LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FR.TDAV. MARCH- 6.1914. Wau&q w DISPLAY 0F FLMiS SIIOWN BY PUTNAM FOR THE IST TIRE Wire WorlkSupeFintendent1 Exhibils His Collection of American Emblems. AT G. A. R.- W. R. C. MEETfj Has 51 FlaUs of the Nation- Open Meeting to Honor the Martyred Presidents. Flfty menthers of the Waukegan 'Grand Armi m tdthie W R. C.. Titurs- day evening were prlileged ici îiew for the first Urne the full collection that bas ever been displayed of fifty- one flags which Charles Putnam, su- perntendent of the m ire v.orl.s. lias colected during the pasit tentylfi~e year. It was the occasion of an open meeting and M1r. Putnam had con- sentedto hring his collection of Arn enican glags for the henefit of the old soldiers and their woman inembers. Displaying the finest collection of illag in America, one which neyer bad heen exhibitad ail at once. Mr. Pitnam explalnad s-lera the varions embleuts had been usad and gave the uterestiluzbin rmationj that bis collection, whch bal takon years to gt tegetîter, represantad et-j eny fiag usadInl Amarina alne tie1 Revolutiouary pejiod a illithe excep-j tion of une s-iicbwans the oe used lu 1864 In the L.eulsburg campaigu.i This fiag ha had natar been able tae gel despîta efforts, ta do se. The fiags et course are not orlg-i tuais. They ara reproductions. batuz taken from originalas-hidi istorical soclelies prize higlluanul shi-b the os-uer, Would nol permit le ha reuev- aI trou thair cabinets lu vnrioui, ptarts of the country. The collecter of the national embleus bad tleflinge photographed, then lui-ual the photo- grapha ever'ta the fiag makarsansd lion perfect reproductions of the varions fiags usadiIn lia 'ai-loua cam3talgns ef ibis nation, sera got together. The guesta s-ara amazel ta learu " litùtera vere sa many dîfferant flaga used durlug the hisbOi-y et Uta coutry and ilbinm anetealstate lIaI never have the local vels watcbod a lecture s-th auci kean Intereat as tliey diIIMi. Ptuamis-ian ha ex- Plained li es-h got the liaga, s-laI eaci represented. etc. Il s-as a rare treat for the mon and wsoanen and lb madIe auch an lupressîve affect on thelr minda that %In. Putnam suas urged 10 Promise unha s-oull ax- lbiifthe fiags toa chool childi-an en fig day and glu-a a short ialk ex- plalnlng tem Mi. Putnam does net lesîtate s-ian ha States ihat hbiscol- iectloD of fiaga of the nation la the hast and moat mnîîîietc of any in the UJnied Statesanul ta thînk thal ho bal neyer hefe-re exhbted theam ail ai onc-e lu the >anrs habas suent coihecling them, causal the gucaîs te feal ibey a-re quie îiiIviaged. The guestas-lin remaluel from the afberoonu Meectligutil thoeieiliig session were serval vtsu i uii-r The Aftîrnoon Meeting The aflannoon meetintg s-as nirang- atI by the paînlotin lnsracter of the corps, lIra. B. A. Duuîn and sas i- honor of ltaelîlthdays of Washington. lÀncoln andI McKinley. A oumber of t.e vols -are also presentinluthe aflernoon. lIera hahug th-ttuerasn iu lie hall ta ilalen ta Ibis muati lu tereatlng patriotic Prograîn: SONG-Amerlca. Readng-"1Wasblugton"..NIrs. Ann, WIIERE Wý LOST ITS THE GA. W hen Waukeg Gas Main Go St., It Lc ffle CHEAPER Was Heldup fc in Hopes of Leverage o Waul Wamtkagani bat te North Shoirei niatter of latig In lietiai- service ai s-ben the rit ypar] paiiy te lai the la: Maion streat in i norili shore ctub. tas- yeara ago. The gas