 id tae i - bcdt ...-. 1 JaneForeman î(I Barnlnatan, wieré odl datter one eniarcod la Boston o1rcelctin o ffe-tualt unitel in iarriage Thumrday, Feh. 20. mailY ears aga, bence boasts aifa' .W. etpsckaecetîceCotpo ..~ 's...Pbilîp Young# reidpnce eathIe laie direct dictent îronm the aid aseacbu W te, th '-cu.d tasîae mn a e a ni.. FOR S ATlP.«..rflme and Labor froînt, l iaaly compiîleteand wilI ho tbe sette trile lais. The City fathersf ai My ùt ult Iee nasi modemn andI up-t-date honne in Zuan (ity'vdectaro tie new artifttace pelltam.o .tlev- âN e Sa'ving M achinery --- A ny rh.ere WlimPps-Nrhloe an i e u ew loorînauce vaslondantd =me Wila epr, Jr., bai acepted Ia letaunconsttutional. M"CEEDUS Our fathers harvested grain willia cradie. Some cornuine P1tiio th h Nrh8uo Kcnnt Te.O rinne a dotdhYU -Ja S." eil. aue unnd iuteude th more thora inunanîmous vote ai the cauricil. It Wus0a-escliiseC.. Chi»sM. planted vwith a boa nov. lu generai a corn planter je mach btter. ' the nean future. rprTeiGalte any persanY-hether rosI- Bec, sud ire. 1 .r ch retuo-d-inam bcca luanv neform ilillthercalo- ESu MORSE. tPointer hy pro- an Inventer hi ,ant b? a felîuw Ip when haovw lu 1832 cased ly of electricity. ,.Frankln'@ ea.- electrtiity pce wire O! Bey .yage wasctoni. nted the "Dof- id had, thousht I.Ily the aisc rie loy. 144 that the fil teen Wllehîngton- hîctoricr meeaff ght." n'ascent. enteresI Congres. visite d Fnglaod Iteraît the gov- trIr, but nithouf aeu tn IS19. ha a farthîng te my -0nw aveu for niy tise thîe. 1 bave. tI Miy absence." etwtin Congresi. 'fer 1lt e rcev er- a, front raut of r8PER 0P XONEY BY TELEGRÂX oceurrence in the hanking buginess and i- one of hich aur bank perfarme for lu clîstamers. -Oîur fa- I alIte and wu give bte sanie careful attention ta nail. Are yon ane of aur citetomers? 11if îot wo in- one. irst National Bank Libertyville, Ill. Bell "When ini doubt, telephone," is an axiom that should ever be borne in mmnd by the mother who has a son or daughter away at college. No other mediu-n conveys the personal assurance that a telephone talk can give, and the cost is nominal when measured by the resuits in peace of mind. The quickness of telephone communi- cation gives it vast superiority over the mails. Use the Long Distance Linos CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andrews, Manager Telepfuone 9901. (f Il tlilk Producers Attention Ali-local organiz at ions of the M i Ik Producers' Association should send in tI-e names of their off icers and members of the_"MiIk Board" AT 0ON CE. PREPARE FOR THE SUMMER CONTRACT PERIOD NOWI.. NATHAN E. OATZERT Libertyville . Illinois Campaîgu manager for Laike counfy, 111,. sud State of Wisconsin- THIt INDEPENDtNT-reed bg 25.000 System '-s .40.

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