conuîsi axtend lis plans mi tie norti ishore tc taure. found that out of Waukegan cari-y the suPPlY the additinual bus pany taried negt city for permissio smail main by a1 The clbî for îei permit, wlshing th leveraga on which for cheaitar and1 Ses erat adminil~ still lie gas couli mission te rela'.t s biggr onue, s-er councils. MaRy ha aI ln the reuneîl i men aitfl faIt i a ti tlng lu the s-ny, tiens lu returu f company a rlght t by s-hich it could dos-n the north i Then nI lasI. il ion sti-aat aviug resalled lu a deci in lai the companr ln order that the notliasve t e li lime. But the epportu tara reduclion on hst s-ban the et s-ork of lnying il s-haltiahy had so beau accem pliaie s-as dos-n andI 1 muniài aIu rau! i u W BILFM LSw Ifli Cul IRECEJVED DAILY One Man Delares That His CI N SE S O REE. D M RORRyGas Bill Is Just Twice as WKEEAN ERIE 0FMUET DAW<4iROBERYMuoh as Usual. IIOLD ON IN4iSIN INTERESI TOOK PLACE BURE PORRER QIUALItY CAUSE? S COMPANY 0F 'DRYS' PLANNED SATURDAY Ni06IT Generally Believed'This Is the Reson-People Feel They à gan Let Bigger Several Meetings to Be HeId in Three Men Are Sought at the Should Have a Rebate. m Down Marion Different Wards of City Dur- Thieves Who Stole Money 2 Waukèkan, F1ebruary 27. a ist a Grip. ¶ ing Next Week. and Watch From Cate. Talai, or the monthly ga buils dîf- a fer Conslderably, It would appear. One t , BETTER GAS. PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD MEET THEN MADE THEIR ESCAPE. man iaid îeday that lts February'I -bill showed lie used twlce ns much a or a Long lime M.uch Enthusiasm Shown - Restaurant Owjjer Did Not Dis-i gas as usual, despite the tact thaetlit 'waa a short month. Ai, thIman Using It as a Plan to Have Instructions in cover the Robbery Untit the uses gas almost excîusiveîy for cook- n Company. Proper Use of Ballot. foIlowing Morning. 1Ilng. liaelaItes If' for granted* that lit tonk twice as nuch gai, as usual ta kaa.Fbuay2 akegan, Februara vI akea.2a-c8 do the ordlnary cooklng. as the gagS Wakgn era3WueaMrh2 was se exceedlngly poor tii month.h oije lîofid itbalo The women of the City ijteresteil One of lite most daring robbarles H el htteesol aebe gas compai lu te pti lc loi campaigu belli n perpertated lere !i nmeoueUrne took no aurli Increase In the arnount of i position to demand meeting in the Temiierance temple on place ahortly afier 12 orclock Satur- gag lie la chargad wlth having user! ýn hrprseravice ffl-dny aftrno ad ranged fraday nîglit.Tr hemnwo are 1 and feala that the gag rnmpany should rigart gis in-wnserles of tmeetings tobehaheltI litdit-' allegad te have beau tire thievaare! cut hi, billIln'flelf. rer to schan oth earent warda ln the .clty next week. Lbeliîg souglit hy tre Wankegan police.! Hia la but one of the many com- oertehis hote The Busy Bee restaurant on Wash- plaInts lodged wlth the Surit during S. hn ppened a The meetings ahIlha hl in tite toi- îîîgton treet sias te victim of the te laint w dayi,. Whila a few pao- iowlng homes: robbery. A goltI watcb and $12.75 PIe appear te have recelved sllghtly tu. wben it began te Monday. 3larch 2-2:30 p. ni-Nlrs. wera taken fron tlite cash regiater. simaller bils for the month the vant ocarry service downî 'Mary Swansan, 621 Eghth Street. John Cuvelos îiioprlator etthe femajoorltj report thaîr bills larger than a any particular da ody ac :0p .Nr. elrata h-emn -I ds- e* var. Thsaia attrihutad ta the tact' tthe main leading Mnarthufr cCl2-7:3 . 40SeacS. Is. ae tad bs laenailortl lte 12that the gasgs-as of mach a poor quai- iwas insufficient to At r ocîke. 10Scku i.ed nord herpaed thrtly aftr Th2yIty that fit sas uecassary ta keep the 7of gas needed for iTuesday. Mardi 3-2:30 p. m.-Mrs. Oburnersaon Ihe gas atove tanned Upe slî~.S h o- Fred Cook, 12 Slxteenth street, No, told i hm thay s-ere fromt Chcago and untIntega tv undu oion s s-ihSthe - hcaohadlmissed their train horne. thta gai the sanmeresalti, as forai- gotatins ith thetlîem asked for the privilege of uiing erly s-han they s-ara turnad ap not ton te replace the Tueiday. Ma, s3-7:30 1). th lngditaceNi-a, t "n-more thtn hiait -aY. Twlce the largar pipe. C. J. Gutline. 907 Sheridan rond. tor, hi lfs t a Site s-ouîd net amount of gags auaed te gel the ira. baltI back on the Wednasday, )Iarcli 4-2: 30 p. m.- worry . about hlm.e. ie andeavored tosanme reault. ohold il as a sort of Mm,. J. W. Funston, 411 Clnyton get a natitber but tailed. The fart that penople niay have dia- Ite bas n contention Street. Afien eatîng the men paid their bill canlinuel the use of gag for raading better gagu. Wedinaslav . 'lai-ch 4 -30 and stood around near ltae cigar case. purposea makea ne lifferanceaUt at-allIons s-eut hy and MNrs. Geo. NtcGinnis, 307 Northi Cen- Cuvelos was callal te the rear part enr--the bills have mountad lhler ýpanys plans; for par- esea Street. of bis place for a tes- minutes, but than lever betora. the pipe antd put in T irda>'ilarcL 5-7.30 p. m-Mrs. lrom habit peerel ciut every nOs- and Under the circumstnncas people i-e turned dowi bn H I. Griard, 209 WashlPgtei' titn te makre sure that everything hv eu v- tolerant sith the gas iard glita were wag Park. aal gh.cmayadfse qta Lnrte meetings-the aider- It la urged by, the campaign rom sa i ih.rmayadhsel httne h linetogtseaImltetagal.-mnwh r Itr When liaeietuinei to the front of'ir-m.a-t*t: , chnce teubuie ondra-t tee in loaal otin s-hatentoe-he restaurant the meln acre ,îî o uil d oue i t aearht . o fuureconidea.estd i loal pton illattnd neStanding about the cigar case lapon I naeas whare IL, ha enslly sean ltaI foi- glvlîg the gag 1Of these meetings. preferabiy the oeawshidi the cash ragiater stands. They hubll are excessive. e iay a îîlggei- main neareat their home. At these meet- finally Salidthey g-essed they s-ould' The report of tite Chucao experts Jexpaul lis business! ings arrangements s-il liha made, te go back le Chicago. Il s-as about' shoving that the gas company have aonra e tlhaeris fnNgIohodmet12:30 o'cloct. 'Il wlthin thefir power te remedy the loacmeie~ai-- nga. About 1i ni-bru Cuvelos clnsed i is condition aIts-lll, douhîlesa s-ill brlng immrovemi wbhiCI Much enthuslasm lu the dry mova- res taurant anul id nlot bothen te look soea relief as the City commission 18 talion by the counrcil' ment was expi-ssed nt the einbîg ieth le cash i-agisler, for haes tewxpectel te act Iîîînedlately on the tu la% a ligger main and those present plalged their et- the anîount ot money tîtat abould have report. Thon, andnt until then, wilI ?brick Pavilng wouldi forts te do ail In their pow-er te gel beau thera People get any i-adiess as they have toi-n up ai a future as many women as possible te vote On Sunday îîîiruing alicu lie opened I allad te gel nny satisfaction trem lhb uut~fo gttngtu- Mrt C. J. Jsidelaeltoay iha eplac .. irilthe ciait regîster gag rompany. The only raply they . J. Iclred oda tha emty.Tha gol watch s-as alan have recelved te their complaints tf rates nf gas s-as' befora taeelection la haîd Iliere ws-îîî ft-cithe Ira-ar. Il waa that the gag la had and Ithe aulpliur ompany rushed ILhe haInstructions on lios le vote at l7jeiel Elgin i O'vcr'-ut, aitd lîad fumes are Sllfiing- 1i, te gel lncreased he lai-gar main-fer -wihlia hl-oe -IhasonIeau etiii trust hy a friand of tina u eughi for yeara had i1 Jast what thay s-ll have te do.s-han proprietor, ad-ta biggar maIn thon enter a poilIt0 vote. In addition Csco ioc umnlIe~-M S ~ D IiIni s a-) sorlyit-a te s-amen plan te tudy uîî on the lice and an Investigation was tar- I SSWOR FOISI put Into use. AndI since then the jnettasuoerauinage asaociation mat- company bas beau able, by uslng the tan lu erden thattey may ha pre- largar main, te, send ail tie gas it vared te vote inteillgeutly upion tae wsIsel outalle of Waakegan. creation e! a dranage district whlch And Waukegan bast the chance sev- comas ap aithîesanme meetIng. oral counclia bal bung on te s-th a, tenacity whlrb causaltae gas cou- !LUN(OOR FAILS pnloso nunoyance. TO CLAIM FALSE ARR ESTS. TO SAVE LIFE 0f AN - i ý. ."fýU V"w State's Attorney Dady Declares AÎDJNT I IK Chances Are City May Soon- Face a Dilemna. James M. Scofîeld Died at His Feliuary27. Home on Fairview Place on Waukegan. Fbur 7 Tita passage oethlaes- wordînanre, Sunday Afternoon. s-ierehv Utae Volvaltes eiýpecl to hpro-- bîbit people smoking hn Zicin Cltî .1 Waukegnn. Mardi 2. despite the ruling ofthlie suutrama James Scofiail, for many years the court tînt prarîutiug a man smoking 'sexton of lie Mehodiat echî, lIed Io intentai-ring s-iwita ýsparsoual lii- Sunday niglul au bis home on Sietr- ariîes. mny reaultIin mono serions con- man plane. foluowing a vriy short III- asquences than la generali> reahizad. nasa trou pueumonha.He s-as 71 Attorneys lu Wnukegan seem et yeaas oltI andI lad liradInl the cîty the opinion thai lhe passage et a nesu mnny ypanr orlinanca covering lie very-pin, i suprame court hll bna .j.terlfe.en. wahlperaouallilberty," uay ho haell P Semp"Wshin. l. E li te oltIciais et Zion Imb trouble If Poe-"'Washu-onlr s. nasir.uptey cause ar-est, e! pensonsa s-be , kso nri' a ~n îî-vIlata tbe nos- ordinance. Song-Miss Ernîht Sanders. Prasecullon ton falsa arreelas-ould Addrss-"eKilev".\Is. Dke. comae undar Staleas Attorney Dady, ddg-res 'MauKl nith- lr. Dt. therefoee ha saaskel today s-bat lie Talk"Wahingoii---- A-Diin Itoughi about thue î,nsahbthiiy of' surIt Ha lirad ith Ib is ulster, MhasKKn-' sas. andul ils-s tiare he a sa takaen surk Tîîeslay eraning last, mhontly att- an takii a bath. Ha sustaînied a chilI atd s-eut to bal. haver gelliug up at- e-i-arIs, for pacumonla set ln. .Mn. Si-auilleavestese @inter,%: Miss Kaisam. Waukegan; Mrs. Oalas. lesantîiPrairie.;EMm. Ilhisten.lBai-- rligiit,%Irs. kilFlood,, huis, Kaxu The lurigniotor s-buch was seconed aId. aes says ha thinka ha recet- nizal oua ortheite rea mon as oe lie bas seaui about tas-n froquantiy. Cuvchîs says thal the Iras-ar et bis ciaiti-e rgistar doas net close preperly anul nany times wben the tras-ar ap- pears ti be lecosed ItI s flot iodaId and tony ha opened readily. The spilg siîuchtIl-esstheaw-a-r s-île ePen bas fl ot s-ork Propei-ly. Ha ibinka ilînt ahen la clased ltae dras-- NOIW A RE61ISTRAR IN STATE 0F WASII. Former Waukegan Resident Is Also Justice of the Peace in the Coast State. ai- to salk te the rari-ot bis placae The Item halos-trom the Navs. of tait theIras-ar liai fot cloae cou- PletE-Iý and lb s-as eas5y for the titrea merl to pull il opent, remoeatbbcmon- ey and satcit andtI uen close IL. The oohte f the men lsas-bat saris- aIl htn)45nthey aven s-alla util ha litd returi f rou the near et the place. STATE COMMION IS BEINO SWAMPED Many Demnandi on Utilities Board Detays Taking Up the Local Gas Matter. Aitieugi Commissiener Orvna yea- terday received vend frntm lie Piute ,Ulililles commission tinttîhe o -uid notIfy hu s-ian ready ta laite up thie gas malter la. Waukagan, it la Iralier ane-ertaits-heu It viii corne Up tnolu'P. L. Austin.cns. Hoe salI 'h have flot yoî fi-cm tuha Lai-son & HouiaRI astabIlsl- jin Ris routine, judgtug trou luistle- - en-Mrs. Tiomîtiou. saua o0fIlie 'sa.preme roui-t nul- maeits-as uspoI Sunday uonning ln un igram:1 ing, butled ifnil ltas has bean tated effort un bave he life oft hie aged Spingield, Ilii, Fei. 28-Membors an ~ ~ ~ ~ g Spbul anr. i I ralTtiite passage of a nas- man LDn. Knlgblliad bail s nuei- of l.alate pubflc utlhils commid rY tg Rot supposoi l o s odIZ nance .overlu thiesanme pointe, ceass-Ith tha lunguoton ln taecase lsion niready are swampeil vîtI petl-1 s-aten mark of production lundas uI,'n yopinion. male ta llegal of Wiifriedl Hall thal ho declîddlbttiens anking for adludication cf ditf- )mobile s-or butil btnevrtia f oi-lieZin eiet prisecUte pecaple miglit nil Mn. ScofieltI. For a tîmo ilt eennnas betwoiucorpolalons com- fral mouli cf 1914 shows te for smk9g'iII sam toi al the aid man, btut bthe lng iudar the junidietlo fUsnm ouput of any mont inl the '«Are tiay lable tfnrîroaarullori for reliefrs-as buutlmperai-y andlha con- rdn ad t Ieir clients. A total of Igoiy cf lhe Ford Mon r o.talie arsass" sas nkal hMn. inual liu grow s-aker lunlngtuhe day, 131 peliliona are pending hetone tie u7 t.eFord Motor(I'o. bouIt "I vould Ihnk titey scuId haie t Ofutil lt Jutî h ~lnii lteaftenioen. It commIssilon et Ute prenant lime antI Wed 23,936 cars. 'Thiclargast course I vouhIl aIte uio acion alrgs-was tl i lIatfick of Pimuurnina ioIndications are tintthle nuipen s-lui output pralos toitis s ltaI Une %miens nompli s-aadtial landsîlbilutîts s-art'lef f lni à ho gi-asti7 hneapoed ithîn lb.e nexi il, theanUt umber of carsmad by men s-ho bha u e.aireZ 1il. aaeîîal conutlon. Tieu, tuoi, lit ew woweeka. A grossitvarlety of sol- 4i misped reachel lie total hten voulhave tl ubsitheltacase loe axas ualtel uuni. Jects are cavred nel te PailioIns. and trou in ht 1 hava heard oethle 1 I1 __________raling, Itl ols as If a latenlatl Lake Counly's big s-eekly-INDe. Inlependcntneaches ail ponals l w ~ -W'<U T onl have a good casae PENDENT. làAIe County. Orient. Wait., wuib le reands-ith lu- teret by Wnukegnn peopîle as ha Worifnl., up to a tes- yan ago ws-n a nesîleul ot Wnukegnndul bas mny trienda haro: "Miss Sarah Worofol. prebabiy the enly wornan justice of the ponce ln Washington, bas neçelved the appoint- ment ot local raglatrar ot vital sta- tisîlca for the voling pi-eclucl et Ortaul. It s-Ill hbe r duty le negisten aIl hi-lb, and dentbs. le Issue huril andI remoival permit,, etc." Miss Worstold ws-eute astate et Washington on business ln 1909 and decuded le locale liera s-Ilh lie result tat aie bas gel inlo politics and nos- holde office. iss Wonifoid toi- years luval alene ln the 11111e cottage justaalofethe new Waukegn chy building on Mal- uson street. Tiare, to- anme yas, she maintahnad lia liraI healquanlars of the Christian Science dhurcI ln Waakegan, in the cottage lu question. Later t.e movemeul gi-was-ad lang- jer quarteras-aere ebtained. For yeana she s-as a s-ci-lainlutle local science movement. Miss Woratold la a salor eto MrB. George Brean et Park avenue, Wau- kegan nul cf Ira Worafoll s-be mov- aI fi-cm Waukegan le Colorado a tas- yeans ato- MIse Woefol, s-han a resilenl of Wnukegan novai- ol part un local polilicai maltaie, lu tact, s-as very lnconspicuoua lu such unilers, thora- toi-fien acquaintauce haro sil ho eurprîael to hear ihat aie bas zona loie polina lul a ratier nospicunua manuar In lia western eatl. Tiiheldependent leade ail. WAUKE6ÀN LOSES VLJLCANIZING ChANCE T BE THE Tubes and Casings STATE ChAMPIONS Repaired. Cleàn-Cut Vlotory Friday Night Caused Hope They Might Win Coveted Honor. Elgin, Fsb. 28.--(SpecIal t. The Sun)-aukegans chances of wlnning theiotitebaskotbeli chèmplonslpý woe dashed this morning when the Joliet hlgh schaol tesrn d.foated the Afaukgan fOve by the score of 31 to 29. The garni was fast and furlous et every stage. Waukegsn put up a tlff flght and It looked at tîme es If they would win. It was the thidt Mme they had met the Joliet aggregation and on both of the former occasions thîy had heen returned the wtniner. Thug they expected te defeat the pri- son city team wlith littue trouble. (Dy a Staff Correspondent) Elgin,Peb. 28 -(Specal Ici the Sun.)-Tbe Waukegn Iigli achool basket hall tean wsou tha qualîfyius gama liaie in the prlliina-y rounds lu the lournanient for the basketbaIll thamplonshlp of the eastarn section of theaIllinol igî1t11Scheol Athlotie assocIaton. sheîthe Fast Aurora ItIgli Sdhool tain aa defealed F1 day night b.% a score of 27 te 19. The gama -as wltneaael tîy an audie-ncc et 1,200 plate. This nîornittg nI 9:301 ni-bock the Waukegan flua plays the Jolithîgt scbool tain, if succeusful lu thls game lhe Wsukegan tean sill Play the Nes- Trier boys aI 3 1p. r. This gamne s-ll ha the final elimlîtation for the s-muer wlll meet the Evanston academy tam tonight lu the conteat s-licn wll decide lie chaupienship. Il la rencaded by ail thal the chau- plonshlp lias bats-eau Evanston, Wanu- kagan and New- Trier. The Waukagan teanO s-ent loto, the gamne test utight lu fine flghing fetîle for the huniýers had been hltting an easy pare for the last weak, taking only lighb itractice s-ork. Ina thé, lirgI haîf bath tennis s-eut at oaci, nîli- ai- like yemrmt hi-sas oit abattue field. acre ala ici ake lthe mensure of thei- eppentents anulfiguradIlh oui that lhay coul afford te anse up sev- aral notchas sud atil l ihandli. The hatfandel by a si-ti-a of hi; te 7 lu Waukegaua f55 or. lu the secondlihait tue kihînt liai-e ofet blirai paiildseeniel Ictll on thie East Aurora hoyi toi- thav abs-ad up parceplibly. Thias was the rite for Waukagau. Tha latter teamfilgured Ihai ther asnaounuse ln axhausting ail their steam for tliey realizal biat tbay bail soma liard gamtes aheal et lbern If tiay s-ara te s-bn the envalaI goal. Tlîey contentaIl thamselves te keep a safa leal on thaîr oppontents. Carlson andI Robert Olcai-ral diI lhe stler s-ork toi- Naukagait. The formai- securel Ibrea fildîlbaskets and six free titras. OFarrehi s-as a close second s-lth thraa fiel baskets andtI I resia trows. lanarsout nud Olseaech sicired one fiel basket. The Wnukagau team Ibis aear un- questionahly la the lest tenm thal aven represantel tic higli ai-bol. Of ail the games pIn>cd thie team bal te chalk up bul ts- efatnt. Thie laam wsi fearel by ahi other tennis before tae urnay openel. the sommai-y et play for Frllay: Elgin IL. S., 38; Dundee ut. 'S., 16. Harvey H. S., 33; Piano I. S., 27. Evanston Acnlemy, 36; Kaukakea. H. S., 12. Chicago IHeighttaIH S., 28; Whieaton Academy. 24. Wheaion H. S., 28; Batavia H. S.. 21. Napai-vihie H. S.. 32; Canai-a H. S.. 23. Nos- Trier H. S., 30; Deerfliah H. ~ 28. West Auiors H. S., 42; Elgin Acad- amy, 21. West Chicago H. S., 6; Joliet H. S. Elgin H. S., 48; Harvey H. S., 13. Waukegan H. S., 27; Eat Aurori, H. S., 19. Elgin Higit, 22; Evanston Academy, 28. WANTS 100 GRANDCHILDREN. Pnegton, Mînu., Fai. 26.-At lte cal- abratian ot the alxtlolh s-eddîng lant- versai-y or Mi-.anul Mm. Michael OCounor today 90 grandchillran s-ara presse. Mi-. O'Connor, s-ho ls a tai-m- ai- lu the 80's, saldInl an aldreas ta the tnnilly titat ha hopal lhe numbar et granîcildren s-ouhd grow 10 100 hefore ho lied.r TaitCelluetor'a Notice I s-ihh heata Bradions store, Gurnea, Welneslays anul Satundnya at HuIl'a bards-are atone, Waukegan.-EIs-in Ray, Collenini-, Warren. 38-2t+. Whîy. Michael Mine» la sald te hav/rie- noeaiel $20,000 tfor the olI Talcott fanm at Hait Day, havînt sel il 5ev- anal laya aga. He obtainadfil a tes- years ega La a traIe. Casîng Work includes Rimn (uts, Sand Blioteris, ILoose Treade, Blow- onte, Re-treading. Re-linug and Bead Work. AN Work Guaranted - Rock Bottoin Prices During March. TIERMS-CASII. Botter get my prnicas on 'lires and Accessorjes. b. s-l ucan mouey te ypu. Lloyd Ritzeothaler, Geoesee St.. WAUKIEGAN. Baemenu. soutlî of Postoffice. Io the Bout That Money Can Buy Our le tailous are thotougi, "d compiete I ever, -sy hi competelit refe.ctiolr III., W. srlud our on leffl ud Malt e Ue own f raînes te iiefit eti &cular case. Louis J. Yeoman MANUFACTURINUO OPICIAN WAIJKEGAN. ILLINOIS F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTUARR O Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery %York of Every Description Correspondence 5ollcited I 6Genesee Si Waukegau The Promise of Spring a.0.0. It's in the air and many tbings areo tînev. For example-let ns suggeNt a the work of Wiring your Houa. for Electric Service.... We're in the market to do it- obeaply and without inconven- jonce to the occupants. Public Service Compýany OF NORTHERN ILLNOIS r Aeulgning the Cause. 'wbat an extraordinary carre your horne han ln the opine,*' sld a sentl& ~ -an to an Irish farmer. I'CamIi 701f account for It?" "B3Y the Powers, uait andto te b. ure 1 amn able. I bave heard, Bir. that before thboueat vu my property h. vas backed aca4lat another horse, Your honor, vho beat hlm hollow, and 1 dai-esay it'à the reae Bon that bis haek neyer got straishi Independent: More readers thon ail cotinty veeklies combinýd. ýt Pempa R ýaLe mix FOR tull t~riîi FOR FOR ir* [ii Vuad TalK-"Li Iteeitabon smng-Slt th glu titi autou lm theà laJanu maies 4 im0. 19 st-I Rov. Hlo a. M. Ido Ail &.m 0 tk v t a r 1 +, FOF Cola Guo, Goo FOF waye -en FOR FOR Corn FOF andd FOR ble The FOR Bai Lakeg FOF cari, Wn tp -a mad FR1 Kite F0OR Hotb ande FOR laie t- ti